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Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
thank you jonah
heartwarming news lightbeing will take Kathy from the list bless you for giving this us fine news ... all love rhythmmm |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi Jonah,
Thank you for letting us know! That is great news. Will remove Kathy's name from the list. Blessings lightbeing Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* EARTH KOGI Indians PEOPLE OF HAITI All Living all Planes of Existence lightsurfer ross paul Brad sandra Becky Hank Monique Daria Luz Susan (the eXchanger) and muff Edwin Judyknott Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Maurice Malynda's grandmother Tobias Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza Shanda Tom-Eddie John T Mudra Laura Leslie happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine boudicca Debby jross hollylindin, Candy, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle FIIISH Robert N David Ferrari Beth Eli, Lieve and Daniël Jnana sister Linda morganlilith and husband Angela (Morem nieces daughter) Heather (ellie) and LeslieD Aimee, Kendra and David Costa (1Love) gita Beanny and daughter JennyG mkspllmn Brandon Affeldt zaina, bill and jenny Claybon (eleven11's father) Rhonda Tania miracles4ever Jacqui D sister Luana Val Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies. HEALTH IS RESTORED TO ALL WHO SEEK HEALING ! AND SO IT IS! REMOVED FROM LIST: Kathy Montoya Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing EDIT to REMOVE: MARIA and ADDING: VAL |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
REPOSTING Solfeggio Arpeggio Solfeggio Harmonics - 528 HZ - Miracle Blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
The Gentle and Forgotten Art of Blessings Blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
The Gift of Forgivenes Blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Ask the truth to come to us
and set us free And truth will come for it has never been apart from us It mearly waits for the invitation which we give today.. :original::original::original::original: :original::original::original::original: We introduce it with healing prayer to help us rise above defensiveness and let truth be as it has always been .. right there in your heart ... addapted by me .. from the course in miracles ... |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
A CALL TO ALL ! DIVINE BLESSINGS and LOVE TO ALL! NEXUS HEALING MEDITATION THIS WEDNESDAY 3 FEBRUARY 2010 AT 08.00 PM GMT PLEASE JOIN IN WHERE EVER YOU MAY BE TO SEND YOUR LOVE, BLESSINGS AND HEALING ENERGIES TO ALL WHO SEEK HEALING AND TO MOTHER EARTH. Om Namo Bhagavate Bhaishaja Guru Vaiduria Prabha Rajaya Tathagataya Arahate' Samyaksham Buddhaya Tayata Om Bekajye Bekajye Maha Bekajye Bekajye Radzaya Samudgate' Svaha For the world clock please go to alchemikey's website: http://www.healingexperiment.com/ Many Divine Blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Thank you, Jonah...
That's what we need is more success stories... Kathy, had to do her part; accept... Thnk Positive... We sure have an impact on the state of our body! Eating Right !!! Walking !!! DEEP Breathing... In the winter; KEEP your head covered [condensation] until inside. THINK positive ! Use, your consicousness to manifest well being... First, for yourself. Than, other's... You can always find other's to help !!! Thank you, Kathy Montoya, for allowing us to give of ourselves, Thank you, to ALL THOSE that take the time to Just, bless those on the Healing List.... Selflessly... Trooly, Tango Quote:
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
I would like to thank all of you that have sent healing to my mother-in-law Maria. As of Jan 31st she has passed on. This is not a bad thing. She is in a better place and I am happy for her. Just to let you know she was a fighter. she was diagnosed 7 years ago & told that she had only 6 months, if that tells you anything. More importantly she was a truly giving person. She touched so many lives with her kindness.
On my facebook I wrote about her..... She is an angel. The most caring, compassionate and giving person Ive ever meet. Truly a beautiful soul. Not only will she live on in our memories, but I sincerely believe we will see her again, because she is going to where we all come from & all go back to, when we are done here, a place of unconditional love. So mourn not her passing, be happy for her. Until we meet again. Love you Ma. Love to all & all that is. Shred |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
she sure sounds like a beautiful soul indeed .... we will obviously remove her from the list .. im sure she will be remmemberd in your heart till you meet again love and blessings rhythmm .............. |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Yes it's good news.. thank you all so much... just proof of what we can heal through love.. something else they don't want you to know....
Allow me to give my thanks by sending more thoughts of love to all the people on the new list... including all the people in Haiti who are in need.... |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
to all healers[ for Val ]
my friend val... took a bad fall today and has broken her arm and fractured her skull adding her to the list thank you rhythmmmm .. |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
******************* EARTH KOGI Indians PEOPLE OF HAITI All Living all Planes of Existence lightsurfer ross paul Brad sandra Becky Hank Monique Daria Luz Susan (the eXchanger) and muff Edwin Judyknott Patricia Christine Craig Julianne Maurice Malynda's grandmother Tobias Rita mybodymyself Karen Velko and Militza Shanda Tom-Eddie John T Mudra Laura Leslie happyhollergal and Curtis Filly Karen Celine boudicca Debby jross hollylindin, Candy, Linda and Bruce Dinsmore Mel and Amber Paul (shiftmonkey) yellowcosmicseed Dan in Marietta Daniel in Seattle FIIISH Robert N David Ferrari Beth Eli, Lieve and Daniël Jnana sister Linda morganlilith and husband Angela (Morem nieces daughter) Heather (ellie) and LeslieD Aimee, Kendra and David Costa (1Love) gita Beanny and daughter JennyG mkspllmn Brandon Affeldt zaina, bill and jenny Claybon (eleven11's father) Rhonda Tania miracles4ever Jacqui D sister Luana and Lindsay Val Please send your Blessings, Love and Healing energies. HEALTH IS RESTORED TO ALL WHO SEEK HEALING ! AND SO IT IS! ADDED TO LIST: Lindsay per request Divine Blessings and Love to All ! lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Divine Blessings and Love To All! Please add Sonia & Curt to the list. Thank you.
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Sexual violence has been employed as a weapon of war by all armed groups involved in the Colombian conflict. State military forces, paramilitaries and guerrilla groups have used sexual violence with the goal of terrorising communities, using women as instruments to achieve their military objectives. The use of sexual violence has become a generalised and systematic practice. We hope that through processes of reconciliation, reparation and truth, the victims can enter a journey of healing.
“We Afro-Colombian women have been pushed around on our own lands and wherever we go by the different groups and by both legal and illegal armed actors. They kidnap us, they kill us, they rape us, they humiliate us… eroding our people’s social fabric in the process. Because of all that, there can be no doubt that the armed conflict has damaged the sensibilities of black women; our ancestral legitimacy, our instructive creativity, our reproductive lives and our love for our land.” Afro-Colombian woman from Chocó available at: http://www.oxfam.org/sites/www.oxfam...e-colombia.pdf |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Hi all
another reminder ..... to notify us when some one can come off the healing list .. this is very helpfull to us and good to know :thumb_yello: when somone is well again .... thanks ... one and all ... be well be happy all love rhythm :wub2:... |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
*she asks for the hands of healing to grace her being*
As valentines day approaches, i find myself fighting a nasty "cold"..headaches, earaches..body aches... might be just over worked...but i can NOT get sick..till monday...so many people depend on me... *she thanks all for their energy and love* |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
sending good energy to all
esp. celine, in this valentine's rush ;) also, please add my friend roy's mum; she passed at 6am est this morning thank you |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
A CALL TO ALL ! DIVINE BLESSINGS and LOVE TO ALL! NEXUS HEALING MEDITATION THIS WEDNESDAY 10 FEBRUARY 2010 AT 08.00 PM GMT PLEASE JOIN IN WHERE EVER YOU MAY BE TO SEND YOUR LOVE, BLESSINGS AND HEALING ENERGIES TO ALL WHO SEEK HEALING AND TO MOTHER EARTH. Om Namo Bhagavate Bhaishaja Guru Vaiduria Prabha Rajaya Tathagataya Arahate' Samyaksham Buddhaya Tayata Om Bekajye Bekajye Maha Bekajye Bekajye Radzaya Samudgate' Svaha For the world clock please go to alchemikey's website: http://www.healingexperiment.com/ Many Divine Blessings lightbeing |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
who have passed away ... but we can individualy help her to pass over to the light... |
Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
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