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Dominic 10-18-2008 04:20 AM

The Sun is getting much brighter
Have you all noticed how much brighter the sun has been shining over the last couple years?

I know it is hard to see thru all the Chemtrails but, the Em radatation has increased quite a bit.

It may be the main reason they are spraying us to block this incresed energy.

It is not caused by your SUV or carbon output.

Christo888 10-18-2008 04:25 AM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
Funny you bring this up... I was wondering what was different about the Sun just in the last few days. No chemtrails here for months and then the other day I asked a friend if he noticed the intensity recently, he did, of course then we get bombarded with chemtrails 3 days in a row.

astropsyche 10-18-2008 09:40 AM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
I have noticed there is a 'spitefulness' about the sun's heat too. Even when the ambient temperature is cold, with a bitter wind, in the sun there is definitely an uncomfortable intensity which burns the skin. I stay out of the sun because the heat feels a little dangerous to me. Would this increase in intensity be a causal link to the changes happening in our solar system? I think so.

shaundelear 10-18-2008 10:21 AM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
I would love to hear what Richard Hogland has to say about this.
If the sun is going through a cycle of 11 years which currently has very little sunspot activity and surely the energy contained is in a constant decay(over billions of years),then would it not act like a preasure cooker and get brighter and hotter?
The sunspots are such a massive release of energy that if the energy is not released there must be an equal reaction within itself.
If you heat up a gas or particle then it must change its vibrational frequency - which would make it brighter -and as the heart of the solar system, would change the frequency of everything contained within the solar system which Richard and David have confirmed.
So why is the sun becoming excited?
Is it a standard cycle or is it because of an outside influence?ie gobbled up more heavy elements from asteriods or the phantom dwarf stars' gravitational pull.
My understanding of this is limited,
can David or Richard "shine some light on this?"

alternative-answer 10-18-2008 10:42 AM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
Yeah, cause it's lower in the sky at this time of year.

2infinityandbeyond 10-18-2008 12:59 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
Officially we had the hottest day in over 12,000 years in 2006 (this may have been updated)

The sun is not just heating up, its expanding. And will continue to do this until that fatefull date of 21st Devember 2012.

This was predicted to happen ; Things are not what they seem.

JohnWdoe 10-18-2008 01:11 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
One day the sun was so powerful it reminded me of heaven actually, very spiritual looking.

I have also noticed one day that the sun was purple and had this gold ring around it,

I stared at the sun for about 10 minutes (no pain?) and realized "why am i not hurting from this?" The sun was such a violet weakened purple colour that it made everyone around me actually ask "whats wrong with the sun?".

khristmaskathy 10-18-2008 01:33 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
I noticed at sunrise a couple of days...that the sun looked like a hot-red ball in the sky and I had never seen it look like that before. I'm glad someone started a thread about this. I think the sun is changing...

scanner 10-18-2008 01:56 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
:welcomeani: Hi it's obvious you don't live in England :mfr_lol::mfr_lol::roll1::roll1:

Realview 10-18-2008 04:25 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
Could be do to layer changes in the earths atmosphere or intensity changes in energy being introduced to this plane? The sun is not hot, it is a kind of step down transformer introducing energy into this plane. The sun is responsible for gravity and the center forming capability and the composites making up this plane (there are no fundamental particles here). Currents go out from and return to the sun not unlike the working of a magnet. Sound is the prime facilitator. The sun is inhabited as life is everywhere. Humanoids living on the sun ten to migrate to angelic forms in their next incarnation.

joe2288 10-18-2008 04:35 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter

Originally Posted by Realview (Post 55270)
Could be do to layer changes in the earths atmosphere or intensity changes in energy being introduced to this plane? The sun is not hot, it is a kind of step down transformer introducing energy into this plane. The sun is responsible for gravity and the center forming capability and the composites making up this plane (there are no fundamental particles here). Currents go out from and return to the sun not unlike the working of a magnet. Sound is the prime facilitator. The sun is inhabited as life is everywhere. Humanoids living on the sun ten to migrate to angelic forms in their next incarnation.

im curious to know why u would think life forms exist on the sun of all places im not doubting u i just m curious wat infotrmation u have to believe a claim like that :smoke:

tone3jaguar 10-18-2008 09:27 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
The sun is not the culprit. Everything in the solar system is brighter. Over the last decade the atmospheres of the gas giant planets have increased in luminosity by over 60%!

They are not reflecting more light from the sun. They are emmiting the luminosity due to the incresed hyperdimensional energy comming in from galactic center.

The sun is not increasing in size. It is still the same size.

tandiwe 10-18-2008 10:57 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
As per James Lovelock in "The Revenge of Gaia" - as the sun gets older it gets hotter.

Rareheart 10-18-2008 11:09 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
I too have noticed changes in the Sun for quite some time.
I started a thread on another site more than a year ago...I looked for a link and discovered the thread has been archived...I was able to find two quotes from it.


[quote:983926d45d]Maybe I am crazy as I can find no one that notices this in my area, except the old timer farmers.[/quote:983926d45d] You're not crazy; the light quality and intensity have been on the increase for the past 2 years. There was a period 12 months ago where ther light appeared to have a haze effect for months, which gradually cleared up. Very noticeable when taking photographs, using a light meter. The UV levels have risen markedly, and exposure to the sun results in quic...

Rareheart,you mentioned the sun going through its cycles. I got to thinking about this and here is a strange thought. I have noticed that from the time I was a young child the light intensity of the sun has risen and fallen. Now the suns intensity is on the rise and leading corporations know this. I have watched the SPF on sun tan oil rise. While thinking about this I spent maybe 10 minutes sitting in the sunlight on a mostly overcast day. That was two days ago now. Keep in mind I work third shi...
It makes me wonder about the photon belt?

2infinityandbeyond 10-19-2008 01:30 AM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
I do apologise, This post was way too .. colorfull.

I was just outlining how someone gave this post a one star rating, even though its quite important.

Good to see that four other people disagreed with him/her.

Mark 10-21-2008 09:21 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
The sun, yes, but it has been really making the Moon brighter also - the moons seems to be doing strange things as well - I'm sure the three day full moon stayed for five days and in only a few days, the moon went from halfmoon to full moon.

As for chemtrails - they were trying to write stuff inthe sky this week here in the U.K. where I live - m's, v's, x's - there were loads of them and I saw a plane - rear this - not leaving chemtrails - my friend whole a flys gliders says that hemtrails are nothing more than water vapour - I'm really not so sure...

samncheese 10-21-2008 09:47 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
Please go to the NOAA site and the SOHO sites, the sun is in a very calm state of activity right now. The US does Sun Weather reports on going to watch for em storms and plasma distcharges that would disrupt communications on a world wide scale.
There is only one sun spot just developing at this time. The predictors are for the sun to go into a cycle of great activity in the next couple of years but right now, we are looking at a cooler calmer sun.

Be at peace

Truth voice 2012 10-21-2008 09:56 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter

?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????


Whats this s**t!?

333mark333 10-21-2008 10:09 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
yes, and the earths magnetism is decreasing and the frequency is increasing leading to Zero-point.
We are on the verge of a pole shift and a wonderful new Age.

Jacqui D 10-21-2008 10:27 PM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
Have noticed since early spring the sun is more whiter looking and much brighter.
i also noticed that the 3 day moon cycle was around 4 or 5 days long, really bright and clear.
the sun has got a lot hotter, although we don't get much in poor old Britain i noticed what little sun we did get this summer was extremely hot to sit in.

zorgon 10-22-2008 08:32 AM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter

Originally Posted by 333mark333 (Post 58167)
yes, and the earths magnetism is decreasing and the frequency is increasing leading to Zero-point.
We are on the verge of a pole shift and a wonderful new Age.


Means the magnetic poles will reverse... (No NOT the actual poles only the magnetic poles... the Earth will not flip)and as you said the earth's magnetism is decreasing (currently down 35%) and the frequency is increasing leading to Zero-point....(current estimate is a day is only 16 hours)

When the earth's magnetism reaches ZERO... for a length of time while the poles flip that we don't know... there will be no magnetic field...

When that happens all the solar radiation and cosmic radiation will NOT be stopped by our wonderful magnetic shield... and no amount of sun block will help.

Can you please explain how this translates into
"a wonderful new age"?

Why do you think the PTB have all those underground cities ready? Do you have your gate pass? Do you know where the entry is?

Fortunately for you all the NAVY boys that run HAARP and the sister facilities around the world believe they can throw of a shield to replace the natural one. I believe they just might be able to, but as we have never tested this before... it MAY not work...

But if it does... you all will be singing a different tune :bleh:

Not EVERYTHING in the world is evil :smoke:

BTW the Sun does a magnetic pole flip every 11 years like clockwork:thumb_yello:

zorgon 10-22-2008 08:41 AM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter

Originally Posted by Jacqui D (Post 58184)
the sun has got a lot hotter, although we don't get much in poor old Britain i noticed what little sun we did get this summer was extremely hot to sit in.

Want Sun? come to Vegas we were up to 120 and three months straight 100 plus:lmao:

You are correct... the sun is getting hotter... and has nothing to do with sunspots. Its internal dealing with hydrogen and helium levels... Chart below is solar temperature in Kelvin


If you notice the dip when it was cooler that coincides with the mini ice age fell in Medieval Europe and England... That was when they invented the fire place, needed window panes on the Castle and tapestries on the walls...


zorgon 10-22-2008 08:45 AM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter

Originally Posted by Rareheart (Post 55581)
It makes me wonder about the photon belt?

What the HECK is the photon belt?:nono::nono::nono:

Rareheart 10-22-2008 09:47 AM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter
The "photon belt" is an area we are supposedly approaching in space. Apparently our solar system revolves around a distant, gigantic star called Alcyone.
The information is channeled...so I have serious doubts about its validity, however, some of the changes we've discussed here have been predicted.
If you google the words 'photon belt'...you'll understand a bit better.

side note:
I used to live in Las Vegas Zorgon...I remember looking at one of those massive temperature displays (outside one of the casinos) at midnight one time...it was 100 degrees F.

zorgon 10-22-2008 10:02 AM

Re: The Sun is getting much brighter

Originally Posted by Rareheart (Post 58574)
If you google the words 'photon belt'...you'll understand a bit better.

I did it comes up as a New Age fad :smoke:

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