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aroundthetable 02-22-2010 11:03 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Chris wrote...

"How may I serve you beloved God"

That is the attitude of a soul in their true constitutional postion.


lisa 02-22-2010 09:03 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Wow, still going? God is such a heated topic.


Originally Posted by truthseekerdan (Post 240116)
Jesus did not have to reincarnate on this Earth 2k years ago.
He was already an ascended being (soul).

Jesus chose (volunteered) to reincarnate from Pure Divine Love that he has for us.

...and so it goes that Billy chose to reincarnate here to help us (according to the Meier material).

Greybeard, why do people like to add letters to their names (Dr, PhD, MD etc.) even when they are fake?

truthseekerdan 02-22-2010 10:07 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by lisa (Post 242298)
Wow, still going? God is such a heated topic.

...and so it goes that Billy chose to reincarnate here to help us (according to the Meier material).

Greybeard, why do people like to add letters to their names (Dr, PhD, MD etc.) even when they are fake?

Lisa, I personally started to doubt that you are really looking for enlightenment on this thread. Correct me if I'm wrong... :sorry:

If you want to discuss about Billy and not God, then please start your own thread. Hope you don't take this the wrong way. Thanks! :original:

Love and light,


lisa 02-22-2010 10:30 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
My point is - If Billy is really Jesus, a lot of people are poo-pooing him off.
In addition, it is not hard to see why people poo-poo Jesus off back in his days (including those who think they serve God).

This thread is: "Why making God unfashionable never works.." and people are debating that.
If my point of view contradicts your religious beliefs so much that it disturbs you, please put me on your "ignore list".

greybeard 02-22-2010 10:30 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by lisa (Post 242298)
Wow, still going? God is such a heated topic.

...and so it goes that Billy chose to reincarnate here to help us (according to the Meier material).

Greybeard, why do people like to add letters to their names (Dr, PhD, MD etc.) even when they are fake?

Lisa would you like to define fake for me?

Dr. David R. Hawkins

Biography Summary

Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. is a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer. He co-authored the ground-breaking work, Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, that helped revolutionize psychiatryDr. Hawkins' honors are vast. His background is detailed in Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World, and his work has been acclaimed by many world leaders and Nobelists, including Mother Teresa. His life is devoted to the upliftment of mankind.Dr. Hawkins has lectured at the University of Argentina; Notre Dame, Stanford, and Harvard Universities; Westminster Abbey; and the Oxford Forum. In addition, he has been an advisor to Catholic, Protestant, and Buddhist monasteries. He has conferred with foreign governments on international diplomacy and has been instrumental in resolving long-standing conflicts that were major threats to world peace. He is the author of the best-selling trilogy, Power vs. Force (published in 17 languages);

I cut it short at that.

Well if thats fake!!!!
Regards Chris

beren 02-22-2010 10:37 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Greybeard,Frank,Arounthetable,Truthseererdan and others;

I will now paste one touching story :

John 13:3-17

3.Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4.so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5.After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.

6.He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?"

7.Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."

8"No," said Peter, "you shall never wash my feet."
Jesus answered, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me."

9"Then, Lord," Simon Peter replied, "not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!"

10.Jesus answered, "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean. And you are clean, though not every one of you." 11.For he knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said not every one was clean.

12.When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. 13"You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14.Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. 15I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17.Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

What lessons we can learn here?

Humility and love.

He that is king of kings and lord of lords , bowed down ,did the work of a servant and washed feet.

WHO are we with our foolish pride ?

If the one who is second to God did this, then can`t we humble ourself?

We can`t be named children of God tomorrow if we are not like him.

truthseekerdan 02-22-2010 10:38 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by lisa (Post 242341)
My point is - If Billy is really :devil:, a lot of people are poo-pooing him off.

If you want to believe in Billy fine. However, we're not discussing him here.
So please do the people of this thread a favor and start your own. Thanks!


beren 02-22-2010 10:40 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by lisa (Post 242341)
My point is - If Billy is really Jesus, a lot of people are poo-pooing him off.
In addition, it is not hard to see why people poo-poo Jesus off back in his days (including those who think they serve God).

This thread is: "Why making God unfashionable never works.." and people are debating that.
If my point of view contradicts your religious beliefs so much that it disturbs you, please put me on your "ignore list".


Billy is not Jesus.

lisa 02-22-2010 10:41 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
As you know, Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D's "Ph.D" is from an unaccredited diploma mill that was shut down by court order: http://www.skepdic.com/news/newsletter58.html#3

Why is his name still attached to those letters?

lisa 02-22-2010 10:50 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by beren (Post 242351)
Billy is not Jesus.

beren, you are certain of it. However, certainty does not make it true/untrue.
He maybe, he may not be. In time, it will all be clear...

greybeard 02-22-2010 10:53 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by lisa (Post 242353)
As you know, Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D's "Ph.D" is from an unaccredited diploma mill that was shut down by court order: http://www.skepdic.com/news/newsletter58.html#3

Why is his name still attached to those letters?

Llsa I have no idea about the Ph.D and frankly it doesn't concern me. He was a practicing Dr and Psychiatrist for years.

Is it not just possible that he got the qualification honestly whilst the place was accreited?
If so he would be entitled to keep the qualification. If he was dishonest he would have been struck off
Regardless look at the rest of his biology is that false too?

It is easy to put stuff on the net and claim Hoax as you know.
Virtually every prominent spiritual person has had their reputation put in doubt.

All I can say is that I have benefited greatly from his books and I dont have to defend anyone.
You are perfectly entitled to your opinion Lisa and whatever moves you.

Regards to you

beren 02-22-2010 10:54 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by lisa (Post 242360)
beren, you are certain of it. However, certainty does not make it true/untrue.
He maybe, he may not be. In time, it will all be clear...

Well true, but with that line of reasoning, everything may or may not be.
Who knows ,maybe your first neighbor is Jesus or bus driver in your street...

I am talking here straightforward without putting you down.

lisa 02-22-2010 11:03 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by beren (Post 242367)
Well true, but with that line of reasoning, everything may or may not be.

There are things that we know to be true (for practical purpose), but yeah, people have very different certainties about God.


Originally Posted by beren (Post 242367)
Who knows ,maybe your first neighbor is Jesus or bus driver in your street...

That's right! :thumb_yello:


Originally Posted by beren (Post 242367)
I am talking here straightforward without putting you down.

Thank You!

lisa 02-22-2010 11:14 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
I asked because Dr David Hawkins is supposed to be "in that rare state of nonduality -ego less, Oneness with God".
It is surprising that someone at that state is attached to letters behind his name.
Also, I think that a spiritual person should naturally be truthful.


Originally Posted by greybeard (Post 242365)
All I can say is that I have benefited greatly from his books and I dont have to defend anyone.

That's great, thanks! :thumb_yello:

greybeard 02-22-2010 11:25 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by lisa (Post 242379)
I asked because Dr David Hawkins is supposed to be "in that rare state of nonduality -ego less, Oneness with God".
It is surprising that someone at that state is attached to letters behind his name.
Also, I think that a spiritual person should naturally be truthful.

That's great, thanks! :thumb_yello:

Yes you are correct Lisa, Hawkins is not attached to anything in that he is not the this or that, being a Dr is a function not what he is. all functions are to be respected but they are just labels.
The reason for getting the PhD is that the first book Power Versus force was aimed at the intellect as a bridge between the linear and non linear and he is well aware in this world people of so called intellect are more likly to read a book by a PhD. Thats the way it is here. St Teresa wrote a foreword for the book.
Anyway its a good book to read as a bridge between the scientific and the world of the mystic.


greybeard 02-22-2010 11:35 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Thanks for the story Beren.
Jeus was offered much by the devil but refused.

I wouldn't want the responsibility of power or to be a co-creator with God.
Like everyone else I have had a measure of success and my 30 seconds of fame:mfr_lol:
Im happy with the little I have now and the freedom of not having my own house or car to worry about.
My five children are grown up and have never given me a sleepless night. God has been and is kind.
My mind is quiet.
What more could I want?
With love

RedeZra 02-23-2010 01:23 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
what is not confined within the heart

but can be found there

what is not chained within Creation

but can be unlocked there

what is not lost nor bound

but forever fresh and free

whose form is Love and name is Truth

lisa 02-23-2010 03:25 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by greybeard (Post 242390)
The reason for getting the PhD is that the first book Power Versus force was aimed at the intellect as a bridge between the linear and non linear and he is well aware in this world people of so called intellect are more likly to read a book by a PhD. Thats the way it is here. St Teresa wrote a foreword for the book.

Thanks Chris.

If that is the case, Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D should know that the Bible says:
"Thou shalt not lie."
"Thou shalt not lie unless you want to sell a book."
"Thou shalt not lie unless you find a good excuse."

truth and integrity 02-23-2010 03:53 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Greetings, aroundthetable :original:

truth and integrity 02-23-2010 07:37 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally posted by Frank Samuel
At one point in my life I had an amazing collection of books, proud to consider myself an educated man.
I have been there too.:original: I love studying, learning, and growing and I’ve always wanted to understand the depth of human psyche. But I felt that I was chasing a shadow. I was fascinated by a new theory and than I experienced a dark night of the soul when I entered a questioning period. It is another stage in our growth when after questioning, synthesizing, and integrating our experience and knowledge we reach our inner truth. There is no more guessing but inner clarity and peacefulness, a place where values, beliefs, and the actions become one. We do not need to think about values but simply living them and our faith is more than beliefs or even a way of life, but is a total commitment to the ongoing, guiding presence of God. This is how I understand my cherished verse: Seek the truth and the truth shall set you free.

greybeard 02-23-2010 07:39 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by lisa (Post 242478)
Thanks Chris.

If that is the case, Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D should know that the Bible says:
"Thou shalt not lie."
"Thou shalt not lie unless you want to sell a book."
"Thou shalt not lie unless you find a good excuse."

Oh lisa
if you get a degree from what you believe to be a credible source to further your aim to reduce the suffering of the world, how come thats a lie?

Please read the book get the informtion first hand or at least read the info here

You are coming from a place of lack of knowledge about the subject.
Thats ok but please take at least a little time to study Dr Hawkins before you cast stones.
He has helped thousands of people face to face and thats a fact.

Let he who is without sin etc.

Anyway your thoughts are yours.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to talk more about Dr Hawkins who also helped set up AA which saved my life.
Have a nice day.

Regards Chris

aroundthetable 02-23-2010 12:16 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Good day my fine friends. That was a nice passage Beren, a humble attitude is required for spiritual progress. Spritual practice as taught for thousands of years cleans the dust off the heart and restores the natural beauty of the soul within. It is like a mirror that gets dusty and loses its reflection qualities, steady spiritual practice cleans the mirror of the soul and thereby brings the intelligence with which to understand Gods message. Whilst a person is filled with hate and anger, they will never understand, they never actually try the experiment offered in scripture, though they are most in need to do so.

aroundthetable 02-23-2010 12:35 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
My friends, why do you think making God unfashionable never works? Even a small browse amongst the wonderful posts here indirectly makes this kind of obvious, but i think returning to the original question can bring some good answers from the thinkers here.

Ill attempt to start this off again as best as i am able.

Its because God is REAL, he sits next to us ALWAYS in our heart ( actually Nassim Haramein has made some good progress on this albeit in a mostly physics sense) We may forget God, we may choose to be a slave to the senses and run around in circles collecting the baubles of material existence and engage in consumerism.

So God is real, God is within and without and he never forgets us, he is always there for us when we wish to return home. We have a much better place to be, free from the cycle of birth, old age, disease and death. As long as we inhabit a material body we will never be in our constitutional position. We are meant to go home, back to Godhead.

So God will never become unfashionable because He will not allow it to become so. There is so much more in store for us in the spiritual world.

Frank Samuel 02-23-2010 01:12 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Good morning to all I love to see that all is alive and well on this thread.
God indeed never goes out of style. From a Historical perspective I am a bit disappointed that many books concerning the life of Jesus where left out intentionally out of the new testament. One example of that if Jesus mother Mary . His Mother was an integral part of Jesus life specially after his crucifixion. Good old Peter never thought that a woman should be given any credit so her version was not included. For those that already know Jesus was not born from a virgin. Jesus did have a biological Father. Jesus did marry and had children , no mention of this in the New Testament. Jesus had brothers and sisters . I can go on and on. Many of these facts are important because they unravel the true story of Jesus . I want to give you an example of how we deify good people and overlook the real history. Martin Luther King jr. a great man who is given credit for helping black and minorities gain civil liberties in America. Martin's real story was told by a dear friend of his, Rev. Abernathy.
He mention both Martin's attributes and Martin's faults. Many people where angry with Abernathy. He in turn just said this is what Martin would have wanted. The Romans of that time use Jesus as a political tool to maintain control in a fallen Kingdom. While I do agree that Jesus came in the position of a Messiah. We are looking at Jesus from the eyes of those that wanted to replace the Roman and Greeks Gods with Jesus. I know many people would be angry with me for mentioning these things. I ask you do you think less of Martin Luther King Jr. because of the facts concerning his life? The facts do not take anything away from the real Jesus on the contrary it helps all of us to establish a better relationship to this important Figure in History. If they would have done that history would had change, the Catholic church would have not been the power structure that it is today, the crusades, the witch hunting, the burning of heretics at the stake, etc. I often wonder how does Jesus feels when people talk about him without really knowing the real story. I know you guys are going to kill me, well my relationship to Jesus is personal and Jesus has played a major role in my life since my birth. So for me the things I have mention do not make Jesus a less important figure quite the opposite it strengthens my relationship and understanding of him. :thumb_yello::wub2::original:

truthseekerdan 02-23-2010 03:52 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
My friends, let's all live by these words... :original:


I use for my lips. . . truth

I use for my voice . . kindness

I use for my ears . . compassion

I use for my hands . . charity

I use for my figure . . uprightness

I use for my heart . . love

I use for any who do not like me . . prayer.

Love and Blessings to All,


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