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beren 02-19-2010 07:39 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by Frank Samuel (Post 240869)
Aroundthetable another good question of coming to terms with my duality. If we are created in the image of God and each of us are both good and evil does this mean that God is also a duality of these two forces? Does this mean that God ascended beyond these two forces, or was it an error in the design of sentient beings ? Is there absolute evil ? and if so does this mean evil existed as part of the reality of God? Some might call this sacrilegious statements, they are not, these are questions that I ask the origin of all things while in meditation.
Breaking down our concepts of absolutes is the beginning to transcend beyond mere believes and begin to see our duality from a realistic perspective. Thanks Aroundthetable and everyone for not taking offense in my questions.There's a reason for my madness if you get my meaning. I love to think outside of the box I have a million questions like this one to inspire your original mind. Without using the classic answer of free will can someone reach down and give me your honest view from a personal perspective of coming to terms with your duality. :naughty:

excellent questions!

I will too jump and take the challenge!

I will not give you a straight answer but you may find ti through my reply here .:original:
We are no duality. We are made in the image of God, Creator. Image of his values,characters and finally physical form. God is spirit but he chose to make us in this form we are so I believe he also chose a form like that for him in eternity. Though he,being almighty is and can be everywhere since his creative force made all and all was first in his mind . So God can feel every atom and quark in universe -he made it.

We`re his children. Now remember Adam and Eve?
What actually Satan asked them?
"Is it true, or does God really said that...?"

He sowed a seed of confusion. First he confused Eve ,then he said that actually God lied them and if she does the exactly oposite from God`s command for them ,she will flourish. She and Adam listened Satan and it actually happened like God said it will.

But now Satan being restless and annoyed with humans he saw that sowing confusion and lies do the job in easier conquering human mind and eventually soul.
Since we`re not created with a thoughts that we should lie or trick others, we naturally trust everybody without a question,since God does not lie and all that are his , that`s why we as his children trust. And exactly there Satan catch us off guard. Now as we`re a bit older that few thousand or more years ago ,Satan`s lies got heavier and his deceit more cunning than before.

But his initial premise is same. Lure out people from their heavenly father.

All evil sprang out from that.

But in reality we are children of the light and there are no duality. Tomorrow when we return to light and Creator We will emanate a vast array of creative powers in universe, shining our own creativity which was and is inspired by our father .

Also don`t forget, Satan existence was allowed that every soul shows its quality. From Satan himself to prove his statements ( he was proved wrong ) to us to be seen as ones who will fully decide do we stand or fall.

beren 02-19-2010 07:46 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
I will say again ;
whenever you feel cold breeze in hot day and feel good, you`ve been cooled by Almighty Creator.
Whenever you are thirsty and drink water , you`ve been satisfied by Almighty creator.
Whenever you are hungry and ate some delicious meal, you`ve been fed by Almighty Creator.

He is in every grass you touch or every flower, Every tree that you see.Every rock that you step on and every mountain and ocean you see, he is there. He created that.
It`s his .

We don`t own anything here .Everything was and is a gift to us.
We just have to open our eyes and ears to see and hear God`s language all around us.

Jesus controlled elements and made miracles.How?
He along with God created all so he knows elements from the very atom .
I am sure we will do the same in the future since we will learn all that we don`t know yet.
We are children of the light, always remember that. Do not let evil strip you off of your eternal future and true life.

greybeard 02-19-2010 08:11 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
This is the paradox. Yes there is no duality, it is part of the illusion there fore is not valid.
There is only Oneeness.
The ego similarly does not exist it is just self identifying with the me story in the head.
Its a substantial as a thought.
Iam not a this or a that. I am not a musician though I play, playing is a function its not what I am. The list is endless. I am chris, no thats my label. It works in this world at this time
However that knowledge may not be helpful in the early stages of escaping from illusion.
Only the power of God sought through surrender to His will can remove the illusion.
When Eve took the apple duality occurred, Judgment came in to play. The knowledge of good and evil.

Keep it simple.
Just be as loving and forgiving as you can.
The message of Jesus was mainly Love and forgive.
The rest is just detail. You dont need it. All that is needed is faith that God is LOVE.
With love

14 Chakras 02-19-2010 09:37 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by Frank Samuel (Post 240907)
I thank you for your answers , I want to be more specific if you accept the premise of the nature of humans. The man in the mirror, us, faces himself as his own worst enemy. In order words, have any of you transcended to the point of becoming an absolute point of goodness ? Or have you accepted your duality and created a balance between them? If so how does your duality reflects the true nature of God ? Here's a hint of where I am at in answering this question for myself, see if you have this same dilemma. As a parent I want my children to be better than me. My children are more valuable for me than myself. I don't want my children to become me, I want them to become their own person. We as parents are not perfect , the reality of our lives is that our children inherit both our attributes and our faults. We view God as a separate reality than this one. The classic tale of Dr. Frankenstein comes to mind for me as God's situation when it comes to sentient beings. Once again these are questions I ponder upon , they have help me to come to terms with myself and my relationship to the origin of all things .:original:

Yes. All good parents want their children to surpass them. Do you think the creator consciousness is any different? We are all God's children. What happens when we grow up? That is for another day... suffice to say:

It is the Father's good pleasure to give us the kingdom. Those who knock, the door will be opened. Those who seek will find. Those who ask, it shall be given.

Only our own inertia, fears, and attachments block the Way.

Oneness is not a static state, it's simply a real state. Take off the blinders, take off the mask and what happens: the Truth sets u Free.

Not to disapear into nothingness, rather to grow you unique perspective in Oneness with All that IS.

It's simply consciousness or unconsciousness.

Duality ego stuff is not life, it's illusion, it's death, it's the appearance of individuality but really egos are very much the same, and they're limited, and unconscious. Most of the time people are not thinking for themselves.

Oneness ~ I AM consciousness is you. It's not same. It's not a blob. It's the Divine Co-creative Being in Oneness of who you really are.

Enlightenment is called: Awakening. We are here now to finally Awaken. To Be 'reborn' as a conscious Being ....

~ Espavo ~ (Thank you for taking your Power)

aroundthetable 02-19-2010 10:24 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Reading all the last few posts makes me happy that spiritual philosophy is as alive and well as it always has been. Frank, from the depth of your writing i believe you already know within, the answers to the questions you pose. Still, these topics are enlivening and nourishing and will always be discussed and refreshed and passed along the future generations, God guarantees this. We are never abandoned.

A wee parable.

Two birds in a fruit tree.

The tree is the material world and all its fruits ( activities)

One bird is God, the other is you.

So God sits there in the tree with you, but you do not notice on account of being too busy partaking of all the fruits of the tree. You only need to turn around and see.

Tis simple and i like it.

Acintya beda beda tattva - simultaneous oneness and difference. Yes we are one with God as we are from God, but whereas we are limited, God is unlimited. Merging into somekind of oneness suggests we can lose our individual soul and identity and this is not possible. You will always be you. You are an eternal personality.

beren 02-19-2010 10:29 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
The more i learn about us humans and myself as a man, I am getting somewhat frustrated.
We are complicating every single thing we look upon,feel,touch...

I am imagining how must have been hard for Christ back then to explain these truths to people.
I mean he performed thousands of miracles,fed the hungry,heal the sick,expelled demons,saved people`s lives,resurrected people... and who know what else since John writes at the very end of his gospel that if every thing was written down ,whole world would not be enough to take the scrolls which would be written.

Now Jesus did all that and you find in the end of gospels that even then his disciples didn`t believe!!!

Come on!

What more can be done???

Remember Thomas who said that if he put his arms in Christ`s wounds and put his fingers through nail holes ,he`d then believe that Jesus was resurrected?
I mean Thomas-how much more did you need ? What- for Jesus had to move whole planet that you`d believe finally?
He`d have to -I don`t know-blow fire from his mouth-kill demons with lasers from his eyes, move people up in the air and who knows what more?

I mean Thomas was there for three years daily watching miracles,DAILY and still didn`t believe...

What would you and me do if we were just for one day back then with Jesus?
Would we believe or not?

No wonder why Christ himself was frustrated and said once :"For how long I must suffer you...?"

Despite all, we`re loved and I think, why don`t we show a little faith for God`s sake? Why don`t we share a little love to our neighbor and actually be as Christ?


I am sometimes soo ***ed off :mad3:
firstly on my self and on my fellow humans...

aroundthetable 02-19-2010 10:39 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
George Harrison, a beautiful beatle x

kriya 02-19-2010 10:52 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by aroundthetable (Post 240990)
George Harrison, a beautiful beatle x

I absolutely love this song :thumb_yello:

It was George Harrison who lead me to the Self-realisation fellowship and my Guru (aka my avatar-he literally is one!).....

God rest his soul.

Beautiful posts guys!! Excellent contributions all round.



aroundthetable 02-19-2010 10:58 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Hare Krishna :original:

Frank Samuel 02-19-2010 11:47 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Aroundthetable and others know where I am going with this. The illusion of self creates your reality, suffice to say that there's multiple realities as there are timetables. The 3 dimensional reality is only an illusion created by you, therefore you create your own limitations. Gods does not play a part on this 3 dimensional reality and yes God does not look at us from a good and evil viewpoint. There's no judgment within God. I know this shatters a lot of walls here but many of you have come to the same conclusion. I do agree that God as the original source of love can only do just that, love you ,no matter what. Our interpretations of God often are based on our 3 dimensional view of reality which I might add is severely limited in comparison to the unlimited view of the term God which I choose to call the origin of all things . The entity commonly call satan has no power over you unless you accept this entity in your life as a reality therefore the man in the mirror becomes satan incarnated within your 3 dimensional reality. As a theologian we found that satan was a part of scripture as much as God. Without offending anyone satan has become a part of the very churches that worship God.We create the hell as a dwelling place within our consciousness in other words we become slaves to our own perception of reality. Without placing judgment many representatives of the cloth have become victims of their own manifestation of this entity within their perception of this 3 dimensional reality.
Thank you for your patience and love which you have demonstrated towards me with your answers, I am most grateful to all of you.

Blessings to all...:wub2::original: Is time to continue with my duties as a loving father , time to go my one year old daughter is in need of love and attention.:lol3:

truthseekerdan 02-20-2010 02:16 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
I felt compelled to share a few thoughts on this thread. I know and I don't expect everyone that is reading this to agree with my experiences. My goal is to promote a global understanding of our composite nature. We are all different in our spiritual growth, yet we have a divine heritage that makes us all ONE. What I have understood from my experiences in consciousness is that we are the fragments of God, and can even better describe it as our Divine Parent.

There are countless ways that the spirit is guided to God/Source of singularity. It is like a river and its tributaries. God can create and re-create all life. The purpose of life is to produce evolution (including spiritual). The illusion of duality in which our physical reality is, can be closely compared to like oil and water. We all know as well that Love and greed do not mix. When humans unite with God via sincere personal faith they definitely will rise above the culture of religions.

Just as when husband-wife cooperate with one another so as to make their home heavenly in the same way when humans unite with God they become one with the divine (Christ like consciousness, etc). In that moment duality ceases to exist and Oneness takes place. However, for Oneness to happen one must not judge mentally (with the brain) since the human brain is known to be bipolar by nature (dual main lobes), but have a pure open heart.

As one of the prominent scientist that many on this forum might be familiar with, Nassim Haramein describes the human heart as the singularity point of the entire body. In other words just like a massive black hole at the center of a galaxy. The heart is the singularity point or center of the body where pure Divine Love can be expressed outwards from within, and those understanding the importance of soul advancement walk on this path.

The activities of God are very extraordinary and mysterious. God cannot be understood by our material apparatus. According to the great scientist Albert Einstein, Particle Physics is yet very crippled and lame. It cannot give us information of the cosmic divine power i.e. Creator/God. There is a cosmic consciousness that rules over our entire cosmos. This consciousness can be called the Creator, God, Brahman, all pervasive cosmic soul etc.

By stopping here, I hope that this post will be an opening eye at least for some on this forum. As long as we are not the slaves of our egos, and I take the liberty to mention another great thread on this forum The ego what is it? How to transcend? - we will be able to transcend duality and understand the greater Oneness, which is allowing God being manifested in human body (walking with God). Thank you all who read this post!

Love and light,


RedeZra 02-20-2010 04:14 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by lisa (Post 239571)
Men made Gods in their own image.

why not

we can make ideas manifest

into form and function from fantasies

in the beginning

the building

is just a thought

some things are dreams only

like let's make metal fly

but now we have planes

perhaps the pantheon of gods

are phantoms of imagination

and like fallible human inventions

vanish when forgotten

but it does not explain

why we are here

for such a short span

under the sun

which still spins with the world

long after we're gone

maybe Man invented gods

while God created Man

not much can be said about God

like what we create knows little about us

but there are hints throughout history

and in the lives of everyone

remember the Light when we were real young

Humble Janitor 02-20-2010 08:18 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor (Post 240669)
Since when were moral values exclusively Christian? They exist in all cultures. Also, why should organized religion dictate what people do, what they say and how they react? People are still free to worship their god. They're still free to speak. Are they not satisfied unless 95% of the rest of the country is following their god?

Oh Humble Janitor.
If you read my posts you will not see me say any where that that moral values are exclusively Christian. One teacher said its good to be brought up in a religion bad to die in one. I am not repeat of any religion but I had a Scottish upbringing which is open minded reguarding all religions and none. The society was Christian and the ub bringing reflected that. I would have been just as happy born in to any society which had values and respect for me.
Yes its not the 1950s I grew up in the swinging 60s sex drugs and rock and roll.
Wasent into drugs cept alchol. Played in a rock band. We had respect for parents each other etc. there was an amazing a,mount of freedom. Authority has taken that away,
I agree that now there is a lot in authority now that is not worrhy of respect.
So actually in many ways we are in agreement.
The trouble with wighting on a forum is that you can be judged on a few words, the context of where I am and where you are is quite different from a few words.
In essence Im saying respect is necessary to have a free world.

Regards Chris


As for respect, I may not care for cops or soldiers but I will not openly disrespect my parents/elders.

Thank you for the clarification.

greybeard 02-20-2010 08:32 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Good morning all my new friends.
Freezing here but my heart is warmed by the people on this thread.
I agree with thruthseekerrdan and Frank
The catholic church in the process of investigating Padre Peo came to the conclusion that God is unknowable.
Padre Peo had the stigmata I think I am correct in saying that within hours of his death the wounds had gone the blood stained cloth remained. Padre Peo was beset with demons dark nights of the soul. I tend to think that is the power of the mind creating this illusion, though not denying there is a devil.

As a pre school child I was taken to church the first time since I was baptized. I lasted bout ten minutes and dragged my parents out. I was 4 or 5.
If God could crucify his son what would he do to a sinner like me. I was so wrong but how was I to know. Anyway the nightmares started.
It did not matter whether I was awake or asleep I saw chariots of fire, white angels dark angels fighting in the sky. Even with eyes open I saw these things.
I could have had no knowledge of this except past life stuff.
My parents were going to get child psychiatrist but after a week or two it stopped but I was left without the ability to visualize. God in His mercy took it away.

Anyway the earliest teachings by mystic say it is Indras dream. The cosmic dance, consciousness at play. Eckhat Tolle says " There was never anyone there to hurt you"
There is only one of us here, that is not my experience but I can see that it is possible.

Anyway the simple truth is I dont know, but I do believe those who are enlightened.
Ramana Maharshi said "The world you are trying to save dosnt even exist"
Hawkins says that in very short order we are going to see a very different world due to a change in perception.
The enlightened ones live in nonduality oneness and see and experience a different world from the one we see and experience. our world is dull by comparison, they see the luminosity Technicolor, the light of God shining out of everything. May we be in Christ consciousness soon.
Ultimate truth is that only God is, and we are aspects of That.
God does not change but our perception understanding of Him does.
He is Pure LOVE
So that is my understanding.
Not saying Im right.
With Love

beren 02-20-2010 11:11 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Greybeard, you are right:original:

We rise, we fall. But only when we truly love ,we are children of our Father.
Amazingly in this thread we explored ideas and facts and beliefs.
Still amazingly even more is our spirit of curiosity which drag us further into who we are, where are we going and what is happening around us.

Sometimes when I am stuck in this 3d life ,I wander off in my mind...and as more I am wandering the more I hear that silent voice :" Love, love and then see what happens...".


All characters of our Heavenly Father.
All intermingled and interconnected.

Your love all and in order to be fair towards all, you have to be just. In order to be just you have to have insight in things, to be wise. And finally to circle all of this you have to have power.

All of them perfectly aligning in our Father and in us when we do reflect him.

As Frank said, Satan will have influence over us if and only IF we allow him.
He can eventually hurt us or kill us. But , hey, really can he kills us ?
If we are align with Almighty Creator , who is there to stand against us? Forever?

greybeard 02-20-2010 12:09 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Think Beren has summed it up nicely.

Love Love Love and then see what happens.
It is not for us to know at this moment but to trust in our Heavenly Father.
With Love
Chris-- who ever he may be. Im dying to find out!!!!! :original:

Frank Samuel 02-20-2010 12:34 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
If you guys and gals will allow me I would like to talk about the subject of evil entities . We in manifesting this entity into this 3 dimensional reality have in many instances throughout history become 10x more evil than this entity itself. So just as we can become God like the opposite of that is also true. Again we create our own illusion and many souls who have not reincarnated have remain in a state of a hellish existence, these brothers and sisters have indeed become demonic like and are attracted by our negative thoughts and actions. Many people in this forum suspect that the original entity Lucifer has transcended beyond . But we in becoming slaves to this 3 dimensional reality have manifested this demonic entities as part of our illusion. Suffice to say that each one of us hold the key to liberate ourselves of this illusion and redirecting our brothers and sisters back into the light. Indeed we can create the Kingdom of God on Earth if we do away with the illusion of negative entities in our lives.
I thank you all for I think we are all here with the same purpose help this world to transcend and open our eyes to our True self and Dwelling place.
As you can see the spiritual teacher within each one of us is very much alive.
I embrace you all of you as my long lost brothers and sisters for we have travel beyond believes and have ascended straight into the Heart of God:thumb_yello::wub2::original:

aroundthetable 02-20-2010 12:42 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Good day everyone, some really insightful philosophy going on here, reflecting that oneness in us all. All souls are equal under God, including within animals and plants. It is just the bodies are different, and the consciousness is suitable for that particular body. This valuable human incarnation gives us the oppotunity to now comprehend and discuss these matters.

If i may point to a few great observations people made without going into a long diatribe.

Frank..'we create hell as a dwelling place with our own consciousness' Yes, the mind can be our greatest enemy or greatest friend, there is also karmic reaction where we can indeed take birth on hellish planets, again that is created by our own actions. On illusion....This world and its inhabitants is of course real but it is illusion in that it is temporary, and we can forget that we are actually eternally fulll of bliss and knowledge, the illusion happens when we forget this.

Truthseeker - 'When humans unite with God via sincere personal faith they definately will rise above the culture of religions'

Here is a couple of texts from the Gita which relate to this point.

CH 18 Text 66

Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear.

Ch 12 Text 8

Just fix your mind upon me, the supreme personality of Godhead, and engage all your intelligence in Me. Thus you will live in me always, without a doubt.

However this does not mean getting rid of religious/spiritual culture, this is undesirable and indeed impossible given our nature. The religious/spiritual culture is infact a 24/7 party of celelbration and festival, of dancing, of shared feasts, of wonderful music and high intellectual debate and philosophy, all directed as a celebration of our unity under God.

I love Nassim Haramein, an absolute cutting edge scientist in its truest sense. It is predicted that one day science will prove to itself the existence of God and Nassim could well be the man do be part of that. :thumb_yello:

I offer my respects to you all :trumpet:

aroundthetable 02-20-2010 12:47 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Respect also to humble janitor for returning and giving a refreshing response to a clarification. :thumb_yello:

greybeard 02-20-2010 01:00 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Hi Frank there is equality here.
This is the first thread I have been on where I felt I could freely share what I believe to be so, hence I am posting frequently as I know there are like minded folk sharing here at great depth.

As regard to teaching Jesus was very humble "Of my self I do nothing, it is the Father within who is the doer"

While words that inform on Truth have a certain value they just act as carrier wave of Divine energy.
The "Grace of the Guru" is transmitted silently.
Every word thought and deed that comes through us by Divine inspiration, because of that energy, lifts the consciouness of all.
We dont have to physically teach if that is what we are called to do, though tht may be the case. Its not what we say but what we are becoming that is making the difference.
With Love

aroundthetable 02-20-2010 01:13 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
"Of my self I do nothing, it is the Father within who is the doer"

Jesus was/is such a wonderful personality and anyone who follows his teachings faithfully ( like Chris often says, its a very simple message and free from doubt) will certainly reach the ultimate destination.

Thanks for that Chris, and thankyou for your company...and Berren also for his very apparent devotion. :original:

As the spark cannot fully comprehend the fire, as a frog in a pond cannot comprehend the atlantic ocean, neither can the little soul fully comprehend God.
Therefore the process of acquiring knowledge in transcendental matters is of receiving that knowledge from the source, it cannot be demanded or realized by our efforts alone. This is something mainstream science is still coming to grips with as their experiments rely on deductive knowledge rather than inductive knowledge.

aroundthetable 02-20-2010 01:28 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Mudra very kindly sent this vid, It kinda puts all the thoughts expressed here in musical form, Good music, good food, good books, flowers, candles, incense, simple living and high thinking, spiritual life is a very rich life without the need for running around to buy things we dont really need.

kriya 02-20-2010 01:38 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by greybeard (Post 241250)

As regard to teaching Jesus was very humble "Of my self I do nothing, it is the Father within who is the doer"

Thinking of God as the doer is a great spiritual truth and a sure way to obliterate the ego.

Give all your actions to God and see what happens :winksmiley02:



Frank Samuel 02-20-2010 03:34 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
I hope that all here have a great day, I have gain incredible Divine inspiration from all of you. My path although a little different than yours reaches the same destination. The heart of the divine is within each and everyone of us . I am sure that we have walked as saints in past lifetimes,we have chosen to come here at this time to be a part of the shift in consciousness. Why not if we could do it here through this thread we could also manifest this reality of our true self into this 3 dimensional illusion. There are no coincidences each event in our lives has brought us to this point, the crossroads ,symbolic if you will of the many paths to reach the same destination.Have a great day !!!

Blessings to all....:thumb_yello:

greybeard 02-20-2010 10:32 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Thanks for this Dan
I really enjoy the work of Nassin Haramein, dont understand it but get the essence.

Posted by Truthseekerdan
"As one of the prominent scientist that many on this forum might be familiar with, Nassim Haramein describes the human heart as the singularity point of the entire body. In other words just like a massive black hole at the center of a galaxy. The heart is the singularity point or center of the body where pure Divine Love can be expressed outwards from within, and those understanding the importance of soul advancement walk on this path.

The activities of God are very extraordinary and mysterious. God cannot be understood by our material apparatus. According to the great scientist Albert Einstein, Particle Physics is yet very crippled and lame. It cannot give us information of the cosmic divine power i.e. Creator/God. There is a cosmic consciousness that rules over our entire cosmos. This consciousness can be called the Creator, God, Brahman, all pervasive cosmic soul etc.

By stopping here, I hope that this post will be an opening eye at least for some on this forum. As long as we are not the slaves of our egos, and I take the liberty to mention another great thread on this forum The ego what is it? How to transcend? - we will be able to transcend duality and understand the greater Oneness, which is allowing God being manifested in human body (walking with God). Thank you all who read this post!

Love and light,

Dan "

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