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beren 02-17-2010 09:03 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron (Post 239895)
I chose to go to hell? What was I thinking? :lol3: Now I'm reduced to trying to get people to air-condition the place! :naughty:


this is smiley trying to brake the wall (he`s angry and can`t wait so he haste with his head! ) and the other one sweating and hoping that first one stay where he is...

greybeard 02-17-2010 09:36 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Tell me of those who live established in wisdom ever aware of the Self, O Krishna.
How do they talk? How sit? How move about?

They live in wisdom who see themselves in all and all in them, who have renounced every selfish desire and sense craving tormenting the heart.
Neither agitated by grief nor hankering after pleasure, they live free from lust and fear and anger.
Established in meditation they are truly wise. Fettered no more by selfish attachments, they are neither elated by good fortune nor depressed by bad. Such are the seers.

That was written many thousands of years ago yet still relevant in this world.

Golden World yes if we even remotely follow these ancient teachings updated to modern language, the essence is timeless.

aroundthetable 02-17-2010 10:06 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by truthseekerdan (Post 239903)
:starwars: :lmao:

love the battling smileys!!

aroundthetable 02-17-2010 10:11 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by greybeard (Post 239885)

Much has been written on the subject on "the ego what is it? how to transcend" thread.

Hope you dont mind me mentioning it on this great thread "aroundthetable"
By the way you have started me reading the Gita again. Time well spent.

Here is a Gita quote regarding ego,
Ch 3 Tx 27

The spirit soul bewildered by the influence of false ego thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by the three modes of material nature.

aroundthetable 02-17-2010 10:18 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Posted by Beren,

Psalm 15
A psalm of David.
1 LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary?
Who may live on your holy hill?

2 He whose walk is blameless
and who does what is righteous,
who speaks the truth from his heart

3 and has no slander on his tongue,
who does his neighbor no wrong
and casts no slur on his fellowman,

4 who despises a vile man
but honors those who fear the LORD,
who keeps his oath
even when it hurts,

5 who lends his money without usury
and does not accept a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things
will never be shaken.

Ty Beren
These are time honoured values preserved in all the scriptures and that is why making God unfashionable never works, because all living souls recognise these truths.

aroundthetable 02-17-2010 10:22 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Here is a similar message from the Bhagavad Gita,

Ch 15 Tx 5

Those who are free from false prestige, illusion and false association, who can understand the eternal, who are done with material lust, who are freed from the dualities of happiness and distress, and who, unbewildered, know how to surrender unto the supreme person attain to that eternal kingdom.

kriya 02-17-2010 10:25 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Beautiful and powerful posts, greybeard and aroundthetable :original::original:

Great spiritual truths...



aroundthetable 02-17-2010 10:38 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Thankyou for saying that Kriya, always remembering this is not my own concoction but from time honoured scripture. It is there waiting and freely available to all who wish to partake and gain relief from the disturbances of the material world. :trumpet:

lisa 02-17-2010 11:07 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by beren (Post 239604)
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."

See the message? Crystal clear

This passage is made of elements that divide people of different religions:
  • you get a sure pass through the gates of heaven when others go to hell
  • you are "the chosen ones" and better than others
Like you said, the Bible has been tempered with. Perhaps the passage is inserted to misguide people?

There are many Gods of different religions who want us to worship them and be fearful of them, why pick one over the other?
There are gems in scriptures of different religions, why devote ourselves to one in exclusion of others?

Like many have said here, we can look within ourselves and find truths.
And we are with Creation from within.

Having said that, I do tag along my friends to church gatherings of different religions.
And I very much enjoy the company even though I don't always agree with the teachings.

beren 02-17-2010 11:14 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Lisa, I think that message is clear. But our minds are in deep confusion. We are persuaded from the dawn of humanity that actually what we see isn`t like that .

People see these words and they think that it must be something different because it can`t be that simple.

It can.

But the wonder of Creator is that truth like that ,stated in the passage you quoted from mine reply speaks of essence ,but when you actually dig deeper ,you find many facets of truth along with it...and you finally come to conclusion that even the first statement was the truthful one which encircle the point.

Steven 02-17-2010 11:23 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by aroundthetable (Post 239883)
...Are there any Muslims or Jews or any other faiths that would like to share personal realisations from their scriptures? :original:

I am baptized catholic, but sincerely, the native american branch of my genealogy is really stronger in my spirituality. Nevertheless, I am 40 years old now and my experiences through out the world brought me so many different contacts with other religions, that I really feel at a "crossroad of faith".

I feel to be a man of all religion, or none. It is no more important to me at this time. What I really feel to be important is being in close contact with the spirit of Creation who dwells into my heart, in our hearts. This is for the introspection part and as well for the extrospection part, I contemplate Creation's action in nature, so it gives me an insight on how it behaves, feels, its way...

I like to observe animals and humans in their most natural reflexes, so I can have a bit of "understanding" on how we were made, why we are here and where we are going. I like to observe physics and its laws, so it gives me a hint on how balance and harmony are maintained.

Really, my sens of religion is from the love I feel for living and for nature. My sens of Creation/Creator is "sensing" this presence "animating" every creatures at the center of their essence.

I like to use the term "Creation" instead of "Creator" or "God" for two reasons. The first is because Creation includes all creatures into one being, sentient and feeling. The second reason is because Creation has a feminine concept in my own personal symbolism language. It is very personal of course and can be totally absurd for others :lol3:...

Namaste, Steven

greybeard 02-17-2010 11:27 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Hi Lisa
Language is so useless when it comes to spiritual its of the heart not the mind.

The bible has been re translated, not written till after Jesus had been dead many years.
Yet the essence of what Jesus says remains.

For myself and not being of any religion. I feel that God is LOVE and does not judge us.
On death we gravitate to the realm concordant with our spiritual vibration, a vibration we have created through our intent and action, judgment is not necessary.
Jesus said "In my fathers house are many mansions"

When I read anything spiritual, possibly you do the same, I ask myself, "Is that coming from love or creating fear?" Fear cant come from God.
The old testament is the way that people viewed god at that time.

God dosent need our prayers or anything from us, we need Him and we need to pray and have humility and gratitude. God is unconditional love, there is no requirement of us, we all deserve love and loved we are but we must ask for it. Its not forced on us.
Our actions do have consequences though. Every action brings us closer to the Love or further away, raises or lowers our vibration.

God is the totality all of it, has no needs or desires, we cant please or displease Him.
He is complete.
God will never be out of fashion.
All this is my belief -- not saying it is so.

truthseekerdan 02-17-2010 11:43 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

truthseekerdan 02-17-2010 11:47 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Life wouldn't be so complex if everyone knew that each person is a part of God and that even one person's energy is so powerful that it affects multitudes.

The soul is the very essence of life as it first sprang from Creator.
It is an indestructible living entity of light energy that may have a physical body, etheric body or astral body, or it may exist in free spirit only.

Our souls, manifested by God through His co-creating powers with Creator, are expressions of the love and light of God and contain in microcosm every essence of God.

In any of its forms, the soul is an inviolate independent being at the same time it exists inseparably with God and Creator and all other souls in the cosmos.

Your thoughts and feelings of love and caring for others are prayers.
These can be at any time, in any place, with any words or no words, only feelings.
The effects of prayer are directly related to the intent and intensity of the thoughts and feelings.

God never meant churches to be buildings of any kind.
The magnificent cathedrals are man's idea, not God's.
Church is all within the soul. Church is one's feelings of reverence, of thanksgiving.
It is the uplifting of the spirit into the love and light of God.
In this way, church is a single prayer that has the ability to touch the universe.

beren 02-18-2010 12:10 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Here`s another gem:

Matthew 5:13-16 (New International Version)

Salt and Light

13"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. 14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

and verse 20:

For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

lisa 02-18-2010 12:43 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Thanks Steven, I share your point of view and you express it way better than I do.

Beren & Truthseekerdan, you guys are gonna crucify me for this...
Nevertheless, I buy Billy Meier's story:
  • ET Gabriel got Mary pregnant with Jmmanuel (whom we call Jesus).
  • So when Jesus look to the sky and say "Father", he is calling ET Gabriel.
  • God for the ETs (according to Meier) is the most knowledgeable or spiritually evolved person in their society.
  • We got the word God from them when they came to rule us in the past.
  • Besides that, ETs believe that there is a Creation greater than "God".

truthseekerdan 02-18-2010 12:52 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
King James Version

2 Corinthians 3

5. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;

6. Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

greybeard 02-18-2010 12:57 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
[*]Besides that, ETs believe that there is a Creation greater than "God".[/LIST][/QUOTE]

Hi Lisa
Could I recommend that you read Dr David Hawkins "Power versus Force"


He is a modern mystic and fully enlightened.

He has developed a map of consciousness in which there is there is lowest life form consciousness vibration calibration given up through levels of animal, human to enlightenment on through various levels of God on up to got the Ultimate God which is infinity.

God is the totality all of it including all realms, there is no where God is not and that obviously includes ETs.

Not saying im right but I believe D Hawkins is.


truthseekerdan 02-18-2010 12:58 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by lisa (Post 240031)
Beren & Truthseekerdan, you guys are gonna crucify me for this...
Nevertheless, I buy Billy Meier's story:

Lisa you can "buy" or believe whatever you want as long as you crucify your ego. :mfr_lol:

lisa 02-18-2010 01:00 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Greybeard, we are in agreement.
What you call Ultimate God is what I call Creation.


Originally Posted by truthseekerdan (Post 240048)
Lisa you can "buy" or believe whatever you want as long as you crucify your ego. :mfr_lol:

To clarify, I am just sharing what I buy and don't buy.
I don't consider myself better than others because of what I buy.
As to my ego, I work hard to eliminate it every day.

greybeard 02-18-2010 01:15 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by truthseekerdan (Post 240048)
Lisa you can "buy" or believe whatever you want as long as you crucify your ego. :mfr_lol:

Im laughing too Truthseekerdan.

One of Dr Hawkins books is all about transcending the ego.
"Discovery of the presence of God /devotional nonduality".

The reason I resonate with his work is that he is in that rare state of nonduality -ego less, Oneness with God, he is here now and there is therefore no chance of miss translation, doctoring his words, he is of my culture speaking my language in modern terms stating his experiential truth which is the same truth as told in the Vedas, by Krishna, by The Buddah by Christ. Eternal TRUTH.
Im not taking away from other cultures but there is essence unique to all cultures and if your not born to that way of expressing there is a chance of misunderstanding the essence of it.

So for me I want it straight from the horses mouth, no go between, nothing second hand.
Its essential in my view we trancend the ego at this point in time or it will just be more of the same a 1000 years from now, if we survive the egos tendency to get the human race into big trouble.

lisa 02-18-2010 01:22 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Glad to make you guys so happy.

14 Chakras 02-18-2010 02:05 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..


He is a modern mystic and fully enlightened.

What does it mean to be fully enlightened? If All is from the One source, then if I'm fully enlightened to that reality, that I truly AM an extension of my Source which is the infinite, then should I not at the very least, be able to do the works that Jesus did only greater works than these should I BE able to do?

I suggest, we realize, there is always MORE, and some teachers help us climb higher, but should we become dependent on teachers or teachings outside of ourselves, we can never surpass them. Full enlightenment to me, means knowing that I AM the eternal student, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are as children ~ always learning, always BEING MORE

It also means, being no longer limited by the matter realm. I Am the spiritual Being having a material experience... should I choose to shift my consciousness, yet not have mastery over matter, time and space, and call myself 'fully enlightened' then I would suggest I am very likely caught in a higher place on the path, yet no longer making upwards progress, I've created a better mousetrap...

14 Chakras 02-18-2010 02:07 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by truthseekerdan (Post 240048)
Lisa you can "buy" or believe whatever you want as long as you crucify your ego. :mfr_lol:

God point ~ surrendering the illusions of seperation to Be reborn in Oneness to me is the entire path.

Beliefs are beliefs. They limit. They are prison walls. They are attachments. Truth is an experience in Oneness ~ sometime beliefs can help us to move closer to experiencing Truth, but if they are not helping us achieve this higher consciousness experience in Being Now, then they are chaining us to duality, to our own prison of lack, limitation, powerlessness and suffering...

We must surrender our "riches" of human beliefs to gain the treasures of the Christ consicousness...

truthseekerdan 02-18-2010 02:12 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras (Post 240074)
Beliefs are beliefs. They limit. They are prison walls. They are attachments. Truth is an experience in Oneness ~ sometime beliefs can help us to move closer to experiencing Truth, but if they are not helping us achieve this higher consciousness experience in Being Now, then they are chaining us to duality, to our own prison of lack, limitation, powerlessness and suffering...

We must surrender our "riches" of human beliefs to gain the treasures of the Christ consicousness...

I totally agree with you on this! :thumb_yello:

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