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aroundthetable 03-20-2010 11:34 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
see you over yonder chris :trumpet:

orthodoxymoron 03-21-2010 03:35 AM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
I reverence and respect the God I see in all of creation...especially the Divinity Within Humanity aka the Holy Spirit. However...I have utter distain for those who use God's Name in Vain. I see Wannabe Gods and Goddesses...Human and Non-Human...ruling this Solar System from the shadows. The horror.

The 'Law of Confusion' is a descriptive and appropriate term...but I tend to eschew obfuscation...and to espouse elucidation. A Christocentric eschatological theological approach to scriptural studies which utilizes the concept of comprehensive concentration...which assumes the red-letter teachings of Jesus as being fundamental...with the remaining portions of the biblical canon as being merely contextual...cross-referencing utilizing a Strong's Concordance...and applying the accepted norms of grammatical-historical hermeneutics...is supremely beneficial regarding definitively and devotionally ascertaining the Christ Conscious Aspects of the First Source and Center of All Things...to fully experience Jesus as Lord in modernity...being careful to exegete...rather than eisegetically twisting and corrupting the sacred texts to conform to canon law (there is no substantial body of evidence which substantiates transubstantiation)...so as not to become a reprehensible and reprobate hermeneutic whore...a cursed Judas Iscariot in dire need of prostrate penetance, confession, repentance, and reconciliation...and in grave danger of burning for all eternity as a sinner in the hands of an angry God. World Without End. Amen.
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aroundthetable 03-21-2010 12:24 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Hey Ortho :original:

Give me a week with a dictionary and ill get right back to you :wink2:

On second thoughts ill spend the week focussing on God and trying to be a good person. :thumb_yello:

Nice to see you here again my friend :wub2:

greybeard 03-21-2010 12:31 PM

Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..

Originally Posted by aroundthetable (Post 260022)
Hey Ortho :original:

Give me a week with a dictionary and ill get right back to you :wink2:

On second thoughts ill spend the week focussing on God and trying to be a good person. :thumb_yello:

Nice to see you here again my friend :wub2:

I second all that.
However I get the gist of it Ortho and of course you are right.

The teachings and teachers have always been there, unfortunately they have been hijacked and misused. Jesus certainly was not for churches.
No enlightened being has ever wanted followers of self but followers of the teaching.
Devotion due only to God.

Love Chris

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