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Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Good morning or good evening
It is so good to come back to experience peace and serenity here. Today, my answer to the question why making God unfashionable never works is because every road leads to God. I had two AHA moments. First one, after reading Frank Samuel’s response pertaining to the scripture. We will never understand the scripture by using our left brain. My spiritual awakening and insight comes from my right brain. Second AHA moment pertains to the words of the scripture explaining that we can not trust our hearts because our hearts deceive us. I was deeply puzzled why I can not trust my heart. Well, cognitive therapy explains how our thoughts create our feelings. If they control our minds they control our hearts and feelings. I feel so humble by discovering the depths of the scripture. God is Big.:original::roll1: Love to you all :wub2: |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Whilst we are inhabiting a material body we are most certainly hard wired for God Consciousness, this is the unique opportunity of being in a human body.
Yes TruthandIntegrity, the scriptures are so full of knowledge, one can spend a lifetime simply meditating on one verse and all that it contains, this can be done lightly or in deep study, the more we put in the more we get out....seek and ye shall find, God gives the sincere soul the intelligence by which we can know Him. It is a shame that scriptures are often taken cheaply, or as some kind of fairy tale, it is a shame that these wonders are not taught anymore in the schools and universitys, few people benefit themselves from this eternal knowledge and ultimate truth. Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 7 Text 27 & 29 O scion of Bharata, O conquerer of the foe, all living entities are born into delusion, bewildered by dualities arisen from desire and hatred. Intelligent persons who endeavoring for liberation from old age and death take refuge in Me in devotional service. They are actually Brahman because they entirely know everything about transcendental activities. A peaceful Sunday to all :original: |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Peacfull Sunday to you too aroundthetable.
Lang may yir lum reek. Chris |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
This is a big problem. Schools and Universities teach us linear thinking which is a logical and left brain approach. How they can teach us at school to use our right brain. Another big question to be answered.
Are we wired for God Consciousnes? Humm….. I don’t know. I still have to figure it out. Now, I am clearing all preconceived ideas to find my truth. And I will be very busy clearing this garbage.:lmao: Love to you all |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Truth is children dont arrive with an instruction book. Parents and schools do the best they can in their Newtonian linear way. My favorite teacher DH has the advantage of being a Psychiatrist and his left brain right brain explanations complete with diagrams in one of his books really clears misunderstandings that I had. Anyway when we start developing spiritually an etheric brain is created in the auric field. Thats a whole subject on its own and I only recently read about this. So yes, we are hard wired for God consciousness it is inherent within our "system" As you know the left brain is more to do with intellect. Till recently brain was animalistic in nature ie egoic survival me first stuff, which was very necessary for survival up till now. The front cortex is a recent addition which means we now have a very clever animalistic nature. As we get interested in spiritual matters the ego begins to be transcended, genuine love starts. family may be put before our personal need sacrifices are made. These are right brain functions. The left brain has very strong fight or flight responses, very reactive, ie shoot first as questions later. Runs on adrenalin. As the right brain clicks in on a regular basis the brain physiology begins to change. There is now the posablity of rational though before action, rther than knee jerk. Seratonin is now prevalent in the brain, endorpins rather than adrenalin surfaces. The person is more at peace more balanced. Meditation helps greatly to bring this change about. There is quite a lot about clearing pre concieved ideas on "the ego what is it how to transcend thread", a lot of pages now but it is worth while reading from page one. Regards and best wishes Chris |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Nice input dear souls :original:
Yes, linear thinking, or basically being trained up to serve the state and corporate capitalism, the militaryindustrialpharmoceuticalindustrial complex (is that in the dictionary?!) The focus being to serve and comply with that way of life in general. We have the illusion of freedom of choice etc but the end result is always to maintain 'their' control. I dont really think there is really the level of co-ordination and planning that lots think, i think they are as lost as most, victims of their own system so to speak. Then there is the Vedic perspective, those scriptures state that the material world is indeed essentially a bad place to be, this is because we are not supposed to stay here, we are so much more and when it is our time then God brings us remembrance of Him and the intelligence with which to go back home. Once we realise this, we can be truly happy, even in this lifetime. The soul pervades the body with consciousness, this is the symptom of life. Life comes from Life, not chemicals. |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Hi greybeard,
Oh boy, greybeard, oh boy, greybeard. I have noticed that twice you have tried to influence me by your idea of spirituality. Hard to accept differences?:lol3: Answering your questions, I was at “the ego what is and how to transcend” tread. Well, I don’t like to talk about it any more. Secondly, I have a different approach to ego which is based on Western psychology that keeps me grounded in reality. Thirdly, I don’t like intellectualizing any more. The intellectualization is a powerful ego defense that successfully protects us to feel our feelings. In fact, I don’t like when I can’t feel others feelings because I can not relate to them. Finally, what is a point to talk about the transcendence of the ego if you have another ego attack? :wink2:greybeard, I don’t talk about, I am doing it at the best of my ability. So, my answer for today. I enjoy my journey experiencing and observing the presence of a loving guidance of God. Because when I listen, I always get the answer. And I need a lot of laughter. My free child ego state is screaming to be heard. Love to you all, |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Some of what I wrote is scientific fact re change of physiology of brain Im not trying to influence anyone. A person says something that triggers thoughts which I share, they are on the table to be refused accepted ignored, I dont mind what a persons reactions are. Im not even saying Im right just sharing my understanding of the moment and if it is or I am in error Im happy to pomptly admit I am wrong and appologise. So if you think I am trying to influence you then Im sorry you think that and I appologise. With Love Chris |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Good day to you all and thankyou for your inspirations.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Text 55,56,57 The supreme personality of Godhead said: O Partha, when a man gives up all varieties of desire for sense gratification, which arise from mental concoction, and when his mind, thus purified, finds satisfaction in the self alone, then he is said to be in pure transcendental consciousness. One who is not disturbed in mind even amidst the threefold miseries or elated when there is happiness, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called a sage of steady mind. In the material world, one who is unaffected by whatever good or evil he may obtain, neither praising it nor despising it, is firmly fixed in perfect knowledge. :original: |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
So, my answer for today. Celebrating God with all of my heart and new clarity. Love to you all, |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
I offer this series of lectures done by sincere devotees of Lord Krishna,
Topics include, Self Confidence Self Discipline Self Sabotage For those of you able to listen im sure you derive some benefit. :original: Here is the link, http://audio.iskcondesiretree.info/i...Mahatma_prabhu There are also lectures by Michael Cremo and Richard L Thompson ( Authors of Hidden Archeology and Human Devolution) |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Truth and integrity if you ever get a chance to attend a retreat with Bible scholars ie. Reverends with Master's and doctors degree in theology and listen to their confessions you'll be shock. This is why using my brain alone did not work for me and for hundreds of scholars that I was fortunate enough to meet.
The heart is a resonator of a language much stronger than the one that your brain can produce. The heart has intellect my friend as it assimilates the heart of God. Studies done on patients who receive a heart transplant also receive a personality change via the new transplanted heart. It seems the heart acts as a hard drive of memories . This information in the last few years has help me to completely heal my physical body among other things, If you learn to produce healing frequencies with your resonator many incredible things begin to happen. This is just my experience, the studies done in Universities across the Globe seems to prove that indeed frequencies do affect the magnetosphere. For me the heart is a magnetosphere resonator without limitation. While some people are concerned about brain IQ my concern is about Heart IQ. Blessings to all :original::thumb_yello::wub2: |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Yes great advice. I sometimes think if people went to a few open AA meetings they would benefit tremendously. Unconditional heart love in action through AA has saved the lives of millions and therefore affected many millions more. With Love Chris |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Hi Greybeard and everybody is good to be back, I hope and pray that everything can be resolved.
This thread is a perfect example of differences ,yet with love and respect realizing that our destination is the same. A rainbow, an assortment of different colors all part of the beautiful rainbow . Blessings to all..:original::thumb_yello::wub2: |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Good to have you back Frank :original:
There should certainly be unity in difference here as the destination is indeed going back home to enjoy with God (Krishna - means all attractive) . I like your analogy of a rainbow :original: |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
All the ancient wisdom traditons, however varied the particular cultures are of course speaking about the same purpose, whether it be Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, american indian culture etc etc etc. They all teach of the Soul surviving the body after death, they all speak of the creator, they all have teachings to maintain this sacred knowledge.
Like many gold coins with different markings on them, whatever the marking, they are all still gold. Gold is gold is gold. |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Thanks for that post Dan, it is good to see some good Christian philosophy and teachings, i recognise it as the absolute truth because the same truths are also expounded in the Vedas :thumb_yello:
In the Vedas a soul empowered by God is called Avatar ( One who descends to earth ) to establish eternal principles. There are of course many bogus cheaters who claim this but it is easy to identify the truth, just in the way Jesus stated in your qoute. And also, a genuine Avatar will display miracles, and is also empowered to attract millions of devotees. Jesus fits these requirements in every way, there is no doubt he is the genuine article. It should be made clear however that we are Gods only in the sense that we are part and parcel of God and not of course God himself. If anyone claims to be God, just ask them to perform a miracle! |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Hi Dan, i like the 'simply have faith because of the things i do' qoute, i think this is a way for all people to approach God whether religious or not, an essential first step that will lead one on a sure path. If they approach scripture even theoretically, with a humble heart, then faith will become solid without doubt, a small amount of application on the part of the individual soul will bring great self-realisation.
Here is another qoute, this one from Kripamoya Dasa, Inner concentration and stillness is the first symptom of an enlightened soul. This state of mind, once reached, overcomes the craving for material pleasure that is the very source of all our unhappiness. A more satisfying contentment is available and when you have it you will become free from attachment, fear, greed and anger. But selfish motivation must be given up. The mind is different from the self and can be used for good or bad. The five senses likewise. A mind accustomed to obeying the demands of the senses will lead you into tangled karmic actions and reactions. The senses make good servants but bad masters, and therefore the senses must be controlled by a mind governed by intelligence. But first, in order to be able to do this, we must taste spiritual bliss, a higher taste. Only then will it be easy to make the right choices, free from artificial repression. |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
Three stages of enlightenment
There are three stages of enlightenment. The first level is the awareness and enjoyment of eternity, the sense that, in truth, All is One, and that we exist above and beyond the dream of illusion in the bright light of the Absolute. The second level is reached with the dawning comprehension that there is a separate source of the bliss we feel, and that we are as rays of light from this divine origin. We feel that we are pervaded by this source of all, yet remain distinct. We are dependent and that the source is independent like the sun. Comprehending this, we awaken to the knowledge that even though we have tasted eternity, there exists a relationship with the One who radiates love for us and this impels us to reciprocate. More than this: that just as there are distinctive qualities within the world of matter, the inverted reflection of the world above, there is an even greater variety of colour, forms and sensations within spiritual existence. These now become manifest to us, as objects and figures appear from a mist. As our revelation progresses, we comprehend that our essential personality is not extinguished by our enlightenment; that personhood is the irreducible component of all existence, and that there is a personal God, and that God has always known us, and loves us. Finally, the culmination of enlightenment arrives, that we fully restore our long dormant relationship of loving service to God. The Sanskrit name for God is Krishna, or ‘One who attracts all.’ Three primary forces But to attain any degree of enlightenment we must struggle with the forces that keep us in the darkness. The Gita explains that there are three primary influences that constitute all of nature and its powerful hold over us. Like the three primary colours of red, blue and yellow, which mix to create all colours, the qualities of material nature combine and interact in endless permutations. So long as we live in this world of matter we cannot escape their primary influences. These three gunas or ‘ropes,’ described as ‘goodness, passion and ignorance’ strongly codify and colour our perception, desires, goals, interaction with others and hence our diet, choice of fellowship, sense of morality and therefore our belief system or ‘religion.’ The pure desire of the soul to be united with Krishna is filtered through these ‘colours’ and hence a multitude of different earthly aspirations and religions are born. When geographical and historical factors are added to this mixture, we arrive at the confusing paradox of a world where many religious paths each claim to have discovered an exclusive truth. Yet no sincere religion practised with faith is decried in the Gita. Even though the speaking of the Gita took place before the manifestation of the religions we can list today, still the modes and mentalities that produced them all existed in very ancient times. They are all, ultimately, on the same path. As the practitioners become free from illusion, in this lifetime or the next, so the ultimate goal of the spiritual path will be revealed. Kripamoya Dasa |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
"That which gives us pleasure gives us pain"
We can have anything in our life and enjoy it , pain free it is as long there is the realization that everything is a gift from God and that way if it departs there is no sense of loss as there was no sense of personal ownership. The joy is inherent within and is not dependent on the external. Namaste Chris |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
yer ,
I'd have to agree . All things said I reckon I do a pretty good job of being fashion and trend conscious . Well take a look . what do you reckon . baba nam kavalum:lmao: |
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
It all depends upon the kind of pleasure you seek. Generally speaking, pleasures in the material life are fleeting and temporary or at worst damaging and dangerous, the cultivation of spiritual happiness however is clean free and beneficial to yourself and others. It does not become 'unfashionable' :winksmiley02:
Re: Why making God unfashionable never works..
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