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-   -   Healing list....put the name here .... (http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15358)

peaceandlove 07-24-2009 05:12 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by Tango (Post 153351)
I think! I Should just let her sleeep. NO More of that. She saw tubes...

She's in a LOT of pain ' pelvis ' this one is going to take a long time
to heal... She's going to need Y'all to help ' her ' through this.....
Just... gonna let her rest... Dream Becky...


Blessings to ALL,

Yes Tango, she saw the tubes and lost it. They put her under an induced coma for 3 days and then she had blood and fluid on the brain and remained in serious condition and yesterday it was finally subsiding and she now knows who she is today.

Her husband Hank then was deteriorating and in immediate need of back surgery and as of a day ago was unable to receive the surgery due to a heart condition and esophagus issue. Just moments ago I spoke with my friend again and Hank is now strong enough for surgery and will be under the knife in about 6 hours.

Bless you all for your prayers and support of Becky and Hank. I'm sure your heartfelt love and compassion is surrounding them and is of great help in their time of need.

With the sincerest respect and love for you all.


mudra 07-24-2009 05:21 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Here I come humbly today carrying my own daughter Laura and myself in your hearts.
She is in deep mental distress and it has become more that I can handle on my own to
help her through.
This has been a long and painfull situation, a knot that does'nt seem to find an issue .
I see the light at the end of the tunnel but sharing with you things as they are now give me
the strengh and the feeling that things will speed up and a shift will take place soon.
May she be well and happy and may wisdom and insight shine on both of uson our way.

Thank you to all of you
I love you dearly

lightbeing 07-24-2009 06:06 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Dear mudra,

Sending healing love energy and light to your daughter Laura and you.
May she open her heart and receive in love and in joy....

......Tad-ya-ta: Om Be-kan-dze Be-kan-dze Ma-ha Be-kan-dze
Ra-dza Sa-mung-ga-te So-ha!.....


rhythm 07-24-2009 06:23 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by mudra (Post 155540)
Here I come humbly today carrying my own daughter Laura and myself in your hearts.
She is in deep mental distress and it has become more that I can handle on my own to
help her through.
This has been a long and painfull situation, a knot that does'nt seem to find an issue .
I see the light at the end of the tunnel but sharing with you things as they are now give me
the strengh and the feeling that things will speed up and a shift will take place soon.
May she be well and happy and may wisdom and insight shine on both of uson our way.

Thank you to all of you
I love you dearly

yes dear Mudra THIS is just what this thread is for

not for only people we know

but somtimes our selfes !!!

do we tend to feel that

we dont matter ....put others before ourselfes maby ...

no add your self here .. for what ever reasons .

Sending beams of golden sunlight to carry you and you daughter

to a new and shining realms ... of love and understanding .. healing..

now you ask you shall recieve ....let it be ...and so shal it be ....

14 Chakras 07-24-2009 07:24 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Updated NAMES
Maria Johnson and family
all living creatures
and all that lives and grows .

giovonni 07-24-2009 08:27 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by mudra (Post 155540)
Here I come humbly today carrying my own daughter Laura and myself in your hearts.
She is in deep mental distress and it has become more that I can handle on my own to
help her through.
This has been a long and painfull situation, a knot that does'nt seem to find an issue .
I see the light at the end of the tunnel but sharing with you things as they are now give me
the strengh and the feeling that things will speed up and a shift will take place soon.
May she be well and happy and may wisdom and insight shine on both of uson our way.

Thank you to all of you
I love you dearly

I Love You~ Mudra
May~ Laura's healing continue full speed!

giovonni 07-25-2009 12:36 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
thank you so much for creating this thread~

and also for sending me this video~

when we are healing ourselves ~ we are assisting in healing mother earth

msgloryus 07-25-2009 02:02 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Please may I add my friend Doreen . She is such a brave, kind person.

mudra 07-25-2009 04:06 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
My dear friends,

Thank you for all the love you give .
I feels sooooo very good to receive it and then forward to others.
Thank you for being who you are.
I'll be leaving avalon for a week as I am going to the UK for the nexus gathering.
So if you don't see me here know that I am with you in spirit and oneness always.

Love from me

WinterWolf 07-25-2009 05:26 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
May all who seek it, receive all the healing they need.

Sending healing energy to all who have asked for it.

Winter Wolf

Karen 07-25-2009 06:29 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Please ask permission from the higher self of my daughter Stephanie ...

I am in Portland, OR staying with her for the past month at her new location and have had maybe 2 hours of civil conversation with her trying to help her settle in and also to navigate a "sick" care insurance coverage system that has had sweet little to offer her so far but a multitude of pharmacartel drugs.

She has no idea who her mother is, researcher of alternative health care for the past 20 years ... with knowledge of or ability to find some of the best alternative care available on planet earth. So I cook, clean, wash, iron, mend, and do yard work to take those stressors off her plate.

I think it may be fibromyalgia - she has lots of pain, fatigue, exhaustion, irritability and many of the multi-system symptoms described on this list:

I like this post on Equanimity http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ity#post155620

It reminds me to practice being the unmovable rock in the swirling river or
the willow bending in the tempest.

The weather in usually rainy Portland has been marvelous, and the back yard here is a forest with laurel, weeping birch, magnolia, pine .... In the front a neighbor's tree is a huge American Elm with a trunk at least 6 feet in diameter and branches which make a canopy over half of this property. It is thought to be around 150 years old. I've also had a lot of time to relax into this beauty and wonder that surrounds me as on the weekends I've had the place all to myself.

I believe in miracles.

Love is who we are,

rhythm 07-25-2009 07:07 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Maria johnson and family
and all living cratures
Peace and healing be ...

Mystic Pilgrim 07-25-2009 07:55 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
For Mudra and her daughter Laura, and for Karen and her daughter Stephanie -- you have always taken care of those who have asked for guidance and help in this forum. Now it is our turn to return the love and guidance you have showered on us with healing thoughts and waves of love.

May all the caregivers in this forum receive love and positive energy as well!

For Becky and Hank, I send you healing thoughts and energies. I hope you get better everyday and forget all the suffering you have experienced in the past.

For all of those who are in pain and suffering, whether physical or mental in this forum, I humbly send you white healing thoughts and energies from this day on. Every night before I sleep, I always have this secret wish that I can reach out to you in the astral world and heal your bodies and worries away.

Because all of us are connected in so many ways than one. In the astral world, we are ALL connected -- whether you believe it or not.


Mystic Pilgrim


Originally Posted by Karen (Post 155859)
Please ask permission from the higher self of my daughter Stephanie ...

I am in Portland, OR staying with her for the past month at her new location and have had maybe 2 hours of civil conversation with her trying to help her settle in and also to navigate a "sick" care insurance coverage system that has had sweet little to offer her so far but a multitude of pharmacartel drugs.

She has no idea who her mother is, researcher of alternative health care for the past 20 years ... with knowledge of or ability to find some of the best alternative care available on planet earth. So I cook, clean, wash, iron, mend, and do yard work to take those stressors off her plate.

I think it may be fibromyalgia - she has lots of pain, fatigue, exhaustion, irritability and many of the multi-system symptoms described on this list:

I like this post on Equanimity http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ity#post155620

It reminds me to practice being the unmovable rock in the swirling river or
the willow bending in the tempest.

The weather in usually rainy Portland has been marvelous, and the back yard here is a forest with laurel, weeping birch, magnolia, pine .... In the front a neighbor's tree is a huge American Elm with a trunk at least 6 feet in diameter and branches which make a canopy over half of this property. It is thought to be around 150 years old. I've also had a lot of time to relax into this beauty and wonder that surrounds me as on the weekends I've had the place all to myself.

I believe in miracles.

Love is who we are,

mudra 07-26-2009 12:08 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Thank you dear Mystic Pilgrim.
It always feels good to see your light shining in Avalon.

Thank you for the love that you share.

Loving kindness

Wormhole 07-26-2009 01:13 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
A heart felt reply to Mudra and Laura. May your healing be kind and full of growth. To all... LOVE INFUSION:wub2::wub2::wub2:

Peace of Mind,

giovonni 07-26-2009 07:30 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Please ask permission from the higher self of my daughter Stephanie ...

Bless you Karen~
I sense Stephanie and You are already there!

Your both Golden Lady's:wub2:

Karen 07-26-2009 07:40 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Thank you Mystic and giovonni - this is such a warm and golden thread!

lightbeing 07-26-2009 09:54 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Sending blessings and healing light energies to all those who seek.

May their hearts open and receive in love and joy....


scanner 07-26-2009 11:45 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
my contribution to the effort light to all who need it and there carers bless them all :thumb_yello:

bushycat 07-27-2009 10:40 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by rhythm (Post 155868)

Maria johnson and family
and all living cratures
Peace and healing be ...

Love and comfort to all on the list.
Dear Laura and Dear Stephanie, may you soon realize and dwell in the great light of your mothers' hearts.
Aloha, Bushycat

spaceman44 07-28-2009 12:45 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
My wife Annette, she has lung cancer

bushycat 07-28-2009 01:32 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by spaceman44 (Post 156501)
My wife Annette, she has lung cancer

Dearest Annette,
I want to send you great healing love, gentle hugs, and fresh clear air to fill your precious body.
Aloha, Bushycat

giovonni 07-28-2009 06:20 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by spaceman44 (Post 156501)
My wife Annette, she has lung cancer

Greeting's my Friend,
May You~Annette and your Family~
Be Blessed and Showered in the Abundance
of the Healing Love~ from all here at Avalon

My best ~ always too you<>giovonni

rhythm 07-28-2009 08:25 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
up dated list .....

Maria johnson and family
and all living creatures
peace and healing be ....

if there are eny changes please let me know
in service to the one rhythm .

lightbeing 07-28-2009 09:29 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Blessings and love to all who seek healing..sending healing light energy..

May their hearts open and receive in love and joy....


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