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-   -   Healing list....put the name here .... (http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15358)

metaw3 07-15-2009 03:45 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
My girlfriend prays a lot for people. She always has a list of people who agreed that she prays for them. I told her about this thread and asked if she had names that could be posted here, like "desperate causes". Here they are:

Monique (many health problems, she is still greiving over the loss of her 16 year old grand daughter, a year ago)

Gaby (3rd cancer, chemo)

BROOK 07-15-2009 03:46 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by peaceandlove (Post 152614)
A friend's relatives, two motorcyclists, husband and wife, hit by pizza delivery truck in ICU now.

HANK two broken legs and back.

and BECKY, his wife, many fractures, still unconscious over 72 hours now.

Bless you for any healing energy sent their way.


Sending healing warm energy to wake golden healing energy :wub2:

BROOK 07-15-2009 03:49 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

jean evans
Maurice spong
Spencer spratley

Warm healing energy sent from me to all of you :wub2:

BROOK 07-15-2009 03:50 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by metaw3 (Post 152682)
My girlfriend prays a lot for people. She always has a list of people who agreed that she prays for them. I told her about this thread and asked if she had names that could be posted here, like "desperate causes". Here they are:

Monique (many health problems, she is still greiving over the loss of her 16 year old grand daughter, a year ago)

Gaby (3rd cancer, chemo)

Blessings and healing energy to Monique :wub2:

WinterWolf 07-15-2009 04:20 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Sending continued healing to all.

Winter Wolf

rhythm 07-15-2009 03:02 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
The mind can heal

the body

but the body cant heal

the mind....

There can be no order of difficulty in healing
merely because all sickness is illusion

(course in Miracles)...

Mystic Pilgrim 07-15-2009 04:17 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
To all those needing healing energy, will continue to send them even while sleeping.:original:

Great thread Luminari. I wonder where I can get that book you are recommending . . .

Mystic Pilgrim


Originally Posted by peaceandlove (Post 152614)
A friend's relatives, two motorcyclists, husband and wife, hit by pizza delivery truck in ICU now.

HANK two broken legs and back.

and BECKY, his wife, many fractures, still unconscious over 72 hours now.

Bless you for any healing energy sent their way.


Luminari 07-16-2009 01:16 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by Luminari (Post 152608)
Henry Deacon



Humble Janitor 07-16-2009 01:27 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Anyone that I know and associate with everyday, online and offline, whether I like them or not, I would love for them to having healing energy for their respective ailments, whether they be physical, mental or spiritual.

I hope it's not selfish to wish such a thing. I will send them such energy as well.

Tango 07-16-2009 01:41 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by peaceandlove (Post 152614)
A friend's relatives, two motorcyclists, husband and wife, hit by pizza delivery truck in ICU now.

HANK two broken legs and back.

and BECKY, his wife, many fractures, still unconscious over 72 hours now.

Bless you for any healing energy sent their way.


" Becky...."

I'll Take Becky... No need of a last name... Either she answers my call Or.

I need a location for " Becky ".... within 35 mi.

if hosp. name... I can do that...

Sometimes unconscious is a " Good " thing... I was unconscious 3 mths...
In hospital for almost 4 years...

" I AM going to give " Becky " my attention...." waiting for that Location
PaL of the being.... Becky....


morem 07-16-2009 02:04 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

What a great thread. I want to add my sister Sandra (has carpel tunnel on both hands) she wants to avoid surgery. Thank you.

sleepingnomore 07-16-2009 02:06 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
May the universe send a steady stream of healing energy for those in need and I add my healing thoughts and prayers for all.

Peace, LOVE and light.

WinterWolf 07-16-2009 04:41 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
I will try to help him out as best as I can.

Winter Wolf

WinterWolf 07-16-2009 04:43 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor (Post 152961)
Anyone that I know and associate with everyday, online and offline, whether I like them or not, I would love for them to having healing energy for their respective ailments, whether they be physical, mental or spiritual.

I hope it's not selfish to wish such a thing. I will send them such energy as well.

It is never selfish to ask for healing for anyone, whether you know them that well or dislike them.

Healing is for everyone in need. :)

Winter Wolf

rhythm 07-16-2009 09:39 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor (Post 152961)
Anyone that I know and associate with everyday, online and offline, whether I like them or not, I would love for them to having healing energy for their respective ailments, whether they be physical, mental or spiritual.

I hope it's not selfish to wish such a thing. I will send them such energy as well.

That is so loverly i join you in this ....

Let the healing be ...

let this thread flow with love and light ...

i will tend it here like a garden of light :wub2::wub2::wub2:

shred 07-16-2009 10:55 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
My mother-in-law. She has cancer and were are being told she has little time left. There is probably nothing that can be done to heal her physically , but please send some loving spiritual healing her way to make it so shes in less pain, and so her remaining time here is peaceful and that she is loved. She really is the most compassionate person I have ever met and is the center of her family.

Maria Johnson

Also please send some healing to her family , husband , children, who are distraught with grief. Please help them understand that shes going to a better place, of pure love, and that they should be happy for her. That they too will join her someday, that this isnt the end, just another beginning

Thank you
Love & Peace to all

rhythm 07-16-2009 01:39 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
to ALL here who are taking

on the healing.... I am making a LIST .... of the names as they come in

it could get to be a long list .. ....and this way not to loose track ...

i leave the list under my large quartz cryTsal ...

and tend to it each day ......

also if the names need to come OFF...

. the list pleeze come here and say ....

also if there are eny reports .. follow ups .. be good to here of them too...

thanks ONE and ALL ...(.let this not just be a list of names .. LET US BE COMMITTED....)

in loving healing service .. rhythmmm ....love n light ...

Orion11 07-16-2009 05:58 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
thank you all! :wub2:

Thanks for the kind message. :wub2:

and i was thinking about what you said,
while typing my Moms name...

then realized... like you...
that it doesnt even matter.

there is nothing anyone can do to us.
nothing permanent anyhow.

thanks again, I love all of ya. <3

lightbeing 07-16-2009 06:16 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Divine blessings and healing love energies to those that need it.
May they open their hearts and receive ...


Avid 07-16-2009 06:29 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by peaceandlove (Post 152614)
A friend's relatives, two motorcyclists, husband and wife, hit by pizza delivery truck in ICU now.

HANK two broken legs and back.

and BECKY, his wife, many fractures, still unconscious over 72 hours now.

Bless you for any healing energy sent their way.


Love and healing sent their way if they will accept - we learn in these hours of need - blessings, and fortitudinous hugs to those who are in distress xxx

WinterWolf 07-16-2009 08:04 PM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
I will try to do what I can for her and her family.

May the Divine Grace and Love of the Blessed Mother give comfort and healing surround her and her family. May the Three hold her in comfort and ease her pain.

May you and your be filled with overwhelming love and peace. May you all be comforted in this time of need.

Winter Wolf


Originally Posted by shred (Post 153064)
My mother-in-law. She has cancer and were are being told she has little time left. There is probably nothing that can be done to heal her physically , but please send some loving spiritual healing her way to make it so shes in less pain, and so her remaining time here is peaceful and that she is loved. She really is the most compassionate person I have ever met and is the center of her family.

Maria Johnson

Also please send some healing to her family , husband , children, who are distraught with grief. Please help them understand that shes going to a better place, of pure love, and that they should be happy for her. That they too will join her someday, that this isnt the end, just another beginning

Thank you
Love & Peace to all

peaceandlove 07-17-2009 05:15 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Thank you Brook, Mystic Pilgrim, Tango and Avid, and all others with healing thoughts of BECKY and HANK.

Jacksonville, Florida by the way Tango.

Received this email this morning, 7/16, at 7:31 AM from my friend regarding her close relative.


Becky woke up and she freaked cuz of the pain and not knowing what was going on
they put her in a medical coma for three days to protect her.
This is more than they expected already. I will hear more details tomorrow.



BROOK 07-17-2009 05:21 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....
Wonderful news Peaceandlove :naughty:
Thanks for the update...will send healing energy and many blessings :wub2:


BROOK 07-17-2009 05:32 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by shred (Post 153064)
My mother-in-law. She has cancer and were are being told she has little time left. There is probably nothing that can be done to heal her physically , but please send some loving spiritual healing her way to make it so shes in less pain, and so her remaining time here is peaceful and that she is loved. She really is the most compassionate person I have ever met and is the center of her family.

Maria Johnson

Also please send some healing to her family , husband , children, who are distraught with grief. Please help them understand that shes going to a better place, of pure love, and that they should be happy for her. That they too will join her someday, that this isnt the end, just another beginning

Thank you
Love & Peace to all

Blessings to your family Shred.....may their sorrow be healed.
And healing any pain for Maria...she is blessed to have her loving family
around her at this time
May the flame of Love burn bright


peaceandlove 07-17-2009 05:33 AM

Re: Healing list....put the name here ....

Originally Posted by BROOK (Post 153338)
Wonderful news Peaceandlove :naughty:
Thanks for the update...will send healing energy and many blessings :wub2:


:mfr_omg: What a gorgeous picture, from a gorgeous HUman being. :wink2:

Thank you.

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