View Full Version : STEVEN GREER P.L.F's and common sense questions

09-16-2008, 01:09 AM
Ive been mulling over every PCam interviewee in addition to david icke, collier,billy meier, and countless coast to coast interviews as well as spiritual books and physics etc ive bought--and lastly steven greer.

almost everybody BUT steven greer subscribes to the "alien agenda" and or time traveling timeline futureselves ET's as well as the reptillian stuff.

what ive noticed is a LACK of interviewees talking about PLF's and MILABS
-programmed life forms and military abduction-
Greer states that plf's are genetically constructed "greys and or reptillian" that basically perform military abductions using back engineered alien reproduction vehicles and way advanced psyco-tronic devices.
Greer has had meeting with all kinds of UN/CIA/BLACK OPS/INTELLIGENCE etc and seems like one of the most legit "ufologists" out there today.

now assume this is true for a moment. he raises very good common sense questions
- why would beings SO far advanced go to all the trouble to abduct a human for genetic material when they could easily recreate anything they wanted from human DNA
-why would the 'annunaki" have humans mine gold when we ourselves or on the verge of transmuting elements-couldnt advanced beings make gold easily?
-isnt making blonde haired blue eyed "nordic" aliens the good guys and "grey or reptillian" weird looking alien the "bad guys" isnt that a little simplistic and "racist" for lack of a better word? really think of it-if the "p-52 orions" or "nordics" are enlightened versions of us, what did they do? eliminate all latino,black,asian genes? is that how you perfect the human race? sounds like hitler to me.

according to Greer he says he's been aboard craft and its never ONE race its many different ET's and they never give him names of individuals or where theyre from and that we should be wary of any contactee that names the race or star system etc.

ask yourself WHO benefits from the "alien agenda" idea? its a fear based idea. the idea of "intergalactic" war he says is ridiculous because beings with that mindset arent allowed to leave their biosphere, which he says we are now and have been shoo'd off the moon and contained here on earth till we get it together peace-wise.

no offense to dan burisch but ive always wondered why beings 45,000 years ahead of us would need to work with our scientists? that would be like us trying to figure out how to build a rocket with a neanderthal, also why come back and make abduction treaties? why not abduct who they want whenever? what can we do about it? for that matter why not go back to 1256 AD or 10,000 BC when we had even less of a chance to defend ourselves?

also if we have a treaty with the greys where we get technology from these guys, why are we shooting down UFO's and trying to back engineer them? whats the point if theyre giving it to us for free?

im not trying to say that all these other people are wrong im just asking some common sense questions we should all ask. there was a crop circle decoded that something along the lines of "we are against deception, believe there is still good out there, the conduit is closing"

heres a good sit down session with greer


and heres an article

Abductions - Not All that Glitters is Gold

by Steven M. Greer, M.D.
Copyright 1996

Click Here for PDF Version

Since the late 1970s, there has been an unprecedented focus in the UFO subculture and pop media on the subject of so-called 'alien abductions'. A constant stream of books, videos, movies, lectures and the like have served to keep this subject in the forefront of our awareness. Across America, numerous cities have self-styled 'abduction support groups', and an increasing number of therapists have begun to counsel and advise alleged victims of alien abductions.

But we have found that there is something much stranger going on than 'alien abductions', and the truth about this matter is far more bizarre than the idea of ETs taking women aboard UFOs to create babies which incubate in space.

Before exploring the really bizarre - and scary - things going on with this phenomenon, let us first state what is obvious to all but the true believers and hard-core abduction aficionados: Not all that glitters is gold, and we are dealing with a multiplicity of phenomena, not a single phenomenon, as conventional wisdom now holds.

Let no one conclude, please, that what follows is a denial of the possibility that some, rare direct human-extraterrestrial contact has occurred. It is likely that it has, but these cases are like pure gold nuggets, which have deliberately and through human folly been hidden under a mountain of fools gold. It may superficially look the same, and glitter in the same way - but the difference is vast.

Here we step into a mixture of great mystery, deliberate covert deception, unbridled human foolishness and fear-mongoring, all blended together into a belief system which, if challenged, yields the challenger attacks from a myriad of sources. I am aware at the outset that the sharing of the perspectives which follow will induce in many a reactionary response to 'shoot the messenger'. But I beg for your patience, and just a bit of open-minded inquiry, lest we forever lose those few gold nuggets among the growing mountains of fools gold.

To begin to get ones mind around this matter, one must be knowledgeable in and a student of:

the human mind, spirit and full potential of human experience, both conventional and unconventional;

the UFO subject in general;

the capabilities of esoteric and exotic covert human technologies, especially those employed by deep cover projects dealing with the UFO/ETI subject and which are using reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technologies in mind control and psychological warfare agendas;

an expanded cosmology which takes into account terrestrial and extraterrestrial capabilities and experiences, whether they be physical, mental, non-local/spiritual etc.

In looking at the raw data and reports of alleged human-extraterrestrial contact, I would estimate that fewer than 10% of such cases are what they appear to be. The other 90% of cases are a combination of the following:

Misidentification of other unusual experiences, which, due to the dominant pop culture enthrallment with all things alien, get labeled an 'abduction'. These include so-called (and mislabeled) paranormal experiences related to lucid dreams, out of body experiences, near death experiences, 'astral body' encounters with other non-human (but equally non-extraterrestrial) entities, and similar related phenomena. The need for an expanded cosmological view of potential human experience should be obvious: It is all to easy to mis-label an experience if you do not know what the possibilities are. (The reader is referred to 'Extraterrestrials and the New Cosmology' by Steven M. Greer M.D. for a more in-depth treatment of the cosmology) This is akin to a doctor having only one diagnosis for chest pain - a heart attack. Such a physician, lacking what is called an adequate 'differential diagnosis' would mis-diagnose all chest pain as a heart attack, when it could be that the person was experiencing a collapsed lung, a lung infection, a rupturing aorta, various stomach ailments which present as chest pain and so forth.

In this case, however, many researchers have 'abduction colored glasses on', and hence see most of these other unconventional experiences as abductions. Lacking an adequate 'differential diagnosis' which includes the numerous other types of possible experiences, all such experiences get labeled abductions, and the experiencer, an 'abductee'. Those looking into such experiences owe it to the experiencers , and to the field of knowledge, to be better informed regarding an expanded differential diagnosis. Otherwise, we will continue to have a majority of mis-diagnosed cases.

Confabulation, wannabees, false memory syndrome and mental illness are also part of the mixture of cases. We have learned of one celebrated abduction case where the person lied about prior serious mental illness, and another where the 'abductee' who claimed to have been impregnated by ETs later admitted to having had an affair which resulted in the pregnancy. Now, this is not the sort of thing which proponents of the UFO and abduction field want talked about. But covering up these types of errors only compounds the superstition, ignorance and disinformation which already abounds in this area of study.

Hallucinogenic drug use has been noted to exist among some self-styled 'abductees' as well as researchers. Certainly, an already murky picture is made dimmer by the intervening use of psychoactive drugs.

Most importantly, there is the significant segment of the 90%+ cases of misidentified contact events which are of decidedly covert human origins. This is the area which will be most bizarre to the reader, and most disturbing, and the majority of the remainder of this piece will concern itself with this problem.

Abductions, and the 'abduction syndrome' as it is commonly referred to, is largely a creation of covert human disinformation projects. Both the technologies employed, and the agendas motivating their use, are genuinely troubling. Most will not want to hear what follows, but we feel the time has come for the truth to come out, so that those who will listen can stop being manipulated with false information.

(For more background on the nature of covert human operations dealing with the UFO/ET matter, the reader is referred to 'Unacknowledged', by Steven M. Greer M.D.)

To understand the disinformation capabilities of current and recent covert projects dealing with the UFO/ETI subject, it is necessary to look historically at events, beginning in the 1940s (and perhaps before). The acquisition of advanced extraterrestrial hardware by the mid-1940s (Roswell 1947, Kingman Arizona 1948 etc) led to very deep covert research and development projects related to reverse- engineering extraterrestrial technologies. While most researchers in the field have focused on energy generation (zero-point) and propulsion systems used by ET vehicles to 'transfer' through interstellar space, the area of advanced extraterrestrial communications has been largely ignored. But not by covert human R&D projects.

If it is obviously true that ET spacecraft are not using jet fuel and internal combustion engines to travel through interstellar space, it should be equally true that they are not using AT&T microwave, radio wave or related electromagnetic waves to communicate. Why? Because these EM waves, which travel at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) are too slow to effectively communicate in real time across interstellar distances. Even at the speed of light, it takes 100 earth years for a radio wave to travel only 100 light-years in distance. This means that a two way conversation with one's home planet would take 200 years, and this for only the initial exchange : "Hello, mission control, this is Alpha 1, how are you today?" "This is mission control, we are fine; how are you Alpha 1?" Unless a species lived thousands of years as biological life forms, a routine conversation could not be completed before the death of all parties!

>Therefore, the communication systems used by advanced ET life forms are employing advanced non-local technologies NOT dependent on the linear speed of light. They utilize technologies based on laws of physics not even elaborated by human scientists in the conventional, non-covert world. And these are technologies which directly interface with mind and thought.

This explains why so many individuals have seen an ET craft and then projected spontaneously a thought for it to come back, or move one way or another - and lo and behold it does. Just as a hologram or TV would look like supernatural magic to someone 200 years ago, these technological capabilities look and sound like magic to us in the latter 20th century. (And from this the reader can see why so many 'paranormal' experiences can be erroneously reported as UFO experiences, and vice versa.)

Now, a well-funded covert enterprise reverse-engineering ET technologies will look at all systems, not just ones related to propulsion and basic energy generation. Thus, as a consequence of this research, the covert entity dealing with this matter has elaborated the communications technologies of these life forms, and unfortunately have put them to some very nasty uses.

Once the ET communications technologies were discerned, a decision was made to see how such technologies could be put to use, especially for disinformation purposes. Because above all things, the project dealing covertly with the UFO/ET issue has desired continued secrecy, and a continuation of their exclusive knowledge and control of this subject.

The problem is, the UFOs continue to be seen all over the world, so this matter, in order to be secret, must be hidden in plain sight. And so it is.

One of the principles of good, effective disinformation is that you psychologically manipulate the environment so that people will not know what they are looking at, even if they see it. Another is that the creation of very similar, hoaxed decoy cases - if strategically executed and played out - will hide the real phenomenon, or at least draw peoples' attention away from the real events. And yet another is that if all else fails, and the secrecy is ended, people will be so confused about the real versus the memorex, that they will be easily manipulated to the covert project's agenda.

All of this is at play in the UFO field, and the cornerstone of this disinformation effort is the so-called 'abduction phenomenon'.

Consider this for just a moment: There is a top secret Canadian document, written by Wilbert Smith, which states that , in 1950, the UFO matter was the most secret project in the US, surpassing even the secrecy surrounding the development of the hydrogen bomb! In 1996, the secret is even bigger, and the resources used to maintain the secrecy many orders of magnitude greater than that of 1950. Moreover, the technological resources available to this covert project involve reverse-engineered ET technology, in the form of operational craft, non-linear communications capabilities, and biological 'cloned' entities. It is not hard from this to see that extraordinary resources have been used to maintain the secrecy of this subject.

Everyone in counter-intelligence knows that really good disinformation contains some elements of the truth, thereby making the false information or events more believable to the targeted recipients. In the area of alleged UFO 'abductions', by simulating false, but believable, alien encounters, a number of objectives are accomplished:

Actual ET events are lost amid the mounting cases of hoaxed, simulated cases. As mentioned earlier, the real gold nuggets get buried under a mountain of fools gold - and very few researchers know that they should be doing assays...

By overwhelming the 'sound' of actual ET events with the 'noise' of simulated ones of an increasingly implausible nature, the civilian research community is not only thrown off track by pursuing false cases, it is increasingly discredited. The wilder and more absurd the scenarios are which are fed to victims of human covert abductions, the more the general scientific and media communities view the entire field as so much nonsense. In this way, human initiated covert abductions not only serve as decoys in the UFO civilian research community, but serve to avert serious inquiry from the 'mainstream' scientific and media communities. It is a master stroke of disinformation, which the civilian community has swallowed hook, line and sinker.

The use of reverse-engineered ET communications technology for disinformation purposes via abductions and the like also allows for the testing of such systems to evaluate their efficacy and reliability. For those who believe that the testing of such 'non-lethal' weapons on the civilian population by covert operations is unthinkable, remember the covert testing of radioactive substances on innocent civilians during the Cold War. In 1993, the Department Of Energy (formerly Atomic Energy Commission) and its leader,Hazel O'Leary, released documents disclosing the fact that innocent civilians had been deliberately contaminated with plutonium and other toxic radioactive substances to simply see what the effect would be. It was reported that plutonium was actually put on the oatmeal of children in an orphanage to see what effect it would have! The same sociopathic excesses of those secret plutonium testing projects are being replayed in spades in the civilian sector with simulated ET abductions of innocent humans, so-called cattle mutilations (also largely of covert human origin) and related covert projects. We may not want to believe this, because it seems just too horrible. But the longer we live in denial, the more we will be led down the primrose path of deception and the manipulation of our minds and emotions.

Most disturbing are the apparent underlying motives and agendas driving these covert human projects dealing with abductions and the like. Aside from the deflective, decoy value described above, the content of the hoaxed human initiated abduction experience is decidedly negative, xenophobic, fear-inducing and anger-inducing. To what end? Could it be that both the 'abductees' and the millions who learn of their horrifying experiences through books, videos, TV specials and movies are being prepared to hate the 'alien presence' and thereby accept, somewhere down the road, the sacrifices needed to engage in interplanetary war? And who would benefit from such a 'star wars' scenario? The military- industrial complex. The very same interests about whom we were warned by no less a figure than 5 star general and conservative republican president Ike Eisenhower. After all, the classic uses of psychological warfare were (and are) related to preparing a civilian population to hate the enemy, and to be so animated in that direction that any sacrifice would be made to fight them. Could it be that we are now being so manipulated, so that we will collectively accept the costs of building the capability for interplanetary war - a capability which would extract trillions of dollars from the world economy?

Actually, it appears to be even worse than this.

We have learned, by investigating the ties, proclivities and beliefs of a number of people connected to abduction programs, that there is a clear aeschatological bent to their endeavors. This means that part of the agenda is serving the bizarre, religious purpose of resurrecting satan in the form of ET, and fanning the flames of a future 'holy war' against them, to coincide with the end of the world. I know this sounds bizarre and unbelievable (it was very difficult to accept when it first came to my attention) but it is one of the very deep, dark and frightening sub-texts of the entire ET issue. For those awaiting the end of the world with the changing of the millennium, what better vehicle than to frame the 'final conflict' between humanity and evil invaders from outer space? More than a few people in the UFO subculture, who present themselves as impartial scientists and / or benefactors, hold to this paradigm. And deliberate actions are being taken to fulfill it.

On one occasion, I had the opportunity to meet with a foreign head of state, who has an interest in this subject. Over the course of an hour and a half to 2 hour meeting, I learned, to my horror, that this leader was doing everything he could to see that the world knew about the evil, sinister and manipulative agenda of the 'aliens' by advancing the world's knowledge of abductions! Worse, I was categorically informed that every set-back in human history, every international conflict, and the very basis of the non-fulfillment of human potential, since Adam and Eve, was the result of the nefarious manipulations of the 'aliens' ! After mostly listening politely for an hour and a half, I let this leader know that this was not at all our assessment of the situation.

Later I learned of this person's ties to fringe religious groups, and also a network of similar leaders and benefactors of abduction 'research' which has ties to bizarre end-of-the-world religious groups, who demonize the ET presence to fit the current religious paradigm. And the anchor for all of this is the abduction 'phenomenon'.

If the reader is not concerned by now, check your pulse.

Now, it is not clear if these bizarre beliefs are fundamental to the covert programs, or simply an intended out-growth of them. That is, it is likely that these leaders and benefactors have been manipulated into this assessment by covert projects dealing with abductions and mutilations, and they have created a way to fit the 'reality' of abductions into their religious belief systems, as it pertains to the 'end times'. Such persons may themselves be victims of manipulation, and they are responding to the 'content' of the 'abduction syndrome' in a predictable way, given their religious beliefs.

Nevertheless, the deception, hoax and manipulation which all of this represents is effective, because most humans are, alas, easily deceived and especially vulnerable to manipulations of their fears of 'invasion'. Since cave man and tribal times, to the war in Bosnia of the 1990s, one of the basic fears of peoples around the world has been that of invasion, and (no coincidence) the abduction of women and children by the invaders. It is such a basic fear, that it is easily manipulated. We would suggest that this primal fear of abduction, rooted in the ancient collective history and consciousness of humanity, has been used to skillfully manipulate and inflame the fears of extraterrestrial life forms.

We have, collectively, been all too willing to take this bait.

Even the lexicon developed in the UFO subculture - the 'abduction by aliens' - is inherently xenophobic and draws sweeping conclusions about the ET presence, which are unwarranted by the objective facts. And we have learned that when others, who have done their homework on covert capabilities in this regard, have attempted to point this possibility out to the UFO community, they have been shouted down and ultimately black-balled from events. The true-believers in the abduction scenario do not want to consider that there are covert capabilities (and have been for decades) which can simulate an 'alien abduction', totally using reverse-engineered ET technologies.

How do we know about these capabilities? Research, investigation, interviewing knowledgeable people who have had involvement with these technologies, and personal experience. Over a 3-4 year period, we have interviewed individuals with top-secret clearances in areas related to electronic mind control and related technologies. What we have learned is best summarized by a statement from Officer W-1: ' Technologies exist, which are ready, off-the-shelf capable, and which can fit in a panel truck or on an antennae in a city, which can totally induce an experience.If it is desired, a targeted person - or group of people - can be made to have a conversation with their personal God, and they will believe it is real, and they will pass a lie detector that it is real, because for them it is real...'

We have identified people who recall, despite chemical 'deprogramming ' over a three day period, being in special para-military units and being 'abductors'. That is, these individuals were used to 'abduct' civilians, in an elaborate and technologically exotic hoax. These humans were the abductors, not the extraterrestrials. But the technology, reverse-engineered from the ETs, is so good, that unless one knew to look for a hoax this good, one would be forever deceived.

And yes, these projects have had the capability for decades to place 'implants' into humans (and animals) for the purpose of not only tracking and reconnaissance, but for inducing specific experiences.

>Worse yet, these capabilities have been used to 'abduct', intimidate and deceive world leaders on this subject, and to specifically get them to maintain the secret status of these programs.

Specifically, the abduction of a certain past MAJOR world leader was orchestrated by covert forces attempting to end a planned disclosure on this subject by this leader, the US President, the head of the USSR and others. A first hand witness, who is friends with this world leader and is himself a head of state, has related the details of this abduction to me personally. It was an effective, if horrible attempt to frighten these world leaders into ending their plans to disclose the UFO information to the world at the end of the cold war. Both this world leader, and the head of state and friend who related this to me, did not know that this event was done by covert human forces. They thought it was an actual alien abduction!

And the message offered to this world leader, by these hoaxed aliens? 'Cease your plans to disclose our presence to the world, or we can and will abduct every world leader involved...' How convenient. Notwithstanding the fact that in this same time frame ET craft were being seen in a massive wave in Belgium, and one would soon begin in the volcanic zone of Mexico and around Mexico City, we are to believe that the ETs would abduct a world leader to hide their presence!

This, I am told, 'blew up like an atomic bomb in the White House', and all plans to effect a disclosure on this subject were ended, forthwith and forever.

Recently, I have learned of a group of researchers who have independently identified a covert operative who was involved in 'abducting' a woman in California and who was, not coincidentally, in the security detail for the world leader the night of the 'alien abduction'. It does not take a rocket scientist to see what the agenda is here, and how all of us have been manipulated into a belief in the 'abduction syndrome', and our leaders intimidated into inaction.

I realize that this information is harder to accept than (even) the idea that we are being visited by extraterrestrial life forms. But that is the point. These secret projects are so bizarre and sociopathic, that they are their own best cover. Who would believe it? And by manipulating the images and ideas in the public domain on this subject, we are led to either disgust and rejection of the entire phenomenon, or to anger and hate toward the visitors. How convenient...

It is time for the civilian research community to get serious about this matter. We must do our homework, and ask the hard questions. We must become knowledgeable regarding what the true covert human capabilities are, and man induced abductions. We must be more restrained and cautious, and avoid sweeping, paranoic pronouncements regarding so called 'alien agendas', since the events upon which we base such assumptions may be of a very human origin.

From what we have learned from first hand witnesses to covert capabilities, covert reverse-engineering projects, and covert human abductions, we need to take another very hard look at the entire 'alien abduction' syndrome, as it is currently described. I believe that the entire data base on this matter has to be taken apart and rebuilt, using a more inclusive cosmology, which includes not only ET/Human interactions, but also, other experiences as described earlier, and, most importantly, covert human capabilities and disinformation programs.

Not all that glitters is gold, and discerning this fact, by our leaders and the public, may determine whether we are manipulated into a future of inter-planetary conflict, or instead, choose a future of rational and peaceful engagement.

For the sake of the earth, and the generations which follow us, I hope we are wise enough to choose peace.

Steven M. Greer M.D.
5 November 1996
Copyright © 1996 Steven M. Greer M.D.
All Rights Reserved.

09-16-2008, 01:11 AM
AT LAST!! Please refer to one of THE original whistleblowers re this very topic, Barry King, please check the posts we have made here on this site..........................


09-16-2008, 01:20 AM
Possibly, but everyone should acquaint themselves with the long running testimony of Barry King re disclosures. Until recently he was about to be interviewed by Exopolitics UK and indeed Bill & Kerry. Official restraints followed by abusive trauma prevented him from speaking. He is now recovering in our care from that trauma.


09-16-2008, 01:20 AM
will do Watcher thanks, and yup ive seen those barry king interviews too, i shoulda mentioned that :)

09-16-2008, 01:25 AM
will do Watcher thanks, and yup ive seen those barry king interviews too, i shoulda mentioned that :)

Thankyou, they represent some of his disclosures, much other data has been made available over time in varying formats, officially sanctioned material included.


09-16-2008, 02:41 AM
im curious what the community thinks of these questions?

09-16-2008, 02:57 AM
We are too, but have noticed distinct lack of interest here to pertinent relevent and important data. Maybe the masses are more interested in trivia?


09-16-2008, 03:05 AM
well its like he said, at ufo events if someone brings up this topic its not very popular because it doesnt play into the perceived reality of UFO subculture. people are very invested in believing things a certain way, for me those common sense questions should be asked. the main is WHO benefits from portraying ET's as dangerous and hostile or at "war" with eachother. i really dont buy into that earth is this great experiment and unlike anyother...i feel like mathmatically speaking how can that be possible, theyre giving to much credence to us as a super important planet (we are special just not SO special, that an egocentric viewpoint) if theres **** here aliens wanted im sure theres unihabited planets they could get it at more easily. also i think it doesnt make sense that some "evil" alien race wants this as an outpost, that type of thinking is still OURS at this stage of evolution if your advanced i doubt youd still think in those terms and if you did i doubt youd be allowed to leave by beings infinitely more powerful.

09-16-2008, 03:08 AM
lol I'm reading. the article is long and it takes a bit of time. but what I've read so far seems to make sense, I'm going to go look for Greer's book next time I go out. also I used to be a total skeptic of any UFO stuff, thought it was all BS made up by attention seekers and the mentally ill, which fits in....people who do this really do damage the credibility of people who are genuinely trying to pursue this kind of knowledge, makes it easy for people to dismiss ufology without consideration

also I don't think its fair to dismiss Bursich, from all appearances he is just reporting his own experiences and what he believes to be truthful. the lie is different on every level, I don't think he's trying to decieve or lie to anyone, just disclosing what he knows.

(edit) also hasn't Billy Meier been proven to be a complete fraud? I remember this from a couple years ago.

09-16-2008, 03:13 AM
lol I'm reading. the article is long and it takes a bit of time. but what I've read so far seems to make sense, I'm going to go look for Greer's book next time I go out. also I used to be a total skeptic of any UFO stuff, thought it was all BS made up by attention seekers and the mentally ill, which fits in....people who do this really do damage the credibility of people who are genuinely trying to pursue this kind of knowledge, makes it easy for people to dismiss ufology without consideration

It takes only a bit of time to do the research, We came here with the intention of opening eyes to the darker side of ufology. Other insiders, whistleblowers, from more recent times are being listened to and those whom have been walking that dangerous road for years are ignored. we wish to redress that imbalance. Requesting Bill & Kerry whom were about to interview our charge Barry King, step in here at some point and rectify situation. Fragmentation of data is occuring here.


09-16-2008, 03:18 AM
i didnt mean to diss Burisch at all, he seems like a good guy and may very well be telling the truth as he knows it--im just saying we all know brainwashing/mind control is a big tactic, its not impossible that he's telling us what they want us to think. he seems like a very good hearted guy no doubt, and i could totally be wrong i just wanted to raise some common sense questions- i know henry deacon backs up what he says, im not calling anyone a liar im just saying people who give disinfo dont always know theyre doing so. and the fact that almost no witnesses speak of PLF's is curious.

09-16-2008, 03:24 AM
In such an area of R&D within black budgets it is not too surprising not too many directly involved would come forward, the dangers are very apparent, as suffered by Barry King over the years. Dr Greer mentioned in his interviews of having 2 such inside workers from UK and that now both have been effectively silenced. Except that we will continue disclosing on behalf of Mr King until he is capable of resuming himself.


09-16-2008, 03:33 AM
I've had their site http://www.disclosureproject.org/ bookmarked for a while now, but they don't seem to update very frequently so I haven't been visiting as much, but the amount of people who have come foward with this info is staggering. also I don't think the forum people are ignoring this info, its just that the article posted is a bit long, and theres discussion about Greer and the Disclosure Project on other sections I think?

also what are your thoughts on the oct. 14th hullaboo? I'm not really buying it but reading this, wouldn't it be possible that a fake event could be staged using holographics and the advanced tech 'they' have?

09-16-2008, 03:40 AM
most likely, and i hear theyre taking UFO videos off youtube most likely because of a hoaxed alien attack. watch this


09-16-2008, 05:49 AM
heres a good sit down session with greer


Now, thats a real eye opener. Answers a lot of my questions.

09-16-2008, 06:27 AM
im curious what the community thinks of these questions?

I'm feeling your post man. I'm totally down with what you laid out.


Greer is the man

Bill Ryan
09-16-2008, 11:45 PM
Possibly, but everyone should acquaint themselves with the long running testimony of Barry King re disclosures. Until recently he was about to be interviewed by Exopolitics UK and indeed Bill & Kerry. Official restraints followed by abusive trauma prevented him from speaking. He is now recovering in our care from that trauma.


Dear All:

A point of clarification - just to ensure full accuracy. We at Camelot had exchanged a few emails with Barry King, but we have never met or spoken. No interview had been scheduled.

We're a little concerned that some of Barry's personal details are being revealed here... does he know that you're making reference to him in your posts? (Maybe he does, which is of course fine, and if he's reading this we send him our best wishes. Happy to take this offline if you like.)

Vert best, Bill

09-16-2008, 11:59 PM
Dear All:

A point of clarification - just to ensure full accuracy. We at Camelot had exchanged a few emails with Barry King, but we have never met or spoken. No interview had been scheduled.

We're a little concerned that some of Barry's personal details are being revealed here... does he know that you're making reference to him in your posts? (Maybe he does, which is of course fine, and if he's reading this we send him our best wishes. Happy to take this offline if you like.)

Vert best, Bill

Thankyou for the response Bill, yes he knows we are discussing his disclosures here. Without saying too much in an open (unverified) site we have been providing data and assistance to Mr King since 1988. In his data there is a section called............."1988 2nd truck stop...enter DI8". We dare not go into greater detail here until we are assured of safety of this site. Likewise it would not be appropriate to detail what has happened to him recently, the trauma, and the reasons he was forced to decline interviews with yourselves and Exopolitics UK. You may PM for further info Bill if you so wish.


09-17-2008, 12:02 AM
bill im curious, i read somewhere that you said Dr greer was sitting on a lot of info or people ? can you explain further? pleeease? im super curious...

Why So Serious
09-17-2008, 01:24 AM
All very good points and the reason Steven Greer's "Forbidden Knowledge" resonated more with me than most of the "other" ET/UFO material out there.

George Green's picture of a Pleadian holding a "ray gun" has always bothered me. I discern that most of what he says is true, and I'm grateful for the material he's provided the public for free, but the Billy Mier photo's are just ridiculous.

This looks like a star wars toy I had as a kid. Why would an advanced civilization who's capable of traveling across space/time & the ability to evade our best weapon systems need a "ray gun" once on Earth?

09-17-2008, 04:51 AM
I'm editing this post because I had just come back from a birthday party and was too tired :)
I was grumpy because of the bad news in this book...


But there is a lot of positive information in it also.

Have a great day!


09-17-2008, 05:17 AM
but didnt you say he's got more info and had a "baby et" or something? that doesnt conflict with anything he's stated?

09-17-2008, 06:19 AM
Greer is not the only researcher with that viewpoint. Others like Alfred Webre and Richard Boylan share similarly optimistic views.

Some would say their views concerning alien motivations is too apologetic, selectively ignorant of counter-examples, prone to using sophistry and credential-flashing to persuade, and that the "all aliens are benevolent" idea is cartoonish in the face of the greater complexity surrounding the alien presence.

What we most likely have is a wide spectrum of different alien factions and alliances, with an equally broad range of motivations. Some motivations are in alignment with our best interest, others are not. Deep black factions of the government/military are colluding with some of them, and here we are in the cross fire of all these competing agendas.

As for MILABs and PLFs, it's more likely that Grey-like PLFs are used by military factions to cover up their own tracks and to create an appearance of positive Grey abductions as a form of damage control to offset all the reports of negative alien abductions.

Experienced abductees know that real Greys can lurk around in an etheric state, that negative aliens manipulate affairs from behind the dimensional curtain, and that there is a qualitative difference between negative MILAB activity and negative alien activity. Therefore reports of negative alien activities cannot be rationalized away as being solely the fabrication of a military cabal, because it includes characteristics that a human faction simply cannot achieve.

Enough UFO researchers are aware of these kinds of anecdotal evidence that they simply cannot, out of logic and conscience, subscribe to the one dimensional view that Greer holds. And for that reason he and a couple others are the odd ones out.

09-17-2008, 08:46 AM
I talked to Steven Greer at a lecture in Denver and asked him if he knew about Project Camelot, he said that he was aware and has not been contacted by PC but sounded interested in a possible interview.

09-17-2008, 06:34 PM
I know it's not scientific, and completely subjective, but I am a highly accurate psychic most of the time (www.forgiveandawaken.com).

I am a channeler and have communicated with energies that call themselves "the galactic federation" and also Pleidians and Arcturians, but mostly, I just see them and they resonate "federation" as their I.D.

Anyway, they told me a couple of interesting things. Lots, actually. Last year I was told that the Orions joined the federation, a condition of which was that they had to "clean up the mess they've made" within our secret military-like giving the car keys to a 14 year old-who is responsible if the kid crashes the car? sort of like that.

ALso, I was told that the Oct. 14th thing is a hoax-they would not appear like that until the population was ready-and they said most of us are not ready. We would either go into fear, or go into "they are here to save us now!" and not take responsibility for our own growth.

I was also shown that Sept-Oct. 2011 is a pivotal time on Earth-the sun will initiate huge magnetic shifts due to cosmic dimensional shift from 3D to 4D, resulting in massive natural disasters-earthquakes, tsunami's-will not be "man made". Was shown that IndoAsia will be hardest hit, and sure enough, seeing a seismic map the other day, it's lit up like a forest fire in that region.

This will effect the state of the whole world and the institutions that create centrist control will completely dissolve, resulting in a return to regional self governence, co-operation, and the advanced science in the US will be released to assist rebuilding efforts.

Just wanted to share this as it seem to concur with Greer-the messages I get are really "clean" and "sober" and also aligned with the highest spiritual truth as I understand it, which is that we create our own reality and therefore self responsibility is the foundation of awakening and evolution.

thanks for letting me share! This is truly fascinating stuff!!!


09-17-2008, 06:52 PM
Hi Friends

I can confirm more or less what Theresa just stated and that is the impression I get from my Nordic interactions also, dates and all.

The Nordics do not answer to my "human questions" in the way you guys ask questions, like "What will be and when and where?" but, instead, they trained me to go to action mode, like they suggest (SUGGEST) - they dont tell me: "Try this, avoid that, go here, not there, have you looked of this, in this way and that way, read that...? etc."

The Nordics key teachings are about free will and self empowerment. And using genetic intelligence, a la Krishmurti or James/WingMakers.

For instance the other day, after LHC/CERN started their games (which the Nordics are "overseeing" and observing) they told me to post this earth quake map here, which I did in my threads, and yes, the region Theresa describes was lit up like TIMES SQUARE at New Years.

Pleiadians & Arcturians (all positive and evolved humanoid races) are closely related/associated with the Nordics who are a main gene pool that includes the Pleiadians and Arcturians. The common trait among them is Telepathy and Peace. Cooperation, understanding.

The other important date, easily visible via astrology, is August 2010 and January-March 2011, as discussed with Kerry & Bill in my video.

Greer (whom I respect) is - however - to some degree manipulated by the Greys to do this disclosure in piece meal work, whereas Project Camelot does listen to all viewpoints and brought them to a dialogue here.

In my book FORESEEN as some of you know, I describe how the fleets of crafts will look like when the will show up, but the narrator also points out, that the OUTER phenomenon is irrelevant, what matters more is the MIND (consciousness) of MANKIND that will observe the phenomenon.

Just be grounded and steady, ok. All is well.
You can look into my threads for more ok...
I usually do not comment outside my threads

But this one by Theresa stuck out, I liked to back it up.

09-17-2008, 06:57 PM
Greer is not the only researcher with that viewpoint. Others like Alfred Webre and Richard Boylan share similarly optimistic views.

Some would say their views concerning alien motivations is too apologetic, selectively ignorant of counter-examples, prone to using sophistry and credential-flashing to persuade, and that the "all aliens are benevolent" idea is cartoonish in the face of the greater complexity surrounding the alien presence.

What we most likely have is a wide spectrum of different alien factions and alliances, with an equally broad range of motivations. Some motivations are in alignment with our best interest, others are not. Deep black factions of the government/military are colluding with some of them, and here we are in the cross fire of all these competing agendas.

As for MILABs and PLFs, it's more likely that Grey-like PLFs are used by military factions to cover up their own tracks and to create an appearance of positive Grey abductions as a form of damage control to offset all the reports of negative alien abductions.

Experienced abductees know that real Greys can lurk around in an etheric state, that negative aliens manipulate affairs from behind the dimensional curtain, and that there is a qualitative difference between negative MILAB activity and negative alien activity. Therefore reports of negative alien activities cannot be rationalized away as being solely the fabrication of a military cabal, because it includes characteristics that a human faction simply cannot achieve.

Enough UFO researchers are aware of these kinds of anecdotal evidence that they simply cannot, out of logic and conscience, subscribe to the one dimensional view that Greer holds. And for that reason he and a couple others are the odd ones out.

You really should study in depth the material released on this subject of MILABs and PLFs by someone whom actually worked at a facility whose remit included this.


09-17-2008, 07:18 PM
i think all i can do is sit back and watch events unfold and be at peace with my mind and try to be aware and bottom line just be a good person. i was driving myselff nuts trying to figure out who was right, st clair ,wilcock, greer..

all i can gather that is TRUTH is that change is coming and the best way is to be aware of manipulation and never go back on who i am or my values.

if i get washed away in the hills of northern california, then that is what i was supposed to do in this life, i should enjoy the present and always be grateful for everyday because life is a gift, good or bad its all learning lessons.


09-17-2008, 07:44 PM
I can concour with some of the point of MSTC & theresa.

BJ ∞ Trust Yourself
09-17-2008, 10:14 PM
Greer is not the only researcher with that viewpoint. Others like Alfred Webre and Richard Boylan share similarly optimistic views.

Some would say their views concerning alien motivations is too apologetic, selectively ignorant of counter-examples, prone to using sophistry and credential-flashing to persuade, and that the "all aliens are benevolent" idea is cartoonish in the face of the greater complexity surrounding the alien presence.

What we most likely have is a wide spectrum of different alien factions and alliances, with an equally broad range of motivations. Some motivations are in alignment with our best interest, others are not. Deep black factions of the government/military are colluding with some of them, and here we are in the cross fire of all these competing agendas.

As for MILABs and PLFs, it's more likely that Grey-like PLFs are used by military factions to cover up their own tracks and to create an appearance of positive Grey abductions as a form of damage control to offset all the reports of negative alien abductions.

Experienced abductees know that real Greys can lurk around in an etheric state, that negative aliens manipulate affairs from behind the dimensional curtain, and that there is a qualitative difference between negative MILAB activity and negative alien activity. Therefore reports of negative alien activities cannot be rationalized away as being solely the fabrication of a military cabal, because it includes characteristics that a human faction simply cannot achieve.

Enough UFO researchers are aware of these kinds of anecdotal evidence that they simply cannot, out of logic and conscience, subscribe to the one dimensional view that Greer holds. And for that reason he and a couple others are the odd ones out.

Namaste Pirius~
Are you truly trying to help inform people or disinform? I honestly wish to come into an energy with you to understand your post/info.

Ok, there has GOT to be some sort of reference to the above claims. Why? Because I have never seen this "there is a difference between real alien abductions and human-military abductions".... Please back up claims somehow, even if its something tiny. It simply does not add up, unless its a form of disinfo, or I do not understand fully....and for the common goer, I could imagine they would leave this forum instantly out of fear of instability in this stuff. So PLEASE help us! You are causing more chaos this way with no choice point offerings to people of deep research for the Greater reality of Humanity, Earth, and the Cosmos.

And when I say this, I mean come on, show it with evidence of technology used in conjunction with the consciousness of the user. You can't use devices made from zero-point, when angry or war-like (low density vibration). There is evidence to this... http://www.tillerfoundation.com/papers.php Is this perhaps not the end of it? If so, show us!

Plus, you reference Dr. Greer with a poverty (us vs. them) mentality. Don't ya see? Its the level of consciousness here. Or are you saying the biosphere red-flag (not allowed out until peaceful) claim Dr. Greer makes is not true...? So, your reality is saying what you believe and in your Aura, unless you can prove it with something more or less evidential. So you call Dr. Greer "one dimension thinking?" Oh wow, you might actually not understand what you are talking about with this then, which would make sense, to your claims here.

However, if you wish to help Project Avalon, I suggest put more effort into helping others see your puzzle pieces. Give opinions and why this would make sense. I ENCOURAGE IT!

YAY Project Avalon! :) :)

(I agree with THEWATCHER's reply to you.)

09-17-2008, 11:26 PM
What concerns me is...

The channellers of which there are a large number who have been contacted about October 14th. I dont believe they are liers at all. Does this mean they have been tricked by a different race or human mind control electromagnetic / remote i dont know etc

I just think with a few sources that I see as good sources saying Oct 14th is a hoax then it really does give us some work to do and those people who have sent this message out were so confident of it...well they will need help asap to help them realise what has happened and how they were tricked if it turns out they have.

The only reason I could see for them showing us a ship for 3 days was to give us hope and help us increase our numbers. i really never saw it as showing up to save the day or creating scared people, quite the opposite. If the beings in contact with Michael StC and Theresa think showing us a sign would not be positive well I dont agree. I think showing us a sign would create a great domino affect of wonder and hope

09-17-2008, 11:46 PM
Never underestimate what black ops/psy ops/shadow government is capable of, i dont think its too crazy to think that they can beam out disinfo via psy op technology and give genuinely psychic people the false impression of friendly ET's coming only to be blown to bits by a back engineered alien reproduction vehicle. imagine that scenario...all these channelers thinking Pleidians are coming and they get nuked instead, then they would REALLY believe aliens are out to get us because "how could the government contact us psychically?"

imagine too if they let a few jets shoot down this fake UFO with Programmed Life forms inside, no one would believe the shadow government was capable of genetically creating these things.

food for thought.

again i have to ask, if "greys" are abducting people and theyre 45,000 years ahead of us, WHY would they need us to work with them and why couldnt they take a few hair samples and grow an army of humans to experiment on? WHY go to all the trouble to abduct us?

it makes sense that the military does as they can practice genetic research and scare the crap out of people too.

its no wonder anyone discussing PLF's at ufo conventions are shown the door, so many people are invested in believing aliens (or at least factions of them for the good vs bad scenario) have hostile agendas.

again i ask, why come and abduct now? if theyre from the future why not go back to 10,000 bc and abduct tribesmen without technology, they certainly wouldnt need treaties back then? if theyre 45,000 thousand years ahead of us scientifically why on earth would they need our scientists? would we work with a chimpanzee to build a computer? i tend to agree with dr greer that ACTUAL contact is in fact extremely rare and benevolent and everything else is either MILABS ,liers, or disinfo--...ive said this before too WHY WHY are we shooting down UFO"s if the greys are giving us technology? whats the point of back engineering this stuff?

i find it strange that detractors say Greer is manipulated or controlled by the "greys" seems like an easy out WITHOUT answering the simple questions.
it makes sense that advanced beings DONT interfere in this manner but WE do posing as them to promote the fear. always ask yourself WHO benefits from this scenario of fear?

these are all common sense questions yall...

heres a link again http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7158929399739557807

09-18-2008, 12:27 AM
I'm also very interested in any answers anyone has to clark's questions....

BJ ∞ Trust Yourself
09-18-2008, 03:51 PM
Never underestimate what black ops/psy ops/shadow government is capable of, i dont think its too crazy to think that they can beam out disinfo via psy op technology and give genuinely psychic people the false impression of friendly ET's coming only to be blown to bits by a back engineered alien reproduction vehicle. imagine that scenario...all these channelers thinking Pleidians are coming and they get nuked instead, then they would REALLY believe aliens are out to get us because "how could the government contact us psychically?"

imagine too if they let a few jets shoot down this fake UFO with Programmed Life forms inside, no one would believe the shadow government was capable of genetically creating these things.

food for thought.

again i have to ask, if "greys" are abducting people and theyre 45,000 years ahead of us, WHY would they need us to work with them and why couldnt they take a few hair samples and grow an army of humans to experiment on? WHY go to all the trouble to abduct us?

it makes sense that the military does as they can practice genetic research and scare the crap out of people too.

its no wonder anyone discussing PLF's at ufo conventions are shown the door, so many people are invested in believing aliens (or at least factions of them for the good vs bad scenario) have hostile agendas.

again i ask, why come and abduct now? if theyre from the future why not go back to 10,000 bc and abduct tribesmen without technology, they certainly wouldnt need treaties back then? if theyre 45,000 thousand years ahead of us scientifically why on earth would they need our scientists? would we work with a chimpanzee to build a computer? i tend to agree with dr greer that ACTUAL contact is in fact extremely rare and benevolent and everything else is either MILABS ,liers, or disinfo--...ive said this before too WHY WHY are we shooting down UFO"s if the greys are giving us technology? whats the point of back engineering this stuff?

i find it strange that detractors say Greer is manipulated or controlled by the "greys" seems like an easy out WITHOUT answering the simple questions.
it makes sense that advanced beings DONT interfere in this manner but WE do posing as them to promote the fear. always ask yourself WHO benefits from this scenario of fear?

these are all common sense questions yall...

heres a link again http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7158929399739557807

Ab ~ So ~ Lutely! :thumb_yello::thumb_yello::thumb_yello:

Yes, agreed 100% my brother clarkkent! I am with ya. I am the Google-user with this video btw, LOL! I was in this lecture and others at the Conscious Life Expo in 2007! So glad to see it being watched by so many and discussed! :) :) I asked the first question on his other lecture about CTP Energy (David Sereda has spoken to CTP people):

UFO Disclosure Project - Dr. Steven Greer - Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge

I feel that it is SCIENTIFICALLY provable that any fear-driven intent, thank you David Wilcock's research, would shoot energy out to another person. Why would ET races need this energy? Yet, ANOTHER question needed answering. Which opens it up to SO MUCH MORE! This is why I feel this forum is infiltrated with a ton of Ego (be it black-ops or simply mentality of genuine users seeking Truth).


Why would any fear-driven war-like species be allowed out of their biosphere before peaceful intent is established? We have lots to learna bout the way this all works.


Once peace is established, there is a HUGE world out there waiting to be discovered in MANY MORE WAYS than simply poverty/war consciousness. War is SO LIMITING to us all. How is it even POSSIBLE on a scientific level, that a planet's species would be allowed out of their biosphere to UNBALANCE the energy in the cosmos like Pirius assumes?


09-18-2008, 07:15 PM
im very much in agreement BJ, i still have questions but overall Dr greer presents a very genuine side of this story, often not even discussed, do you see many posts regarding PLF's? nope, but many regarding baby eating reptiles beneath the earth and blonde haired blue "nordics" that are our future selves (brown and black i guess needs to get weeded out for us to evolve eh? that sounds nice)

anyhow im glad you recorded that session, i wish there was more out there...i odered his book and it never came...

BJ ∞ Trust Yourself
09-18-2008, 07:58 PM
Which book? Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge? Did you contact Debbie at Disclosure Project? She would hook up the "WHY" it never got to ya.... I got mine every time I ordered, even when paranoid at the beginning. Now.... its no sweat. :)

BJ ∞ Trust Yourself
09-18-2008, 08:00 PM
Hi Friends

I can confirm more or less what Theresa just stated and that is the impression I get from my Nordic interactions also, dates and all.

The Nordics do not answer to my "human questions" in the way you guys ask questions, like "What will be and when and where?" but, instead, they trained me to go to action mode, like they suggest (SUGGEST) - they dont tell me: "Try this, avoid that, go here, not there, have you looked of this, in this way and that way, read that...? etc."

The Nordics key teachings are about free will and self empowerment. And using genetic intelligence, a la Krishmurti or James/WingMakers.

For instance the other day, after LHC/CERN started their games (which the Nordics are "overseeing" and observing) they told me to post this earth quake map here, which I did in my threads, and yes, the region Theresa describes was lit up like TIMES SQUARE at New Years.

Pleiadians & Arcturians (all positive and evolved humanoid races) are closely related/associated with the Nordics who are a main gene pool that includes the Pleiadians and Arcturians. The common trait among them is Telepathy and Peace. Cooperation, understanding.

The other important date, easily visible via astrology, is August 2010 and January-March 2011, as discussed with Kerry & Bill in my video.

Greer (whom I respect) is - however - to some degree manipulated by the Greys to do this disclosure in piece meal work, whereas Project Camelot does listen to all viewpoints and brought them to a dialogue here.

In my book FORESEEN as some of you know, I describe how the fleets of crafts will look like when the will show up, but the narrator also points out, that the OUTER phenomenon is irrelevant, what matters more is the MIND (consciousness) of MANKIND that will observe the phenomenon.

Just be grounded and steady, ok. All is well.
You can look into my threads for more ok...
I usually do not comment outside my threads

But this one by Theresa stuck out, I liked to back it up.

Good to see you reading the crazier stuff, my good sir. Thank you for your input at least. Thank you both, Theresa and Michael. :thumb_yello:

09-18-2008, 08:42 PM
I also noticed that at one meeting for exopolitics a woman asked about why the 'good' ETs were blond, blue eyed, goodlooking by our standards, tall and thin, etc and there were no representation for asians, hispanics, blacks, etc? ofcourse all the other 'evil' ETs are dark and inhuman and had slanty eyes. the speakers just got sort of defensive and gave out some ******** generic answer....also....why are all the contactees all white and almost all male? perhaps the nordics don't like talking to blacks or asians too much? do they not like talking to women? hmm?

I also heard a radio broadcast for them that theorized that Obama was a 'light being' and Bush was the antichrist...:doh:

09-19-2008, 12:29 AM
Watching the debate which nearly took off here on this topic:original:
Just bear this in mind, before 1994 and Barry King, the term PLF (actually full term is PGLF) did not exist