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Old 10-19-2009, 06:57 AM   #276
no caste
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

James - I do NOT find this classroom very fun. I'd rather shoot elastics at:

- milkmaids
- teachers
- evil geneticists
- swine flu

hey, ....

If you're a werewolf, it's OK! If THEY'RE werewolves, it's OK! Win-win!!!
(It's a dank smell in the castle, is all I can say. Oh right!! It's a DUNGEON,
not a classroom! Sshh... don't tell anyone!!) There are PROPER
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Old 10-20-2009, 05:36 PM   #277
no caste
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
Sep/Oct 2009- St Ives, Cornwall

the SF operatives were called OCTERINE-1 because of the links with stargates and the Month of October ). My associate and I drove to Essex after this seeking answers regarding the clones in Worthing. As usual Barry and DI8 were silent and we ended up being helped by the SAS and Group 5-8 in this case.
Back to clones...

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
The next night I performed a shamanic ritual in the back alley where I marked my territory and I didn't see this entity again for a while.
Around here we call that pissing in the alley or woods...

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
This was around the time a strange craft, like a helicopter but much bigger, had been seen over my mother's house when Kaisha was staying for the night one evening. Kaisha was asleep in my mother's bedroom when the craft went over the house at an extremely low altitude. Kaisha's mother had then been taken to hospital at the exact same time because of bleeding from her private area which would not stop. Kaisha'a mother was shaking uncontrollably for hours after this.
This can't be easy on everybody.

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
To cut a long story short, I have had access to my recent NSA files and they state I have been picked up by operatives in the last couple of weeks for a Q and A session. Here I was injected with two drugs. I remember on two separate occasions recently, american couples in cars stopping me me my flat and asking me the way to tesco. I was asked the same question on separate occasions by separate people. I experienced missing time around these events and others and remember after this- being sat in a chair in a dark room with a screen in front of me and men in suits asking me questions.
Missing time, dark suits, screen in front, questions... back in school!

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
I was shown one of these bigfoot creatures waling through a wood at night and was asked "Have you seen this entity in the area?". This co-incides with reports of missing people in the area and the sightings of several disk shaped craft over my flat on consecutive sunday nights. When I asked one of my NSA contacts about this he informed me there had been much activity in Cornwall during this time.
Good for civilians in the area to know, methinks.

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
A couple of days ago contact occurs with myself and SAS, I won't go into too many details but I'm informed one of the OVER-SELF clones has gone rouge and asked to check my timetrack for missing time check my body for sores. Some unit or individual has been stupid enough to use the tech after my 30th birthday and all hell has broken loose by the sounds of it with CovOps in the area on tracking missions.
More rogue clones.... WHO PLUGGED JAMES IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
A french military ship docks in St Ives and seems to be signaling with lights when I walk past it.
Hello, France

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
This is all closely connected to the Central American treaty in 1985 and will come to a head on October 31st/ Halloween of these month- heed my words!
Thanks for the heads-up!

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
It is obvious to me that one or more of the entities that came through the gate in Malaysia in 1982 has somehow managed to download into one or more over-self clones and is loose in the area as a shapeshifting human/wolf entity just like the event at the ritual in Mexico on October 31st 1984 with Dr Green in attendance.
Well, there we go.

PS I'll continue with my International Criminal Court (ICC) submission, which I hope I can do without a signature from you (I'll call you a POW), based on information posted in various places online. This way, the PTB-W will have plenty of time to put people in place, so nothing ever happens on this.

Then, we can watch that.

Last edited by no caste; 10-22-2009 at 12:06 AM.
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Old 10-21-2009, 12:26 PM   #278
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Back to clones...

That would be handy

Around here we call that pissing in the alley or woods...

This can't be easy on everybody.

Missing time, dark suits, screen in front, questions... back in school!

Good for civilians in the area to know, methinks.

More rogue clones.... WHO PLUGGED JAMES IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, France

Thanks for the heads-up!

Well, there we go.

PS I'll continue with my International Criminal Court (ICC) submission, which I hope I can do without a signature from you (I'll call you a POW), based on information posted in various places online. This way, the PTB-W will have plenty of time to put people in place, so nothing ever happens on this.

Then, we can watch that.
I'm not sure if a ICC submission will do much good. This has all gone too far. The situation will be resolved when the New World Order is established. Namely the dimantling of cities, towns and counties in the UK and the establishment of 'Zones'- for example CORNWALL- ROYAL COMMAND/ZONE1- DEVON- ROYAL COMMAND/ZONE2- DORSET- ROYAL COMMAND/ZONE3 etc. Each zone will be ruled by a military commander/warlord who will be responsible for protecting the surviving civilian population in that area from alien invasion and abductions.
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

From the film

'Angel Heart'

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Old 10-21-2009, 12:36 PM   #279
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

I'm often being asked who I am exactly after these disclosures-
"Dear James, While I appreciate the situation is complex, I'll continue calling you by your 'common' name that most people know you by for the sake of continuity. In this respect, I have always regarded the name Michael Prince as a title ie. Prince Michael the Archangel in Dan 12.1. Now, I want you to just give me a few basic details 1) Your name on your birth certificate and/or school certificate 2) Your date of birth on that certificate 3) Your mother's name on that certificate 4) Your father's name on that certificate.
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)"
I'm just that little bit of hope when the people of this country face grave threats. There are many like me, the New Generation following the footsteps of our predecessors such as 'The Dutchman', Major Ellis Loyd Richards Jnr and his son Captain Mark Richards-

They were giants

They were eagles

They both were lions

Down in the jungles,

They were a marching band

They were the people

They were a helping hand

And they both were heroes
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

From the film

'Angel Heart'

Last edited by James Casbolt; 10-21-2009 at 12:45 PM.
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Old 10-21-2009, 01:11 PM   #280
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

I am attempting to keep my family and myself safe by posting these details after intense activity in the area. Every member of my family is connected to the IBIS program in one or another.
My younger cousin Katy has just come back from a trip to the Rocky Mountains ( near Nelson ), the COG-CON facility I was raised in happens to be located slap-bang in this area. Katy now informs she is going to Poland this Christmas. We looked at the Atlas together and she is staying in guess were? THE TATRA MOUNTAINS!
I have the name of the place and will post ASAP.
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 10-21-2009, 01:42 PM   #281
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

A portal or stargate is a usually invisible entrance and exit thru which things enter and leave our dimension,our 3rd dimension and reality being but a tiny tiny part of all there is,as u probably know.Charlie Chaplins daughter Patrice explains about the Gerona Portal,one of the few humans to have actually gone thru a portal into other dimensions and lived to tell the tale,more than once.She explains the Gerona Portal in France has been kept from the public gaze and knowledge by a bunch of custodians who are known as "initiates" for centuries,having taken control of this stargate,beginning the renowned Kabbala school there also.They call themselves not a "secret society" but "private society"...seems like the same thing to me when the knowledge is kept to themselves. In the videos other portals,or stargates,are spoken of,in particular Grammercy Park,New York,and one in Paris.Also of course we know of the stargate within the Great Pyramid,possibly alongside others there.Napoleon had an experience within the Great Pyramid which he refused to talk about after.Another account of one who spent a night in the special chamber within the pyramid is here = http://www.mysteriouspeople.com/Egyptian_Mystery.htm = The one in Iraq is supposed to be where the Annunnaki are supposed to return in 2012,it is said,and is the reason why Saddam Hussein had to be overthrown because he had knowledge of it and this was not deemed acceptable by certain people. My videos = of the Stonehenge portal = = Patrice Chaplin on the Gerona Portal = http://www.youtube.com/view_play_lis...7D05CFE7B14F65 = Kerry Kirkpatricks short doc on the Gerona portal = http://www.youtube.com/view_play_lis...7D05CFE7B14F65 - Gerona also has connections to the Holy Grail,the vessel that was supposed to have contained Christs blood. Stephen Spielberg has used stargates in his films,along with many tv series...he said he was not making entertainment,but "commenting",meaning these things are indeed a reality and his depictions of stargates in his films planted the seeds of knowledge of them to a public that might never have known of them,let alone that they are real and being used everyday for example by craft piloted by beings from other dimensions and places,hence some of the daily UFO sightings worldwide.Of course some UFOs come directly thru space into our atmosphere physically,but some come from other dimensions and just appear out of nowhere in our human vision,or disappear, as this one filmed here does = =...Portals can also be opened or created for use by the initiates performing certain rituals,as is depicted in the videos. The infamous satanist Alasteir Crowely is supposed to have opened or created a portal and made connection to a being entitled "Lam",who depiction bears a striking resemblance to a "grey" et reportedly seen worldwide over the years.It is asserted he opened a portal by which to make contact with beings not from this world,which he apparently did, but was unable to close it.It is said attempts were made to close it forever later,but the result was this was unsuccessful and what was actually happened was the portal was made larger.....blessings...butlincat
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 10-21-2009, 02:03 PM   #282
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Hi James

Are all of the worlds portals whereabouts known? Do they need to be around a ritualistic area as in stonehenge? Are some of these portals random, in other words can they just appear for a while in one place and then dissapear?

Interesting subject and I would be eager to know of any suspected ones in my neck of the woods, as I have seen things that just appear in an area with no explanation for it, maybe a portal would shed some light on to my sightings.

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Old 10-22-2009, 07:18 AM   #283
Ravens and Doves
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

[QUOTE=James Casbolt;164519][B][I]TIGRIS program not tigress. This was a sub-project of IBIS- other names to look out for-






KAMAGOL- 27th December 1976- Dec 28th 1976




Names to look out for




Hello James,

For many years I've been looking for information on a smaller, but similar NSA operation called the "Five Star cult" that was active at about the same time out here in Cali.... near the 29 Palms base. I connected strongly with a couple with the last name, Lincolnhoffer (?) at a MUFON meeting while most of the other 100 or so in attendance were frightened by what the woman was saying she had gone through.

I had benevolent contact a few after and was shown the invisible battle that goes on at times between the negative and positive agendas. The malevolent is in fear of loosing control of what it has built around itself and the positive has no fear at all. They have nothing to hide from the higher justice.

People might say I'm a fool or crazy. but deep down I feel that there is more positive than negative in the NSA and Naval Intel. The one great difficulty is the "need to know only" walls of the "onion" that keep the right hand in the dark as to what the left hand is doing. In an agency as large as the NSA, with funding and a cloaked audacity that dwarfs the CIA, anything can happen.

The only way to end the abuse, (physical, psychic, emotional and spiritual) is to throw open the curtains and let the light of day... the light of disclosure beam through. Universal amnesty is key. The bigger picture will have a frame of mercy for ALL who come clean. Children are very powerful. But we don't need to use/abuse them anymore. The human race is growing up (although a bit slower than I hoped) and we are gaining the maturity to not have the need to create enemies just to advance the science of conflict.

Thanks again, James. This part of the galaxy can be a dysfunctional family and Earth is on the hot seat right now. Love and understanding is the clear water that can cool the flames.

To all a good night and a peaceful rest,



(amnesty site under constuction)

(my older site)

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Old 10-22-2009, 08:21 AM   #284
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
'The Balmoral Interceptions'

Balmoral, Scotland 2008 ( from a letter to a freind )

I had to act quickly as in a few more seconds we would be paralysed with fear and we would all die. I knew I could focus my brainwaves through the bracelet and had some control over the elements with the artefact. I pointed my left hand at the face and shouted “Four angels of the Four Directions, I command you to de-activate this forcefield. A white energy discharged from my left hand and there was the sound of crackling in the air as electrical bursts hit the face and forcefield, and they both started to short-out.

White light in my left hand... the angels of the four
directions. That's what I did to demonstate to a
shrink that I wasn't crazy. It worked and freaked
the man out. Where I learned it I have no idea. I
was in a jam and I needed protection. Thanks, James,
this is the first time I've ever heard this from ANYBODY
else. I feel vindicated now. This is great!

I wish I could go ten years back and have them read
what you wrote. If anybody from the NSA is also reading
this, thanks for the trust... AND SEE, disclosure can be

.The plan was to secure this hardware and bring it back to base but I made a snap decision because of the all the infighting in the intelligence community. I didn’t want this hardware falling into the wrong hands. I pulled out an incendiary grenade and threw it into the craft, I warned the others, got out the way and the craft went up in flames. We radioed for delta extraction and were helicoptered out of the area.

The Balmoral Interceptions were a series of similair ops around this time carried out by several different units. These events were related the
‘swine flu’ breakout. If the bio-weapons had been delivered many or all people who have caught swine-flu would have died.

I still don't understand why the control junkies wanted to commit mass murder and have all that blood on thier hands. (Actually, I hate to say, but I do understand it.... but it's not right and there more intellegent ways to reduce the population - like gradual attrition born of education).



(ok, let's see if the link is working this time)
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Old 10-22-2009, 12:40 PM   #285
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Even Amnesty would not work, as they wish to continue with their programs. Disclosure would be an end to their work, payroll, and power, which they will not give up.

Truly? You'd want to give amnesty to them? I agree some deserve amnesty. Those performing processes under orders or threats to their own lives. But you would want amnesty for those who solicite rape and murder? Those that have no remorse for the decisions they have made that has caused so many innocent men, women, and children to loose their lives, or live through horrors? Those that don't want to stop doing this, and if disclosure is brought about, they'd likely hide under another name, program, and continue?
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Old 10-22-2009, 12:56 PM   #286
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Okay, lets do some figures.
missing children in US alone per year!


800,000 children younger than 18 are missing each year, or an average of 2,000 children reported missing each day.
200,000 children were were abducted by family members.
58,000 children were abducted by nonfamily members, and
115 children were the victims of “stereotypical” kidnapping. These crimes involve someone the child does not know, or knows only slightly, who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.

now after all the subtraction,
that leaves 541,885 children unaccounted for? if only 10% of them are UFO or Milab abducties, that means 54,188 children are abducted per year and NEVER SEEN FROM AGAIN?
And that's just children 18 yrs of age and younger. Does not include adults.
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Old 10-22-2009, 03:00 PM   #287
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

My cousin will be staying in Zakopane in the Tatra mountains this Christmas.


My associate who was shown our clones by Octerine-1 was also slap-bang in this area during his visit to Poland ( not at liberty to discuss details ).
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 10-22-2009, 03:07 PM   #288
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

[quote=Ravens and Doves;180155]
Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
[B][I]TIGRIS program not tigress. This was a sub-project of IBIS- other names to look out for-






KAMAGOL- 27th December 1976- Dec 28th 1976




Names to look out for




Hello James,

For many years I've been looking for information on a smaller, but similar NSA operation called the "Five Star cult" that was active at about the same time out here in Cali.... near the 29 Palms base. I connected strongly with a couple with the last name, Lincolnhoffer (?) at a MUFON meeting while most of the other 100 or so in attendance were frightened by what the woman was saying she had gone through.

I had benevolent contact a few after and was shown the invisible battle that goes on at times between the negative and positive agendas. The malevolent is in fear of loosing control of what it has built around itself and the positive has no fear at all. They have nothing to hide from the higher justice.

People might say I'm a fool or crazy. but deep down I feel that there is more positive than negative in the NSA and Naval Intel. The one great difficulty is the "need to know only" walls of the "onion" that keep the right hand in the dark as to what the left hand is doing. In an agency as large as the NSA, with funding and a cloaked audacity that dwarfs the CIA, anything can happen.

The only way to end the abuse, (physical, psychic, emotional and spiritual) is to throw open the curtains and let the light of day... the light of disclosure beam through. Universal amnesty is key. The bigger picture will have a frame of mercy for ALL who come clean. Children are very powerful. But we don't need to use/abuse them anymore. The human race is growing up (although a bit slower than I hoped) and we are gaining the maturity to not have the need to create enemies just to advance the science of conflict.

Thanks again, James. This part of the galaxy can be a dysfunctional family and Earth is on the hot seat right now. Love and understanding is the clear water that can cool the flames.

To all a good night and a peaceful rest,



(amnesty site under constuction)

(my older site)

(pix 4 kix)
Thank you for your post, very interesting
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 10-22-2009, 03:10 PM   #289
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by Ammit View Post
Hi James

Are all of the worlds portals whereabouts known? Do they need to be around a ritualistic area as in stonehenge? Are some of these portals random, in other words can they just appear for a while in one place and then dissapear?

Interesting subject and I would be eager to know of any suspected ones in my neck of the woods, as I have seen things that just appear in an area with no explanation for it, maybe a portal would shed some light on to my sightings.

I'm sorry Ammit, I don't have that information
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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'Angel Heart'
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Old 10-22-2009, 03:34 PM   #290
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Greetings James .

You said "The one in Iraq is supposed to be where the Annunnaki are supposed to return in 2012,it is said,and is the reason why Saddam Hussein had to be overthrown because he had knowledge of it and this was not deemed acceptable by certain people. "

Supposing that to defend the stargate in Iraq against the Annunaki you need nuclear weapons and Saddam did not have them and that would be the real reason .
Is my assumption correct that the occupying power will defend the stargate ? I would not envisage to greet the invaders with flowers ?
Does it means that the future is very bleak because we are no match for the Annunaki ? Can you elaborate please ? Many thanks and best wishes

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Old 10-23-2009, 07:09 AM   #291
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Universal amnesty is a joke. I hope you mean Amnesty International.

'Children are very powerful. But we don't need to use/abuse them anymore.'

Good for you. The real question though... is where does militarization end and begin? Everyone gets outraged about child soldiers in other countries. I don't get you people.* The hands can't be washed of it. Furthermore, what I'd like to know is Kari Lynn's story (likely the status of her baby?), which is always overstepped. Why?! That gives me a few ideas, like - women in this picture, as the children, are inanimate equipment. So are soldiers.

Not good

I made a reference on another thread to amnesty for testimony (public), which is the only other place I have seen this word come up. There, I meant for anyone who is currently wanting to provide details, but is being prevented from doing so by extortion etc. It's not exactly a broad, infinite net.

*Or Lite-Brite Squad or whatever.

Last edited by no caste; 10-23-2009 at 07:17 AM.
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Old 10-23-2009, 10:15 AM   #292
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Last night, this photo of a lookng glass really kicked some inside in. It was the same felling I had when I looked at a sword from the 16th Century in a museum. It was extreamly disturbing. I heard cries of agony and death. I read the place card and found it was used in the Inquisition to chop heads off of non-believers. I knew the looking glass looks forward, but there was something about that photo... the shape of the machine... it's not easy to express.




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Old 10-23-2009, 11:08 AM   #293
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
Even Amnesty would not work, as they wish to continue with their programs. Disclosure would be an end to their work, payroll, and power, which they will not give up.

Truly? You'd want to give amnesty to them? I agree some deserve amnesty. Those performing processes under orders or threats to their own lives. But you would want amnesty for those who solicite rape and murder? Those that have no remorse for the decisions they have made that has caused so many innocent men, women, and children to loose their lives, or live through horrors? Those that don't want to stop doing this, and if disclosure is brought about, they'd likely hide under another name, program, and continue?

Hi Kari,

Banket amnest for rapists and murders, no. I meant it more for something to start with. Once the light is on, justice will occur. The Illuminati's "unvailing" will never happen at this point. We're all too savy now. The entire GOOD CITY of NEW YORK WILL KICK THIER ASSES!!! (for one).

I didn't know you lost a child. I hang my head low before you in sympathy and with apologies if I said anything to upset you. My girlfriend in the 80s who I was crazy about was kidnapped, tortured and murdered in horrible way (decapitation). It was done by a Satanist. It's difficult because I feel the blood on my hands, too. I can't help but feel some responsibility for setting up a very dark circle. I saw a photo Crowley when I was a teenager and vowed to out-bedevil him. A decade later I got my wish. I'm going to post a link to what we did. It kick-started the "goth" scene 20 years ago. I hope kids in this decade aren't tempted to shake the spiritual hornet's nest like I did.


To quote agent Molder in an X-Files show, "You can't evoke the devil and expect him to behave."

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Old 10-23-2009, 11:29 AM   #294
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

[quote=James Casbolt;180251]
Originally Posted by Ravens and Doves View Post

Thank you for your post, very interesting

James, thanks goes to YOU! My family on both sides were world war vets and cousins and uncles were in classifed "defence" sciences... the whole bloody lot of them. I'm the only black hole in their outer space. This and Miriam Deladado's message board has been a santuary for me. I can really relate to the community that Project Avelon/Camelot is.

Rock on..... Regardless,

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Old 10-23-2009, 03:24 PM   #295
Kari Lynn
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by Ravens and Doves View Post
Hi Kari,

Banket amnest for rapists and murders, no. I meant it more for something to start with. Once the light is on, justice will occur. The Illuminati's "unvailing" will never happen at this point. We're all too savy now. The entire GOOD CITY of NEW YORK WILL KICK THIER ASSES!!! (for one).
okay, understand. I think we may be of same mind here then.
And yes, I believe NY would! ROFL (along with others if given the chance to do some bum punting! 6 points if you can kick them over the goal post! ROFL)
I didn't know you lost a child. I hang my head low before you in sympathy and with apologies if I said anything to upset you. My girlfriend in the 80s who I was crazy about was kidnapped, tortured and murdered in horrible way (decapitation). It was done by a Satanist. It's difficult because I feel the blood on my hands, too. I can't help but feel some responsibility for setting up a very dark circle. I saw a photo Crowley when I was a teenager and vowed to out-bedevil him. A decade later I got my wish. I'm going to post a link to what we did. It kick-started the "goth" scene 20 years ago. I hope kids in this decade aren't tempted to shake the spiritual hornet's nest like I did.


To quote agent Molder in an X-Files show, "You can't evoke the devil and expect him to behave."

You haven't upset me. Thank you for the sympathy, but how did you know? I didn't think I told anyone here. lol
But I live for my sons. I have 3 boys now. And I watch them like a hawk, as two of them have had attempts of kidnapping and even attempts upon their lives. My oldest was almost killed at 4 months old, my middle son at 3 yrs old was almost kidnapped right in front of me in a theater.
Live for the living, for they're here but a short time, those that have passed on, have all of eternity, and I know they're in heaven.
My daughter Morgan, I'll see her again someday.
What's the old saying? Live for the day. If you can't live for the day live for the hour. If you can't live for the hour live for the minute. If you can't live for the minute, live for the second, by second, by minute, by hour, by day.

My sympathies also on your loss. I know it's hard, but lay the guilt where it belongs. To the person who committed the crime. And what you may have started IS a choice. Each their own. You didn't make THAT choice for them. Each is responsible for their own choices.
And... it's not what you've done, but what you now do.
And what can I say about Youth? except that thankfully we learn from our mistakes.
Blessing to you.
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Old 10-24-2009, 02:09 AM   #296
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Thumbs up Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Hi James,
Is their Stargates in Afganistan and Iraq?

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Old 10-24-2009, 06:29 AM   #297
no caste
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Background mythology (ibis) -

Thoth was considered one of the more important deities of the Egyptian pantheon, often depicted with the head of an Ibis. (Hence his name means "He who is like the ibis".) His feminine counterpart was Seshat. She was seen as a scribe and record keeper, and her name means she who scrivens (i.e. she who is the scribe), and is credited with inventing writing. She also became identified as the goddess of architecture, astronomy, astrology, building, mathematics, and surveying.
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Old 10-24-2009, 11:18 AM   #298
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by SWIFT View Post
Hi James,
Is their Stargates in Afganistan and Iraq?

Hi Ammit

I mentioned this back in the thread. This is why the wars are being fought there, to gain control of the important SG's in these areas
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

From the film

'Angel Heart'
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Old 10-24-2009, 11:58 AM   #299
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From what i have read so far with missing people, in devon and cornwall, it is reported that between 25 and 30 go missing each day. Obviously some are found, most are not. Doing my own digging around showed missing persons as cornwall, well its a big place but most go missing around grids SW and SX.
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Old 10-25-2009, 01:32 AM   #300
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Thumbs up Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Hi James,
What's your take on Author Johan Richards concepts of mass abductions in afganistan and Iraq by ETs. Also will abductions increase leading up to 2012 and after. Also has the stargates in Australia, China, Uk, USA and Russia merging into a large STG?
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