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Old 10-06-2008, 04:40 PM   #1
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Default Are you making the same observations and I am?

Hello Everyone,

Before I begin, I am new to this board and want to thank Bill and Kerry for putting together project avalon/camelot for all of us to use and benefit from.

In the last week I have been stocking up on supplies and getting myself prepared for what could happen as a result of this financial/political disaster. I was at COSTCO over the weekend (for those living in the UK, COSTCO stores are like huge TESCO stores) and as I was checking out, I looked around me and couldn't help but to think that there were so many people that are oblivious as to what is going on.

Here I was standing in line with my large purchase of water and non-perishable foods and when I looked around, people were just going about their daily lives buying things that are not going to help them if something bad were to occur. The guy that was standing in front of me was buying a huge flat pannel TV and was talking about how he's finally going to have HDTV at his house so that he could watch football games.

Watching people go about their business was just all so surreal and it seems like nobody around me had the slightest idea how bad this crisis is going to be. Are you all having the same kind of experiences?
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Old 10-06-2008, 04:50 PM   #2
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My personal opinion.

I think until something significant has happened, it would be unwise to say that they are unaware people going about their daily lives. Should nothing occur, 'we' would look foolish and stupid. So I would wait till significant changes happen as I am convinced that there is barely anyone I know of or heard of that knows even 50% of what is going on or rather anything.
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Old 10-06-2008, 04:50 PM   #3
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yep!! every time i walk down the street, hear my peers talk about how they are going to purchase a thomas the tank engine bed for the youngsters, I think to myself "if only you knew" and I have attempted to talk to these people but they are comotosed.

so Im with you on that defo... thing is these people are the ones that will be dangerous when the shtf, cos they will be beside themselves with fear!
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Old 10-06-2008, 04:59 PM   #4
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Many people have preached doom and gloom for thousands of years. Until things really hit the fan people should go about their lives. Yes, if something HUGE happens people will be shocked. However, after the initial phase we will learn to adjust and overcome. That is our nature to adapt to our environment and overcome hardships.

It really sounds as if there is more fear located here than anywhere else. And those here want the rest of the world to feel their fear. Knowledge is supposed to free us from that fear so that we may better support those that will be in need because they will not understand what is happening.
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Old 10-06-2008, 05:02 PM   #5
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i see it everywhere, even in my own family. it's called denial. if people look too closely, they would be overwhelmed by the realities happening at this time. they would also have to admit their own culpability of being a cog in the machine. not for the faint hearted.
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Old 10-06-2008, 05:03 PM   #6
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Yeah, I've seen what you are talking about. I have broken it down a little further for my area though. Young people here seem oblivious to any future events. Say, 20 years old and less. While older people here, 50 years plus, are buying food and supplies like crazy. I'd estimate the group between 20 and 50 years old at 1 out of 3 people are stocking up.

Most people here farm and many trade at our farmers market. I would expect a high survival rate in this area for any kind of economic depression or system collapse. It's more difficult to find someone here who isn't prepared then someone well prepared. At least someone in each family understands the situation in the works and is making preparations for their family. I would almost say it's outside the social norm to be unprepared for economic collapse at this time.
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Old 10-06-2008, 05:10 PM   #7
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Yes SeekingAlpha, every time I walk out of the front door.

People don't want to know. They believe what they're told on the news, those who bother to watch it. That's how sucessful Illuminati mind control methods are.

You can talk to people about it but most of the time you're just wasting your energy. I think if people are ready to know they find out; we all did. Those who aren't ready won't accept any of it because it challenges their belief systems to an unacceptable extent.

Bummer init.
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Old 10-06-2008, 05:11 PM   #8
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I feel like a good mix tape of some Rock and Roll music helps wade off the fear, especially aftfer listening to Deagle this morning, holy crap!.

Echart Tolle likes to suggest actually pysically shaking out your arms and legs to get rid of the pain bodies that surround you during fear moments. I just did this on my noon walk, it hels!

I think we are all trying to manage that fine line of preperation and current reality.

The thing is, out preparation is looking more and more likely that it is a good thing we are prepared. I think we can be the ones to help our friends, family and neighbors be the calm in the storm.

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Old 10-06-2008, 05:19 PM   #9
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Definitely yes for me.

I am practically paralyzed with dread and most everyone else is la-la-la.

I felt it in my body before I actually read about what was coming up. So whether I "knew" about it by reading what is on this site, or just feeling my body's tension, I can't ignore or pretend this is not happening!
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Old 10-06-2008, 05:22 PM   #10
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Default Re: Are you making the same observations and I am?

Originally Posted by seekingalpha View Post
hello everyone,

before i begin, i am new to this board and want to thank bill and kerry for putting together project avalon/camelot for all of us to use and benefit from.

In the last week i have been stocking up on supplies and getting myself prepared for what could happen as a result of this financial/political disaster. I was at costco over the weekend (for those living in the uk, costco stores are like huge tesco stores) and as i was checking out, i looked around me and couldn't help but to think that there were so many people that are oblivious as to what is going on.

Here i was standing in line with my large purchase of water and non-perishable foods and when i looked around, people were just going about their daily lives buying things that are not going to help them if something bad were to occur. The guy that was standing in front of me was buying a huge flat pannel tv and was talking about how he's finally going to have hdtv at his house so that he could watch football games.

Watching people go about their business was just all so surreal and it seems like nobody around me had the slightest idea how bad this crisis is going to be. Are you all having the same kind of experiences?

i live in portland oregon. Yesterday i went to winco got alot of extra. And i saw a bunch of people doing the same thing. So i think more people then we think know something is going down soon. I meen a bunch of people had 2 carts full of food.
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Old 10-06-2008, 05:24 PM   #11
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Ohh SeekingAlpha.... I was at SAMSCLUB yesterday with my husband,we had 2 full of food carts,and as we were checking out the lady standing behind us started asking us why do we need so much food? I just told her we have a big family but she didn't believe us and she started laughing at us and whispering something to her husband,I don't have to tell you how stupid I felt at this moment.
Watching all those people in the store made me feel like you said -surreal,and I just couldn't believe how ignorant these people are...
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Old 10-06-2008, 05:25 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by fastarr View Post
Many people have preached doom and gloom for thousands of years. Until things really hit the fan people should go about their lives. Yes, if something HUGE happens people will be shocked. However, after the initial phase we will learn to adjust and overcome. That is our nature to adapt to our environment and overcome hardships.

It really sounds as if there is more fear located here than anywhere else. And those here want the rest of the world to feel their fear. Knowledge is supposed to free us from that fear so that we may better support those that will be in need because they will not understand what is happening.
I really like your post fastarr as it reflects deep wisdom.

When someone just wakes up to reality (what is going on behind the smoke and mirrors with the political and financial leaders) do you think their first emotional response may be shock and fear?

Your assessment is also on target. Knowledge will set us free. In this situation however, there is sometimes a sense of feeling overwhelmed because there is so much knowledge available. Perhaps some are fearfull that they won't get the information they need to know in time to make the shift in the road, the intervention that is needed to protect themselves and their families. Or perhaps some are somewhat bewildered as the world they thought they lived in was revealed to be false. This could be unsettling as well. And of course it does take time to make the adjustmet to a new paradigm, just as it would take time for any traveler to orient him or herself to a new foriegn country.

It is quiet heartening to have folks such as yourself here to help reflect what is important. Thank you for your post.
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Old 10-06-2008, 05:25 PM   #13
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I've tried talking about this with friends and family for weeks and they still think I'm pretty nuts and that every thing will be 'fine'. I don't think so. But I'm trying to think positive thoughts and not give in to the fear. I guess it didn't help me to listen to the Deagle phone call an hour or so ago. Wow. Let's hope his visions are only that.
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Old 10-06-2008, 06:01 PM   #14
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I try to keep an optimistic attitude about this whole issue and have been trying to surround myself with positive influences. Despite that fact, what concerns me the most about these "sleepers" is how they will react to the shock of an attack or financial meltdown.

For us, since we have been exposed to the idea that something major may happen soon, we've become mentally prepared for the event if it should happen and we'll do our best to adjust to the new circumstances. As for those that are asleep, for them to go from denail/fantasy to the utter shock of reality is something that is extremely concerning because they their actions could be extreme.

This was one of the thoughts I had yesterday as I stood in line at COSTCO. How are all these people going to cope with the shock of the bad news.
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Old 10-06-2008, 06:11 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by monica View Post
I just told her we have a big family but she didn't believe us and she started laughing at us and whispering something to her husband,I don't have to tell you how stupid I felt at this moment.
"He who laughs last, laughs best." (Even when there's nothing to laugh about)

We dropped $240 on food yesterday. This morning I am busy trying to collect on $800, and $1,200 invoices. (wish me luck, please)

It's already earmarked for food, ammunition, and topping off the gas tank. It's been a bit of an uphill fight with the wife as she is a DGI (doesn't get it). On the upside, that old river in Egypt, De-Nile, is mostly to blame, but she's beginning to come around to the notion I may not be as crazy as she thought.

Another thing I'm doing this week is calling in "dispersed items". My extended family + a short list of very old, trusted friends, have certain valuables, and .... "implements" spread out to each others houses. The thinking was, "What you don't have around can't be stolen, or confiscated."

I'm gettin' the feeling we're a teeny bit passed that. It's time to have about you what you think you'll need.

My fondest desire, still, is that we don't need any of it.
"Every day after this one is a gift."

"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

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Old 10-06-2008, 06:46 PM   #16
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I'm the same I'm walking around looking at them and thinking they are in for such a shock (maybe) have tried to tell a couple of friends but they wont listen, luckily I have two friends who can see whats happening and are getting ready.
It's almost like a dream.
My mates says they are all sleepwalking into a future that they cant even begin to understand.

I have also found myself looking at things and judging their usefulness as a survival tool, saw a framed picture and thought what good would that do
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Old 10-07-2008, 03:55 AM   #17
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Reading this tread makes me feel like I'm living in a B movie, it too unreal.
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Old 10-07-2008, 04:02 AM   #18
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The majority are going about their normal lives, asleep, bored, travelling on automatic. I think the ones that are here on the forum and other forums, most are lightworkers, meant to be here, but it does annoy me. I think the people that are buying up big are concerned more about the financial crisis that type of thing. I would be surprised if they were aware of anything else besides that, unless they research.
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Old 10-07-2008, 04:08 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by MargueriteBee View Post
Reading this tread makes me feel like I'm living in a B movie, it too unreal.
If bad things starts to happen, the first place to fall will be the US. Sign that the rest of the world must prepare.
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Old 10-07-2008, 04:21 AM   #20
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I see the people buying big screen TV's at Costco too.

I think about the wool pulled over there eyes.

The Knowledge has set me free.

I have been this path for many years.

I have warned many, some have taken the red pill.

Many others have taken the blue pill, watch the game and drink beer.

The truth challenges many people's belief system.

As more events unfold more will realize things are not quite right.

They must notice this on there own.

People asked me why I smile so much. I tell them because I know the truth.

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Old 10-07-2008, 04:22 AM   #21
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Yeah, a neibor of mine, in his 60s+ came up and introduced his self to me while I was outside. The 1st thing he said was, what do you think about the bail-out? I was shocked, and we talked for awhile. Anyways, we our freinds and we will watch out for the neiborhood. Good to find like minded people.

I was running around today getting water and other stuff. the people look at me like i was really thirsty. I said I dont want to be caught without water. They were dumbfounded like zommbies.
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Old 10-07-2008, 04:49 AM   #22
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EXACTLY the same experience. I was so profoundly struck by it that I came home and blogged about it on both Saturday and Sunday...after traveling to larger neighboring towns for the best deals on everything that we will need to survive and feed our family and clueless family that WILL come to us...

No one was doing any "special shopping" but us. People had Fall mums and halloween costumes in their buggies...
The check out persons inquired at EVERY PLACE we went, like we were a strange novelty and we had the oddest displaced feeling. Nothing genuine could be said to explain was understood. So we stuck with the "big camping trip" explanation. ohhhh was the reply, follow by, "sounds like fun."

I cooked for my sons, 19 and 17, their favorite dinner tonight we had a great conversation. We shared with them in more detail what was actually going on in the world at large...they can handle what is impending and facing us and because they are my children they are eons ahead of their peers... they are in awe that their mom knows "insider information"...I don't tell them otherwise. grin.
They trust me and they have never been spoiled... the separation from technology isn't sinking in yet but we are having "get to know your gun day" one afternoon this week...

Still even today, I was back out in retail land gathering supplies and i saw NO increase in shoppers or alertness level. The ONE place that had a marked increase in supply stocking was the liquor store...lines that went on for hours on saturday night...

I have emailed siblings and such and a few close friends in a last ditch warning to just be prepared. The population at large is zombified...
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