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Old 12-15-2009, 01:33 PM   #1
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Default 1995 bieng visitation

bieng encounter /july 1995
(highly likely linked to my ufo uncounters from 1982)


could this be a species of grey? it looked kind of grey from a small distance,
but looked more off white close up.

i had been back from holiday in greece only a few days,again like my ufo encounters, it was a wednesday night.
i awoke abruptly to see a bieng at the foot of my bed,i was laid in an unusual position,my arms were folded and my legs were straight,
i dont usually sleep this neatly..the being had a black robe on,and looked tall and thin,its hood was up initially .
after i had overcome the shock and was staring at this bieng,my first thought was it must be the grim reaper and maybe i was dead.
it just stood there for a short while , then proceeded to take down its hood,
i could see its face,ill try to describe it,,,it had no hair,no eyebrows ,seemingly no hair at all,
its skin was a pale off white colour,it had very small ears that came to a point on the top,a very small nose also
with two nostrils similar to ours, its mouth was small in relation to its head and round in shape with very thin dull purpilish lips.
its eyes were slightly larger than ours roundish in shape.
oh, and it had teeth,looked blunt and evenly spaced out,it was this point that i noticed it had teeth that i got really scared
and thought to punch it and run for the door.it must have known what i was thinking as no sooner as i thought this it slowly raised its arm
ond opened its palm of its hand,(which i later saw had four long fingers,no fingernails no thumb)
and either from the palm of its hand or something on its wrist it fired a bright blue beam which hit me.
the beam was like a smaller version of the beam from the first ufo encounter.its hand seemed to glow bright white as it fired the beam.
not sure exactly what happened next,but i have a vague recollection of having muscle spasms.
by now i was shouting,screaming for help,from my brother in the next room,and my mum and dad in the other room,
or at least i thought i was,i was screaming but my mouth wasnt moving ,then i realised neither was my body,
dont know for definate if the beam paralysed me or not,but it seems probable,its possible i was already paralysed.
i was still aware and could still see and think,buts thats all.
i can only remember parts of the rest of the encounter,the bieng moved along the side of the bed,it moved slow and smoothly,almost like it was gliding
i couldnt see its legs as the robe it had covered it as far as i could see,but i was also restricted with how far i could see by the edge of the bed.
there wasnt much space for it to manouvre,ony 2 and a half feet maybe in depth between the side of the bed and a unit with keyboards and musical equiptment on,
it brushed past one of my keyboards and it looked to catch its hand on the keys of one,
i saw a bieng near my exit door,i think this was one of two smaller biengs which accompanied the taller one. as i got a measure of its height the next day,it was next to a light switch and i recalled its position,
this being was five and half feet tall, this one still had its hood up.
i could only focus on the tall telepathic one it was maybe six and a half to seven feet.,it could have looked taller as i was laid down on the bed..
the last things i remember of this incident were the bieng was right up next to me,its face close to mine,not sure how to explain this,,
it was as though it was controlling my breathing,some form of mist or something i cant explain was between my mouth and its own,
it was also comunicating telepathically at points from after the beam hit to it going,using pictures and egyptian style writings which i couldnt understand,
and like the inner voice of yourself as the only way i can describe it,although it wasnt yourself talking..
the pictures and texts were seemingly force fed for the latter part at amazingly fast speeds.,
i also felt that information was extracted from me too..dont know why i think this ,but i do.
i remember asking the entity two specific questions,as i was pretty calm at this point,not scared anymore like at the begining.
maybe i was re assured by something somehow...
i asked it what was the meaning of life,and more importantly to me what was the meaning of my life.
im pretty sure it responded, but i cant remember what it told me,maybe because the last thing i recalled was it looping thoughts in my head to stop me from accessing these memorys,
thats my perception of what it was doing anyway.
looping/recycling certain points of thought ,like over and over to forget.
not sure what happened after this ,i must have been put back to sleep or fallen asleep, i woke what was probably a little after,and was scared again and wouldnt get out of bed for about an hour,checked my room and behind the door,,
had to get up and go to work,was fairly ill all day at work and had to sit down most of it,
was probably in some sort of shock at a guess,but you cant get hold of anti ufo/being trauma tablets on the nhs so i had to ride it through..
it wasnt till over a week later i came to the conclusion that this incident must be linked to the ufo sightings earlier in my life.i had put the ufo craft encounters behind me and was getting on with things..
although the timing of this encounter is suspicious as i was very depressed
at the time,

regards a.
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Old 12-15-2009, 02:29 PM   #2
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Thx for sharing this.
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Old 12-15-2009, 07:17 PM   #3
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Originally Posted by Soulcrafter View Post
Thx for sharing this.
no problem, in my opinion, people should tell if they have definate sightings experiences , it helps to try and understand whats really going on, lots of pieces to this puzzle,its a very complex subject ,and theres probably a lot of different agendas going off.it also can cause some ridicule if people do talk freely about there experiences,as people generally feel safer inside their own
"comfort zone" and belief system.. it also affects the way you percieve things and life in general,but its took some years to manifest itself as to where i am now..

regards a..
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Old 12-15-2009, 08:06 PM   #4
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Originally Posted by mandroid View Post
no problem, in my opinion, people should tell if they have definate sightings experiences , it helps to try and understand whats really going on, lots of pieces to this puzzle,its a very complex subject ,and theres probably a lot of different agendas going off.it also can cause some ridicule if people do talk freely about there experiences,as people generally feel safer inside their own
"comfort zone" and belief system.. it also affects the way you percieve things and life in general,but its took some years to manifest itself as to where i am now..

regards a..
Well i got some experience of my own. i will take some time to write 'em all down one of these. i'll keep you updated on it.

kindest regards
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Old 12-16-2009, 01:34 AM   #5
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

thankyou for sharing this experience, its amazingly similar to an encounter i had about 5 years ago. I was awakened in the early hours by something pulling at my duvet. I woke & looked up to see a tall being standing beside my bed very similar to your description. Unlike you though i felt absolutely terrified the whole time & was quite literally paralyzed (i did not see any blue beam at any time). I tried to scream for what seemed like about a minute but no sound would come out. This being just stood there, until i finally got a scream out & as far as i can remeber, it then simply vanished. Now i think that this is abit strange in itself because i have no memory of it telling me anything or carrying out any kind of experimentation on me. Maybe it did & then wiped my memory i don't know, & maybe i am better off not remembering. Surely if some being from another world came to visit me, it wouldnt just wake me up & then vanish about 2 minutes later without doing something significant, unless it was just "the seing it" that was all that was required. Subsequently i spent a couple of years denying to myself it ever happened until i really awakened about 3 years ago when i got into the whole ufo/alien/2012/camelot scene bigtime. I still can picture the incident as clearly as the moment it happened, & i worry almost nightly about a return visit. Hopefully now that i am alot more clued in, i will handle it alot better if it does. I wonder how many other poeple have these kind of experinces & like me stay quiet about them. Wouldn't it be great if there was some kind of help group for people like us where we could all meet & talk about our experinces & get help from "experts in this field" & from just sharing with others & knowing you haven't got a few slices missing from your loaf lol.
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Old 12-16-2009, 02:28 AM   #6
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Sounds pretty likely based on my recalls, some of which are in the "Between Lives" thread.

An event like that can hang a person up and sometimes a good idea to get it cleared up in a session with a professional who has experience helping people who have experienced ET encounters.

The best professional, IMHO, will ask one to scan the incident for anything "hidden", because there always is something that you are not supposed to remember. They also for some reason are very very good at getting the person to think they are the nicest and most well-intentioned beings and really just looking after your welfare.


Originally Posted by mandroid View Post
bieng encounter /july 1995
(highly likely linked to my ufo uncounters from 1982)


could this be a species of grey? it looked kind of grey from a small distance,
but looked more off white close up.

i had been back from holiday in greece only a few days,again like my ufo encounters, it was a wednesday night.
i awoke abruptly to see a bieng at the foot of my bed,i was laid in an unusual position,my arms were folded and my legs were straight,
i dont usually sleep this neatly..the being had a black robe on,and looked tall and thin,its hood was up initially .
after i had overcome the shock and was staring at this bieng,my first thought was it must be the grim reaper and maybe i was dead.
it just stood there for a short while , then proceeded to take down its hood,
i could see its face,ill try to describe it,,,it had no hair,no eyebrows ,seemingly no hair at all,
its skin was a pale off white colour,it had very small ears that came to a point on the top,a very small nose also
with two nostrils similar to ours, its mouth was small in relation to its head and round in shape with very thin dull purpilish lips.
its eyes were slightly larger than ours roundish in shape.
oh, and it had teeth,looked blunt and evenly spaced out,it was this point that i noticed it had teeth that i got really scared
and thought to punch it and run for the door.it must have known what i was thinking as no sooner as i thought this it slowly raised its arm
ond opened its palm of its hand,(which i later saw had four long fingers,no fingernails no thumb)
and either from the palm of its hand or something on its wrist it fired a bright blue beam which hit me.
the beam was like a smaller version of the beam from the first ufo encounter.its hand seemed to glow bright white as it fired the beam.
not sure exactly what happened next,but i have a vague recollection of having muscle spasms.
by now i was shouting,screaming for help,from my brother in the next room,and my mum and dad in the other room,
or at least i thought i was,i was screaming but my mouth wasnt moving ,then i realised neither was my body,
dont know for definate if the beam paralysed me or not,but it seems probable,its possible i was already paralysed.
i was still aware and could still see and think,buts thats all.
i can only remember parts of the rest of the encounter,the bieng moved along the side of the bed,it moved slow and smoothly,almost like it was gliding
i couldnt see its legs as the robe it had covered it as far as i could see,but i was also restricted with how far i could see by the edge of the bed.
there wasnt much space for it to manouvre,ony 2 and a half feet maybe in depth between the side of the bed and a unit with keyboards and musical equiptment on,
it brushed past one of my keyboards and it looked to catch its hand on the keys of one,
i saw a bieng near my exit door,i think this was one of two smaller biengs which accompanied the taller one. as i got a measure of its height the next day,it was next to a light switch and i recalled its position,
this being was five and half feet tall, this one still had its hood up.
i could only focus on the tall telepathic one it was maybe six and a half to seven feet.,it could have looked taller as i was laid down on the bed..
the last things i remember of this incident were the bieng was right up next to me,its face close to mine,not sure how to explain this,,
it was as though it was controlling my breathing,some form of mist or something i cant explain was between my mouth and its own,
it was also comunicating telepathically at points from after the beam hit to it going,using pictures and egyptian style writings which i couldnt understand,
and like the inner voice of yourself as the only way i can describe it,although it wasnt yourself talking..
the pictures and texts were seemingly force fed for the latter part at amazingly fast speeds.,
i also felt that information was extracted from me too..dont know why i think this ,but i do.
i remember asking the entity two specific questions,as i was pretty calm at this point,not scared anymore like at the begining.
maybe i was re assured by something somehow...
i asked it what was the meaning of life,and more importantly to me what was the meaning of my life.
im pretty sure it responded, but i cant remember what it told me,maybe because the last thing i recalled was it looping thoughts in my head to stop me from accessing these memorys,
thats my perception of what it was doing anyway.
looping/recycling certain points of thought ,like over and over to forget.
not sure what happened after this ,i must have been put back to sleep or fallen asleep, i woke what was probably a little after,and was scared again and wouldnt get out of bed for about an hour,checked my room and behind the door,,
had to get up and go to work,was fairly ill all day at work and had to sit down most of it,
was probably in some sort of shock at a guess,but you cant get hold of anti ufo/being trauma tablets on the nhs so i had to ride it through..
it wasnt till over a week later i came to the conclusion that this incident must be linked to the ufo sightings earlier in my life.i had put the ufo craft encounters behind me and was getting on with things..
although the timing of this encounter is suspicious as i was very depressed
at the time,

regards a.
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Old 12-16-2009, 09:23 AM   #7
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Originally Posted by Soulcrafter View Post
Well i got some experience of my own. i will take some time to write 'em all down one of these. i'll keep you updated on it.

kindest regards

be interesting to hear them
you should do it when you feel comfortable posting it...

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Old 12-16-2009, 09:41 AM   #8
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Originally Posted by lightnoise View Post
thankyou for sharing this experience, its amazingly similar to an encounter i had about 5 years ago. I was awakened in the early hours by something pulling at my duvet. I woke & looked up to see a tall being standing beside my bed very similar to your description. Unlike you though i felt absolutely terrified the whole time & was quite literally paralyzed (i did not see any blue beam at any time). I tried to scream for what seemed like about a minute but no sound would come out. This being just stood there, until i finally got a scream out & as far as i can remeber, it then simply vanished. Now i think that this is abit strange in itself because i have no memory of it telling me anything or carrying out any kind of experimentation on me. Maybe it did & then wiped my memory i don't know, & maybe i am better off not remembering. Surely if some being from another world came to visit me, it wouldnt just wake me up & then vanish about 2 minutes later without doing something significant, unless it was just "the seing it" that was all that was required. Subsequently i spent a couple of years denying to myself it ever happened until i really awakened about 3 years ago when i got into the whole ufo/alien/2012/camelot scene bigtime. I still can picture the incident as clearly as the moment it happened, & i worry almost nightly about a return visit. Hopefully now that i am alot more clued in, i will handle it alot better if it does. I wonder how many other poeple have these kind of experinces & like me stay quiet about them. Wouldn't it be great if there was some kind of help group for people like us where we could all meet & talk about our experinces & get help from "experts in this field" & from just sharing with others & knowing you haven't got a few slices missing from your loaf lol.
thx for the reply,just wondered ,had you ever seen a ufo craft before this
happened? close enough to know for sure that it was one, or any thing else you think could have been connected?.its possible you were paralysed before you woke up maybe,although i was hit by a light bright blue beam from
what appeared to be the palm of its hand or maybe wrist,i didnt try to move
before the beam hit and i am just summising the beam paralysed me.
unless the beam has another purpose? i wonder if you were supposed to wake up or if it was unforseen on its part, same goes with my experience,
im not sure if i was supposed to wake up or if it was unforeseen,
the manner in which i awoke was unusual, from a very deep sleep to almost instantaniously awakening,we dont need no experts who write books to capitalise on this phenomenom, i would much rather converse with people who have had real experiences,more likely to find answers/reasons from genuine people. we can have a group here, kind of a self help group
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Old 12-16-2009, 09:52 AM   #9
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
Sounds pretty likely based on my recalls, some of which are in the "Between Lives" thread.

An event like that can hang a person up and sometimes a good idea to get it cleared up in a session with a professional who has experience helping people who have experienced ET encounters.

The best professional, IMHO, will ask one to scan the incident for anything "hidden", because there always is something that you are not supposed to remember. They also for some reason are very very good at getting the person to think they are the nicest and most well-intentioned beings and really just looking after your welfare.

not sure if your meaning i have copied your thoughts or experience,
but this is not the case gnosis.i havnt read your "between lives thread"
maybe i should check it out if theres similarities?
also if both accounts have similarities ,and both written from our
own minds/thoughts.then this has significance dont you think?

im ok, dont need any session with a regressionist although it may be interesting,, cant be totally sure hypnosis works,but the way the bieng
was making me forget is a similar kind of thing maybe, so who knows..
yes they are very good at making us feel they are here in our best interests.
but ive had two close ufo encounters and this experience and im still here
to talk about it, they had plenty of chance to take me away ,never to be seen again.as is im of the opinion they are not hostile,

as for malicious, i dont think so but i cant be sure of their real intentions...

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Old 12-16-2009, 10:17 AM   #10
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

i wrote this a few months ago,as anyone whos had a real experience will know its never far from your thoughts.


its kind of an ambient electronic track..as i write various electronic styled music.its more of a raw take than a polished master...for now anyway..

lyrics simple but meaningfull,,,,,out of the night,into the light,came a dark visitor.(vocoder lyrics)im not really into capitalism either its not for the good of the majority,
just the few, i put this and other thoughts i have down to these experiences also.

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Old 12-16-2009, 12:23 PM   #11
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Originally Posted by mandroid View Post
i wrote this a few months ago,as anyone whos had a real experience will know its never far from your thoughts.


its kind of an ambient electronic track..as i write various electronic styled music.its more of a raw take than a polished master...for now anyway..

lyrics simple but meaningfull,,,,,out of the night,into the light,came a dark visitor.(vocoder lyrics)im not really into capitalism either its not for the good of the majority,
just the few, i put this and other thoughts i have down to these experiences also.

Thx for the music track, i'm into electronic music myself so i appreciate this a lot. Kind regards
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Old 12-16-2009, 01:47 PM   #12
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Originally Posted by Soulcrafter View Post
Thx for the music track, i'm into electronic music myself so i appreciate this a lot. Kind regards
no problem, ive done lots of stuff over the years, a lot of it influenced by
the ufo experiences,inevitable really..

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Old 12-16-2009, 02:52 PM   #13
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Originally Posted by mandroid View Post
thx for the reply,just wondered ,had you ever seen a ufo craft before this
happened? close enough to know for sure that it was one, or any thing else you think could have been connected?.its possible you were paralysed before you woke up maybe,although i was hit by a light bright blue beam from
what appeared to be the palm of its hand or maybe wrist,i didnt try to move
before the beam hit and i am just summising the beam paralysed me.
unless the beam has another purpose? i wonder if you were supposed to wake up or if it was unforseen on its part, same goes with my experience,
im not sure if i was supposed to wake up or if it was unforeseen,
the manner in which i awoke was unusual, from a very deep sleep to almost instantaniously awakening,we dont need no experts who write books to capitalise on this phenomenom, i would much rather converse with people who have had real experiences,more likely to find answers/reasons from genuine people. we can have a group here, kind of a self help group
I have now had 3 seperate u.f.o sightings since the visitation! the 1st was late at night as a passenger in my ex girlfriends car we both saw this large orange glowing orb move across the sky at immense speed & vanish into thin air. The 2nd i saw a whole fleet of orbs out of my window late one night & im almost certian they was not chinese lanters they moved way,way way to fast, & lastly i saw a much bigger one while walking home late in the evening which hovvered for several minutes & changed colour from orange to bright white & also made some very erratic movements that as far as im aware normal aircraft cannot make. It then de materialised without trace.
The other very interesting things that i kind of link up with this are a whole bunch of very vivid dreams involving u.f.o's that i have had recently, & also you could call it more awakening to things that happened to me a as small child (2-5), which im now sure i had many visits to my bedroom by visitors & a vivid memory(that i have always dismissed until the last couple of years) of being levitated up from my bed & through the ceiling onto a craft when i was abit older (8 or 9). Sorry this is turning into a long post lol i could talk for hours about this stuff. final note yes i agree talking to others is great - just posting this feels very therapeutic, i expect i've layed myself open to more ridicule like i got on 1 or 2 other well known boards on these topics, but i really dont care anymore what any close minded sheeple/disruptive types have to say, i know what i have seen & thats good enough for me. hopefully it will encourage others to share thier
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Old 12-16-2009, 03:46 PM   #14
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Originally Posted by lightnoise View Post
I have now had 3 seperate u.f.o sightings since the visitation! the 1st was late at night as a passenger in my ex girlfriends car we both saw this large orange glowing orb move across the sky at immense speed & vanish into thin air. The 2nd i saw a whole fleet of orbs out of my window late one night & im almost certian they was not chinese lanters they moved way,way way to fast, & lastly i saw a much bigger one while walking home late in the evening which hovvered for several minutes & changed colour from orange to bright white & also made some very erratic movements that as far as im aware normal aircraft cannot make. It then de materialised without trace.
The other very interesting things that i kind of link up with this are a whole bunch of very vivid dreams involving u.f.o's that i have had recently, & also you could call it more awakening to things that happened to me a as small child (2-5), which im now sure i had many visits to my bedroom by visitors & a vivid memory(that i have always dismissed until the last couple of years) of being levitated up from my bed & through the ceiling onto a craft when i was abit older (8 or 9). Sorry this is turning into a long post lol i could talk for hours about this stuff. final note yes i agree talking to others is great - just posting this feels very therapeutic, i expect i've layed myself open to more ridicule like i got on 1 or 2 other well known boards on these topics, but i really dont care anymore what any close minded sheeple/disruptive types have to say, i know what i have seen & thats good enough for me. hopefully it will encourage others to share thier

yes , i have seen one of these orange orbs very early on this year,
there were many sightings around the uk,not sure what it was
but it wasnt a helicopter or plane or chinese lantern.it made no noise
pulsated slowly from dull to bright orange and moved smoothly and in a straight trajectory unlike a chinese lantern.
it wasnt anything like what i saw with my other experiences.
i feel better for communicating with people about it,helps me not feel so isolated. people only ridicule because they do not understand or fear things..
its a natural side effect of "modified animal" state.as "human" greed ,stems from the animal instinct to survive, ridicule stems from the animal instint of fear and to defend itself. just my thoughts of course..
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Old 12-16-2009, 04:22 PM   #15
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Thank you for sharing this Mandroid....

The beings I and family have dealt with over the years are not gray- they are whitish ( I call them moon colored).
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Old 12-16-2009, 05:03 PM   #16
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
Thank you for sharing this Mandroid....

The beings I and family have dealt with over the years are not gray- they are whitish ( I call them moon colored).
thx for the reply eleni,
,yes i would describe them as moon coloured also,this is a very good way of describing them,

were they anything like what i described here?

why do you think these encounters only happen to certain people,
is there a reason or not, i feel the craft i saw manipulated me to the park deliberately.. it do not think it was a chance encounter...

regards a
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Old 12-16-2009, 05:10 PM   #17
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Default Re: 1995 bieng visitation

Well, I really don't know for sure why some people get these visitations-
I think some of us signed up for it in pre life agreements.

At least I think I have and I signed on for more as well

Yes, I used to call them the man in the moon since I could speak.

I've never seen teeth. They vary in height but when I was little they were very short- around 3 feet tall or so.

Also they had eyes larger than humans but not of grey porportions so similar to yours.

My daughter picked one up a few weeks ago during an experience- my account of that is in this forum.

I think there are many types of greys prototypes/templates.

I believe these come from another time/space continuum. But that's my personal feelings.

Some are said to be black ops clone types/programmed life forms.

I think the grey beings area is complex- more complex than what we've been led to believe.

Trust your gut instinct- you are most likely correct- some people get picked up randomly- others are influenced to go to certain places, deserted areas etc;
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