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Old 12-10-2008, 04:55 PM   #26
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

I felt it necessary to jump in here, only because of my own experiences, and how they could possibly lend to another perspective.
Since I was a very young child (2) I heard voices other than my own, in my head.
The main voice was adult, male.
As a child, it would simply hypnotize me most of the time, by repeating a random thought for up to 5, 10 minutes.
I would see this man in my mind, and his body would grow & shrink. In that movement, it felt as though my body was doing the same thing, that is partly what had me hypnotized.
I was often pinned to the bed, if that is where I happened to be when he would talk to me.
I did not realize I could pull my focus from it, so I never tried.
On occasion, this voice would tell me to not obey the words of authority figures.
My mother especially.
I was also told to NOT talk about him.
As I aged, the voice would stick around longer, and it's demands stretched a bit more.
At 14, I was put into drug rehab.
I had began doing drugs at 6, yes 6 years old, but became heavy into it at 11, when I had my first drink/drunk.
By the time I was 14, I had been to jail twice behind booze, and I was completely uninhibited when it came to what I would put in my body as far as hard chemicals went.
At 16, just over a year sober, I had an out of body experience on the heels of a very intense interaction with the man in my mind, who had been with me now for 14 years.
I could not remain quiet about this. I went to my parents.
In order to rule out schizophrenia, they put me back into a hospital, on a behavioral unit, to run every test possible for answers.

I was taken out of there after about 17 days.
Every test they ran, came back clearing me from any mental disorder.
I was then put in touch with Thelma Moss, who was the head of parapsychology at UCLA for over 30 years.
With her help, and the help of a few other appointed doctors whose field of expertise went beyond the lines of western medicine, I was able to rid myself of this relationship with the man, who was named Dirk.

One of the people helping me, was an American Indian woman. Prior to meeting me, (when I was still in the hospital) she was at my house, communicating with the man.
Without being told anything about him by my parents, she described him physically, to a T. She told my parents why he was with me, and how he came to be with me. She was spot on.
He was a "hungry ghost."
A soul caught in the loop of time, basically getting his nourishment from my vibration.
I gave him life, again.

I was hypnotized, saw him face to face, and directed him into a hall way of light.
Dirk is gone.
But many have tried to communicate with me in the same manner since.
The difference today?
I am aware, and I am at no point dis-empowered by any of them.

I bring this to the table here, because I feel it is necessary to consider all sides of the coin, that in fact there is a paranormal side to "voices in the head" and that if any human is aware that they are NOT their thoughts, they have the opportunity to NOT act or believe their thoughts.
Voice to skull could be real, I don't know. I do know that the dead are vacuous, and we are their fuel.
I do know, that no man on this planet is vulnerable to outside sources, if he is made aware of his psychological condition and more importantly, how to be neutral & unmagnetized, no matter what.
If he is actively employing critical thinking, if he looks at his thoughts objectively, not attaching emotion to any of them, he is more free than most of society.
The problem is, most of society do not allow themselves to be the thinker, they are so caught up in the thoughts.
This has to stop.

No matter
the outside influence, if man is aware that he is NOT his thoughts, he is liberated from the prison of emotional attachment and psychological time chaos.
In order for peace to be restored, this must be realized.

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Old 12-10-2008, 06:42 PM   #27
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

thankyou for your testimony, I am glad you faced your fear and overcome the inner voice.
peace to you

this is a study that proved to me and so I called this professor and he confirms an outside signal attacking this individual. Page 8 shows what I am saying, that there is an attack going on and its world wide.
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Old 12-10-2008, 09:12 PM   #28
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Originally Posted by bossyroofer View Post
thankyou for your testimony, I am glad you faced your fear and overcome the inner voice.
peace to you

this is a study that proved to me and so I called this professor and he confirms an outside signal attacking this individual. Page 8 shows what I am saying, that there is an attack going on and its world wide.
I'm pretty sure Circlewerk isnt talking about technology being used to plant voices inside his head by use of a "signal".

You speak of a worldwide attack. Please help me understand how you know it is worldwide.

as for the study, I read it. It does not speak of technology being used to plant voices in peoples head. Specifically, Page 8:

Within a 5 km. radius of Deva's home, Deva is observed to respond to some unseen and outside force. This
force exhibits itself initially by a sudden movement of the head, severe pain in the head, and general
convulsive body movements. Such behaviour occurs regularly in the home, when shopping, in the car, in
church and even in the theatre.
Additionally on page 9 a probable cause of this energy field is given:

Of specific relevance is that Cometta (quoted in Andrews 1993) states that Pine Gap is not only a Space
Research Facility but is also “used to study Electro-Magnetic Propulsion , EMP”. “This research is
conducted completely underground”. He also claims there is an installed underground antenna “that can be
used to generate a gigantic ‘standing-wave’ around the earth which is the basis for a new type of
transmitter-receiver (transceiver)”. Cometta has also identified the presence of computers of “huge
capacity” and which are interconnected to similar assets in “Guam, Krugersdorp (South Africa) and the
Amundsen-Scott U. S. base at the South Pole
They also state that others that entered Deva's home could feel this energy. Your post talks about thoughts being beamed into a person. The evidence is not conmsistent with what you are talking about.

Thanks for the info. It was an interesting article and points out that electromagnetic fields are a threat to us all.
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Old 12-10-2008, 09:29 PM   #29
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

[QUOTE=hueyii;93268]I'm pretty sure Circlewerk isnt talking about technology being used to plant voices inside his head by use of a "signal".

You speak of a worldwide attack. Please help me understand how you know it is worldwide.

I have a nephew in the usmc, this technology is what they use.


and He tells me it is a sattelite system and this links info I checked with at fbi in phx,az and was told that its still classified as to how its used.
and local and state police here in utah have confirmed that they use something similar.
you can do your own research the truth is out there.
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Old 12-10-2008, 09:45 PM   #30
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Originally Posted by bossyroofer View Post
I have been asked by other vicitims to start this thread and start conversation.
I have been researching for over 15 years if voice to skull technology has played a roll in school shootings.
I have lived here in utah since 2000, since that time in the area that I live there has been 3 incidents that resemble voice to skull attacks on students behavior. I have interviewed on my own students from these different schools. I have found that in all cases that students involved with these acts of violence had one thing that was the same, there freinds and fellow students confirm that they were hereing voices in there minds urgeing them to acts of violence.
I have found 3 techniques that are my own simple test to confirm technology attack, 1. if you repeat a phrase in your mind that repeats its self, for example I use Dr. Who is Dr Who is Dr.who, and have found what sounds like A.I. getting stuck and repeating itself until an operater steps in and phsicaly unsticks the phrase.
2. I have found that by looking into a bright light for 15-20 seconds then looking away has revealed the EQUIPMENT AND OPERATORS LOCATION.
3. I also have found that a targeted individual will have a visable holographic
signature that resembles a spining translucent torsion wave that has a crystal like shape and spin movement.
I have confirmed that these childern are indeed under attack.
I have talked to 2 different kids who brought guns to do violence and thankfully were stoped . they said they were so grateful that someone beleaved them that would not bull sh** them.
God Bless and Watch over your familys for this!!
Once things become obvious they are no longer a threat.

the truth is obvious
Bossyroofer. the whole sorry subject on mind control is explained very well on the site "Educate Yourself" You will get an in depth lesson on what you are dealing with here. It is huge and it is horrific, but needs to be brought out into the open, stopped and healed. Love is the process and love is the solution.
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Old 12-10-2008, 10:05 PM   #31
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Originally Posted by Carmen View Post
Bossyroofer. the whole sorry subject on mind control is explained very well on the site "Educate Yourself" You will get an in depth lesson on what you are dealing with here. It is huge and it is horrific, but needs to be brought out into the open, stopped and healed. Love is the process and love is the solution.
I couldn't agree more.
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Old 12-10-2008, 10:33 PM   #32
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Originally Posted by hueyii View Post
I have a nephew in the usmc, this technology is what they use.


and He tells me it is a sattelite system and this links info I checked with at fbi in phx,az and was told that its still classified as to how its used.
and local and state police here in utah have confirmed that they use something similar.
you can do your own research the truth is out there.
You have been studying this for years and want me to do my own research? Please respond to the inconsistencies with the PDF you posted. It isnt talking about mind control at all.

As for the links above, the first one talks about silently inducing a change in the emotional state of groups of people. It is far from conclusive that it works. Besides, this has nothing to do with voices in a students head. The second link, aside from listing an area code that is in california with a PO box in North Carolina, talks about Chris Green from GM being the director of General Motors Corp. Biomedical Research Department in Detroit when he is actually GM's Director of Technology/Research Partnerships and does cancer research. It also states that the Soviet Union used this technology in its war with Afganistan. If it was truly an effective weapon then why did they lose that war? Why did we not use it against them in Georgia? The paper talks about the Soviets working with us on this technology. That does not make any sense.

Please excuse me but I cannot continue to review the info you are sending. None of it fits and most of it is just random and pointless.

If the US govt had the technology then our govt would be using it on the people we cannot control. (Syria and Iran come to mind) As for your military friend, I have some too and they talk about bombs and bullets, not mind control.

Thanks for engaging me but I must go.
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Old 12-10-2008, 10:50 PM   #33
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Originally Posted by Carmen View Post
Bossyroofer. the whole sorry subject on mind control is explained very well on the site "Educate Yourself" You will get an in depth lesson on what you are dealing with here. It is huge and it is horrific, but needs to be brought out into the open, stopped and healed. Love is the process and love is the solution.
I beg to differ. the report talks about the "potential" of developing weapons
that could potentially
influence directly the major portion of the approximately six billion brains of the human species
This isnt the same as planting thoughts in the brain of a sixteen year old to make him want to kill people in school that ridiculed and teased him endlessly. This is what Bossy claims. That Columbine was the result of mind control.

We all know the real reason these kids mudered people dont we??? If not, google it and refresh your memory. It wasnt just one kid.
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Old 12-10-2008, 11:58 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by hueyii View Post
Please excuse me but I cannot continue to review the info you are sending. None of it fits and most of it is just random and pointless.

If the US govt had the technology then our govt would be using it on the people we cannot control. (Syria and Iran come to mind) As for your military friend, I have some too and they talk about bombs and bullets, not mind control.

Thanks for engaging me but I must go.
dont go yet. first of all if you are really a civilian why would military men talk about stuff that they have taken an oath to never talk about, to you. do you think just because your friend or family member has been in the service
they would tell you? dont kid yourself.

just because you read information and let's just say its the best info. out their on the web or in person or whatever. you haven't experienced this technology for yourself. your still getting the information from another source. so though all this information is presented to you and you of course can decide what is true to you or not. you haven't experienced this. if you have you would know for a fact like i do that this technology is and has been used against many people worldwide. i have lived in Europe and Shanghai for over 4 years. now, either im "crazy" because no matter where i go i still can hear voices trying to ask me and threaten me with all kinds of stuff.

i've got 2 degrees and have worked for 2 fortune 500 co. in the past. the thing is that im superduper spiritual and when this happens you also become superduper psychic or at least i did. now your only scratching the surface of what kinds of technology is out there.

let me fill you in on some of the technology. faster then light computers that can travel back in time and steal soul pieces from you in previous lives so that these evil MF can slow down you spiritual progress. electronic weapons that can be shot in and at your auric field to cause many adverse reactions.
telepathic torture is just scratching the surface.

i go up against FBI, Ex-Military, Military, Black Magicians, and other Nefarious beings every single day and night and even in my sleep. yes in my sleep. when your sleeping your just in a different reality. so some of the rules when our eyes are closed fall away but one thing is a constant, Loving Kindness is a catalyst.

please read my blog,

take care,
elias visvasa

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Old 12-11-2008, 12:04 AM   #35
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Old 12-11-2008, 12:20 AM   #36
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Originally Posted by Visvasa144 View Post
dont go yet. first of all if you are really a civilian why would military men talk about stuff that they have taken an oath to never talk about, to you. do you think just because your friend or family member has been in the service
they would tell you? dont kid yourself.

i've got 2 degrees and have worked for 2 fortune 500 co. in the past. the thing is that im superduper spiritual and when this happens you also become superduper psychic or at least i did. now your only scratching the surface of what kinds of technology is out there.

take care,
elias visvasa

I just want to set the record straight, I know cause I two am a targetd Individual, I first thoght it was my military experiance, so I went to the V.A. for help 6 years later I finaly relized I had to except over come and adapt,
and by the way I own my home, my own bussiness, I clear over 300 thousand a year and I drive a caddliac escalade, which I bought myself. I wonder what these real men are driveing?
You can live with the voices in your mind, but the kids are struggleing and dieing.

peace and love to the targeted
those who don't bleave are liveing without!
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Old 12-11-2008, 12:47 AM   #37
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I spent 5 years in the military. Trained with Special forces and 82nd airborne, served in Korea. I took the oath along with hundreds of others. There is no oath to keep secrets from civilians only to protect and defend the constitution. They get everyone together in an auditorium and say "Repeat after me" This is no blood oath at all. Id trust these people with my life and you would too if you knew them. And I am a civilian. Retired with disability but still a civilian.

I'm sure you are an intelligent person and understand that you cannot believe everything you read on the internet. You need to check it out thoroughly. In your case I understand that if you feel you are having a common experience with someone that you are less likely to ask questions regarding the shared experience.

I, and many others have voices in my head. The voices sometimes produce thoughts that are irrational, horrific and totally out of character. I've shared these thoughts with people close to me and they have had similar experience. In my spiritual quest I came to understand that I am not my mind. My mind is a "machine" that my spirit uses as an aperature to this reality. The mind is constantly processing information to the point where it takes practice to shut it up. This I learned to do through meditation. The mind never really shuts up during meditation but I allow my "self" to seperate from it and observe it. My inner voice (which we all have) leads me these days and it tells me I am on the right path. Thats a voice I can trust.

Our minds are simply overstimulated by our society. There is just too much out there vying for our attention. Computers, cell phones, noise pollution, health issues and dont get me started about the media. Our minds are on overload and in many cases people become delusional, psychotic and do crazy things. In my world, society is the cancer that feed the fear that feeds the mind with confusion. But again, that is just my opinion.

During meditation I am able to trace thoughts to the point where they originate. There are only two sources of any thought, fear and love. Fear is the only cause of horrific or otherwise dark thoughts. Fear that someone is after me, my job, my money etc. These fear based thoughts are not planted in my mind. I take full responsibility for them.

I do not know the source of your thoughts. I feel for you if you are suffering. My wish is not to compound suffering but to try and understand, in a rational way, the alleged cause and if it is something I can validate. So far I cannot. The links that were given to me were not related to the allegation that someone can plant thoughts in someone elses brain and cause them to do something against thier will. Bossy claims that voice to skull technology has played a roll in school shootings and that the perpetrators were hearing voices. He makes other allegations that, to be frank, are very hard for me to believe. All I'm asking for is something I can hold onto but so far all I get is vague web pages that are not related to his allegations. This leads me to not believe for myself, what he is saying. No disrespect here, just disbelief.

If you guys are right and I'm wrong then that should all come out someday and if I can talk to you I will state my belief. For now I am not even remotely convinced that this is a worldwide attack and that it caused those kids to take a gun to school and kill other kids.

May you find peace and may your suffering cease.

Last edited by hueyii; 12-11-2008 at 12:52 AM.
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Old 12-11-2008, 12:58 AM   #38
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I hope only the best for all, I just can't help but beleave in these kids and I for myself will stand between them and those I know are targeting them.

god bless and thanks for serveing your country.
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Old 12-11-2008, 02:01 AM   #39
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Originally Posted by hueyii View Post
I spent 5 years in the military. Trained with Special forces and 82nd airborne, served in Korea. I took the oath along with hundreds of others. There is no oath to keep secrets from civilians only to protect and defend the constitution. They get everyone together in an auditorium and say "Repeat after me" This is no blood oath at all. Id trust these people with my life and you would too if you knew them. And I am a civilian. Retired with disability but still a civilian.

I'm sure you are an intelligent person and understand that you cannot believe everything you read on the internet. You need to check it out thoroughly. In your case I understand that if you feel you are having a common experience with someone that you are less likely to ask questions regarding the shared experience.

I, and many others have voices in my head. The voices sometimes produce thoughts that are irrational, horrific and totally out of character. I've shared these thoughts with people close to me and they have had similar experience. In my spiritual quest I came to understand that I am not my mind. My mind is a "machine" that my spirit uses as an aperature to this reality. The mind is constantly processing information to the point where it takes practice to shut it up. This I learned to do through meditation. The mind never really shuts up during meditation but I allow my "self" to seperate from it and observe it. My inner voice (which we all have) leads me these days and it tells me I am on the right path. Thats a voice I can trust.

Our minds are simply overstimulated by our society. There is just too much out there vying for our attention. Computers, cell phones, noise pollution, health issues and dont get me started about the media. Our minds are on overload and in many cases people become delusional, psychotic and do crazy things. In my world, society is the cancer that feed the fear that feeds the mind with confusion. But again, that is just my opinion.

During meditation I am able to trace thoughts to the point where they originate. There are only two sources of any thought, fear and love. Fear is the only cause of horrific or otherwise dark thoughts. Fear that someone is after me, my job, my money etc. These fear based thoughts are not planted in my mind. I take full responsibility for them.

I do not know the source of your thoughts. I feel for you if you are suffering. My wish is not to compound suffering but to try and understand, in a rational way, the alleged cause and if it is something I can validate. So far I cannot. The links that were given to me were not related to the allegation that someone can plant thoughts in someone elses brain and cause them to do something against thier will. Bossy claims that voice to skull technology has played a roll in school shootings and that the perpetrators were hearing voices. He makes other allegations that, to be frank, are very hard for me to believe. All I'm asking for is something I can hold onto but so far all I get is vague web pages that are not related to his allegations. This leads me to not believe for myself, what he is saying. No disrespect here, just disbelief.

If you guys are right and I'm wrong then that should all come out someday and if I can talk to you I will state my belief. For now I am not even remotely convinced that this is a worldwide attack and that it caused those kids to take a gun to school and kill other kids.

May you find peace and may your suffering cease.
I cannot speak to Bossyroofer's claims except to say
that Whitely Strieber has spoken of being subjected to
the standoff technology in one of his members area

What I can say is that there is little doubt that the technology exists and that it works.

How do I know this?

I own and have played with the original device; the Flanagan neurophone. I have also looked up the original
Life magazine article chronicling the young Patrick Flanagan and his device (circa 1963)
before Patrick and
his neurophone were absorbed into the intelligence community and placed under a veil of secrecy which was
not lifted until the early nineties . Why would they lift the veil? Because the proof of concept device was old news and they had developed much cooler versions.


The neurophone does indeed work. You place the transducers anywhere on the body and you can hear whatever is being piped into the neurophone in your head. Some areas work better than others. The palms and feet transmit the signal better than the butt does.
I planned to place the transducers on the back of my neck underneath my clothing ( the equivalent of wearing a headset) so I could listen to pre-recorded mp3s while at work dealing with the public. Sadly, the transducers are very fragile and one broke after only a few days. I laid the experiment aside and have not played with it in a few years now.

Bottom line. The technological concept is sound. It would not surprise me at all that it had evolved to stand off wireless equipment. My impression from the description that Whitely Strieber gave was that it was a hand held line of sight device that could be aimed from a parked car in the street at a subject of interest in the bedroom of his house on the back side of the lot. That the carrier beam passed through walls and the like from the hand held device.

Why would it be a stretch that larger versions might be used in psyops operations on targeted groups, possibly even satellite based technology? The ability to reach out and touch someone with non lethal devices to get the subjects to do your bidding through pain sound or other stimuli is seductive and sought after. Of this there is no doubt. The handheld device Whitely spoke of only created suggestions. He was savvy enough to wake from his nap and go looking for the source catching the culprits red handed transmitting from the street. They sped off with some haste.

Perhaps other less sophisticated subjects might not be quite so discriminating at filtering inputs. I'm not saying that it is, just that it could be.

That you would not have access to the technology in your capacity is no surprise. I suspect that it would be classified, and not being attached to that unit
would hardly have a need to know.


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Old 12-11-2008, 03:04 AM   #40
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Anything is possible. I imagine that if this technology, in any of the forms described, did exist, we would see it being used for something besides making high school kids into shooters and messing with random people. They would be going for bigger things like knocking off heads of state
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Old 12-11-2008, 04:19 AM   #41
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Originally Posted by hueyii View Post
Anything is possible. I imagine that if this technology, in any of the forms described, did exist, we would see it being used for something besides making high school kids into shooters and messing with random people. They would be going for bigger things like knocking off heads of state
Who is to say that it hasn't or isn't being used in that

It would fall under the umbrella of psychological warfare
which is a well developed military science.

After America invaded Afganistan there was an article in
newsweek about a psyops operation called commando solo whose open source mission is manipulation of radio and television signals. This would be an ideal platform for the employment of covert V2K missions against both
military and civilian targets. The proverbial voice of God.


What is more disturbing is the employment of these
techniques against targets on American soil. I would
expect such missions to be highly classified and limited
to a very small circle of need to know individuals.

Why would you need to use such techniques when you
have the perfect mind control device in every home in
America? Catherine Austin Fitts tells the story of overhearing two advertising executives on the streets
of New York talking about entrainment. That was the day
that she got rid of her television.

I personally do not think that V2K technology is responsible for school shootings. However, there is
evidence in the Columbine shootings that there was
a possible psyops operation going on which included
roll playing complete with props prior to the event.

Other, later shootings may stem from the undeniable
pressures young people are subjected to today along
with the widespread use of powerful mind altering psychotropic drugs - another whole topic which
I can talk about at length if you desire. The entire class
of antidepressants that Lexapro (which was in use at the
Columbine disaster), the SSRIs, are black boxed for people under 18 years of age for suicidal ideation.

My personal feeling about this violence is if there were
an active manipulation occurring, it is through the use
of monarch programed children activating delta alters
for mayhem and death. Another topic of very broad scope. V2K could possibly be used to "trigger" alter
programs in monarch children. But then, so could the
television, or the radio, or the Ipod...
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Old 12-11-2008, 05:05 AM   #42
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Yes. One recent thread in a Wired blog is called 'UN Investigates Electromagnetic Terrorism.' A good discussion with other links follows this article. There are people, including me, trying to make progress. I've not focussed as much on V2S (voice to skull), even though I'm quite certain that its purpose is twofold: experimental use (individually) and - or FOR - social destabilization, maybe to justify eroding civil rights, as smokescreens for other nefarious activities?

In Canada, for instance, a lone Greyhound bus passenger suddenly decapitates his seat mate with a knife on some rural route. So strange. Now, the entire national bus system is getting security cameras and the low budget method of travel requires a frisking before boarding.

Other oddball cases: in my neighborhood, a father who complained of voices in his head suddenly murdered the tenant in the basement, his wife and 2 young daughters. Also, so strange. I'd give links for these two examples, but the stories are easily found in Canadian news. It's almost common. OMG

As for the Wired thread: I wonder if anyone here may have something to contribute to it? One writer recently called for information in an effort to move it forward. Here's the link.


Another resource is the discussion after the article 'Secret Directed-Energy Technology Protecting the President?' [The President-elect, actually.] It covers terms and raises lots of good questions. Alas, no good answers yet.


I'm still looking into it all. There is no better way of subduing a populace. It keeps tensions high, people unsettled & distracted and, therefore, easily suggestible for 'guidance' into new political systems that would not be rationally chosen. It's probably nor great for dissenters either.

It's all fascist to me.
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Old 12-11-2008, 05:19 AM   #43
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Oops. When I said 'Yes' at the beginning of post, I was answering Baggywrinkle in my thoughts, i.e. yes, I'm pretty sure it's all workable technology.

My answer to the thread question is No. (I just have the usual sh*t in my head at present. I do meditation too - to quiet the gang down.)
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Old 12-11-2008, 11:04 AM   #44
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Originally Posted by bossyroofer View Post
I hope no one you know is used by this attack to kill someone you love before the truth is revealed to you.
You should not project death unto others lest you are prepared for death to project upon you.

Totally uncalled for.
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Old 01-24-2009, 10:25 AM   #45
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Hi, this thread hasn't been updated in a long time.

Does anybody know where it's going - onwards, upwards - ? To the terrorist bin? impunity bin? still using it bin? planning world destruction by incorrect numbers bin? pride bin? wide open channels bin? schizophrenia bin? 'future' tech bin? statistics/probability bin? 'justice/law' bin?

If so, please share NOW, inquiring minds want to know... no time like the present for gifts to humanity.

love & light

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Old 02-01-2009, 10:49 PM   #46
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Smile Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

hello all,
its been a while since i posted here but i would like to add that voice to skull technology is very real. the first week of january was very interesting. if you read my blog you will get an idea of my situation. anyways, around my house the voices seemed to come from certain areas of my house. i later told the agents that i knew where this little device was and they threatened my life if i found it. they removed it when i left the house and put it in one of the appliances in the kitchen. i told them again that i knew where it was and again they waited for me to leave the house so they could remove it. then they put it outside in the garage in either the washing machine or dryer. they removed it again after i told them where it was.
i then went up to mammoth from southern cali. which is about a 5hour drive. in certain areas of my drive i would think a thought that would bait whoever is telepathically communicating with me and they would respond very clear and distinctly to my statement. i made sure i did this when no cars were around. i could still here the voices very clearly. they the agents put some sort of device in my car. the ride back from mammoth was very quiet because they removed the device from my car.
while up in mammoth i went to convict lake around 8am in the morning and no one was in sight except a bald eagle looking for food. about after five minutes at the lake a man shows up gets out of his car and walks in the bushes behind me and back there for about 5 minutes. he takes off. i can then hear the voices again very clearly. they really liked it when i would try to sleep and try to sleep is the key. the second i closed my eyes i could see them and whatever image they were projecting into my head very clearly. so clearly they would try to have me read some sentences and tell them what color they were showing me just to check if their equipment was working.

i would like to add one thing. i have something called a frequency generator that pulses a 15mhz square wave and this device seems to not only block some transponder gps in my car but also cancel out them trying to get into my head while i close my eyes. another device is called a succor punch. so thats where im at as of now. take care everyone.

wow i havent been on this board in a while and very interesting how the energy of this forum has changed. know what i mean?
loving kindness to all beings.
p.s. even to all of you agents

Last edited by Visvasa144; 02-01-2009 at 10:53 PM.
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Old 04-10-2009, 08:40 AM   #47
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

I am posting some information about paranormal weapons from skeptictank, which appears to be from the early 1990's. I'm not sure what the anti-scientology thing is about on this site; I'm not pro either, just ignorant. Source: http://www.skepticfiles.org/skeptic/nonlethl.htm

-- ----------------------------------

To: All Msg #210, Oct-24-93 07:09PM
Subject: [Paranormal weapons] Something for everyone...
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Skeptic Tank!

From: A T Furman
To: All Msg #210, Oct-24-93 07:09PM
Subject: [Paranormal weapons] Something for everyone.....
Organization: The Portal System (TM)
From: atfurman@cup.portal.com (A T Furman)
Message-ID: <94091@cup.portal.com>
Newsgroups: sci.skeptic

Step right up, ladies and gentlemen...believers and skeptics...militarists and antimilitarists...paranoids and Alfred E. Neumans...there's something for everybody in this one. Here then is my reposting of Jyrki Kuoppala's reposting of Steve Crocker's reposting of Glenda Stocks's reposting of Matthew David's posting of Armen Victorian's article. Furthermore, I am *NOT* the author. Thank you, and enjoy. Alan T. Furman


Here's something more on "non-lethal weapons", a repost from alt.conspiracy: From: ad626@yfn.ysu.edu (Steve Crocker)
Subject: Re: St. Janet to strike again?
Date: 22 Oct 1993 08:35:34 GMT
Organization: Youngstown State/Youngstown Free-Net
Message-ID: <2a860m$gno@news.ysu.edu> Article #9233 (9270 is last): >Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy Subject: Lobster Section 1 [A]
From: glenda.stocks@pcohio.com (Glenda Stocks)
Date: Thu Aug 19 11:09:00 1993
To: ALL Date: 08/15/93
Re: Non-Lethal Weapons 1 of 7


The following article which appeared in the U.K. magazine, LOBSTER, in June 1993, is reproduced at the request of the author. (LOBSTER magazine, which specialises in intelligence and conspiracy matters, is published twice yearly.)


On April 22, 1993, both BBC1 and BBC2 showed on their main evening news bulletins a rather lengthy piece concerning America's latest development in weaponry - the non-lethal weapons concept. David Shukman, BBC Defence Correspondent interviewed (Retired) U.S. Army Colonel John B. Alexander and Janet Morris, two of the main proponents of the concept (1). The concept of non-lethal weapons is not new. Non-lethal weapons have been used by the intelligence, police and defence establishments in the past (2). Several western governments have used a variety of non-lethal weapons in a more discreet and covert manner. It seems that the U.S. government is about to take the first step towards their open use.

The current interest in the concept of non-lethal weapons began about a decage ago with John Alexander. In December 1980 he published an article in the U.S. Army's journal, MILITARY REVIEW, "The New Mental Battlefield," referring to claims that telepathy could be used to interfere with the brain's electrical activity. This caught the attention of senior Army generals who encouraged him to pursue what they termed "soft option kill" technologies.

After retiring from the Army in 1988, Alexander joined the Los Alamos National Laboratories and began working with Janet Morris, the Research Director of the U.S. Global Strategy Council (USGSC), chaired by Dr Ray Cline, former Deputy Director of the CIA (3). I examine the background of Janet Morris and John Alexander in more detail below.

Throughout 1990 the USGSC lobbied the main national laboratories, major defence contractors and industries, retired senior military and intelligence officers. The result was the creation of a Non-lethality Policy Review Group, led by Major General Chris S. Adams, USAF (retd.) former Chief of Staff, Strategic Air Command (4). They already have the support of Senator Sam Nunn, chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee. According to Janet Morris, the military attache at the Russian Embassy has contacted USGSC about the possibility of converting military hardware to a non-lethal capability.

In 1991 Janet Morris issued a number of papers giving more detailed information about USGSC's concept of non-lethal weapons (5). Shortly after, the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command at Fort Monroe, VA, published a detailed draft report on the subject titled "Operations Concept for Disabling Measures." The report included over twenty projects in which John Alexander is currently involved at the Los Alamos national Laboratories.

In a memorandum dated April 10, 1991, titled "Do we need a Non-lethal Defense initiative?" Paul Wolfwitz, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, wrote to Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, "A U.S. lead in non-lethal technologies will increase our options and reinforce our position in the post-Cold War world. Our Research and Development efforts must be increased."


To support their non-lethal weapons concept, Janet Morris argues that while "war will always be terrible... a world power deserving its reputation for humane action should pioneer the principles of non-lethal defense (6)." In "Defining a non-lethal strategy," she seeks to establish a doctrine for the use of non-lethal weapons by the U.S. in crisis "at home or abroad in a life serving fashion." She totally disregards the offensive, lethal aspects inhereent in some of the weapons in question, or their misuse, should they become available to "rogue" nations. Despite her arguments that non-lethal weapons should serve the U.S.'s interests "at home and abroad by projecting power without indiscriminately taking lives or destroying property (7)," she admits that "casualties cannot be avoided (8)."

Closer examination of the types of weapons to be used as non-lethal invalidates her assertions about their non-lethality. According to her white paper, the areas where non-lethal weapons could be useful are "regional and low inensity conflict (adventurism, insurgency, ethnic violence, terrorism, narco- trafficking, domestic crime) (9)." She believes that "by identifying and requiring a new category of non-lethal weapons, tactics and strategic planning" the U.S. can reshape its military capability "to meet the already identifiable threats" that they might face in a multipolar world "where American interests are globalized and American presence widespread (10)."


Janet Morris' "White Paper" recommends "two types of life-conserving technologies":


To destroy or impair electronics, or in other ways stop mechanical systems from functioning. Amongst current technologies from which this category of non- lethal weapons would or could be chosen are:

* Chemical and biological weapons for their anti-material agents "which do not significantly endanger life or the environment, or anti-personnel agents which have no permanent effects (11)."

* Laser blinding systems to incapacitate the electronic sensors, or optics, i.e. light detection and ranging. Already the Army Infantry School is developing a one-man portable and operated laser weapons system known as the Infantry Self-Defense System. The U.S. Army's Armament Research, Development and Engineer Center (ARDEC), is also engaged in the development of non-lethal weapons under their program called "Low Collateral Damage Munitions" (LCDM). The LCDM is trying to develop technolgies leading to weapons capable of dazzling and incapacitating missiles, armoured vehicles and personnel.

* Non-lethal electromagnetic technologies.

* Non-nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse weapons (12). As General Norman Schwartzkopf has told the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, one such weapons stationed in space with a wide-area-pulse capacity has the ability to fry enemy electronics. But what would be the fate of enemy personnel in such a scenario? In a join project with the Los Alamos National Laboratories and with technical support from the Army's Harry Diamond Laboratories, ARDEC are developing High Power Microwave (HPM) Projectiles. According to ARDEC, the Diamond lab has already "completed a radio frequency effects analysis on a representative target set" for (HPM).

* Among the chemical agents, so-called supercaustics - "Millions of times more caustic than hydrofluric acid (13)" - are prime candidates. An artillery round could deliver jellied super-acids which could destroy the optics of heavily armoured vehicles or tanks, vision blocks or glass, and "could be used to silently destroy key weapons systems (14)."

On less lethal aspects the use of net-like entanglements for SEAL teams, or "stealthy" metal boats with low or no radar signature, "for night actions, or any seaborne or come-ashore stealthy scenario" are under consideration (15). More colourful concepts are the use of chemical metal embrittlement, often called liquid metal embrittlement and anti-materiel polymers which would be used in aerosol dispersal systems, spreading chemical adhesives or lubricants (i.e. Teflon-based lubricants) on enemy equipment from a distance.


* Hand-held lasers which are menat "to dazzle," could also cause the eyeball to explode and to blind the target.

* Isotropic radiators - explosively driven munitions, capable of generating very bright omni-directional light, with similar effects to laser guns.

* High-power microwaves (HPM) - U.S. Special Operations command already has that capability within their grasp as a portable microwave weapon (16). As Myron L. Wolbarsht, a Duke University opthalamist and expert in laser weapons stated: "U.S. Special Forces can quietly cut enemy communications but also can cook internal organs (17)."

* Another candidate is Infrasound - acoustic beams. In conjunction with the Scientific Applications and Research Associates (SARA) of Huntingdon, California, ARDEC and Los Alamos laboratories are busy "developing a high power, very low frequency acoustic beam weapons." They are also looking into methods of projecting non-diffracting (i.e. non-penetrating) high frequency acoustic bullets. ARDEC scientists are also looking into methods of using pulsed chemical lasers. This class of lasers could project "a hot, high pressure plasma in the air in front of a target surface, creating a blast wave that will result in variable but controlled effects on materiel and personnel."

* Infrasound. Alrady some governments have used it as a means of crowd control - e.g. France.

* Very low frequency (VLF) sound (20-35 KHz), or low-frequency RF modulations can cause nausea, vomiting and abdominal pains. "Some very low frequency sound generators, in certain frequency ranges, can cause the disruption of human organs and, at high power levels, can crumble masonry (18)." The CIA had a similar program in 1978 called Operation Pique, which included bouncing radio or microwave signals off the ionosphere to affect mental functions of people in selected areas, including Eastern European nuclear installations (19).


The entire non-lethal weapon concept opens up a new Pandora's Box of unknown consequences. The main personality behind it is retired Colonel John B. Alexander. Born in New York in 1937, he spent part of his career as a Commander of Green Berets Special Forces in Vietnam, led Cambodian mercenaries behind enemy lines, and took part in a number of clandestine programmes, including Phoenix. He currently holds the post of Director of Non-lethal Programmes in the Los Alamos National Laboratories.

Alexander obtained a BaS from the University of Nebraska and an MA from Pepperdine University. In 1980 he was awarded a PhD from Walden University (20) for his thesis "To determine whether or not significant changes in spirituality occur in persons who attended a Kubler-Ross life/death transition workshop during the period June through February 1979." His dissertation committee was chaired by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.

He has long been interested in what used to be regarded as "fringe" areas. In 1971, while a Captain in the infantry at Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, he was diving in the Bemini Islands looking for the lost continent of Atlantis. He was an official representative for the Silva mind control organisation and a lecturer on Precataclysmic Civilisations (21). Alexander is also a past President and a Board member of the International Association for Near Death Studies; and, with his former wife, Jan Northup, he helped Dr C.B. Scott Jones perform ESP experiments with dolphins (22).


Retired Major General Albert N. Stubblebine (Former Director of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command) and Alexander are on the board of a "remote viewing" company called PSI-TECH. The company also employs Major Edward Dames (ex Defence Intelligence Agency), Major David Morehouse (ex 82nd Airborne Division), and Ron Blackburn (former microwave scientist and specialist at Kirkland Air Force Base). PSI-TECH has received several government contracts. For example, during the Gulf War crisis the Department for Defense asked it to use remote viewing to locate Saddam's Scud missiles sites. Last year (1992) the FBI sought PSI-TECH's assistance to locate a kidnapped Exxon executive (23).

With Major Richard Groller and Janet Morris as his co-authors, Alexander published THE WARRIOR'S EDGE in 1990 (24). The book describes in detail various unconventional methods which would enable the practitioner to acquire "human excellence and optimum performance" and thereby become an invincible warrior (25). The purpose of the book is "to unlock the door to the extraordinary human potentials inherent in each of us. To do this, we, like governments around the world , must take a fresh look at non-traditional methods of affecting reality. We must raise human consciousness of the potential power of the individual body/mind system - the power to manipulate reality. We must be willing to retake control of our past, present, and ultimately, our future (26)."

Alexander is a friend of Vice President Al Gore Jnr, their relationship dating back to 1983 when Gore was in Alexander's Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP "presented to selected general officers and Senior Executive Service members (27)" a set of techniques to modify behaviour patterns (28). Among the first generals to take the course was the then Lieutenant General Maxwell Thurman, who later went on to receive his fourth star and become Vice-Chief of Staff at the Army and Commander Southern Command (29). Among other senior participants were Tom Downey and Major General Stubblebine, former Director of the Army Intelligence Security Command.

"In 1983, the Jedi master (from the Star Wars movie - author) provided an image and a name for the Jei Project (30)." Jedi Project's aim was to seek and "construct teachable models of behaviorable/physical excellence using unconventional means (31)." According to Alexander the Jedi Project was to be a follow-up to Neuro-Linguistic Programming skills. By using the influence of friends such as Major General Stubblebine, who was then head of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, he managed to fund Jedi. In reality the concept was old hat, re-christened by Alexander. The original idea which was to show how "human will power and human concentration affect performance more than any other single factor (32)" using NLP skills, was the brainchild of three independent people; Fritz Erikson, a Gestalt therapist, Virginia Satir, a family therapist and Erick Erickson, a hypnotist.


Janet Morris, co-author of THE WARRIOR'S EDGE, is best known as a science fiction writer but has been a member of the New York Academy of Sciences since 1980 and is a member of the Association for Electronic Defense. She is also the Research Director of the U.S. Global Strategy Council (USGSC). She was initiated into the Japanese art of bioenergetics, Joh-re, the Indonesian brotherhood of Subud, and graduated from the Silva course in advanced mind control. She has been conducting remote viewing experiments for fifteen years. She worked on a research project investigating the effects of mind on probability in computer systems. Her husband, Robert Morris, is a former judge and a key member of the American Security Council (33).

In a recent telephone conversation with the author (34), Janet Morris confirmed John Alexander's involvement in mind control and psychotronic projects in the Los Alamos National Laboratories. Alexander and his team have recently been working with Dr Igor Smirnov, a psychologist from the Moscow Insitute of Psychocorrelations. They were invited to the U.S. after Janet Morris' visit to Russia in 1991. There she was shown the technique which was pioneered by the Russian Deparment of Psycho-Correction at Moscow Medical Academy. The Russians employ a technique to electronically analyse the human mind in order to influence it. They input subliminal command messages, using key words transmitted in "white noise" or music (35). Using an infrasound very low frequency-type transmission, the acoustic psycho-correction message is transmitted via bone conduction - ear plugs would not restrict the message. To do that would require an entire body protection system. According to the Russians the subliminal messages by-pass the conscious level and are effective almost immediately.


Jones is the former assistant to Senator Clairborne Pell (Democrat, Rhode Island). Scott Jones was a member of U.S. Naval Intelligence for 15 years, as well as Assistant Naval Attache, New Delhi, India, in the 1960s. Jones has briefed the President's Scientific Advisory Committee, and has testified before House and Senate Committees on intelligence matters. After the navy he "worked in the private sector research and development community involved in the U.S. government sponsored projects for the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command." He has been head of the Rockerfeller Foundation for some time and chairs the American Society for Psychical Research (36).


Alexander and C.B. Jones are members of the AVIARY, a group of intelligence and Department of Defense officers and scientists with a brief to discredit any serious research in the UFO field. Each member of the Aviary bears a bird's name. Jones is FALCON, John Alexander is PENGUIN.

One of their agents; a UFO researcher known as William Moore, who was introduced to John Alexander at a party in 1987 by Scott Jones, confessed in front of an audience at a conference held by the MUTUAL UFO NETWORK (MUFON) on July 1, 1989, in Las Vegas, how he was promised inside information by the senior members of the AVIARY in return for his obedience and service to them. He participated in the propagation and dissemination of disinformation fed to him by various members of the AVIARY. He also confessed how he was instructed to target one particular individual, an electronics expert, Dr Paul Bennewitz, who had accumulated some UFO film footage and electronic signals which were taking place in 1980 over the Menzano Weapons Storage areas, at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. As a result of Moore's involvement, coupled with some surreptitious entries and psychological techniques, Bennewitz ended up in a psychiatric hospital.

Just before the publication of my first paper unmasking two members of the AVIARY (37) I was visited by two of their members (MORNING DOVE and HAWK) who had travelled to the U.K. with a message from the senior ranks advising me not to go ahead with my expose. I rejected the proposal.

Immediately after the publication of that paper, and with the full knowledge that myself and a handful of colleagues knew the true identities of their members, John B. Alexander confessed that he was indeed a member of the AVIARY, nicknamed PENGUIN. The accuracy of our information was further confirmed to me by yet another member of the AVIARY, Ron Pandolphi, PELICAN. Pandolphi is a PhD in physics and works at the Rocket and Missile section of the Office of the Deputy Director of Science and Technology, CIA.

In his book, OUT THERE (38), the NEW YORK TIMES journalist Howard Blum refers to "a UFO Working Group" within the Defense Intelligence Agency. Despite DIA's repeated denials (39), the existence of this working gorup has been confirmed to me by more than one member of the group itself, including an independent source in the Office of Naval Intelligence. The majority of the group's members are senior members of the AVIARY: Dr Christopher Green (BLUEJAY) from the CIA (40), Harold Puthoff (OWL) ex-NSA; Dr Jack Verona (RAVEN) (DoD, one of the initiators of the DIA's Sleeping Beauty project which aimed to achieve battlefield superiority using mind-altering electromagnetic weaponry); John Alexander (PENGUIN) and Ron Pandolphi (PELICAN).

The mysterious "Col. Harold E. Phillips" who appears in Blum's OUT THERE is none other than John B. Alexander.

John Alexander's position as the Program Manager for Contingency Missions of Conventional Defense Technology, Los Alamos National Laboratories, enabled him to exploit the Department of Defense's Project RELIANCE "which encourages a search for all possible sources of existing and incipient technologies before developing new technology in-house (41)" to tap into a wide range of exotic topics, sometimes using defense contractors, e.g. McDonnel Douglas Aerospce. I have several reports, some of which were compiled before his departure to the Los Alamos National Laboratories when he was with Army Intelligence, which show Alexander's keen interest in any and every exotic subject - UFOs, ESP, psychotronics, anti-gravity devices, near death experiments, psychology warfare and non-lethal weaponry. John Alexander utilises the bank of information he has accumulated to try to develop psychotronic, psychological and mind weaponry.

He began thinking about non-lethal weapons a decade ago in his paper "The New Mental Battlefield." He seems to want to become a "Master." If he ever succeeds in this ambition the rest of us ordinary mortals had better watch out.

NOTES: 1. Letter dated 2 April, 1993, to author from Mrs Victoria Alexander.
2. The U.S. Army Chemical and Military Police used "Novel Effect Weapons" against the women protesters at the Greenham Common Base.
3. The United States Global Strategy Council is an independent think tank, incorporated in 1981. It focuses on long-range strategic issues. The founding members were Clare Boothe Luce, General Maxwell Taylor, General Albert Wedemeyer, Dr Ray Cline (Co-chair), Jeane Kirkpatrick (Co-chair), Morris Leibman, Henry luce III, J. William Middendorf II, Admiral Thomas H. Moorer USN (retd), General Richard Stillwell (retd), Dr Michael A. Daniles (President), Dr Dalton A. West (Executive Vice President). Its Research Directors were Dr Yona Alexander, Dr Roger Fontaine, Robert L. Katula and Janet Morris.
4. NONLETHAlITY: DEVELOPMENT OF A NATIONAL POLICY AND EMPLOYING NONLETHAL MEANS IN A NEW STATEGIC ERA - a Project of the U.S. Global Strategy Council, 1991, p.4. Other staff members of the USGSC are Steve Trevino, Dr John B. Alexander and Chris Morris.
8. IN SEARCH OF... P.3.
9. In the recent cult siege in Waco, Texas, a "nonlethal" technique, projecting sublimal messages, was used to influence David Kuresh - without effect.
11. The computer data base compiled during the CIA/Army's Project OFTEN, examining several thousand chemical compounds, during 1976-1973, is a most likely candidate for any chemical agents for nonlethal weapons.
12. The British MoD is already developing a "microwave bomb." Work on the weapon is going on at the Defence Research Agency at Farnborough, Hampshire. See SUNDAY TELEGRAPH September 27, 1992, partly reproduced in LOBSTER 24, p.14. The Royal Navy is already in possession of laser weapons which dazzle aircraft pilots. The Red Cross has called for them to be banned under the Geneva Convention because could permanently blind.
14. Ibid.
15. The U.S. Navy, through its Project SEA SHADOW, has already developed a stealth boat. Like the Lockheed F117A, stealth fighter, it leaves no radar signature - BBC, Newsround, April 28, 1993.
16. Taped conversation with Janet Morris, March 1, 1993.
17. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, January 4, 1993.
19. REMOTE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY, Anna Keeler (FULL DISCLOSURE, Ann Arbor, U.S.A., 1989) p.11.
20. Walden University, 801 Anchor Road Drive, Naples, Fl. 33904, U.S.A. Walden University considers itself a non-traditional university and does not offer any undergraduate courses to its students.
21. Brad Steiger, MYSTERIES OF SPACE AND TIME (Prentice Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, New Jersey) pp.72 and 3. The U.S. Army Command and General College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, issued this on Alexander's career: "Colonel John B. Alexander, U.S. Army Retired, manages Antimateriel Technology at Los Alamos National Laboratories, Los Alamos, New Mexico. His military assignments included; Advanced Systems Concepts Office, Laboratory Command; manager, Technology Integration Office, Army Material Command; assistant deputy chief of staff, Technology Planning and Management, Army Material Command; and chief, Advanced Human Technology, Intelligence and Security Command."
22. Taped telephone conversation with Dr Scott Jones, August 17, 1992.
23. Taped telephone converstaion with Maj. Edward Dames, June 27, 1992; and THE BULLETIN OF ATOMIC SCIENTISTS, December 1992, p.6.
24. THE WARRIOR'S EDGE, Col. John B. Alexander, Maj. Richard Groller and Janet Morris, (William Morrow Inc., New York, 1990).
25. Ibid. p.9.
26. Ibid. pp.9 and 10.
27. Ibid p.47.
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid. pp.72 and 3.
31. Ibid. p.12.
32. Ibid. p. 13.
33. The American Security Council (ASC) Box 8, Boston, Virginia 22713, USA. ASC is militarist, anti-communist and right-wing. Formed in the mid 1950s, the Council acts as a right-wing think tank on foreign policy and lobbies for the expansion and strengthening of U.S. miliary forces. In 1985 the ASC had 330,000 members. See, for example, the entry for the ASC in THE RADICAL RIGHT: A WORLD DIRECTORY, compiled by Ciaran O Maolain (Longman, London 1987).
34. Taped telephone conversation with Janet Morris, March 1, 1993.
35. In 1989 a U.S. Department of Defense consultant and contractor explained to the author how he was asked to examine the possibility of devising operational methods of transmitting subliminal messages through the TV screen.
36. "Will the Real Scott Jones please stand up?" - unpublished paper by George Hansen and Robert Durant, February 20, 1990, pp.4 and 5.
37. "The Birds" Armen Victorian, in U.K. UFO Magazine, Vol.11 No.3, July/August 1992, pp 4-7.
38. OUT THERE, Howard Blum (Simon and Schuster, London 1990) pp.44, 46-51, 55-57.
39. DIA's letters to author dated July 12, 1991, July 8, 1992 and December 18, 1992.
40. Dr Chistopher "Kit" Green, BLUEJAY, has admitted that the CIA has compiled over 30,000 files on UFOs, 200 of which are extremely interesting. Green was a key CIA member in examining the UFO problem for several years. 41. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Institutional Plan Fiscal Year 1992 -


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Old 04-30-2009, 04:15 PM   #48
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

Psychotronic Weapons Letter To Senate Committee

(The following letter is alarming and vital to the understanding of how far the issue of psychotronic weapons and projects aimed at controlling American citizens and people everywhere has progressed. This letter is dated February 9, 1994. The organization involved is no longer available at this address below. Ms. McKinney is said to be occupying a much lower profile these days. Nevertheless, this is an important document to consider)

Association of National Security Alumni Electronic
Surveillance Project P. O. Box 13625
Silver Spring, MD 20911-3625

February 9, 1994

Chairman John Glenn
Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs
340 Dirkson Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Attention: Mr. Chris Kline

Subject: Involuntary Human Experimentation with Non-Ionizing Radiation

Dear Mr. Kline:

Senator Glenn's publicly-expressed outrage that this government has (once again) been found to be engaging in brutal forms of involuntary human experimentation, and his demand, in effect, that any and all forms of this type of experimentation be exposed was heartening.

A large and growing number of people in this country hope that the Senator's expressed outrage was sincere, and that your Committee's investigations are not simply a means of diverting attention from complaints centering on this government's long-term role in involuntary human experiments with non-ionizing forms of radiation.

Now that the Departments of Defense, Energy and Justice have openly admitted that directed-energy weapons systems do indeed exist, complaints of experimentation with these systems can no longer be ignored.

As stated to you during our telephone conversation last week, this Project is focused on complaints concerning experiments with non-ionizing, so-called "non-lethal," directed- energy weapons, surveillance and psychotronics systems. In bringing this to your attention, I am representing the interests, currently, of some 100 U.S. citizens, who are the subjects of both vicious forms of overt harassment and concurrent directed-energy harassment.

The enclosed copy of Microwave Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation is a preliminary investigative finding, only. The accompanying Supplement furnishes an update on the current status of this Project.

I am also enclosing copies of letters exchanged with, and directed to the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, and the Food & Drug Administration, which are self-explanatory. I am also enclosing copies of two articles concerning John Alexander, of the Los Alamos National Laboratory's Nonlethal Weapons Division, which I will address below. Also enclosed is a letter to a woman in contact with this Project which addresses some of the effects of long-term exposure to these so-called "non-lethal" systems. Just as a matter of interest--DoD-sponsored "hy'e" in the media to the contrary notwithstanding--non-lethal weapons systems can be incredibly lethal.

They are not gentle systems, as this government would like for the public to believe. Questions which need to be asked by the Committee on Government Affairs, as a preliminary, are as follows:

1. By what formal means are U.S. Government agencies, to include the

Department of Defense, prevented from testing "non-lethal", directed-energy weapons, surveillance and psychotronics systems on U.S. citizens under involuntary circumstances?

2. By what formal means are U.S. Government contractors and sub-contractors prevented from testing "non- lethal", directed-energy weapons, surveillance and psychotronics systems on U.S. citizens under involuntary circumstances?

3. Why does the Energy Policy Act of 1992 fail to prohibit involuntary human experimentation with non-ionizing forms of radiation?

4. How many members of Congress and of the Administration have investments in firms which are engaged in the development and testing of directed-energy systems?

5. Why is Los Alamos National Laboratory, a Department of Energy agency, engaged in the development of "non-lethal", directed-energy systems?

6. Why is John Alexander--a 30-year US Army Special Forces veteran with a long-term interest in the "psychotronics" (mind-control) aspects of directed-energy systems-- regarded as being particularly qualified to direct the Non-Lethal Systems Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory?

7. Why is the Department of Energy (and John Alexander in particular) in the business of promoting "non- lethal" systems as tools for law enforcement, and as weapons systems for the military?

8. Why are these "non-lethal" systems being kept classified?

9. Where is the test data on the efficacy of these directed-energy weapons, surveillance and psychotronics systems being obtained, and who in Congress, specifically, is overseeing those experiments?

10. Why is the Department of Defense pushing for an increase in the numbers of Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) towers in this country?

11. How many satellites launched under the auspices of DoD, the National Reconnaissance Office, and the Central Intelligence Agency are engaged in the surveillance of U.S. citizens" And how many of those satellites qualify as directed-energy emitters; i.e., as "amplified communications" satellites?

12. What federal constraints have been placed on the construction of microwave towers and other antennae arrays in this country; and what assurances do U.S. citizens have that emissions from those towers and antennae arrays are not being used for involuntary human experimental purposes?

14. Who in Congress is overseeing the construction and use of microwave towers and antennae arrays in this country?

15. Why is it that complaints by U.S. citizens concerning directed-energy harassment and experimentation are being ignored?

16. Since Ms. .Susan Patrick Ford, of the Department of Defense, appears to be unable to answer the questions posed in my letter to her dated November 18, 1993, can you answer these questions?

In sum, Mr. Kline, this is a problem which Congress can ill afford to ignore. There are many angry people in this country who are fed up with these experiments. (Not all experimentees are kept effectively isolated.) A number of experimentees recognize the rapidly burgeoning numbers of microwave towers and antennae arrays in this country are a part of the problem--a level of recognition which, indeed, may have prompted the destruction of two major "communications towers" in Chiapas, Mexico, shortly prior to that government's decision to close the borders to that state.

A lawless government spawns a lawlessness, generally. It is apparent to me that this country is merely "testing its wings", so to speak, where lawlessness and chaos, at this stage, is concerned. Creating more prisons and hiring more police is not the solution.

The U.S. Congress--and Senator Glenn's Committee, in particular,--is in a position to ensure that no government agency, surrogate or otherwise, has a license to run rampant over the human and civil rights of citizens of this country, and that this government, once again, learns to adhere to the principles which were the basis for this country's creation.

Please do let me hear from you concerning the foregoing.



Director, Electronic Surveillance Project

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Old 08-19-2009, 09:22 PM   #49
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

I am a victim of voice 2 skull weaponry and have been for ten years. The agent "voices" are not friendly, they are nefarious. I actually worked for 7 of those years while undergoing constant second by second harrassment, not only from the "voices", but also from the people in my environment - familly, work place associates, everyday people in my neighbourhood. The technology does exist and it is perfected. They can put any word or emotion into your head. Please see my recent thread titled "Gangstalking and Covert Harrassment" under the conspiracy research thread folder.
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Old 10-24-2009, 06:17 PM   #50
no caste
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Default Re: Are you a victim of Voice2Skull technology?

100 US Patent Abstracts:

USP # 6,506,148 (January 14, 2003)
Nervous System Manipulation by EM Fields from Monitors
Loos, Hendricus
Abstract ---Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near 1/2 Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.

USP # 6,488,617 (December 3, 2002)
Method and Device for Producing a Desired Brain State
Katz, Bruce ...


Pentagon report investigated lasers that put voices in your head February 18, 2008 by Lisa Zyga

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