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Old 03-09-2010, 11:54 PM   #26
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Default Re: Important Chemtrail Observation

i found this from Uncle John very interesting:

'IMO, the chemtrails are not sprayed by planes maned by humans.

Too many humans would have to be involved to keep it a secret.

There are not enough tanker planes to perform this operation.

I've seen chemtrails formed without any leading plane. '

-- i have called the planes 'ghost planes' to myself because there is something insubstantial looking about them

it is heartening to me in a sad way to read that others have the experience of pointing chemtrails out to people, & --my experience -- seeing their eyes glaze over, then they turn their head away & change the subject -- this has happened so many times -- i also am becoming very discouraged about waking people up about anything -- i read all these posts & articles about the great awakening going on, but in my daily life, i don't see it -- i do see evidence of massive mind control all around me, tho -- one of the frontlines in the war for souls

to me, trying to wake people up is the most loving thing i can do -- i'm feeling very frustrated these days -- & that time is running out

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-10-2010, 12:18 AM   #27
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Default Re: Important Chemtrail Observation

Originally Posted by gscraig View Post
Hello All,

This morning at around 6:30am EST, my wife and I witnessed a total of 7 planes forming Chemtrails. This was unlike anything we've seen since we've been noticing them back in August. We watched two planes in particular as they created a crossing pattern and coincidentally we saw a jetplane on the otherside of the sky which gave me a chance to show her the difference from Comtrails/Chemtrails. This was so heavy to where as of right now (10:44am EST) we have heavy cloud cover with 95% being chemtrail originated.

Now, the sky overall was a clear blue this morning when we started watching, but that changed greatly as the spraying continued. What I also noticed as there were 2 planes still spraying around at 9:43am, is that they and most of the spraying was where the sun was rising, and moving to. This was occuring in the eastern-southern sky, but as I looked West other than the lingering expanding chemtrail cloud formations, there were no planes anywhere to be seen. In my opinion, due to this being so heavy, having a lingering coverage, and seeing the planes continue in broad daylight in the vicinity of the sun. I don't think this have anything to do with toxins for us to breathe in, I think this solar related.

I took a few pictures, and some video footage (video before sunrise) I will try to upload. The video shows how the spraying seem to be forming a wave pattern moving westward from the east where the sun was rising. I wish I had time to get more photos/footage. I attached one photo I took of the sun, which I also tweaked slightly to highlight the chemtrails in front of it. The photo attached was taken at 8:20am. Keep in mind, all coverage that you see are Chemtrails. There were no clouds at all at this point.
I have a Sun and Moon lens that goes with my telescope, which I'm going to try use in an experiment tomorrow, if this activity is repeated. Right now, it's a clear blue, not too cold day other than the Chem-clouds, which is again why I believe there is a solar issue at hand.

Did anyone else notice this activity this morning?

I have seen this on nearly a daily basis over the past few months here on the east coast of england!
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Old 03-10-2010, 12:40 AM   #28
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Default Re: Important Chemtrail Observation

I wonder if it's possible to somehow reduce the energy levels of the sun with these chemtrails, to where it does not trigger earthquake activity?
maybe the reverse is what is going on... maybe they are deliberately blocking out the sun to cool the earths’ temperature in certain spots in order to bring on a “scab-pucker” like on a wound... thereby CREATING earthquakes

the other thought that came to me was this equation...

block out the sun to make a shadow over the populated cities...
= reduced natural vitamin D3
= reduced capability of the bodys’ immune system
=people are more susceptible to catching viruses
=send out the H5N1 virus
=”NATURAL” depopulation pandemic
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Old 03-10-2010, 05:44 AM   #29
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Default Re: Important Chemtrail Observation

Originally Posted by UncleJohn View Post
IMO, the chemtrails are not sprayed by planes maned by humans.

Too many humans would have to be involved to keep it a secret.

There are not enough tanker planes to perform this operation.

I've seen chemtrails formed without any leading plane.

Last summer there were at least two separate incidents where chemtrail planes were force down overseas, humans working for the Americans were onboard and I think there was at least one more incident involving American chemtrail planes getting shot, or forced down.

This plane carrying Swine flu virus was shot down killing 3 CIA members, the Indonesian working for the US who was on board sang like a canary when he was in custody:

This one was shot down in India

Americans are up to their ears in this scandal and everyone knows it overseas...
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Old 03-11-2010, 12:23 AM   #30
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Default Re: Important Chemtrail Observation

i've watching Chris Everard's 'Spiritworld' -- he postulates that the purpose of chemtrails/HAARP etc is to kill the soul, the spirit of our Earth -- i suspect this is true -- the nwo is anti-Life -- & i think they want to turn Earth into a dead-planet base for their expanding galactic war

[edit to thank Ascending Starseed for that info -- ]

Peace & Freedom, wynderer

Last edited by wynderer; 03-11-2010 at 12:28 AM.
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Old 03-11-2010, 02:30 AM   #31
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Default Re: Important Chemtrail Observation

Clifford Carnicom is gathering a lot of evidence that chemtrails & the new & hideous disease of Morgellons [Joni Mitchell has it] are linked, very strongly-- a disease we are all probably incubating -- i've linked to his 'visitors' page [link to the home page at bottom] to show that he must be on to something


Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-11-2010, 05:30 AM   #32
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Default Re: Important Chemtrail Observation

Originally Posted by UncleJohn View Post
The most fundamental concept to understand is that one's memory and consciousness is not located inside their body.

Their memory and consciousness is actualized by some unseen and unlocated mechanism.

Humans think they own their mind. They do not. Read the chapter "Mud Shadows" in "The Active Side of Infinity" by Castaneda. "They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind."
That is such a freaky thought. What was our mind before?


I think it is an all out assault on various levels, consciousness, physical, mental. I would include all the drugs they push on us and the chemicals they put in food and water, and cell phone towers, etc. I think they have planned an assault on as many levels as possible, they have left no stone unturned. The deception is so incredibly deep that sleepers cannot concieve it, therefore cannot see it. Until I read about the chemtrails on the Educate-Youself.org website I never saw them.

Anyway, today was a beautiful sky day and I spent it outside playing with my calf Girlie.

Last edited by MargueriteBee; 03-11-2010 at 05:41 AM.
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Old 03-11-2010, 10:31 PM   #33
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Default Re: Important Chemtrail Observation

Just watched this brilliant youtube that beatifully explains mind control and so many things... http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=-rVA...eature=related

I really appreciate this thread. Will Thomas is a friend - have loved his work for years. I have wondered why there isn't a great hue and cry about this most invasive, blatant, incessant and systematic poisoning of our world.
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Old 03-11-2010, 10:34 PM   #34
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Default Re: Important Chemtrail Observation

oops, start here with Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAQEq...eature=related
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Old 03-11-2010, 11:58 PM   #35
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Default Re: Important Chemtrail Observation

We got sprayed heavy here in Lake Tahoe with five planes. The ONE cloud seeding plane for enhanced weather conditions flys at a lower altitude.
We got hit hard today too. I am up every day as the Sun comes over the Mnt ridge. Perfect Tahoe Blue Sky


Different plane and different altitudes. And no..Cloud seeding could NEVER afford five planes at once on that budget 4 or 5 times a month

Also..Since it HAS to be some kind of military assisted operation,are'nt ALL military personel forced to sign a 'secrecy' paper based on National Security that extends at least 10years past their time served? Don't different levels of secrecy create different punishments for a breach? So nobody currently spraying would really risk getting caught "whistleblowing"..correct?
If I signed a paper saying kill me if I talk?
I'm not sayin nuthin. Lotta suicides around people who say they don't care what they signed. Accidents too.
I'm just sayin.
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Old 03-15-2010, 09:05 PM   #36
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Default Re: Important Chemtrail Observation

I decided to venture and read some of the blog info posted on the Camelot page and apparently Kerry Cassidy had this brief reference regarding chemtrails via her blog;
The point here is that this technology would be used to defend Earth if necessary. War in space, hidden from the eyes of the masses, in part by chem trails is being conducted by various ET races... this much we know. Weather wars and use of comets to target satellites as well as areas of the planet cannot be overlooked. It is my understanding that these are the means by which such wars are waged. The other means is by infiltration of humans and through influence, subtle and not so subtle

There's more to this write up which is basically discussing three locations on earth where alien technology placed thousands of years ago are there to porotect Earth from incoming objects.

This sounds more like a cover up than it does as "uncovering" the truth behind the chemtrails. IMO. It has been determined what are in chemtrails, and they seem to be very "earthly" in origin with some harmful ingredients, to then contemplate being used by an advanced race of E.T.'s to shield us, but yet expose us all the same???

I'm trying to be open-minded here, but is anyone else feeling a sudden pulling at your leg? lol
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