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Old 03-13-2010, 10:26 AM   #26
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Default Re: Excuse Me!!!!

Originally Posted by Samarkis View Post

Avalon 2 will be free subscription, however the feel will be like when we were paid subscription in that serious minded & responsable people will be interacting and helping with real time community projects of every scale,each according to their talents and resources....and most definitely with the original intent!!!

Much Light & Love!!!

Can you tell me how you know what my talents and resouces are?
Love debbyxxx

Last edited by Karen; 03-17-2010 at 04:44 AM. Reason: fix quote tag
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Old 03-13-2010, 10:29 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Harper View Post
Very few will I suppose but anyway

Are you listening to this folks? A panel of spiritual teachers
What will the teachers tell us? i wonder whay will we be able to follow, will there be twists and turns and omg moments? But we will have Love and Light, we'll be fine, everythings fine

Nothing to see here-- move along
Oh, oh Harper. I think you may be going "In The Mists" for that

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Old 03-13-2010, 10:44 AM   #28
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Default Re: Excuse Me!!!!

Originally Posted by Samarkis View Post

Avalon 2 will be free subscription, however the feel will be like when we were paid subscription in that serious minded & responsable people will be interacting and helping with real time community projects of every scale,each according to their talents and resources....and most definitely with the original intent!!!

Much Light & Love!!!


I think it is a great idea, I don't know if anyone has read Cliff High latest but he is confirming what I already know from ks, that we are for a rocky ride and there will be a lot of techtonic plates inestability

Working with energy is part of building communities and much can be done to help the electromagnetic grids individually or collectively

Perhaps in the New Avalon we can share knowledge on how we can help ourselvers and our own communities to keep the grids flowing with less disasters

Cliff himself talks that in disasters like Banda Ache, the animals did not get caught...we used to have those energy sensing skills which we have lost and for our own safety it may be time to get them back

Life as we know it today will be a memory by the end of 2010, it is already a pale resemblance of what it was in 2007. Without panick or fear we have to get down to business

Love to all
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Old 03-13-2010, 10:45 AM   #29
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Default Re: Excuse Me!!!!

Might there be an average 15% of current forum members who would qualify to referred to as 'Lightworkers'?

Isn't it always the square blocks who ruin it all for the nice round ones?

Will there be a ballot, or chosen by real-world family name/country or origin?
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Old 03-13-2010, 10:56 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Harper View Post
Very few will I suppose but anyway

Are you listening to this folks? A panel of spiritual teachers
What will the teachers tell us? i wonder whay will we be able to follow, will there be twists and turns and omg moments? But we will have Love and Light, we'll be fine, everythings fine

Nothing to see here-- move along
Interesting that you should say that, Harper.
It would appear that if you question or have a different perspective, then you will not be asked to follow the shepherd to the next meadow.
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Old 03-13-2010, 11:05 AM   #31
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Default Re: Excuse Me!!!!

I find the ethos of Avalon 2 very disturbing and ethically flawed. The notion that a few chosen gurus will be guiding a limited selection of people for exclusive communites demonstrates a profound lack of spiritual understanding. It nurtures a thought form of superiority, separateness and is discriminatory by nature. The need for action should be applauded but not in this blinkered manner. Personally I have my own plans and I will not be taking part in any such community run by these comedians. Shame on you. I once thought Project Camelot was a marvelous site. Sadly it has descended to an odious farce. Thats me off to the mists then? If we are to follow Hegel's notion of limited free speech that is.

Last edited by Floyd; 03-13-2010 at 02:25 PM.
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Old 03-13-2010, 12:10 PM   #32
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Default Re: Excuse Me!!!!

Originally Posted by Floyd View Post
I find the ethos of Avalon 2 very disturbing and ethically flawed. The notion that a few chosen gurus will be guiding a limited selection of people for exclusive communites demonstrates a profound lack of spiritual understanding.
The evolution of the Avalon community, from ROUND TABLE, as an old stories chivalry form, where the ordinary knights have the same right to speak as the King has, we are going to evolve to a pyramidal structure of Enlightened Lightworkers, at the middle, a mass of un-lightened sheeple on the basis and who knows who on the top, which projects its views and agenda downwards.

Maybe this is the issue that are bothering the people that are intentional to leave the forum, or maybe their suffering will be spared, by the decision of the moderators , into not inviting in the new forum?

Maybe this forum was just an intermediary stage, just to filter in, just the docile and easy going people, the most needed yes-man, as for a maneuver mass, while those investigative, inquisitive and not easy letting go personalities, are to be excluded, as seem to be too much trouble making and hard to be controlled.

Maybe beginning of the end, has been planned to start, when I raised myself the alarm signal, on 15-Dec-2009 in the thread of:

Controlled auto-implosion of Avalon Forum?


Originally Posted by artvision View Post
I'm just wondering if this late "liberalization" of forum, wasn't just an insidious maneuver to auto-implode the AVALON FORUM, ordered by TPTB?

and I got so many negative and vindictive replays?

and afterwards I made something like a bitter prophecy, after my thread has been shutdown in no time, without reason, in:

Why you closed my thread Anchor? Demand Explanation, reactivation and apologies!
I said:
Thank you for support, Burgundia, now I'm 100% sure, this "liberalisation" is an stealth action to shudown the forum, by bringing cyber-thugs and "operatives" to take on honest folks on the forum.

Maybe the forum is too uncomfortable for them, or is a annoyance for the owners anyway. Judging by their many apparition on this forum, I'm pretty convinced, this is the case.

These are the last days of a free and enjoying forum as we experienced anyway. Sadly but truth!

Maybe many truth searching souls felt that already and the vibration they seek, is not the vibration that is lately offered.

Maybe we asked too much from others, while we offer less?

Maybe this last issue, could wake up some truthseekers, as all three from the clip, seems to suffer of arthritis or rheumatism:


Maybe is just the pledge of the satanist Illuminati that are running things, that they are forced to tell the truth, before they are doing something to us, but even so, the truth told and shown in the face of the sheeple, the sheeple will not see, or even worst, WILL REFUSE TO SEE?

Maybe, in the line of up-mentioned pledge PC and PA, was Illuminati mouthpiece, for telling us what's going on, their style, 10% Truth and 90% dysinfo, from the very beginning, known been the fact they are seeking to control and guide the opposition? Something like AJ?

Maybe whistleblower with declaration that are "matching" one with another, then, after a while, not, to cause havoc and controversy and to complete move us from a deep down healthy thinking and analysis? Besides Jordan maxwell, I see no truthful whistleblower there (even him I'm not 100% sure!)

Lots of maybe, we will never know. But who will stop us to think and judge by the things happening, but always keep the mind open.

I'm truly hurt by the leave of such kind, beautiful souls as Mudra and other, it was a pleasure to meet and try to understand your thoughts and feelings. Thank you for all you offered us! Sorry if most of the time I've been perceived as a negativist. Maybe because I'm too lucid and very difficult to be enthusiastic with nonsensical things.

The tool that is becoming our community, I do not know who will serve, most than sure, not us!

Last edited by artvision; 03-13-2010 at 01:39 PM.
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Old 03-13-2010, 12:49 PM   #33
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very good post artvision.
It's not at all negative to discuss what the problems are, show the lie and the level of. In fact, the Illuminazis want you to know their machinations and for you to back away , then you give permission by omission, lots of that much in evidence in rigid clinging to new age positivity. The CiA invented the bloomin new age, and know a few things about breaking down the ego, they have a LOT of experience and people love to self herd, so it works really well.

In fact it is using LIGHT of the highest order to shine awareness into the corners of darkness. This is actually the only thing TPTB are afraid of, exposure. Sometimes in the least expected places you encounter supression of the power this knowledge brings and most heirarchical players categorically do NOT want you to have freedom of discernment , we are seeing it all played out right here. They laugh in the face of the self castrating "turn the other cheek " and the "don't speak of the darkside" lite junky.
Be very afraid of any group clinging to one side of the polarity, it's just plain madness if not actually the makings of a cult , sadly the people who follow are manipulated by their deepest fears, which is really only their shadow, and the whole thing escalate/perpetuates. Which is EXACTLY what they want. It's like filing down the teeth of a healthy animal.
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Old 03-13-2010, 12:55 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Slerbot View Post
Might there be an average 15% of current forum members who would qualify to referred to as 'Lightworkers'?

Isn't it always the square blocks who ruin it all for the nice round ones?

Will there be a ballot, or chosen by real-world family name/country or origin?
Please explain what a light worker is and once that is done, what is the criteria of members here to fill that title. How do we know which ones on the forum are light workers.

Mmmh, I think I have just answered those questions myself, now I shall sit back and see who follows.
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Old 03-13-2010, 01:03 PM   #35
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to me it is the difference between a "lite" worker and a light worker, though I never use these terms myself. The latter has no fear of the dark because they have been hammered hard in the forge and know they have the inner and hard won fortitude to shine on what needs to be brought to the light. The LITE worker, on the other hand, is deathly afraid of the dark and can only seek the positive because, they are after all, not quite the real thing.
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Old 03-13-2010, 01:05 PM   #36
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I think it is best to give the new forum a chance.
Things have a life of their own.

Strangely enough Im not that fond of the idea of spiritual teachers. Enlightened ones yes but there are very few genuine ones.
If I quote a teacher on a thread, out of respect I will name the teacher, so I am pointing to something, a teaching or teacher, that I have personally found to work for me. I am not teaching I am sharing.

We are not in the celestial realms so any teaching, to my mind must reflect that we have real problems to deal with, it may be true that we are in an illusory world of duality but till we experience that personally we can reach for non-duality without the naivety of nothing but hearts and roses, everything having its place and yes we need to stop and smell the flowers too.

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Old 03-13-2010, 01:11 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
I think it is best to give the new forum a chance.
Things have a life of their own.

Strangely enough Im not that fond of the idea of spiritual teachers. Enlightened ones yes but there are very few genuine ones.
If I quote a teacher on a thread, out of respect I will name the teacher, so I am pointing to something, a teaching or teacher, that I have personally found to work for me. I am not teaching I am sharing.

We are not in the celestial realms so any teaching, to my mind must reflect that we have real problems to deal with, it may be true that we are in an illusory world of duality but till we experience that personally we can reach for non-duality without the naivety of nothing but hearts and roses, everything having its place and yes we need to stop and smell the flowers too.


Greybeard, as usual, you have words of wisdom that I truly value. Thank you. By the way, I also wanted my friends to remember that I'm Lindabaker, and not Linda, another Avalon poster of late. Just to avoid confusion! Love to all. LB
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Old 03-13-2010, 01:23 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by lindabaker View Post
Greybeard, as usual, you have words of wisdom that I truly value. Thank you. By the way, I also wanted my friends to remember that I'm Lindabaker, and not Linda, another Avalon poster of late. Just to avoid confusion! Love to all. LB
Thanks Lindabaker.
Just seems common sense to me.
No point in being judge and jury before the "crime" is committed
God help me for my sense of humor.

. Think we can all be a bit wary when we are loosing something that has served us well in the main and moving into uncharted waters,

Anyway LB time will tell.

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Old 03-13-2010, 02:15 PM   #39
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I remained silent long enough this topic of PA2 while attractive to some bothers me. Invitation only to lightworkers? A real lightworker would never call attention to themsellf or want to be labelled as such. The choice comes from the heart and manifest in a variety of ways through actions and intentions and a desire to complete the mission they chose to enter this matrix.

No spiritual teacher is necessary they were born with all the knowledge they required to perform their mission. It is a soul decision and cannot be taught or should not be used as a social clique to rid one of the guilt they have due to their own actions and ignorance while on this planet.

This proposal to draw up lists scares the crap out of me. I seem to remember another chap doing something similar in Germany prior to WW2.

Good luck with your little games the real lightworkers will still be out there and do what they have come here to do.

I've seen too much on this forum that disturbs me including excessive egos and paranoia. It seems to me that IN THE MYSTS is the place to be these days where honesty and truth prevail. Maybe those who reside there should start their own forum with that in mind.

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Old 03-13-2010, 02:22 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Céline View Post
You mean logs of me going nuts and getting angry over being suckered into an easy bait game?

shrug..anyone wanna read that?

Carmen i am sorry this is happening..really i am...sigh
2 Words celine lunar lunacy its happing every where let them get on with
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Old 03-13-2010, 02:41 PM   #41
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Looks like a new season called survivor Project Avalon.

Get prepared to be voted off of the island!
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Old 03-13-2010, 03:08 PM   #42
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Default Re: Excuse Me!!!!

Originally Posted by micjer View Post

Looks like a new season called survivor Project Avalon.

Get prepared to be voted off of the island!
It has started to look like east enders
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Old 03-13-2010, 03:38 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
It has started to look like east enders
Waiting for Dirty Den to re-appear.

Love love and then see what happens. (Beren quote)
Thats safe as it gets.
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Old 03-13-2010, 07:22 PM   #44
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well now I'm really confused though Project Lightworkers is already created and drawing from our community?

The way I see Avalon moving forward is having multiple areas and categories.

World Events
Conspiracies unfolding
Community Building

Each time I come to Avalon I'm am drawn towards a different sub-forum. These are the building blocks of our discussions.

Why would anyone expect things to change?

Don't be afraid of stepping to a new server or a new piece of software, the heart of Avalon is us...
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Old 03-13-2010, 07:41 PM   #45
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Default Re: Excuse Me!!!!

Originally Posted by Samarkis View Post
Avalon 2 will be free subscription, however the feel will be like when we were paid subscription in that serious minded & responsable people will be interacting and helping with real time community projects of every scale,each according to their talents and resources....and most definitely with the original intent!!!

Much Light & Love!!!
Samarkis - There was an occasion when you started a thread about planting fruit trees in urban areas, for food. Someone I really respected as a poster (happyhollergal), who also had arborist/floral/business experience, said that city bylaws ... whatever she said, that was practical imo. THEN, she was accused of being "negative". Now she's gone, I hope she's OK - she may have been ill. What are the priorities here?

Or "there" on "2" for that matter? People do what they want to do, what feels right, what they can. Is that wrong?
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Old 03-13-2010, 07:48 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
well now I'm really confused though Project Lightworkers is already created and drawing from our community?

The way I see Avalon moving forward is having multiple areas and categories.

World Events
Conspiracies unfolding
Community Building

Each time I come to Avalon I'm am drawn towards a different sub-forum. These are the building blocks of our discussions.

Why would anyone expect things to change?

Don't be afraid of stepping to a new server or a new piece of software, the heart of Avalon is us...
I just want to note that Project Light Warrior was created several months ago, so it was not created to draw members from this site due to the chaos.

All the best,

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Old 03-13-2010, 08:05 PM   #47
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Well Excuuuuuse Me! I'm sorry...but I smell a rat! No...I smell lots of rats!! Numerous Site Meltdowns, Odd Website Performance, and Removal (or non-functioning) of Links. The End of Paid Subscriptions. Peculiar Newbies. The Bill and Kerry 'divorce'. The abraxasinas/Thuban crisis. ModeratorGate. Anchor stepping down. The 'New and Improved' Avalon...by Invitation Only. My 'Thuban Thoughts' being removed without a specific reason. I smell some sort of a take over. I actually like dealing with a lot of 'problem posters'. It builds character. I don't really care who they are (agents, aliens, troublemakers, Jesuits, et al)...or what their agendas are. In fact...some of these people and non-people know more about what's really going on than just about anyone else. We Avalonians are tough enough to take it! Bring it on! Let's go! How about all of the above being remedied and/or reversed? I just want an uncorrupted process of truth-seeking. What's the cyberspace equivalent of running in the streets with torches and pitchforks??!! I hope several people around the world are backing-up all of the information presently on this site. Seriously. Where do we meet if the site is completely shut down? Red Alert! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-hqb...eature=related

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 03-13-2010 at 10:06 PM.
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Old 03-13-2010, 08:13 PM   #48
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orthodoxymoron that is interesting!

Since this is a kinda conspiracy forum maybe we are now creating our own conspiracies?

Do you think is something to do to the Earthquake in Chile and the speeding of time? I know they say is tiny but the multidimensional implications are never tiny

Also the GFL seems to be on overdrive and other forums have had members suspended!

Well, if this is a time acceleration we better fasten our sit belts cos it is not going to stop til next year

Chamonile, lavander, neroli, orange flowers...valerian deep breathing etc, etc

Keep calm and keep going as the English say

Love to all
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Old 03-13-2010, 08:19 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Shairia View Post
I remained silent long enough this topic of PA2 while attractive to some bothers me. Invitation only to lightworkers? A real lightworker would never call attention to themsellf or want to be labelled as such. The choice comes from the heart and manifest in a variety of ways through actions and intentions and a desire to complete the mission they chose to enter this matrix.

No spiritual teacher is necessary they were born with all the knowledge they required to perform their mission. It is a soul decision and cannot be taught or should not be used as a social clique to rid one of the guilt they have due to their own actions and ignorance while on this planet.

This proposal to draw up lists scares the crap out of me. I seem to remember another chap doing something similar in Germany prior to WW2.

Good luck with your little games the real lightworkers will still be out there and do what they have come here to do.

I've seen too much on this forum that disturbs me including excessive egos and paranoia. It seems to me that IN THE MYSTS is the place to be these days where honesty and truth prevail. Maybe those who reside there should start their own forum with that in mind.

There lots of good points everyone has made regarding all this. Shairia, I agree with you 100% on this one.
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Old 03-13-2010, 08:44 PM   #50
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Well said Ortho
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