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Old 09-21-2008, 09:05 PM   #1
Richard T
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 179
Default Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

I will attempt to convey information I have by using a conference that I have been listening to with interest, hoping that you will consider it without choking too much.

Of course, if this kind of discussion is considered OT for this platform, simply let me know and I will refrain from doing this in the future.

So here we go.

Link to Dr. Deagle's conference: http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...52945040630461

Just listening to Dr. Deagle's speech on Google Video.

Like anything, there is always a measure of reality in what is said and a measure of disinformation.

Now, I am not saying that Dr. Deagle is necessarily wilfully disinforming. Disinformation can be considered as any distortion, any coloration, any partial information (meaning partly retained information), anything that lets the mind imagine potential outcomes.

Imagination is always adjusted to a limit. Imagination is a form of mind manipulation from the planes.

Dreams also fall in this bag of surprises, that are not so surprising.

Another point about this information is one I did not necessarily consider discussing at this point but since it is absolutely interlocked with the principle, it cannot be avoided. And the principle is related to thoughts.

So, anything that can be thought, is basically disinformative. Because thoughts are also and necessarily adjusted, and is a form of mind manipulation from the planes.

And this last item, thoughts, is the most important one, as the full force of organized manipulation is contained within it. This is why it is fundamental for any person to realize the importance of not believing, especially not believing what he thinks. To treat thoughts not as the manifestation of a personally projected understanding but as an adjusted pattern of mental forms created and insufflated through the mind tunnel for the benefit of those intelligences who carry the energy of thoughts or worst, for the benefit of intelligences that piggyback on the terminal between the energy adjuster and the mortal to enforce the limits of his consciousness.

Mr. Deagle somewhat touches this at around 42:00 of part one, suggesting thought induction by artificial means.

I am writing this as I am listening to the speech since I have very little memory.

The points I find most important in Mr. Deagle's speech are not related to particular plans to put the last nail in the construction of the cell meant to enslave humanity but in a certain number of statements regarding reality.

For instance, at around 44:50, Mr. Deagle mentions the nature of reality being hidden from man. And he is quite correct. Lets see now if he can bring this information down. Why? Because everything you fear is tied to the hiding of the nature of reality. Fear itself is the most powerful magnetic field that can be induced into a man by highjacking the animal function that we call instinct.

Fear should be treated, like thoughts, as an external force meant to manipulate the mind and force it to lower its vibration to that of an intelligent animal.

The unfortunate part, is that the conditioned mind seeks to find answers to its dilemma within the scope of its limitation, while at the same time seeking to retain this condition and perpetuate it in time. This is the fear of death.

What is the fear of death? It is the fear of loosing consciousness. And what is the fear of losing consciousness for the conditioned mind? It is the fear of losing the memory of its experience, which is in turn the fear of losing the impression of the personality, even though the personality is but a construction for the purpose of supporting a train of thoughts necessary to perpetuate a line of experience. So, personality is only useful within a single lifespan and it is only when personality is disolved that reality can reclaim the mind tunnel.

Humans want to perpetuate their understanding of their purpose via their instinct, and paradoxally, their instincts are the limiting factor that makes them animals in their controlled reactions. Not controlled by them but controlled by forces that hide in a field of energy from which they enact a play through which the individual believes it is him who is deciding and it is him who is enacting.

Therefore, man tens to project his freedom by access to hidden technologies, referring again to hidden memories, when in fact, all the technology he needs is already known by him at another level of his hidden reality.

And that is an illusion. We are at the end of a cycle, and the current psychological paradigm will not be carried forward. Once it has been used to the extent of its purpose, it is destroyed and replaced with a new one, the memory of the previous one being engineered to not interfere with the new parameters of an ongoing plan of experience set up into stages.

Reality is not contained within the thought process. And this is where man is totally being screwed, as the ego automatically associates with thoughts.

So, Dr. Deagle goes on to say that:
"People must understand that the real issue here has got to be what is real and not what is imaginary".

This is where the difficulty starts. Humankind has worked out of its thoughts and imagination since he was cut off from the universal circuits and felt for its sensual animality, as induced by its connection with an animal body. It was basically lied to as to the consequences, even prior to its infusion.

Just as a short aside, because this is not the point of this intervention, Dr. Deagle at around 55:00 speaks of FEMA being there to help you to your grave, or something to that effect. You might want to watch this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNuBHZlB0sY) that might (or might not) be related.

At around 1:30, Dr. Deagle complains about mind control technologies, and rihgtfully so. What I am want to add to this point is that the mind is already under control. What is happening tough is the attempt to add more layers of control and segregate further the mind from the source of its reality. It is not here that mind control begins but within what we regard as the invisible. Even though the invisible is an illusion and will remain an illusion until man sees through his ethereal eyes, which already attaches to his material eyes.

Another small note, and this regards Dr. Deagle's assertion that he makes at around 1:05:50 to the effect that geopolitics, technologies and so on are the exact same as those of Atlantis. This is incorrect. Not that this point is particularly important except for the fact that the consciousness paradigm in Atlantean times was totally different than what is known today. There could be no continuum between Atlantean consciousness and Indo-European consciousness. And, this is the reason for the total destruction of Atlantis.

Atlanteans were in direct contact with intelligences at the beginning of the Adamic infusion. The purpose of Atlantean infusion was the creation and strengthening of an adequate astral body. Atlanteans lived their consciousness much more at night, in an astral dream like state, and their technologies, if they were viewed today would appear much more akin to magic than science to us.

Previous Lemurians had no bearing on Atlantean consciousness either. They came here and had to leave because they were not equipped to face life on a wild planet. It was yet another consciousness paradigm altogether.

Likewise, the next paradigm, which will be the first step of man in the evolutionary field, will bear no resemblance whatsoever with the current one. Science as we know it will be destroyed and a real base for science will be deployed, a science that today could not be made accessible to humanity for it is still under the laws of domination.

Where he is right though is in saying that we are going into another ice age.


We cannot count on the locations mentioned as necessarily being under hundreds of feet of ice, because the tilt of the Earth will have changed eventually, in such a way that the planet will not have a tilted axis. Likewise, continents will be reorganized. But there is still time before these things come to pass so there is no reason to worry about this now.

Now. What is apparent is that as much as we are told, now and then, here and there, that what counts really is what is real, which is technically correct, the blueprint of reality remains limited to promises of destruction and calls to preserve THE RACE, calls for survival, which is based on instinct.

Actual information on what is real does not filter down, and when it does, it is dismissed because what is real cannot conform to thought forms that are adjusted to an experimental paradigm. So that in the end, what we have left is a plan to protect the thought system while forces are at work to explode the planet if it has to in order to prevent man from becoming.

And this is a very important point I am addressing, the point being that reality has no connection with what people think. None whatsoever, except perhaps the fact that diverted thought energy emanates from worlds that are closer to reality than the material mind is.

So, while people are distracted within a survival mode, a call to survive the race, they are still not explained that they should be taken out of the consciousness of the race to enter a field of real consciousness.

I am not saying that people should start thinking about letting their body go and not care. No, that is not what I am saying at all. But I am saying that the instinct to perpetuate consciousness as a unit of consciousness that belongs to the race is a red herring. It is only as man is taken out of this consciousness paradigm that he escapes the fate of the race. Then, it is from within that he is directed where he must be when he must.

The reality is that it is not the material race that is at stake, ultimately speaking. That it is not the material race that will be brought into another paradigm, but that it is the psychic person, not race, within the material vehicle associated to the race, that will have to undergo a total change. And for this change to be made, he must be warned of the consequences so that he does not think he is losing his mind.

Man is a multidimensional reality whose material counterpart is segregated from the whole. The forces that oppose the integration of these realities will do everything they must to prevent this from happening.

But for the individual, what is important to know, is that he cannot be shaken no matter what happens around him, no matter what happens to the race. And for that, he must not belong to the race, psychically. He can only belong to himself.

There are many fundamental aspects of reality that need to be examined.

For instance, what of immortality. Is it the immortalization of the physical body? Or is it the impossibility to lose consciousness, regardless of the location it occupies? What of the origin of man. Was he created? Or is he the result of the extension of a dimension of the mind in territories occupied by a force that moved away from the origin of mind long ago, creating the expansion of the universe at the expanse of light? What is thought. Is the ego its point of origin? Or is the ego its termination point. What is a dream? Is it a dormant state affected by subconscious forms? or is it a program organized by the spirits of the form in order to give a unconscious direction to mankind? What is evil? What is reality? Therefore what is the dark exactly opposing that it does not want the individual to see? And then is it possible to start and really put together the pieces. Because the fundamental pieces are not acessible by thought, they must be brought down by other means, means that short circuit thoughts, in the sense that they short circuit the mentality of the race.

The greatest poison of the mind is belief. And beliefs are supported by thoughts. Thoughts are akin of auto-hypnosis, and thoughts dictate man's activities in the world. The brain is a radio. And what it receives is dependant on the mind's frequency. Not the actual material brain itself, but its invisible counterpart, so to speak. And the invisible counterpart of the brain is dependant on the origin of both the incarnated entity and of its original point of contact that exists within other spheres of reality.

In the material experience, those of a similar origin meet and work together to further the agenda of the hierarchies that act as their collective trains of thought, which in turn depend on their location and political organization.

Hierarchies that strive on domination have their own network on this planet, and those people are interconnected in a gigantic powerplay. They are recognized as black initiates, even though they do not have the full consciousness of the consequences or of the ultimate mandate of the origin of those agendas they carry.

The real security of the individual lies in the impossibility for him to be influenced. It is technically impossible to start tackling all the individual threats, real or perceived, that are announced here and there in these end of cycle times. And at the end of a cycle, things cannot go right, it is just impossible.

So, what is fundamental is for man, man as an individual, to stop implicating himself psychologically in his experience so that he may start benefiting from the integration of the energy of his experience as opposed to the experience being beneficial to the race at his expense.

The result of the experience being lived for the benefit of the individual is the integration of the energy of the experience, which is used to create a model of evolution within a plane of reality that is free from influences of what has been called Luciferian origin.

This model of evolution is what some may have referred to as the body of light or other similar terms, which the astral body is not and the soul is not.

Now, I understand that these things seem to be very far from the day to day reality that people live, especially when mankind is at the wrong end of the gun barrel. But. This is the full time reality behind the creation of man, who is still a work in process, until such body is created, by integreation of the energy of the soul, to allow forces from beyond the world of creation to start a fusion process with mortal consciousness, making it impossible for death to maintain its dominion over the mind.

The mind does not originate in the material brain. It is a multi-dimensional channel that connects the highest aspects to the lowest aspects of consciousness via a number of relays, alter egos, from their vantage points within realms that are magnitudes vaster than the material world, and this channel in turns connects to a network that conforms to the vibratory rate of a particular hierarchy that allows for instantaneous telepathic connection over extreme distances, based on the universal status of their universal sources. The mind is a communication system. And the witholding of information is implemented at that level to keep individuals subservients in their experience, especially here on a quarrantined experimental world. And this has for effect the replacement of real consciousness with a totally made up impression of self that man takes for reality by association, by self-identification. Man is totally manipulated until he has integrated the energy of his experience, freeing his spirit from the memory of the soul.

Integration of the energy of the experience happens by the depersonalization of this impression of consciousness which we call psychology. This process prevents the energy of the experience from assaulting the mind via its emotional charge and the energy is automatically re-directed for the construction and strenghtening of this etheric vehicle that can receive the full charge of the reality of consciousness, without the need to dumb it down to protect the fragile dense physical system, upon which the new body is modeled, taking its information from cellular consciousness.

The battleground is therefore not the material body but the mind itself.

But people concentrate on the body, believing that some sort of automatic shift in consciousness will benefit them somewhere in time.

On the other hand, the most efficient way to prevent the integration of man appears to some hierarchies to be the elimination of the physical terminal and the return of those trapped consciousnesses to the world of the dead to continue the recycling of the energy of the experince in their archives so that they can build their own evolutionary models for their own purposes.

Man must learn not to believe. This does not imply denying, but admitting to oneself that when we don't know, we must not polarize our mind one way or another. But learn to look with the eyes of the spirit rather than use comparative psychology to evaluate how well something fits with what we feel is real.

What we feel is possible is the limit imposed on the mind. And if someone thinks something to be impossible, you can bet your life that it definitely is possible. Which means that not believing especially includes our own thoughts.

So, we must learn to function by vibration. Not by pulsions, but by vibration. Pulsions are the result of the relation between the soul's need for experience and the electric information carried in the nervous system. These are perfectly conditioning mechanism that are so well made that man lost sight of his reality. This mechanism was responsible for devolution.

What is the vibration? It is what is left when you remove the emotions, the memory, the instincts and thought forms. It is energy to which man must give form from nothing, in appearance. All the rest is part of a construction and this construction is controlled from beyong and those mortals who have a pact, conscious or not, with hierarchies of domination, are given the key to mechanisms of mass delusion. It does not come from them, it is actuated through them.

The biggest conspiracy is not of this material planet, it is from the invisible. Everything is known. Why? Because everything is controlled.

When a man escapes this paradigm, because he has integrated enough of his energies, he becomes invisible to those systems. Why? Because his registry is relocated on a plane of reality that escapes the dominion of the hierarchies of domination. He is then taken over by the hierarchy to which he already is affiliated by way of his origin and becomes untouchable.
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Old 09-22-2008, 07:36 AM   #2
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Post by post, are all illuminati thinking.

You are a very good illuminati puppy did you know?.

I have an idea for you. Join them if you have the money or witchcraft occult power MUAHAHA!

PD: The life is only a day of playing, tries to play fair and to classify and you will be promoted, if you not, well... universal laughter for you!.

Cheers pal!
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Old 09-22-2008, 03:40 PM   #3
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Wow, Richard, thanks for this. I don't understand all of it, just yet, but I got some very valuable things from reading it through the first time.

I've been in quite a conundrum about whether to stay in the U.S., or leave. I can't believe how many viewpoints I've had on 'should I stay or should I go.' I don't want to run away out of fear. I want to know that my safety is within.

This whole process has been quite a spiritual exercise in itself, and your piece gives me some real depth and insight to help me along in this.
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Old 09-24-2008, 03:44 PM   #4
Richard T
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

I will skpip over part two of Dr. Deagle's lectures. I found no personal interest in it but for those who would, it can be found here:


My lack of interest is not because I judge the pertinence of his speech negatively, but simply that the energy of the spirit penetrates human reality and transmutes all on its way, all the way down to cellular consciousness.

I will continue my comments on part 3, that can be found here:

Ok, now Dr. Deagle wants us to ask the right 'spiritual' questions.
Can the right questions be spiritual? Can it be reductionist?
To me, a question that falls under the guise of spirituality has the equivalent power of penetration that a question that falls under the guise of reductionist materialism. Both create a mental ghetto that limit the possible connections that can be made between the material condition, the apparent limits of the mind, and the reality behind the veil that is setup to create an apparent limitation to the mind.

This can be viewed as semantics, after all spirituality is a word. But all words of the human language are energy traps that create categories within the memory of the experience. Words have been used to categorize and those categorical values to rationalize the view of the mind on its environment into mental architectures that we call beliefs.

These architectures are espoused by groups of people on a cultural base, where souls of similar evolution regroup in incarnation to be directed, by the collective, through word based mind set architectures.

This is another fundamental reason why it is of extreme importance to not believe.

Man's current impression of intelligence is based on this capacity to rationalize, words being the guardians of the way he must understand his world. Understanding therefore is an organized indoctrination based on the architecture assigned to the mentality of the culture, using the emotional values that are contained within the words that this culture uses in its language.

To not believe means translating incoming information into a vibration, and never into an emotion. Emotions are the polarized energies of good and evil carried by words to which the ego gives value. A value is always set relative to an emotion.

Thoughts are the astral of the mental in that they allow emotions to infiltrate the mental, prohibiting man from being objective and forcing him into a reaction state.

And this is very important. Man need access to his intelligence at all times. It is easy to be intelligent when things are going well. But it is when things are not going well that man needs access to his intelligence. And emotions become a maelstrom in dire times, forcing man to react according to his instincts and follow the wrong lead.

And the only lead that is real is the one at the source of the consciousness of the individual.

And even then, one must not believe, but know by vibration. Belief is closer to emotions.

So, this said, when Mr. Deagle says that the world is ruled by spiritual powers and principalities, in a sense he is right, but by giving them a spiritual overtone he reinforces the impression that there is a division between the invisible and the visible. And that division is only the result of psychology, that in turn results from the work and mandate of the hierarchies he is referring to.

These hierarchies have nothing to do with the psychological concept of spirituality. But they use spirituality to hide their reality. They are intelligences and must be regarded with a scientific eye, outside of any preconception based on categories.

The mind has a point of origin that is far into other planes of reality. And the evolution of the soul depends very much on the ascendancy of that point of origin.

People that are in real power on this planet have a point of origin that is located in the same ether, and they are regulated by the same laws, and they are infused with the same agenda. And these laws are laws of domination. They do not know this on this globe as such, the human condition being as it is. But in their dealings with the invisible, be it conscious or unconscious, they are directed by a master plan, and that plan is part of the agenda of the hierarchy that is at the origin of their minds. They are directed to incarnate in the right place in the right time and no soul, connected to an origin other than the proper hierarchical origin, may incarnate in those places and times. Why? Because these hierarchies have dominion over the planet for the time being. But that time is coming to pass and dominion over the energies of the planet will be transfered over to hierarchies that originate from beyond the current rulers' status.

Talking about demons spiritualizes the alien quality of these hierarchies who are simply extremely advanced intelligences, that are not material in nature, therefore that are not dense and have no experience of material infusion, and creates the illusion, within the mind, that those hierarchies are superior to man.

And it is not so.

Man is light within matter, quarantined from the source of his reality. Not quarantined in relation with alien visitations, quarantined from his reality.

Man - is - light - within - matter.

Proof of this is that when man has integrated his energy and has passed onto his last stage of evolution on this planet, that will follow this upcoming stage we are soon to ente, he will not view these hierarchies as being above him, he will be these hierarchies. These intelligences will have fused with man's energy, man's energy being a projection of their reality in experimental conditions in the form, which had for consequences the overpowering of the energy, that is free from the form, by the strong magnetism of the form, transposed by animal instincts, lust, fears, and the highjacking of the vibration with thought forms that carry a hidden agenda. And this agenda is the plan of those intelligences and man has no choice but to fulfil it. And this includes those men who are representatives of the dark hierarchies, even though they are not conscious of that condition.

Excuse me if I have such a big problem with words.

Dr. Deagle goes on saying that:
"...principalities that are behind the mind of man, and In other cultures and other civilizations, they know this."

This is a point of extreme importance. Not that it is known in other cultures, because other cultures have their own blind spots. They don't know this, they believe this. Not the same. But the fundamental point remains correct.

I will pass over Mr. Deagle rationale to explain why people feel the 'quickening', except perhaps to say that the soul who is longing to be fused with the light of its origin is extremely energized by the prospect of the time of its liberation being close at hand. This is a psychic phenomena and has nothing to do with books.


Now I am where Mr. Deagle is saying that "...so the understanding of what we are, the nature of consciousness is central to solving all the problems" and then "so the real issue is the ones who should lead and the ones who should be the philosophers, not the military leaders, not the politicians and not even the billionaires. It should be the ones whose spirit are tuned to be the gardeners of the garden". Then he says that the answers to that are all known because it exists in libraries, and that these writings are being kept under wrap or something to that effect.

I fully agree with what needs to be understood. The question of who should lead is already solved and has been solved even before the infusion, so it appears as a mute point to me. But, I understand his stance. But then, the statement that the answer to those facts is in books to me is a nonsense.

Sure there are interesting information in books that are kept away from the public. The ultimate reason is to insure the segregation between the memory of the material races. But ultimately, the spirit knows and needs not read into books. Nothing can be hidden from it. All is archived in those worlds where exists universal science.

The memory of the history of man is not a placebo for the integration of man's energy. And the integration of the energy includes the integration of the hidden history of the millions of years of soul experience.

Blaming forces and organizations for the withholding of information based on memories is pointless in the future of humanity. All will be revealed but it won't be the books of the past but those books of the future that will have the power to transform instantaneously the vibration of those who will read tp allow a greater and deeper penetration of the fundamental reality at the origin into the etheric sub-plane of the material entity.

On the other hand, I can agree with Mr. Deagle to the fact that it is less man's intelligence that is in question but the information. But one needs an extreme dose of discernment for all information is not informative but remains part of ancient ideas that were behind the shaping of the devolution movement of spirit in a dense environment. What was useful in the past will be of no use tomorrow, because its usefulness will have expired.

Thirst for knowledge has been a function that was meant to support the creation of the intellect. When man knows everything he needs to know when he needs it, this thirst will go away because it will have been quenched.

Mr. Deagle goes on and eventually says the following:

"The only thing that will save you, it won't be your guns, it won't be your bad attitude, it won't be your bullets or your physical prowesses, it will be your spirit. And if your spirit tells you to go to the left and you want to go to the right, you better listen to your spirit."

Here, I am 100% with him. This is what will make the difference between the 5th and the 6th races. One will be led by the soul pulsions, while the other will be led by the spirit. This will be the beginning of the initiation of man that will see him through the destruction of the memory of the devolution race to allow the integration of his energy and his freedom from collective unconsciousness. This spirit is this point of origin of a person's consciousness without which life would not exist on this plane.

Mr. Deagle asks "are we going to walk or are we going to fall down the well?"

My answer to this is:
Man will walk. There is no question about it. The plan is perfect and there is no error that stems from the worlds of perfection. But the civilization will fall down the well. Because a civilization on this planet is tied to a time that is already encoded in its architecture. And where man will need to make a decision, at one point or another, it is if he belongs to this civilization or if he belongs to nothing. You cannot be both free and belong to something. And love frees, absolutely. It does not create ties, ties are based on the insecurity of the ego. In love there is an alliance based on a vibration that has for purpose a liberation, not enslavement. And there is no love on this world but a dilution through emotional animal instincts based on insecurity.

I also concur with Mr. Deagle in his call for discernment in relation with channelling. I would add, especially those cults that use Ouija boards as their favourite platform for communication.

By the way. These stories about stargates must be looked at from the perspective of the spirit.

Here above, I somewhat ranted about words. Here we have the expression 'star gate' that comes later on in the lecture at around 21:00 or a bit after.

So far as I am concerned, it is an expression that creates confusion.

They are not stargate but simply are geo magnetic points that are in synchronization with certain vibrations and forces that are part of the invisible forces operating in the elemental fields of the planet. These fields are associated to the astral of the planet and have no bearing whatsoever to stars.

In the astral, all forms are possible. Never forget this. And any form can be created to give a proof that can be believed and that is then carried onto the world via a mission. As soon as man receives a mission, he is fulfilling an astral agenda under the guise of good, or evil.

That is my take on this.

In the astral world already exists all the science of devolution that is passed on through the brain in an empiric system based on memory and categories. All the science is already studied in that world and man is given what is already meant to be given him to fullfil the destiny of his race, and no more.

Tomorrow, science will be based on infused information, directly from man's own origin, which lies in the opposite direction of the astral polarity of reality. He will not need to study to know. His energies will be directed to increase the mental rate of vibration and it is this increase in vibration that will allow him to access information of higher orders.

I will leave it at it. From then on, Mr. Deagle makes a lot of spiritual statements that you can evaluate for yourselves.

Except perhaps a comment on this statement:
"Religion and spirituality are completely anathema", suggesting that spirituality is the high point of man's evolution.

Well, I beg to differ. Religion comes from spiritual thirst and was used to organize human endeavours by channelling that thirst through cultural architectures. So long has there remains spirituality in the mind, man is subject to influences. If those influences are not from without, such as those influences of religions, they will be directly from within.

The high point of human evolution is far from what this dying civilization has been built upon, regardless of the color and spiritual interpretations, that were useful and necessary, but only in the measure that it served the progress of the soul in a life plan that required inter relations through oppositions in the environment that it used to experiment its connection with the dense material vibration, a work that the soul hates because the world it otherwise is the essence of its fabric is in tune with its reality and it lives a lowering of its vibration during its incarnation that it is willing to accept only to remember the impression of being alive.

The basic stages of man evolution on this planet are:
- Material
- Spiritual
- Esoteric
- Mental
- Supramental

I am certain many will see this clearly. From the supramental point on, man loses all ties with a civilization that is going down so that he can go up, so to speak.

Obviously, Mr. Deagle is right in the sense that once man has been connected to his origin, religions that were used to maintain man in line within a programmed environment.

A last few points.

One is in relation to Akashic archives.

These archives, contrarily to popular beliefs, are not the universal archives. They are astral and are memories. They are not the fundamental sciences of the worlds, these sciences being at the origin of the laws of energy that were implemented to fullfil the agenda of the numurous hierarchies and intelligences that evolve and regulate the universes.

What has been given to man, up to this end of cycle, all deals with astral science and archives.

Why? Because this world is under the law of astral hierarchies, until those laws are suspended for a time.

I am pointing this out because man has been led to believe, by the affiliation of its soul with the astral sun, that it takes for god, but that is a vehicle emitting light in the world of the dead, that it would find the ultimate goal of its origin according to the laws of that light. And it was lied to. And all that was given to humanity, what we find in the occult memory of the planet, was integral to itself when it was really but a fragment of what is limited under a veil of informational blackout.

Man is quarantined, lets not forget. And the quarantine is applied through the mind. It is not simply an embargo on alien visitation. The quarantine is total. It applies to all channels of communication, of which the mind is the most important. The mind is the primary battlefield.

So, when Mr. Deagle says that when inventions were made by great scientists, they had been given the science from Akashic records, he is right. But these archives are not universal and are limited. They are associated with this planet and universally speaking, they are considered primitive although important, because they repertoriate the memory of the experience of the souls in their incarnations.

Universal archives treat with the intelligence of the spirit and its infusion through the mind tunnel that is intercepted at all planes of reality, most of which lie way beyond astral reach.

So, I concur with Mr. Deagle that no one ever discovered anything. What was 'discovered' what the science already elaborated in the astral where countless intelligences are at work. But this pool of sciences is not related to all civilizations throughout eternity.

Eternity is not an archive, it is a location in time from which emanates the ray of creation. Its reality is not accessible to the low vibration of material and astral consciousness. Material and astral consciousness could not contain it and would be destroyed if material of such high vibration was to be infused in it. This is why a new mental vehicle, in the ether, must be finalized. And this in order for energies of a much higher order to finally descend and unify all planes of reality within it. The infusion of Adamic origin had this for a goal and human devolution was the chosen method of achieving that goal.

Man will not choose life. Life will choose man. Man has no choice until he is invested with life. Therefore, man cannot enlighten himself by means of spiritual hopes and pulsions. But he can prepare the ground if he is led to prepare it by his origin, that is life. It is not the soul that gives life but the soul comes with life. Man will be the manifestation of the pact between him and life, on a vertical scale, and this will be measured by his pact with his peers on the horizontal scale. In that way, the new alliance will be horizontalzed, and that is what has been prepared by the infusion of the initiate of Pisces 2000 years ago.

It is not the last time that man will face this test. Even though there will be a suspension of the astral after the events that are to shake the planet and all relationship that man has with his mentality, personally as well as collectively, these laws will be let lose again to test man's resistance to corruption in another thousand years.

The last point is to not believe. Not believe me, not believe anyone.

I am not saying to deny but to not believe.

The Nazareen is >not< in the world of the dead. So, be wary of those who associate death with an intelligence who came to vanquish death. The world of the dead is a world of lies that has been responsible for much grieve in the human experience. What is this belief that he came, resurrected, and then what? Go back to the dead?

The worlds of light is not found among the dead. And one day, it is man himself who will teach the dead so that they can see and re-organize their life plans so that this time around they don't miss their boat.

Nothing can prevent the reversal of the laws of consciousness on this globe. It is not a question of choice, it is a question of time.
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Old 09-28-2008, 12:58 AM   #5
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When I first met the star people, again, about nine months ago, they asked me, "Who are you?" I told them I was nothing. They said everybody is somebody. I responded that I did not say I was nobody. I said I was nothing. They asked the reason for that. I told them the moment I think I am this or that, I have set myself up for doom as I can never live up to the expectation of what I set up. They said that is a good start. Last month, they asked me, "Who are you?" I said, "I am man." I am not A man. I am not a "good' man or a "bad" man. I am man. You are man. We are men. They said, "You are one of us now." Love and Peace.
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Old 09-28-2008, 01:30 AM   #6
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Sounds as if all this end time fantastic hoopla is custom designed to kick the psionics in gear, then it's warp speed...
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Old 09-28-2008, 06:05 AM   #7
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Yesterday I watched all of Dr. Deagles video lecture from 2006 and enjoyed it very much. I did listen to part 2 although I feel no need to know about healing as when one merges into the absolute power of love, there is no need of physical healing. I did not believe nor disbelieve what he said but I like him and find that he has a lot of knowledge and some interesting beliefs.

I completely agree with you, Richard, that belief is a trap, sometimes a very wonderful and emotionally uplifting trap. I was following a particular path of meditation where we were given a mantra to use which was supposed to protect us from the powerful negative beings on other dimensions. When I began leaving my body I first encountered a light being who seemed to be full of love and humor. I dutifully started my mantra and the being looked at me with great love and was basically finding me rather humorous. I immediately realized that this mantra I had accepted as a belief was rather silly and I said to heck with the mantra. I will do whatever I feel to do, without following anybody elses rules or beliefs.

After a couple of months of many out of body trips I had encountered all manner of beings in all different types of bodies, including pure "balls" of energy and demonic beings, light beings, anything I probably could imagine, but it was still hierarchical and all had agendas. When I finally tapped into the power of love the journeys changed. There was nothing more powerful than I, nothing I was fearful of, there was nothing other than myself and some separated parts of myself. If I happened upon a consciousness that was separate from myself I would merge with it and become more of myself.

I found it more and more difficult to return to everyday life, although at that time I was living in Hawaii with my husband and baby. We had no financial problems and did not have to work other than building our house on our property, so it was rather idyllic. But even so I was relating less and less to the physical world and I decided I still needed to live in the world. I continued travelling out of body for several more years, but not as often, maybe only once a month instead of several times a week.

I agree with your assessment of the Akashic records. I once found myself there and I knew it was a living library of all the actions, thoughts and histories of all souls and beings on the earth plane. My mind saw it as wriggling packets of living information, almost like fat glowing light green worms. That sounds funny, but I can't think of any other way to describe what it "looked" like. What I felt was all the knowledge, past, present and future, of this earth and perhaps also the astral surrounding the earth plane. I don't remember for sure about the astral but I seem to remember it that way. It definitely was not the repository of all knowledge of all planes or dimensions.

None of the beings I encountered in other dimensions were at all superior to man. None of the beings on this earth plane from other dimensions, times or planets are superior to man. I cannot say that man is superior to them either, but I can say that they are not superior to us from my own knowledge. I have run across many beings who wanted me to feel as if I was a naive and young unevolved soul. I did not accept this agenda of theirs although there were times when I ALMOST accepted it! When I refused to accept it I was infused with the power of love, a love that is not emotional but it is all knowing, all embracing and all powerful. Great humor is also a part of it.

So whatever happens here in the upcoming years seems rather exciting to me to look forward to. It will be a positive upshift in the vibrational frequency of this earthplane, no matter how much physical destruction there may be. I am thrilled to think it may happen in my lifetime, and maybe that is why I decided to stick around in order to be here when it happens. Thank you, Richard, for your wonderful commentary on Dr. Deagle and for sharing your knowledge.

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Old 09-28-2008, 12:15 PM   #8
Richard T
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Hello NancyV.

I found your post quite interesting.

You said:
found it more and more difficult to return to everyday life,...
The ability to easily visit the astral at will was removed from humanity at large to prevent exactly this. In Atlantean times, this was usual and normal. They were working on a different body building program so to speak.

If people were not prevented from consciously travelling in astral form, they would spend all their time there. In higher sector of the astral, forms are much more harmonious than they are in matter. Even sexuality is more interesting if you consider that the forms are perfect and more energized. People would lose interest in their material experience. And they had to be in the experience to face opposition without proof.

You also say:
None of the beings I encountered in other dimensions were at all superior to man. None of the beings on this earth plane from other dimensions, times or planets are superior to man.
I totally agree with you. None are.

And then you say:
I cannot say that man is superior to them either
Fair enough.
What I would say though is that man has ascendency over the dead. And those you meet in the astral are the dead.

Why? Because in the astral, there is no connection with the planes where reside the systemic hierarchies that connect with the mortal to allow thoughts.

In the astral, there are souls. Souls are memories. During incarnation, that soul reconnects with, not only a physical reality, but with the cosmic counterpart who is the real identity of behind consciousness.

The Astral is a world that is moving opposite to the realms of light. The connection with universal networks was severed in the process. This is why there is death. The souls get trapped in a world from which they cannot access their light. But they are shown a light and made to believe that this light is god and that they will one day enter it. When in reality that light is a gigantic vessel they cannot approach.

It is only in incarnation that they can reconnect to their light to one day 'ascend'. I am using that term because it seems popular.

So, technically speaking the living have ascendancy over the astral intelligences because the living are connected to a ray of consciousness that proceeds from what we call life, the spirit, a force that has the key that cannot be found in the astral.
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Old 09-28-2008, 02:05 PM   #9
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Thumbs up Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Good post

Less is more
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Old 09-29-2008, 12:20 AM   #10
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RichardT: What I would say though is that man has ascendency over the dead. And those you meet in the astral are the dead.

Why? Because in the astral, there is no connection with the planes where reside the systemic hierarchies that connect with the mortal to allow thoughts.

In the astral, there are souls. Souls are memories. During incarnation, that soul reconnects with, not only a physical reality, but with the cosmic counterpart who is the real identity of behind consciousness.

The Astral is a world that is moving opposite to the realms of light. The connection with universal networks was severed in the process. This is why there is death. The souls get trapped in a world from which they cannot access their light. But they are shown a light and made to believe that this light is god and that they will one day enter it. When in reality that light is a gigantic vessel they cannot approach.

It is only in incarnation that they can reconnect to their light to one day 'ascend'. I am using that term because it seems popular.

So, technically speaking the living have ascendancy over the astral intelligences because the living are connected to a ray of consciousness that proceeds from what we call life, the spirit, a force that has the key that cannot be found in the astral
I actually did feel that I had "ascendancy" over the souls I encountered in the astral, causal and mental planes and various gradations or levels of those planes. Perhaps I don't want to sound too megalomaniacal and tend to try to make some of my statements sound less egotistical. It never occurred to me that I might be more powerful or have ascendency because I was still alive and consciously travelling there. Your statements are interesing and I'll take them into consideration. I have some difficulty conceiving that I will not be able to tap into that power if I die before I "ascend" and will probably have to think about it a bit more.

I died and came back once, but I can't say for SURE that I was dead since I came back after about 25 minutes, which seemed like uncounted millions of years to me. My friend who was a nurse practitioner told my husband I was dead or dying, no pulse.

Halfway to the hospital I returned to my body laughing and saying "No, NO, I don't want to go back!" I was laughing because I had just been in a state of non-time and bliss as one of a group of amorphous beings loosely appearing as balls of consciousness and light. Basically I was kicked out in a very loving manner, protesting all the way.

The "death" occurred from loss of blood in childbirth and the hospital was about 45 minutes away from our house where I had my baby. My state of bliss lasted for several days. They must have thought I was crazy at the hospital when I came in laughing and kept laughing because they couldn't get a blood sample from me since I had lost so much blood. I stayed only long enough to get as little replacement blood as I could so I wouldn't faint every time I sat up, and left the hospital in about 6 hours. That experience was somewhat different from consciously travelling out of body, but it was blissful.

Now that I've thought about it a little longer I will say that I don't accept the premise that I will not be able to consciously ascend to higher planes after this body I inhabit dies. What you have said about it makes sense, generally speaking, but I won't accept it as a truth or a belief. If I believe it, I will limit myself and that is something I refuse to do.

Regarding your comment on sexuality on astral planes, I've said for years that even the best tantric sex on the physical plane is a poor and pale shadow compared to merging with every particle of another being on another plane... and becoming one.

I'm reading the Neruda Interviews on the Wingmaker website right now and finding his explanation of the distinction between soul and mind/consciousness to be worthy of consideration and it's similar to what you are saying about soul vs consciousness:

"The formless consciousness is that which observes and experiences through forms or structures, not just physical embodiments. For example, consciousness can be contained inside a structure or form, but not be physically based. The mind is such a structure, while it's not physical, consciousness -- when physically embodied -- peers through a mind structure like someone looking through a window. Soul is often confused with the mind and vice versa.

The formless consciousness is that particle of God that is decelerated from the frequency of the God state into individuality where it can become autonomous and exercise freewill. Think of it like a photon or subatomic particle that is cast into a web of interconnected particles of like-mindedness. That is to say, all the particles have a similar frequency or spin-rate, and they're able to step down their frequency, at will, in order to enter membranes of consciousness that can only be entered by taking on a form. So the formless becomes form, and just before it enters the body, consciousness activates the DNA template according to its desired experiences within the membrane of reality it chooses."

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Old 09-29-2008, 12:55 AM   #11
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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direct experience richard??
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Old 09-29-2008, 01:32 AM   #12
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Originally Posted by Richard T View Post
Man is light within matter, quarantined from the source of his reality. Not quarantined in relation with alien visitations, quarantined from his reality.

Man - is - light - within - matter.
would you confirm then that Wilcock's research is accurate?

I fully agree with what needs to be understood. The question of who should lead is already solved and has been solved even before the infusion, so it appears as a mute point to me. But, I understand his stance.

solved how? how exactly are you "understanding" his stance...?

This is what will make the difference between the 5th and the 6th races. One will be led by the soul pulsions, while the other will be led by the spirit. This will be the beginning of the initiation of man that will see him through the destruction of the memory of the devolution race to allow the integration of his energy and his freedom from collective unconsciousness.

Man will walk. There is no question about it. The plan is perfect and there is no error that stems from the worlds of perfection. But the civilization will fall down the well.
....................... may I ask that "man" and "civilization" be defined in more detail.

It is not the last time that man will face this test. Even though there will be a suspension of the astral after the events that are to shake the planet and all relationship that man has with his mentality, personally as well as collectively, these laws will be let lose again to test man's resistance to corruption in another thousand years.
must we go on this merry go round yet again.

The last point is to not believe. Not believe me, not believe anyone.

I am not saying to deny but to not believe.
how are we to do this when indocrination/brainwashing/quarantine/whatever is this complete and all encompassing.
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Old 09-29-2008, 05:26 AM   #13
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respectfully, richard you've gone to some cursory length to determine and define not only the operations of the psyche & reality but, that of the subtle forces themselves that govern and connect all creation. you have done so, set in the framework of one of dr. deagel's discussions. the manner in which you've chosen, beg the question if you are simply working out loud trying to determine your personal ideological view point? perhaps persuade the audience? it doesn't appear dr. deagel is the focal point of your argument.

your observations with regard to the subtle & gross forces are ambiguous at best and in many cases contradict your own expressed opinions.

forgive me if i've offended you. you touch upon several universal principles or at least tried to in a cryptic way but, i don't see a viable connection to dr. deagle.
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Old 09-29-2008, 01:58 PM   #14
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Hello franzBardon.

Dr. Diggle's makes his statements based on a number of concepts.
I may agree to the form of the concepts but not on the spirit of the concept. Call it the spirit of the letter.

Mr. Deagle's premise lies primarily on his assessment of reality. And I challenge the basis that he uses to describe that reality as incomplete.

You cannot challenge statements without explaining why. And you cannot explain why by working from the point of view of the statements you are challenging.

So, obviously, the commentaries were not from Dr, Deagle's point of view.

The aspects of the lecture that I found of interest are related to the nature of reality, an aspect that he admits to be of the utmost importance. So I concentrated on those.

The lecture was quite lengthy in time, it would not have been practical to tackle every item independently. It is more efficient to offer a synthesis of the process as a solution rather than go through the entire process.

You say I have contradicting observations. Could you point them out?

The relevance to Dr. Deagle's statements lies in a re-definition of the basis upon which Dr. Deagle's builds them.

I am not easily offended franzBardon. No need to worry about that.
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Old 09-29-2008, 02:10 PM   #15
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Hello NancyV.

The mental plane is not the Astral plane. But the Astral plane does its own representation of a plane it uses to create another level of illusion, once the basic illusions have been undone. It is layers upon layers of forms created to conform to the mental states of humanity and agree to them to create a sense of reason.

All who go in the Astral find what they are seeking, and what they are seeking is seeded by the astral.

If you want to know if you truly are entering the mental plane, you will realize when entering it that you are walking the ground, like you would in the material plane, and not floating around.

The connection between the soul and the source is undone when the incarnate must return to the astral.

But in the case that the energy of the soul was transfered to another vehicle, consciousness is no longer attracted to the astral warm light. It can see the cold light that lies in the opposite coordinate and is free to move into that direction.

Consciousness then is not lost, there is no disconnection, therefore there is no death.

Just a transfer from plane to plane with the integrality of consciousness.

And you are absolutely right to not believe, and you should certainly not believe me anymore than anyone else. To not believe is the only real protection.
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Old 09-29-2008, 02:51 PM   #16
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Hello Rustanddust

If we start from the standpoint that consciousness on this planet is experimental and that this state has forced the captive spirit to start from a position of ignorance, then we can see that research is based on that starting point and does not proceed from reality but from a need to make sense of a reality that is veiled from the seeker.

Reality cannot be researched but must be known. The empiric process is based on an accumulation of memories, organized into categories based on assumptions made from a state of ignorance. Do you agree with this?
If so, in order to evaluate reality, the point of view must be moved away from the mechanisms that have been historically used to discover reality to allow reality to be uncovered.

His stance is based on the assumption that the leaders of tomorrow are those people who feel they are on a track that is compatible with tomorrow's evolution, although it is a continuation of yesterday's. My stance is based on the fact that tomorrow's evolution cannot be based on the same psychological principles that directed yesterday's evolution. Otherwise, it would be the same and talks of a new paradigm would make no sense.

Here is the problem. People want to change while protecting their impression of reality onto which they recognize their personality. This position is untenable. You cannot concurrently devolve and evolve, and the two movements are totally opposite. Devolution cannot produce evolution, the same way illusions cannot produce reality.

The question is solved because the energy is already hierarchised in its movement through consciousnesses who already have their universal statuses known based on their rate of vibration. Once these intelligences are one with man, man becomes the manifestation of this status, every man is in his righteous place, every glass is full regardless of its size.

So, if a man is the manifestation of what has been called an Arch-Angel, he has a status that is not that of the manifestation of what has been called a Cherubin. But both are perfect in their manifestation.

Does that answer your question?

... may I ask that "man" and "civilization" be defined in more detail.
Man is the final result of a work in progress. In the mean time, there is a humanity, but man is not yet complete.
Man, ultimately, is the integration of all the energies that compose his multi-dimensional reality into one unit of consciousness.

A civilization results from the projection of an architecture of energy that regulates the activities of a number of persons who must act within the framework of the laws of that particular architecture in order to complete a task. It establishes parameters that condition the mind set to insure cohesion between those who are tasked within its work frame.

So, civilization is a form, and the only thing that has permanence is consciousness.

must we go on this merry go round yet again.
No astral consciousness may enter what we refer to as the worlds of light.
Man must be utterly tested against any possible affinity to corruption by the hierarchies of domination.
Astral influence will be lifted to allow man to evolve at an incredible pace without interference.
And during that time, man has to have developed a lucid view that is many steps beyond mere discernment.
The Astral will be let free to influence man again and test the integrality of his consciousness.
The forces of domination are extremely intelligent forces who can recognize any fault and use it to seduce a consciousness that still bear ties to them.

how are we to do this when indoctrination/brainwashing/quarantine/whatever is this complete and all encompassing.
You just do it. Indoctrination is based on beliefs. If you don't believe, you cannot be indoctrinated, you become your own centre of reference.

I hope I adequately answered your questions Rustanddust.
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Old 09-29-2008, 04:26 PM   #17
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Originally Posted by pineal-pilot-in merkabah View Post
direct experience richard??
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Old 09-30-2008, 12:11 AM   #18
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Good, good stuff, Richard T~

reminiscent of Theosophical and Anthroposophical occult teachings I've studied and I love this part:

"No astral consciousness may enter what we refer to as the worlds of light.
Man must be utterly tested against any possible affinity to corruption by the hierarchies of domination.
Astral influence will be lifted to allow man to evolve at an incredible pace without interference.
And during that time, man has to have developed a lucid view that is many steps beyond mere discernment.
The Astral will be let free to influence man again and test the integrality of his consciousness.
The forces of domination are extremely intelligent forces who can recognize any fault and use it to seduce a consciousness that still bear ties to them."

This is the path I've been walking for the last 1.5 years or so. It is the path of the initiate. I have passed these tests, largely. They still come, but I recognize them and immediately "get over it."

These are subtle occult truths of such depth and subtlety. I so appreciate your contribution here. This is good stuff. Its not something you read and go, "oh yeah, got that." This information must be chewed slowly and digested thoroughly.

Thank you!
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Old 09-30-2008, 02:25 AM   #19
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thanks for your reply, yes, your answers were very adequate.

It just disturbs me in a way I think....it looks like a loss, it will be like losing everything, even if its not.

Reality cannot be researched but must be known. The empiric process is based on an accumulation of memories, organized into categories based on assumptions made from a state of ignorance. Do you agree with this?
If so, in order to evaluate reality, the point of view must be moved away from the mechanisms that have been historically used to discover reality to allow reality to be uncovered.
yes......is this what you mean when you said you had very little memory? is it to forget?
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Old 09-30-2008, 06:15 AM   #20
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Originally Posted by Richard T View Post
Hello franzBardon.

Dr. Diggle's makes his statements based on a number of concepts.
I may agree to the form of the concepts but not on the spirit of the concept. Call it the spirit of the letter.

Mr. Deagle's premise lies primarily on his assessment of reality. And I challenge the basis that he uses to describe that reality as incomplete.

You cannot challenge statements without explaining why. And you cannot explain why by working from the point of view of the statements you are challenging.

So, obviously, the commentaries were not from Dr, Deagle's point of view.

The aspects of the lecture that I found of interest are related to the nature of reality, an aspect that he admits to be of the utmost importance. So I concentrated on those.

The lecture was quite lengthy in time, it would not have been practical to tackle every item independently. It is more efficient to offer a synthesis of the process as a solution rather than go through the entire process.

You say I have contradicting observations. Could you point them out?

The relevance to Dr. Deagle's statements lies in a re-definition of the basis upon which Dr. Deagle's builds them.

I am not easily offended franzBardon. No need to worry about that.

you requested that i point out the contradictory observations you expressed but, before doing so we must begin with examining the term disinformation you begin your commentary with; which it self is problematic. this problem circulates throughout that which you've decided to share with us. you state :

"Like anything, there is always a measure of reality in what is said and a measure of disinformation." cancel.

this declaration is your personal belief which derives from the total sum of your logic, reasoning, discernment, and intuition among other things. you find that these faculties are in agreement therefore, present the result of that effort to us in the above statement as what you know to be correct. moreover, one in which the reader should accept as being correct. i italicize the word should because you ask us to get into your frame of mind, so that we may accept this paradigm (reality)before proceeding on to the remainder of your commentary. your hypothesis of reality is just that.. your hypothesis, not that of the reader. to ask us to accept your understanding of reality is likewise asking us to trust that your perception is correct. this is presumptuous because it is the individual's responsibility for acknowledging & creating the whole of their reality on all levels. moreover, how they will or participate in life and in a discussion.

you state, "Now, I am not saying that Dr. Deagle is necessarily wilfully disinforming. Disinformation can be considered as any distortion, any coloration, any partial information (meaning partly retained information), anything that lets the mind imagine potential outcomes." cancel.

it would of perhaps been more appropriate to just state that, " all truths are but half-truths, or every truth is half-false " this is a universal irrefutable truth moreover, law. but, you choose to use the word disinformation. disinformation, is the deliberate act of an individual to disseminate deception to another to: prevent, dissuade, mislead, and redirect them to one's own course of action. being half-false is not the same as disinformation for the willful (intentional) act of deceiving goes far beyond that of being partially false. in your opening you try to define the lens through which the reader is to proceed.

your definition of disinformation is sorely misleading. it is through this intentional misleading lens you ask the reader to accept. you even tell the reader you will include, " a measure of disinformation." is this logical? what is the purpose of beginning this thread? a demonstration of how disinformation functions... or something more?

you state, " ...any partial information (meaning partly retained information), anything that lets the mind imagine potential outcomes." cancel. are you suggesting an omission of information is the same as disinformation? you charge dr. deagel with neglecting or leaving something out. this may be or may not be the case however, this is an assumption on your part. if that assumed omission compels you to imagine (to fill in the perceived blanks) that is your prerogative but, that is what you have determined.

you state:

"The greatest poison of the mind is belief. And beliefs are supported by thoughts. Thoughts are akin of auto-hypnosis, and thoughts dictate man's activities in the world. The brain is a radio. And what it receives is dependent on the mind's frequency. Not the actual material brain itself, but its invisible counterpart, so to speak. And the invisible counterpart of the brain is dependent on the origin of both the incarnated entity and of its original point of contact that exists within other spheres of reality." cancel.

i would say to you then, borrowing from an old phrase, " a man that believes in nothing will likely fall for anything"

the product of how (effectively or ineffectively) you've both utilized and integrated your faculties, the subtle forces, and external forces, results in a glimpse of what you know which in turn influences how & what you believe. you state, "beliefs are the greatest poison to the mind." cancel. this may or may not be the case as it relates to you however, realize you are manifesting your view through words and breath. you mention "...thoughts support beliefs...", cancel.
thoughts are frequencies which are themselves varying rates of vibration. beliefs, thoughts, imagination, the whole of created things move..vibrate.. this is a universal law. if you mean a set belief can hinder the function of the mind i'm in agreement but, a belief cannot remain unchanged. some beliefs may prove to be an obstacle but, nothing more. for instance i believe moreover, i know, creation is an incredibly precious gift, that everything is connected for the source IS the same, and that love is the means & language to & of our unification. now with regard to love, it may or may not be the means & language to and of our unification with the whole but, that belief will change, deepen as i evolve (ascend higher in the planes). is that thought, that belief poisonous to my being or my mind? of course not. thought is influenced / receptive to vibrations emanating from with in & out. subconscious is one of the conduits through which higher level vibrations communicate. ego influences the conscious (waking) mind however, so does the subconscious. the introduction of the ego may or may not be of natural origin but, a bi-product* of the mind. you state, "...thoughts are akin of [to] auto-hypnosis, and thoughts dictate man's activities in the world..." cancel. there are vibrations.. frequencies.. that have been employed against us to induce certain states for the purpose of controlling us but, some recognize them and change them. scaler technology being one many are familiar with another example is fluoridated water. the brain is a muscle that interprets these signals which may or may not store them for future use. in addition, it might not be the only muscle which stores these signals. some hold the belief that the entire body is a store house.

it is true human beings have been conditioned in numerous ways but, have the capacity (the potential) to overcome many forms of it if they apply themselves. having an active understanding of what frequencies (vibrations) are and how they function especially in relation to ones self is essential. knowing how to use them is incredibly important. beings do have the capacity to minimize how negative frequencies and suggestions influence them if they invest the time. simply throwing ones hands up declaring one is powerless over the forces at work is not the logical thing to do.

what you've stated repeatedly through out your commentary undermines and misleads the reader and quietly suggest to them to adopt this defeatist attitude. i do agree with some of your points but, those points are minute compared to the bulk of your commentary i.e. beliefs. in my opinion you are still struggling with your own reality as you create it which is what we all do to a certain degree however, you cannot expect us as the reader to agree nor adopt your views. our views, reality is ours to create and explore. you can ask the reader to consider your thoughts as you share them but, nothing more. there are many things within your commentary i would like to discuss however, now is not the time. many individuals that participate in these forums are seeking assistance with answers and a means to protect themselves while they journey to know themselves. this is a very precious time and one that ought to be handled delicately.

Last edited by franzBardon; 09-30-2008 at 08:04 AM.
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Old 09-30-2008, 06:22 AM   #21
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Originally Posted by franzBardon View Post
this is a very precious time and one that ought to be handled delicately.

A Great Reminder ~ Thank You
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Old 09-30-2008, 10:49 AM   #22
Richard T
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Hello franzBardon

There is a measure of reality because the forces that manipulate the mind of man could not just lie. People would not get on board. So the forces hook the mind with something that resonates strongly at the mental level. The disinformation part comes then with what resonates strongly with the lower registers, using emotions and spiritual longing.

Effectively, you are right that I speak from my frame of mind. If I was a master of words, I would be able to speak from my frame of reference in a way that would not be perceived as such but rather perceived perfectly from within the personal frame of reference of each individual who 'listens'.

Whether I do for a fact know I am correct or not is not as relevant as for you to know if yes or no I am. In the end, it is for the individual to know.

I am absolutely against the concept that anyone should 'accept' someone else being correct. So I do not go from the point of view that anyone should accept me being correct. What I am saying though is that everyone should really listen to what people say. Not compare to what they already figure they know. Because what somebody truly knows cannot be unknown. The knowledge cannot be undone. Only illusions can be undone.

So that therefore, only illusions are challenged when confronted with something other than what we may believe we know. And that challenge creates unease.

Listening is not a psychological exercise. It is a state of neutrality that excludes judgement and that is very active, rather than passive.

So that someone who takes for granted another person's statements is acting as a sponge.

An active listener can then, once the table is turned around, force the registers to go a notch higher, and this becomes constructive opposition.

Judgemental listening brings the opposite, which is systematic opposition.

So, either I am making hypothesis or I am speaking truly. In the first case, which means I am wrong, so long as the person who listens, (reads, of course, in the present case) does not believe, but merely examines what is said without prejudice, that person is safe from being wronged. The person is not influenced. One day, that person can always say that I had a good deal of imagination. But of course, if it just happened that I was not speaking from imagination, then that person would have had a great advantage to consider what was being said.

The premise of human psychology is founded on the assumption that If I cannot know, therefore no one can know. It is based on the projection that the ego makes that all are as we are now and always will be. But what if it was not the case? One day, someone would tell us something fundamental and we would dismiss it.
The reverse is true with people who are spiritual and hoping for a 'message'. If someone makes statements that are in line with what we project from our psychology, we presume they must be right, and the more people do, we assume that 'we' are right.

Nut I say it is neither.

So, I am not asking anything of anyone. What I am taking, is the right to say what I would and do so in respect of whomever would read. I would not impose what I say like I would not accept to be imposed.

Yes, I am saying that ultimately any omission of information is disinformation. Or it is a form of lie, in the measure that the information is used against someone's own advantage. Omission of information can be made to protect as well. But... In time all must be said.

I am not charging Mr. Deagle with anything of the sort. I do not attack people, I examine what is put on the table and its vibration.

My position is that the mind is already under control. The mind is conditioned both by rationalized memories and by forces that act beyond the mind to suppress what man, technically, already knows beyond his memory. Therefore information is witheld and replaced with limitations. It is only via the creative opposition process that the limitation can be effectively pushed back at the moment.

" a man that believes in nothing will likely fall for anything"
That is an oxymoron franzBardon. How could he fall for anything if he does not believe in it?

"belief cannot remain unchanged. some beliefs may prove to be an obstacle but, nothing more."
This is interesting.
Beliefs cannot remain unchanged, this is right.

Once an illusion has lost its hold, it cannot stand. The ego then feels a loss and quickly searches for something to replace it that will be better adapted to his heightened condition. Because any loss of a belief is attached to an increase in vibration. He will then search for forms that better conform to his new vibration state and accept the form as some sort of new found truth. Each belief then becomes a plateau where the ego will remain for a time, feeling comfortable with himself. When the vibration changes again, the belief becomes unsatisfactory as it does not conform to the vibration, and the cycle continues. These changes of vibration normally come with opposition in life. They can also come with the coming of a fom of a higher order that 'illuminates' the mind and automatically replace the previous belief in a process of impression that we could call the 'eureka' process.

The ultimate increase in vibration then would be to bypass all beliefs to avoid standstill situations and disallow the vibration to settle in the comfort of a belief.

A belief is a format for the mind and not a definitive answer. The human experience has been led by beliefs and we see the culminating resuts today. Beliefs are so powerfully ingrained in man, because of the vast memory of his race, that the shock required to increase his vibration for him to pass onto another totally different way of being will have to be great, and certainly unsurmountable to many.

"creation is an incredibly precious gift, that everything is connected for the source IS the same"
I say that creation is a power of authority that comes with the integration of the energy of the source with the energy of man. The power of creation is not a psychological wish and power is not something freely given by those who hold power. And, power is not given to a consciousness that has the ability to use it for domination.

"love is the means & language to & of our unification. now with regard to love, it may or may not be the means & language to and of our unification with the whole but, that belief will change, deepen as i evolve (ascend higher in the planes). is that thought, that belief poisonous to my being or my mind? of course not."

Consider this for a moment and let me know how you feel about what I will say:

There is no love on this planet. And there won't be so long as the concept of love will remain a means to obtain something. Love is not egocentric. It would be better termed as the real and factual ability to put oneself in someone else's shoes. But we instead look at the shoes and think they are not shined properly.
Man's love is shoestring love. It is, like all things, something else he wants for him. It is something else he wants to bring him something.

Love, like will and intelligence, is a fundamental energy that emanates from the core of the universes. Like will and intelligence, love does not belong to an individual, it is only accessible. And to access those energies, what man wants must be the same as what those principles want.

If man wants those energies in relation to what he believes, what those energies psychologically mean to him, they will remain out of his reach. Because he would use them according to the distortions of his beliefs, that already are conditioned by the laws of domination.

Man has progressed technologically. But he is the same as he was psychologically. Man cannot project reality out of his historical errors. This implies that his psychology must go and be replaced with something totally different. Not something that slowly evolves into something else but something radically other than what it was. Otherswise, the very basis onto which his psychology is based, which is a reflection upon his errors, will simply progress in its form but on the same foundation.

About the subconscious.

The subconscious is unconsciousness. It effectively a conduit through which forces infiltrate themselves to affect the 'conscious' entity. But is that entity really conscious since most of his psychic territory is under the rule of the so called 'subconscious'?

This radical change in consciousness will require the eradication of all that is unconscious in man. This means the full recuperation by man of his psychic territory, which in turn means closing the door to any force that would influence him this or that way.

Emotionally induced spiritual concepts are not higher levels of vibrations. They are within the limited scope of the astral of the planet. And what is heaven to us would be hell for other intelligences.

Man wants to be receptive to whatever goes through his dial.

I wil go back to the principle of love for a moment if you don't mind.

Love is for man, not for the forces.

And to insure that this will become a reality, the forces are going to **** man off so much that he will have no choice but to start hating them. And it is this hatred that will give them the will to increase their vibration and become somehting real, something that cannot be influenced, something that can say 'I am'.

Those forces will **** man off so much that he will lose all spiritual illusions and will turn his eyes towards those, who like him, got caught in the anus of the universe that is this planet.

The love of the invisible makes man corruptible to the forces that dwell there and of whom man has no idea.

And they will present themselves as vibrations, as emotions, as forms of light, and they will manipulate man, because man gives them all the power over him because he loves them. And it is man that man must love. So that one day, when he leaves this solar system, he is in position to enforce horizontalization of the balance of universal energies that to this day have always been heirarchized vertically, at the expense of the material races.

This is what love will be for.

"t is true human beings have been conditioned in numerous ways but, have the capacity (the potential) to overcome many forms of it if they apply themselves. having an active understanding of what frequencies (vibrations) are and how they function especially in relation to ones self is essential. knowing how to use them is incredibly important. "

I concur with this statement of yours.

The potential is there. And for the potential to become reality, the forms must be exploded to allow the energies they condition to be freed.

Man is a potential, until he becomes a reality. The two stages are quite distinct.

To conclude this post, I do not expect anything of the reader, and I do not ask anything of him.

The first protection is to not believe. This already is an answer that is worthy in itself, since the greatest threat against humanity comes from those planes that know perfectly how to manipulate perceptions.
This is not defeatist. It rather is more like telling the fish that his salvation does not come from what is hanging at the end of the hook.
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Old 10-01-2008, 02:33 PM   #23
Richard T
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Hello Rustanddust.

Memories act as a shield upon which the mind is forced to reflect.

They are crystalized energies to allow impressions to leave imprints.
Think of butter. The harder it is the clearer the imprint.
The butter is crystalized energies, lowered in vibration, and the experience leaves an imprint. So, the energy is 'encoded' with the signature of the experience.
It is not just a psychological process of remembering events and evaluating them with emotions though.

The imprint is also left from the science of cellular consciousness that produces visceral reactions to experience in order to prolong its activities. Animal instincts.

But this is an artifact that ends up being used for the creation of a model in another plane.

The ego is then forced to reflect upon the imprints of the hard surface of the envelope that keeps it in a state of experience. And this reflection prevents him from probing what lies beyond the periphery of his self.

We are getting to a point where he must be capable of probing up the thread of his reality.

And for this, the formed periphery must be diluted sufficiently to allow the energy to escape its reflective state and get answers that are real and that are inconditioned by the state of experience.

This is why tomorrow we won't live by experience but create.

So, the ego must become transparent.

The denser the energy that is carried by the ego results in a relatively wider cone of distortion, of refraction, of the ray of consciousness that comes from what people called the higher self.

Unfortunately, this cone prevents razor sharp penetration without interpretation. The more transparent the ego, the less distortion in the ray.

This means that the more transparent the ego is, the less he works out of memories and the more he works from the ray. The source behind the ray is the real identity and the reflection process returns a false identity based on the experience.

The ego is so used to work from his false identity that he freaks out when he starts losing what he believed to be him and the whole process behind his reason, that is the reflective process. But the reflective process forces him to reflect upon his limited memories instead of reflecting upon his reality.

The astral is very close to the memories of humanity and know how to invest the psychic territory in a way that will agree to the reflective process of an individual.

So, this means that if someone does not even believe himself, he becomes immune to influences that would agree to his reflective process. Then he is less corruptible and it is by vibration that he considers his environment rather than by comparison.

The reflective process is a comparative process. Memories are sorted, categorized, compared, and a conclusion is reached. If new information comes, it is memorized, sorted against memories that were already concluded upon, and the edifice of memorial knowledge grows as more complex conclusions are reached. This is how the intellect developed. The intellect is quite capable now to evaluate by vibration rather than by emotional identification. But the ego is insecure and does not let go easily without proof. But since he won't be given a proof, he remains attached to the periphery of his consciousness onto which he reflects. He has a hard time stepping into what is unknown to him, because he mixes faith with beliefs. And faith is not a belief, it is a certitude in one's own reality.

This is how I would explain it.
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Old 10-02-2008, 11:32 PM   #24
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Originally Posted by Richard T View Post
Hello franzBardon

There is a measure of reality because the forces that manipulate the mind of man could not just lie. People would not get on board. So the forces hook the mind with something that resonates strongly at the mental level. The disinformation part comes then with what resonates strongly with the lower registers, using emotions and spiritual longing.

Effectively, you are right that I speak from my frame of mind. If I was a master of words, I would be able to speak from my frame of reference in a way that would not be perceived as such but rather perceived perfectly from within the personal frame of reference of each individual who 'listens'.

Whether I do for a fact know I am correct or not is not as relevant as for you to know if yes or no I am. In the end, it is for the individual to know.

I am absolutely against the concept that anyone should 'accept' someone else being correct. So I do not go from the point of view that anyone should accept me being correct. What I am saying though is that everyone should really listen to what people say. Not compare to what they already figure they know. Because what somebody truly knows cannot be unknown. The knowledge cannot be undone. Only illusions can be undone.

So that therefore, only illusions are challenged when confronted with something other than what we may believe we know. And that challenge creates unease.

Listening is not a psychological exercise. It is a state of neutrality that excludes judgement and that is very active, rather than passive.

So that someone who takes for granted another person's statements is acting as a sponge.

An active listener can then, once the table is turned around, force the registers to go a notch higher, and this becomes constructive opposition.

Judgemental listening brings the opposite, which is systematic opposition.

So, either I am making hypothesis or I am speaking truly. In the first case, which means I am wrong, so long as the person who listens, (reads, of course, in the present case) does not believe, but merely examines what is said without prejudice, that person is safe from being wronged. The person is not influenced. One day, that person can always say that I had a good deal of imagination. But of course, if it just happened that I was not speaking from imagination, then that person would have had a great advantage to consider what was being said.

The premise of human psychology is founded on the assumption that If I cannot know, therefore no one can know. It is based on the projection that the ego makes that all are as we are now and always will be. But what if it was not the case? One day, someone would tell us something fundamental and we would dismiss it.
The reverse is true with people who are spiritual and hoping for a 'message'. If someone makes statements that are in line with what we project from our psychology, we presume they must be right, and the more people do, we assume that 'we' are right.

Nut I say it is neither.

So, I am not asking anything of anyone. What I am taking, is the right to say what I would and do so in respect of whomever would read. I would not impose what I say like I would not accept to be imposed.

Yes, I am saying that ultimately any omission of information is disinformation. Or it is a form of lie, in the measure that the information is used against someone's own advantage. Omission of information can be made to protect as well. But... In time all must be said.

I am not charging Mr. Deagle with anything of the sort. I do not attack people, I examine what is put on the table and its vibration.

My position is that the mind is already under control. The mind is conditioned both by rationalized memories and by forces that act beyond the mind to suppress what man, technically, already knows beyond his memory. Therefore information is witheld and replaced with limitations. It is only via the creative opposition process that the limitation can be effectively pushed back at the moment.

" a man that believes in nothing will likely fall for anything"
That is an oxymoron franzBardon. How could he fall for anything if he does not believe in it?

"belief cannot remain unchanged. some beliefs may prove to be an obstacle but, nothing more."
This is interesting.
Beliefs cannot remain unchanged, this is right.

Once an illusion has lost its hold, it cannot stand. The ego then feels a loss and quickly searches for something to replace it that will be better adapted to his heightened condition. Because any loss of a belief is attached to an increase in vibration. He will then search for forms that better conform to his new vibration state and accept the form as some sort of new found truth. Each belief then becomes a plateau where the ego will remain for a time, feeling comfortable with himself. When the vibration changes again, the belief becomes unsatisfactory as it does not conform to the vibration, and the cycle continues. These changes of vibration normally come with opposition in life. They can also come with the coming of a fom of a higher order that 'illuminates' the mind and automatically replace the previous belief in a process of impression that we could call the 'eureka' process.

The ultimate increase in vibration then would be to bypass all beliefs to avoid standstill situations and disallow the vibration to settle in the comfort of a belief.

A belief is a format for the mind and not a definitive answer. The human experience has been led by beliefs and we see the culminating resuts today. Beliefs are so powerfully ingrained in man, because of the vast memory of his race, that the shock required to increase his vibration for him to pass onto another totally different way of being will have to be great, and certainly unsurmountable to many.

"creation is an incredibly precious gift, that everything is connected for the source IS the same"
I say that creation is a power of authority that comes with the integration of the energy of the source with the energy of man. The power of creation is not a psychological wish and power is not something freely given by those who hold power. And, power is not given to a consciousness that has the ability to use it for domination.

"love is the means & language to & of our unification. now with regard to love, it may or may not be the means & language to and of our unification with the whole but, that belief will change, deepen as i evolve (ascend higher in the planes). is that thought, that belief poisonous to my being or my mind? of course not."

Consider this for a moment and let me know how you feel about what I will say:

There is no love on this planet. And there won't be so long as the concept of love will remain a means to obtain something. Love is not egocentric. It would be better termed as the real and factual ability to put oneself in someone else's shoes. But we instead look at the shoes and think they are not shined properly.
Man's love is shoestring love. It is, like all things, something else he wants for him. It is something else he wants to bring him something.

Love, like will and intelligence, is a fundamental energy that emanates from the core of the universes. Like will and intelligence, love does not belong to an individual, it is only accessible. And to access those energies, what man wants must be the same as what those principles want.

If man wants those energies in relation to what he believes, what those energies psychologically mean to him, they will remain out of his reach. Because he would use them according to the distortions of his beliefs, that already are conditioned by the laws of domination.

Man has progressed technologically. But he is the same as he was psychologically. Man cannot project reality out of his historical errors. This implies that his psychology must go and be replaced with something totally different. Not something that slowly evolves into something else but something radically other than what it was. Otherswise, the very basis onto which his psychology is based, which is a reflection upon his errors, will simply progress in its form but on the same foundation.

About the subconscious.

The subconscious is unconsciousness. It effectively a conduit through which forces infiltrate themselves to affect the 'conscious' entity. But is that entity really conscious since most of his psychic territory is under the rule of the so called 'subconscious'?

This radical change in consciousness will require the eradication of all that is unconscious in man. This means the full recuperation by man of his psychic territory, which in turn means closing the door to any force that would influence him this or that way.

Emotionally induced spiritual concepts are not higher levels of vibrations. They are within the limited scope of the astral of the planet. And what is heaven to us would be hell for other intelligences.

Man wants to be receptive to whatever goes through his dial.

I wil go back to the principle of love for a moment if you don't mind.

Love is for man, not for the forces.

And to insure that this will become a reality, the forces are going to **** man off so much that he will have no choice but to start hating them. And it is this hatred that will give them the will to increase their vibration and become somehting real, something that cannot be influenced, something that can say 'I am'.

Those forces will **** man off so much that he will lose all spiritual illusions and will turn his eyes towards those, who like him, got caught in the anus of the universe that is this planet.

The love of the invisible makes man corruptible to the forces that dwell there and of whom man has no idea.

And they will present themselves as vibrations, as emotions, as forms of light, and they will manipulate man, because man gives them all the power over him because he loves them. And it is man that man must love. So that one day, when he leaves this solar system, he is in position to enforce horizontalization of the balance of universal energies that to this day have always been heirarchized vertically, at the expense of the material races.

This is what love will be for.

"t is true human beings have been conditioned in numerous ways but, have the capacity (the potential) to overcome many forms of it if they apply themselves. having an active understanding of what frequencies (vibrations) are and how they function especially in relation to ones self is essential. knowing how to use them is incredibly important. "

I concur with this statement of yours.

The potential is there. And for the potential to become reality, the forms must be exploded to allow the energies they condition to be freed.

Man is a potential, until he becomes a reality. The two stages are quite distinct.

To conclude this post, I do not expect anything of the reader, and I do not ask anything of him.

The first protection is to not believe. This already is an answer that is worthy in itself, since the greatest threat against humanity comes from those planes that know perfectly how to manipulate perceptions.
This is not defeatist. It rather is more like telling the fish that his salvation does not come from what is hanging at the end of the hook.

thankyou for your response richard. i'd like continue our discussion.

you begin your response by stating, "there is a measure of reality". it is unclear how you are using the word measure. measure as in the process of estimating the magnitude of an individuals experience of reality vs. that of the non-reality?

"...because the forces that manipulate the mind could not just lie...". do u mean malevolent forces or forces that simply influence human beings? since you used the word "lie", in association with the "forces" it appears to be the case. do not also planetary forces as well as spiritual forces influence the individual on the mental plane? do not planetary, spiritual, and malevolent forces all influence the manner in which an individual experiences "A" reality?

"...The disinformation part comes then with what resonates strongly with the lower registers, using emotions and spiritual longing." you share the tools the malevolent forces use to manipulate the emotional & spiritual longings of an individual, because these are among the most deeply rooted in a human being. however, your explanation of disinformation, "...Disinformation can be considered as any distortion, any coloration, any partial information (meaning partly retained information), anything that lets the mind imagine potential outcomes." is quite general so we can then also include planetary & spiritual forces that also operate and powerfully influence the human being.

now, if one were to look at the definition of disinformation in most, if not all, western dictionaries they would see that disinformation is the deliberate act of an individual to disseminate deception to another to: prevent, dissuade, mislead, and redirect them to one's own course of action. would not this definition be more conducive to your statement regarding these malevolent forces you ty to describe? is it not the case that by forces you mean entities? so again for clarification purposes we need to have a common understanding with regard to who or what these forces are.

who controls the ego?

"...anything that lets the mind imagine potential outcomes."
what of prophecies, psychic premonitions, psychics, project looking glass? all disinformationists?

i ask you what is the process by which one raises their vibration?
this is something very important for the reader to be attentive to.

if the law of correspondence is applied, we would see we (and all beings, entities), have the ability to create similar to our creator however, we differ given the density which we are at presently.

in my last post i stated : "creation is an incredibly precious gift, that everything is connected for the source IS the same, and that love is the means & language to & of our unification." this is because the act of creating is one of the most powerful tools granted( precious gifts) to human beings and all things created for that matter. you reply:

"OK, I say that creation is a power of authority that comes with the integration of the energy of the source with the energy of man. The power of creation is not a psychological wish and power is not something freely given by those who hold power. And, power is not given to a consciousness that has the ability to use it for domination."

i did not say nor imply the act of creating is a psychological wish or something given or held by anything other than THE source. we are not discussing power. the ACT of creating is a gift all created things, including human beings, have ALREADY been given. creating is a mental ACT which draws upon both the masculine & feminine natures within each being, entity, and thing. this exists on all levels of the material, mental, and spiritual planes. this is law.

in response to your reference to the premise of human psychology, you state :

" The premise of human psychology is founded on the assumption that If I cannot know, therefore no one can know. It is based on the projection that the ego makes that all are as we are now and always will be."

again, your observation is very broad. there are a number of hypotheses related to what the premise of psychology is founded for there are many many schools of thought. an example behavior, is measurable and can be changed thru the application of various behavior principles. now, if we look to carl g. jung's biography, from what it appears you've borrowed from, he explores the question of what premise is psychology founded upon. he recalls a dream in which case he found himself in a house he knew was his but, did not know. the house representing his psyche . he does not however, come to the conclusion that because he did not know his psyche , "no one else could. [know their own]". i have yet to come across a text which arrives at the conclusion you state so i ask you where have you gotten this or
or how have you determined this?

i concur, "love does not belong to an individual it is only accessible."

human beings are conduits. it is our senses that allow us to recognize it's existence. you state, "love is for man not forces." did man create love? we certainly ascribe attributes to it.

did human beings create harmony?
when things harmonize are they in agreement?
what is the sensation (feeling), recognition of things vibrating together agreeably called? is that not love?
if all things vibrate together agreeably do they not ascend higher and higher? is this not the most powerful ability of created things?

would it not be more beneficial to just state the principles and laws which govern all things created so that human beings can recollect the knowledge (tools) to know them selves, evolve, and defend them selves from the suggested malevolent forces? it was mentioned previously that you had direct experience. i'm not sure what the means exactly. it is apparent to me that you have borrowed information from both psychology and other occult arts. may i ask what affiliations you have to any of the mystery schools?

there are still several subjects i'd like to discuss in time.

Last edited by franzBardon; 10-02-2008 at 11:43 PM.
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Old 10-03-2008, 12:44 AM   #25
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Default Re: Comentaries on Dr. Deagle's conference

Originally Posted by Richard T View Post
IThoughts are the astral of the mental in that they allow emotions to infiltrate the mental, prohibiting man from being objective and forcing him into a reaction state

umm i am not sure this is quite right but I could be misunderstanding what you are saying ... thoughts are the astral of the mental ? can you explain what you mean,please in mor e simple terms for thickos like me .. ta

People that are in real power on this planet have a point of origin that is located in the same ether, and they are regulated by the same laws, and they are infused with the same agenda. And these laws are laws of domination. .
umm i think if you are trying to say that there is a preset agenda before life [ birth ] and we are each contracted to our own agenda therefore we bear no responsibilty .. well i vehemently disagree with you and i believe this theory is profoundly wrong ..

we are all from the same energy .. of the same energy i agree and that is what i believe .. but i think that includes ALL life not just humans ..

and as for the sharing of the agenda .. no .. half the problems in this world is as a result of mismatched agendas .. on a 3d and 4d level ..

problem with mankind is that they have forgotten who they are .. they do not know their agenda .. we have been so damaged .. and abused .. for millenia .. and those in power knowingly or most probably unknowingly .. are just .. playing the same old tune ..

but my agenda is not power and control and accumulation of huge wealth .. and nor is this the agenda of any other person whose soul essence is trying to shine .. despite the fog that surrounds us ...
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