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Old 06-02-2009, 11:54 PM   #1
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Default Al Bielik - Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project

Please consider this(You may want to skip the first 14 minutes to get to the meat of the interview): http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...63655896&hl=en I don't know how much of it is true...but a lot of what I have learned fits in with this summary...including things that I have not been exposed to...but which I have speculated might be true. I was especially interested in the Nazi and world government aspects. Please consider this...and give me some feedback. This information could be very important...if true. I value your input. Most of you have a lot more experience in these subjects than I do. Here is a short introductory video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...87511245&hl=en

To keep things fair and balanced...here is an anti-Bielek link: http://www.bielek-debunked.com/index2.html I'm simply trying to sample a wide variety of information...and look for reasonable commonalities. I don't know what to believe or disbelieve. Relentless pursuit of the truth is probably a good thing...but it does take a lot of time and energy! Most of us don't have either of these in massive doses! Presenting various possibilities in a public forum is a good way to find out what people know and think. Initial confusion often leads to eventual clarity. But when we arrive at the top of the paradigm...we might not like the view!

From notes found on Google video: Al Bielek has lead a life most would not choose to live. While many would think that time travel, meeting aliens, and working on secret projects are exciting ventures, Al paid a big price for the privilege. Because those who set the agenda wish to keep their activities secret, Al was robbed of his family, his memories, and ultimately, his identity. They used advanced technologies to erase what was dear to him. However, their technologies are not perfect. Slowly, the memories came back. Al started meeting others who had been through the same process. Ultimately, a flood of memories returned. Al gives the most comprehensive account of his life ever recorded. It will shock and disturb most people to learn what is really going on in this planet. But Al has come to the conclusion that the truth needs to be published. For over ten years, Al has been featured on Radio Talk Shows and as a speaker in many conferences. His story has captivated the attention of tens of thousands of people worldwide. Many will question why Al hasn't been silenced. Perhaps, those who set the agenda are allowing brief glimpses of the truth to emerge. Perhaps it is something much bigger.

My comment: Perhaps this is why disclosure is so slow in coming. If one aspect of disclosure is officially revealed...there may be more questions than answers. This could set off a chain-reaction similar to the detonation of a nuclear device...which could devastate human(and alien?) civilization. Gradual and unofficial disclosure may be the only way to save the world...without destroying the world. Get informed without getting mad...or going crazy. My guess is that the PTB are scared stiff...in many more ways than one. We may need to help the PTB to defuse this information time-bomb. Despite their access to the underground bases...they may be in deeper do-do than we are...and that's some pretty deep snake-s***!

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 06-03-2009 at 06:40 AM.
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Old 06-03-2009, 05:00 AM   #2
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Default Re: Al Bielik - Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project

This is interesting because what Philip Corso said the real reason was due to time travel and he had all of his dad's documents to prove it. He also said he would not let the info out in his lifetime due to threats to his family. Basically, once that info got out as a credible reality one can just imagine the backlash.

So the big question is who is doing the time travel and who is giving the orders?

Somehow I think we may sail into 2012 a bit easier due to some changes already made. But you know what? I truly wonder what kind of world this would be if JFK was still alive.
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Old 06-03-2009, 06:13 AM   #3
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Default Re: Al Bielik - Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project

Did I understand Phillip Corso, Jr. to say that his father was in charge of Project Paperclip? If so...this would put him directly in charge of Nazis. Is Roswell directly related to Project Paperclip? Did I understand correctly from Phillip Corso, Jr. that his father released critical information contrary to the wishes of JFK? He also said that his father denied that Area 51 existed...if I'm not mistaken. He also said to look closely at the agencies which answer to no one...and that Steven Greer was looking in the wrong places...and for the wrong reasons. Should we be looking for Nazis and Deep Underground Military Bases for 'Disclosure'? Where did I hear that Jessie Marcel's specialty was disinformation? Was it Stanton Friedman? Stewart Swerdlow says that Roswell was a staged event. This view is also depicted in the Orion Conspiracy. Was Muroc(Edwards) 1954 a staged event? Was Ike deceived into abdicating the presidency? Is mind control and time travel a spiritual and perceptual phenomenon of illusion, smoke and mirrors? Is some of our 'modern' science really a potpourri of malevolent alien deceptions? One thing I found interesting in the Bielek recording...was that renegade Alderbaran Pleiadians helped Hitler...and wanted him to treat the Jews kindly...and that they abandoned Hitler in 1941. If this is true...did the reptilians and greys become the new power behind Hitler? Could this explain the contrast between the mostly upbeat and progressive Nazi Germany in the 30's...and the unspeakable horrors of the 40's? Here's a time travel video clip:

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 06-03-2009 at 06:34 AM.
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Old 06-03-2009, 05:19 PM   #4
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Default Re: Al Bielik - Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project

Wow, you don't pull punches do you? I was listening to Al Bielik last night and fell asleep in the middle. Thank you so much for posting this as there a number of other video links that I will follow up on later. This is a treasure trove of information.

I just need to find a way to download it so I can keep a record of all of this.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
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Old 06-03-2009, 06:39 PM   #5
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Default Re: Al Bielik - Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project

I watched the Philip Corso, Jr. video again http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...57082051&hl=en ...and then I found this scathing critique of 'The Day After Roswell': http://www.geocities.com/Area51/shad...oswell020.html

Phil Corso relates to Al Bielek because of the Philadelphia Experiment and time travel. Here is a lecture by Paola Harris(a personal friend of Corso) which focuses on Philip Corso: http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...45165885&hl=en

Please consider these videos carefully...and read between the lines...and see what conclusions you arrive at. I'll tell you mine...if you tell me yours!

I noticed that Philip Corso, Jr. made the following points:

1. That his father claimed that he saw alien bodies...and that they were basically robots with two separate brains...and used for space travel...because humans cannot travel beyond our moon without dying.
2. That his father confiscated his personal ufo photographs...and lied about their whereabouts.
3. That his father had a clearance for 9 levels above top secret.
4. That his father seemed to be in too many places and involved in too many things...in an almost miraculous manner.
5. That his father was in charge of the Nazis in Project Paperclip until he left the military.
6. That his father released sensitive information contrary to the wishes of JFK during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
7. That his father worked with several Presidents...and that only Eisenhower and Reagan really knew the truth about Roswell(what about Bush 1?).
8. That his father wrote a book titled 'Dawn of a New Age'. Publication uncertain.
9. That his father + 30 generals knew the truth about Roswell.
10. That his father was educated in England at Cambridge regarding Intelligence...and taught American Intelligence Officers what he learned there.
11. That 'The Day After Roswell' was not planned to be written...and was written in a hurry.
12. That his father had a massive collection of scientific papers regarding UFOs and Roswell...which included information about time travel.
13. That he has tried to release these papers on the internet...but that the site was shut down within 2 weeks.
14. That he has been told by high US government officials what not to say.
15. That he was told not to talk about the JFK assassination...and that he had agreed not to.
16. That his father was on a committee which investigated the findings of the Warren Commission...and that conspiracy theorists are on the wrong track.
17. That UFOs are time travel machines...and operate simultaneously in several dimensions.
18. That time travel(if it is real, he said) is why alien and UFO disclosure has not occurred.
19. That, as of 2004, Steven Greer was looking in the wrong places...and for the wrong reasons.
20. That he had refused to release his father's papers to Greer...but would consider doing so in the future.
21. That UFO researchers should investigate the groups who answer to no one...and that they needed to know where to look.
22. That most of our modern technology was derived from Roswell...and released between 1960-1963...and that subsequent technological developments have been based on that orginal release of technological information. (It is interesting to note that this period coincides with the Kennedy administration)
23. That his father was a contactee.
24. That he(Jr.) feared for his life.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 06-03-2009 at 09:29 PM.
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Old 06-03-2009, 07:10 PM   #6
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Default Re: Al Bielik - Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project

Thank you Google

Philip Corso and The Roswell Incident
Roswell - Colonel Philip Corso Interview - The New Medicine Can ... World Peace and Dawn of a New Age. Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Books-Treaties - Alien Interview ...
www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_autor_corso.htm - Cached
Exopolitics_Institute_News : Message: Press Release: Philip Corso Jr ...
... release of Col Corso's private notes, Dawn of a New Age (Filament Books) ... Sort by Date. Press Release: Philip Corso Jr., to attend ET Civilizations and Wor ...
tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/Exopolitics_Institute_News/message/24?l=1 - Cached
exopolitics : Message: Press Release: Philip Corso Jr., to attend ...
private notes, Dawn of a New Age (Filament Books). Col Corso is most well known ... Sort by Date. Press Release: Philip Corso Jr., to attend Extraterestrial Civiliza ...
tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/exopolitics/message/315?l=1 - Cached
Philip Corso and Paul Hellyer: Initiating Public Debate Over the ...
( Dawn of a New Age, p. 77) ... suffering and even death (Dawn of a New Age, p. 98) ... Col Corso himself alludes to such agreements reached by the Eisenhower ...
www.exopolitics.org/Exo-Comment-39.htm - Cached
131k - Adobe PDF - View as html
the reality of extraterrestrial visitors: Lt. Col. Philip Corso. ... Philip Corso, L'Alba Di Una Nuova Era [Dawn of a New Age] tr. Maurizio Baiata (Pendragon, 2003) ...

Here is some more mind bending info.


Larry James (not his real name), claims to have been in charge of the operations of the Time Control program at Montauk from the early 1970's until 1985.

For the first time, Larry has agreed to share his experience. However, he only agreed to do so if we would not publicly identify him. He asked that no pictures be taken of him and no reference his real name be made.

Larry leads a normal life and wants to keep it that way. He isn't interested in getting caught up in much of the hype that surrounds the Montauk project. We had no choice but to honor his request.

As you listen to the interviews with Larry, you'll pick up on the fact that his voice sounds rather young.

Larry wanted to get out of the program in 1985. The way he got out was to transfer his "soul" into another body. He did the procedure for several other people, why not for himself?

These interviews cover a wide range of topics. You'll hear both Larry talk to Al about why his soul (then Ed Cameron) was transferred to another body, different experiments that were performed with our time travel technology, and how time travel is accomplished.

The audio segments below features the first five minutes of the entire program.
Time Travel Overview
Larry James
Round table discussion of Time Travel and working with Al Bielek
Larry James
Al Bielek
Round table discussion of coming to realize they were not crazy
Larry James
Al Bielek

According to Larry, the Montauk time travel equipment was generally operational in the early 1980's. Their group performed several time travel experiments. Apparently, they were able to alter the outcome of the American Civil war, try out different scenarios with World War II, and go all the way back to the Roman Empire to test different outcomes.

After they experimented with the past, they would evaluate if their current state (1980's) was better or worse. If better, they let the revised scenario exist - if worse, they changed the scenario back.

While performing these experiments, they quickly learned about the dangers associated with these experiments. If too many trips to the past occurred causing too much change, that time line had the potential to fracture and "blink" out of existence.

The gift of time travel can be equated to the gift of nuclear fission. Depending how it is used, great benefits can be derived - or great destruction can occur. That's why the program remains secret and will probably always remain secret.

Larry's information will certainly stretch the imagination. It will cause one to question the very nature of our existence.

Soul transfer leads to, what Larry calls, a "Swiss Cheese" memory. As with Al, certain information is remembered as if it happened yesterday, and other information remains buried until triggered by an event.

So, keep an open yet discerning mind, and get ready to change your paradigm.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
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Last edited by Carol; 06-03-2009 at 08:52 PM.
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Old 06-03-2009, 07:29 PM   #7
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Default Re: Al Bielik - Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project

Thank-you. Richard Hoagland says 'Google is your friend'.

Could time travel mostly be holographic projections of recorded past events...and future extrapolations which are converted into holographic projections? Is time travel really perceptual rather than actual? Bill Cooper speaks of the 'aliens'...at Muroc in 1954...displaying a holographic projection of the Crucifixion of Christ. Note what appears to be holograms in the following: Will a staged Second Coming of Christ be a holographic projection...featuring a fake Jesus? Is there a holographic projection technology in which portions of the projection can actually become physical? Some say that this whole world...including you and me...is a holographic projection. John Lear seems to know a lot about holograms. Were there no planes? Was 9/11 an Inside the Earth Job? Is all of this interrelated?

Is the interrelationship between physical/mental/spiritual/multidimensional/holographic/past/present/future the truth which cannot be revealed? Is everything an illusion? Nothing is real? Nothing to get hung-up about? Strawberry fields forever? Life 'tis but a dream? Are we merely holographic actors on a multidimensional stage? Are we merely reruns of what has already occurred? Or are we holograms of what will occur? I believe that I'll have another drink...

I still wonder if a lot of the whistleblowing information is coming from Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project refugees...who weren't suposed to survive...or weren't supposed to remember. One may have to go through the horrors of these projects...to really understand what the hell...or what from hell...is really going on.

Do not be alarmed! This comment does not exist. It's only a hologram! Go back to your homes! Everything is under control...by the holographic projector behind the curtain...who just so happens to be...a hologram named Lucifer.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 06-03-2009 at 10:41 PM.
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Old 06-04-2009, 06:16 AM   #8
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Default Re: Al Bielik - Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project

Indeed I have thought of the issues you raise.

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
Could time travel mostly be holographic projections of recorded past events...and future extrapolations which are converted into holographic projections? Is time travel really perceptual rather than actual? Bill Cooper speaks of the 'aliens'...at Muroc in 1954...displaying a holographic projection of the Crucifixion of Christ.

Who is to say but my sense in speaking with HD was that time travel was experienced as the real deal when one ended up where they were going and it was not a holographic projection. In fact, I did see a photo that had been taken and it looked real.

Will a staged Second Coming of Christ be a holographic projection...featuring a fake Jesus? Is there a holographic projection technology in which portions of the projection can actually become physical? Some say that this whole world...including you and me...is a holographic projection.

Will the second coming even happen? The majority of folks assume that this is to be an external event as compared to an internal experience. I can only go on what I personally experienced with respect to my experience with Christ. I don't like to write about it because people tend to trivialize that which is sacred to the experiencer. However, I would know the real thing from a fake in a heart-beat because of the experience. It's based on vibrational frequency that resonates within all multi-dimensions of ones beingness and consists of total love and compassion.

Also, from experience, I know that the aliens have the ability to release serotonin in the brain and stimulate a euphoric feeling along with a longing for more of the same - much like an alcoholic would crave alcohol or an addict his next fix. Once connected to the "hive" mind one can easily think that this is the real deal and be easily fooled. It is very similar to taking ADAM. And it is a different experience then an experience with the real deal.

Even as we write - the technology to carry out Project Bluebeam exists and could easily be pulled off.

John Lear seems to know a lot about holograms. Were there no planes? Was 9/11 an Inside the Earth Job? Is all of this interrelated?

John Lear was wrong about those planes being holographic as he was not the only pilot who weighed in info about this.

Is the interrelationship between physical/mental/spiritual/multidimensional/holographic/past/present/future the truth which cannot be revealed? Is everything an illusion? Nothing is real? Nothing to get hung-up about? Strawberry fields forever? Life 'tis but a dream? Are we merely holographic actors on a multidimensional stage? Are we merely reruns of what has already occurred? Or are we holograms of what will occur? I believe that I'll have another drink...[/B]

Well this is a lot. What can't be revealed is time travel and how it has already been used and what would happen if it got into the wrong hands. Not that the hands it is in are the best. However, aliens time travel all the time so it stands to reason that if humans have that technology the temptation to use it would win out.

According to the mystics everything is an illusion and the more one evolves into their spiritual beingness it is easier to see how this is so. As for being actors on a holographic stage - well yes and no. If one knows that it is all an illusion then is one an actor? If one believes what is experienced with the 5 senses is all that there is then one is just being a spirit in a human body experiencing what it is to be a human being.

As for being reruns - from the perspective of karma the answer would be yes. One keeps repeating the patterns from the past until the lessons are learned and the pattern is broken or successfully redirected.

As for having another drink.. well my head has been swirling around with all these new ideas and concepts but there are a few things that anchor me in all of this. These being my complete faith and personal experience with God and Christ; the love I have experiences of the prior and the love I experience with family and friends. It is love which holds it all together for me. It is heart energy.

I still wonder if a lot of the whistleblowing information is coming from Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project refugees...who weren't suposed to survive...or weren't supposed to remember. One may have to go through the horrors of these projects...to really understand what the hell...or what from hell...is really going on.

Much of this information was recalled through deep hypnosis and from what was shared it appears that they have some very sophisticated instruments to help the process along. Please remember that even the body cells have memory and that in the research of one doc stated that the cells even recall past lives. For an MD to say something like that is pretty amazing and he was the type who had done his research and had dozens of documented case studies.

Do not be alarmed! This comment does not exist. It's only a hologram! Go back to your homes! Everything is under control...by the holographic projector behind the curtain...who just so happens to be...a hologram named Lucifer.

Actually Lucifer is the entity behind the curtain for much of what happens in 3rd dimension and earth. However, that is not the case for the upper spiritual dimensions. The question is where does one choose to consciously hang out? 3 dimension drama or heavenly bliss.

To be free of these negative influences also requires daily meditation and a real change of what one allows in ones life.

Even for people who are aware this isn't easy. Meditation needs to become a habit and one needs to stick with meditating on a regular basis. Getting into the mindself isn't easy either due to all of the mental monkey chatter that goes on.

For example, I was just reading Astralwalker's book and he started doing 6 hours of meditation a day as a teen. Now that is dedication. How many people do you know walking around who are willing to spend 6 hours of their day meditation? Even 1 hour a day meditating?

I would think orthodoxy that you would be the sort of person who would enjoy ripping curtains away to see what is there behind them. The goal of Christ was to overcome temptation and see beyond the illusion. He knew what his future was to be and fulfilled it anyway. I call that absolute faith in action.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
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Old 06-04-2009, 06:51 AM   #9
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Default Re: Al Bielik - Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project

Wow, you don't pull punches do you? I was listening to Al Bielik last night and fell asleep in the middle. Thank you so much for posting this as there a number of other video links that I will follow up on later. This is a treasure trove of information.

I just need to find a way to download it so I can keep a record of all of this.
Carol! you can use "vdownloader" to download from youtube and google video. It's free at www.download.com.

I have listened to Al Bielek's interviews a view month's ago and thereafter
got watched the movie "The Philadelphia experiment".....incredible stuff.
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Old 06-04-2009, 07:16 AM   #10
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Default Re: Al Bielik - Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project

Thank-you for your responses and links, Carol.
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Old 10-16-2009, 11:53 PM   #11
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Default Re: Al Bielik - Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project

Here is a video series featuring Preston Nichols and Duncan Cameron which is relevant to this thread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzSkr...relatedYouTube - The Philadelphia Experiment & Montauk Project part 1 0f 10

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Old 10-17-2009, 12:32 AM   #12
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Default Re: Al Bielik - Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project

orthodoxymoron, you might already have looked at this, but if you havent you might wish to
The New Nazi Bell


he Philadelphia Experiment
Dering's story also included a large section on the Philadelphia Experiment, which he claimed originated again from Einstein's Unified Field Theory. To give John credit, the guy has a nearly photographic memory. He'd quoted me sections of 1979 "The Philadelphia Experiment" book by William Moore from memory that were nearly identical to passages in the copy that I bought for reference information. In the case of the Philadelphia Experiment, however, Dering wasn't acting alone: a major part of the story came from Dr. James Corum, a PhD EE who'd actually conducted a replica of the Philadelphia Experiment in 1994, and then published the results for others to use in their own experiments. Corum had translated Einstein's UFT a while back from German to English, and had been struck by several passages from Carlos Allende that were simply too scientifically accurate to have come from a 1950's merchant-marine sailor who'd dropped out of high-school.
DE 173 Eldridge:
The former Destroyer Escort is now part of a Greek shipping corp.
Corum’s 1994 replication included solid physics & great historical research, which I quoted in “Einstein’s Antigravity”. “During the war, the Germans had a radar-reduction program underway to reduce the radar-cross section of a ship based on the concept of impedance matching. It was known that magnetic biasing of an iron or steel medium can control the surface impendence, and the use of degaussing coils to achieve this is likely due to heavy experimentation with them during the war to reduce naval ship’s susceptibility to attack by magnetically detonated mines or torpedoes.”
check out the rest of the link, its grey matter material
bou x
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