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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 03-14-2010, 04:33 PM   #1
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Default Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

When all the words are spent, when all fights are done, when all hunger for information is over, what happens next?

I had enough of everything here and now on Earth.
Endless bickering, endless wars, endless pain.

Endless chasing of our own tail...spinning and spinning around...

I heard that this next phrase was attributed to Einstein;

How do you call a person who does things always on the same way ,yet always expect different result?
A fool.

Are we all fools?
Humanity - everybody?

We try this and try that for eons, we think this and that but we are fools from Einstein`s phrase.

There is no real progress on Earth for eons.

Cosmetically only,real -NONE.

What you will you say on the day you meet your maker?
All things falls down on that very moment.
Religions,politics,governments,ideas, technology ,thoughts,acts,deeds,wars,peace,love,hate,darkness ,light-everything.

All falls down in shame then when you are alone before your maker,all.

And then if you are questioned : "why?"

Just that - WHY- ...what will you answer your maker?

That is why I am emptied as a battery now.
All this that I see and feel in world and on this forum leads me to question myself why...

I sense the feeling heavy as a planet in myself now, I sense the feeling that everything we experience in life does not matters, because we gave it our very energy signature from the very beginning, the "I " factor.
Look where that " I " factor led us?

Of what use is my all knowing tomorrow when I can not help anyone for real?
Of what value is all this here when tomorrow you face Almighty and Almighty show you all that you did in life in one speck ...

I want to know , to see ,to feel ,to create and yet I am fully neglecting the prime Creator. Even if I try my best, I still have residue of my fallen body and this life that spears my soul with evil thoughts and pride that I am somebody when actually I am not.

I surrender my self to Almighty , and I hope he will deliver this soul from all this wickedness in eons...
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Old 03-14-2010, 04:47 PM   #2
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

Well, my five cents, it is called the "victim - victimizer blame game" it appears that was created in a parallel Universe next to us and has progresively invading our universe to the point that it is falling to

Which is why there is not progress, there is regression only, humanity is getting number and number

The things that we say this days on television were inconceivable 20 years ago

We can reach upwards but will we?

Here is a synchronistical article "Will We Awaken - by Marcel Messing" http://www.wijwordenwakker.org/conte...12&ss=M93&l=EN
a man who lived with the Cathars and researched the oldest books he could find

So are we ready to awaken?

Love to all
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Old 03-14-2010, 05:03 PM   #3
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

My dear friend Beren

There are times like you I get so disheartened.

I know, without a shadow of doubt, that the human ego has been the cause of all the strife dis-harmony in this world since time began.
Little fallouts amongst friends to world wide war, same cause.
Ego is a separation device. I am right therefore you are wrong.
I will kill you to right this imaginary wrong.

There has been in excess of 12,000 views of "the ego what is it? how to transcend" thread and that heartens me, not for myself, many contributed there.

However dark nights of the personal soul come and go. Ive had more than my fair share.

I honestly believe that we are in for better times as a human race.
Yet in the scheme of things (evolution of consciousness) that actually does not matter
If we expired as a race tomorrow would it really matter? Species evolve or become extinct.
What you are, awareness, will continue to be.

It is the balance just now for the human race, according to the likes of Eckhart Tolle.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience and it may be in another/next incarnation we no longer experience in a human form, is that so bad?
However it is the nature of creation to evolve and I believe that humans have a lot of evolving to do yet before this form is relinquished.

I dont believe God judges us as such, unconditional love dosent.
I believe we choose our destiny through spiritual intention, we arrive at an appropriate place after death according to and concordant with our spiritual vibration.
"In my Fathers house are many mansions."

Many times I wish I was out of here because it all seems so senseless, then I read a book like Power vs Force and I gain fresh insight and the power and will to carry on.
I realize that yes!!!! I make a difference and so do you my friend Beren.
Now you owe me an alcohol free beer.
Humor is the great healer.
With love
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Old 03-14-2010, 05:11 PM   #4
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

Beren, if Jesus was at the helm of PA/PC
what do you think, he would say ?

about yesterday/today, and, tomorrow

do you believe, that jesus was god / or he was the son of god ?

and, everything, absolutely everything was made by The Creator

do you believe, he was here to teach others,
how to be, as, he was ?

we think, he was a son of god,
sent into the world, to be an eXample...
for others to follow / learn from / and,
become, as, he was, to the best of their Creator given abilities

how do you believe, he was treated,
during his walk around this world ?

we guess, his work, wasn't very easy ?

or, what did he do, to make it easy ?

we also wonder - if we are all children of The Creator
what eXactly is this hate program,
that seems to be installed in so many,
and, what can people do,
to get rid of it ?

anyway, we appreciate, and, we value
your comments about this,
and, any insight you can share

thank you
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Old 03-14-2010, 05:25 PM   #5
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

I think that Jesus is the standard of Creator. Only begotten son.
He is only acceptable shape or presence or spirit or energy acceptable to Creator.

He is the one who fully embody spiritual value of Creator and man image.


Greybeard ,any non alcoholic beer you will got!

I strongly believe that Creator loves us such that we can not comprehend it yet.
He loves us as no one ever will.

And there fore I surrender my will to his. I wish to learn from Almighty himself. Before him I know nothing and wish to be led by him forever.
Wish that his spirit fully embody me and help to show my unique persona that I have from time I was created.
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Old 03-14-2010, 05:36 PM   #6
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

have you ever had an actual visit from god ?

or, how do you feel his/her prescence around you ?

he/she is, all that is ?
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Old 03-14-2010, 06:06 PM   #7
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger View Post
have you ever had an actual visit from god ?

or, how do you feel his/her prescence around you ?

he/she is, all that is ?
Your questions are good Susan.
I can only answer for me.
I have felt a presence I call God for want of a better name.
Sometimes it comes when meditating sometimes unasked and surprises me.

It might be a slight sensation like a breeze brushing my forehead, or a strong pulling at the third eye. It may be that I am siting minding my own business and this overwhelming feeling of being loved arises, I start to smile involuntary, a stupid kind of grin, some time tears of joy just trickle down my face.

Think God is beyond male/female, or any human concept, just the totality all of it on going creating and creation.
I dont think for one moment that a God of love, as spoken of by every mystic since time can be remembered began, can be held responsible for the suffering of human beings.
Free will just got out of control through the human ego (EDGE GOD OUT) and is the sole perpetrator.
That may be aided and abetted by the lower astral who deny the sovereignty of God.

I believe the teachings of Jesus and those before him also.

So thats my take, right or wrong who knows, I dont.

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Old 03-14-2010, 06:29 PM   #8
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

It has to be that Jesus also felt all human emotions... despondency ... anguish ... despair, contempt. Where did I read it that "all honest emotions are healthy", it's what you do with them.

Even when we experience these emotions and share them, it does not seem the right thing to do to explain or shame them away or invalidate them.

victim... ego... it's wounding the wounded.
Beren has not shown that he is a shallow soul, unable to ride through, above or beyond emotions. He felt safe enough to share his humanity.

Are you so removed from your humanity that you disallow certain emotions from passing through, that you do not acknowledge the degrees of inward weather we can experience just as we see outwardly?

We call it success, we name it enlightened when we are able to always arise above these so called negative emotions and call ourselves as having failed when we experience them. Sometimes it feels like carrying the burden of the world when we feel suffering... might we carry a bit of Beren's burden of the load for transmutation?

The good news for me today is that after a whole day yesterday, having looked into the questions and expressions of those wanting to know and make right what appears to be a division, appeared as attacks, people leaving.... I find that today I now see that B & K are carving out new frontiers, making ever widening roads, reaching ever enlarging audience. While it's true and obvious that they (as we all do if we are honest) fell into the captivity of emotional struggle to an extent they expressed themselves publicly in sometimes scathing words, would, I'm sure, have preferred not to , they did....

but with only a slight shift of mindedness, will, as it did with me, it's now Obvious that something much larger needs to come into View, even at the expense of all the struggles & resistance that was and is being displayed... regardless of how you try to buck it, it's coming much larger with much greater strength of purpose.

Whew, is all I can say!
Much love to All.
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Old 03-14-2010, 08:31 PM   #9
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
Your questions are good Susan.
I can only answer for me.
I have felt a presence I call God for want of a better name.
Sometimes it comes when meditating sometimes unasked and surprises me.

It might be a slight sensation like a breeze brushing my forehead, or a strong pulling at the third eye. It may be that I am siting minding my own business and this overwhelming feeling of being loved arises, I start to smile involuntary, a stupid kind of grin, some time tears of joy just trickle down my face.

Think God is beyond male/female, or any human concept, just the totality all of it on going creating and creation.
I dont think for one moment that a God of love, as spoken of by every mystic since time can be remembered began, can be held responsible for the suffering of human beings.
Free will just got out of control through the human ego (EDGE GOD OUT) and is the sole perpetrator.
That may be aided and abetted by the lower astral who deny the sovereignty of God.

I believe the teachings of Jesus and those before him also.

So thats my take, right or wrong who knows, I dont.

Thanks Chris, we enjoyed your comments
i-goD , and, e-God - internal / and, eXternal
or links back to the source of all creation
kind of like,
the big picture of
a unified/and, united father/and, mother type of divine energy

once, we remember, a source,
it kept telling us, to slow down

we kept passing thru, an ensuite bathroom off a master bedroom
and, as, we went thru the bathroom, we've keep hearing
slow down, sit down, we want to talk to you

finally; we stopped;
looked around, knew we've heard a voice
and, as we looked around
the only place to sit, was the toilet
or, THE THRONE SEAT, as, some people call it,
in their houses

we laughed, as, we sat down on it,
thinking, this is totally hillarious,
however, whatever it was,
we felt these energies,
that started to came all around us,
we asked if the energies, were in 100% alignment
and, they grew even stronger,
and, it was like getting a hug from all the cosmos
we felt like we entered this
complete/and, total state of bliss
(similiar to what mudra, has described)
anyway-there were NO words,
but, there sure was a feeling,
and, a wind, in the air,
it certainly, did NOT needs words
it was totally present, unlike, anything we'd ever interacted with
there was something,
there was something, really big & expansive in the air
it was real, and, surreal,
it seemed like everything was there,
at once...
we uttered "good god" about three time

thus, the phrase "good god"
as, that is, what we said, at that,
particular time ~ three times

we don't remember, what occurred next,
however, we do know, we sat there in this amasing energy,
for approx. 1 hr.

at the time, we were likely very close to running ourselves,
on a path of 18 hrs days, and, NOT stopping to just connect,
perhaps, a great place, to stop, a few times per day,
and, really feel a sense of gratitude / and, joy
for all that truly is
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Old 03-14-2010, 08:35 PM   #10
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

kind of makes you wonder...
is this what occurs,
when they take you home ???
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Old 03-14-2010, 09:16 PM   #11
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger View Post
kind of makes you wonder...
is this what occurs,
when they take you home ???
Sounds like you are home Susan honey.
I dont call everyone honey but respect what you do

I was at a Kundalin meditation weekend and heard this voice in my head, not mine,
it said.
"Welcome Home."

I shared the experience and got sent out in the pouring rain to get grounded.

Bit like here.

Humor humor humor.

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Old 03-14-2010, 09:17 PM   #12
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

Susan only yourself will take you home

Source has no sexual definition it just IS beyond duality, beyond living ligh, beyond living sound and beyond, beyond, beyond

And Source is inside the very fabric of the cosmos, even in those that have fallen for everything is inside source

Every atom IS source
Every quark IS source
Every partiki IS source

We are all expressions of source, we are ALL SOURCE what we see and experience is just the morphogenetic field created of Source

It is such an incredibly intelligent self regulating creation!

Love you all
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Old 03-14-2010, 09:23 PM   #13
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger View Post
have you ever had an actual visit from god ?

or, how do you feel his/her prescence around you ?

he/she is, all that is ?
I have felt great peace, intense joy, much humour, and immense love. From Within.


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Old 03-14-2010, 09:50 PM   #14
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
Susan only yourself will take you home

Source has no sexual definition it just IS beyond duality, beyond living ligh, beyond living sound and beyond, beyond, beyond

And Source is inside the very fabric of the cosmos, even in those that have fallen for everything is inside source

Every atom IS source
Every quark IS source
Every partiki IS source

We are all expressions of source, we are ALL SOURCE what we see and experience is just the morphogenetic field created of Source

It is such an incredibly intelligent self regulating creation!

Love you all
Stardustaquarion, you said it pretty much as it IS.
Everything (the creation), is/are fragments of the Source yet it mirrors the Source as a whole.
Or put it this way: Everything is/are drops of water from the same infinite ocean we call Source (Creator God).

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Old 03-14-2010, 10:03 PM   #15
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
Susan only yourself will take you home

Source has no sexual definition it just IS beyond duality, beyond living ligh, beyond living sound and beyond, beyond, beyond

And Source is inside the very fabric of the cosmos, even in those that have fallen for everything is inside source

Every atom IS source
Every quark IS source
Every partiki IS source

We are all expressions of source, we are ALL SOURCE what we see and experience is just the morphogenetic field created of Source

It is such an incredibly intelligent self regulating creation!

Love you all
That is exactly what my mentor Dr Hawkins is saying apart from one additional word. LOVE.
(Science is proving the existence of God)

Dr Hawkins stresses Devotion only due to God - respect all others.

One teacher I had said.
"No one belongs to you
You belong to no one except God."

Another said to a woman who was none to pleased.
Children come through you but they belong to God.
We are just caretakers, hopefully we really do care.

We are but passing through, just a moment in time then we are gone.
The only relationship that is vitally important is the one we have with our Creator, that is eternal yet that is the relationship we tend to forget.
Everything we have to have to survive in this world comes from one source.
Beren said it.
Star said it in a different way but it the same.

Time to remember to be grateful and to know exactly to What we owe gratitude to.

My son Michael said to me and his mother when we started divorce proceedings.

"Think you two have lost the plot"
Thankfully all worked out for the best.
Think the human race is about to find the plot.
I sincerely hope so

Gloria in Excelcis Deo.
Glory to God in the Highest.

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Old 03-16-2010, 02:59 AM   #16
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

very wise words greybeard, and, very good thread beren,
thank you for starting this one
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Old 03-16-2010, 04:08 AM   #17
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Default Re: Yesterday,today - Tomorrow...

Dude You're here for the ride Hang on and go with the flow. We will all evolve, one way or the other. Think of the Tides man. EBB AND FLOW.

Last edited by chitty; 03-16-2010 at 04:19 AM.
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