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Old 01-13-2009, 10:10 AM   #1
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Default Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

I thought we should start this thread on being prepared incase of disaster, or when it happens.

Now that the library is almost complete and ready for everybody to download the relevant information, i thought we should all exchange ideas on what to do, how to do it, forming small communities liasing with other ground crew members on available skills etc.

We have the Ground Crews communicating with each other. Now i think we should go to the next level, before the net goes down. Exchange numbers, form commities, discuss safe locations, post new ideas etc.

I'll start.

I have been liasing with a local manufacturer of fibreglass domes to get pricing and availbility for emergency shelters.
I have a good friend that has a property in Cowra, country NSW about 15 acres, and is open to suggestion on what could be done.

Anybody has any new ideas or suggestions please post them here and continue the support of the Researchers to add more ideas on how to face this potential disaster.
Carol started a thread called "Life Cube - a blow-up survival shelter"
http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ead.php?t=9595 This is what i am referring to. Anybody has any new ideas that haven't been thought of before, now is the time to contribute.
Visit this site for ideas http://www.survival-homestead.com/teotwawki.html

Lets go Avalonians.
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Old 01-13-2009, 10:51 AM   #2
Ngai Te Rangi
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

Hey Henners, great thread to start bro. People out there interested in these subjects may find the link to these all self sufficient and sustaining "Earth Ships" fascinating. It really is the fantasy model we all desire to be set up in once the proverbial @#$% hits the fan!!!

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Old 01-14-2009, 05:07 AM   #3
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

OK, i will continue with info for Australians. I expect everybody to continue posting with info on their own country.

Think about Australia and its position on the surface of the Earth. Note that the landmass extends from the tropics down through a Mediterranean climate zone into the southern latitudes (this is equivalent to extending north into the Scandinavian countries for a country north of the equator).

A rainfall map of Australia shows only a narrow coastal band extending from the bottom of Victoria then hugging the coast to the tip of Queensland, across the Gulf of Carpentaria to Darwin and just to the north of Broome receives significant rainfall during any one year (assuming you aren’t in the middle of a drought). Another patch of > 125mm pa extends from Perth south to Albany in WA.

Tasmanians have more water than they know what to do with.

The majority of the Australian landmass receives an average of less than 25mm pa.

In general terms you can divide Australia into;

* tropical highland and coastal regions,
* temperate coastal — highland — inland areas,
* alpine and desert areas.

Each environment offers it own set of challenges and factors to consider in a survival situation

Make it your business to know the average number of days of rain per month (The Bureau of Meteorologies excellent calender contains such statistics) for the areas you fly through and get a 7 day forecast before heading off into the great unknown.

Warning the Australian bush is considered one of the roughest and toughest of terrains on this planet due to the lack of free water and the steepness of hillsides among other things.

Broadly speaking the Australian environment outside of built up areas is not conducive to easy survival by an ill-equipped person or group. The chief problem is the lack of reliable potable water. Unless you actively live, work or play in an alpine environment most of us would find this the most challenging environment of all.
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Old 01-14-2009, 05:12 AM   #4
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?


The interesting fact is that with the exception of a person suffering a medical condition such as diabetes your need for food is not all that important in a survival situation.

Bush Tucker

The Australian bush is not crawling with large animals ready to jump on a sharpened stick or slip a noose around their necks. The catching/trapping of animals is an art and science that can only be developed by practice. Collecting berries, fruit and digging up roots or catching water living critters is probably more appropriate for you to concentrate on in a survival situation.

Whatever you do gather don’t gulp it down. Don’t grab it and eat it immediately. Establish a foraging routine that sees all foodstuffs gathered/caught brought back to your base camp and then identified, cleaned and cooked as appropriate.

The best times to eat are just after sunrise and just before sunset. Lunch is a luxury that must wait until after rescue. Plan for just one meal a day. If possible make it the evening meal, as this will help you go to sleep easier.

Practice going hungry and seeing how your body reacts. A weekend without food will not kill you (persons suffering from medical conditions must seek medical advice before attempting this). Have your last meal at Friday breakfast and then your next meal on Monday breakfast. Analyse the stages of hunger and what you did to reduce the pangs.
The Tests for Plant Edibility

The following testing procedure has stood the test of time and many trials. Some of the tests and the timings may be thought unnecessary or even funny. You disregard them at your own peril.

You must test each part of a plant in the same way. Don’t assume that because the leaves passed the test that the other parts, roots and fruits from the same plant are automatically edible.

Test 1 — Smell. Crush the item in your hand if the smell of almonds or peaches (or both) is evident this is a sign of prussic acid. This is highly poisonous and you should err on the side of caution and discard the food item (and clean your hands).

Test 2 — Skin Irritation. Rub the crushed item on the underarm between the elbow and armpit. If reddening or irritation occurs after a minimum of 1 hour discard the food item.

Test 3
— Lips, mouth & tongue. Start with the lips touch the item and wait for any irritation or tingling, if after a minute nothing is felt carry on.
Put the food item into the corners of the mouth and wait as above. Move the food onto the tip of your tongue and wait as above. Chew slowly without swallowing and note the following; bitter taste, this indicates alkaline poisoning, irritation or soreness of the tongue or throat, any other disturbing reaction. Watch out, tart and acidy tastes need to be judged carefully.

Test 4
— Swallowing. Boiling the food item before swallowing is advised. Apart from making the item more palatable or indeed eatable the boiling may neutralise any harmful effect of the item. Swallow one mouthful only, wait at least 4 hours and watch for the following;

* soreness of mouth, tongue or throat
* inclination to belch repeatedly
* nausea or sickness
* stomach pains or distressing symptoms
* After 6 to 8 hours is there any griping pain in the lower stomach area or abdomen

Avoid eating or drinking anything during this period.

Test 5 — Eating a Quantity. Repeat Test 4 using about four to six mouthfuls. If you experience no adverse reaction then the food item can be considered reasonably safe.
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Last edited by henners; 01-14-2009 at 05:15 AM.
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Old 01-14-2009, 05:48 AM   #5
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

Again for Aussies, this a link for DISASTERS - COMMUNITY INFORMATION. This is a link for a government site with local info. http://www.ema.gov.au/agd/ema/emaint...256C8700361BAF

Here is an article that was on ABC in MAy last year. Interesting info for us.
Australia not ready for major natural disaster: think tank

By national security correspondent Leigh Sales

Posted Wed May 7, 2008 6:13am AEST
Updated Wed May 7, 2008 6:38am AEST
Damaged houses sit in Darwin after Cyclone Tracy struck on Christmas Eve in 1974

Waiting for the big one: Darwin after being hit by Cyclone Tracy in 1974 (AAP: National Archives of Australia)

A report to be released today finds that Australia has more to fear from natural disasters than a terrorist attack.

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) report says Australia is not well placed to deal with a major natural disaster and governments need to pay more attention to emergency response management.

The report finds that since September 11, 2001, governments have spent around $10 billion on counter-terrorism initiatives, but only $500 million on emergency response capabilities.

ASPI says the spending shortfall has left a gap in Australia's ability to manage catastrophic events such as cyclones, tsunamis or floods.

The report suggests that Australians need information about how to respond individually to major disasters, rather than simply waiting for authorities to come to the rescue.

"We've never had the big one, and I think people need to imagine the worst before we can properly prepare," said report author Anthony Bergin.

The Federal Government has commissioned its own review into Australia's homeland security, due mid-year.

ASPI is a think tank which was created by the Howard Government to offer independent policy advice.
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Old 01-14-2009, 08:27 AM   #6
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

Henners, this is an excellent thread. Very practical advice. I have'nt read it all yet, but I will. One ideas I had for storing water which allows it to breath, is to store it in wooden wine barrels. My focus this year is self sufficiency and gathering all the elements together to achieve that. I live in NZ which I think will be a bit rocky! But this is where I will be. I have been given advice that after the earth changes Australia and New Zealand will be one landmass. Any comments on this?


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Old 01-14-2009, 10:14 AM   #7
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

Hi Carmen, yes, i have heard something along those lines. I will add some info and pics i have from previous posts.

Try reading this link to the Australian ARk.


There is more info posted by another member with maps and what area is the safest here in Australia. If i find it i'l let you know.
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Old 01-14-2009, 10:59 AM   #8
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

Notice how North America looks to be the shape of a Pegasus or hybrid creature after the pole shift.

I have read that Vermont may be safe but I am unsure. I feel a strong connection to this land and have no desire to move anywhere. My friends have relatives that are moving on down from Maine. They must sense something enough to get drawn out of there. The population of Vermont is quite small (much less than 1 million) and I assume there will be refugees from other states.
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Old 01-14-2009, 09:05 PM   #9
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

Wohoo. Japan is above sea level. Where is that map from?
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Old 01-16-2009, 10:51 AM   #10
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

Just found some more things to add.
TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It)

The following graph shows our current opinion as to the possible causes and likelihood of a major catastrophe in the next ten (10) years. However, if there is one thing we do know it is that when something does happen it will probably be something completely unexpected and totally out of left field. The graph is just a guide to what sort of things are on our own personal radar.
Climate Change 85%
Natural Disasters 50%
Economic Collapse 87%
Natural Pandemic 59%
WMD Event 5%
World War III 55%
Asteroid Impact 0.5%

Interesting facts.

Another interestin fact
Fuel Storage

One of the most asked questions is 'how do I store fuel for long periods' that is if people know that fuel deteriorates over time at all. Fuelkleenik below is an Australian innovation worth of considering. The following link is also a must visit Long-Term Fuel Storage.

"Prolonging the life of stored diesel fuel and reversing the effects of its ageing is now a reality, thanks to an Australian discovery which is attracting world wide interest. The Fuel Stability Foam, known as FUELKLEENIK, has been found capable of maintaining high purity of distillate fuels during long term storage. The properties of the foam were discovered in 1986 by research scientists at Australia's Defence Department's Aeronautical & Maritime Research Laboratories. The technology was licensed in 1989 to Joyce Australia, this country's largest speciality foam manufacturer."

Now available from: http://www.fueltreat.com.au/

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Old 01-19-2009, 05:45 AM   #11
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

Originally Posted by henners View Post
Hi Carmen, yes, i have heard something along those lines. I will add some info and pics i have from previous posts.

Try reading this link to the Australian ARk.


There is more info posted by another member with maps and what area is the safest here in Australia. If i find it i'l let you know.
Hi Henners, Thanks for starting this thread, great idea. BUT WHY WAS IT MOVED? I had trouble finding it. Anyway not to worry.
Do you have any more clearer maps relating to the safe areas in Victoria? On the one above I think the dark green is LAND above water, light blue flooded? and the other color submerged? I think my family is in between the dark green and maybe blue area, not enough detail to tell.

I have also found this link regarding bag homes and also a community starting in NSW for alternative "Ringing Cedar" based lifestyle. I looked into the bag homes as they as cheap to make and transportable, can be filled with optional fillings; scoria probably the cheapest/lightest and best result, the designs can be changed easily; rooms, dome, roofs, etc. We found most designs are lacking in the roof area if you want to cover the whole shelter in soil. THIS IS A MUST for extra protection from elements.
What I am researching now though is a cost effective way to light a darken shelter? I do like the idea of bottles with light but again defeats the purpose, also looking into air intake and heard of a HAND Operated Air Blower but dont know much more than that.
Seeking answers to too many questions?? Good luck with your families journey. Cheers Pep

Last edited by Peace2all; 01-19-2009 at 05:48 AM.
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Old 01-19-2009, 06:05 AM   #12
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

Here is another clever way of building a home out of recycled materials. I posted this on another thread a few weeks ago.

This method of building is called "Papercrete". What is Papercrete? read on..
Papercrete is a type of fibrous cement, or cement with fibers of some kind in it. These fibers can be just about anything, from paper (wood fibers) and cotton to hemp, jute, flax, woll and so on. These fibers add strength to the cement, just as glass fibers add strength to fiberglas. In the case of papercrete, these fibers can actually make up the bulk of the mix, resulting in a product that is both lightweight and strong.

The ingredients in papercrete vary widely, depending on what it will be used for. For example, to make blocks for building a wall of a house, there really isn't any need to add anything to the basic formula of paper and cement. For load-bearing walls, some sand will add compressive strength to the mix. There is no need to add rocks or gravel, and doing so may damage the mixer blade.

If the papercrete mix will be used as mortar, as in building a wall from papercrete blocks, the addition of more cement will make the mortar stickier, and it will bond better with the blocks. If using the mix as a plaster to cover a papercrete wall, more cement will help here as well, so that the plaster sticks well to the wall and can be trowelled smooth. Adding cement makes the mix creamier and easier to use.

Qualities of Papercrete
Since Papercrete looks similar to concrete and is often used instead of it, let's compare them. Papercrete is far lighter in weight and has remarkable insulating qualities, unlike concrete, which is relatively heavy and often feels cold to the touch. Although Papercrete does not have the compressive strength of concrete, unless one is building something that requires the hardness of stone, like a five-story building, the hardness of Papercrete is often sufficient. You can hold a gas torch to Papercrete and it will not ignite or burn, so a house made from it is safer than one made from wood. It is easy to shape when cured and dry. It can be cut with an ordinary wood saw. Try that with concrete.

Check out the site and watch the short video. Its something that everybody can do.
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Old 01-19-2009, 08:44 AM   #13
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

henners: Do you have the link to the video.

the nature of the block and the ability to cut them into shapes, makes them useful for the construction of an igloo type structures. My only concern is could they withstand 300k winds.
i have some ideas on how to build the igloo i will post them later.
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Old 01-19-2009, 09:02 AM   #14
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

Hey Aussie G, yes there is a video and a how to make the whole contraption. Its simple.
This is the link- http://www.makepapercrete.com/

Also it could be built underground and covered for best protection. Like this.

This will give you some ideas. I have many more.

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Old 01-19-2009, 09:43 AM   #15
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

henners: Do you have the link to the video.

the nature of the block and the ability to cut them into shapes, makes them useful for the construction of an igloo type structures. My only concern is could they withstand 300k winds.
i have some ideas on how to build the igloo i will post them later.
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Old 01-19-2009, 09:45 AM   #16
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

opps reposted
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Old 01-19-2009, 09:47 AM   #17
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

Buried shipping container would make a ready alternative
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Old 01-19-2009, 10:31 AM   #18
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Default Re: Days before TEOTWAWKI-Are you Ready?

Yes, shipping containers are relatively inexpensive. You must prepare them in advanced, mainly painting them internally to make them brighter. They are naturally air tight and water proof when new.
Just found this site that has someones project with several pictures to show their progress.


There are many ideas about burying containers underground.

Using shipping container, and a hill side. my thought is, you would need 3 to 4 acres on a hill. dig into the base of the hill. dig far enough so that the container is 3x the width of the container (so if your s is 10 feet wide dig in 30 to 35 feet) before you just drop the box on dirt lay a foundation and a back wall 4 to 5 feet wider than the box set a good gravel layer down under and on top of your foundation, under for good water flow and on top for air flow. before you set the box their is a rust-inhibitor paint called por-15 this stuff is amazing but not cheap. paint the box set it weld load bearing stanchions down the center. cover with gravel then foundation and gravel again.... put a good ventilation system, water holding tank, waste water leaching system, electric, solar rechargeable battery packs, and propane electric power, then cover with the earth you moved out of the way in the first place............

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