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Old 08-09-2009, 05:34 PM   #1
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Lightbulb In this space and time~ share your visions of the future/now

Greeting's Avalonian's
I can see you all from here

It would be so wonderful~ if you would share your visions of the future/now
~ in this space and time ~ on this thread dedicated too manifesting a new world ~ here on mother earth

Next stop Wakefield!

Last edited by giovonni; 08-09-2009 at 05:39 PM.
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Old 08-09-2009, 05:56 PM   #2
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Default Re: In this space and time~ share your visions of the future/now

My vision is of a return to an unpolluted earth, an earth whose bounty feeds all.
A world where duality is examined and learned from, as opposed to being cause for emotional distress and therefore more violence-induced misunderstanding. A world where children remain free spirits without the cutting of their creativity by those who regret rebelling against those who did it to them in the first place. A world where people can question the hows and whys of things without being made to feel that they are stupid. A world where there is no more disease caused by man made filth, and where childbirth is a joyous and pain free experience. A world with free energy devices. A world where thoughtfully spoken truth creates loving relationship. A world where beautiful physical appearance is not a criteria for having a well respected voice. A world where popular media (from film and tv on one hand to outside the mainstream "guerrilla filmmaking such as project camelot interviews) is promoted and viewed based on the issues. The end of prejudice against real people and how they look on camera, as opposed to the criteria of whether or not they are sexually acceptable or not acceptable from a male point of view. How's that for starters?
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Old 08-09-2009, 05:58 PM   #3
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hi Gio. i am standing on my balcony and waving to you. i hope you can see me.... I have a feeling that people are getting ready to create their reality....
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Old 08-09-2009, 06:17 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by lindabaker View Post
My vision is of a return to an unpolluted earth, an earth whose bounty feeds all.
A world where duality is examined and learned from, as opposed to being cause for emotional distress and therefore more violence-induced misunderstanding. A world where children remain free spirits without the cutting of their creativity by those who regret rebelling against those who did it to them in the first place. A world where people can question the hows and whys of things without being made to feel that they are stupid. A world where there is no more disease caused by man made filth, and where childbirth is a joyous and pain free experience. A world with free energy devices. A world where thoughtfully spoken truth creates loving relationship. A world where beautiful physical appearance is not a criteria for having a well respected voice. A world where popular media (from film and tv on one hand to outside the mainstream "guerrilla filmmaking such as project camelot interviews) is promoted and viewed based on the issues. The end of prejudice against real people and how they look on camera, as opposed to the criteria of whether or not they are sexually acceptable or not acceptable from a male point of view. How's that for starters?
I'll second that linda
I hope you and burgundia are having a wonderful and restful day!
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Old 08-09-2009, 06:19 PM   #5
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In my vision there is real equality of men and women. Both sexes participate in creating a better world . There is respect for all living creatures, abundance of everything for everybody. No more lies, no deception..only true feelings, which can be" read" from afar. beauty and love around.....

Last edited by burgundia; 08-09-2009 at 07:17 PM.
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Old 08-09-2009, 06:53 PM   #6
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A Beautiful Song~ About Earth

Yes I know My love, that you and I Are together briefly For just a few moments In silence As we look out of our windows And listen To the sky...... Gi

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Old 08-09-2009, 07:09 PM   #7
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Old 08-09-2009, 07:39 PM   #8
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Arrow Re: In this space and time~ share your visions of the future/now

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
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Just for you!
speaking of Terra ~ I've got too go cut the grass

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Old 08-09-2009, 08:11 PM   #9
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Default Re: In this space and time~ share your visions of the future/now

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
In my vision there is real equality of men and women. Both sexes participate in creating a better world . There is respect for all living creatures, abundance of everything for everybody. No more lies, no deception..only true feelings, which can be" read" from afar. beauty and love around.....
oh, that's a nice one burgundia
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Old 08-09-2009, 08:14 PM   #10
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Default Re: In this space and time~ share your visions of the future/now

In accordance with Jesus' teachings of simplicity (poverty), the Catholic Church donates its entire Vatican collection to the new Museum of Humanity.

CERN is its location. It is public. People can walk the loop and take in our history.

It's a tourism magnet
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Old 08-09-2009, 08:23 PM   #11
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I see the 4 systems of control have disappeared 100% and everyone knows never to allow that train of thought to come back again.

The four systems of control that no longer exist is the:
1. Government in any form which controls the emotional body
2. The Medical cartel in any form which controls the physical body
3. The Religious beliefs that speak of disempowering rites outside of yourself which controls the spirit.
And 4. The educational system that parades predesigned information to controlled parameters by rote which controls the mental instead of knowledge gleaned through introspection of Divine Intelligence.

These four systems are replaced with the understanding and knowhow of self-empowerment, personal responsibility, and self-awareness by which forward evolution to discover, explore and continue on with our souls adventure uninterrupted by anyone or anything!!

Gio can you see where the least crowded part of the beach is from up there?

Last edited by Christo888; 08-11-2009 at 02:32 PM.
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Old 08-10-2009, 07:21 AM   #12
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Thank you my Friends,
lindabaker~ Christo~ no caste ~ and of course burgundia

I will share a bit of my vision with you now.
But first;
In order for any of us to truly create a Future Vision~ into a manifestation of the Now~ it requires a {daily} determine mindset and focus. A filtering out from our lives~ past injustices (inherited and heaped) upon us
Then and only then <can> one break free of the {falsely} learned social behaviors {desire} to control one another~ and the constant pursuit of material pleasures on this plane.

This is what has corrupted~ blinded and prevented most humans {us} from manifesting the most beautiful experiences here on Earth
The simple truth and solution~ is the loving and sharing of oneself ~then projecting this emotion outward <back> towards all things.
Note~ it will manifest back too you!

From that starting point > your vision will begin to take on a significant purpose in its quest. Many of you > already realize this~ but just need to move away from that great deception (weaponry) used aganist us<>fear!

Begin~ to live in humbleness with empathy towards all ~ especially mother Earth~ then you will be amazed by what love unfolds and then returns back too you

With much thanks too my friend Carmen

My vision now~ always begins will this prayer;

I Am <> God<> I Am <> Unlimited God <> I Am
For the love of All There Is~ My Spirits Energies
Raises the Frequencies and
Restores The Truth- Peace- Harmony and Balance too Earth.

This Day I Am Filled With The Power and Knowingness
of My Holy-Holy Spirit.

I ~ Desire For all My Thoughts and Emotions~
Too Resonate and Dwell In The Light of Eternal Love.

I~ Am Forever Young and Filled With Vital Energy!
Every Cell In My Body Radiates Perfect Health!

I~ Live The Future/Now 2013 and Beyond!

My Reality Unfolds with My Focused Intent~
Too Ascend With All Our Spiritual Family and Community~

So Be it!

much love always too you all<>giovonni

Last edited by giovonni; 08-10-2009 at 11:31 PM.
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Old 08-10-2009, 07:44 AM   #13
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Default Re: In this space and time~ share your visions of the future/now

I am currently writing up Biblical prophecies - mainly from the Old Testament
and have been truly amazed at the number and extent of these.

The main thesis is - the cleansing of the earth (and this may be painful)
and a new earth - very different from the one on which we now live.
Not only human life will be changed

"the child shall die an hundred years old"-

but animal life will lose the aggression (apparently inherited from us)

"the wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw
like the bullock"

This encompasses my vision of the future - still working on it!

Thanks, Gio for this thread. This is something I have been interested in
for a very long time.

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Old 08-10-2009, 08:05 AM   #14
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Default Re: In this space and time~ share your visions of the future/now

It's undoutbfully a scary time for me but there's a nagging feeling at the back of my mind that it might be my chance to "free" myself from this mindless system and be who I've always wanted to be.
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Old 08-10-2009, 08:26 AM   #15
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Smile Re: In this space and time~ share your visions of the future/now

Thank you Noela and of course the humble janitor

I believe we all here ~ have one consciousness~ one vision and truly~
One Wish

One of my favorite songs from an inspiring Japanese American group!

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Old 08-10-2009, 09:06 AM   #16
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Default Re: In this space and time~ share your visions of the future/now

*In the future, all babies, as nature intended will by breast-fed by mommy or a wet-nurse for at least two years.

*Genital mutilation of males (circumcision) and females will be abandoned as barbaric rituals and therefore there will be less violence in the world

*All humans will be given adequate somatosensory stimulation for proper neuropsychological development

*Mothers will return to the natural practice of sleeping with babies snuggled next to them

*Mothers will carry their babies with them much of the day - and the benefits to society will reverberate throughout the world.

The rest is a quote from:
Culture Shapes the Developing Brain for Peace or Violence

This comprehensive DVD-Archive documents a history of over fifty years of research that establishes how pain and pleasure influences brain development for peace or violence. Historical film documentaries with contemporary interviews illustrate how the human primate has become the most violent primate on the planet and what must be done if world peace is to become a reality. This research documents the following principles:

* Pain and pleasure experienced early in life shapes the developing brain for peace or violence.
* Complex neural networks are produced by sensory stimulation; impoverished neural networks by sensory deprivation.
* These two sensory processes shape two different brains: the neurodissociative or neurointegrative brain.
* Neural networks formed early in life influence the neural networks in the later developing neocortical brain, the brain system for the formation of the social and moral values of culture.
* Children reared under conditions of pleasure (affectional bonding) are placed on a life path of affection, peace, harmony and egalitarianism.
* Most children reared under conditions of pain and suffering (affectional deprivation) are placed on a life path of depression, violence, authoritarianism and suicide.
* Violent cultures impair development resulting in the neuro-dissociatve brain. The behaviors associated with this impaired brain prevents the development of the neurointegrative brain and its peaceful behaviors.
* Cultures throughout the world must recognize the full equality of the feminine with the masculine if affectionate and sexually non-violent relationships are to prevail.
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Old 08-10-2009, 09:12 AM   #17
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Hi Karen
You obviously have been working on your visions for a while
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Old 08-10-2009, 11:39 AM   #18
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I like how you think, Karen and it makes a whole lot of sense!
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Old 08-10-2009, 05:27 PM   #19
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Lightbulb Re: In this space and time~ share your visions of the future/now

Remember~keep your visions pure and simple ~as possible~ then go back & fill them in as they begin too unfold

and you'll get what you give

YouTube - New Radicals - You Get What You Give

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Old 08-10-2009, 06:13 PM   #20
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Ooohhh, my future/now...it's incredible...I just can't describe it with words...and I wish you could all see what I see...

...nevertheless, some of my favourites are

health...in abundance
love...in abundance
instant manifestation...whatever needed
free from all 3D boundaries

spiritual education...until reaching the highest possible levels
living in harmony...with all that is, incl. flora and fauna as well as intergalactic

...and much more...all in abundance...but...

...but I would say, I would also aply all principals from Jusus too...and live respectfully with each other...in love with each other...

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Old 08-10-2009, 06:48 PM   #21
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Default Re: In this space and time~ share your visions of the future/now

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
It's undoutbfully a scary time for me but there's a nagging feeling at the back of my mind that it might be my chance to "free" myself from this mindless system and be who I've always wanted to be.
Walk right past Mr. Fear, (ideally you can also leave Mr. Ego with him) true Freedom is what the next age is all about!
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Old 08-10-2009, 09:45 PM   #22
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I see a future filled with cheese

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Old 08-10-2009, 11:08 PM   #23
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I can think of no better way to contribute than repeating here my current daily manifestation meditation:

"I live in a world where each person takes full responsibility for each action word thought and deed, where each person lives in harmony with themselves and each of thier otherselves, and with nature, the Earth and all her creatures and kingdoms. We are free from tyranny and those tyrants and trouble makers have all left, never to return! - for the highest and best good of all, make it so!"

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Old 08-10-2009, 11:27 PM   #24
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Karen, you a so right! And we have the science to back it up now. Before that, it was called common sense. Children were nurtured physically ("nursed") until they were three. Society needs to support these women to do so. Sometimes the old ways were, in fact, the right ways. Let's give young mothers (and fathers) the financial support they need. Let's stop throwing babies in day care into playpens (cages) with several other babies all day long. Let us have at least two caregivers (multi-generational) to take care of our most precious asset: our children. It is the only way out. It was not considered "cool" to stay at home and tend my children, but I rebelled and did so anyway. Nothing can replace those first three years.
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Old 08-11-2009, 12:00 AM   #25
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Thank you all so > much!
A thread of this kind~ is quite new for me

Hearing your personal thoughts {in these regards} of your vision~
unites us all~ in manifesting our Future/Now.

Another wonderful version of Canto Della Terra

Song of the Earth

The Mystery of Love
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