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Old 09-14-2008, 10:58 PM   #1
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Default Open Offer to Communities - Electrical and Photo Support

Community Electrical Photojournalism Roadtrip Plans

Greetings to all my long lost friends, it is most enjoyable for me to come home to you all.

The past radiant week on Avalon has convinced me to commence a Community Roadtrip across the US (CRUS - smiles!). If this is a success, perhaps I'll try this across Europe also ...

I would like to offer the following to any communities, and then organize my trip, based upon the responses. If you are in contact with community members not present on Avalon, I encourage you to extend this offer to them.
1) Electrical Engineering Skills - I want to get in the trenches and work with communities installing solar and wind energy systems, documenting the processes, the best practices and the results. I can also provide building permit support, help in creating or interpreting plans and specifications and assist in mechanical, electrical and piping coordination efforts.

2) I want to visit a variety of the dynamic evolving communities each for a brief visit and blog the written and photographic results as a service to all folks contemplating this path for themselves.

3) I will provide digital images and hardcopy prints to any communities wanting these materials for website or other distribution purposes.

4) I want to make a modest fiscal contribution to each community I visit as an appreciative exchange for the experiences shared and to support their endeavors.

5) I want to network with the evolving souls in the trenches of establishing new paths.
My target departure from the encroaching winter in Michigan is October and my duration is unknown.

For any interested communities, please send me a direct e-mail to (( TheBloggingCommunityBard@gmail.com )) and include location / current number of residents, web links, e-mails and a contact name and phone number.

To pull this trip off without un-required baggage, I will be giving most of my possessions away to lighten my ties, so if there is any community local to Michigan that would like a very nice set of tools and tool chests, as a gift, please contact me.

For anyone interested in accompanying me on some or all of this adventure, please get in touch and we'll see if we'd be compatible roadies ... I can cover all the road transportation costs with reliability, with any accompanying me totally responsible for themselves beyond that.

The only thing I envision which might delay my commencement would be to receive some new employment consulting project, and that doesn't appear likely given the construction industry and current economic environment in Michigan.

I look forward to the new network I intend to establish and any services I may provide to these communities.

To find out more about me, please read my general posts and the entries in the Prose and Poetry public group, I'm laid bare in these.



Last edited by Zynox; 09-18-2008 at 10:14 PM.
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Old 09-15-2008, 11:57 AM   #2
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Default Re: Open offer to communities

Hi Zynox,

Same trip, same intentions, different continents! I am leaving on a trip of unknown period to visit communities, to learn, experience and share in Southern Africa.

I will either find a community or other founder members to start a new community.

Wish I had your practical skills! I will follow your experiences with interest - good luck!

We live in exciting times...

May you have the strength
Of eagles' wings,
The faith and courage to
Fly to new heights,
And the wisdom
Of the universe
To carry you there.
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Old 09-15-2008, 03:54 PM   #3
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Default Re: Open offer to communities

Originally Posted by matrix View Post
Hi Zynox,

Wish I had your practical skills! I will follow your experiences with interest - good luck!

I have been searching for a practical and useful way to be a positive energy force in these most intense and transitionary times. When I spent the extended time reading all the spectrum of posts here, the idea to do the community tour and blog the experience just came to me and then I planned the entire deal in a day. The interesting thing to me is that the universe has all seemed to align and support this ... I rent month to month, I just finished two consulting projects and there is little anchoring me to hang around ... so off I go, to engage and support, it feels good.

I'd reflect that you have skills, perhaps as yet unidentified, that will be revealed on your expedition!

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Old 09-15-2008, 10:08 PM   #4
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Fantastic, looking forward to seeing it in action and hopefully see you next year in the Uk maybe if i manage to get a few steps ahead by then
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Old 09-16-2008, 02:10 AM   #5
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heh, I got this idea first . My way is leading throughout New Zealand. Iam however not so experienced like you (21 old hermit). Idea was to visit communuties, work for them for free (actually for bed and food) and learn they ways and solutions. I read and I am still educating myself in these issues. Iam also going to visit some people who are building those offgrid new-vision buildings called earthships whitch concept i was studying a bit. There is probably more of us out there... hope this topic alive
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Old 09-16-2008, 02:37 AM   #6
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I have a saying, "I crawl in the footsteps of giants, because I don't want to battle Goliath", so ... I'm glad you had the idea first. I applaud your initiative to embrace this journey so much younger than I, and again as I stated previously, your talents and skills only remain to be discovered and nurtured.

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Old 09-16-2008, 03:00 AM   #7
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I applaud your efforts and good luck down the road, I am actually thinking of going into the wind turbine area for I have electronics background. I'm new on this site and don't want to sound like an idiot but what does namaste mean? sorry I'm a newbe but my avitar shows at least I have a sense of humor! PEACE!
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Old 09-16-2008, 03:26 AM   #8
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Namaste = The divine in me honors the divine in you

That's one interpretation of the Indian greeting, or, hey - i respect your sovereignty!
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Old 09-16-2008, 03:34 AM   #9
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Thanks and that's nice
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Old 09-18-2008, 02:15 AM   #10
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Default Re: Open offer to communities

fabulous vision

first visit to the site today and what an inspiration to us all is your upcoming journey

please accept an offer of lodging if you are in the prescott, az area

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Old 09-18-2008, 09:41 PM   #11
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Default Re: Open offer to communities

Thank you all for the warmth expressed here and in e-mails.

I still seek lots of contacts for folks in established communities, or those forming that want to work together on the electrical power aspects.

As I prepare for the journey, my sister sent these words from a novel she is reading this moment in time. They are most resonant and seem applicable to so many here, enjoy!

"When he reflected on what had brought him to this place, he knew that many would consider his mission insane and his methods reckless. Perhaps it would have been wiser over the past year to have let those who loved him know where he was and he regretted the pain and worry that his disappearance must have caused them.

But he knew too that the journey he had made was part of his own private destiny and that it was somehow ordained, though by whom or what he had no idea, that he should travel its path alone and without reference.

He knew the truth of this destiny only in fragments that twirled in his mind like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle floating in a pool: the elk with its flaming antlers, the walk through the desert along the invisible river, the rock paintings, ..., the story of the kudu and the skeleton of the whale and the old lion staring with its firelit mirror eyes.

All these images he knew to be connected and sometimes, in moments of calm, on the edge of his vision, the pieces of the puzzle seemed to float so closely together that he thought he was about to see the whole picture and at last to understand.

But when he looked directly at it the pieces would twirl again and quickly drift apart.

And he soon came to realize that whatever the truth might be, it was not a thing of mind but of being and that he would know it by living and not by looking."
Nicholas Evans


Last edited by Zynox; 09-24-2008 at 04:12 AM.
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Old 09-24-2008, 12:09 AM   #12
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I want to make a few clarifications to my offer, based on a most negative e-mail received today, that gave me perspective on some of the fear that folks have.
I am not interested in heavily armed or covert locations where I will be subject to police state like violations of my sovereignty, I can easily be mistreated at any US airport.

Equally, if discretion is requested, I won't blog any information of those particular communities I visit and help.

Finally, I have been accused of being an infiltrator because I offered a modest donation to the communities I visit. I'll let my genuine photo, e-mail with my name, and most especially, my writings here speak for themselves.
( http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/member.php?u=613)

I don't even like alphabet soup, or agencies.
I am extracting myself from the fear paradigm gripping this planet and refuse to be anonymous, which as Lysander Spooner wrote, is the tool of tyrants, and the basis of the voting system in the US.

~ if they hassle me, may I have lived well, sovereign and helpfully ~
~ they already poisoned my body, I'm not willing to release my mind yet ~
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Old 09-25-2008, 01:33 AM   #13
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I want to thank you for your uplifting offer of help! The new communities/zones that are springing up around the world will need help, as I imagine that many many people are still reeling at the prospect of a new paradigm... ways of thinking, ways of living. I've been expecting this since 1991 and I'm still unprepared on how to deal with my feelings!

I feel that being on the road... a wandering tradesman... will help keep you one step ahead so that you can help people get back to some semblance of normalcy... Anywho...

It IS each and everyone's duty to SERVE their brothers, sisters and our beloved Mother Earth.. We should all be thinking of ways to lighten the load of others..

Namaste and safe journey to you, Zynox!

xxx OpenEyes
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Old 09-25-2008, 01:43 AM   #14
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Your energy is kind, genuine & loving, I am honored to share even this space with you.
I wish you peace & profound clarity on your journey.

Feel Good,
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Old 09-29-2008, 04:31 PM   #15
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For any that have followed this post or are interested in connecting with me on my community energy tour, I may be found under the same name, Zynox, at my site here:


~ namaste ~
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Old 11-30-2008, 02:01 AM   #16
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How's the tour going?
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