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Old 03-17-2010, 09:00 AM   #26
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Originally Posted by futureyes View Post
wasn't that long ago avalon was sailing the ocean blue ... her crew freely exchanging information with one another ...
for the good of all ... moving forward ... seeking truth ... collectively ...
ship and crew strong ...

did you feel ... how rapidly the storm hit ...
did we even see it coming ... so quicly the wheel taken from us ...
storm began to rip our vessel apart ... waves creeped so high in the darkness ...

our crew members ... some lost their footing ... lost out to sea ...
some were pushed off ...
others simply chose to jump ... a storm such as this one they'd never had experienced ...

the great avalon ship ... spun spun and spun again with the waves ...
round and round she went some more ...

no one ... could or would say what took the wheel of her ... steering her clearly in a different direction ...
off course ...
of course ...

storm began to settle ... remaining crew angered ... look what has become of our ship of truth now ...
her sails tattered ... crew disheartened ... captain(s) no longer on board ...

but wait ... look to the horizon ... there is a new ship visible ... not as large as the great original avalon ... not as old ...
new and intact ... signaling ... for our crew to come aboard ...
promising ...

i felt this storm as it ripped through our beloved avalon ...
separating and tearing its crew apart ... in doing so ... we became angry and hostile with one another ...
no longer respectful or even tolerant of one another's words ...

how quickly this storm passed through ... leaving this destruction ...
destruction of what was once a tall ... free sailing ship of truth ... all of us steering her where she needs to be ...
collectively ...

breaks my heart ... feeling this now ... what is left after the storm had passed ...
feeling ... how the agenda of darkness ... allowed us to forget ... who we really are ...
and ... what our ship truly stood for ...
why we had gathered upon avalon's deck to begin with ... as sovereign individuals ...
contributing ... what we could ... to the greater good of her journey to seek truth ...

what are we left with in this moment ... saddens me ...

i feel ... our great ship ... could and should be repaired ...
mend the sails i say ... allow her to continue on her quest ...
allow her to do so with all crew who have the desire within ... to not leave her ...

i feel ... if there is even a small door of opportunity to repair what has been broken here ...
it should be taken ...
this ship ... has the greatest of foundation ...
it only takes the will power of the mind ... and the desire of the heart ... to allow our beloved avalon ship to continue sailing ...

it is a time ... whereby negative energies ... agend to take us down ...
why ...
because we are on our way up ...
this is that time ... those energies will take action ... in any way possible ... to hinder or stop us from finally living our truth ...
to stop all of humankind in doing so ...
to keep us separated ...
that energy ... is at our heels now ...

it will be greatly disheartening ... to witness this great ship of avalon fade ...
to have her remain as a read only vessel ... is to take her voice away ...
she will then ... surely fade into the night ...

free will ... all crew should follow their hearts ... go where it feels appropriate our path leads us to ...
closer even ... to our truth ...

for me ... i feel much viability still remains here ... i feel crew member's desire to want to stay ... repair the damage ... know the truth ...
clean up avalon's decks ... put up new sails ... beautiful new colored sails ... bright and vivacious ...
sails of truth ... sails of free thinking ... free speaking ...
with respect ... to all on board ...

for me ... nothing else feels more right ...

no matter what other ships have recently been built for us to board ...
in my heart ... this is the one i feel still has the greatest potential ... of serving truth to one another ...

i will not jump ship ... i believe in avalon ...

i believe ...

we should try to find a way ...

or make one ...

blessings avalon ...

a ship whom sails like no other ...

carpe diem ...

Thank you, beautiful soul, for this post.
I can feel how sincere is your sadness about Avalon.
But also your HOPE.
As Kulapops said in an other thread, all the pepole from Avalon, Avalon2, This Mists of Avalon are - the same place, with the same hearts beating for common hope.
I want to believe all of this can be fixed and repaired, very easily actually, just if a real will in a rel place is present.
Let us try.
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Old 03-17-2010, 09:04 AM   #27
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Well I've joined pa2 but am giving it a probationary run. If it turns out to be a dictatorship then I will dump it
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Old 03-17-2010, 09:23 AM   #28
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Boober i think you have gone a little off the road.
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Old 03-17-2010, 09:29 AM   #29
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Originally Posted by Kra View Post
Boober i think you have gone a little off the road.
lol, I agree, but hey i didnt make the thread , just adding to the subject. Speaking for people who are to afraid to speak up kind of thing. Plus, ....ah nevermind.
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Old 03-17-2010, 09:35 AM   #30
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Talking Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

i am understanding how you all are feeling, however av2 was something we have been working on for a few months now, so it is not a reaction to all the trouble we have been having here. why av2? well we have been experiencing outages here, and have had lots of probs with glitches in the softwear etc....as you all probably know. also we have felt that a better more user friendly interface would be a good idea.

also if folks are intereseted in joining av2, please email admin and let them know that you wish to join. although its invite only, it is not a closed group, we just didnt want to go back to subs and this was an answer that we felt would work better. so please pass on this and enjoy

much love m x
better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace

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Old 03-17-2010, 09:49 AM   #31
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Originally Posted by morguana View Post

also if folks are intereseted in joining av2, please email admin and let them know that you wish to join. although its invite only,
lol, that just sounds funny. No , whats funny is that , me personally I would never want to get invited to AV2 and I kind of made sure that wouldnt happen when i directed some posts to certain people. But some people are really into this forum like its there whole thing, and they didnt get invited. And even know you ask them to send an email. They dont want to be put on trial to see if they can hang out with the "cool" kids. So come on seriously. Thats kind of messed up , what if you deny them after they email you. Sorry but you suck no AV2 for you , lol. Im sorry but that aint a good look. Anyway for me honestly I like that there is an AV2 and an AV1, I like not being part of an elite group, thats how I will always roll. And I respect anyone on here who got an invite and said naw, but I know alot of people here really want to be apart of AV2 , so hopefully they made it. But for the people who didnt. Is there anyway we can post a list up, of all the only AV1 people so i can know who my people are?? Thanks
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:02 AM   #32
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Howdy boober, I wanted to auction my invite but I DONT THINK THEY WILL LET ME oops didnt mean to shout. Am I one of your peeps then ? Am I ? Am I?
Don't think your list will be very long somehow.
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:07 AM   #33
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Curiously enough, when looking at the map with all of the red spotty things, I noticed a smattering of red spots all over Central Australia. My question is, just how many of the Tjapalljaris from Papunya would be interested in Avalon ?
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:10 AM   #34
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do tell Gordon, I am all ears... know a good plastic surgeon?
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:10 AM   #35
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Boober you are doing nothing with that post but help people divide and perpetuate the illusion that they have to choose and pick sides. AV2 is not about that... and it is not an elite community. I for one like the ideea of "invite only" because not all frustrated and negative people can join and post there to bring the community to a low vibrational level and distract the attention or at least try. It is a better filter against agents and trolls and so on.
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:23 AM   #36
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
Howdy boober, I wanted to auction my invite but I DONT THINK THEY WILL LET ME oops didnt mean to shout. Am I one of your peeps then ? Am I ? Am I?
Don't think your list will be very long somehow.
Much Respect Swordsmith, see honestly for a lot of people I know it would mean a lot if they got an invite, but they didnt. Me , I know Im good. but I will make fun of AV2 all day long to make my people, aka AV1ers! feel better. Like always i know my spot Ill be paddling in my canoe(AV1) making

fun of your yacht(AV2) . You shot them down, lol, I like your style swordsmith you cool with me. Hopefully after all this bs dies down, AV1 will get back on making constructive posts. But i have a feeling even when it does and it will, the AV2 people will come down bragging with there AV2

membership, and talk above & down to everyone down here. Well thats where I will be. Where ever an AV2 tries to talk down to an AV1er I will be there, whenever a AV1er wants to feel apart of something I will be there, ( To make an really weird comment)

cause guess what you are apart of something my AV1ers you didnt get invited. Seriously take pride in that! Everyone here, almost everyone here, wants to be apart of a movement that is contrubiting to something bigger than themselves, even if they dont post the best whistle blowing material or there not friends with the right people or

there language isnt up to par. There here to just be in involved in the dialouge. And there not good enough for your invite Scr@@w your invite. This goes out to all my people who have alot of posts and are confused on why they didnt get invited or sad. Man if there is anyone on here seriously sad. I am here for you. You are one of us your an AV1er, thats from the heart.

Now on a side note to all of the little annoying people just coming here to destroy it and post your destructive weak useless posts, @@@@ you too! lol I know who you are , but again to my people who are seriously sad or hurt they didnt get an invite I am here for you. Remember you didnt get the invite, your not one of THEM.
Peace and Love and Light

Last edited by Boober; 03-17-2010 at 11:22 AM.
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:30 AM   #37
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Sad indeed to read such posts. There is no us and them. There is just us... all... the whole Avalon family. We are not gangsters.
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:30 AM   #38
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Originally Posted by Kra View Post
Boober you are doing nothing with that post but help people divide and perpetuate the illusion that they have to choose and pick sides. AV2 is not about that... and it is not an elite community. I for one like the ideea of "invite only" because not all frustrated and negative people can join and post there to bring the community to a low vibrational level and distract the attention or at least try. It is a better filter against agents and trolls and so on.
I get you bro, really I get it. But trust me your forgetting about a lot of people who wanted to get invited. Its funny most of the AV2 people gave alot of power to the annoying destructive posters, bc on the real , there the ones who responded to there posts instead of ignoring them. They took this thing to the next level. I find it funny, you forget about the people who added to those threads and were against them but they carried on the negative vibes, by not ignoring up and ignoring them. Look at the other thread entitled check your email, there are people in there will a lot of posts who didnt get an invite, and now they have to ask , THEY HAVE TO ASK! what is wrong with them. see alot of people in here cant bring alot of important info, but they like to discuss it in a POSITIVE way, there just gald to be here, but what bc they dont know someone one who knows someone who is related to someone who is a blackopps guy. Come on man, your missing my point, lol, but its cool, i get where your coming from. I hear ya, but hear me. I think you dont get where i am really coming from, lol, but its all good.
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:33 AM   #39
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Originally Posted by Kra View Post
Sad indeed to read such posts. There is no us and them. There is just us... all... the whole Avalon family. We are not gangsters.
Ok theres not, let me ask you this then guy, did you get an invite??
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:35 AM   #40
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lol, i know noone at AV2 will talk down to a person on here, or act try an talk above anyone , I know that, but you need to understand they will be in a way, and some people already are. I already see certain people asking hey did you get an invite, then people say no, oh you didnt, , then there is this akward flashback of people feeling left out, well let me see what i can do, Right there is what I am talking about, "Let me see what I can do", thats the dialect im talking about. Now the person who didnt get the invite is instantly kissing up ok cool, you will , thank you, I will always be nice to you, lol, you guys need to realize the people who are on this site. Besides the annoying blue children ,lol, or the others. People just sitting at there computer all day posting all day. Nothing really research based, but they throw in a line and they get really excited about being in a alien conversation or they talked about a personal experience, but they dont know the right people, or they didnt post the "right" way, they have , exact words I heard in the chat room "nothing to contribute", what really nothing to contribute, what do you have to contribute. To all my AV1ers I got love for ya. Remember you didnt get invited! and I love you for that!

Last edited by Boober; 03-17-2010 at 10:44 AM.
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:36 AM   #41
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

that's really sweet boober, the canoe is the place to be my man.

...and for those aghast at my recieving an invitation and especially those awaiting a pre invite or whatever, well, I consider it like them asking the bad fairy to cinderella's ( or was it snowhite's) christening, Either that or you just weren't BAAD enough.
Cheers boober, integrity is all, some just don't get mine.
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:40 AM   #42
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Boober yes i got invited. AV2 it's at beginning. Just because not all members got invited yet does not mean that they will never be. And those that are invited can invite others.

/edit: I think you are looking from the wrong angle, that is my opinion... you see what you choose to see. It has to do with your perception.
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:44 AM   #43
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Originally Posted by Boober View Post
Ok theres not, let me ask you this then guy, did you get an invite??
There are 6800 odd members, we are compiling contact names, e-mail addys, ips ect, to invite, a huge job.

Again I say: there are very few members who wont be invited due to persistent unconstructive behavior as per Bill Ryans request and vision for the forum.

Please be patient, a lot of work to do!

Ross H
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:44 AM   #44
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

I posted this elsewhere, apologies if you've already read my take on this, but it's either this, or have me regurgitate it in another way.

So much alignment going on. That is the key, that is the thing to watch for. Do you really want to believe that you are this or that. Have you always done that, your whole life? Or are you finding yourself taking a special interest in that now? Think about it.

We are living in times of extreme duality it seems. Getting on with someone 5 minutes ago? Not now you're not...

It's almost like a repetition of the Tower of Babel for modern times.

Only what's funny is that this is 'pick a cause week'. Doesn't matter which , or who.. but pick a cause and stick to it!

Shout it from the rooftops. Align yourself. You're either with 'us'... or you're with the terrorists... There's all kinds of 'us' just now. So pick one !

Yep, we weren't the first ones to take a side with duality, but now there's so much more choice !

You can pick a moderator.. a founder.. a member.. even a forum... let alone a point of view...

and Go for it!

(edit: add to that those with tickets supporting those without...those without tickets supporting those with, those with tickets supporting those with, those without supporting those without. Those who hate tickets, those who love tickets...)

Yay.. cause that is what is really happening right now. Alignment

But maybe I'm just alignining with that thought too?

I've got my invite to Avalon 2.0.. thanks for that...

(lol.. What is it about Glastonbury? Anyone here been to the festival knows what I'm talking about... It's been years since getting in to Avalon was an easy affair. I suspect getting into Avalon 2 will be much easier than most believe and a darned site easier than getting a ticket into Glastonbury Festival.)

I've also taken a look at the Mists forum, and there is a really nice vibe there too from what I've seen.

So no need to be unhappy. There's a place to be, and there will be all the people you ever needed in your life right there, wherever you find yourself.

Hell, I'm more worried about having to catch up on two forums, when I don't even want to be at One !!

Now if you don't have an invite, and never get one, then you don't have a choice, so you have nothing to worry about. But if you have an invite or get one soon then you will have a dilemma..."who to align with?"

Which friends, which ethics, which morals and it doesn't matter to the energies right now what you pick...as long as you align with something thereby exacerbating the force of separation.

My advice, if I had any, would be to be a part of everything. Do not align. Go for unity. Be a part of Av2, be as equally a great part of Mists. Equally, be a part of the world around you and take time out to visit neither forum.

The closer you get to the centre of the spinning vortex, the easier it may be.

It will be so easy to get caught up.

Love and best wishes to you all.

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Old 03-17-2010, 10:48 AM   #45
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Originally Posted by Kra View Post
Boober yes i got invited. AV2 it's at beginning. Just because not all members got invited yet does not mean that they will never be. And those that are invited can invite others.

/edit: I think you are looking from the wrong angle, that is my opinion... you see what you choose to see. It has to do with your perception.
man you dont get what i am saying, lol, its all good though. I get what you mean though, trust me i do. Lol theres no us or them, yet you got an invite imagine if you didnt. I have talked to people who, are saying things literally I guess I am not cool enough, then they say they dont care, I know they do. And that gets at me. I really dont care,lol. Like I said I am straight AV1er 4 life,lol, nevermind I dont think you are feeling what I am saying. ITs all good though. Peace , Love, And Light
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:49 AM   #46
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Originally Posted by Kra View Post
Boober yes i got invited. AV2 it's at beginning. Just because not all members got invited yet does not mean that they will never be. And those that are invited can invite others.

/edit: I think you are looking from the wrong angle, that is my opinion... you see what you choose to see. It has to do with your perception.
Also, we are slowly bringing in members purely because of 'ironing out bugs' we can not afford 6000+ members to all start at once due to possible tech issues.

In a few weeks all should be 'good to go' at full speed.

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Old 03-17-2010, 10:51 AM   #47
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Originally Posted by Ross H View Post
There are 6800 odd members, we are compiling contact names, e-mail addys, ips ect, to invite, a huge job.

Again I say: there are very few members who wont be invited due to persistent unconstructive behavior as per Bill Ryans request and vision for the forum.

Please be patient, a lot of work to do!

Ross H
No man I know you have to settle stuff and get everything organized. There is alot to do. I feel ya. But if you wouldnt mind, make a list of all the AV1 only people, please. After the dust settles.
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:54 AM   #48
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
that's really sweet boober, the canoe is the place to be my man.

...and for those aghast at my recieving an invitation and especially those awaiting a pre invite or whatever, well, I consider it like them asking the bad fairy to cinderella's ( or was it snowhite's) christening, Either that or you just weren't BAAD enough.
Cheers boober, integrity is all, some just don't get mine.

lol, the canoe is where I live, always!
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:59 AM   #49
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Originally Posted by Boober View Post
man you dont get what i am saying, lol, its all good though. I get what you mean though, trust me i do. Lol theres no us or them, yet you got an invite imagine if you didnt. I have talked to people who, are saying things literally I guess I am not cool enough, then they say they dont care, I know they do. And that gets at me. I really dont care,lol. Like I said I am straight AV1er 4 life,lol, nevermind I dont think you are feeling what I am saying. ITs all good though. Peace , Love, And Light
I get what you are saying too, Boober.

But if someone has something and I don't, is the world wrong?

From the millions of actions and influences that act upon us every second of our lives, how is it possible to know what is right for us and what is not?

Potentially, being banned from a site could be the best thing that ever happened to someone, from an objective external perspective further down the line. They might go out to the park instead of sitting at a computer and meet the person of their dreams

I'm sure there are a few of us here who weren't the first to be picked at sides for football.

We all know how that feels. But feelings can be fuelled by the ego, that thinks it understands our world perfectly. And it does to an extent, and it also doesn't.

There are going to be more causes to fight for than just Wonka tickets at Avalon soon... this is going to spread like wildfire.

So hang on to your hats. Know who you are, and know why you are aligning yourself with something.
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Old 03-17-2010, 11:08 AM   #50
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Default Re: Project avalon 2.. Are you havin a laugh?

Originally Posted by Boober View Post
yet you got an invite imagine if you didnt. I have talked to people who, are saying things literally I guess I am not cool enough, then they say they dont care, I know they do. And that gets at me. I really dont care,lol. Like I said I am straight
I don't want you to remain with the impression that i got invited and i don't care about the rest of the people that did not. I did not expected to be invited i didn't even know the forum is up... i'm glad i have been invited but i don't feel more special than the others here, i'm waiting for them. I've been around avalon since its beginnings... i had another username to which i lost the mail and pass so recently i made this one. Over time i've attached to some members feeling that i know them, although they don't know me that good... i feel that i know them. I see avalon as a family... and that is my possition in this matter.
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