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Old 10-20-2008, 10:46 PM   #1
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Thumbs up Ron Paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Congressman Ron Paul ~ TEXAS STRAIGHT TALKS

3/29/2010: "Healthcare and Economic Realities" Page #5, Post #107

3/22/2010: "Healthcare Reform Passes" Page #5, Post #106
3/15/2010: "Supporting the War Instead of the Troops" Page #5, Post #105
3/8/2010: "Census: A Little Too Personal" Page #5, Post #104
3/1/2010: "Bizarre Spending Habits" Page #5, Post #103
2/22/2010: "Government Stimulus, One Year Later" Page #5, Post #102
2/15/2010: "Are US Taxpayers Bailing Out Greece?" Page #5, Post #101
2/8/2010: "More Spending is Always the Answer" Page #4, Post #97
2/1/2010: "Spending Freeze Not Likely" Page #4, Post #96
1/25/2010: "Legalize Competing Currencies" Page #4, Post #94
1/19/2010: "Government is Too Big to Succeed" Page #4, Post #93
1/11/2010: "Why the Fed Likes Independence" Page #4, Post #92
1/4/2010: "Keynesianism Delivers a Decade of Zero" Page #4, Post #91
12/26/2009: "Healthcare Reform is a Lump of Coal" Page #4, Post #90
12/21/2009: "Iran Sanctions are Precursor to War" Page #4, Post #89
12/14/2009: "The Fed's Money Monopoly" Page #4, Post #88
12/7/2009: "Who Wants War?" Page #4, Post #87
11/30/2009: "Healthcare Freedom or Healthcare Bureaucracy?" Page #4, Post #86
11/23/2009: "Audit the Fed Attached as an Amendment" Page #4, Post #85
11/16/2009: "Competition With the Government?" Page #4, Post #84
11/9/2009: "Healthcare Reform is Economic Malpractice" Page #4, Post #83
11/2/2009: "Government Statistics and Lies" Page 4, Post #82
10/26/2009: "Anything Less Than Full Disclosure is Unacceptable" Page 4, Post #81
10/19/2009: "The Very Busy Politicians in Washington DC" Page 4, Post #80
10/13/2009: "Saving Face in Afghanistan" Page 4, Post #78
10/5/2009: "Bombs and Bribes" Page 4, Post #77
9/28/2009: "The Real Reasons Behind Fed Secrecy" Page 4, Post #76
9/21/2009: "Trade Wars and Protectionism are not Free Trade" Page #3, Post #75
9/14/2009: "Healthcare Reform is More Corporate Welfare" Page #3, Post #74
9/8/2009: "Government Solutions Lack Understanding" Page #3, Post #73
8/31/2009: "The Fed's Interesting Week" Page #3, Post #71
8/24/2009: "We Need Sunlight to Disinfect the Legislative Process!" Page #3, Post #69
8/17/2009: "The Free Market as Regulator" Page #3, Post #68
8/11/2009: "Cash for Clunkers" Page #3, Post #67
8/3/2009: "Healthcare Plan Based on Economic Fantasy" Page #3, Post #66
7/27/2009: "The Immorality of Taxpayer Funded Abortion" Page #3, Post #65
7/20/2009: "Healthcare is a Good, Not a Right" Page #3, Post #64
7/13/2009: "Fed Independence or Fed Secrecy?" Page #3, Post #63
7/6/2009: "Celebrating the Fight for Freedom on the Fourth" Page #3, Post #61
6/29/2009: "Cap and Trade Will Lead to Capital Flight" Page #3, Post #60
6/22/2009: "International Bailout Brings Us Closer to Economic Collapse" Page #3, Post #59
6/15/2009: "Moving Towards Tobacco Prohibition" Page #3, Post #58
6/8/2009: "GM, Amtrak and an Increasingly Fascist America" Page #3, Post #57
6/1/2009: "Fight Government Encroachment into Healthcare!" Page #3, Post #55
5/25/2009: "Torturing the Rule of Law" Page #3, Post #54
5/18/2009: "Audit the Fed, Then End It!" Page #3, Post #53
5/11/2009: On Af-Pak: Stop "Helping" Page #3, Post #52
5/4/2009: "When Government Plays Doctor" Page #3, Post #51
4/27/2009: "Secession: the Ultimate States' Right" Page #2, Post #50
4/20/2009: "Responses to Piracy" Page #2, Post #49
4/13/2009: "Fewer Taxes for Real Economic Stimulus" Page #2, Post #48
4/6/2009: "Budget Expands Government as Economy Contracts" Page #2, Post #47
3/30/2009: "End the War on Drugs" Page #2, Post #46
3/23/2009: "Bankruptcy IS Economic Stimulus" Page #2, Post #45
3/16/2009: "Earmarks Don't Add Up" Page #2, Post #44 PLUS RECENT VIDEO INTERVIEWS
3/9/2009: "Imagine" Page #2, Post #43
3/2/2009: "Is Spending the Answer?" Page #2, Post #41 MORE ADDED
2/23/2009: "On Transparency of the Fed" Page #2, Post #40
2/16/2009: "On Reinstating the Draft" Page #2, Post #39
2/9/2009: "Freedom From Government" Page #2, Post #38
2/2/2009: "Cures for Our Economic Disease" Page #2, Post #37
1/26/2009: "Stimulus for Who?" Page #2, Post #36
1/19/2009: "Strengthening or Weakening the Economy?" Page #2, Post #35
1/12/2009: "Stimulating Our Way to Rock Bottom" Page #2, Post #31
1/5/2009 "Opportunities for Peace and Nonintervention" Page #2, Post #29
Also Video: Ron Paul Speech in Congress on Madoff and US Government Ponzi Schemes 1/5/2009
12/29/2008 "Transition and Hope" Page #2, Post #27
12/22/2008 "Government and Fraud" Page #2, Post #26,
12/15/2008 "Economic Freedom or Socialist Intervention?" Post #22
12/8/2008 "Gun Control: Protecting Terrorists and Despots and the Economy" Post #21
12/1/2008 "The Neo-Alchemy of the Federal Reserve" Post #19
11/24/2008 "The Bailout Surge at Post" #15
11/10/2008 "The Economy Under The New Administration" Post #14
10/28/2008 "Spending the Economy Into Oblivion" Post #7
11/3/2008 "The Moral Hazard of Regulation" Post #11

ALSO GREAT NEW VIDEO WITH LINK AT POST #10 Please don't give up the FIGHT!

TEXAS STRAIGHT TALK ~ A weekly column.

Congressman Ron Paul
New Every Monday at http://www.house.gov/paul
or phone 1-888-322-1414 for recorded message.

October 20, 2008 "Too Big to Fail?"


In the midst of highly unpopular bailouts of Wall Street, many justifications have been given about why Washington feels the need to act. Some claim that capitalism and the free market are to blame, but we have not had capitalism. If you compare our financial capital to our aggregate debt, this would be obvious. In the same way, we have not had a truly free market. The monetary manipulations of the Federal Reserve, a complex tax code, the many “oversight” agencies and their mountains of regulations show that we are far removed from a free market economy.

Another unsatisfying argument is that certain entities have to be bailed out because of their economic importance. Supposedly, some entities can be so big, so important, that no matter what they do, citizens must perpetually sustain them.

Even limited government has a basic duty to defend against force and fraud. Some argue that force is somehow permissible just because the entity engaging in it is "economically significant." But one could use this reasoning to prop up slavery. It could be deemed unfortunate but economically beneficial, and indeed these arguments have been used historically to deprive people of their liberty. But slavery should never be tolerated regardless of any economic benefit, just as systemic fraud should not be tolerated. Some banks on Wall Street should fail. Fannie and Freddie should fail. They are perpetrating fraud against the people. Yet, government insists on rewarding behavior which should instead be investigated, prosecuted, and punished.

There has been much evidence of fraud at Fannie and Freddie, but when one man, Franklin Raines, defrauded the organization out of millions of dollars through illegal accounting tricks, and ends up agreeing to pay back just a fraction, one could argue that it was well worth it to him. Fannie went on to only get more deeply involved in subprime mortgages after this investigation. Several organizations are suffering right now precisely because the free market is trying to work and punish mismanagement, if only the government would get out of the way and let it. Perhaps banks are not lending to each other because they know that complicated accounting standards, created in part to defend against confiscatory tax policy, enables false fiscal pictures to be presented, which erodes trust. But this is not a time for the government to step in with more burdensome and complicated regulations, or more foolish liquidity injections. This is a time for some banks to fail, and remaining banks to deal honestly and transparently once again. More regulations will only result in more lies.

Just as economies that turned away from slave labor had a transition period, our economy would transition as well, but in the end, if we turned to honest, sound money and a truly free market, we would end up with a more just society, founded on truthfulness and decency, not subject to the violence of force or the whims of fraudulent institutions. Unfortunately, it seems we are headed into a new era of slavery, however, where all taxpayers will be forced to render to the Fed and big banking interests the bulk of the fruits of their labor, possibly through higher taxes but definitely through the eroding force of inflation.

See Also: www.campaignforliberty.com

Last edited by peaceandlove; 04-01-2010 at 02:50 PM. Reason: Updating
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Old 10-21-2008, 02:01 AM   #2
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

He may have a point there, since everyone continues to bail out the Fraudsters. The people look on in malaise as if they're sheep going to the slaughter. Too much Fluoride in the water supply I guess.
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Old 10-21-2008, 06:55 AM   #3
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Default Re: Ron Paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

We already have "slave labour". The idiots in Washington will "save" the current system and we will continue with it.

The sheeples don't care provided they can watch TV, eat and screw.
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Old 10-21-2008, 10:16 AM   #4
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

if u want see it this way!
Look back50years ago, person working in a factory would be pointed out
As a working class, he be living a simple life making just about enough money for food
No luxuries at all &constant straggle getting on with life, he would usually comeback from work covered with dirt. Frustrated..
In compare to our days someone that works in hi-tek, he's making a big salary &gets car from work &all different luxuries.
But this is just for show off. They are like sum1here already said are sheep's for slaughter, making sum1els very rich sacrificing their own life for someone else's progress
Doomed for lifetime between the walls of the office, yet when they look around they get the feeling they are in a good place maybe even made a success in life.
Maybe so, the material aspect of life as bout them over, they don’t have an observation to dig in side their soul, where the spirit is craving for more, light, independence &amore rewarding being.
Ands that’s called happiness in slavery.
Here comes up the argument of which sum will say there are bills to pay and kids to feeds & ect.
The madness after the material gain in this life as taken charge of people's way of development from in spirit.
. you got the house of your dreams, but every time u get home all you think about is the bills u need to pay& hardly anytime to be in it.
You have a family /kids, but you never have the time for them being so busy with work, you neglect being apart of them growing.
You even have a car from work ,all costs included but you spend half the time in it being stuck in traffic on way to work and back Frustrated...
So I ask, when are u gone release u not yet came out the chimney????
Its obvious getting for yourself only is why economy is going down hill,
One as to think of others in order to make a balance with his growth and success.
Must of the people suffering from this chaos in economic are victims to the action of the rich people that have NO understandings toward the less fortunate ones.
"Maria Antoinette the queen of France was told that the citizens have no brad to eat,
She was so stuck up that she said, if u haven’t got brad eat cakes"
And we are drinking bloody maries ever since!!!!

A good soul is a giving soul, and that’s the soul-tion
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Old 10-26-2008, 06:54 AM   #5
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Posted 10/25/2008 on campaignforliberty.com

Ron Paul Promises To Return When Country Needs Him Most

October 24, 2008 | Issue 44•43 WASHINGTON—After piling the last of his Campaign for Liberty signs in the back of a beat-up Ford truck Thursday, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) once again abandoned his candidacy for president and rode on out toward the low western sun, but not before vowing to come back to Washington
"when [the country] is ready." "When the river swirls and the wind blows, and when uncontrollable inflation forces us to revert to the gold standard, and the Federal Reserve bank is exposed as the unconstitutional, neofascist cabal it really is, you'll see me coming over that hill,"
said Paul, leaving a dusty cowboy hat and a stack of "no" votes on his seat in the House of Representatives.
"But don't you fret, America. If you ever feel like your government is getting too big or too intrusive, just give a little whistle, and there I'll be. I'll be there quicker'n you can spit."
Although no one has seen or heard from the Texas congressman since Thursday, sources report the Ron Paul for President campaign has gained an additional $2.3 million in contributions since his disappearance.

Last edited by peaceandlove; 11-25-2008 at 10:46 AM.
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Old 10-26-2008, 11:47 PM   #6
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Originally Posted by peaceandlove View Post
Posted 10/25/2008 on campaignforliberty.com

Ron Paul Promises To Return When Country Needs Him Most

October 24, 2008 | Issue 44•43 WASHINGTON—After piling the last of his Campaign for Liberty signs in the back of a beat-up Ford truck Thursday, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) once again abandoned his candidacy for president and rode on out toward the low western sun, but not before vowing to come back to Washington said Paul, leaving a dusty cowboy hat and a stack of "no" votes on his seat in the House of Representatives. Although no one has seen or heard from the Texas congressman since Thursday, sources report the Ron Paul for President campaign has gained an additional $2.3 million in contributions since his disappearance.

I love Ron Paul. The force is with him.
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Old 10-30-2008, 06:58 PM   #7
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"


Congressman Ron Paul
New Every Monday at http://www.house.gov/paul
or phone 1-888-322-1414 for recorded message.

October 28, 2008 "Spending the Economy Into Oblivion"

With news this week that Congress is poised to consider a new stimulus package, I am forced to again ask a question that seems silly in Washington: How will we pay for this?

While a few Members of Congress have raised the issue, it certainly was not the primary concern of the House Budget Committee when they interviewed Ben Bernanke on Monday. And, when they did direct this question to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, his answer was the standard rhetoric about how Congress needed to make tough choices. Needless to say, not many specifics were discussed.

One of the most liberal members of the House, Barney Frank, has at least volunteered something of a suggestion: “We can let Iraq take care of itself.” This, of course, goes in the right direction, but hardly far enough.

We need to declare the facts and their obvious consequences. The deficit of the United States is now spiraling out of control, and the recent bailout package has only made it worse. Our crushing federal debt is one key reason behind our current economic turbulence.

As Congress begins to consider the third “stimulus package” of the year, we need to realize it is time to start setting priorities. Priority number one should be cutting spending in foreign countries. This does not simply mean Iraq, but everywhere.

The next stimulus package is likely to include money for infrastructure. While these investments are, constitutionally speaking, supposed to be made by state and local governments, it is not likely that Congress will suddenly begin to pay heed to the document we are all sworn to uphold. Still, we need to acknowledge the fact that the current Congress and Administration are rushing the nation toward bankruptcy.

This being the case, we could hope they would at least come to their senses regarding our debt and foreign spending sprees. Our nation’s foreign-held debt is at record highs and moving ever higher. Continuing to borrow money from Red China and others in order to pay “dues” to the United Nations and run “Plan Colombia” makes no sense at all.

Our whole carrot-and-stick approach to foreign policy makes no sense. The US government simultaneously gives money to Israel, and to Egypt. We send AIDS money to Africa while AIDS clinics in America shut down. “Millennium challenge” funding goes to countries which enact “market based reforms” as we push our own country further and further into a centrally planned economy.

Economic recovery will only come through financial prudence, savings and getting back to producing things of value again. But it seems to be a foregone conclusion that we are about to enact another government initiative to “stimulate the economy.” Instead, there should be some serious talk about cutting all of these foreign giveaway programs. But, alas and again, we should not hold our breath. Congress is still not close to being serious about ending its addiction to debt and spending, and is again faced with the deadly temptation to attempt to spend us out of a recession. We should not forget that in the 1930’s those types of efforts gave us the Great Depression.

ALSO SEE: campaignforliberty.com for newest Lew Rockwell Interview: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/index.php?blogpage=2

Last edited by peaceandlove; 01-20-2009 at 12:04 AM.
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Old 10-30-2008, 07:11 PM   #8
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

I am just sorry that people didnt listen to Ron Paul a long time ago..............he was swept under the carpet as many of the "true stories" floating around the net

I go along with Ron as he has right on everything else so far. Thats a straight talker not a BS'er like the other two
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Old 10-30-2008, 09:02 PM   #9
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Too many were saying that he was crazy and with even crazier ideas. That's how they get people to not listen to the best candidate we could have here. I say best because he isn't all fancied up with baggage behind him telling him what to do and pulling the strings if he doesn't do as they say.

I'm sorry I still can't get people to look at the 3rd and 4th party candidates and really consider voting for them instead of just one of the two they throw at us every four years. They are forcing me to vote for the person to keep McCain out of office. I may be an older person, but I see the need for a new direction, a new generation to bring us to a better way. God help us if we don't get rid of the old government.

And if I hear any of them tell me one more time about how great Ronald Reagn was a president, I'm going to punch their lights out!
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Old 11-01-2008, 10:25 PM   #10
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"


The Mises Summit according to blogging is probably going to be archived for watching at THE MISES INSTITUTE http://www.mises.org.

Ron Paul's speech today took place outdoors. I am hoping to hear his speech will also show up in the archived Mises media or possibly show up on youtube in the next few days.

Also check http://www.campaignforliberty.com for archived media, where the information about the live airing of the Mises Institute Summit for 10/31 and 11/1 was originally posted. You may have to scroll to the bottom of the Campaign For Liberty website and click on older entries or Search their site at the top left hand side on the home page. No need to register to view articles or videos.

Great New Video "The Ultimate Change in Washington" with statements by G. Edward Griffin (enter: ultimate change in washington) in search window at top left hand side of home page at: http://www.campaignforliberty.com New 'Truths' revealed every day! Same Video is Available on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIOX9IQhL3M
Another great champion of freedom: G. Edward Griffin of Freedom Force International: http://www.freedom-force.org. Another site related to G. Edward Griffin with current 'real, unfiltered' news: http://www.realityzone.com

Last edited by peaceandlove; 01-19-2009 at 11:30 PM.
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Old 11-04-2008, 05:17 AM   #11
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Texas Straight Talk ~ A weekly column.

Congressman Ron Paul
New Every Monday at http://www.house.gov/paul
or phone 1-888-322-1414 for recorded message.

November 3, 2008 "The Moral Hazard of Regulation"

Since the bailout bill passed, I have been frequently disturbed to hear “experts” wrongly blaming the free market for our recent economic problems and calling for more regulation. In fact, further regulation can only make things worse.

It is important to understand that regulators are not omniscient. It is not feasible for them to anticipate every possible thing that could go wrong with whatever industry or activity they are regulating. They are making their best guesses when formulating rules. It is often difficult for those being regulated to understand the many complex rules they are expected to follow. Very wealthy corporations hire attorneys who may discover a myriad of loopholes to exploit and render the spirit of the regulations null and void. For this reason, heavy regulation favors big business against those small businesses who cannot afford high-priced attorneys.

The other problem is the trust that people blindly put in regulations, and the moral hazard this creates. Too many people trust government regulators so completely that they abdicate their own common sense to these government bureaucrats. They trust that if something violates no law, it must be safe. How many scams have “It’s perfectly legal” as a hypnotic selling point, luring in the gullible? Many people did not understand the financial house of cards that are derivatives, but since they were legal and promised a great return, people invested. It is much the same in any area rife with government involvement. Many feel that just because their children are getting good grades at a government school, they are getting a good education. After all, they are passing the government-mandated litmus test. But, this does not guarantee educational excellence. Neither is it always the case that a child who does NOT achieve good marks in school is going to be unsuccessful in life. Is your drinking water safe, just because the government says it is? Is the internet going to magically become safer for your children if the government approves regulations on it? I would caution any parent against believing this would be the case. Nothing should take the place of your own common sense and due diligence.

These principles explain why the free market works so much better than a centrally planned economy. With central planning, everything shifts from one’s own judgment about safety, wisdom and relative benefits of a behavior, to the discretion of government bureaucrats. The question then becomes “what can I get away with,” and there will always be advantages for those who can afford lawyers to find the loopholes. The result then is that bad behavior, that would quickly fail under the free market, is propped up, protected and perpetuated, and sometimes good behavior is actually discouraged.

Regulation can actually benefit big business and corporate greed, while simultaneously killing small businesses that are the backbone of our now faltering economy. This is why I get so upset every time someone claims regulation can resolve the crisis that we are in. Rather, it will only exacerbate it.

Last edited by peaceandlove; 01-20-2009 at 12:04 AM.
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Old 11-04-2008, 05:59 AM   #12
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Remember this video? Isn't it AWESOME???


I get giddy watching RP tubes.

Here is one of my other top favorites!


Hmmm...I like the Sweet Emotion one Aravoth did, too. Can't seem to find it.
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Old 11-04-2008, 09:47 PM   #13
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Ron Paul is one of the few people left that still has some backbone, he was spot on about Vietnam and the copious FED spending. The economy is wrapped in such a lingo that makes people shrill from its complexity but when you boil it down its all about A and B, lets try to please people without throwing communistic **** and big promises, we can start with our Agriculture and move into production, but yet again we have slave drivers hiking up currency until its worth nothing, then what? form an American union and completely control the free market?

Its such a problem that i have NO involvement in what so ever... This ridiculous armada America has built, god knows how much all the genetic testing and growing costs.

No wonder the FED lost trillions, government spending has gotten way out of hand id say thats a good place to start.
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Old 11-12-2008, 05:07 AM   #14
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Texas Straight Talk ~ A Weekly Column

Congressman Ron Paul
New Every Monday at http://www.house.gov/paul
or phone 1-888-322-1414 for recorded message.

November 10, 2008 "Hopes for the Future"

'The Economy Under The New Administration'

With the election behind us, our country turns hopeful eyes to the future. I have a few hopes of my own.

I congratulate our first African-American president-elect. Martin Luther King, Jr. certainly would be proud to see this day. We are stronger for embracing diversity, and I am hopeful that we can continue working through the tensions and wrongs of the past and become a more just and colorblind society. I hope this new administration will help bring us together, and not further divide us. I have always found that freedom is the best way to break down barriers. A free society emphasizes the importance of individuals, and not because they are part of a certain group. That’s the only way equal justice can be achieved.

We will face more tough economic problems during this new administration. In fact, the worst is yet to come. A vast amount of problematic mortgages have not begun to reset their variable interest rates and go into default. We already have unprecedented deficits, spending is out of control, and more big industries are coming to government with their hands out. My hope is that this administration will handle this economic crisis better than the interventionists and big government spenders of the 1930’s, the bureaucrats that prolonged the Depression. I hope that new government programs and spiderwebs of red tape do not pop up to interfere with American productivity, and that we can quickly get our financial footing again. We have to understand that an economic correction needs to take place and the only way out of the coming recession is to go through it. Efforts to avoid it can only prolong it. I hope we can somehow find our way back to sound money and reject corporate cronyism.

We cannot address our budget problems at home without changing our disastrous foreign policy abroad. I am hopeful that the new administration can take on the mantle of peace and diplomacy in foreign policy that many Americans feel they were promised. Many other nations also have this hope, which exudes from their congratulatory sentiments offered after the election. They hope that national sovereignty will be respected. They hope that through diplomacy violence and war can be averted. I hope so too. One thing is unquestionable: our aggressive foreign policy of the past has been costly, in blood and in treasure. Our treasure is running out, and fewer volunteers are stepping up to enable that foreign policy. So for these reasons, if we are to continue to have an all-volunteer military, and see prosperity again in the future, I have every reason to hope our foreign policy will change. In order for it to remain the same, mandatory military service would have to return, as well as accelerated theft through debt and inflation to pay for it. I have a hard time imagining popular support for these policies, simply for the sake of war and conquest, when we clearly want peace.

I have many hopes for the future in this time of transition. But I have seen this country face many forks in the road, and sadly take the wrong one too many times. We have heard a lot of talk, and it remains to be seen what actions and specific policies that talk will translate into. So while I may be hopeful, I remain deeply concerned about our future.

Last edited by peaceandlove; 01-20-2009 at 12:10 AM.
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Old 11-25-2008, 10:35 AM   #15
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Texas Straight Talk ~ A Weekly Column

Congressman Ron Paul
New Every Monday at http://www.house.gov/paul
or phone 1-888-322-1414 for recorded message.

November 24, 2008 "The Bailout Surge"

This week the bailout of the Big Three automakers was under heavy consideration in Congress’s lame duck session. I have always opposed government bailouts of private organizations. Back in 1979 Congress had hearings about bailing out Chrysler and I was on record pointing out that these types of policies are foolish and very damaging to the long term economic health of our country. They still are.

There was also renewed pressure this week to bailout homeowners and send another round of stimulus checks to “Main Street” to balance out all the handouts to big business. It seems that eventually the entire economy is going to be blanketed over with Federal Reserve notes. Most in Washington are completely oblivious as to why this model of money creation and spending is so dangerous.

We must remember that governments do not produce anything. Their only resources come from producers in the economy through such means as inflation and taxation. The government has an obligation to be good stewards of these resources. In bailing out failing companies, they are confiscating money from productive members of the economy and giving it to failing ones. By sustaining companies with obsolete or unsustainable business models, the government prevents their resources from being liquidated and made available to other companies that can put them to better, more productive use. An essential element of a healthy free market, is that both success and failure must be permitted to happen when they are earned. But instead with a bailout, the rewards are reversed – the proceeds from successful entities are given to failing ones. How this is supposed to be good for our economy is beyond me.

With each bailout we hear rhetoric that this is the mother of all bailouts. This will fix the problem once and for all, and that this is absolutely necessary to avert disaster. This sense of panic squeezes astonishing amounts of dollars out of reluctant but hopeful legislators, who hate the position they are being put in, but are relieved that it will be the last time. It is never the last time, and again and again we are faced with the same scenarios and the same fears. We are already in the bailout business for such a staggering amount that admitting it was wrong in the first place would be too embarrassing. So the commitment to this course of action is only irrationally escalated, in the hopes that somehow, someway eventually it will work and those in power won’t have to admit they were wrong.

It won’t work. It can’t work. We need to cut our losses and get back on course. There is too much at stake for too many people to continue down this road. The bailouts thus far to AIG, Bear Stearns, Fannie and Freddie, and TARP funds amount to around $1.5 trillion. Considering our GDP is $14 trillion, and our Federal budget is already $3 trillion, this additional amount will significantly eat into our future lifestyles. That amounts to an extra $5,000 that every person in the country needs to somehow produce just to keep up. It is obvious to most Americans that we need to reject corporate cronyism, and allow the natural regulations and incentives of the free market to pick the winners and losers in our economy, not the whims of bureaucrats and politicians.

Last edited by peaceandlove; 01-20-2009 at 12:40 AM.
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Old 11-25-2008, 01:52 PM   #16
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Hello folks,

Not having any say in the US elections, I have always been a fan of Ron Paul. The only issue we would disagree on is the guns, but considering what he must know secretly- is the plan then I can totally understand it now.

Just not a fan of empires or guns. However I digress, I like to look for the secrets in words or names and this one is hopeful and clear.

Ron Paul makes the anagram 'our plan'

take it easy whereever you guys are
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Old 11-25-2008, 06:06 PM   #17
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Originally Posted by Harper View Post
Hello folks,

Not having any say in the US elections, I have always been a fan of Ron Paul. The only issue we would disagree on is the guns, but considering what he must know secretly- is the plan then I can totally understand it now.

Just not a fan of empires or guns. However I digress, I like to look for the secrets in words or names and this one is hopeful and clear.
Ron Paul makes the anagram 'our plan'

take it easy whereever you guys are
Did you watch Ron Paul's rally in St. Paul? It's still on youtube, amazing stuff! Ah...what could have been...and end to the Fed, IRS, and the war machine. I guess the path we're on wasn't supposed to be so easy as electing someone who sees what's wrong clearly and is open enough to discuss it ALL. A man who would immediately pardon all non violent drug offenders and get them out of prison? Who would bring our troops home from every base all over the world? Who believes the people should decide what they should/should not put in their own bodies? And *they* say Obama was change. We couldn't have the real stuff yet I guess.
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Old 11-25-2008, 09:42 PM   #18
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Another unsatisfying argument is that certain entities have to be bailed out because of their economic importance. Supposedly, some entities can be so big, so important, that no matter what they do, citizens must perpetually sustain them.
If Its Bull**** and you know it take a stand.

( non violent protest!)
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Old 12-01-2008, 07:05 PM   #19
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Texas Straight Talk ~ A Weekly Column

Congressman Ron Paul
New Every Monday at http://www.house.gov/paul
or phone 1-888-322-1414 for recorded message.

December 1, 2008 "The Neo-Alchemy of the Federal Reserve"


Our central bankers have had a tremendous amount of hubris over the years, believing that they could actually manage a paper money system in such a way as to replicate the behavior and benefits of a gold standard. In fact, back in 2004 then Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan told me as much. People talk about toxic assets, but the real toxicity in our economy comes from the neo-alchemy practiced by the Federal Reserve System. Just as alchemists of the past frequently poisoned themselves with the lead or mercury they were trying to turn to gold, today’s bankers are poisoning the economy with accelerated fiat money creation.

Full article here:

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Old 12-03-2008, 07:27 PM   #20
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At least the slave owners during and before the 1860's in the United States took responsibility for the slaves' housing, health care and other needs. Today, they have other Americans pay for all the expensive benefits the their illegal aliens slaves get.

Imagine the outrage if one were to go to the store and see clothing products using cotton picked by actual slaves from the south. But the same outrage is non existent when it comes to all the Asian slave labor including children... goods sold at Walmart and other stores.
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Old 12-08-2008, 08:31 PM   #21
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Texas Straight Talk ~ A Weekly Column

Congressman Ron Paul
New Every Monday at http://www.house.gov/paul
or phone 1-888-322-1414 for recorded message.

December 8, 2008 "Gun Control: Protecting Terrorists and Despots"

Last Paragraph:

In our own country, we should be ever vigilant against any attempts to disarm the people, especially in this economic downturn. I expect violent crime to rise sharply in the coming days, and as states and municipalities are even more financially strained, the police will be even less able or willing to respond to crime. In many areas, local police could become more and more absorbed with revenue generating activities, like minor traffic violations and the asset forfeiture opportunities of non-violent drug offenses. Your safety has always, ultimately been your own responsibility, but never more so than now. People have a natural right to defend themselves. Governments that take that away from their people should be highly suspect.

Full article here: http://www.house.gov/htbin/blog_inc?...ngdetail.shtml

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Old 12-15-2008, 11:07 PM   #22
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Texas Straight Talk ~ A Weekly Column

Congressman Ron Paul
New Every Monday at http://www.house.gov/paul
or phone 1-888-322-1414 for recorded message.

December 15, 2008 "Economic Freedom or Socialist Intervention?"

The freedom to fail is an essential part of freedom. Government- provided financial security necessitates relinquishing the very essence of freedom. Last week, the big 3 American automakers came back to Capitol Hill with their hands out to the government. Congress spent this past week debating how much money to give them and what strings should be attached. Though the bailout plan for the auto industry has suffered what I would call a temporary setback in the Senate, other avenues for public funding are being explored through the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department. I am afraid the American auto industry will soon learn that having billions rain down from Washington will not be the blessing one might expect.

Article continues here:

Last edited by peaceandlove; 01-20-2009 at 12:12 AM.
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Old 12-16-2008, 12:33 AM   #23
Sol Invictus
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

There needs to be a 'Ron Paul' army.

The uprising is coming.. you can feel it, taste it, smell it as it eddies in the wind of change.
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Old 12-17-2008, 12:06 AM   #24
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

This gives me hope, indeed. But don't you guys find the imagination of an 'army' under/in the image of one man is a dodgy thought?
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Old 12-17-2008, 12:11 AM   #25
Sol Invictus
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Default Re: Ron paul 10/20/2008 "New Era of Slavery"

Originally Posted by Czymra View Post
This gives me hope, indeed. But don't you guys find the imagination of an 'army' under/in the image of one man is a dodgy thought?

Washington.... Lincoln...... Just a couple like off the top of my head.
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