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Old 03-04-2010, 12:24 AM   #26
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

I can't really believe that this EU plan can be real. Since the credit crunch there has been a big increase in unemployement (fewer jobs). I saw on a news channel that most European countries have about 10% unemployment and Spain had 20%. Britain was also about 10%, but a large part of that is made up of lazy people and benefit cheats, but it is also difficult to get a job since the credit crunch, I know that first hand.

So where is the demand for 50 million workers and unskilled ones at that?

The only way to get into Britain right now is: to work in most industries is to have a Masters Degree as a minimum for a work permit or to marry your way into staying there.

Other European countries maybe more relaxed, but there is not a big demand for more workers.
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Old 03-04-2010, 07:35 AM   #27
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Worth remembering that the Africans nations are plagued by AIDS.
I don't trust them to come to Britain I think crime rates will rocket.
Not being racist just being real. You can guarantee the worst ones will be on the first boat over
You're being completely negative and irrational about this and yes, it *IS* racism. You automatically assume that these Africans will be infected with AIDS and show up to cause crime.

I expected better from you.
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Old 03-04-2010, 07:38 AM   #28
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

Originally Posted by oedilroed View Post
People like Humble Janitor, whom I believe is a nice and decent man; should also realise that they are being used by the PTB as a tool to further their agenda of importing the enemy.
Again, more fear-mongering and YOU'RE the one buying into their negative campaign. They want people like you and Swanny to be angry about this because they'll feed upon it to meet their agenda.
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Old 03-04-2010, 08:03 AM   #29
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
HJ Britain can't handle 50 million Africans. Do you really think they will be headed anywhere else?
Britain home of the free hand out
Personally I don't like other nations invading.
ie America should be the home of the Indians
So let me get this strait. Africans can't "come" to your country but, your country can go 'invade' their country(Apartied)(Slavery).

And yes America should be home of the Natives and it was but, WHO came in and took it over. I'm pretty sure the Natives were thinking the same exact thing. "My Homeland is not a damn hand out!!!"

AND let's not forget about Australia(British prisoners killing the natives, which are african by the way), South America(Conquistadors from europe)!

How is it that when it's africans or anybody not white for that matter it's called an invasion but when it's europeans it's called exploration or visitation.

The South African natives, heck! Africa probably thought, we can't handle 50 million europeans.

So, point made, someone please close this racist thread and YOU Swanny need to take your racism and stop it! Getting real tired of this crap.
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Old 03-04-2010, 09:12 AM   #30
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

Originally Posted by Wisdom View Post
So let me get this strait. Africans can't "come" to your country but, your country can go 'invade' their country(Apartied)(Slavery).

And yes America should be home of the Natives and it was but, WHO came in and took it over. I'm pretty sure the Natives were thinking the same exact thing. "My Homeland is not a damn hand out!!!"

AND let's not forget about Australia(British prisoners killing the natives, which are african by the way), South America(Conquistadors from europe)!

How is it that when it's africans or anybody not white for that matter it's called an invasion but when it's europeans it's called exploration or visitation.

The South African natives, heck! Africa probably thought, we can't handle 50 million europeans.

So, point made, someone please close this racist thread and YOU Swanny need to take your racism and stop it! Getting real tired of this crap.
Yes, and so what ? The "whites" have indeed done a lot of **** in the world.
But does that mean that we must now allow "them" to take us now ?

Do you honestley believe that the mass arrival of all those people - who are alien to our culture - will do any "good" ?

Me fearfull ? Yes ! But do not forget that fear has its use as a warning mechanism.

But maby you believe that bestowing " Love" ( and tons of money) upon the
immigrants will take care of all problems...

New age thought likes to bable about "bountless wealth" for "all" - also for those who do nothing to produce wealth.

We live in a finite material universe, and there are limits on everything.

But yes, why not close this treath ? I see no need to furthere argue - point made as you say.
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Old 03-04-2010, 09:59 AM   #31
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

I'm not proud of some of the things the whites have done in the past. But do you really think that letting 50 million Africans in is going to be a good thing for Europe??
As for the whites running Africa, seems to me they were doing a good job. Look at Rhodesia that was the bread basket of Africa but since they gave control back to the African people it has collapsed in to a complete mess.

If me being racist means that it's wrong for me to want my country to be as it was when I was a kid then so be it...

Wake up and put your race card away
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Old 03-04-2010, 10:18 AM   #32
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
Let me ask the folks who don't want more people in their countries a very simple question: How do propose this "problem" be solved?

Are you someone who's going to support ethnic cleansing or far-right parties that will feed upon your fear for votes?

Just wanted to check.

Once the PTW are swept away for good, there will be no need to worry about things like this.

There is a solution and it is not " ethnic cleansing " . Look around , Milk producers in Italy have been fined by the EU for overproducing . Farmers have destroyed citrus tree plantation because it is cheaper to import concentrated orange juice from Brazil. The solution is to use the military to build infrastructure in third world countries not to make war . That's the way to make good use of their skills . Why couldn't the milk used to make cheese and be donated to the population of Darfur or any other place that needs it ?
What about oranges when they can help to feed the population ?
The bulldozing of the citrus and the throwing away of the milk are symptoms of an economic system that does not work .
So my solution is to provide food to the needy and infrastructure building by disarmed military . So there would be no need for migration under the circumstances . But first of all we , humans must get rid of the poisonous economic dogma of infinite economic growth that is killing the Planet . We must slay the dragon of " Globalization " that is destroying societies and killing the Planet with it's philosophy of the throw away society . Tell me Humble J , who is going to get rid of the PTB ?
The ones that believe " In the concept of Universal love " or the others that do something more positive and immediate . The Universal love BS will succeed on the Earth in about 25 million years . The Universal Love is a theoretical thing that we might aspire to, but it is a mirage . Look around you ,the majority of the people are totally brainwashed , asleep , manipulated at every step by the rotten rules of society , the mass media , every person of interest is bought out or belongs to secret societies . Don't you think that a lot of people would like to live in a society in which peace and love reign , where people have a meaningful job and where money doesn't count ?
People who would like changes , especially getting rid of the PTB should
form small cells , independent from each other to avoid infiltration .
Large groups attracts spies and infiltrators . People should watch the movie "
The battle of Algiers " by Pontecorvo to get some hints on how to survive .

"In the end, this might be the only realistic aproach: "Survival comunities " are largely utopian; something for the young among us, who want to believe in such; most of us, who are over 50 (like myself), and not rich will not be welcome in those comunities.
Besides most of those comunities ( "New Age Bull ****) will fail - even before they get started....

So; Enjoy life while it still lasts... and get wise, ready to face death, making our escape from the prison planet."

Exactly my feelings .


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Old 03-04-2010, 10:45 AM   #33
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

I'd love to live in a world with no borders but the sad fact is that if this was so then people would flock to certain areas and destroy them before moving on to the next best place and destroying that.
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Old 03-04-2010, 02:39 PM   #34
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

Originally Posted by oedilroed View Post
Created problems like the imigrants can only be solved by violence and enthnic cleansing.
The problem has been so designed, that that is the only possible outcome.
Off cource; the problem can only get accute because of the complicity of the governements - mere puppets of the PTB.

Who use the immigrants as a tool to produce problems to further their agenda.

The only thing to avert this is a mass awakening - that demands a stop for imigrants.
Immigrants are a boon if they become responsible members in their new society.
Failing that they are a libility - and when in great numbers they are a downright danger.

Since I do not see any signs of "mass awakening" , but a lot of unassimilated imigrants, I can only conclude that there will be violence and enthnic cleansing in the future.

What can we as individuals do ? Well, apart from writing posts on a forum like this,hoping to wake people up, the important thing is not to get coucht in the trap that is being laid:
be somewhere else, get out of the cities while it is still posible to do so.

Do not become a victim of the snare laid down for us all.

Popular new age belief has it, that we are on the brink of a golden age where everything is fine and all men live togheter in love and muntual respect.

Do not get fooled by this Bull ****: The future is murder.

People like Humble Janitor, whom I believe is a nice and decent man; should also realise that they are being used by the PTB as a tool to further their agenda of importing the enemy.
This is one of the smartest, wisest, feet-on-the-ground remarks I ever read in Avalon forum, lately. Dear oedilroed, I wish you all the best in finding a place that you will feel comfortable to face the destruction and the evil that will be foisted on us.

Few words on emigration: I've been through one completely, and each time I work in a country more than 6 month, I can say I pass through another immigration process, that is without the uncertainty of not having work. That being said, I can say I can write a book or two on immigration, so I will tell you the following:

You should look to a country as a house. The country system which is offering different services and facilities is dimensioned for a certain number of persons, usually is not even able to serve 100% the existent population of that country. Also the number of working places is very limited. Bringing an arbitrarily high number of persons in that country, besides the behavioral and cultural problems, will put the entire system to a hard stress, and so, the entire system can collapse; add to the equation the current "dissolution of the cities infrastructure", the scarcity of jobs, and you will understand what is the real game, that the illuminati is playing on us.

People who do not get out too much from home, or not believe me on that dissolution of the existing infrastructure can read this article:

Restating that a country is as a house, try to enter in that house at the invitation of the master of that house, to enter on the front door, not through the backdoors or windows, as thieves do, or through cracks and holes like mice or cockroaches.
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Old 03-04-2010, 06:02 PM   #35
pedro m.b.
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hello everybody
maybe if the "people of civilized world" didn´t start spreading progress, witch includes a pack of looting, exploitation, slavery, terror, etc, on the people that lived and live with respect for themselfs, others and nature, didn´t feel the need to search a better way of life. life witch we say it´s "civilized".
immigration the way i see it is caused by the way we live, it makes me a lot of confusion why exist 1st, 2nd or 3rd world countrys, when the "3rds" are more rich in everything, and the people are the poorest in material.
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Old 03-04-2010, 06:21 PM   #36
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The truth is that a lot of riches accumulated over the years by certain wealthy and influencial countries, comes from exploiting their colonies for hundreds of years. Till today the colonies are economically connected to, not to say dependant on the country that once conquered them.
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Old 03-04-2010, 06:21 PM   #37
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

I've been waiting for someone to mention slavery.
You should look into who the whites bought the slaves from.
Slaves originally came from the Country called Niger which is why slaves were called the name they were.
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Old 03-04-2010, 07:25 PM   #38
Truth Vibrations
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

Labour's secret plan to lure immigrants was borderline treason – and plain stupid



The Lib-Lab-Con one party state in Britain cannot be trusted to tell us the truth, they are ALL corrupt, all thieving, all parasitic, all tow-the partyline-and-sod-the-people-who-elected-them careerist political 'yes' men and women. It's time for the people of Britain to take back their power and show these jackal politicians the door. Ditto the rest of the world.

Truth to power!

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Old 03-04-2010, 07:57 PM   #39
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

[QUOTE=Swanny;246729]HJ Britain can't handle 50 million Africans. Do you really think they will be headed anywhere else?
Britain home of the free hand out
Yeah the Netherlands is the real home of the free hand out. But That may change this summer when we have new elections. The change is big that Geert Wilders will win a lot of votes. He was the maker of the movie Fitna.

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Old 03-04-2010, 08:47 PM   #40
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
I'm not proud of some of the things the whites have done in the past. But do you really think that letting 50 million Africans in is going to be a good thing for Europe??
As for the whites running Africa, seems to me they were doing a good job. Look at Rhodesia that was the bread basket of Africa but since they gave control back to the African people it has collapsed in to a complete mess.

If me being racist means that it's wrong for me to want my country to be as it was when I was a kid then so be it...

Wake up and put your race card away
B.S!!! YOU WAKE UP! The South African Apartied was (racist)whites killing Africans and are responsible for all the other genocides and problems in africa(and the world) in some way, form, or fashion(and on all levels). So yeah, (racist)white people are doing a good job, a good job stealing the resources, putting tribes against one another(Rwandan genocide as an example), creating poverty, Creating A.I.D.S and then testing it on Africans(of course karma came and bit you back on butt), Slavery etc.

And when I mean 'white' people, I mean people like you, who are just ignorant, racist, and selfish.

Besides, what are you going do when they come, let me guess, nothing!
except maybe run away, and please don't run to africa, that would just make you a hypocrite. Go to russia instead or Antarctica
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Old 03-04-2010, 09:20 PM   #41
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please don't squabble, it's silly..everyone is being taken for a ride: black, white, asian, all...what's being done is nothing new under the sun - divert attention, choose an emotive subject and there's no end to arguments..the very same group against this idea , only a couple years ago were against the east european influx..so anti immigration stance is at the heart of this, not racism necesserily..

the main source of racial frictions in the uk is no longer between the majority white and the minorities..its between minorities themselves - in other words and for example you get african against the chinese, pakistanis against the hindu, kurds against some other etc etc..what you share is an old prejudice, things have moved on and racism have taken many different forms..so do not get excersised anyone - if tomorrow , hope and pray, free energy were to be released - noone would be emigrating anywhere in search of a better and/or bearable life..

let's not get our priorities deflected by silly notions...because and even if you proved that someone was a racist, what would you do? just what would you do? go and kill them? fight, or what? this is what we have now and it's not much of an advancement...if you really wholeheartedly examined your emotions, you would see that you are cross about totally different issues..why not grow up

best wishes l

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Old 03-05-2010, 12:37 AM   #42
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PROBLEM: Majority of Anglo/Saxon population lives in low lying areas that will be flooded/destroyed by 2012 earth changes. How do we get them to move away?

SOLUTION: Import 50 million Africans and move them into the low lying areas.
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Old 03-05-2010, 01:24 AM   #43
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

This thread has pretty much fallen apart but it's all good. We know who stands where, etc. It's all silly but at the same time, the PTW win whether we agree or disagree.

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Old 03-05-2010, 09:13 AM   #44
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

Originally Posted by Wisdom View Post
B.S!!! YOU WAKE UP! The South African Apartied was (racist)whites killing Africans and are responsible for all the other genocides and problems in africa(and the world) in some way, form, or fashion(and on all levels). So yeah, (racist)white people are doing a good job, a good job stealing the resources, putting tribes against one another(Rwandan genocide as an example), creating poverty, Creating A.I.D.S and then testing it on Africans(of course karma came and bit you back on butt), Slavery etc.

And when I mean 'white' people, I mean people like you, who are just ignorant, racist, and selfish.

Besides, what are you going do when they come, let me guess, nothing!
except maybe run away, and please don't run to africa, that would just make you a hypocrite. Go to russia instead or Antarctica
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Old 03-05-2010, 09:52 AM   #45
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Default Re: Secret plot to let 50million african workers into eu

Originally Posted by Wisdom View Post
Besides, what are you going do when they come, let me guess, nothing!
except maybe run away, and please don't run to africa, that would just make you a hypocrite. Go to russia instead or Antarctica

I was thinking I'd move in next door to you so that I could smile at you every morning until I saw that you live in LA
Unlucky mate
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