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Old 03-13-2010, 11:29 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
naw, bs ing and trying to feel better about it . Richard in your heart you know you have ***ked up big time and it won't get any better, you may fool yourself for now but your heart will know things are very wrong with this agenda . this is a festering scenario, trust me. but hey, enjoy !
WHOA!...be careful you don't have to eat those words someday
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Old 03-13-2010, 11:30 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Reunite View Post
I was not aware about all of this info. Intriguing to say the least..

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Old 03-13-2010, 11:32 PM   #28
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wow I like this place better than ever now its getting real, gotta love it, all coming out in the wash!
and all that will be left are the wishy washy.
hilarious!!! but not for some, karma's a 8itch.
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Old 03-13-2010, 11:34 PM   #29
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brook, why on earth would I have to eat those words ? You seem to have an agenda. i suggest you press the ignore button on me.
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Old 03-13-2010, 11:36 PM   #30
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after looking at what Bill does believe in it doesn't sound much different than most of us, now does it?

Quoted from "My Philosophy" by Hubbard

The first principle of my own philosophy is that wisdom is meant for anyone who wishes to reach for it. It is the servant of the commoner and king alike and should never be regarded with awe.

The second principle of my own philosophy is that it must be capable of being applied.

The third principle is that any philosophic knowledge is only valuable if it is true or if it works.

These three principles are so strange to the field of philosophy, that I have given my philosophy a name: SCIENTOLOGY. This means only "knowing how to know."

A philosophy can only be a route to knowledge. It cannot be crammed down one’s throat. If one has a route, he can then find what is true for him. And that is Scientology.

Know thyself...and the truth shall set you free.

Therefore, in Scientology, we are not concerned with individual actions and differences. We are only concerned with how to show man how he can set himself free.

L. Ron Hubbard - Founder of Scientology
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Old 03-13-2010, 11:39 PM   #31
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People here joined because they are PC fans and want to talk with other fans. Why don't you just let PC fans simply have a forum to talk about PC videos? Is that too simple? The so-called mission of Avalon is based on the concept of the Ground Crew in George Green's books. It is clearly stated in these books to not use the Internet as a mean to create ground crews.

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
I concur, Floyd. The "mission" is flawed - and probably not even safe.
Yes. And here is why from the very book that inspired Avalon...

From George Green's Ground Crew books, volume 1, Handbook for the New Paradigm:

No. 16

The time, in your way of reckoning, is coming into a critical numbers of days. We prefer to see it as sequential events. But, since the knowledge of what these events might be is not available to you, time will have to be your way of being aware. We shall try to coordinate time/event correlation with regard to those events that are important for you to be aware of. At the moment, the contact between the parenting groups is the main focus. As things progress, we shall give you such information as is appropriate. The methods of contact between the members must be such that no clear pattern is apparent and the language used must be very vague. As we have mentioned before, certain words must not be used and certainly none consistently. Many of these people have their own pet names for those we often discuss. It would be well to avoid using these, but merely to allude to them or better yet not refer to them at all. This will help to prevent triggering the watch dog systems that monitor you on a regular basis. All systems of contact are monitored. You would do well to get accustomed to that understanding. The more recently a method has come into use, the more easily it is monitored. Unfortunately wire and tomato soup cans just can’t fill the bill, so it is with thought and caution that you must use your communication devices. The dilemma of face to face meetings is that if you meet in a public place you will be noticed and if you begin to meet in a clandestine way, you will be noticed. This begins to sound like one of your spy movies, but things are as they are. At this point of course, there is no problem, but as there begin to be meetings among those of you who are apt members of this project, two and two will begin to make sense to them. The “ball” must be passed onward and outward with little return contact regarding the project in a repetitious fashion. No one person or group of persons is to shepherd the project.

All future meetings for business or personal reasons must purposefully exclude any reference whatever to this project. Phone calls, etc. must not be for the purpose of comparing notes. At a certain time the appropriate group shall come together for one meeting in which the ideas for this future experience of mankind shall be blended together. A simple statement of purpose will arrive at identifying the new genre of experience as the focus of this project. This is the time that the choices of to whom the baton is passed must be carefully contemplated by each person and small group. Then each is to make their contact and the purpose explained in a face to face situation where it will be most difficult to be intercepted. Choosing through spur of the moment decisions of appropriate places is best. Your private offices are probably the worst. As I have pointed out before, you are considered entities with special talents and so are of special interest to them. Do not underestimate your stature in their eyes. We know of no other way to remind you of these parameters without setting the stage like a cloak and dagger movie, yet as this is but indeed as a play upon one small stage of Creation, perhaps that is not at all inappropriate. So—play your parts well. Just remember that your timing might not be as perfect as is Bruce Willis’ in the movies.
This is just one example. I recall another passage from this book where it's said that any centralized effort is discouraged and will be neutralized.

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Has it occurred to anybody that this is a double-edged sword? If I have to spell it out - stalking, locating, knocking off. Does anyone read the dead guys threads?

Or maybe these military forces just disappear when one is in the radiant zone.

Like magic.
That's exactly what is written in the book. Be decentralized and don't use technology to communicate.

Originally Posted by GaiaLove View Post
The new forum and re focusing of Avalon's direction in alignment with its original purpose will bring back the feeling we all remember so well.
The original purpose was flawed to begin with. Any intelligent being who read the Ground Crew books would not join an online forum to form Ground Crews. So is George Green right about forming Ground Crews but wrong about avoiding centralized communication like the web? It's supposed to be advanced ETs channelling this stuff.

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
Project Avalon's original mission was in forming Ground crews for major events that are happening now on earth. [...] Choosing meeting places for those when a disaster strikes and what types of problems are coming.
Nothing is easier to monitor than the web.

Originally Posted by http://projectcamelot.org/index_archive_2.html


Networking between individuals and groups all over the world.



The PROJECT AVALON FORUM: to support aware individuals in networking and forming groups across the planet.

As stated by George Green in the Project Camelot interview Messages for the Ground Crew,

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Old 03-13-2010, 11:41 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
brook, why on earth would I have to eat those words ? You seem to have an agenda. i suggest you press the ignore button on me.
I'm all for getting to the truth...but not based on assumption
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Old 03-13-2010, 11:58 PM   #33
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I have spent a large art of my life studying "cults" and new religious movements. Bill Ryan is entitled to believe in whatever he wants. Indeed, I have to say Scientology is a very dubious movement. Its founder, L Ron Hubbard was involved in theosophy and so called black magic tantric sex groups aswell as being a pulp sci fi writer. Hubbard himself has been deemed a pathological liar and a paranoid schizophrenic which may explain his hatred of psychiatry(though he is not alone there). I dont think Bill Ryan imposes his beliefs on anyone, explicitly. I admire a lot of his work and he is a very interesting man. I dont think he should be attacked because of his beliefs. From what I can intuit from the embryonic Avalon 2, well that is a cause for concern. It displays all the symptoms of a NRM (new religious movement). Its would be founders are alieanting themselves from their former partners, excluding them and putting in place a board of spiritual governers. I admire Bill's work but the guys he's got doing the job for him. I feel sympathy for those of you who have had a passion for this community and are being nudged out. They need to think again on this one.

Last edited by Floyd; 03-14-2010 at 12:44 AM.
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Old 03-14-2010, 12:00 AM   #34
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Astar Paramejgian............???????????

sounds cheesy.....
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Old 03-14-2010, 12:03 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by BROOK View Post
I'm all for getting to the truth...but not based on assumption
then stop assuming I'm assuming . I saw this a mile off before anyone said anything. I know what I know.
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Old 03-14-2010, 12:11 AM   #36
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Brook would be great mod in Avalon2. I feel it.
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Old 03-14-2010, 12:17 AM   #37
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Old 03-14-2010, 12:40 AM   #38
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I picked the wrong week to take a break from the forums. I jumped the gun by one week. I have never seen so many people point fingers at each other in my life. I am going to take another break from this place until it converts over. My consciousness is being filled with way to much useless information.
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Old 03-14-2010, 02:56 AM   #39
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Reunite, you took me by surprise but I believe you as I have seen other post by you and know that you would not write this if it wasn't true

I am so glad that I came back in here so I could copy this post.

I guess we never know who is who. I will have to say one thing is I learned quite a bit on avalon this past couple of weeks

Nobody is who you think they are, they hide behind the mask, of falsehood and liars.

Or else they come down to advertise and jump on other members, you know who I mean. Oh such trusted men of tellers of untruths.

Sad and good ridance is all I can say

If thats the type of enlightenment they want to endorse, so be it.

to clarify this post is in regards to what Reunite has posted above regarding Scientology

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Old 03-14-2010, 03:48 AM   #40
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I really believe that everyone is jumping to conclusions here....and I don't know that it's not the case here, maybe I really am clueless, however, may I remind you all, that until you have all the facts, and really experience this newfound "cult" you are all labeling it...I recommend waiting to see what developes.

I have no interest in following any cult..be it Thuban, Scientology or whatever. And to say Avalon is going down that road is to follow it there. Certainly you are all smart enough to see when someone is playing that card on you right?

You all have the awarness to see when it's being played that way. And so far all I've seen are lots of conclusions based on theory of something that has not been shown in the way of all the facts.

Sure there have been some very questionable actions made, and things are turning over like a worm..but instead of getting ALL the facts..we are really getting bent out of shape on the actions of a few. And this just tells me that a game is being played, and we are being manipulated to create a storm here.

Ask yourself...where is it really coming from? It's just too easy to place blame here..and that is how the game is set up. And the players involved are being marked....way too obvious use of those in play, and I've seen this game before...been played for centurys. Instead of banding together..you're falling apart...that is how wars are created. That is the oldest game in town.

Yes there have been bans..and when the time is right, if we can all be patient, we might just be able to see what is going on. but until that time...it seems we are taking actions that have been made, and turning them into something else all together.

Can't you all see you are playing right into what what they want..the PTB?

Are you all going to continue to allow youself to be played? Get some hardcore facts, not just the opinion of a few..but the real deal..then make a judgement.

We have long time member quiting, and giving up the cause...because they are so absolutely sure it's about what some here have been doing on a deliberate basis to create? Are you all really going to let that happen?
Are you going to continue to let it happen? Or are you going to do the right thing, and wait to see the end results?

What if all of this turns out to be for the best..and what if there are things that none of you could have imagined was possible?

Just my 2cents for what is is worth
I've been here for a long time, and have contributed plenty myself..some things I got in trouble for...I'm no Saint! but I am for a cause...no agenda..just a solution...always have been about solution.

Instead of creating chaos...how about some solutions here..I've said that from the beginning too

Last edited by BROOK; 03-14-2010 at 04:24 AM.
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Old 03-14-2010, 04:21 AM   #41
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It is true that someone has been trying to destroy B&K's relationship and Avalon since almost its inception. This particular person has done a lot of damage on multiple levels and it would not surprise me if those efforts are still in the works. It also appears there are others who may want to see Avalon (this forum) taken down as well. This also saddens me.

However, we don't know what Avalon 2 will look like. We don't even know what Kerry's forum is as all of this is very new and in the works. What we do know is that his place we've spent a lot of hours getting to know each other, sharing information and networking is closing its doors in a few weeks.

On one hand what is happening is confusing and depressing. On the other hand, I'm curious as to the new directions Bill and Kerry are moving in and what they will be creating for the members here. That, hopefully, is something to look forward to.
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Old 03-14-2010, 04:23 AM   #42
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Old 03-14-2010, 04:33 AM   #43
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Well, I don't know who he is..but I do know who we are..at least most of us...and I believe that we can make a difference if we band together..instead of fall apart.

People like Carol, I trust...among many others here..we all want the same thing...are you ready to go down that road?..or let them win?

It's up to you what you choose. Always has been
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Old 03-14-2010, 04:58 AM   #44
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This is just a general comment regarding Avalon in general. The Ground Crew and Safe Places, etc. are included in various threads. But there are a lot of issues raised in Camelot interviews...and various lectures and statements by those who have been interviewed by Camelot. We discuss the people and issues raised. Also...we discuss breaking news stories. But I keep getting the feeling that there are some who have a problem with most of the above. I have zero problems with all of the above...except for the occasional nastiness...which is probably unavoidable in a worldwide public forum which discusses very controversial subjects. Probably everyone and everything is compromised and/or infiltrated to some degree...which I don't like...but it's probably impossible to avoid in this shrinking world of a pressure cooker. Avalon is an International Treasure. Also...I don't care who Bill and Kerry have been associated with...or are currently associated with. I just want to keep watching great interviews and conferences...and keep discussing a wide variety of topics with people who are trying to wake-up and become informed. Just an afterthought...aren't the two sites...Avalon and Camelot enough? I find Avalon II to be curious...but I don't know the whole story. I thought things were going pretty well...despite the friction and conflicts. As you were. Carry on.

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom

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Old 03-14-2010, 05:59 AM   #45
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Things are getting way out of hand

"Truth" is probably why most of us are here, I accept it can hurt at times, but it's usually not harmful in the long term.

In fact "the truth can set you free" I hear.

To repair the rapidly spreading damage,

I propose:

Two audio or video updates and mission statements, one from Bill & one from Kerry, ASAP please. Please.

Respectfully requested.

P.S. Happy Mothers day, to all you mothers.
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Old 03-14-2010, 09:38 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
My consciousness is being filled with way to much useless information.
You could look at it that way, or maybe what is happening here is a microcosm of the real world, as apparently some in both think they will ascend above others, leaving them behind, as if it's a race to enlightenment.

Personally, I think despite all the recent bs or perhaps because of it, I'm getting some good lessons. Time will tell though wether or not I'll learn and grow as a result of what's happened here.

Originally Posted by sunny D View Post
Astar Paramejgian............???????????

sounds cheesy.....
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Old 03-14-2010, 09:58 AM   #47
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What is happening here will be for our good...maybe we have been in the fog for too long? not to say in the mist....
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Old 03-14-2010, 10:06 AM   #48
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and HELLOOOO to the people who suggest people stay around and see what happens, what part of invitation only do you not get? I mean poor boober, he replys to one thread and then gets a secret message saying because he replied to that thread he may NOt get invited to the secret society. Boober, back track, and fast, get editing man!
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Old 03-14-2010, 10:10 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
and HELLOOOO to the people who suggest people stay around and see what happens, what part of invitation only do you not get? I mean poor boober, he replys to one thread and then gets a secret message saying because he replied to that thread he may NOt get invited to the secret society. Boober, back track, and fast, get editing man!
Are you serious????
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Old 03-14-2010, 10:22 AM   #50
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yes, check out the avalon alternatives thread, and yes people have recieved warnings, but thats ok, I hear they want me for top dog moderator, maybe even spiritual guide . I can work with that, as long as its MY way (or the highway,) .
Now, will anyone get out of the mists before the curtain closes? just how long is this timeout? Naughty avalonians, speaking the turth??? How dare you!!!
Oh this is soo much better than "the wizard of oz ", its all happening in real time and boy do some not want you peeking behind the curtain, or under the hat even gotta wonder
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