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Old 02-16-2010, 09:10 PM   #301
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Right on, trainedobserver! This post is a classic! Hope it doesn't get buried under more disinfo.
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Old 02-16-2010, 10:23 PM   #302
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by trainedobserver View Post
I'm sorry if I've hurt anyone's feelings in this discussion about Greer. It is just so obvious from evidence that is readily available to anyone who cares to review it that the man is fabricating so many things that I find it incredible it even has to be pointed out. Sometimes my bed-side manner, so to speak, could be better I admit.
I don't think that anyones feelings where hurt. However, anyone can make ambiguous statements about another. People are always going to question it when it happens. If you wish to not be debated as much as you are now, perhaps you should present some sort of data that backs up your disinfo claims against Greer.
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Old 02-17-2010, 01:43 AM   #303
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
I don't think that anyones feelings where hurt. However, anyone can make ambiguous statements about another. People are always going to question it when it happens. If you wish to not be debated as much as you are now, perhaps you should present some sort of data that backs up your disinfo claims against Greer.
I did! You obviously haven't reviewed it or you have dismissed it out of hand. I refuse to belabor the point.
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Old 02-17-2010, 02:35 AM   #304
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

it does not make an entity "bad" when you are able to view their vision from their perspective. I am 'gut level' certain that this is what Greer means and I wish he would state so (excuse me Dr if you've done so and I've not seen it). It seems essential.

Ethnocentrics is at large, the essential issue.

How can you call Humans "bad" when they are only enabled to See from their own perspective? How can you view any being as "negative" when you are enabled to view them from Their perspective?

Is this not the nut of the matter?
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Old 02-19-2010, 09:26 AM   #305
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

I just saw the new interview from Bill Ryan about the plans for Anglo Saxon (read Nazi) plans for WWIII, and it immediately got me started thinking again about Dr. Greer's criticism of Project Camelot, before all the hoopla about the gay porno website. What I think Greer said ( or perhaps it was just implied), was that not only that PC was disseminating disinformation (of course, it's impossible for them to know always what info from their whistleblowers is true and what isn't, but their intentions are honorable and that's important), but that they were doing harm inadvertently by focusing so much on the negative.

And I have to say that I agree with him on that point. I think Kerry and Bill are very sincere and are doing a great service but at the same time, I think ALL of us in the Disclosure Movement need to focus more on creating the positive scenario, and realize it all boils down not to what has been, but what is NOW, and understand WE HAVE THE POWER TO CREATE THE FUTURE, by living in the now and by envisioning the most beautiful future for Earth that we possibly can. And if we can't imagine it to be as beautiful as it could be, we must ask for help from our future Ascended selves, our allies the nature spirits, the indigenous peoples who are still so in touch with those energies of Gaia, and the ET s and higher dimensional beings who are here to help.

The more attention we pay to the negative spin, the more power we give it. We must be aware of it, but not give energy to it.

We can jump from one level of dimension to another right Here and Now with just a thought, but for most of us, it's only possible to stay in the higher Dimensions temporarily. It's like we are walking a tightrope all the time, but one that's heading upwards, so we not only have to balance, but we have to keep climbing as well and not slip back.

We don't ESCAPE the lower dimensions--we INCORPORATE them as we expand and ascend. Love and Lighters tend to be in so much RESISTANCE and JUDGEMENT. It's about accepting, not resisting, about surrendering to the ALL, not rejecting that which we consider to be evil. But to do that, we first have to be FREE of fear, and that means having FAITH.
(I am listening to the Solfreggion Frequency 417 HZ for Transmutating Fear as I write this.

I have heard it said many times that what the dark side fears the most is being ignored. If we don't fear them, we will just naturally ignore them, because honestly, they are so boring, so WHY would we want to pay any attention to them unless we are afraid of them??!!

So how do we bring to light the machinations of the dark and yet not give them the validation they crave, the validation of fear? The attention that we pay to their dark deeds has to come from such a neutral place, and also, if possible, from a very loving place. We must pay attention to their deeds only because we want them to embrace the Light too, not because we fear them or want to avenge ourselves on them.

I still have hope for Dr. Greer because I think he was trying to caution PC about this. But I think he had gone into resistance himself, and so lost his balance. Plus I think he was really frustrated that his message wasn't getting through to others in the Disclosure Movement, who he thought should know better. And no doubt tired too, of being on that tightrope for so long.

That is probably why he was attacked at that particular time, if that is what truly happened, and the psyops hit him with a phony gay/porno story-- because he was at a very vulnerable tipping point. What a test for him, if that is what happened! I hope he passes with flying colors...

While I think PC focuses too much on the dark and this creates fear, on the other hand, someone like David Wilcock focuses too much on Love and Light, and that creates naivety and a suppressed fascination with the dark side which can only be resolved by facing the fear squarely, and one's own dark side. Wilcock seems to try to escape that fear with self-aggrandizement, while I think Kerry and Bill still get caught in the fear by fascination with the dark and not focusing on the power of the Light enough.

I think this latest trauma drama with the Anglo Saxon WWIII plans will play itself out as other dire predictions have, but it's getting so tiresome to see this STILL going on... and on...

It is said that the Shift will come when we are quite simply so sick and tired of the old scenario that we simply can't go on recreating it. In that sense, perhaps Greer is ahead of PC, because I get the feeling he really is tired of it.

That warning from Greer to PC about not focusing on the fearful scenario was the last big warning flag that has gone up for me in a long time, and that's what triggered the big processing mode that I went into over Greer being dissed by PC, the gay/porno thing, and what the Pickerings said about how the disagreement between PC and Greer was so indicative of the place where the Movement seems stuck now.

All other warning flags from the dark side have paled in comparison since then for me. So it is that I see it's much more what WE are doing that's important now, not what THEY ( the dark side) are doing. That's what all the good channelers are saying now too.

Again, it's not what the Illuminati are doing that is the problem as it is that the people who KNOW about what they are doing are still reacting to it in such a CHARGED way. We have to get past REACTING and get to NEUTRALITY, which brings us into BALANCE. Then maintain that balanced state, and focus instead on what lies beyond polarity and positive and negative charge to the glory of the ALL, which encompasses everything, positive, negative AND neutral. It must be the neutral, balanced, embracing state that leads to that next step, though.

The fact that Dr. Greer has been doing so much spiritual work gives me hope that he will make a big leap and get past the stage of burnout that he seems to be at now. If he could take the lead again energetically in a positive way, it would be fabulous, and I think it would re energize the whole Disclosure Movement.

But we can't depend on heroes to do for us. They are only a mirror for us all.

There will surely be other sources that will come along and give us all a boost, but I think it is more up to everyone now. I hope people will be doing more spiritual practice, and paying more attention to channelers like Lisa Renee to help them remain positive. I wish PC would pay more attention to channelers too...It's one way the higher dimensional beings can help us, but we have to open ourselves to their messages to benefit from them.

There's a kind of morbid fascination of the play between the light and dark that can keep us hypnotized. The 6th chakra of Intuition in it's negative manifestation gets stuck in fascination, and we must take the leap into the 7th chakra of Imagination, where we can CREATE. But from Imagination to the White Light of Christ Consciousness, we must first go through the black void of ego annihilation. We prepare for that by bringing with us all that we are and have gone through before, not by splitting and judging and rejecting and resisting, but by accepting, surrendering, loving unconditionally and embracing the Whole, and realizing our eternal Oneness with the Whole.

I think Obama may be a wayshower in this regard. There is a channeler named Suzy Ward who has a website called Messages From Matthew
which I've been reading for a long time. Her predictions aren't accurate all of the time, but the future isn't set in stone, and things are shifting all the time, so that's understandable. But the tone of her messages usually feels right to me.

Her sources say that Obama is doing a kind of spiritual Akido with the dark side. He is not resisting them (that would only get him killed) but is in a subtle way playing for time and allowing them to defeat themselves by showing their intentions very blatantly. There is no way he can stop them the way Progressives want him to, but he can allow them to strut and posture and think they are succeeding, while the white hats work behind the scenes to bring in the real, positive new order. The dark side always overestimates itself, and therein lies it's downfall.

Suzy Ward said there is a massive transfer of monies from Illuminati hands back to a place where the funds can be utilized for the good of all, that was going through channels in Haiti, and the Illuminati caused the earthquake in Haiti in an attempt to stop it, but was successful only in delaying the transfer.

Suzy's sources also say that such catastrophes will continue only as long as people still need such scenarios to complete their 3D karma, or to finish up their last incarnation here and go to another planet where 3 D will continue, but that it won't be long before the karmic playout is finished and enough of those of us who are graduating to 4th will make the leap. When there are enough of us at that level, the dark agendas will simply run out of steam.

So in fact, this is all happening for our benefit. If we can only remember THAT, I think all else falls into place. Kerry and Bill, have a good grasp of that, I think, but they have been working so hard, I think they lose that focus sometimes.. it would be great if they could take off in a new direction more, more towards the Light! There's a lot of energy on PC and on the various Disclosure-focused forums, and it's compelling, but focusing more on the Light is what I feel I need.

I'm grateful for some of the very positive posters I'm finding on this forum! Thanks!

Last edited by onawah; 02-19-2010 at 09:32 AM.
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Old 02-19-2010, 01:52 PM   #306
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Very nicely seen and stated, Onawah!

You've got it exactly right in my opinion. The quicker messages like yours here seep into peoples consciousness, the sooner they will start looking at all the dark soap operas with a different set of eyes.

One thing you brought up was the point of how to stay detached from the noise the dark ones create, without being drawn into it. This I feel is rather key to the whole game right now. The ones playing out the dark want to try to keep our attention focused at the frequency level of extreme polarity, where we are drawn to the taking of sides, and viewing as good or bad, or, positive or negative.

We simply don't have to play along. We can disconnect that nose ring and go our own way. As you said, this is their greatest fear. That we will lose our interest in that fear. For when that happens, the shift switch can be thrown, so to speak.

Everyone with attention invested in any of these types of subjects or realities, would be well advised to discover for themselves what tools enable them to hold personal detachment. Be able to see it without being drawn in. Be in the world without being of the world.

A favourite teacher of mine, Jim Self of Mastering Alchemy, has a plethora of useful and very simple tools anyone so inclined can use to process this noise out of their space, and also many tools for maintaining detachment. http://www.masteringalchemy.com/ is his website.

I also agree with your view about how much important help is available through channeled messages. The many higher dimensional beings who utilize that line of communication are such a gift to us during this time of forging ahead with a plan we only dimly remember. They are there to re-mind us of who we are, and how it's simply up to us. I think most of us are up to discerning the wheat from the chaff in this regard, so the usual caveat applies. Learning to recognize where your vibrational frequency sits, and learning to keep it up is very valuable as then it's obvious to you when channeled messages resonate or not. And that's the only discernment tool required to get lots of benefit from them. It's been a real boon to me since discovering several excellent channels.

Nice post!
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Old 02-19-2010, 02:20 PM   #307
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Hi Guys,
Apologies for not reading all 300 comments on this. Just wanted to put my 5 cents in. I listened to Kerry and Bill's radio thang about greer first today and tonight I watched the actual interview.

From my perspective and I am no expert...Greer behaved very well in the interveiw. He spoke well and made alot of sense. I was embarassed for Kerry! I noticed on the radio piece - on the phone in -there was no-one pointing this out...interesting? Let's be honest ... sorry Kerry, but some inner work needs to be done...but I like the concept of unashamedly presenting your idea of truth to people so long as it is logically backed up with some evidence. "Evidence based". Testimonials are a very poor level of evidence based information. Level 3 if I remember correctly from uni.

It's a pity. The interview could have revealed more about a misunderstanding. Instead Kerry seemed intent on trying to disparage Mr. Greer. Frankly I am not very impressed with alot of Project Camelot whistle blowers - they look like once poverty stricken low grade science fiction writers who have found a way to rekindle a flame by passing their fiction of as real life conspiracy. Sorry if this offends...but to me that is what it looks like.

Also I can't help but notice that people in these arenas keep thinking everything is going to change soon, but in the world I live in nothing seems any different. No change seems to be on the horizon and most people I meet no nothing at all about these issues that Kerry and Bill are obsessed with?

I am open minded. Everything is possible. I believe in E.T. and spiritual dimensions. Just my personal take.
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Old 02-19-2010, 11:39 PM   #308
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

onawah, looks like you think about Greer a lot.

Originally Posted by onawah View Post
If he's not gay, then I think it would be a good idea for him to state so publicly.
You pondered about Greer's sexual preference many times, so hope this puts your curiosity to rest...
Greer loves women. You practically have to wrestle yourself away from him if you are a woman.
I feel sorry for his wife.

Greer mentioned that he intuitively know what people's health problems are and he can heal sickness.
I know people who are like that (my mom included) and he is not one of them.
In fact, a lot of people got sick in the CSETI course I attended.
Makes me wonder whether he is really an ER doctor.
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Old 02-20-2010, 02:58 AM   #309
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

He does not pay any attention to this is all i can whisper to you...

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Old 02-20-2010, 03:51 AM   #310
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by lisa View Post
Makes me wonder whether he is really an ER doctor.
He was the Head of Emergency Medicine at the main hospital in Asheville. So I guess that because he could not spontaneously heal all of the discomforts of those you where on the CSETI outing with that this proves he is not a healer. Pretty big jump if you ask me. I am a healer and I only heal those who ask for me to heal them. I don't go out with a healing shotgun and fire it at people who are not asking for help.
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Old 02-20-2010, 05:02 AM   #311
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Thanks MP2 for your comments. It's really nice to find resonance with others on this forum, in a similar space to my own.

Lisa, thank you for what appears to be personal experience with Greer, the second I have seen on this thread so far.

I have been very concerned about this topic for several reasons, but not because I have a personal interest in Dr. Greer, which seems to be implied. He represents for me an important and rare interface between the Disclosure Movement and the mainstream who still have a big “need to know” when it comes to Disclosure. There are only a few people, like Dr. Edgar Mitchell, for example, who have the necessary fame, credentials, and are able to command the respect necessary from the mainstream (and the media) that is necessary to help bring about Disclosure. Dr. Greer is less well known to the public, but the connections he has in government, military, scientific and other circles, and the fact that his activities are closely monitored, and that he has been the target of psycops --indicates that the work he is doing is important and far reaching, and the PTB obviously show thereby that he is perceived as posing a threat to their agenda and is capable of helping people to “wake up”.

On the issue of sexual preference, I have had close friends who have “come out” and friends who haven't, and so I do have personal experience of how painful either scenario can be. If Greer has just been a target of a smear, then I'm relieved, because that should be much less of a problem for him, his family, etc. and should also mean fewer strong negative repercussions on the Disclosure Movement itself. Had that porno webpage actually been his doing of course, then the problems could be much more serious. Hopefully it is just a tempest in a teapot.

I think it's very appropriate that this discussion takes place here on the PC forum, and I hope it comes to the attention of Bill especially, because I think he and whoever repeated the rumor to him should have investigated further before validating it, and now that we have some forum members coming forward with personal testimony, I hope Bill will look further into this matter. An apology might also be in order to Dr. Greer. I'm not sure how that could be accomplished—perhaps a note to a Moderator?

I was not impressed, but saddened by the PC/Greer interview. Kerry was very aggressive, and Greer was obviously resentful of being grilled and was arrogant in his defensiveness. Greer's discrediting of PC obviously had put Kerry on the defensive also, and Greer's apology wasn't very convincing. I can understand why he thinks that the focus on the negative on PC has been counter productive. It would be good if some of these differences could be resolved. Neither the Disclosure Project or PC are operating in a vacuum, and there is a connection here, however independent they may seem. However much agreement and harmony can be achieved would be for the good of all.

Hopefully in the end this can all be chalked up to a very thought provoking and instructive learning experience...

I agree that PC's vetting process appears to leave something to be desired. They have some of the very best stuff on the Net, but some really dubious testimony as well. I think if they would find some good connections with genuine shamans, psychics, channelers, healers, etc. it would help them to get better guidance and make better connections, so they would not have to be living by their wits so much, and the quality of their information would most probably improve. (At the same time, I think we all owe them a huge debt of gratitude for taking on this project in the first place, which has taken a lot of courage and fortitude.)

I don't agree at all that nothing has changed. It's happening slowly and so may not be obvious from a subjective view, but when I look back from as objective a space as I can reach in my mind, I know that I am a much different person than I was 5 years ago, and certainly 10 years ago, and the world is a much different place too. The new generations that haven't come into their own yet are still an unknown quantity, but I think just their presence here, with their upgraded DNA, is HUGE. Like Obama, I think they are just biding their time, knowing that change is inevitable and cannot be stopped. They are taking a different approach to change than my generation did; we went at things in a much more head-on way, and paid the price. It's largely a waiting game at this point, I think. Learning to relax and enjoy the ride is an important part of the process, but it doesn't mean we can neglect what needs to be done, either.

I like the Native American symbol of the “God's Eye”, which reminds us that while things may seem to change very slowly form our view, from the cosmic perspective, things are happening right on schedule, and largely for reasons which we cannot fathom.
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Old 02-20-2010, 07:10 AM   #312
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Very nice onawah... I agree with much of what you have to share here. And you are correct in your assessment about many of us waiting and watching... at one level. The other level is that we are also moving forward at a much quicker pace as some of us are connecting to get the word out.

For example, we're working on a major conference for 2011 with contactees, those folks who are in contact and sharing their experiences via various mediums. It would be fun to get George Noory as the keynote speaker and have Greer there too. Anyway, we are in the planning stages and lining up folks who are interested in participating in something like this.

Cseti has some newly released photos at this link. http://www.cseti.org/reports/joshuatree09pictures.htm
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Old 02-20-2010, 08:06 AM   #313
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post

One thing you brought up was the point of how to stay detached from the noise the dark ones create, without being drawn into it. This I feel is rather key to the whole game right now. The ones playing out the dark want to try to keep our attention focused at the frequency level of extreme polarity, where we are drawn to the taking of sides, and viewing as good or bad, or, positive or negative.

We simply don't have to play along. We can disconnect that nose ring and go our own way.

Here, here!
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Old 02-20-2010, 07:36 PM   #314
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

I agree--that does seem to be very important now. Many channelers are saying this. Here iare some excerpts I have taken from one message at:
Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted
by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Time Dances Around You,

Winding and Unwinding In Precision

The Council of One

As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As you move into these time events you will see the many deceptions each person wears, the many dos and don’ts they have given themselves, the many shoulds and should not’s that they still wrap around themselves as a cloak of invisibility. These time lines ask you to not be afraid to see what is a global truth, a personal truth, a universal truth.

It is important that for the next two years you hold tightly to the God code/God Gene that lives within you. Your computer systems give to you a pathway that escorts you into the mind of God. It is that aspect and that technical understanding that will bring you forth into places that you thought never existed. For all things now are given homes in a grid work of binary configurations. In the vibration of ten and 2010, the oneness of humanity is represented and the void/ zero of God. Know without a doubt that no matter what, the truth will be seen and the darkness will be folded back into the place that it needs to be in order for the earth to heal herself. For when you try to destroy what is dark, you try to destroy a black hole so to speak.

The darkness knows that its time on Earth is limited before it goes back home to the light and it has chosen to experience what is dark in this physical form and that is its choice. When you see it, acknowledge it as such but do not try to change it for at this time you are more responsible for your own grid of light, than for shifting the dark in others. By holding on to the beacon that you represent you will do more good than trying to destroy the dark and bring it into the light.

The darkness does not have a need to be liked and when you interfere in its particular evolutionary pattern, whether it is in person, politics/etc then it will attack you and that is what you have sensed. There are many black holes that surround your planet at this time. It is not your job to clean up the planetary black holes / darkness that holds its form because of the negative and black thoughts of humanity. Nature herself does not have a black heart; she does not wish to harm her children. These storms/liquid & snow/ that come forth to you represent emotional turmoil and the lack of love on the entire planet. Many of them will not respond to sending it heart light, or love, and when this happens and you are in the midst of some of these storms, we ask you to pull in your light to hold your immediate area and that is all.

By sending light to energies that are in a place of real darkness, at this point of time, you do not infuse and free the light – you infuse and free the darkness. So we ask you to sweep in front of your own lives, in front of your own porches, in front of your own dreams and stop trying to change a planet that has to go through the dark night of the soul to find its light. This is great sadness but it is true. Eventually this darkness will secede from the union of light and earth.

By the year 2012 there will be a separation of light and dark and all in-between.

Time will change in unique ways for it is shifting every single day with every single thought. You will come to a point of ascension in physical form without trying to take the rest of the planet with you. You are 100% responsible for your life and the lives of your children until they are grown and then it is time to let it be. You must hold who you are through these shifts and not lose yourself to the mayhem that may be happening.

Every day you are asked to walk in a place of sadness, of anger, of darkness, of hate, because of something that is global news. Imagine yourself as royalty. You have been taught to be royal. As queens and kings, you must hold that royal frequency high, knowing that you are a blue blood, a different bloodline, and that you wear shields of protection and you will not be involved in the downfall of those around you.

You are a living vortex, you are a living light and you are an emissary of the Heavens. More and more everything will try to steal that light from you. The black hole scenario is alive – there are many of them physically forming on the planet at this time. As Earth rises in vibration, she’s in a different vibratory frequency as well and she has many black holes upon her that are sucking humanity’s hope, for if you remember correctly, hope was the last thing left in Pandora ’s Box.

When you see an injustice and you can’t do anything about it you feel helpless and you ask, Where is God? Where is the Light? When people do not see the Hope, when they do not see the war ending, when they do not see their loved ones healing, when they do not see their prayers answered they begin to give up. Their immune systems drop, disease increases and the will to live is lost When they believe so deeply but there is no proof that the light is progressing, or winning, they begin to wane in the darkness and their days shorten.

Many people on Earth do not hear until disaster knocks on their door in the form of every disaster and negativity there is. As you walk through your days, be aware of these timed doors, these black holes, these energies of disdain. You must trust what your body tells you; trust what your intuition tells you. Trust what the heart tells you because there are very few in your life that will reflect that truth and if you are lucky enough to have a family member or a friend or a dear one that reflects that beautiful light then you have a treasure because you will be able to withstand the shifts that are happening in the sands of time. Imagine a very large hourglass and the sands are shifting very quickly through it and then all of a sudden the Universe turns the other way. Just when you thought you were getting it, they turn it upside down and the sands of time shift again and things are different again and what was is not any longer and it ends. Then within three months of getting used to that, the sands of time are turned again. That hourglass is what is happening to you.

Each time you think that you have a grip on your life or your situation, something immediately shifts. Each time you think you have tamed the wild beast in your family, in your boss, in your congress; it raises its ugly snake filled head. Know without a shadow of doubt that when there is upheaval around you, that means the light is shining bright within you. When everything is turned upside down it represents that your life is a light that shines grand enough for the darkness, in its form, to notice you. You may have friends who nothing seems to happen to. They don’t have any instant karma, they don’t have any upheavals, and you wonder 'why do I get yelled at by the Universe all the time'? Why don’t other people have to pay the karma, pay the debt, pay the insult to another. You are on the proprietary list. You are listed first on the label, and that is why when your light is solid and strong so many energies come to take it away, to stop believing. However, if those like you stop believing there will be no hope for the planet.

You have held the light for so long, wading through this time, this energy, this space and now what you have prepared for will come forth. In this work and dedication, you have accrued goodness in any form that you chose. Imagine having a universal charge card and you have many many monies and credits on it. This energy is there for your use however you choose to use it. You have saved this blessing for end times as we know. Spend them how you wish in accordance to your heart. Do not spend them to get away from the rising waters or the shaking earth or the collapse of the economy because one iota of belief in that will be a drop of poison in a bucket – everything will be tainted. You cannot spend your thoughts in a dark place.

No matter what the proof is, you have to believe in the highest truth, the highest light, the highest frequency on earth no matter how it appears until the very end. The energies of imagining that you are in battle on the battlefield in the days of old and suddenly you stop to pray, like Joan of Arc must have done as she battled what was injustice. Praying and talking to God in the midst of battle – that is what you will be asked to do. To instantaneously go into meditation, to instantaneously bring forth protection from a higher light, for you cannot protect all the soldiers on the battlefield, but you can hold your own frequency. You are becoming the singularity, the event horizon, by yourself and no matter how much you love another you cannot make them become that singularly of light. They have to choose on their own. This same repercussion happened during the time of Atlantis when great upheaval happened and you were separated from those you love and you had to believe and you had to trust.

From now until the end of the year you will find yourself in an accelerated visionary capacity

– open eye visions, happening as you are driving, as you are talking to another, as you are just sitting pondering in your bathrooms. This energy, this ocular frequency, is opening up eight separate portals within the eye structure. There are many parts of your eyes that are like a honeybee hive – there are hexagons within them. There are eight portions of these geometric frequencies within your eyes that will be happening around the iris of your eyes and you will notice your eyes will change color. People will speak that your eyes have changed color from one conversation to another. These portals of seeing are coming as a gift for you.

For years some have lost their sphere of visibility. It’s like the cord was cut or tied in a knot and nothing flowed. This time period allows you to see and then hold on to that information as a truth.

As you have the eyes to see again, a great responsibility comes forth.

In this responsibility you will be shown how to deal with what you have found to be the truth. We ask you not to be flustered, fearful and angry over what you see. As the Seers, what you see is not always pretty. See with the eyes of the universe. You are becoming as LISTENERS as well. You hear the thoughts of others, you hear the cries for help and silently you address that. You are so sensitive to these energies, we ask you to lift your senses, lift your seeing abilities, lift your listening abilities, lift your knowing abilities to a place where they cannot be dislodged. How many times a day do you ‘flunk’ in the name of the Light? Imagine all the people that don’t even think about trying, that don’t think about being a better person, or about doing a kindness.

Allow these truths to escort you into higher octaves of your own DNA patterning. You have played every role through time and you hold that information within you. We try hard to prepare you with as many vibrational tools as possible. Helping you to move effortlessly in a fluid manner through these shifts. You are the one that holds the light and anchors it. Even when everyone stole every hope that you had, every mustard seed of faith, you came back to the light. You do not know anything but the light and that is who you are. We are the counsel of the one and we are part of your light as you are part of ours. We leave.

Last edited by onawah; 02-23-2010 at 06:43 AM.
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Old 02-21-2010, 04:44 AM   #315
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

[QUOTE=Carol;241142]Very nice onawah... I agree with much of what you have to share here. And you are correct in your assessment about many of us waiting and watching... at one level. The other level is that we are also moving forward at a much quicker pace as some of us are connecting to get the word out.

For example, we're working on a major conference for 2011 with contactees, those folks who are in contact and sharing their experiences via various mediums. It would be fun to get George Noory as the keynote speaker and have Greer there too. Anyway, we are in the planning stages and lining up folks who are interested in participating in something like this.

That's great! The more conferences the better. Do you know yet where this Conference be held? All these conferences being taped and shown on the Net has certainly helped to create a feeling of much greater optimism, unity and connection with the rest of the Disclosure community, for me at least, and I imagine for many others. My biggest challenge has been tearing myself away from my computer, with all that's been going on...

I would love to see Greer, Kerry and Bill reconciled and all together on the same stage, enjoying and supporting each other.. The love and support that I have seen displayed at most of the events from last year among the presenters was very heartwarming. More please!!
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Old 02-22-2010, 02:56 PM   #316
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Firstly, I apologise for not reading all posts in this thread but I've read a lot of them and here is my take on the "negative aliens" debate.

I think Greer and Kerry and Bill are talking at cross-purposes on this subject and I don't think the way to resolve it was to have Bill and Kerry sitting on either side of Greer, both talking at him at the same time.

Okay, this is what I think both parties are saying. Greer is saying that when an alien race becomes so technologically advanced that they can travel the universe then they are subject to moral/spritual limitations which means they wouldn't be allowed to go and destroy another race. Even if they could or would, some other advanced alien race or council of races would stop them. Therefore, he says the idea of negative aliens coming to harm us is disinfo.

On the other hand we have Kerry and Bill who subscribe to the Law of One channelled information - http://wiki.lawofone.info/index.php/Main_Page which states that there are positive beings, "service to others" and negative beings, "service to self". Therefore, an alien race that is "service to self" could come here, negotiate with the powers-that-be to get what they want from us in exchange for what the PTB want, and they could say to the "service to others" aliens who are watching, "look, these humans are agreeing to give us what we want therefore everything is fine over here".

So when Kerry and Bill were arguing with Greer, it seems to me that Greer was saying no alien race would come here and wipe us out (correct in my opinion) and Kerry and Bill were saying there were negative aliens who could do us harm in some way (also correct, in my opinion). Neither side seemed to understand they were talking at cross-purposes. When someone mentioned "service to self" it seemed to me that Greer looked puzzled, as though he hadn't come across this term before, yet no one picked up on this. They should have told him they weren't talking about aliens wiping us out with an invasion force, there are other ways for negative aliens to harm us. We elect the PTB, they do deals with the aliens which negatively affect us, and the aliens can say that we have agreed to it. Why didn't Kerry or Bill explain this to Greer when he was saying they wouldn't come here to blast us with their weapons?

All it takes to resolve this, in my opinion, is some simple, calm, effective communication between the two parties.
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Old 02-22-2010, 03:16 PM   #317
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Very nice post justpeter. Cheers.........
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Old 02-22-2010, 03:27 PM   #318
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Thanks jaby. I'll relax now
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Old 02-22-2010, 03:44 PM   #319
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Yeah..you relax now, with a nice cup of tea.....

The Kerry and Bill v Greer episode was a real head-banger.

Very disturbing. I was like...nooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!

But as you say.......

Originally Posted by justpeter View Post
All it takes to resolve this, in my opinion, is some simple, calm, effective communication between the two parties.
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Old 02-22-2010, 05:59 PM   #320
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yes, some really thoughtful posts... and i have not read the WHOLE thread...
justpeter-i agree with your gist of the interview that there would be more agreement if the language was dropped (service to self ets v/s service to other ets). also i feel the interview was staged for disagreement. with the chair set up plus a line of "attack" as an approach, so to speak. (conflict creates drama, creates interest. creates discussion and thereby raises consciousness/awareness). this discussion will reach its state of entropy and therefore disinterest when people choose to let it go...

i do feel people reach their thresh-hold of grim/fear based stories in their own time...i have delved into these areas with fascination and interest in years past (reptilian agendas, rituals, abductions and so forth). this knowledge has an important role to play. but ultimately, the wisdom is to integrate and transform these levels of reality into one that is beyond judgment and fear. i have less need to know about these areas any more. less interest in truth.

we are all experiencing reality. and we all have played many parts o'er many different timelines...and peace does come from visioning/creating beauty (as onwah eloquently stated) and seeing beauty in Nature. Love is the unifying force. and trusting one's heart is key. if we are to see beyond judgment, there is a need to let go of fixed concepts of darkness and light. good and bad ets for example. and in relation to kerry and bill, at core, they are to my view two people who desire to come from a place of deep heart felt integrity. they too are playing their roles on pc.

two quotes i appreciate: the fox says to the little prince:
"it is only through the heart that one can see clearly, what is essential is invisible to the eye"

madame helena petrovna blavatsky:
"darkness is the root of all light. light is matter. darkness pure spirit.
darkness metaphysically is absolute light and is merely a mass of shadows as it can never be eternal and is simply an illusion or maya"..

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Old 02-23-2010, 09:15 AM   #321
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Good Point, JP. I think I remember that moment when Greer wasn't following. when the STS vs STO subject came up., and thought it was a shame too that he didn't understand.
And I think your analysis of the basic cause for the rift is correct. It would be WONDERFUL if they could all sit down and come to an understanding. Because exactly like Jaby, I also felt (quote) “The Kerry and Bill v Greer episode was a real head-banger. Very disturbing. I was like...nooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!”

Of course, there were more layers to what was going on underneath that. The last vestiges of the 3D patterning is falling away from us slowly, but old stuff like professional competition, tension between the genders, and so on still rises up sometimes and shows it's ugly head. If it hadn't been for the original misunderstanding, beginning with Greer's remark about PC disseminating disinformation, perhaps those old behavior patterns would not have kicked in, BUT there was something there that really needed to be brought out...

At least, that is what I am noticing going on in my own little world—the changes are really being felt, but the old programs are not really gone yet, and people aren't quite sure what to replace them with yet either. The love and lighters may have an advantage in that regard—they've been practicing the new patterning, however superficially—for example, I didn't see David Wilcock losing his poise at any time during the video portions of the conferences I saw last year on the Net. But I think Kerry and Bill were a bit intimidated by Greer's stature in the Disclosure Movement and so they thought they were going to have to gang up to get anything real out of him. With Greer being so beefed up now, they might have felt physically intimidated too! Greer definitely has a lot of protective energy around himself. Lots of soft underbelly exposed there, for all concerned, including the Movement itself...

I think the headbanging episode set the Disclosure Movement quietly reeling for a while, and though the shock waves have been pretty well contained, I still feel there is a fissure that is causing problems and needs attention. And it really has highlighted some very important questions such as: How much of the negative agenda that is still playing out on the planet is the result of negative aliens who are still around (if any), and how much is just the result of human puppets who don't yet realize that their puppetmasters have abandoned the stage? Or that their attempts at continuing to shape the planet's history are evidently slated for failure?

Another question that occurs to me has to do with the Zeta Reticulans. Their agenda for revitalizing their own race using us in the process, etc is surely not purely STO, though I think they have suffered from guilt by association with the Grays somewhat.. The Zetas have been eager to contact us for various reasons, but I have got the impression that they are a bit nervous not only about the negative ET s who are (or were) here (perhaps because they have had some part in the negative agenda themselves in the past or are afraid of the STS themselves) , but are also nervous about the higher dimension positive ET s who are here, and to whom the Zetas partly self-serving agenda must be very transparent. I wonder how aware of the STO ET s the Zetas are, and/or if the Zetas try to ignore them and/or even distract us from those STO presences, and would like us not to know about or pay too much attention to them, lest they loose influence over us. And I wonder how much of the ET contact Dr. Greer has is with the Zetas, and if that might have anything to do with his apparent lack of awareness about many things that are going on and have gone on in the past.

I was reading Dr. Boylan's blogs for awhile and finally stopped because I had such a strong feeling he was being controlled by Zetas and could not see the big picture because of that. Everything he reported was very limited and seemed to come from Zeta sources, and he never seemed to be aware of any other ET presences.

While I don't think that Greer is being controlled like Boylan seems to be, I wonder how much he might be influenced by the Zetas. It seems very odd to me that such a knowledgeable man as he is who has been on the Disclosure scene for so long seems to be unaware in large part of what other whistleblowers and others in the field like Wilcock are saying and doing. I get the feeling that if he would just open himself up more to the Disclosure Community, his work would proceed much more successfully, he would get more assistance, and would have much more of value to offer. That's one reason why I was so looking forward, as I'm sure others were, to that PC interview, and was
so disappointed at how it backfired. It would be great if the Orion Project really got off the ground, but so far, he doesn't seem to be getting much financial support for it.

This may seem off the subject, but it brings to mind something I realized after reading some of Marijah Gimbutas's work about ancient matriarchal cultures that she concluded had been peaceful because the basic goal depicted in their art, characterized in their tools, etc. was the preservation and nurturing of Life and worship of the Mother.. There were no weapons found or depictions of battles or wars, and she concluded that for centuries, there really were no wars in those cultures, though of course, she was ostracized and reviled for that by her colleagues in the mainstream!

Then after reading The Chalice and the Blade by Riane Eisler, I realized that part of the reason that we continue to have wars is that we have been conditioned to believe that it is unavoidably in our human nature to be warlike. This is one very big reason why it is so important that we really know our actual history. While we cannot pretend that we haven't engaged in warfare, we have to acknowledge and understand that though our original (possibly) peaceful nature was evidently tampered with, the connection with Divinity is still within us, in our very DNA, though masked by the negative programming. ( This IS a whole different subject—but from what I've read, it seems to me that the Annunaki DNA cloned into the human race made us more warlike, while the DNA the Pleiadians, Andromedens, Arcturans, etc. also seeded the planet with has ameliorated the negative effect to some extent and is timed to actually correct it in the future, as will the Shift itself.)

Dr. Greer apparently believes that we are no longer under any threat from negative ET s, though he acknowledges that negative programming from centuries of Illuminati rule and ignorance of our brotherhood with the higher dimensions is still endangering us from within. But does he believe that the Illuminati were programmed by negative ET s in the past, or does he just think that humankind is inherently self- destructive but is evolving beyond that now?

There is that basic urge of the human ego to always want to blame another for whatever has gone wrong, and that may be partly why we WANT to believe that STS ET s have been to blame for many of our woes on planet Earth. (Perhaps Greer wants to downplay negative interference because he thinks we have to take responsibility for all we've done.) But the Ra teachings really do make so much believable sense and the stricture for allowing free will, even if it means that entities may interfere with others' free will, seems to be the reality in this Universe, and there certainly seems to be plenty of evidence that ET s have been here and have participated in wars and exploitation of humankind.

(Then there is Alex Collier's theory that the Reptilians actually came from outside our Universe and do not belong here at all, which makes us sort of uber-victims! And one of my favorite channellers, Suzy Ward, says that the negative agenda was not meant to play itself out to the extent that it has, and that we are now experiencing a kind of Divine Intervention via higher dimensional beings to set things right and put us back on course. All of which I find to be very interesting, but very hard to prove, of course.)

But if Greer just thinks that the negative ET s were here but for the most part are no longer here, and are no longer much of a threat, then I think he's on the right track. And I also agree that it is more important now to align with the positive ET s and not focus so much on the negative agenda. But if he is just trying to protect the public from knowing our true history, or hasn't actually studied what others have brought to light about our true history, then I think he is either deceived, naïve and /or short sighted, which is dangerous because the truth HAS to come out as a necessary step towards righting what has gone wrong. Denial and cover up is what we want to STOP!! BUT the focus and the way we do that has to be balanced and done in a positive way.

In any case, I really do hope that there will be some dialog between Greer and PC and a reconciliation, so all could be working more in harmony, reaching more unity, understanding of the issues, and a more integrated approach to Disclosure or whatever it is that we can do to further mutual goals. I definitely agree that Kerry and Bill are sincere and good people and working very hard, and I would like to see their job made easier. Then the Greer "scandal" was a strange development, and I am hoping that that really was disinfo and that Bill will be able to backtrack to his sources of that disinfo and uncover the truth, and help to rectify spreading that rumor. That could be part of a reconciliation between PC and Greer. ( It might also help to bring Kerry and Bill in more agreement, because she has expressed displeasure with Bill criticizing whistleblowers, and Greer is definitely a whistleblower.)

I'm really glad this discussion has continued. I hope someone has some ideas about how to bring it to Bill and Kerry's attention (and possibly Greer's), for the purpose of healing and peace-making.. I'm still new to this forum and not sure how to go about that, but I think it would be good if they know that some of the forum members would like to see this issue resolved and healed. I'm sure we are representative of a much larger group in the community at large, as well.

Things are moving so rapidly now and as one of the other forum members pointed out, it's tempting to just jump ahead to the next big revelation, the latest breaking story, etc, but it would probably be very useful to do some completion and tidying up behind us as we go. Otherwise, there are too many unknowns, too much unresolved conflict, and it feels like the whole structure is in danger of crumbling around us.

On the other hand, the channeled message that I posted on this thread earlier, which advises us not to worry about healing the darkness we see about us, or focus on others' blind spots, but just to tend to our own Light-- makes a lot of sense. Maybe I (we) am/are just processing here for my/our own benefit and can really, finally let go of this now.

But it really has been an interesting discussion! Thanks to all who have participated!


Last edited by onawah; 02-23-2010 at 09:59 AM.
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Old 02-23-2010, 11:27 AM   #322
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by onawah View Post
Maybe I (we) am/are just processing here for my/our own benefit and can really, finally let go of this now.

Actually, that's exactly how I feel. I've said what was on my mind and I feel over it now
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Old 02-24-2010, 03:41 AM   #323
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

To get more closure, I posted the following message on Bill Ryan's thread.
"I would be very grateful if Bill would read the thread "Dr. Steven Greer--Disinfo Agent?"
I am one of many, I think, on this forum who would like to see some healing, resolution, reconciliation and better understanding between Greer and PC. There is also a question as to whether the porno page Greer allegedly published of himself was actually a psyops smear, and since Bill passed along the rumor that it was true, I think it would be a good thing if Bill could check his resources on that, since if that story gets further circulation, it could be potentially damaging to Greer's work, and also to PC for possibly spreading false rumors. A few forum members have indicated direct knowledge that the story was a hoax, and I think that is also worthy of further research.
The disastrous PC/Greer interview is obviously a thing of the past, but it really caused some serious shock waves in the Disclosure Movement, and it would certainly be great for everyone involved if there could be some healing of that fissure.
Who or what was to blame for that unfortunate interview is not the issue, but clarity and the establishment of more good will within the Disclosure Movement, is very important, (particularly for PC and Disclosure Project, Orion Project, and CSETI)
Relevant details are discussed at length in the thread mentioned, and reading it would hopefully help to focus on what could be done to accomplish the desired end.
Thanks and good luck! "
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Old 02-24-2010, 05:51 PM   #324
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

I agree with you onawah. However, my point was that a persons sexuality should never be a topic for discourse on this forum irrespective of who it is whether the information is accurate or false. I felt Bill crossed a line and he lost some of my respect for crossing that line. I also feel an apology is due as well and that those posts should be deleted as they have nothing to do with the primary intention of Avalon and serve no purpose other then to discredit and smear someone Bill is in conflict with.
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Old 02-24-2010, 10:31 PM   #325
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Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Hi everyone, the questions raised about Dr. Greer are not only because he says there are not negative ETs but only positive ETs. There are other questions about other things too, such as, for instance, his alleged relation with the CIA (according to Alfred Webre, see bellow), or because of the way he is handling the Free Energy matter (I’ll comment further on that in another post).

As an introduction to the Free Energy matter, I recommend seeing these posts:

Post 93, pg. 4. Can we trust Dr. Steven Greer, or not?

Post 122, pag. 5.

For instance, Dr. Greer said in the Exopolitics Summit in Sitges, Barcelona (july-26-10), that as soon he had a Free Energy device, he would go to the CNN and BBC to tell the whole world about it.

Well, in the above links (Post 93, pg. 4) you’ll see there are already Free Energy devices (Ex: Paul Pantone’s GEET motor, which, more precisely, is a type of “transitional technology” to increase the efficiency of current technologies. “Transitional technologies” were acknowledged by Dr. Greer in his briefing to Obama) which work fine (save gas and cut pollution), which are easy to make and test by everybody (they only use standard non-sophisticated components), and which do not need patents because the inventor himself has released the invention for free (you can see it in YouTube), etc. In other words, they comply with all the necessary requirements for the world to know and to use them right now.
So, why doesn’t Dr. Greer do what he says he would do?

Why doesn’t he go immediately to the CNN and BBC and tell the world about it?
Question to everybody: why don’t you ask Dr. Greer himself (e-mail him)?

This is what Alfred Webre says about Dr. Greer:

Alfred Webre, Barcelona. January-15-2010.
(Note: The original interview is in Spanish. This is a translation)
Min. 29:50. Obama’s announcement about declassifying the UFO matter is a play of the intelligence agencies identified with certain very well identified corners of the Exopolitics sector, Michael Salla, Steven Greer, who is closely identified with the CIA. He (Greer) follows the advice [or warnings] of the CIA, and is well surrounded by CIA agents. And that is a non-story to give the public hope so that they think "Obama El Salvador".... etc.

Original in Spanish:

Min. 29:50. Lo del anuncio de que Obama va a desclasificar el tema UFO es una jugada de las agencias de inteligencia de ciertas esquinas muy identificadas del sector de Exopolítica, de Michael Salla, de Steven Greer, que está muy identificado con la CIA. Él (Greer) sigue las advertencias de la CIA, y está muy rodeado de agentes de la CIA. Y eso es una no-noticia para darle aliento al público para que piense “Obama el salvador”.... etc.
So, it would be good to know if Dr. Greer is honest or an infiltrated agent. The elite has a lot of expertise producing infiltrated agents, so it should not surprise us they keep using that trick nowadays. Now then, in the case of Dr. Greer, perhaps he could clarify these questions by himself by agreeing to participate in more public and open debates so that everybody can ask him hard questions. Other persons are participating in open debates (see this forum), so, will he be willing to do the same?
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