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Old 01-25-2009, 09:20 PM   #1
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Default Who are you? What is your purpose?

Dear all, I was just wondering if:

1. you know or assume who you realy are (indigo child, ascended master, christal child, starseed etc.)?

2. you know or assume what's your origin (human, sirian, nordic etc.)?

3. you know or assume what's your origin ("home") dimension (3D, 4D, 5D ect.)?

4. you know or assume what's your real purpose here on earth?

I'll start with me:

1. I assume I'm a starseed.
2. I assume I'm a human.
3. I assume it's 5D or 6D.
4. I assume / I'm almost certain that I'm an energy holder / healer.

Do you dare to expose yourself too?

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Old 01-25-2009, 09:39 PM   #2
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I only know I'm human. That's it.
my sister when she was little she used to gaze at the stars at night and call them her little sisters.
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Old 01-25-2009, 09:57 PM   #3
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I came from a place in the realms of purple and blue
That is all i know about my past, the rest i got no clue

I recall when they made contact the night i cried home
One star twinkled bright at me among the celestial dome

I remember it well, i was around the age seven
I laid on the top bunk, on the bottom slept kevin

I got a leg ache and i opened the bedroom door
And there they were standing 7 feet from the floor

I couldn't believe it as my mouth dropped in awe
I blinked to make sure i was truly seeing what i saw

The female glowed purple and the male glowed blue
They took me back to my room, what else could i do?

I heard this intense buzzing right before they showed up
I knew them as soul family, their visit overflowed my cup

It was all telepathic the communication we shared
They reminded me not to worry about being compared

There is no judgment was their message to me
I asked them about nothingness, they replied "infinity"

i'm just here to share my heart


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Old 01-25-2009, 09:59 PM   #4
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lol , this can be fun so I'll 'play' along

1) know/assume - let's just say non-human (but i've been around this place for a long time)
2) know/assume - I'd rather not share
3) assume - 6D but I love 'playing' in the 'lower' ones as well
4) assume - a mix of (warrior, leader, traveler-time&space).. past roles have been mostly warrior. Definately not healer. So far I don't feel I am still realizing most of my purpose here, it still feels only like a preparation for the real thing (whatever and whenever it is).

I don't believe anyone can really know for certain these things from within this matrix which is full of deception and illusion but we must move on with the things that feel true to our own hearts, no matter the ultimate truth.

Last edited by TheChosen; 01-25-2009 at 10:12 PM.
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Old 01-25-2009, 10:11 PM   #5
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Default Re: Who are you? What is your purpose?

Originally Posted by TheChosen View Post
So far I don't feel I am still realizing mos of my purpose here, it still feels only like a preparation for the real thing (whatever and whenever it is).
Hey my friend, I feel the same too. But the prickle in my belly tells me, it will be very soon
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Old 01-25-2009, 11:11 PM   #6
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Your questions are very specific. I don't think I can come up with a dimension or so.
I just know a few of my tasks being scout/ranger, messenger and mediator/communicator. There is much to learn.

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Old 01-26-2009, 12:35 AM   #7
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Good questions!
1. don't like the labels but my preferred colour range is blue/indigo/violet/gold
2. (to be read like a mantra) please not Atlantis,please not Atlantis, etc
3. multi dimensional
4. increasingly strong sense that this is the time i was born for this time, and everything so far has been preparation. I know the next two steps but not the ones after.

love to all
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Old 01-26-2009, 01:10 AM   #8
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This is me:

I am one who enjoys the best things in life-friends and family. I'm extremely generous with my heart and expect the same. I'm loyal to a fault when it comes to my family and friends. Enjoying life whether quietly or loudly is crucial. I rarely get nervous and can make others feel just as comfortable and relaxed. I enjoy deep conversations but lightheartedness definitely goes a long way too. I can be strong willed yet sensitive. I believe in compromise but not giving up or settling. I enjoy trying new things. Change is good. I'm also big romantic at heart.

And my purpose:

Follow my heart and be happy where ever it takes me.
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Old 01-26-2009, 01:43 AM   #9
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1. you know or assume who you realy are (indigo child, ascended master, christal child, starseed etc.)?
the labels do not resonate with me but know i am an extremely old soul ...

2. you know or assume what's your origin (human, sirian, nordic etc.)?
have had many human lives but am not human ...

3. you know or assume what's your origin ("home") dimension (3D, 4D, 5D ect.)?
i don't know but i do feel home within more and more ...

4. you know or assume what's your real purpose here on earth?
teach, heal but primarily to assist in the shift ...

mostly, i just don't know these answers of who i am ... only know that i am ...
passion and conviction for all to shift flows through me thicker than blood ...
i've always liked purple ...

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Old 01-26-2009, 05:30 PM   #10
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1. you know or assume who you realy are (indigo child, ascended master, christal child, starseed etc.)?

2. you know or assume what's your origin (human, sirian, nordic etc.)?

3. you know or assume what's your origin ("home") dimension (3D, 4D, 5D ect.)?

4. you know or assume what's your real purpose here on earth?
I don't know the answers to any of these, and I don't like to make assumptions about such things. I feel very connected to the earth, but I also feel like a misfit, out of place with most of the inhabitants. I feel like I am here to help, somehow, and I feel that I have been guided down certain paths. I would very much like to know the answers to these questions, but I feel that the information is being withheld, for now.
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Old 01-26-2009, 06:36 PM   #11
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Dear all,

thanks for being honest so far. I realy appreciate.

I must admit, I tried to provoke a bit but with good intentions behind.

I've been a bit too personal too, I think
So I really appologise, if any of you might be offended with this.

To be honest, your answers are almost exactly as I expected...

Thank you for that.

So, no other dare to share his "identity" with us???

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Old 01-26-2009, 06:47 PM   #12
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Default Re: Who are you? What is your purpose?

Originally Posted by Malletzky View Post
Dear all,

thanks for being honest so far. I realy appreciate.

I must admit, I tried to provoke a bit but with good intentions behind.

I've been a bit too personal too, I think
So I really appologise, if any of you might be offended with this.

To be honest, your answers are almost exactly as I expected...

Thank you for that.

So, no other dare to share his "identity" with us???

I wouldn't mind but I don't catch on. How could I possibly know these details so specifically?
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Old 01-26-2009, 06:53 PM   #13
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Oh, I'm sure that there are some out there, who know exactly who they are.

Maybe not on this forum, but hey, who knows???
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Old 01-26-2009, 06:58 PM   #14
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Arrow Re: Who are you? What is your purpose?

I think most of us here are a bit weird

Personally I have absolutely no idea what I am doing here
I think I took the wrong turning somewhere
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Old 01-26-2009, 07:03 PM   #15
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Default Re: Who are you? What is your purpose?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
I think most of us here are a bit weird

That's the reason, why we're here...
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Old 01-26-2009, 09:20 PM   #16
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There are many ways to know these details. Dreams/AstralProjection can do wonders (if one is careful and experienced enough to be sure that what is being seen is the real thing.. which is ultra tough and I am far from having reached 100% clarity.. but once you get an experience filled with memories and beings you FEEL you've known forever but can't remember from where.. your life is changed). Also merely reading about different ET races and their characteristics can bring on feelings of 'belonging' and 'been there' after which there is really almost no doubt something 'hits home'. I still remember the moment I heard a specific name of a certain ET.. it just felt like hearing about an old friend.

It is all great when one first finds out one is a starseed but there are many different 'tribes' (the new age term is I guess soul groups) that classify as starseed. The next step is identifying the tribe to which one feels most connected and even finding other members of the same one. Then of course the type of energy one is most familiar with or so called roles.

Also there is one 'home frequency' or the domain where one's highest aspects are linked to and there are many other ET frequencies to which one can resonate more or less (depending on past interaction in form of past lives or simply collaboration)

So far I've maybe met only 1 other from the one I came from... not even sure about that. But i've been told lately there are only about 30 from the same place as me (I actually saw the list, names and roles but don't remember any.. as is often the case with astral experiences). Unfortunately this place doesn't seem to be as well known as the usual places 'pleiadian, nordic, arcturian etc etc' and I haven't found anything on the internet that comes close. One of our favourite forms is the one on my avatar (funny story, I saw this being in the astral ( a woman I knew very well for what seemed forever exactly like on the picture and felt we beonged to the same group) a whole year earlier before I saw the very same picture in a video game). That game (Baldur's Gate 1,2) is literally out of this world and I am certain the creators were inspired by higher forces.

I looked hard on google to find an image that could bring the vibration I feel as home, but couldn't find any. So I focused for some help with the keywords and got 'celestial paradise' .. and the first picture I posted above in my first post is the closest I could find that describes some of the higher levels... but still far from my home frequency.

I know this may be a bit too far off to believe but at the end of the day does it really matter what is the final truth? I feel it to be true within me which is all that matters. Sometimes the mere knowledge you resonate with a certain archetype can bring you a lot of clarity. It would be great to hear some stories for others about the path of self-discovery.

I was actually planning of starting a similar thread in the future where we can share our higher aspects... it is very interesting to see to what conclusions have others came. Great idea Malletzky for starting this thread. It shouldn't be provoking and intimate. The time these things will come in the open is coming very close. After 11 years I told my extremely average human family about my origins and they understood (to my genuine surprise as any past tries of even discussing energy and afterlife have been met by fear). The energies of this planet are changing and people are becoming much more accepting of these layers of reality.

I agree there are souls out there who have discovered the answers to these questions. As a matter of fact these questions have been my TOP priority for the last couple of years. I find it of the outmost importance for us to realise individually who we are and what is our EXACT role to be played. Only then we can ensure our success.

Delphi: I am curious, why are you so afraid of being part of Atlantis? I have a memory of being at such an event (not sure if it was Atlantis itself, but the fall of a major city and civilization, caused by a great war, after which the connection to the divine was severed and we all had to evacuate to Babylon.. with a pact that we can never meet again.. those closest to me.. not even in future incarnations.. I have no idea why)

Last edited by TheChosen; 01-26-2009 at 09:32 PM.
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Old 01-26-2009, 10:42 PM   #17
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Wow, thanks for that reply TheChosen. The last sentence cracks my heart.

Baldur's Gate was indeed fantastic but it severed my connection to LIFE.

Most importantly though, it is interesting to hear that you found this question to be of such importance. I had the same feeling just some time ago but it got covered over by 'all in its own time' talk and 'the past is the past'.

I still want to have a look.
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Old 01-26-2009, 10:46 PM   #18
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Question Re: Who are you? What is your purpose?

That picture reminds me of a dream I used to have, but everything was pure white, I couldn't see myself only two things in the distance moving towards each other, I used to hate it (nitemare type) but then leant to stay in the dream and watch what was happening. Not that anything ever did.

I have no idea where I'm from or where I belong. Begining to think I'm here all alone
But you lot are ok to be around, your as weird as me

1. you know or assume who you realy are (indigo child, ascended master, christal child, starseed etc.)?
None of the above, something completely different.

2. you know or assume what's your origin (human, sirian, nordic etc.)?
From the planet Orsun.

3. you know or assume what's your origin ("home") dimension (3D, 4D, 5D ect.)?
Down the road, just past the intergalactic shop on the left.

4. you know or assume what's your real purpose here on earth?
Your guess is as good as mine Maybe one day I'll find out.
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Old 01-26-2009, 11:58 PM   #19
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Czymra: Of course, those games are best played in 'total immersion' mode . It took me 3 years on and off (finishing icewind dale 1,2 in the middle) to finish all of them... each time immersing for a period of 2-3 weeks non-stop play. It was an amazing experience for me as there were some parallels (including the avatar) with what I was going through at the time. As the main character was discovering his 'outworldly' origins , so was I in my life . Throne of Bhaal was in so many ways the 'icing on the cake' this game deserved... but let's not get too much off topic here .
As for that memory of the fall of a major civilization (I think it was Atlantis but not sure as I read someplace else after this experience, some of the survivors of Atantis were relocated to Babylon), it indeed was heartbreaking, it still is.. it had quite an impact.. especially the part where I would never again meet those people. I relived the whole battle and fall in a dream..

Last edited by TheChosen; 01-27-2009 at 12:09 AM.
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Old 01-27-2009, 01:04 AM   #20
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i am going to edit my story

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Old 01-27-2009, 01:05 AM   #21
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HI TheChosen
It's too strong to say I'm afraid of Atlantis. i have no memory of Atlantis, but my understanding is that it was destroyed by water because of the misuse of power.

and the uses and misuses of power have been a major issue in my life.

this takes delicate phrasing but I could so easily have been among the second or third tier of the PTB if I'd been allowed by my parents to spend my gap year the way I wanted to. Instead I was told to get a job. So I looked after the children of the PTB which killed my desire for money as power.
It took one who remembers the fall of Atlantis to teach me about the misuse of knowledge as power.
It took another Atlantean to teach me about the misuse of sexual/emotional power.
And the power issues are back to the fore as in do i trust myself to do what i can within my local community to support the shift and stay centred in my heart without my shadow side looking for power over others?

I might not be able to remember Atlantis but i do remember a "forever parting" and how the love and the heartbreak remain open and raw and exquisitely beautiful.

love to all
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Old 01-27-2009, 04:43 AM   #22
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A.1. Starseed
A.2. Alpha Centauri primarily. Also with energies from Venus and Arcturus too. (Ashtar Command)
A.3. I AM multi-dimensional
A.4. Galactic Diplomacy is my soul purpose/ earth mission.

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Old 01-27-2009, 08:19 AM   #23
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: Who are you? What is your purpose?

1. you know or assume who you realy are (indigo child, ascended master, christal child, starseed etc.)?
No clue. All I know is that I had a dream which likely revealed the age of my soul (772) because I clearly remember the words from the lion's mouth.

I have also been told by people that they thought I was much older than I am based on my actions in life and my thoughts.

2. you know or assume what's your origin (human, sirian, nordic etc.)?
Again, I am unsure. I would love to know how to find out though.

3. you know or assume what's your origin ("home") dimension (3D, 4D, 5D ect.)?
Again, I am unsure. Would love to find out, though I feel that I could be 4D (I do not know why though).
4. you know or assume what's your real purpose here on earth?
I assume that I'm here to wrap up unfinished business before going somewhere else. The only problem is figuring out exactly what that unfinished business is.
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Old 01-27-2009, 08:34 AM   #24
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The Chosen, my friend, I also must say WOW. Beautiful insights of your deep understandings and experiences you’ve written here.

For my self, as I stated, I can only (unfortunately) assume so far who I really am...

Unfortunately, I still can’t accomplish astral travelling. The nearest to this I guess happened last year, I described this here, it’s the second part of the storry:


I’m not that good in meditation done in a proper way (though proper is different for each entity). But I’m good in “playing” with energies. I have my own method of achieving a “special” state of consciousness during the day, in which I can “go out” of my body and BE all that is. I can even do this while walking.

If you can imagine, I’m “still here” but I’m also “not here” at the same time. Means that I fell a part of me is earthly, but at the same time I’m completely away and during this time, I can be whatever I want to be, name it clouds, earth, universe, just name it...Pretty weird I know, and I really don’t know how did it “came” to me, this method of energising the whole world...I’m just doing it.
By the way, I found out that while in this “special” state, I can also “play” with the weather as well. It’s very funny and very interesting...

About who I really am, or my eventually previous lives on the earth...
I have strong feelings of belonging to all that is. I could live anywhere in the world, belong to any religion, I could be brother or sister to the whole humanity.
It’s just as I really feel the whole world is mine and I’m the whole world at once.
You must know, I can do almost everything (except writing) with both hands. I feel perfectly balanced in this manner too...

These feelings are so strong, that I have the strong assumption that I must have been here on Earth for a while and on many different places...only I can’t remember any of this

And there is something that I never shared with anyone before, except with my family.
You should know that the only kind of energy my wife believes to exist is Feng-Shui.
In order to attune our house according to Feng-Shui, she visited a lady consultant, which happened also to have had some seer powers as well. This was 3 or 4 years ago while my wife visited our families in Macedonia.

The weird thing is, I wasn’t even present and 1.500 miles away, but this lady said to my wife that: “your husband will meet some very, very powerful people at the age of 44 and this will change your lives on better”.

Well imagine, I will be 44 at the end of September 2012!!!

If you consider that I’m aware of 2012 only since 2 years now, you can imagine that I didn’t pay much attention to this at that time.

But now, I wonder what this could mean....Whom will I meet? Some powerful entities of some higher dimensions? Hmmm...



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Old 01-27-2009, 08:35 AM   #25
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Default Re: Who are you? What is your purpose?

Originally Posted by Malletzky View Post
Do you dare to expose yourself too?

1. I don't know the answer to that - I use the term Wanderer.
2. I assume I'm a human.
3. I assume it's 5D.
4. I'm here to help.

It is a very great pleasure to interact with so many people in the same situation this way. We are all bathed in the love and in the light of the one infinite creator, and all of us are no doubt are on the same kind of awakening "trip" that I feel I am on!

For myself, my awakening is speeding up. I am mostly in one piece, I am mentally solid as a rock, but I have lots of work to do on physical purification, and right now my emotions are all over the place. I was on the train this morning watching an episode of Star Trek Voyager of all things (!) and one sad part nearly had me in tears

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