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Old 11-12-2009, 04:16 PM   #2076
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Default Re: Able to Love

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Old 11-12-2009, 04:17 PM   #2077
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:17 PM   #2078
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:18 PM   #2079
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:18 PM   #2080
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:18 PM   #2081
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:19 PM   #2082
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:21 PM   #2083
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Default Re: Able to Love

As with all info I can not verify anything. Use your own intuition!


11.11.11 Opening Of The Portal Of The Divine

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Old 11-12-2009, 04:21 PM   #2084
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YouTube- Quantum Communication Trailer - Produced By David Serada

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Old 11-12-2009, 04:22 PM   #2085
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The Fractal Shaman

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Old 11-12-2009, 04:24 PM   #2086
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Default Re: Able to Love

As the Earth shifts its alignment in the heavens, it opens a portal of energy. This is a transformative energy.
As the prepared ones--who have spent many years--clearing and cleansing, continue on their path, they are in alignment for Twin Flame Reunions.

There is a sequential flow for all of the events happening which will change the Earth, and it will never be the same again.

With Mass Decloakings, we will receive a half-step increase in consciousness. This means that there will be a heart and mind opening and a deeper understanding of love.

Some Lightworkers have never given up believing that everything will change for the better.
They have studied, done their inner work, participated in spiritual service, and continued on the path of Ascension for 20 to 30 years or more. These are the prepared ones. They will not have to wait any longer to see their Twin Flames.
Millions of Twin Flames have been working, on the starships, awaiting this moment.

We are ready. We are coming to Earth to be with you now. Your Twin Flame partner has been supporting your work in the Ground Crew all this time, from the ships.

The veils drop Now!

After arrests, come decloakings. This will involve the removal of the dark and brings forth a World of Peace. Peace for every man, woman and child on Earth.

The next step is Announcements, including the Bank of St Germain and NESARA and Common Law. This is the end of to forced slavery and the beginning of sovereignty.
The sequential flow continues with waves of mass landings.
This will be the time for Twin Flame Reunions.
Many of you should know, that this is happening now. Be ready to see your love, and begin your new joint-mission assignments.
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:25 PM   #2087
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Default Re: Able to Love

Greetings you two. There is magic afoot.
You are about to see your world magically dissolve.

There will be reports of decloaked craft all over the World. There will not be a lot of news about arrests. That part will be down played.
People will focus on the joy of decloakings and the sensations of a half-step increase in consciousness and heart opening. It will be easy, gentle, compassionate, and loving. It will be a song, a warm breeze, relief where there has been none.

Shortly after, there will be Announcements. This long televised briefing will include information about the arrests. Now at this time, everyone will have an open heart and a half step increase in consciousness. Everyone will have a better capability of understanding.

There are many new to your group,who have questions; with a half-step increase, they will grok all that they do not now quite understand. These ones will help the other newly awakening ones.

Everyone is simply throwing off societies' lies. Everyone is throwing off their upbringing and the dogma placed on them. All is as it should be. Each person is developing, increasing their ascension, at the perfect rate, for their Plan, their Mission.

There are things that can hold a person back. The portal opening of 11/11/09 is the time to shed off the old timeline.

This is the time to look inside and reflect on anything within yourself that needs changing. To begin, look at your physical body, are you treating it well? Do you eat well? Do you get out in nature? Do you have loving relationships? Do you love your work, work your passion?

Are there any of these things that need corrections, revisions? How about your personal finances? Are there promises you have made and have not kept? Do you have correspondence waiting? Are you procrastinating on business which needs your attention? Are there emails you should send? What about your personal space and your vehicle? Have you kept your area clean, kept up with maintenance? Are you in a safe environment? Are your children taken care of? Are all your priorities in order, as you desire them?

11/11 is about ironing out all the wrinkles. It is about being honest with yourself, and applying the necessary polish to the surface of You that is needed.
Now, soon the Bank of St. Germain will be open for business.

Does it make sense to take anything from the Old Timeline into a new space where problems are wiped away? There will be lingering issues, of any of these things that have not been handled before now.
Take these last few seconds, look around, be honest with yourself. Change what can be changed. Accept - and Love - that which cannot be changed.
Be wise and know the difference.
The portal will open, will you be clear when you walk through it?

St Germain
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:25 PM   #2088
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Default Re: Able to Love

Hello again, Beloved Lightworkers,

This week I want to talk about the need to stay centered within yourselves. There is a lot of information that is coming forth at this time that is creating a feeling of hopeful expectation amongst the Awakened Ones of the World. Know that your high state of expectation is creating a most positive effect upon the energies being played out upon the Earth. Every time one of you raises your frequency level in your disciplines, in the feelings of joy that you are experiencing, it creates a like energy that goes forth into your World and it is helping to awaken the people around you. There are more people now who are taking back their own power and sovereignty and questioning all that they hear or read and in order to do this, they must connect within themselves and as they do this, more Light is turned on within them! This is a very positive and exciting turn of events from our perspective.

Many people who would not even give a thought to the events that are occurring around them before and who did not question what they were told on the news media, are now feeling incredulous that they have been listening to stories that are not in fact true. People are becoming impatient with the coverage of the news that is being presented at this time. They are becoming more discerning and seeing the patterns of why and how these stories are presented. When they see their neighbor or relative forwarding emails to them questioning the necessity of being vaccinated for an illness that is not nearly as epidemic as touted by the media and even sending links to the so called conspiracy websites, then Dear Ones, you know that a great Awakening is occurring all around you. ......
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:26 PM   #2089
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Default Re: Able to Love

The heart field zero point singularity refers to the core creative matrix of being. You are a creator in this manner to cocreate and manifest the world into experience. Time and consciousness is undergoing increased accelerations of the energy to a hyper levels in all fields. Hyper Inflation within the financial sectors; Hyper Lucidity in communications to new exalted levels of interface through the advancements of technology; Hyper Energy increases within the solar system as the disc of the wave field from the central sun extends and cuts through the present galactic paradigm; Hyper Emotional expansion as each of you seek your power as a sovereign being and feel the need to love and express this flow of energy through our emotional body. Hyper Intelligence as the connections between the layers of self within the mental body correlate together and provided for a distributive effect and a paralleling of mental streams. Physically the increases in the hyper fields produce rapid evolutionary changes within the structures of human and living bodies as the attune to frequency changes and develop catalytic and cascading wave flows through the underlying electrical substructures of nature. Hyper Sensory perceptions wherein the mind will begin to be aware of all the intrinsic intuitive capacities plus the trans-dimensional awareness as time fields begin to diminish their limitations and the barriers to inter-species and extra-species communications are removed through accelerated integrative consciousness. With this is the fundamental understanding of the larger source of being and the flow of this stream of consciousness which brings forth the living library which each individual and sentient being exists as and the the non-sentient elements hold information within substance. - www.premieres.com - Will to Good Heart Zero Point Singularity Hyper Field substance experience creator core creative matrix being inflation physical wave flow power central sun galactic paradigm emotional seek financial ethics mayan calendar sixth night
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:27 PM   #2090
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Default Re: Able to Love

Dear Ones today is an occasion when heightened energies are reaching you on Earth, one day of many that are occurring with more regularity. It is the gradual lifting up of your vibrations and is bringing changes into being. It is also a day when you can respond to the call to make it a Peace Day, by thinking it and living it to your highest ability. Keep peace and harmony in your mind, and let it shine out from your eyes and heart. If sufficient of you did so you could change the world in the twinkling of an eye, because the Light of love is the most powerful of all energies. Do your bit and know that many others are with you, including many powerful Beings from our side of the veil. The inspiration for the Peace Day has come from them, and taken up by Russ Michael. He is an inspired soul who is a Lightworker dedicated to spreading love and Light, and we commend him for his service to Mankind.

We often talk about your individual life plans that are carefully planned to ensure success, but as you must realise they in turn are part of the greater plan for your Universe, It cannot fail, and at our level we see it as already completed. Your part in it may therefore seem of little importance, but it is nevertheless a contribution that will put the final part in place, which is your Ascension. The Earth is a point of great interest for these very reasons, and it is known throughout the Universe. If you could grasp the immensity of what is taking place, you will understand how important your service is not just to the whole of your civilization, but also to many others.

We have total faith in your ability to see your way past futile attempts of the dark Ones, to prevent the changes from occurring. The energized movement is already taking place, and it cannot be halted by any power on Earth. If you can live your lives with this in mind, you will not be deterred in any way from the tasks in hand. Your efforts may seem to take place in isolation, but in fact they are all little cogs in the great Wheel of Change that is gathering speed. Rather than feeling down because they have been a long time coming, we register your appreciation of the need for patience, knowing that you will be well rewarded in the final days of this cycle........
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:29 PM   #2091
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www.premieres.com - You are a Way Shower. You are asked to speak for your world, to bring enlightenment and abundance into everything that touches you, to show the way and to be part of the new journey that is brought forth. The Ceremonies are rites of passage for your race to begin with the first step of asking, and then to move forth along the path of vision. The vision is the manifesting stream of your being. It comes from your heart and reaches out in the time and becomes the real.The following of the stream is your choice, and the turning away into darkness, to hide from power, is also your choice. Turning away leads to pain, suffering and the loss of being. You are never lost in the multidimensional aspect of who you are, your soul; but there are parts of your being that can become damaged, wounded and unable to align with the higher soul energies of your collective being.
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:30 PM   #2092
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Default Re: Able to Love

For several days now and into the new time matrix you will be experiencing shifts on all levels of your being-ness. You may be noticing that the time in your mind and body do not necessarily correlate with the time on earth...you may be experiencing intermitten portals of eternity, moments by which time seems to extend into infinity, coupled with a drop back into 3d dimensional perceptions of polarization and time that is rapidly speeding up.

This fluctuation is normal and to be expected for the actual time of the planet is shifting into greater awareness of universal time. All who participate on the new universal timeline will be consciously affected by this transition while anchoring more permanently into infinity time, or neutral scalar wave patterning.

Most of these changes are being prompted by the entrance into the galactic 6th night, as documented in the sacred Mayan calendar, however the portal of 11:11:11 is precipitating the shift required to align with the new frequencies of the 9th level of the galactic underworld and time-coded experience.

The most important thing to realize from this recent shift is that the amount of time that you work with presently is only a fraction of the real time encodement that you will be working with in the future. This is why you are seemingly able to accomplish great tasks in short periods of recorded time on clear days of alignment with the new timeline, and on days of wading thru 3d dimensional polarity consciousness, time escapes you.

What is happening on a higher level is profound. Let us explain.......

Building the New Earth

We would now like to quickly touch upon the roles of those of you here to begin building the new earth communities and structures and to inform each of you that the time for gathering is nigh.
The next several months and into the new Gregorian calendar year will be for those of you on the new galactic time line to begin meeting with and preparing to implement your gifts of expertise.

For those who have a role to play in bridging the new earth reality structures with the old paradigm structures, you will be nudged to begin the preparations and groundwork for the new systems of light... from the planning stages to the implementation and building stages. Those of you with activated contracts are here to provide those ideas and revolutionary concepts that you have been nurturing to those who are ready to step outside of linear thinking and into the new ways of quantum creation.

As the old systems begin to crumble more rapidly, you will be called upon, thru seemingly serendipitous meetings and events, to share your ideas and radiance with those who will be supporting you in your endeavors.
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:32 PM   #2093
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There are many Gateways that you shall pass through collectively as you move forward, towards this Golden Age. Yet another gateway shall be unlocked on the 11th November 2009 and it is you Wayshowers, lightworkers and activated & aware ones that hold the keys to this gateway.
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:43 PM   #2094
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Default Re: Able to Love


Hope your having a funky time on earth! Keep it fresh avalon! Peace JT

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Old 11-12-2009, 09:18 PM   #2095
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We are at the end of the civilization. We are at the end of a point of time where individual consciousness has completed it's process of contrast and conflict with higher consciousness of the Collective Being. It is a transition from one state to another state, that you understand as death. It is also that point that you understand as, enlightenment. It is that point where the planetary body is about to fall through into complete awareness of it's deepest being. The Planetary Body is seeking to reach a level of transition into sacredness. This will occur and along with it humanity is the active catalyst to bring this about. The energy of the Planetary Body is being activated upon by the Galactic Center, the Central Sun, and deep within the Central Sun the Grand Portal of energy that is the emanating power of the Divine coming forth out of the point of light which is that Omni-centric Center Point that allows for all beings to hold light within Its soul. Activation Light Body Ascension Humanity earth changes world shift 2011 2012 chemtrails truth pleiadian illuminati galactic underworld mayan calendar sun sacred allow soul rysa goldring abundance enlightenment economy government banking
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Old 11-12-2009, 09:25 PM   #2096
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Default Re: Able to Love

Sadhu dancing for strict Tibetan Buddhist Monks in Bodhgaya, India.. personally I feel that he is perhaps teasing their strictness?

Click here for page about donating to the Kriya Yoga Ashram Fund:


Yogiraj Gurunath has made a video called "2012 and the Coming of Kalki"...

In this video he states that there will be a Mahaguru who will initiate people into Kriya Yoga on the Western Coast of the United States in the years leading up to 2012...who will be the re-incarnation of Lahiri Mahasaya the founder of modern Kriya Yoga... who will be initiating people into Kriya Yoga..

Kriya Yoga is when a Guru administers Shaktipat [transfer of the Kundalini Shakti] to the Seeker, who uses the transfer of this Kundalini to create the Divine Alchemy of transformation of matter into Spirit... in special Shaktipat Meditations.. It also encompasses the more common aspects of Yoga such as stilling the mind, devotion to God, understanding the Cosmos, etc.

Lahiri Mahasaya was a householder, he seldom left his sitting room, initiating anyone, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, into Kriya Yoga providing that they were devoted and honest.. his first stage of initiation being a Shaktipat to the Third Eye Chakra.

As some people may know.. when I was 21 spontaneously in my garden while meditating the Kundalini Shakti awakened in my crown and flowed over my entire body and since then I have been initiating thousands of people into Kriya Yoga, always beginning with the Third Eye Chakra.

After reading a lot about Lahiri Mahasaya, I'm sure that I am he, and so I would like to announce that I am devoting my life to spreading the practice of Kriya Yoga that I will be starting a fundraiser to gather money for a Kriya Yoga asram in California where I can reside initiating whoever wants to be initiated!
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Old 11-13-2009, 01:42 PM   #2097
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Default Re: Able to Love

From Crossing Over:

Arriving In a New Dimension

"The first phase of our journey was all about bringing up the
vibration of the planet, by transmuting the denser energies through
ourselves, attempting to bring in new and higher vibrating ways and
systems, healing and assisting others in bringing up their
vibrations, and basically, moving and shaking the energy on the
planet as much as possible.

Much of the time, whether we realized it or not, these tasks were
performed simply through our presence alone, and no intent was even
necessary. This is why so many of us relocated so many times to
different geographical locations, and found ourselves with
individuals, systems, and other varying scenarios that vibrated
much lower than we did. Our own personal energy and vibration was
needed in order to assist with this massive undertaking.
These times and these roles, then, are now complete and forever
gone. In this way, much has changed and really, things will now be
quite different. We have finally and completely left the old
reality behind, along with our prior purpose, and now find
ourselves perhaps wondering what in the world will happen next,
what our new roles are all about, and even confused about what we
want to create for ourselves;or maybe even very excited about our
very new lives!

Before we can create anything in the new world, we vitally need to
complete a very first step before anything can even manifest for
us. This first step involves becoming very clear about who we are,
what we are here to contribute, and what it is that we really and
truly desire for ourselves.

It is vitally important then, to really know who we are and what
our purpose is, because we will utilize our soul purpose to create
our store-fronts, as well as to determine how we will fit into the
new communities of higher living and being.

In addition, we can certainly create whatever we choose, and it
does not necessarily need to fit into the model of the new
communities and into the model of our store-fronts. When the line
was drawn in the sand, we were given choices; choices about
integrating back into the mainstream, moving forward in alignment
with our soul purpose and plan, or even leaving altogether through
the physical death process.

In addition, with the advent of the big explosion that the solstice
of June 2009 created, each and every one of us was thrown out of
our old grooves, landing in very new territory, with very different
connections to those around us. There was then much more space in
between our brothers and sisters, and connecting then, related to
who was at our specific vibrational level and purpose. For some of
us, there was really no one then around us that felt right or in
alignment with where we were (notably, the forerunners), and for
others, a new space was created with much company and much of the
same in regard to what we had been doing in the past.

What feels right and looks right may vary for each and every one of
us. How do we know and identify then, what it is that we really and
truly desire?

In times past, we were strongly guided by source, our star families
of origin, and the universe. At times along the way, we may have
thought that we really and truly wanted something, and found to our
dismay, that what we wanted simply could not and would not manifest
for us. There are several reasons for this scenario, and when you
understand why, it all makes sense:

1. The group energy, or one mind of all of us who created and who
are experiencing the ascension process, made a plan, and thus,
needed and agreed to follow this plan each step of the way. As
things progressed (and notably, at times, did not progress), we
tweaked and molded the plan according to the situations then
present, so in this way, although there has always been a general
plan, the path there was always open to change and flexibility. As
mentioned so many times in this e-book, things did not progress as
we had hoped, and if even at all, extremely slowly. So then, we
pulled out all the stops, placing ourselves in every situation we
could, in order to ensure the success of our plan. This was our
main goal during this first phase; our goal was not to manifest for
ourselves, all of our heart's desires, as it was not yet time for
this particular phase. We were dedicated to our purpose then, and I
believe that most of us gave it our all. In this way, whenever we
may have felt that it was time to manifest a community, or a
beautiful sacred space, or a new and special spiritual retreat, or
even much of anything for ourselves alone, we were at times unable
to do these things in the ways that we expected. Why, then, was it
so hard to manifest during these times?

A. We were being guided and assisted by our souls and our star
families, who knew more than we did at the time. I remember a time
several years ago, when I was asked to go to a specific spot in
nature, with a massive waterfall flowing over a large mountain, in
order to connect to the special energy there and to bring it more
fully into the planet. I have never believed that we were meant to
be ordered around against our will for these strange duties, so I
declined. Later that day, my grandchildren and I were trying to
decide where to go for a day in nature. Oddly enough, we ended up
right at that particular spot anyway! Bringing in and assisting
with the energies in order to raise the vibration of the planet,
was our sole (soul) purpose during this first phase, seemingly
whether we liked it or not! In this way, many of us ended up in
places and situations we may not have chosen by our conscious

B. We could not manifest at times, because we would soon rapidly
evolve out of our current desires, and would then have to back out
or re-do or un-do what we had just manifested. This is one of the
main reasons that we were blocked at times. Also, manifesting
strictly for ourselves alone, without regard to the whole, was not
in alignment with our purpose during the first phase, but that
situation has now changed to a degree. This will be more fully
explained further on in this e-book.

C. We could not manifest at times, because it simply was not yet
time. The vision that many of us have held, in regard to creating
the original blueprint for the earth, as this is really what some
of us came to do, was simply not ready to be hatched until we
reached a certain frequency within ourselves and within the planet.
Many tried to create specific things, but they frequently fell
apart, disbanded, or could never get off the ground at all. It was
simply not yet time, as we were still involved with the first
phase. And even though many of us were quite ready within
ourselves, we still needed to wait for the critical mass situation
to be complete before we could be released, in order to then move
into something very new; alas, our very new roles, or for some,
their own version of heaven on earth.

These are but a few of the reasons that we have been held back for
so long. And these are reasons as well, that common manifesting
techniques and manifesting knowledge simply would not work as they
should have in certain situations. The soul always pulls rank on
the law of attraction, for instance, as soul level anything
vibrates the highest. Our souls and soul plans always run the

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Old 11-13-2009, 01:46 PM   #2098
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Default Re: Able to Love


Jah Melodie - Get Active

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Old 11-13-2009, 01:52 PM   #2099
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Default Re: Able to Love

We speak with one voice and speak clearly to one another in harmony and coherence. We are living in a life that is held together by our dreams, feelings and thoughts. We choose. It is here. There is a disconnect from the larger whole, as the ones who live outside the Gold Ring, are not feeling the same energy. They are out of balance and fight the stream of the collective community desiring Oneness of spirit in harmony and soul. Let it be known, that the Gold Ring is not just one group, but the golden spiraling chain of humanity, surrounded with higher light and love. It is only that. Those Teachers and Wayshowers, who are here, know this inside and know themselves - speak truth as close to their heart, as they are. In this truth, the rising higher heart is born and the golden light is created - within this sharing of emotion and becoming one - within the collective heart - Teachers of Light Speak with One Voice collective heart born gold ring wayshower spirit harmony pandemic flu ukraine healing truth tv media news humanity fear love faith god goddess enlightenment www.premieres.com
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Old 11-13-2009, 04:40 PM   #2100
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Default Re: Able to Love

GoldRing Community http://goldring.wetpaint.com - www.premieres.com - compression of time vortex now, ever expanding now point, the consciousness sentience. awareness of essence. All beings are aware of the central pillar of being, the seed self, perfect atom, the I am. Aware of your life and light. What emanates through you and what you create. You are a being of light and we are the teachers of light. Show the way on the Lighted Pathway. The future, the multidimensional future. the possibilities of futures. Choices - Through the effects of understandings. thought forms. Creative energy. Create Light. In creating light you have an energetic impulse to love through the energy of the heart. The heart feels and the mind sees. There is a coming an interchange where the heart will see and the mind will feel. So your being will be able to exist to many dimensions at once. Planetary alignments and galactic movements. important. important news issues world time space abundance scarcity thought plan love light earth compression galactic night creator vortex holographic now center being
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