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Old 02-24-2010, 12:06 AM   #1
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Default Dr A True Ott's Perspective

I think that Dr A True Ott is a good researcher.

He does not have a website with a biography of himself that I can link to, but I've gleaned from various internet sources that he is a former Mormon who challenged the hierarchy in the Mormon Church concerning a scandal involving satanic ritual abuse of children within the Mormon Church, and suffered retaliation as a result after he separated himself from the Mormon Church. He has also had a near-death experience, which is always transforming, I understand.

I see that Dr Ott has written a new essay entitled "NanoTech, DynCorp, and NSA Goes B.A.N.G. - The Unholy Trinity and the Implosion of Freedom" dated February 21, 2010.

Here is the first paragraph:

"The year 2003 changed the world in many respects. The independent, oil-rich nation of Iraq was invaded by American and British forces without cause, while the shadowy 'War on Terror' reached new heights in America. As a direct result of the events of September 11, 2001, the 'Patriot Bill' greatly expanded the federal government’s power to spy on its citizens. The new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) quickly became a strategic partner with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the National Security Agency (NSA) while the 'U.S. Spy Industry' as a whole spent billions on 'nano-technology.'"

It is a ten page pdf document. Here are the headings:








The pdf can be downloaded at this link:


Also, on page six of the essay, Dr Ott recommends that we watch a YouTube video entitled "One Mainframe to Rule Them All." Here is the description that goes with the video:

"One Mainframe To Rule Them All is a breathtaking rundown of the human microchipping agenda. Concise and effective, it breaks down the coming global information control grid in all its horrifying detail. Scarier than any horror movie could be because it is real and documented."

Last edited by Seashore; 03-11-2010 at 11:26 AM. Reason: Format
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Old 02-24-2010, 12:23 AM   #2
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Default Re: Dr A True Ott's Perspective

In the second paragraph, the term "B.A.N.G." is explained:

B = Bit, the operative unit in information science
A = Atoms, which nanotechnology manipulates
N = Neurons, which cognitive science deals with
G = Gene, which biotech exploits
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Old 02-24-2010, 12:53 AM   #3
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Default Re: Dr A True Ott's Perspective

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Under this heading, is this statement: "The website 'Patent Storm' lists a total of 31 patents related to DynCorp. In addition to a patent that allows them to glean information and create detailed information files on targeted individuals from 'peer to peer' websites such as Facebook and Twitter..."
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Old 02-25-2010, 04:11 PM   #4
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Default Re: Dr A True Ott's Perspective

Hi! new to the forum but, I have followed Camelot for awhile. Just wanted to share some information on Dr. Ott. He has some great books available. Most are on health and nutrition. I found them to be very informative. However, what I really want to thank Dr. Ott for and let anyone else out there know about who is interested, is his book on the Mormon church. I live in Utah, I grew up Mormon but always knew something was off. I woke up about five years ago and began searching for any information on the Church. Dr. Ott will send you his book for free you just have to call his business, Mother Earth Minerals and ask for it. His personal story with the church is intriguing and answered many of my questions about all of the symbology and rituals that they do. So if there is anyone else out there who feels trapped and uneducated about the Mormon religion and culture that they grew up in like I did, Dr. Ott's book is a good place to start. Of course, as always find your own truth and use discernment.
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Old 02-25-2010, 04:20 PM   #5
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Default Re: Dr A True Ott's Perspective

Originally Posted by angellight View Post
Hi! new to the forum but, I have followed Camelot for awhile. Just wanted to share some information on Dr. Ott. He has some great books available. Most are on health and nutrition. I found them to be very informative. However, what I really want to thank Dr. Ott for and let anyone else out there know about who is interested, is his book on the Mormon church. I live in Utah, I grew up Mormon but always knew something was off. I woke up about five years ago and began searching for any information on the Church. Dr. Ott will send you his book for free you just have to call his business, Mother Earth Minerals and ask for it. His personal story with the church is intriguing and answered many of my questions about all of the symbology and rituals that they do. So if there is anyone else out there who feels trapped and uneducated about the Mormon religion and culture that they grew up in like I did, Dr. Ott's book is a good place to start. Of course, as always find your own truth and use discernment.
Thank you so much for this post. You are speaking from personal experience and that is my favorite type of post to read. So meaningful.

Last edited by Seashore; 02-25-2010 at 05:12 PM. Reason: Clarify
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Old 02-25-2010, 06:07 PM   #6
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Default Re: Dr A True Ott's Perspective

Thanks, Now that I look at everything from a different perspective, the brainwashing, the mind control is so blatant. In the mormon culture it starts from birth. There is so much fear involved, now that I know who I am, it just makes me sad to see so many people trapped and controlled. In a way, I myself am still trapped. My husband is still asleep, his family is very devout mormon, so I still have to play the game and attend. I think there are probably a lot of lightworkers in the mormon church who are awake but quietly go every week because the way it is set up. If you leave it destroys your family.
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Old 02-25-2010, 08:32 PM   #7
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Default Re: Dr A True Ott's Perspective

Originally Posted by angellight View Post
Thanks, Now that I look at everything from a different perspective, the brainwashing, the mind control is so blatant. In the mormon culture it starts from birth. There is so much fear involved, now that I know who I am, it just makes me sad to see so many people trapped and controlled. In a way, I myself am still trapped. My husband is still asleep, his family is very devout mormon, so I still have to play the game and attend. I think there are probably a lot of lightworkers in the mormon church who are awake but quietly go every week because the way it is set up. If you leave it destroys your family.
When I was a child, I was fearful because of religion, also. I used to worry about myself and my two younger siblings going to hell. This was from being raised in the Baptist Church, followed by Methodist, then choosing Episcopal on my own, then Unitarian Universalist, then - putting organized religion, and religion, in general, behind me.

It is very good that you have joined this forum. This will give you a support system.

I can imagine how difficult your position is in your family. I have the same thing in my family - not regarding religion - but regarding 9-11 truth and the New World Order agenda. They don't have a clue and I can't talk to them about it. It's lonely.
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Old 02-25-2010, 09:19 PM   #8
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Default Re: Dr A True Ott's Perspective

Thank you for your kind words of support. I appreciate the responses. Great love and blessings to you.
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Old 02-25-2010, 10:15 PM   #9
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Default Re: Dr A True Ott's Perspective

Originally Posted by angellight View Post
Thanks, Now that I look at everything from a different perspective, the brainwashing, the mind control is so blatant. In the mormon culture it starts from birth. There is so much fear involved, now that I know who I am, it just makes me sad to see so many people trapped and controlled. In a way, I myself am still trapped. My husband is still asleep, his family is very devout mormon, so I still have to play the game and attend. I think there are probably a lot of lightworkers in the mormon church who are awake but quietly go every week because the way it is set up. If you leave it destroys your family.
Hi Angellight -

I am also a recovering mormon in the same situation as you. You probably already know, but the road out is extremely difficult and painful and there are few that are brave enough to do it in our situation and keep the family together. Even more difficult is finding your way here. Talk about a small percentage of the population!

I can tell you that it's very difficult to find any type of support or understanding at the level you an I are at. It sure is a lonely road. After spending months and months trying to debunk and argue Mormonism, Christianity and organized religion I finally got the big picture after researching the commonalities in NDE's and OBE's as well as the Law of One material.

I certainly don't have all of the answers, but at least I feel like I am finally on the right path. Never felt that way with religion. Feel free to contact me directly if you are interested discussing this unique position with someone who has to keep one foot in mormonisim yet finds himself here.

Good luck on your journey!

In Transit
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Old 02-25-2010, 11:56 PM   #10
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Default Re: Dr A True Ott's Perspective

Thanks for sharing, In Transit.
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Old 02-26-2010, 12:58 AM   #11
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Default Re: Dr A True Ott's Perspective

In transit, I would love to chat. I'm what I like to call computer stupid so it might take me awhile to figure out how to send you a private message. That being said It is wonderful to find people who could discuss mormonism and how it fits into the new world order and what they are doing on a vibrational level. I am always trying to find truth and what resonates in my heart.
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Old 03-05-2010, 12:25 PM   #12
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Default Re: Dr A True Ott's Perspective

Dr Ott has forwarded an email of his to a blog he associates himself with (http://labvirus.wordpress.com/2010/0...-mind-control/) in order to get the word out about a video he wants us to watch and his comments about it.

Here is the link to the video:


Here are Dr Ott's comments:

"1. The technology called FMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance) is OLD and ARCHAIC actually. Mengele and others were 'reading' brain waves via magnetic resonance graphing in the early 70’s. Boston-Logan Airport is already using NEW light-wave beams to scan AND READ air traveler’s INTENTIONS before they board the planes.

"2. The GERMAN individual Stahl interviewed was very HESITANT TO REVEAL exactly WHO HAD THE MIND-READING TECHNOLOGY TODAY. Again, just look at the U.S. PATENTS issued in the last decade to realize the height and breadth of the mind-control explosion – and keep in mind that patents are usually applied for AFTER the technology has been proven to be commercially viable via working models. —.

"3. The FMRI 'computer' that 'reads the mind' is just one side of the coin. IT IS MUCH, MUCH EASIER TO PRODUCE EMOTIONS AND IMPULSES INTO the brain than to actually READ the brain via computer programs.

". This technology needs much more bandwidth space than is currently provided by ANALOG SIGNALS in order to be implemented. Thus the need to switch to DIGITAL SIGNALS EXCLUSIVELY.


"6. IS HOMELAND SECURITY THE 'WRONG HANDS'?? Why is this just now beginning to be reported by such news programs as “60 Minutes”?

"Read this patent abstract, and then read my expose on DIGITAL TV once again in the context of Stahl’s report.

"U.S. PATENT #6,488,617

"TITLE: Nervous System Manipulation by EM Fields from Monitors

"Issued to: Loos, Hendricus

"Abstract: Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near 1/2 Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and HD TV screens, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or DIGITAL TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be embedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity. USP # 6,488,617 (December 3, 2002)"

Last edited by Seashore; 03-05-2010 at 01:00 PM. Reason: Punctuation
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Old 03-06-2010, 09:33 AM   #13
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Default Re: Dr A True Ott's Perspective

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
I was uncomfortable with the part of the video showing that the experiment conducted with images to see whether the computer would know what was seen was greeted with such glee and pride - "ten out of ten!!" - I thought this sent an unfortunate message.
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Old 03-06-2010, 03:32 PM   #14
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Default Re: Dr A True Ott's Perspective

A note that Dr Ott wrote to Bill Ryan regarding the Jane Burgermeister controversy is posted here: http://labvirus.wordpress.com/2010/0...ter-interview/ -

"Bill et al:

"That’s fine- continue to 'stand by her' even though she has lost all credibility, for she has NOT 'filed criminal charges' with the U.S. FBI. I know it, and so do you!!

"She has lied about her involvement with 'pro se con man' Tim Vawter et. al. and has turned against other, honest individuals like Carmen Reynolds — who is fighting the truly good fight down in Florida.

"Why haven’t you contacted Ms. Reynolds, and made her your H1N1 poster girl? After all, she is a retired Air Force officer, has been damaged by vaccinations, and has individually filed a 100% CREDIBLE lawsuit in Florida. I think it’s totally unconscionable that you continue to tout Bergermeister, while ignoring TRUE HEROES like Ms. Reynolds. Why is that??


"A. True Ott, PhD,ND"
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Old 03-10-2010, 11:07 AM   #15
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Because Bill Ryan continues in his support for Jane Burgermeister, which my research indicates is an error, I am posting excerpts from this more lengthy communication from September 2009 by Dr Ott at this time:

"Hello Kerry and Bill:

"Many thanks for the recent post...

"...One such call, back in March, was from a 'free-lance journalist who worked for the BMJ in Austria' who identified herself as Jane Burgermeister.

"In good faith, I proceeded to give Ms. B all the information and documentation that I had accumulated. She seemed so very legitimate and morally outraged...

"At this point, everything was fine between myself and Ms. Burgermeister. Soon, however, things started being more than a little 'strange.' Jane began 'free-lancing'unilaterally with the documentary evidences I and others had accumulated in May. (See attached white paper.) She demanded that President Obama and others be formally charged for the offense of mass murder — even though there was no credible evidence as to their actual involvement. (I tried to tell her many times that 'gut feeling' is not evidence.) She began to systematically submarine the 'team' that I had assembled, (Alexander S. Jones from the NIH, Dr. Rebecca Carley, Alan Phillips, JD, Dr. Deagle, Dr. Evangelista, et.al.) She then shocked everyone on the team by declaring PUBLICLY on radio and European TV, that she had filed HER (not our team’s) charges with the FBI IN THE UNITED STATES, and had done so unilaterally. No credit was given to her 'team.' It was all about Jane PERSONALLY!

"In her public declarations, she clearly inferred that the other team members were false 'double agents' of Big Pharma sent only to discredit HER EFFORTS! When all of us asked her to verify her claims by telling us specifically which FBI Offices she was working with, and to provide FBI case numbers – she publicly claimed we were trying to 'smear her' and then, of course, she threatened criminal and civil actions against US. All we have ever asked for is DOCUMENTATION FOR HER CLAIMS. We are still waiting for this. Three weeks after Bill Deagle and I discussed Jane’s 'filed charges' on Deagle’s radio show, Jane actually publicly claimed (falsely of course) that Tim Vawter’s petition for injunction was actually her FBI criminal charges that she had filed in the U.S...

"I would remind you that it is only 'Citizen Jane' who is publcly threatening other activists with legal action and of being dis-informers. All we have EVER done is simply to ask Jane to provide legitimate proof of her claims.

"If this isn’t bad enough, Jane is continually soliciting donations for her 'cause' – and by publicly lashing out, seeking to discredit others, she of course gets bigger donations. (Poor weak Jane, being picked on by big, mean male doctors who are Big Pharma double-agents.) Conversely, I am most definitely not doing this for MONEY, far from it. It has cost me many thousands of dollars in time and material to try and share the truth. Ditto with Dr. Deagle.

"Frankly, I am very disappointed that you have not vetted Jane B. much more thoroughly. Where are her '10 or 12 e-mails to the FBI' that she claims to have available? Since when did the FBI began placing field offices in the Austrian Embassy? Why are you so blindly taking her word for everything she claims?? (Why is she blinking so very excessively during your taped interview??)

"I can virtually guarantee that if you PRESS HER TO PROVIDE PROOF OF HER CLAIMS, you will be charged with engaging in a 'smear campaign' as well. Are you up to the challenge?? Provide us with DOCUMENTATION that she has in fact 'officially filed' her criminal charges with the FBI as she so vehemently claimed to have done back in June and July, and I for one will be more than happy to issue a very public apology to Jane. Will you press her hard for this documentation?? Or will you continue to play 'patty-cakes' with this woman?

"I submit that most intelligent, thinking people can see through Jane and her plagiarized activism for profit. Why can’t you??


A. True Ott, PhD, ND"
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