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Old 03-12-2010, 11:20 PM   #726
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

I let my ego out to play today on various threads, The spiritual ego naturally.
Anyway I appreciate Avalon Forum and all who make me think here.
Least I forget.
Another sober day, thank God.
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Old 03-13-2010, 01:45 AM   #727
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
Some one wrote on the thread some time back that the ego is necessary to learn.
Its a question of point of view.

When something or some one seems critical, I dont see it that way any longer, they are no longer the enemy. That was my ego.
I now see it as positive feed back.

Life is helping me to see alternative ways of being, neither right nor wrong just alternative.

My view point just reflects where my understanding is at this time, it is not what I truly am just part my releasing old points of view till I realize fully that I dont need any point of view.

Love Chris
As I am developing myself as a counselor, after hundreds of hours of being on the receiving end, I am learning to maintain a neutral attitude or what some call a zero attitude, and this attitude is starting to extend over into my out-of-session interactions.
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Old 03-13-2010, 01:49 AM   #728
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

The ego is many things! Its that all elusive many things.
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Old 03-13-2010, 01:57 AM   #729
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Well, with that shiny copper coin, this is a good time for me to follow Mudra's lead and end off participating in PA. Thank you for all of you.

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Old 03-13-2010, 08:14 AM   #730
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
Well, with that shiny copper coin, this is a good time for me to follow Mudra's lead and end off participating in PA. Thank you for all of you.

Dident know she had gone

I must admit I would rather people really read more than a few lines before posting on the thread. So much of value has been posted by other contributors right from page one .
Anyway such is the egos misunderstanding of itself.
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Old 03-13-2010, 01:23 PM   #731
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Smile Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Hello Greybeard, Hello the participants of the thread, the ones who spoke out and the ones who have just observed to become the observed ones.

As the basic question was asked, how to transcend the ego ? Maybe should we ask is it possible to transcend the ego ?

In my humble opinion we cannot and I'll try to explain it comprehensively. Firstly what or who asks the question ? Our brain does, saying I don't like this ego get rid of it, because brain wants to be free of a burden of having an 'ego' issue. But thats involuntary conditioning of the brain, we are born with it as well as with all the human conditioning and programming along with it.

Now, if our thoughts are conditioned and thereof they are limited, our sense or knowledge of transcending the ego will also be limited, that is, if one say 'I don't have an ego anymore or I've transcended an ego'.
So, what can we do about it ? Just simply observe it, realize and perceive that we indeed have an ego, my ego wants this, my ego isn't happy about it. The lack of effort and struggle will result in acceptance of ones beingness. Many of us have stated that 'presence' or 'now' is the key factor. It is, I agree of course, that attention to presence creates longer gaps between thoughts which give a way to silence and space for consciousness to make an inner-link with the brain (I imagine that as a gateway which has to be still to open it's doors).

So, the consciousness manifests when the thoughts are quiet, that is when one is lacking the desire to transcend anything, to fight anything within, to differentiate between ego and egoless actions, we may say that in that state the intelligence is really risen and the question is no longer of any value.

With love to all
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Old 03-13-2010, 01:38 PM   #732
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by Myself View Post
Hello Greybeard, Hello the participants of the thread, the ones who spoke out and the ones who have just observed to become the observed ones.

As the basic question was asked, how to transcend the ego ? Maybe should we ask is it possible to transcend the ego ?

In my humble opinion we cannot and I'll try to explain it comprehensively. Firstly what or who asks the question ? Our brain does, saying I don't like this ego get rid of it, because brain wants to be free of a burden of having an 'ego' issue. But thats involuntary conditioning of the brain, we are born with it as well as with all the human conditioning and programming along with it.

Now, if our thoughts are conditioned and thereof they are limited, our sense or knowledge of transcending the ego will also be limited, that is, if one say 'I don't have an ego anymore or I've transcended an ego'.
So, what can we do about it ? Just simply observe it, realize and perceive that we indeed have an ego, my ego wants this, my ego isn't happy about it. The lack of effort and struggle will result in acceptance of ones beingness. Many of us have stated that 'presence' or 'now' is the key factor. It is, I agree of course, that attention to presence creates longer gaps between thoughts which give a way to silence and space for consciousness to make an inner-link with the brain (I imagine that as a gateway which has to be still to open it's doors).

So, the consciousness manifests when the thoughts are quiet, that is when one is lacking the desire to transcend anything, to fight anything within, to differentiate between ego and egoless actions, we may say that in that state the intelligence is really risen and the question is no longer of any value.

With love to all

What you say is so.
On the one hand there is no such thing as the ego. Its just thought based and identification with the me story in the head. On the other hand the pull of the ego seems very real.
Ramesh Balsekar said "God gave you an ego, let Him remove it" So many paradoxes in spiritual teachings but the are addressed to different levels of understanding and each level seems so real.

Yes the ego is transformed into the spiritual seeking ego, it think it is going to be enlightened, just not so, enlightenment is a non agenda, ignorance free nonduality, ego-less state.

Witnessing is very powerful, the moment the ego is found out to be not what I am, it begins to loose power.
Surrendering is also powerful.
Whatever works.
Thankfully my mind is virtually silent but that has taken some time.

Thanks again for your post.

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Old 03-13-2010, 03:12 PM   #733
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

I do believe the ego plays an important part in our lessons in this life. In my opinion it's not a matter of transcending it as filtering it's actions and constantly working on that delicate balance needed to prevent us from interfering with the rights of other souls.
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Old 03-13-2010, 03:35 PM   #734
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by Shairia View Post
I do believe the ego plays an important part in our lessons in this life. In my opinion it's not a matter of transcending it as filtering it's actions and constantly working on that delicate balance needed to prevent us from interfering with the rights of other souls.

It comes down to spiritual goal.
I often (too often for some) quote Dr David Hawkins from his book "Discovery of the Presence of God/ Devotional Non-duality"

Basically he says that Enlightenment is a different goal from taming the ego.
Taming the ego will lead you to the gates of heaven through unconditional love and is therfore a very worth while goal.
Enlightenment requires complete surrender of the ego to God. The death of the ego leads to oneness with God a different goal entirely.

If you are interested in reading, and yes you dont need a spiritual teacher unless your goal is enlightenment, then have a look at his publishers web site, in particular the about section.
Dr Hawkins is very active in this world at the age of 80 helping others, in various practical ways.

Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Hawkins is an internationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, and pioneer in the fields of consciousness research and spirituality. He writes and teaches from the unique perspective of an experienced clinician, scientist, and mystic and is devoted to the spiritual evolution of mankind.

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Old 03-13-2010, 03:51 PM   #735
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Thank you greybeard for your warm welcome.

I will check into this material it does sound interesting. My first problem though is "what is enlightenment?". The process of giving up the ego is a concept I am familiar with. But at some point it is returned to you with a new understanding of it's intended use. It becomes just one more of the tools we are given to bring us to the knowledge and wisdom required for our journey.

Love and kindness
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Old 03-13-2010, 10:08 PM   #736
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
I let my ego out to play today on various threads, The spiritual ego naturally.
Anyway I appreciate Avalon Forum and all who make me think here.
Couldn't agree with you more Chris. That's to me what surrendering the ego is all about. Being. Meaning, giving ourselves the opportunity to come up higher.

The ego must be observed to be transmuted and surrendered. How to observe? Put ourselves in situations that are likely to trigger our ego! What is it that makes us uncomfortable, irritated, angry, self righteous, defensive?

Whatever it is, do it ! That way we will be forced to confront the illusions, the darkness, the human beliefs that are holding us back from Being Peace always and Being the divine within always.

We must become conscious of what we are currently unconscious of to move higher.

So seeing our ego pop out, or mistakes we've made (which I own up to in this very thread some of my own illusions have popped to the surface in the manner in which I've made a couple of posts), is BEAUTIFUL.

Making mistakes is BEAUTIFUL ~ When we see the mistake we've made.

That's what the entire path is all about ~ being conscious of what we are currently unconscious of.

Forums like this provide a magnificent opportunity to make mistakes! When we do, we ideally see it, and bring consciousness to unconsciousness so next time, we are more likely to grow and "Be MORE" as I like to say ~ the eternal path of transcendence and growth of our unique perspective in Oneness with All that IS.
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Old 03-14-2010, 05:31 AM   #737
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You have to learn how to turn the tables on the ego.
The only way to forgive what is within, is to forgive what seems to be without.

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Old 03-14-2010, 06:27 AM   #738
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Morning Dan and 14
Agree with both of you.
How can you change transmute forgive what you are unaware of.
The joy of owning a mistake and promptly admitting it is life supporting.
Denial is darkness.
I can see the times I project my own errors on to others.
Byron Katie wrote a book on it


That which you shine the light of consciousness on dissolves.
its hard going at first when you commit to God, all that is not life supporting
(of God) that is within you comes up to be removed.

Words come out and then the thought. Oh did I really say that? What was I thinking off.
Apologies are made people move closer together.

I rather be happy than right is good,

With Love
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Old 03-14-2010, 05:40 PM   #739
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Observing what goes on in this forum at the moment shows to my mind the necessity
to understand the ego's workings.
Its only when there is awareness of this that choices can be made.

Better still just go on business as usual.
Let go let God.
Seems too simple but is it?
Whatever works.
Whats important?
Peace of mind is.
Until the ego is at least tamed there is no peace of mind.

If you are new to this thread I suggest that you at least look at some of the earlier postings, then contribute.

With love and respect
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Old 03-15-2010, 11:46 PM   #740
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Inspiration from Dr. Hawkins

Enjoy this spiritual wisdom from Dr. Hawkins:

“Q: Where does one begin the search for spiritual truth, self-realization, called enlightenment?

A: It is simple. Begin with who and what you are. All truth is found within. Use verified teachings as a guide.” (Eye of the I, p. 175)

“The goal of society in general is to succeed in the world, whereas the goal of enlightenment is to transcend beyond it.” (Eye, p. 70)

”What the ego cannot lift with all its might is like a feather to the Grace of God.” (Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, p. 56)
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Old 03-16-2010, 08:11 PM   #741
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The only thing that can feel "Im hurt" is the ego
The only thing that can feel outrage--indignation--
How could they do that to me?
You promised you shouldn't have,
You should have is----
Is guess what?
To be revealed after the commercial.

Bye for NOW
Going to have a cup of tea.
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Old 03-17-2010, 07:05 AM   #742
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Good morning.
Well I awoke alive so its another good day begining.
Its a good day because I decided to have one.
Every night before I go to sleep I have a look at the days events and see what I can be grateful for.
Isent it strange that the more grateful I become the more I have to be grateful for.
My cup runeth over.
Im up before my ego surfaces, if im lucky it wont catch up with me.

So far so good.
Relax be happy.

With love
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Old 03-18-2010, 01:32 AM   #743
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I have joined Avalon2 for I feel that transcending the ego is an important subject.
I believe it is possible for a thread to be transfered there.
Many have contributed to this thread and thousands have read it
The postings already made are too beneficial to be lost, our very future may depend on enough people evolving spiritually to make a difference.

True spiritual evolution comes through letting go of the old material things and welcoming that which is of real lasting value into our lives,

Jesus taught that earthly transient things were of no lasting value, your spiritual vibration is not only of value to you personally but of great help in raising up others as you transcend the ego.

If we are to believe prominent spiritual teachers, then we are heading for some rapid change, evolution of consciousness and scientific evidence seems to confirm that at least there are profound energy changes gong on in our universe.
I believe that is very important that we, as best we individually can, prepare spiritually for these possible changes by at least taming the ego.

Because the possible birth pains associated with this metamorphosis could create a lot of fear in those unprepared.
Fear is inherent in the structure of the ego.
The more faith and trust we have in a loving Creator the less we will be negatively affected by any change.

When we are calm we have a very beneficial effect on others.
When faith is strong the higher mind clicks in and sound rational decisions come easily and in some cases instantly.

Syncronicity ocurs, you just find yourself in the right place at the right time.

A story.
I was in the shopping mall yesterday and got in the lift to go up one level, the doors closed, a moment later the doors opened I got out, that was quick I thought.
No it was the same floor, I decided I would just walk to the elevator as I did I bumped into friend I hadn't seen in fifteen years. We had a very enjoyable meeting and some tings of importance to both of us were shared. .
Obviously it was meant to happen.

This may be nearing the end of posting here so any contributions will be much appreciated.
Thanks to all who have contributed already.

With Love
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Old 03-18-2010, 01:42 AM   #744
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

I am so glad you will carry on with this, Chris. There are many great reminders, and it is such a rich thread. Nothing is more important than our spiritual evolution.

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Old 03-18-2010, 03:28 AM   #745
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Spiritual growth is always happening whether or not we are aware of it.

As I become more and more aware of myself as eternal consciousness,
I become more peaceful and at ease with all that happens in my life.

Physical reality reflects this peace back to me.

Thank you Chris for sharing your stories with us.

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Old 03-18-2010, 03:34 AM   #746
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Thank you Chris, for all you do
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Old 03-18-2010, 06:05 PM   #747
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger View Post
Thank you Chris, for all you do
Thanks Susan.
"Yir not half bad ur self"
Thats Scottish for your great.
We seem to be a race that is very good at knocking the ego out of others and understatement.

Typical statements

He is no better than he should be.
I will turn your gas down to a peep.
Does your Mother know you are out?
I will wipe that smile off your face.
He's getting above himself.

Anyway Susan my friend.
Lang may yir lum reek.

Several translations.
Long may there be smoke in your chimney and fire in your hearth.
May you have a long life filled with warmth and energy.

With Love
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Old 03-18-2010, 08:51 PM   #748
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Everyone has bench marks in their life.
Some of the other threads here trigger memory of my Aha moments.

The Power of Now was massive for me as said already in earlier posts.
Eckhart Tolles's concepts of "Pain body" and "Now" really got to me.

My ego didn't like it one bit.

Next was Power vs Force, one statement that really hit me in the book is.

" Human beings are incapable of telling truth from false hood"

That is a real shocker.
Could it be true?
My ego struggled and shouted all the way through the book.
(if the ego is struggling you are getting it.)

Me so rationale etc how could I possibly be wrong in my assumptions.

Well the book goes on in great detail which I wont even attempt to go into.

However look at it this way if you will.

Every war has been fought on false premises.

The people of Germany for example were fed lie after lie.
Who could blame them, they fell for it, and for the Fatherland ordinary people went out and killed and were killed.

Gobels said "If you tell a lie often enough people will believe it."
Thats what happened. Millions died to serve the desires of a few megalomaniacs led by Hitler.

That is why transcending the ego is so important.
Keep the ego going and we will have more of the same, its inevitable.

With respect for all points of view.

With love
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Old 03-18-2010, 11:48 PM   #749
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

In spite of my best intentions I posted rather more today than usual.

If you my friend Michael of the 14 read this.
You will understand when I say.
God made me do it.

Love and good night
Off for a sleep I deserve it.
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Old 03-19-2010, 03:15 AM   #750
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

Originally Posted by bushycat View Post
I am so glad you will carry on with this, Chris. There are many great reminders, and it is such a rich thread. Nothing is more important than our spiritual evolution.

Yes my friend that is it.
The whole and only reason that we come here is to get the answer to the question
Who am I?

Chris going bump in the night.

Lets have a good laugh.

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