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Old 09-14-2008, 11:47 AM   #1
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Default How do we prepare our children for 'change' & help them 'awake and prepare' ??

~As a 'lone' parent I sometimes struggle with getting the balance right on how much info/knowledge I introduce to my child about the potential 'changes' to life as we know it....
Obviously, i dont wish to scare her...and am VERY cautious when bringing up/responding to issues related to our forum here....

#Although she is a bright sensitive child who has a total belief in multiple dimensions, aliens, reincarnation, 'spiritworld' (our name for the afterlife plane)
she is at present still quite emersed in her innocence to the projection of the 'matrix' reality most of us are living in....

so I contantly swing with the notion of how much do I tell her?? do I just ''let her be, and enjoy whats left of 'normality'' as she knows it?? ....and/or.... prepare her mentally and spiritually as much as I can??

#Most of her friends are from families who are 'sleeping' and 'blind to our reality' ...if I let her know too much, she is likely to discuss with friends and then risk being rejected / excluded as a 'weird kid' by those families ...

She is aware that 'mum is busy with research regarding changes in our planet' and I have prepared her for the possiblilty of having to get rid of most our possessions at some point and for us to be going on a 'travelling adventure'together, and she seemed to be cool with that idea!
We also talked about the possibility of 'time travel' becoming a reality for us all in her lifetime....and she jumped into my arms with joy and tears in her eyes !! ( is this a sign she is ready?)

So, i guess its a case of mental/spiritual preperation -Vs- ignorance and innocence.... ???

As a parent to a child I adore and love, I obviously want to do the 'right thing'
I am aware that the 'timelines' are ever changeable and what could potentially happen might not materialise....so how much preperation does a parent give their child at this time of confusion and unpredictability???

I would appreciate other parents views and some insight to how they are choosing to deal with this... beacuse I am REALLY CONFUSED!

many thanks!
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Old 09-14-2008, 12:09 PM   #2
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Hello again firehorse

Children when they are at a young age seem to be very open to all these topics, which is wonderfull to see.

I guess, looking at my own experience i would have felt that if my parents thought me more about death and how there is nothing to be feared from it i would not have felt so bad when i heard about the other not so good stuff.

It would be wise to be carefull how you use words when talking to your child about sensitive matters. Get her open to the idea of possibilities, and probabilities. And when talking to her about something that you realise might upset her sit down and think of a way to word it that will give her the general idea without instilling any fear.

Can i ask, what was it that you intended on telling her that has you concerned about how she might take it?
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Old 09-14-2008, 12:26 PM   #3
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hi Lockn Load..!
thanks for feedback!
yes, I am very cautious and careful in communiction...
she knows/senses we are 'different' from other families..because of things she has asked me... she is an 'out there' kinda kid...in her imagination and ideas...so she readily takes on board certain concepts her peers might not have thought about....but she is also a regular child emersed in the material trappings..goes to regular school ( against my better judgement) her life revolves around friends/music/tv/films on top of the stuff we do together....so as my awareness grows in the reality of our existence...I become more aware of my responsibility to teach my child..however, i dont want her becoming 'screwed up'. am I making sence? I am sure u know what i mean!! lol

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Old 09-14-2008, 12:31 PM   #4
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Default Re: How do we prepare our children for 'change' & help them 'awake and prepare' ??

Here is a good primer for anyone.

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Old 09-14-2008, 12:45 PM   #5
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Default Re: How do we prepare our children for 'change' & help them 'awake and prepare' ??

Wayne Dyer has written several feel good books about the LOA for kids.
There is no mention of any New Agey catch words. Just empowering kids and helping them to believe in themselves and trust their feelings.

One of them is called : Incredible You

Too often as parents we teach our kids to lie to keep society happy. We teach them not to voice their concerns or opinions because it isn't nice. That is an area I still struggle with.

My 6 year old was born an old man. The kid is never wrong and he grows weary of being brushed off because of his size. Adults don't take kindly to being corrected by a 6 year old (me and his father included). I only ask him now to keep his voice tone civil.

It is his path. ALL our kids path.
They chose this time to be born.
They chose us as parents.

So parent your child how YOU see fit and don't worry about what her friends say or don't. It will all work out like it is supposed to.

LOVE and only LOVE
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Old 09-14-2008, 12:49 PM   #6
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Your making perfect sense. I was just going to mention that, if you teach her too much it may be the cause of her being exiled from her peers.

I suppose you gotta just take a fine line between her reality and the reality that 90% of the population is emersed in.

It may also be a good idea to not tell her stuff that she doesnt need to know, of course if you were 100% sure some event was going to happen you would need to inform her so she would be mentally prepared.

Its not your job to inform her on absoultely everything that is going on this early in her life, focus more on teaching her stuff that will be of some value to her.

Teach her how to learn, and teach her to question everything, im pretty damn sure that with a fantastic mum like you she will find her way.
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Old 09-14-2008, 01:11 PM   #7
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No need to worry about the children. They are connected and most of them are more evolved beings than their parents. They will be teaching you and not the opposite. Remember that no being comes here at random. There is a timing to everything. No need to give them "ideas" etc. Just be natural and present with them and treat them like the adults they are to become.

That is the worst mistake I see from many parents. From their own infantile needs they treat their children like a child. This is the reason that most "adults" are not really mature inside. Their parents was never really present with them when they grew up. They were never treated and respected as adults. Most are like children hiding behind "adult/serious" masks. And thus they talk in funny "cute" voices to their children also, and do not take them seriously. Respect your "child" like an adult and be present with that person. That is all it takes to be a good parent. And always remember that it is not "your child". It is an independent being at a certain level of evolvement with his/her own "mission" in life.
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Old 09-14-2008, 01:14 PM   #8
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Default Re: How do we prepare our children for 'change' & help them 'awake and prepare' ??

Originally Posted by Sanat View Post
No need to worry about the children. They are connected and most of them are more evolved beings than their parents. They will be teaching you and not the opposite. Remember that no being comes here at random. There is a timing to everything. No need to give them "ideas" etc. Just be natural and present with them and treat them like the adults they are to become.

That is the worst mistake I see from many parents. From their own infantile needs they treat their children like a child. This is the reason that most "adults" are not really mature inside. Their parents was never really present with them when they grew up. They were never treated and respected as adults. Most are like children hiding behind "adult/serious" masks. And thus they talk in funny "cute" voices to their children also, and do not take them seriously. Respect your "child" like an adult and be present with that person. That is all it takes to be a good parent. And always remember that it is not "your child". It is an independent being at a certain level of evolvement with his/her own "mission" in life.

You just summed it up mate, those were some very wise words.
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Old 09-14-2008, 03:02 PM   #9
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Default Re: How do we prepare our children for 'change' & help them 'awake and prepare' ??

I'm not sure there is much to add here. Just a reminder that what you do is

more important than what you say. It sounds like you are doing a great job.
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Old 09-14-2008, 03:08 PM   #10
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Default Re: How do we prepare our children for 'change' & help them 'awake and prepare' ??

Hiya...thanks everyone for the feedback so far!! so much wisdom out there and I appreciate u all....! I am sure there must be many people going through a similair process, so look forward to other people sharing!! love n light to all who comes here!
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Old 09-14-2008, 06:09 PM   #11
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Default Re: How do we prepare our children for 'change' & help them 'awake and prepare' ??

Originally Posted by firehorse10 View Post

~As a 'lone' parent I sometimes struggle with getting the balance right on how much info/knowledge I introduce to my child about the potential 'changes' to life as we know it....
Obviously, i dont wish to scare her...and am VERY cautious when bringing up/responding to issues related to our forum here....

#Although she is a bright sensitive child who has a total belief in multiple dimensions, aliens, reincarnation, 'spiritworld' (our name for the afterlife plane)
she is at present still quite emersed in her innocence to the projection of the 'matrix' reality most of us are living in....

so I contantly swing with the notion of how much do I tell her?? do I just ''let her be, and enjoy whats left of 'normality'' as she knows it?? ....and/or.... prepare her mentally and spiritually as much as I can??

#Most of her friends are from families who are 'sleeping' and 'blind to our reality' ...if I let her know too much, she is likely to discuss with friends and then risk being rejected / excluded as a 'weird kid' by those families ...

She is aware that 'mum is busy with research regarding changes in our planet' and I have prepared her for the possiblilty of having to get rid of most our possessions at some point and for us to be going on a 'travelling adventure'together, and she seemed to be cool with that idea!
We also talked about the possibility of 'time travel' becoming a reality for us all in her lifetime....and she jumped into my arms with joy and tears in her eyes !! ( is this a sign she is ready?)

So, i guess its a case of mental/spiritual preperation -Vs- ignorance and innocence.... ???

As a parent to a child I adore and love, I obviously want to do the 'right thing'
I am aware that the 'timelines' are ever changeable and what could potentially happen might not materialise....so how much preperation does a parent give their child at this time of confusion and unpredictability???

I would appreciate other parents views and some insight to how they are choosing to deal with this... beacuse I am REALLY CONFUSED!

many thanks!
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Honesty forthrightness togetherness compassion love NO MORE LIES despite how small you think it is NO MORE LIES tell her the truth tell her you will be going though it together do not let it be a surprise if you leave it to be a surprise you are no better than the monsters who would take delight in it being a surprise

Tell her the truth and help each other tell her everything you think you know and ask her thoughts and treasure those thoughts you will be surprised purity she is another you my friend only smaller

Lak-ech my brothers & sisters

My love
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Old 09-14-2008, 06:11 PM   #12
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Default Re: How do we prepare our children for 'change' & help them 'awake and prepare' ??

every child, should have you for a parent

will you adopt me ???

brightest blessings

the eXchanger
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Old 09-14-2008, 08:57 PM   #13
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Default Re: How do we prepare our children for 'change' & help them 'awake and prepare' ??

Hi first of all I find it hard to beleive you are a lone parent, I have a simmilar problem I have 6 children 4 still at home.I've tried to explain the way I have felt all my life ,that I was different to most,and I'm not MAD.I know how hard it can be to tell and inform children whats really going on in the world THE TRUTH, NOT WHAT'S TAUGHT IN SCHOOL.

The only advice I can give is ,be true too your family in a way that will not scare her and honesty is the best policy. I read in other posts you're thinking of moving abroad , the way I see it ,a good general always fights on his own ground. Wales ,Scotland and yes even England have vast areas to start a fresh 'It's not the place it's the souls around you that make the difference.

Whatever you decide listen to your inner self and you will do the right thing for both of you .

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Old 09-15-2008, 04:02 AM   #14
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Hi Firehorse, and everyone else.
I myself have not been able to have children. (biggest regret of my life).
But, there must be a reason for this. Haven`t figured it out yet.
Don`t understand why, (please don`t judge me, i do enough of that myself).
But two previous wifes have left me for this reason, even tho i told them of my problem before we got serious.
Good on them tho, they both have new partners and are now both proud parents.
My current partner already has 4 grown children (pressure is off), and five wonderful grandchildren, who think the sun shines out of my.... you know where.
Jayden, who is now 4, used to take me outside to talk to the Trees when he was 2. He would get answers back as well, i could tell this by the way his conversations were going.... precious moments for me!
His now 2 year old brother, Noah, is exactly the same.
They are so attuned to the enviroment, and at there age have taught me something that i think we have all forgotten.
They are the smartest little guys i have even met, i love em to death.
I myself, have started to see the pretty lights around the the trees that they talk so much about.
We have had so many special moments together.
I feel so blessed that they have come into my life.
I suppose what i`m trying to say is that, the children know, we don`t have to tell them, if you take the time to listen, they will tell us.
Any way, i`ve rambled on enough.

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Old 09-15-2008, 04:12 AM   #15
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One thing I have learned is not to debate with other adults a lot of the negative stuff in front of the kids. As adults we have learned to analyze the negative stuff, all those things that can kill us and kill the planet, and at the same time maintain a positive and healthy outlook, even in the face of danger. Kids can't do that, and can easily become overwhelmed by the fearful stuff.
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Old 09-15-2008, 07:27 AM   #16
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Good advice sanat
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Old 09-17-2008, 01:13 PM   #17
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Kudos on this link on children!

Slim~ You are a parent now!! In my tradition, a teacher or mentor is a "parent" of their students.If it is in love, lucky are those!

Now, I am a granddaughter of a country school teacher that taught
for over 30 years in a country school of over 12 grades by herself.
I have homeschooled my 3 children for most of their years schooling so far.
The last 2 years I have "Awakened", even though my father has been in Natural Healing & Nutrition for ALL my life. I will tell you what I have done:

Firstly, I have always had open communication with my children.When they were small we discussed nature and it's systems.We had lady bug lodges, butterfly gardens, fish aquariums, lizards,snakes,helped injured wildlife in our area.We grew plants in the kitchen(Sometimes there were armies of paper cups on the counters! So many discoveries we made(and still do!)

Now they are just beginning their teen and tween years. I have always discussed current events as I saw them,waited for their opinions and discussed what I saw or felt in regards to their views. I am extremely honest in that I do not have ALL the answers. I only know I TRY MY BEST to do what is right and to have as much info that I can before I make important decisions- be the facts from ANY source(In regards to no racism or bigotry),
not just from my background or country of origin.

When I came across Michael Sharp's site on what we humans really are
(Fractals of God), I told the kids that we are more than what we have been taught to believe. As I have always shown genuine respect for their inner essence, they took it in with excitement but kinda yea that makes sense.
We are all exploring what that all entails. We have done many "group" intentions for healing of others and slowing down storms for higher good only and have been gratified at the responses. Since last year, we have done an Herbal Journal for healing for part of their homeschooling. This year we are doing a Stone & Crystal Journal on healing.They find interesting info for me on Youtube,etc. They teach me as well as I teach them. Most of their friends are in regular school and I feel that somehow my children give those children a certain stability about how the Universe runs. Children are very aware of what is truth and what is Love & kindness. When we do come across situations that may be questionable on what the friends parents would
agree to, WE ask permission. ( I would expect the same respect). I openly tell my children that I have different values than most and that I have taught them only light, kindness, respect,& love. I HAVE shown them many examples of darkness and why it's wrong. I HAVE shown them what is wrong with greed, power hunting,closed minds. I am still teaching these things and how all things have consequences!!!!! I let them know I am not perfect and do not know everything but I give them the best that I know and have and love them with my whole being!! I cannot gaurrentee what their life will be or mine, but I have taught them how to investigate and to make wise choices.

Good luck on all that you do!!!
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Old 09-20-2008, 05:23 PM   #18
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Hi Samarkis,
thankyou so much for sharing with us how you are helping to educate your children.

keep on shining and keep on sharing...you inspire me!

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Old 09-20-2008, 06:01 PM   #19
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You could take your child camping to teach survival skills that 'everybody should know', etc.
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Old 09-20-2008, 06:08 PM   #20
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heya! yep, we do camping for sure...every kid loves that!

all the best
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Old 09-20-2008, 07:18 PM   #21
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I have a 14 year old step daughter and I started to talk about the coming times from a pretty earlier age with her, well I think she was about 10. I feel that I made the mistake of too much information to be honest, she doesn't really understand the bigger picture of 'coming' global events. She has said to her mum and I "why can't we be normal like all her friends and family".

So that raises the question, how do we know that we are indeed 'normal'? how do we know that it is not us who is crazy and is in serious need of being sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

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Old 09-20-2008, 08:38 PM   #22
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I simply started living like the change had already taken place to a certain extent. My son roams around our farm which has 6 really capable adults around most of the time and is learning to *gasp*
Play with fire
Play with knives (he's learning to whittle and carve)
Shoot a bow
Clean a gun
Cook and clean up after himself
Kill and clean a chicken
Tie various knots
Build stuff
Con a sailboat
etc. Not bad for a 7 year old...

In some ways, maybe I missed out never living alone, but as things get 'hot', 'out there', I'm glad I'm 40 and have skilled property-mates! It's been great for the kids (I've a step daughter as well). Neither child thinks it is odd to live in multi-person homes. Though many of their friends do!
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Old 09-21-2008, 04:45 PM   #23
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Hi Lance, wow....my daughter could definately learn a few things from your son! It is great you have created the opportunity for your kids to learn all the basics of suvival. respect!
Formally known here as FIREHORSE!!
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