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Old 08-25-2009, 03:56 AM   #1
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Default By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

A strange title for this thread, but a relevant one, I think. I'll leave it for others to make up their mind about it

We talk endlessly about levels of consciousness, of dimensions. It came to me whilst working in my garden today, that everything has its level of developement. Since I have learned about farming and gardening biologically, I have come to realize that there is no need to be 'fighting' weeds and pests! All I need to do is to change the 'terrain" (the soil), to add the necessary minerals and nutrients that best suit what I am wishing to grow. The various weeds are merely indicators of what is lacking in my soil. When I minerally 'balance' my soil, the weeds disappear because the 'terrain' is not suited to them anymore.

Likewise, with the health of our bodies, eating nutritious foods, giving our body healthy suggestions, avoiding vaccinations, builds strong immunity to any and all disease. As the scientist who invented pencillin admitted on his death bed 'the terrain is everything'. An alkaline based body can withstand any assaults from outside, a acid body attracts disease.

And finally, we have levels on consciousness, and sometimes we become confused about this, but its really quite simple. Peoples level of consciousness is indicated by their "works",by their intent, by how they behave, by how they treat people in their lives, by their truthfulness, their integrity, their honour. When a certain level of consciousness is attained there is no need to be "fighting" any negativity, because it doesnt exist for them, they are beyond it.

Love and Light

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Old 08-25-2009, 04:42 AM   #2
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Default Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

I agree with a lot of what you say there Carmen. I personally think though, that unless we first expose the darkness, then we will never get to the light.

Human's have endlessly told each other, just be positive, just be good, just do the right thing, and have endlessly not done the right thing, been a mix of both good and bad and continuously experienced the highs and the lows... and in the end, thousands of years of 'civilization' later, we're still all focused on our own tiny little lives while being under a power elite that exploits and rules over the people.

How can we only focus on light before we have got to the bottom of the problem of why the world is suffering in the first place? Only focusing on the light sounds nice, but has it ever worked for the world? Is this advice any different from anything we've been telling ourselves for millenium?

I believe we must walk through the darkness to get to the light. Otherwise, we will be following a false light while the darkness continues to do it's thing, both within you and within the world, and we will be fooled into thinking if we don't look at it it will go away.

The path to salvation for humanity is to expose the darkness, expose it for the lie and the illusion that it is, and then walk into the light.

The path is non-attachment and ultimate respect for free will, but it is NOT to accept things the way that they are and let them be. Things are not healthy, happy, or divine for humanity right now. It will take the spiritual warriors to shine the light on the darkness and give the people the option they deserve to choose a better Way.

The powers that be control through deception. No one would fall for their lies if they saw what the PTB were really doing. That's why it takes true light bearers to expose the darkness, expose the lies. These light bearers will first have to expose the darkness within themselves and be reborn in the light, otherwise they will fall into the same dualistic traps that humans have been falling into for millennium.

I believe if the people knew better they would do better. Knowing better means understanding both the darkness and the light and then having a fair choice, the choice to continue to be victims or the choice to be co-creators of abundance for all life as things are meant to Be.

My take. And I agree completely, you will know them by their works!

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 08-25-2009 at 05:21 AM.
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Old 08-25-2009, 04:51 AM   #3
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Default Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
Human's have endlessly told each other, just be positive, just be good, just do the right thing, and have endlessly not done the right thing, been a mix of both good and bad and continuously experienced the highs and the lows... and in the end, thousands of years of 'civilization' later, we're still all focused on our own tiny little lives while a power elite that exploits and rules over the people.

How can you only focus on light before we have got to the bottom of the problem of why the world is suffering in the first place? Only focusing on the light sounds nice, but has it ever worked for the world? Is this advice any different from anything we've been telling ourselves for millenium?
The reminds me of the book I read long ago - The Gods of Eden - Since the beginning of our time on earth humans have naturally gathered to do the good and the right thing. And always - always they are infiltrated with divide and conquer saboteurs. "Alien" beings interfere in our lives on this planet to constantly keep us in turmoil and war. The author drew references from many worldly texts to support his explanation. It was so obviously correct I didn't even finish the book ...
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Old 08-25-2009, 04:56 AM   #4
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Default Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

The Gods of Eden by William Bramley

"They Are With Us Still...

"Human history is a seemingly endless succession of bloody conflicts and devastating turmoil. Yet, inexplicably, in the light of astonishing intellectual and technological advancement, Man's progress has been halted in one crucial area: he still indulges the primitive beast within and makes war upon his neighbors.

"As a result of seven years of intense research, William Bramley has uncovered the sinister thread that links humanity's darkest events -- from the wars of the ancient pharaohs to the assassination of JFK. In this remarkable, shocking and absolutely compelling work, Bramley presents disturbing evidence of an alien presence on Earth -- extraterrestrial visitors who have conspired to dominate Humankind through violence and chaos since the beginning of time...a conspiracy which continues to this very day."

Last edited by Karen; 08-25-2009 at 05:10 AM.
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Old 08-25-2009, 05:07 AM   #5
14 Chakras
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Default Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

Hi Karen,

I completely agree that at high levels this has been happening in one form or another for a very long time.. and this is certainly something we need to get off of humanities back in order to have a world that works, a very primary factor. Thank you for pointing this out and it needs to be explored further...

I think it's important to bring the story much closer to home as well and look at it even within our own lives... within 'we the people'.

None of us, no where have managed to create a utopia on earth. No matter what community starts up, who is involved, it always comes down to politics, agendas and non-perfection. Now of course there is love, but let's be honest here, it's not all love! No community, no where, it's never in written history existed this utopia on earth, this abundant earth we've heard so much about.

Yes, manipulative aliens are a part of that surely. However, the story is much closer to home when we see that it is our own darkside that will erupt and cause problems with any community that starts up. Sure we might blame another, but it takes two to tango.

As long as we hold on to our own darkness, we will not have the abundant world that we know we are meant to have... so a key part of the path is to surrender our own darkness.. which I suggest is personified in the ego.

Once that's done, then we're really ready to shine our light on this world, get rid of all the baddies and help others achieve the true freedom they deserve! Freedom from the monkey on their back both in society, represented by the power elite, and freedom in their own lives, represented by freedom from the false self, the dark self that is the human ego (my take!). Not to be mean to the ego, just to send it love and observation is all to transmute it and be reborn into the higher consciousness.

P.S. Important to consider: Behind the darkest aliens, are dark fallen beings that control them. It is worth considering that the top dark lords are not in bodies, but are basically consciousness itself. For example, imagine a personification of the consciousness of Greed, or another one of hate, or another one of jealousy, or another one of pride, or another one of false mental spirituality etc..

Consider that these larger beings which are personifications of negative consciousness itself are what controls these dark aliens and infects governments and society at large. But consider it is literally the SAME consciousness and beings that creeps in and infects our own little lives and attempts to destroy the good in even the little things. My point here is, the dark aliens are very much controlled by various consciousness of anti-christ, but consider that until we have surrendered our own darkness, that the same consciousness that controls the aliens to work against our evolution, works in US.

So even getting rid of the overlords is only a part of the solution, shining the light on our own darkness and surrendering it is the ultimate key and that is how the collective consciousness will shift and the abundant life will be manifest for all life! Yay.

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 08-25-2009 at 05:53 AM.
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Old 08-25-2009, 06:56 AM   #6
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Default Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

Okay, 14 Chakras, you have sort of answered your own question from your first post on this thread. The elevated consciousness that I am talking about is attained by the person who has faced, understood and accepted their own darkness/negativitiy, altered ego, whatever you want to call it! And this part of themselves is usually projected on to other people, situations and events. In this mirroring of the One, we would never recognise anything outside of ourselves if it wasn't an aspect of us.

We put on our own seatbelts first because without it we are no help to anyone else. So, we have trawled through all the crappy stuff. We have read and studied endlessly about illuminatees, conspiracy, good aliens, bad aliens, disasters, liars, control freaks!!!! Then what???More of the same? Or could it be asking ourselves the question, "What can I do?" Am I part of the problem, or can I be part of the solution?"

So, in introspection, serious inner inquiry, maybe, just maybe, we start to glean some answers. Not from outside of ourselves, but from inside. We can look at our own attitudes, our own "terrain". From that we see a little more clearly where we can change things on a personal level. We can start 'applying' what we have learned, and gaining some experience, some wisdom.

You are quite right about communities falling apart after awhile, after promising much, from peoples **** coming to the surface. Unless and until we have brought our **** to the surface, looked at it, accepted it, and have chosen to "be' different, we can't even lead ourselves, let alone relate well to other people. All changes in consciousness start with the individual, which then spreads, affecting those close, which then radiates out to the community and on and on. Those vibrating on higher levels do not attract lower vibrational beings unless they still have "stuff" to deal with. There is such a thing as spiritual ego to deal with when people start evolving which is a more sutle, trickier, sucker to deal with.

Thanks for the opportunity to address this. Im not sure I have conveyed all that I wish to, cos words are difficult to form sometimes, to communicate meaning.

Love and Light

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Old 08-25-2009, 07:25 AM   #7
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Default Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

Hi Carmen - I love that gardening story. It reminds me of when I was 'gardening' my young family. The children (knock on wood) flourished with a few good books, regular mealtimes and baths, lots of play with friends. These were simple things to provide - and the growth took care of itself.

I always enjoyed their little perspectives, so there was also lots of merriment. These things were like their terrain. Sometimes I think even the house (with its interesting toys and messes), the trees in the yard and our pleasant neighbors helped me raise my family more than my personal efforts did!

Soil management and its fascinating potentials LOL kind of like civilizations' timelines
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Old 08-25-2009, 10:02 AM   #8
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Lightbulb Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

Hi Carmen
When I first read your thread's title before going to sleep early this morning~
After taking a brief respite from this planes conscious awareness,
I awoke on a distant cosmic shore~
with the sensation of water and sand filtering through my toes
I could hear a gentle~ provocative voice calling out~

beckening too me

"By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them"

I pondered this for a moment~ as I fully awoke,
recalling a similiar visionary memory~
of a man talking to some fishermen~
asking them to lay down their nets and follow him~
a sort of fisherman of mankind~ you might say

Yes~ I believe <> one shall truly know them

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Old 08-25-2009, 12:01 PM   #9
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I can not nor do I lay claim to the following. Those who know where they originate will know the power of them.


1. Come to accept that we have lost the connection to our higher self.
2. Come to accept that our higher self when connected to our consciousness can return us to balance.
3. Make a decision to hand our life and will over to our higher self.
4. Make a candid and honest review of our current attitudes in light of the heart virtues
5. Share these details with the higher self, and another person.
6. When ready humbly ask the higher self to remove all attitudes that are not consistent with the heart virtues.
7. Make a list of all people we have harmed as a result of our review
8. Where possible without causing any further harm, seek out those we have wronged and make our amends.
9. Continue on a daily basis to review our attitudes in regard to the heart virtues.
10. On a daily basis through meditation seek to improve our connection to the higher self.
11. Having made the connection to our higher self we practice its principals in all our affairs.
12. When invited, extend the hand of help to those seeking to reconnect with there own higher self, by guiding them along this path.
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Old 08-25-2009, 01:56 PM   #10
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Default Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

Ephesians 5:9

For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth

Lets be lanterns and lights and expose darkness when we see it

Ephesians 5:11-13

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them

For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret

But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light

Lets take the shortcut lol

John 8:12

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life
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Old 08-25-2009, 02:40 PM   #11
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When I minerally 'balance' my soil, the weeds disappear because the 'terrain' is not seeds and pests! All I need to do is to change the 'terrain" (the soil), to add the necessary minerals and nutrients that best suit what I am wishing to grow. uited to them anymore.
That sounds like a neat technique. In my experience growing in a subtropical climate the closer the soil gets to having balanced nutrition, the healthier the weeds get.

Weed = plant out of place
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Old 08-25-2009, 03:41 PM   #12
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Default Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

Originally Posted by Carmen View Post
The elevated consciousness that I am talking about is attained by the person who has faced, understood and accepted their own darkness/negativitiy, altered ego, whatever you want to call it!
I agree with this, I just believe the key is not to accept the darkness, which is the illusions, rather the key is to transmute it and surrender it. But how to do this?

I love the story about replacing the soil to get rid of the weeds. This is a great allegory.

Until we completely replace who we think we are, will we really be able to replace the weeds in our own consciousness?

As long as we think we are separate from others and separate from our source, will we ever be able to live life that is focused on raising up the whole rather than comparing ourselves to others and trying to raise ourselves up in comparison to them?

Throughout all of history, we've told ourselves, love others like yourself, be nice to others, but no matter how hard we try, it doesn't change the world because we are not changed as much as we tell ourselves we should be...

I think the ONLY way we are going to succeed, is when we finally change the soil. We have to change the soil from the dualistic consciousness of the human ego, to the reality of who we are in Oneness with the infinite and other life.

We must be "reborn" in order to bring forth the abundant life. The greatest among us are the greatest servants of all, and the greatest servants of all are ego less.

Is it possible the future leadership of humanity is ego less? Those who will save the world will first save themselves by surrendering their illusions of separation, their human ego. They will have been reborn where their eye is single, where they live by "not my will but thine be done" because they clearly see "I and my father are One".

Only then will we move beyond lack and limitation and truly bring forth solutions that fix humanities problems rather than endlessly telling ourselves we just need to be better people. Thinking we are 'people' is the entire problem in the first place... we're co-creators and we're divine, infinite spiritual beings who should have full dominion over this matter realm.

So I completely agree, let's work towards replacing the bad soil, the consciousness of separation and duality, the human ego, and work towards replacing it with the good soil of the Christ consciousness where we clearly see all life is One, therefore our victory is won!


Last edited by 14 Chakras; 08-25-2009 at 06:21 PM.
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Old 08-26-2009, 12:50 AM   #13
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Default Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
The path to salvation for humanity is to expose the darkness, expose it for the lie and the illusion that it is, and then walk into the light.
That's what I meant when I put the beavis and butthead quote in my signature line.
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Old 08-26-2009, 02:01 AM   #14
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Default Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

Originally Posted by lindabaker View Post
That's what I meant when I put the beavis and butthead quote in my signature line.
And how profound it is. I love the way the universe works

Who would have known that Beavis and Butthead demostrated such wisdom :lol:

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Old 08-27-2009, 08:19 PM   #15
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Mmm, thank you to those who have responded to this thread. Tone, if the weeds are healthier, then something is still not right in the soil! Weeds are indicators and are in the process of supplying to the soil what it is lacking. Soil, nature, is always in the process of evolution, however long it may be taking. Gardening is about supplying the conditions to speed it up or to just hold it to whatever we are wishing to grow. Nature when denuded of cover (as in a desert, or cleared land) first establishes bacteria which then will grow weeds (unless its soo dry all there is is sand). Then as more bacteria is present, fungi will gradually establish which allows higher plants, as in grasses. Our vegetables grow at about 50/50 bacteria, fungi. With more evolution, fungi develope and we get shrubs then the start of trees. This process once we become aware of it in nature is fascinating to observe. Its all about what is going on in the soil, in the micro-terrain of the growing plants. Old growth forest will have a balance of fungi to bacteria of 1000 to 1. All of nature evolves back to forest if and when the conditions are correct for this to happen. This is natures desire to cloth her body in life giving plants.



ps Thats the gardening part. My baby is awake, I'll get back to the human evolution later.
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Old 08-27-2009, 08:41 PM   #16
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Also, it depends on what kind of garden you want. Some of the most
nutricious plants on the planet are considered weeds, like dandelion
and nettle.
And regarding needing darkness so light can shine, the term "awakening" implies that there is sleep beforehand.
We may be awake when we're born, but then we take a nap for a time. Chakra mentioned before about Jesus and
the Buddha wandering for some years before their light. It seems to be part of the journey for us all.
Love always, bushycat

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Old 08-27-2009, 10:05 PM   #17
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Hi bushy, great to see you back. Im not meaning that weeds are bad, not at all. The weeds are supplying and building necessary elements for the soil, and for us. For instance deep rooted plants like dandelion bring up minerals from deep down to supply to the surface life. They have much needed minerals in them. They do the same for us.


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Old 08-27-2009, 10:21 PM   #18
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Aloha, just couldn't keep away, saw your thread. I know you don't think weeds are bad. My analogy was meant to imply that weeds, growing ones or in one's existance, are weeds in the eye of the beholder. But if it is considered a weed by you, pick it, don't water it, or leave it behind and
ascend without it. As has been repeatedly said, we know what we don't want in this reality, so we should dwell on new and higher. And if others tell us THAT"S A WEED!!!!, we don't need to argue with them. Just water your nettle, as it were, and let them go back to their own garden, their own place in this expansion.
P.S. I love nettle tea. If you ever decide to grow some, wear thick gloves to harvest it and avoid the thorns. Hang it to dry, then crumble for tea. It will not sting you when dried. (....a bit off subject, but we do need to look after our vehicle body, as you've said.

Love and gentle breezes from Hawaii,
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Old 08-27-2009, 11:05 PM   #19
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" The great way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. Make the slightest distinction, however, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart."

Hsin Hsin Ming

You said it beautifullly Carmen

Love always
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Old 08-27-2009, 11:13 PM   #20
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When I realize that the question, "What is right livelihood?" arises out of the idea/feeling of being a separate entity with its inevitable feelings of insecurity, insufficiency, discontent, guilt, loneliness, fear, and wanting, doesn't it follow inevitably that I yearn for a livelihood that will compensate me for what I feel lacking and hurting inside?...When our habitual ideas and feelings of separation begin to abate in silent questioning, listening, and understanding, then right livelihood ceases to be a problem. Whatever we may be doing during the twenty-four hours a day, be it work for money or work for fun, service, leisure, creation or recreation, cleaning toilets, or nothing at all, the doing now, this moment of no separation, is the fulfillment and it affects everyone and everything everywhere. Nothing else is more worthwhile. Everyone and everything is inextricably interweaving in this mysterious fabric called life

Toni Packet, in Claude Whitmyer's Mindfulness and Meaningful Work

Love always
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Old 08-28-2009, 01:27 AM   #21
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14Chakras, when you express: "that unless we first expose the darkness, then we will never get to the light."

I couldn't help but laugh = In actuality, when we do cast our light to see "what is in the darkness," amazingly, the darkness seems to vanish.

So, then perhaps a Brighter Light, MORE Light from the Spirit? Well lookey, lookey = now no Darkness anywhere.

So, which is the greater path to Truth? To search in the Darkness? Or to Light the Path to Truth, with the goal to enLIGHTenment?

So, let's all-together shine some BRIGHT LIGHT on the PTB, the 'Elite,' the unholy Roman Imperium catholicks, the greedy bankers, the corrupt puppets in Governments, the self-centered power grabbers. We will see them all scurry like cockroaches when the Lights go on.

Carmen, You have 'nailed-it' with: "When a certain level of consciousness is attained there is no need to be "fighting" any negativity, because it doesnt exist for them, they are beyond it."

Truth Must Come Before Peace


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Old 08-28-2009, 02:02 AM   #22
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You wanna screw with the PTB, throw wrenches into the system and watch them crumble.

HOW? ...

First, Get yourself COMPLETELY OUT OF ANY AND ALL DEBT. Pay off all credit cards, then SHRED THEM. Pay off the mortgage by adding more principle to every payment. Learn how to BARTER for your needs.

Second, get yourself as INDEPENDENT AS POSSIBLE = OFF THE POWER GRID for starters. Get a small Ham-radio set for communicating. Plant those GARDENS. Keep that car well maintained, and don't trade it in if it's still running OK.

Now, for the fun part: Once your own Home is secure ... now go out and "purchase" a second and third house. Big Houses, without any "down payments." And you don't intend to move into them, of course. Now, simply walk away from them, make no payments at all, let the banks "eat-em." When enough people do this, the house-of-cards comes tumbling down.

No Guts, no Glory, as the Warriors will say.

This is a "Tea-Party" they can't ignore.

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Old 08-28-2009, 02:31 AM   #23
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Default Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

Originally Posted by lindabaker View Post
That's what I meant when I put the beavis and butthead quote in my signature line.
'why cant everything be cool?'
'well, if everything was cool, how would we know what sucked?'
(beavis and butthead)

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Old 08-28-2009, 03:44 AM   #24
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Default Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

Very lovely thread, nice flowers growing in this garden, maybe a weed or two to feed the soil too huh?

Honestly, everyone has great comments and I re-read them all and really enjoy.

Here's a couple of comments from me on some below (my strategy is not so much to pat on the back, even though pats on the back are deserved for comments as the posters in this thread have left, but I try to add value by adding another dimension to great things already said... because of course there is always More to the story)...

Carmen:" There is such a thing as spiritual ego to deal with when people start evolving which is a more subtle, trickier, sucker to deal with."

- Yes great point. This is the path, surrendering the illusions and coming into the higher truth. The higher we get, the more subtle the test become, the more subtle the ego becomes. Often, we mistake spiritual experiences for something that sets us apart from others rather than enables us to come closer to the truth of who we are in Oneness with others and our source... that's the growth of the spiritual ego and it's certainly something that any spiritual community will be dealing with on a regular basis.

I personally am committed to the path of going all the Way, not part of the way... because I know that the pesky ego will never bear good fruit, why do I need it? to feed the matrix? To cause others to suffer? Not for me... but I'm still on the path... still climbing the mountain, and I bid hello to my fellow travelers and climbers along the Way...

Redezera: "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

- Yes, Jesus was "One with the "Father"", meaning Jesus had affirmed his Oneness with the Christ consciousness and it is the Christ speaking through Jesus in this line. The question is, do we follow Jesus or have we put him on a pedastle and not really believed him when he told us about "Our father" and that we can do the works that he does only greater works than these we can do when we let the 'father' within do the work?

Have we missed his point entirely, that we too can say "I AM the Way, the truth and life, I and my father are One" when we accept the reality of who we are beyond the matrix? That we too can affirm our Oneness with the Christ consciousness and be an open door for the Living Word? Do we think God is outside of us, or inside of us? Do we think that there is any separation in reality? Or is it true, that all life is One? If it is One, then God is inside of us.

If we believe God is outside of us, then consider we are trapped in the illusion of duality. As it is written, your eye must be single to enter the kingdom of heaven that is inside of you. As long as we see God as outside of us, we see separation, we see illusion, our eye is not single.

Consider, in reality there is nothing outside of God, and therefore, we are in God, God is in us, and we can affirm our Oneness with the source and be the body of God below.

JRod "unless we first expose the darkness, then we will never get to the light"

Yes I agree it is about shining the light of consciousness on the darkness. The point of this line is that if we close our eyes to the negatives, to our own inner darkness or to the darkness in our world, it won't go away.

The dark forces grow in the shadows, both inside of us and in our world. The path to healing and empowerment, is the path of becoming "wise as serpants". Meaning, let's get to the bottom of the problem in our world BOTH inside of us, and outside of us and then shine the light on it. But ignoring the cause and core of the problem and just pretending everything is perfect, in my opinion is not going to get us very far.

For me the path is surrender. We must be willing to see the 'beam' in our own eye, to see and surrender our own 'stuff' in order to be effective at truly shining our inner light.

Right now, our inner light is filtered and blocked, to one degree or another, by our own illusions or 'stuff' we're hanging onto. Another good word for it is 'dwellers' are blocking the way from us truly shining our light. Whether we are jealous, angry, greedy, fearful, whether we have grown a spiritual ego, we are unwise, unpowerful, unbalanced, etc. We each have some darkness that is blocking our full God given divine potential. These are dwellers.

They are not 'bad', however, when we are ready to move up to the next grade in the universal schoolroom, and help the earth pass the cosmic test we are facing, we will need to do the work to surrender the dwellers. That way, we will be an 'open door' for the light which will transform the world.

So from my perspective, the Way to spiritual freedom and to planetary freedom is not to just pretend that the darkness doesn't exist, it is to do the work to see and surrender our 'stuff' to our own God flame within. That way we take off the mask and filters that are blocking our natural state of Being, which is power, wisdom and love perfectly balanced in total abundance in the Now.

Then we will be 'the light of the world' and shine our light so brightly no parasitic PTB / PTW / dark aliens etc. will be able to hide in any shadows anymore...

Important to note, each one of us has a totally unique flame, a totally unique I AM in the mind of God. When we awaken to our true Self, we will access our very own unique divine talents, and our divine individuality and each express the very beautiful and unique aspect of the infinite that we truly are. Together, we will express ourselves in perfect harmony like master musicians in the orchestra of life. That way everything becomes more.

LB: "'why cant everything be cool?'
'well, if everything was cool, how would we know what sucked?'(beavis and butthead)"

- Yes, well for the past few hundred thousand years we've got to see what sucking is. Now, in the eternal Now, it's finally time to see what's cool again.

Note, there will be shadows and some darkness for many more billions of years in this universe, but when we step up, we'll actually be able to take dominion over our own planet and we'll Be much More than we thought we we're. Planet earth will be home to the "I AM" race (those of us who choose to go all the Way), and for all life it will be enlightened and free, as things are meant to be!

and.. this will be cool.

P.S. , and frankly, there are many more planets to help raise up and endless adventure for those that can prove their 'mettle' in this schoolroom.

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 08-28-2009 at 05:22 AM.
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Old 08-28-2009, 04:01 AM   #25
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Default Re: By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

Wow 14 Chakras...honing the skills of Harmony and Balance... that is cool!!!
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