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Old 09-06-2008, 07:29 PM   #1
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Default 14th October 2008

Good shout on this area Kerry

Will kick this off with a Channeling from Blossom

Channelled by Blossom Goodchild on 1st august

Follow up here.

You Tube links



Confirmed by another:

Collection of other Channels on this :



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Old 09-06-2008, 07:46 PM   #2
Jacqui D
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

This is really interesting stuff, i was told that something was happening this year 2008 and feared because the months are flying past this is really good news great!!!!
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Old 09-06-2008, 07:55 PM   #3
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

Hmmm i have just listened to this chanelling...Interesting!....well, if this happens then that is very exciting indeed...bring on Oct 14th!

my initial thought was that it is likely there may be media and commuication 'blackout' on this day to try stop the publics response....and my other consideration is this 'channelling' might also be a black ops instigated posting to prepare people for the 'false flag' invasion? look forward to hearing other peeps views!
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Old 09-06-2008, 07:56 PM   #4
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

OK, I am going to be abit negative here, so I am sorry in advance.

I have a massive problem with channelled messages, not that I don't believe that it is possible. I feel that at times people just seem to jump on the bandwagon, we seem to be putting far too much faith in channelled messages and alien assistance. Putting the TPTB aside for a second, we all know how much damage they have done, but we are not innocent to what is and has happened on this planet. The enviroment is up a creek without a paddle, amongst many other things.

We need to stop looking for outside sources to save our ass, because to be honest, what we will learn if the ET's come down and safe us?. We need to stand on our own two feet and sort all our own crap out, without the need to run to the great school teacher from outer space complaining that the school bully has knicked our lunch.

We have lived a life of dependence for far too long, and it's about time we grew up spiritually.


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Old 09-06-2008, 07:57 PM   #5
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

I read about this a while ago - I shall be watching with interest! I do have one question though - WHY are these things always focussed on the USA? NO offence meant to anyone at all but the world is a much bigger place!
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Old 09-06-2008, 07:57 PM   #6
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

Originally Posted by Jacqui D View Post
This is really interesting stuff, i was told that something was happening this year 2008 and feared because the months are flying past this is really good news great!!!!
Hi Jacqui D

It is exciting stuff and would be great if it comes to fruitation.

Like all things you come across on your path while doing this life, take what fits and leave behind what does not.

If this does not occur on the 14th Oct as per the message, many people will scoff and attack the Channel, without realising that things can change, plans get changed. Because we and eveyone else, including the ET's have FreeWill that effects the future.

Gives alot of hope though and a date to look forward too with anticipation.


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Old 09-06-2008, 08:01 PM   #7
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

Originally Posted by firehorse10 View Post
Hmmm i have just listened to this chanelling...Interesting!....well, if this happens then that is very exciting indeed...bring on Oct 14th!

my initial thought was that it is likely there may be media and commuication 'blackout' on this day to try stop the publics response....and my other consideration is this 'channelling' might also be a black ops instigated posting to prepare people for the 'false flag' invasion? look forward to hearing other peeps views!
Good and valid points firehorse10

I look forward to others opinions as well.
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Old 09-06-2008, 08:05 PM   #8
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

Originally Posted by jaypierce2008 View Post
OK, I am going to be abit negative here, so I am sorry in advance.

I have a massive problem with channelled messages, not that I don't believe that it is possible. I feel that at times people just seem to jump on the bandwagon, we seem to be putting far too much faith in channelled messages and alien assistance. Putting the TPTB aside for a second, we all know how much damage they have done, but we are not innocent to what is and has happened on this planet. The enviroment is up a creek without a paddle, amongst many other things.

We need to stop looking for outside sources to save our ass, because to be honest, what we will learn if the ET's come down and safe us?. We need to stand on our own two feet and sort all our own crap out, without the need to run to the great school teacher from outer space complaining that the school bully has knicked our lunch.

We have lived a life of dependence for far too long, and it's about time we grew up spiritually.


Agree we are here to sort our own stuff out, and ET's know this as well.

But a small nudge such as Disclosure to show their is indeed life beyond our planet in my opinion would help progress that view.

It would throw alot of people into a confused situation where they would have to re-evaluate certain things in their life, as well as trust and faith they have had with current world leaders.

Interesting times ahead HOPEFULLY
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Old 09-06-2008, 08:32 PM   #9
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

A friend of mine has collected corrobotating information and also has given his thoughts. It's a long read, but it's worth it. Here's the link.
Bill "the Doctor"
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Old 09-06-2008, 08:59 PM   #10
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

The probability of something like it happening sooner than later can be greatly improved by us visualizing it, concentrating upon it.
As GK said, there's no fixed future, we co create it (or them, rather).
So let's speed it along, it will happen anyway and I for one would rather see it happen next month (or tomorrow!) than next year.
If only to cut off Dark Siders at the pass, hehe.
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Old 09-06-2008, 09:22 PM   #11
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

Dr Who, i have listened to the federation of light channelled msgs before..and they are claiming to be the pleiadians...but there is reference to them being the 'people that the ancient sumerians refer to'...but i am confused, as the drawings and history of the sumerians seem to refer to what can be known as annunaki..the lizard race etc...

can anyone add clarity on this? there is soo much contrasting info!
however, saying that..the words/message in these channellings are awesome!!

OOPS! sorery, i just re-listened to one of the channelled msgs and they ARE referring to the annanuki and what they have done in the history of man! my apologies....totally brilliant what is being said..and it resonates with me! seriously worth everyone listening to all the galactic federation msgs! it does give hope!

Last edited by Kate; 09-06-2008 at 09:26 PM.
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Old 09-06-2008, 09:53 PM   #12
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

Yeah the chanelling bit i am a bit sceptical about, i was a believer in mediumship until i worked the whole thing out.
But saying that i myself was given messages a few years back which greatly lifted my perception on the et scenario so i can't say for sure that all chanelling may be rubbish.
About the looking after the planet thing being our responsibility, well we were kind of seeded here in the first place wasn't we, stands to reason our ancestral elders would no doubt want to help their own surely.
Perhaps i have this all wrong but that's what i feel anyway.
I just know i have been waiting a long time for something like this to happen, whether it was built into my dna or put in to my conscience thought pattern i can not tell.
If it all turns out to be a big nothing i expect we will carry on as usual we will have to wait and see what happens.
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Old 09-06-2008, 11:58 PM   #13
Bill Ryan
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

Hi, All:

In my personal opinion: the 14 October thing is a bunch of (almost certain) nonsense that came from one person, Blossom Goodchild, who channeled it and posted it on her blog.

It’s since been hyped all over the net and other channelers - appropriately front-loaded (meaning, already expecting this information and unconsciously agreeing with it) - have jumped in to say that their ‘sources’ agree with this also.

if this occurs, I’ll be staggered. I’m 99.9% sure that it’s incorrect, but well-intentioned. Unfortunately, a huge amount of channeled information - but not all! - falls into this category.
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Old 09-07-2008, 12:23 AM   #14
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

How great will the day be when the whole world will cheer in unity. It is us who orchestrate our future. Each of us needs to choose love and quit waiting to be rescued.
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Old 09-07-2008, 12:31 AM   #15
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

Hi everyone,

I feel the same way as many of you!. I am certain that "IF" anything shows up on or around October 14th, it will be a MAN MADE craft. There is the possibility of a "FALSE FLAG", lets all remember that the secret government or the cabal, how ever you want to call them, might be using this as their last card!. Lets use our discernment before we jump to conclusions.

It has been said before that there will be no direct intervention by the aliens at this time due to our FREE WILL. If they intervene in any way and clean up our mess, WHAT DID WE LEARN?, nothing!.

Anyways, that's my 2 cents!

Blessings to all
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Old 09-07-2008, 12:37 AM   #16
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

From one Bill to another Bill, I think what needs to be kept in mind is what the majority of your interviews with Dan Burisch, David Wilcock, and many others, saying we are at a nexus point. This planet and solar system are entering a region of space with new properties. Whitley Strieber has mentioned a lot lately about energy come from the direction of Cygnus. If we are at a point where we are in control of "creating our future," what a better way of people people's mind to one thing, and that is we have massive worldwide first contact other worldly beings. I'm going to quote some stuff from my friend's website previously linked above where he puts things into perspective.
Bill "the Doctor"

Know that any - ANY unpleasant fallout from contact will not be from those attempting to make contact with us; it will be originating with those on the ground who are operating out of fear, or from those powers that are protecting their own interests (guess you could say they are also acting out of fear). If these beings wished us harm it should come as no surprise that they could effect it swiftly and effectively once and for all, and we wouldn't even know what hit us. This is something that seems to elude a lot of people.

The FOL folks advise (above) that this process has been in the planning stages for a long time. Does this surprise you? I think a lot of people are approaching this subject as if they plan to spontaneously show up and hope for the best. That's absurd. Do you really believe that an advanced collective of races is going to embark on such an unbelievably profound undertaking without so much as considering the consequences? Nope. So what we have is something a long time in the planning, and therefore, something that is without question going to take place.

This is something, it should be known, that probably occurs to every civilized race eventually.

It is along these lines that I wanted to comment on the Youtube video I posted above from MagentaPixie2012 and her statements about "belief" being solely responsible for bringing this event to manifest. There is a lot more going on here than a hope that a ufo will appear, to be sure.

Our beliefs are tied in with our consciousness; clearly, they are inseparable. And our consciousness, as are our bodies, are composed of energy; vibration. One cannot be at a level of consciousness that holds the reality of the creator "inside" oneself - that one is in fact a creator, or the reality of intelligent, advanced beings originating from a place or dimension outside of one's own without existing at a certain level of consciousness; vibration. Indeed, the acceptance of these things as real and true are a hallmark of a certain vibratory level; as is one's ability to not only consider contact with these beings, but also having a positive (read: fearless) mindset about such contact.

The October 14 event is, to me, not just an arbitrary hope for contact, but the existence of this announcement and real possibility are a reflection of where we are as a race, vibrationally; it's our consciousness level. Understand that this is not a one-off, and if it doesn't occur then that's it. We are at a place now where these things are going to manifest.

The FOL and the folks they are involved with are using their own graph, for lack of a better word, of where we are as a species effect these contact events. These beings have a far greater understanding of where were are as a species; of what our level of consciousness is. Would it be a surprise to know that these beings may know us better than we know ourselves?

The FOL talk about gauging our reaction to these messages (and, I'm sure, much more than that) to discern the best time and method of open, first contact. It should be obvious that our reaction to this message, and others like it, would also be combined with data from sightings, news stories, individual contact events, message board forums, and other information sources. Not to mention, there are ways to gauge where we are through means that we might not even comprehend.

I also wanted to mention again what MagentaPixie2012 said in her Youtube video, and that is that these motherships (larger craft) are already in our atmosphere in an alternate dimension/reality/timeline, and that our thoughts/beliefs/intentions are making them manifest on this timeline/dimension.

I wonder exactly how "removed" this timeline is from our own. Reason being, there have been many eyewitnesses who have seen these extremely large craft in our lower atmosphere, including credible witnesses such as police, pilots, politicians, and members of the military and scientific communities.

I have seen something that I believe was only part of an much larger craft that was, to some degree, cloaked. Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot as well, has reported on a video available at ProjectCamelot.org that she has also seen a large craft actually cloak itself.

So, to me, this is not a matter of a physically different "dimension," but a matter of our willingness to be open to what is actually the logical next step.

As far as I'm concerned, these large craft are not in a different physical reality (although, I admit this takes on a completely new meaning), but they are HERE, waiting for us to be ready for their appearance.

What is interesting to me, someone who has been on alert for about two years now, is that there seems to be (including the cloud images above, if I'm correct) a subtle acclimation to this reality being undertaken. This includes sightings, contacts, news stories, as well as abnormal or unusual natural phenomena (i.e, geophysical activity, flashing lights, sky phenomena, etc.), or what would be considered mundane (e.g. chemtrails, etc.). Michael, a contactee doing weekly audio interviews at HelloEarth.info, said that we wouldn't be seeing these huge craft near Saturn (and, I suspect, similar phenomena) if we weren't being indoctrinated into the larger reality that surrounds us.

In any event, we are another day closer. I know open first contact is imminent. And I am not alone in saying, "Get the hell here!". So every day is a day closer to that event. And when that day comes the world will change forever - for the better. It may be chaotic and confusing at first, but the universe is not going to wait for everyone to play catchup - it has a way of "catching you up."
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Old 09-07-2008, 03:35 AM   #17
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

How do we know this isn't the government sponsored fake alien invasion?

The NSA agents love to disguise as spiritual messengers for the new age.

I want to believe.

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Old 09-07-2008, 03:52 AM   #18
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

Hi all, I think a wait and see attitude might be the best route for now, I want to believe it but I will not set myself up for disappointment either so my arms are folded for now on both sides, project blue beam is a big factor indeed, nothing wrong with healthy skepticism as well as wanting to believe.
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Old 09-07-2008, 03:54 AM   #19
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

Originally Posted by timedrifter View Post
Hi all, I think a wait and see attitude might be the best route for now, I want to believe it but I will not set myself up for disappointment either so my arms are folded for now on both sides, project blue beam is a big factor indeed, nothing wrong with healthy skepticism as well as wanting to believe.
My boy, nice to see you finally arrive!
Bill "the Doctor"
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Old 09-07-2008, 04:01 AM   #20
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

Hey Dr. bill, you beat me here, good post up there, I agree anything negative is just that, when it comes to contact.
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Old 09-07-2008, 06:59 AM   #21
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

This puts in a nutshell how I think we should view this announcement and whatever may occur on or near this date...


* Observe and discern with our hearts
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Old 09-07-2008, 02:23 PM   #22
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

Well, I don't know anyone form the GFL and I'm not into channeling myself.

Its 38 days from today. I'm not waiting to see. I got stuff to do. If I used a calendar I would put a red x with a question mark next to it as it is a very exciting claim.

If this is the Truth then this will no doubt give the consciousness of most people a kick into high gear. It would open our minds to the fact that we the people of earth are a galactic neighbor in a massive milky way galaxy. We will then have some kind of proof where we will be able to shake our buddys, the ones who now think were all crazy and say I flippin told ya to wake up man. I TOLD YOU

Then our minds will focus on milky way sized dreams. Mind Blowing thoughts at first, especially for those who are "sleep living". We will all be thinking things such as... There are planets with life out there! There are beaches on shores of land on planets that orbit others stars! We will be able to look into earth as if we were standing on these planets.

We will expand our consciousness to see the planet for the beautiful little blue ball of life orbiting the sun in our solar system in this infinity Universe. The goal of this stage of the Mayan calender is the galactic consciousness. We are getting near the end of this the 5th night and it would be very fitting to have a 2000 mile long star ship show up. Just blow the lid right of the bottle of lies and ignorance many people are trapped into.

If this claim is lies...well I'm getting kind of used to them so no big deal. The Galactic age is here like it or not. Forward Motion - The truth shall prevail.

Peace Love and Eternal Groovieness

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Old 09-07-2008, 03:36 PM   #23
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

I have to commend JAy for his post ,We must take responsibility of our environment ourselves. Waiting for the aliens,God and who knows what else is a recipe for failure. One only needs to look at the evangelicals who believe in the
Rapture for this fatalistic View.
Carry on as usual the Rapture will fix it all for us !
No Jay is right it is past due date we take responsibility.
Today instead of taking responsibility America and the UK is sending it's garbage heap to Africa ,barge by barge.
there is a man made Island of plastic 500 miles off the California Cost.
The makers of plastics and the companies that use the plastics need to be held responsible here.
It is time the people gain the power in America and not the corporate whores that degrade the earth .
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Old 09-08-2008, 02:23 AM   #24
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I'll be waiting and watching. Hopefully this isn't hogwash and we'll finally get out there that there is other life forms. Time to stop with the fear.

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Old 09-08-2008, 03:24 AM   #25
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Default Re: 14th October 2008

Originally Posted by Bill Ryan View Post
Hi, All:

In my personal opinion: the 14 October thing is a bunch of (almost certain) nonsense that came from one person, Blossom Goodchild, who channeled it and posted it on her blog.

It’s since been hyped all over the net and other channelers - appropriately front-loaded (meaning, already expecting this information and unconsciously agreeing with it) - have jumped in to say that their ‘sources’ agree with this also.

if this occurs, I’ll be staggered. I’m 99.9% sure that it’s incorrect, but well-intentioned. Unfortunately, a huge amount of channeled information - but not all! - falls into this category.

Bill; First off, congrats to you and Kerry for the fine work you've been doing, and for the establishment of this new site.

I think if the Peaceship Gallactica appears on schedule, we'll all be staggered. I'm curious to hear why you doubt the genuiness of the message. Given the recent spate of ufo sightings worldwide, and the continued appearance of magnificently designed and inexplicably executed crop circles, coupled with Darth Cheney's apparent attempt to start WWlll, I should think an intervention by advanced, benign observers might have been expected. I just hope they aren't too late.
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