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Old 10-20-2008, 06:17 PM   #1
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Default Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Only certain blood lines can run the U.S.

Obama IS related to the powerful Bush family. haha Americans are duped again.


Last edited by Evolution22; 10-20-2008 at 06:19 PM.
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Old 10-20-2008, 06:20 PM   #2
Orion Morris
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Originally Posted by Evolution22 View Post
Only certain blood lines can run the U.S.

haha Americans are duped again.

Ya and he is more popular in Europe....

and no I dont think that were getting a savior

I just think that their setting it up like this so when the world ends they can blame it on a black guy.
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Old 10-20-2008, 06:31 PM   #3
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Talking Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Originally Posted by Orion Morris View Post
Ya and he is more popular in Europe....

and no I dont think that were getting a savior

I just think that their setting it up like this so when the world ends they can blame it on a black guy.

yeah well lets hope blaming it on the black guy isnt the case but im

still hoping this guy is something different ive been noticing the media has for

the most part been favorable to obama and hes got allot of endorsments by

the inside players in the white house makes u think twice if he is wat he says

he is but besides that i think hes an alright person
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Old 10-20-2008, 07:24 PM   #4
Orion Morris
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Joe it looks like your in the military....

what branch are you in if you dont mind me asking?
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Old 10-20-2008, 07:30 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Orion Morris View Post
Joe it looks like your in the military....

what branch are you in if you dont mind me asking?
Hey thanks for asking im in the army national gaurd of illinois were basically like the army we train together and go to war together except were also responsible for responding to crisis such as civil unrest natural disasters and outbreaks of pandemimcs
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Old 10-20-2008, 08:10 PM   #6
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Originally Posted by joe2288 View Post
ive been noticing the media has for
the most part been favorable to obama
uh huh... the mainstream media that is controlled by the PTB and NWO is 'favorable' to Obama...

Hmmm nope nothing eyebrow raising in that

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Old 10-20-2008, 08:13 PM   #7
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Originally Posted by joe2288 View Post
Hey thanks for asking im in the army national gaurd of illinois were basically like the army we train together and go to war together except were also responsible for responding to crisis such as civil unrest natural disasters and outbreaks of pandemimcs
'such as civil unrest' Like Kent State?

Many on these forums worry that our 'own' may turn on is in times of possible Marshall law...

Marshall law would certainly stir 'civil unrest'

Can you reassure us that won't happen?

Nothing personal... I am sure your a great guy
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Old 10-20-2008, 08:16 PM   #8
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Originally Posted by joe2288 View Post
Hey thanks for asking im in the army national gaurd of illinois were basically like the army we train together and go to war together except were also responsible for responding to crisis such as civil unrest natural disasters and outbreaks of pandemimcs
Will you harm an American if he or she is out of control because they are starving?
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Old 10-20-2008, 08:18 PM   #9
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

it is naive of anyone to think that a president can be elected by anyone other than the ptb. even if they did, that night they would take the president elect into a dark room and turn on a projector and then they would play the zapruder film in slow motion, then they will turn off the projector and turn on the lights and ask....."any question?

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Old 10-20-2008, 08:29 PM   #10
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Hi Joe2288,

Hope you're well. THANK YOU for your intention of SERVICE to this country (USA). I'm sorry you joined (to risk death) & I hope you come home safely.

Obama, IMHO, talks out of both sides of his mouth. Look at how many times he's changed his story. Anyway, the president is simply just a puppet with some glory.

Why BTW, do the American People have so few choices on election day? Doesn't seem fair to me. I'm a Hillary fan, but I read somewhere that both Democrats & Republicans are REALLY one and the same (at the highest echelons)....just 98% of the American People are NOT PRIVVY to that level of information.
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Old 10-20-2008, 08:35 PM   #11
Ali Quadir
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Originally Posted by Evolution22 View Post
Only certain blood lines can run the U.S.

Obama IS related to the powerful Bush family. haha Americans are duped again.

Being of a blood line does not mean you're in the blood line's pocket.. There are many.. Ahem... black sheep in every family...

Maybe he really WILL make a difference. I certainly think it can't be worse than the alternative.. And it can't be bad for the people to collectively decide on change...

You're right though politician and savior don't really go together.
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Old 10-20-2008, 08:37 PM   #12
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Default Re: Don't think you're getting a savor with Obama

everyone is born into this life with a knife blade at their bedside table;
this knife represents our personal power.

some people pick up their knife and carve the most amazing lives,
creating unimaginable gifts for the betterment of humanity as a whole.

while others pick up their knife backward, cutting themselves and making a bloody mess in the lives of others all along their journey.

they pose as the bitter among us, and are often heard declaring the problems of the world as everyone else's fault.

what will you create today? will you add to the burden of others by playing childlike games of scorn?
or will you offer a gift to a stranger and seek to make life a more compassionate plane?


Last edited by ET137; 10-20-2008 at 08:40 PM.
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Old 10-20-2008, 08:48 PM   #13
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Hi Evolution22,

Everybody is closer than you think!

Would you like to meet President Lula? Like to chat with Bill Gates? According to a research called Small World done by the University of Columbia, in New York, six e-mails are sufficient to put you in contact with these personalities.

The study brings back the small world theory, of 1967, which says six degrees seperate two people in any place on the planet. The intention of the research was precisely use the internet to prove the theory.

To do this,the researchers identified 18 target people in 13 different countries and asked the participants to send e-mails to their contacts asking for information about the targets. The results were very curious: on average between five and seven steps were needed for the participants arrived to the desired target.

The study further looked to discover what barriers had made the contact between peoplemore difficult, as around 60 000 participants created aproximately 24 000 message chains, but less than 400 reached their target.

According to those reponsible for the research, the principal difficulty was the fact that many people refused to participate along the chain or simply forgot to send the messages.

Not considering these 'bad participants', just six e-mails and you will bein contact with the chairman (retired) of Microsoft.

Silvia Balieiro, INFO magazine.

Find out more about small world theory:


Best regards,


Originally Posted by Evolution22 View Post
Only certain blood lines can run the U.S.

Obama IS related to the powerful Bush family. haha Americans are duped again.

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Old 10-20-2008, 08:59 PM   #14
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

What a dumb comment!! Make sure you back up your comments with support.
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Old 10-20-2008, 09:06 PM   #15
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

correct me if I am wrong, but Dan Burisch refers to both McCain and Obama as being "puppets." so what groups are pulling the strings here.

you folks caught the puppet thing Dan right?

Last edited by warriorsoul; 10-20-2008 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 10-20-2008, 09:16 PM   #16
Frank Samuel
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Talking Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Wow I was worry that Obama was a democrat now I can rest easy since he's related to Bush. Hey he's really a republican, great right so what are we worry about? Oh no ,he's a bush related democrat socialist terrorist, and by the way he's black. Everything else is okay, what I worry about is that he's a democrat and he's black. Never mind that the guy has created a campaing funds revolution raising more money than any other presidential candidate in history. The black guy has brains and that's dangerous. Just kidding folks this is just the irony of our reasoning.
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Old 10-20-2008, 09:16 PM   #17
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Yes, I did a did study on bloodlines. Actually scared me with the information I found. 13th bloodlines

I guess after I listen to people like Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion and David Icke to say a few..............nothing surprises me any longer

We all really need to worry about WHAT else they are all related too.
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Old 10-20-2008, 09:17 PM   #18
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

I know this is a little irrelevant to the original post of the thread. But how on Earth could we hope to see a change within people with just stubborn and far-too brainwashed ones like this?
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Old 10-20-2008, 11:00 PM   #19
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Originally Posted by joe2288 View Post
were also responsible for responding to crisis such as civil unrest
Please research Posse Comatatus (probly spelled it wrong) which explicitly states that the U.S. army absolutely CANNOT participate in the policing of U.S. civilians. It's the police's duty to respond to "civil unrest", not the militaries, but since Bush has been in office, the Constitution has been under attack. The Army has no business in controlling civil uprisings. But once Martial Law is declared, it'll be the U.S. military vs. the U.S. population. Good times y'all.
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Old 10-20-2008, 11:24 PM   #20
bilderburger w/cheese
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

political party affiliation is an illusion. its simply a means to keep the people fighting over irrelevant issues while the PTB do their bidding behind the scenes. keeps us bickering amongst ourselves over non-issues so we are distracted.

do you think that the PTB would have allowed a good, honest person to be nominated as the democratic candidate? im not even talking about his affilitation with zbignieu brzezynski [sp] here or his wifes affiliation with the CFR in chicago.
they own BOTH parties. make absolutely no mistake about it, and theyve got CIA child trafficking (q.v. ted gunderson) and all sorts of dirt on each one of them so that they dont step out of line.

think like they do... if youre on the NWO/illuminati/bilderberg council, wouldnt you be absolutely sure that the two nominees are completely in your pocket and dont pose any kind of risk? they arent stupid! theyre evil and manipulative, but theyre very intelligent.

with obama, they can simply pull the larry sinclair card/non-US born citizen on him if he steps out of line. thatll finish his career... we have already primed the political arena with hair trigger impeachment votes if any politician gets out of line. biden will then know how to play the game by their rules.

none of this political nonsense means anything anyway... 4 years and all of "this" will collapse in on itself, so dont sweat it.

-- 2012: the end of the old science --
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Old 10-20-2008, 11:33 PM   #21
Truth voice 2012
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Im just curious I thought all presidents were only puppets anyway? Does it really matter who gets in at this stage?
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Old 10-20-2008, 11:46 PM   #22
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Whats in a name?

The word bimah, which designates a stage or the elevated pulpit area ... were associated with sacrificing children to the god Molech.
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Old 10-21-2008, 12:34 AM   #23
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

MMMMM... mmm! ... SAVORY!

Well, folks. Sorry to say that the world is not completly black vs white, Illuminati vs non-illuminati, good vs bad.

There is much grey involved, especially in world politics: Personal alliances, egos, factions, sub factions, sub sub factions, sub sub sub factions... you get the picture.

Obama is the real deal...He will save this country from being catagorized as a rogue superpower that needs to be dissolved. His running mate is chairman of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations- an "illuminati" group in some regards). Biden is a "white hat." Yes, Biden has ties to the Roth faction... but the "Rocka-fella" faction is now completly NAZI controlled and has officially lost their f***ing minds in Luciferainism/manifest destiny/dark hyperdimesional manipulation.

The world doesn't change in a day... there are very smart people in these hidden orgs that DO NOT want to destroy the world.... Do not want to enslave the populace. Where do you think the whistleblowers come from? This is not a fairytail with clearly defined good and evil. This is real life. Nothing is black and white... Not you, not me, NOBODY on this 3D plane.

Obama is a 32nd degree mason... (he HAD to become one in order to become a senator... and LIVE). The Illuminati doctrines do not begin until the 34th degree... and up to 46th degrees.

"Proof" of Obama's nature:
If one could visually read subtle energy bodies, one would be astounded at what surrounds Obama at all times. Obama has orbs (yes, orbs)consisting of 3 primary colours (red, blue, yellow) circling around and through him at all times... I have never seen this before on any normal human. HE is primarily "green ray" which signifies unconditional love. He has had this orb phenomena present since he was an infant; perhaps it is protection from assasination offered from higher realms/dimensions that "see" that his positive influence and "service to other" nature is sorely needed at this time; during the Cycle's Cross.

Conversly, Bush's "aura" is silver and spikey (mental instability and mind control present). McCain's "aura" is grey... ALL humans that are not under "dark" control (that I've seen) have at least some rainbow colors present... at least red through yellow, even if they are "muddied" and small. McCain is LITERALLY not the man he used to be.

The reality of subtle energy bodies is fact. They can be quickly found inside and around the body if one has access to a college physics dept with a MES (Molecular Emissions Scanner). Many traditions teach this skill of visually seeing these currents of energy. Most, if not all, animals can do it (it ain't fear they're "smellin'" its what they're "seeing"). It is the most basic psychic skill... many people are able to do it from birth. ANYONE, I repeat, ANYONE CAN LEARN IT. Too much time on computers, cell phones, plasma screens (or any technical aperatus emanating a strong EM feild) directly affects one's energy body and abilities. The PTB understand this and exploit it. Part of the plan is to keep people ignorant and oblivious to their own birthright, which IS these abilities. The other part of the plan is to bombard their senses with BS music (embedded with destructive hemi sync frequencies, etc), technology (gizmos and gadgets that literally fry one's energy body) and distractions (mainstream competitive sports, alcohol, psychiatric drugs, shiny trinkets, status, cars etc)... weakening their energy bodies and shortening their attention spans.

The result of 60 years of this PTB modus operandi manipulation: the current USA... and the "I'll put ah boot in that ass" mentality. The creation of the ubber ignorant "non conforming" conformist. Give me convenience or give me death. Sheer evil genius.

Obama will take many steps in the right direction.... and he is sooo savory!
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Old 10-21-2008, 12:41 AM   #24
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Hum ... well I'm sure Obama at least knows how to spell "SAVIOR". Ah the dumbing down of America's educational system ... you got to love it ... don't even know how to use a spell check. If people are so stupid that they can't even spell they deserve to be fleece by the illuminati ... MORONS
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Old 10-21-2008, 12:42 AM   #25
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Don't think your getting a savor with Obama

Originally Posted by Accipiter_Phi View Post
MMMMM... mmm! ... SAVORY!

Well, folks. Sorry to say that the world is not completly black vs white, Illuminati vs non-illuminati, good vs bad.

There is much grey involved, especially in world politics: Personal alliances, egos, factions, sub factions, sub sub factions, sub sub sub factions... you get the picture.

Obama is the real deal...He will save this country from being catagorized as a rogue superpower that needs to be dissolved. His running mate is chairman of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations- an "illuminati" group in some regards). Biden is a "white hat." Yes, Biden has ties to the Roth faction... but the "Rocka-fella" faction is now completly NAZI controlled and has officially lost their f***ing minds in Luciferainism/manifest destiny/dark hyperdimesional manipulation.

The world doesn't change in a day... there are very smart people in these hidden orgs that DO NOT want to destroy the world.... Do not want to enslave the populace. Where do you think the whistleblowers come from? This is not a fairytail with clearly defined good and evil. This is real life. Nothing is black and white... Not you, not me, NOBODY on this 3D plane.

Obama is a 32nd degree mason... (he HAD to become one in order to become a senator... and LIVE). The Illuminati doctrines do not begin until the 34th degree... and up to 46th degrees.

"Proof" of Obama's nature:
If one could visually read subtle energy bodies, one would be astounded at what surrounds Obama at all times. Obama has orbs (yes, orbs)consisting of 3 primary colours (red, blue, yellow) circling around and through him at all times... I have never seen this before on any normal human. HE is primarily "green ray" which signifies unconditional love. He has had this orb phenomena present since he was an infant; perhaps it is protection from assasination offered from higher realms/dimensions that "see" that his positive influence and "service to other" nature is sorely needed at this time; during the Cycle's Cross.

Conversly, Bush's "aura" is silver and spikey (mental instability and mind control present). McCain's "aura" is grey... ALL humans that are not under "dark" control (that I've seen) have at least some rainbow colors present... at least red through yellow, even if they are "muddied" and small. McCain is LITERALLY not the man he used to be.

The reality of subtle energy bodies is fact. They can be quickly found inside and around the body if one has access to a college physics dept with a MES (Molecular Emissions Scanner). Many traditions teach this skill of visually seeing these currents of energy. Most, if not all, animals can do it (it ain't fear they're "smellin'" its what they're "seeing"). It is the most basic psychic skill... many people are able to do it from birth. ANYONE, I repeat, ANYONE CAN LEARN IT. Too much time on computers, cell phones, plasma screens (or any technical aperatus emanating a strong EM feild) directly affects one's energy body and abilities. The PTB understand this and exploit it. Part of the plan is to keep people ignorant and oblivious to their own birthright, which IS these abilities. The other part of the plan is to bombard their senses with BS music (embedded with destructive hemi sync frequencies, etc), technology (gizmos and gadgets that literally fry one's energy body) and distractions (mainstream competitive sports, alcohol, psychiatric drugs, shiny trinkets, status, cars etc)... weakening their energy bodies and shortening their attention spans.

The result of 60 years of this PTB modus operandi manipulation: the current USA... and the "I'll put ah boot in that ass" mentality. The creation of the ubber ignorant "non conforming" conformist. Give me convenience or give me death. Sheer evil genius.

Obama will take many steps in the right direction.... and he is sooo savory!
I have no knowledge of any president ever saying we need unconditional love and tolerance for all mankind so we can end all wars.
The president represents the ego in all of us that must be removed in order to unite the polar opposites of matter and spirit.
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