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Old 03-16-2010, 08:28 PM   #26
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by joe2288 View Post
So how do we know this guy has any validity and he isn't some insider

trying to discredit people
Hi Joe,

To whom do you refer?

nostrovia? Braden? or Myself?

Just to clarify my friend, I Don't understand who you mean..!

Love and Light,

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Old 03-16-2010, 08:33 PM   #27
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by nostrovia View Post
Hi folks,

I know this will be hard for some people to stomach, and others will understand where I'm coming from. This year I learned that Jordan Maxwell is an Illuminati shill who's goal is like Michael Tsarion's and Zeitgiests, and many other "truth" movement people who are targeting people looking for the truth but then misdirecting them. Just about all of Jordan Maxwell's material and insights regarding religion is simply and demonstratively, and provably wrong. They come directly from the occultist Madam Blavatsky and IS the religion of the Illuminati elite which he, on the other hand, is also exposing. I'll say the reason why in a moment.

Watch this video to see Jordan Maxwell's claims are false and misleading (and that's being kind):
I will only concede that he does rant, but there are always opportunities to learn something and grow from all of the interviews. You make your own decisions, conclusions and research. As my mentor would say, "Do not throw the baby with the bath water". You are ridiculing the whole of PC for one of many interviews whether questionable or not. It is not a view I can share.

However, thank you for sharing your own thoughts.
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Old 03-16-2010, 09:08 PM   #28
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Hey eMonkey,

Thanks I respect your take and comments. Best regards.
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Old 03-16-2010, 09:14 PM   #29
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Respectfully, would you please provide some information as to why you state this about theosophy. I just started reading Dion Fortune books and she seems to explain alot.
Hey MargueriteBee, if you don't mind let me point you to one quick resource now, and kriya can add any resource as well. This is a 9 minute video helping to answer your question:

Best regards.

Last edited by nostrovia; 03-17-2010 at 04:31 AM.
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Old 03-16-2010, 09:16 PM   #30
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by Traverser View Post
Hi Joe,

To whom do you refer?

nostrovia? Braden? or Myself?

Just to clarify my friend, I Don't understand who you mean..!

Love and Light,

The guy who made this movieJordan Maxwell - Water of Grace, Water of Life

I do not agree with Jorden Maxwell either, but he discredits too many people

in other movies I believe he is just trying to create factions in the

alternative communities.
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Old 03-16-2010, 09:28 PM   #31
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by eMonkey View Post
I will only concede that he does rant, but there are always opportunities to learn something and grow from all of the interviews. You make your own decisions, conclusions and research. As my mentor would say, "Do not throw the baby with the bath water". You are ridiculing the whole of PC for one of many interviews whether questionable or not. It is not a view I can share.

However, thank you for sharing your own thoughts.
Hi eMonkey,

I great saying indeed.
I must say, It'd be folly to discredit all information offered to us by Jordan Maxwell, there are some idealogical idea's in there that be great to have happen.

However, we must tread carefully when it comes to the reasons How? and Why? these ideologies would be brought about. An example being; The Forced Reduction of the World Population.

Look, I for one am truely Grateful to Bill & Kerry for their work thus far and I don't see it as ridicule, Not for one moment!
It's merely opinions based on the information that has been gathered up until now. It's finding what 'Resonates'.

I can fully see the questioning of such information once it's presented.

One question may be; If Christanity was Plagerised somewhat and Hijacked for an ulterior motive, then Why not the "New Age" and "Theosophy"?

Love and Light to All


Last edited by Traverser; 03-16-2010 at 09:35 PM. Reason: correction...
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Old 03-16-2010, 09:30 PM   #32
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Hey joe2288,

Thanks for commenting. I've been watching the Chris White videos and listening to a ton of his podcasts recently, well in the last about 3 months, and from my experience he's genuinely trying to share what he's found. He definitely discredits some folks, but he also supports a lot of others, and by discrediting I believe he's genuinely trying to help people see a truth that he found and not create factions. He's really honest about his intent. He's also a truth seeker and was caught up in believing a lot of the hype from the Jordan Maxwell's of the world.

Just thought I'd give you my take on him since I used his videos a lot since they're so succinct and I've found reliable.
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Old 03-16-2010, 09:47 PM   #33
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Old 03-16-2010, 09:57 PM   #34
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by joe2288 View Post
The guy who made this movieJordan Maxwell - Water of Grace, Water of Life

I do not agree with Jorden Maxwell either, but he discredits too many people

in other movies I believe he is just trying to create factions in the

alternative communities.
Hi Joe,

I get you now, Thanks for clearing that up for me...

There is a lot of conflicting information out there, you're right.
One huge melting pot, my friend.

However, the power behind the scene's pulling the strings, well, they've had a bit of a head start on us. Millenia if we've to believe what we're told.

So as in any melting pot, the scum should rise to the top where it's easily removed.

Love and Light to All

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Old 03-16-2010, 11:35 PM   #35
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

[QUOTE=nostrovia;257879]Hi folks,

I know this will be hard for some people to stomach, and others will understand where I'm coming from. This year I learned that Jordan Maxwell is an Illuminati shill who's goal is like Michael Tsarion's and Zeitgiests, and many other "truth" movement people who are targeting people looking for the truth but then misdirecting them. Just about all of Jordan Maxwell's material and insights regarding religion is simply and demonstratively, and provably wrong. They come directly from the occultist Madam Blavatsky and IS the religion of the Illuminati elite which he, on the other hand, is also exposing. I'll say the reason why in a moment.

Hello Nostrovia,

I listened lectures by Jordan Maxwell,and I must admit, that my intuition was telling me that something is wrong with story he tries to picture to us.I never questioned his conclusion,because he was researching this subject for 40 and some years!He must be telling the true! I saw later that this fact(researching 40+years on subject),has nothing to do with true,at least with real true,maybe with illuminati true, yes.
Maybe William Cooper was honest true seeker and real hero of our times.
My point is that we must find the true for ourself,not to be disappointed on what we are crossing through finding it,and not to be afraid.
I still think that there is a lot of people doing the right thing for humanity from the heart.
Here is one link about William Cooper and Jordan Maxwell,you may find it interesting.
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Old 03-16-2010, 11:45 PM   #36
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

He has gone over but sometimes you have to go over to really understand what you're looking at.


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Old 03-17-2010, 08:01 AM   #37
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

I've got no problem with the links Nostrovia posted and have watched much of this material.

The problem I have is with the title of this thread. Why should this reflect negatively on PC? Maxwell gives compelling information. If I ran a site like this I would add him to the library. Are you kidding? Didn't he start a lot of this stuff with his videos?

"Man this site isn't at all like the one I'm never gonna make.."
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:06 PM   #38
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

very en-Lightening thread --

i just watched the Keith Thompson Infiltration film -- our reptilian masters function/control us best from 4D where symbols rule [not in 5D & up tho]

this deal w/the Aquarian Age, the symbol being the water carrier 'god' [i.e., reptilian, probably Draco] spilling the water -- didn't Jordanus M or Michael T talk about the little water carrier thingy shown in the hands of some of the carvings/statues of thesumerian/other reptilian-controlled ancient cultures, & that it was the essence of humans in the thingy?

so, w/the aquarian age symbol, are they letting us know that the Life force here on Earth is about to be spilled out/destroyed in some way? i believe the 'peace' of the new world they envision is the 'peace' of the grey clones who serve the reptilians -- James Casbolt recent writings about AI might be significant here

[edit for this PS -- i don't think these newagey kind of folks like to say the name Jesus -- they call Him the water carrier or the fish god or variations on the 'Christ consciousness' ]

Peace & Freedom, wynderer

Last edited by wynderer; 03-17-2010 at 12:13 PM.
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:26 PM   #39
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

It's much more harmful to be infighting like this, over the "purity of doctrine" than to admit a few "black sheep." They can do nothing if you employ critical thinking anyways! Chances even are "Jordanus Maximus" is sincere, though he might be wrong in many things. The videos debunking him, apart of pointing obvious fallacies are themselves very fallacious, point at non-arguments and are filled with demagogy; I respect their author for these about the same as I respect Jordan Maxwell for his IS-RA-EL remark. Also, while Theosophy might or might not be the belief of the Illuminati,
1. New Age is not Theosophy anymore, they stem from similar premises but New Age is one hundred years younger and it shows; and
2. Not all Theosophy is the root of all evil.

Say, ever heard about the racial notions in real New Age? Almost never. The problem is that races were "in" when Theosophy was made, just as, say peace and flowers were "in" in the sixties. So Theosophy was amongst many other things about races, but it was not all there is to it.

I am not saying all theosophists were good, that some were not misguided, that some might be worshiping the "Lord of this World" or so to say, (much as some New Agers almost certainly do) but the sincere Theosophist is about as bad a tool for the NWO as the sincere New Ager, or the sincere Christian, etc. Only if you decide to abandon your God for Mammon, then you are eligible as a puppet, and look how many religious people have done that in the past. New Age is actually one of the "purest" religions in this respect, if only it is because it is the youngest.

And by the way, what do you think is so bad on Zeitgeist? Venus project is a vision of a better world we need, perhaps not to dogmatically adhere to, but the ideas are groundbreaking and real. And the anti-religious stance? Religions, any "-ism" and "-ity" are invariably watered down versions of their original messages, and to kill each other for religious exclusivity is exactly as bad as Peter Joseph states for everyone.

I am not saying that we should all be atheist, but neither does Zeitgeist. It advocates spirituality, not religion, and I am 100% for that. And who is not? Who of you here really adheres the insane "us vs. them" conflicts between Christians and Muslims and Hindus and whomever else; and who believes that the -isms are really God's will, and that one of them is the One True -sim and all the others are "of the Devil"? Who of you believes these ideas should belong to the world of the future?
Joseph was brave enough to formulate this, he was a touch too extreme in that he hinted that we should abolish and not outgrow these religions, but he at least did not repeat the politically correct kool-aid - and is criticized for it.

Oh and for the record, I do believe Jordan Maxwell's "IS-RA-EL" and other quotes are incorrect in the extreme and I don't take him as much of an authority, but neither do Bill and Kerry, I believe, they are correct in taking his, and everyone else's messages for what they are and that is why I respect them as researchers; not as gurus, but as people who honestly seek the truth.

Last edited by MichalPtacnik; 03-17-2010 at 12:47 PM.
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Old 03-17-2010, 12:40 PM   #40
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Oh and by the way, before someone mentions it, not all references to Lucifer in less-than-absolutely-negative light mean that the belief is satanic. They might consider him anything from an archetype of a rebel who decides to turn against purely dogmatic views to a tester (perhaps this is the true meaning of the Creme's oft-discussed quote about "Luciferic initiation").

In fact, Lucifer was originally an angel, and I don't mean "before the fall," I mean in the Hebrew Bible, see Book of Job for example. Were the Torah worshiping Jews Satanists? I strongly doubt so; yet they considered Lucifer to be in the "employ" of God, and so do Muslims. And isn't it a much more "monotheistic" way how to look at this problem than what Christians do, who made over the years Satan into a manichean anti-God? Obviously either is illogical if taken literally (since that would imply God is not a loving God, to say it in short), but that's another matter entirely.

Obviously, Lucifer is a difficult subject. My take on it is that whoever claims he can "bargain" with him in other than a very subtly metaphoric way is probably in error (not that it's impossible, it just does not lead to enlightenment), so are they who claim to worship him, but that's also not set in stone; but neither is the satanism of such people set in stone, being in error does not mean being evil, it just means that their esoteric doctrine has been confused, and that is all.

The rule is: If you hear about someone "being satanic," "eating babies," or "worshiping a Donkey" or whatever, nine times out of ten it is a slander born out of ignorance.

And by the way if I see one more reference to "Theosophy inspired Hitler = Theosophy is eeeeveeeel" or similar piece of logical prostitution based on lack of understanding, I think I am going to puke then and there.

Last edited by MichalPtacnik; 03-17-2010 at 01:09 PM.
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Old 03-17-2010, 01:22 PM   #41
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

very en-Lightening thread --

i just watched the Keith Thompson Infiltration film -- our reptilian masters function/control us best from 4D where symbols rule [not in 5D & up tho]

this deal w/the Aquarian Age, the symbol being the water carrier 'god' [i.e., reptilian, probably Draco] spilling the water -- didn't Jordanus M or Michael T talk about the little water carrier thingy shown in the hands of some of the carvings/statues of thesumerian/other reptilian-controlled ancient cultures, & that it was the essence of humans in the thingy?

so, w/the aquarian age symbol, are they letting us know that the Life force here on Earth is about to be spilled out/destroyed in some way? i believe the 'peace' of the new world they envision is the 'peace' of the grey clones who serve the reptilians -- James Casbolt recent writings about AI might be significant here

[edit for this PS -- i don't think these newagey kind of folks like to say the name Jesus -- they call Him the water carrier or the fish god or variations on the 'Christ consciousness' ]

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
As i've stated before, the problem is that
1. The worship of the man Jesus if you're not worshiping Him the way Indians worship their gurus, as an example, as the "word and the way," as a guide, but as God totally and fundamentally external of yourself, borders on idolatry. Indeed, ANY worship of a God who is not invested in part in you and who is not capable, or willing, or whatever to absorb you, or so to say, to enlighten you, is most likely idolatry/Satanism/worship of the Lord of this World anyways.

2. The old Christians, though they did not have the vocabulary, would most likely state that Christ Consciousness is a good term. The Kingdom is within you and all that. Christianity was never meant to be a cult, it was a way to return to the Kingdom through the Grace of God; the modern churchianity is nothing like that, it offers a goal, but not the way.

3. Precession exists and it most likely works, just as Astrology works if that is used as it is meant to be used, as a mirror for the (lower) soul. So yeah, Age of Aquarius is after the Age of Pisces and yeah, where's the luciferism in this? And why the bleep should we see a big bad reptilian behind the image of the Aquarius? Astrology is an internal matter anyways, and the "demonic" or "reptillian" part of our consciousness come from the excesses in the "influence of the stars," but there is not one "star" (planet or constellation) that would be of itself reptilian; there is really nothing to fear from this.

Look, the greatest obstacle to anything in this World of Action is indecisiveness; and you promote that the best by pointing at every shadow and screaming "SATAN!!!!" That way, no one will really be sure what to do, what not to do, and that their allies are really allies but that they are "imposters." And that, positively, is a road to Hell, paved by good intentions as it should be.

Last edited by MichalPtacnik; 03-17-2010 at 01:35 PM.
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Old 03-17-2010, 01:23 PM   #42
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here's a thought: the reptilian 'gods' & 'goddesses' living for a very long time & having been in total control of this Earth-based karmic loop timeline since sumerian times if not earler -- they & their higher-ups know who Christ Jesus is and what He did/was going to do/ is doing, including the coming Final Battle -- they knew when He was coming to this dark planet as a human long before He did so

easy enough, w/the reptilian understanding of the human mind, & w/their relative freedom from the time prison they have humans in -- easy enough to work w/their favorite thing, symbols/archetypes, deep in the collective human psyche, to implant these myths before Jesus lived them out, as a way to discredit Him -- it's all a big chess game to them

a net friend of mine signed up for an online 'mystery school' Jordanus M is teaching -- more flooding her mind w/symbols created by our rulers for our control... sigh

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-17-2010, 02:07 PM   #43
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

here's a thought: the reptilian 'gods' & 'goddesses' living for a very long time & having been in total control of this Earth-based karmic loop timeline since sumerian times if not earler -- they & their higher-ups know who Christ Jesus is and what He did/was going to do/ is doing, including the coming Final Battle -- they knew when He was coming to this dark planet as a human long before He did so

easy enough, w/the reptilian understanding of the human mind, & w/their relative freedom from the time prison they have humans in -- easy enough to work w/their favorite thing, symbols/archetypes, deep in the collective human psyche, to implant these myths before Jesus lived them out, as a way to discredit Him -- it's all a big chess game to them

a net friend of mine signed up for an online 'mystery school' Jordanus M is teaching -- more flooding her mind w/symbols created by our rulers for our control... sigh

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
That is more than probable. (after a certain manner) The problem as I see it is that the "reptillian corruption" is much more evident in, say, contemporary Christianity than in New Age.
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Old 03-21-2010, 01:24 AM   #44
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

People are so fast to jump on the next bandwagon out of town.

Just because someone can produce evidence of possible mistakes,
biases, or even a certain religeous leaning (not convincing either)
does not automatically prove the subject a shill.

We've been tricked again, eh? Tiresome. And maybe tricked by the
expose, too? Now a counter punch of 32 episodes is required.
My brain hurts.

Let's keep watching the super rich of all nationalities, banker scum,
shadow govt's and bustards de vatican. Debunking some of that crock would be more useful.

Using your intuition is a good idea alright.. mine said he liked to 'dabble' in
the dark stuff (doesn't mean luciferian.. but the occult is his bag after all!! - he likes symbolism and the hidden, so what).

He also likes to make important connections clearer which were not apparent, and he is almost on his own in that one.
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Old 03-21-2010, 03:48 AM   #45
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by Slerbot View Post
People are so fast to jump on the next bandwagon out of town.

Just because someone can produce evidence of possible mistakes,
biases, or even a certain religeous leaning (not convincing either)
does not automatically prove the subject a shill.

We've been tricked again, eh? Tiresome. And maybe tricked by the
expose, too? Now a counter punch of 32 episodes is required.
My brain hurts.

Let's keep watching the super rich of all nationalities, banker scum,
shadow govt's and bustards de vatican. Debunking some of that crock would be more useful.

Using your intuition is a good idea alright.. mine said he liked to 'dabble' in
the dark stuff (doesn't mean luciferian.. but the occult is his bag after all!! - he likes symbolism and the hidden, so what).

He also likes to make important connections clearer which were not apparent, and he is almost on his own in that one.
Everyone start paying attention to Slerbot's posts. We got a star in the making here. A STAR I tell you!
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Old 03-21-2010, 06:35 AM   #46
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by nostrovia View Post
Hey Rocky Shorz,

That's true. Kerry and Bill do say that they don't believe everything they hear from their interviews. Jordan makes me nervous though. It would be nice if they'd challenge his false claims. Bill Cooper once challenged Jordan a bit on one point on his radio show and Jordan had to admit that what he was saying was not fact but just a belief of the elite, which he usually doesn't have to do because he states things as fact and people I think tend to just listen without questioning. I used to also. There's a clip of this I believe in one of the videos I posted above but I don't recall which. I think it's the Jordan Maxwell - Water of Grace, Water of Life one.
That's the difference right there. You couldn't put one over on Bill Cooper. He would openly challenge people with differing viewpoints to call in his show and discuss. Of all the recorded episodes I heard, nobody ever got the better of him. He was very well read, balanced and accurate and he really knew his facts and details. There are some things in truth that are absolutely non-negotiable.


Last edited by sjkted; 03-21-2010 at 03:08 PM.
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Old 03-21-2010, 06:42 AM   #47
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Default Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by nostrovia View Post
Hi folks,

I know this will be hard for some people to stomach, and others will understand where I'm coming from. This year I learned that Jordan Maxwell is an Illuminati shill who's goal is like Michael Tsarion's and Zeitgiests, and many other "truth" movement people who are targeting people looking for the truth but then misdirecting them. Just about all of Jordan Maxwell's material and insights regarding religion is simply and demonstratively, and provably wrong. They come directly from the occultist Madam Blavatsky and IS the religion of the Illuminati elite which he, on the other hand, is also exposing. I'll say the reason why in a moment.

Hello Nostrovia,

I listened lectures by Jordan Maxwell,and I must admit, that my intuition was telling me that something is wrong with story he tries to picture to us.I never questioned his conclusion,because he was researching this subject for 40 and some years!He must be telling the true! I saw later that this fact(researching 40+years on subject),has nothing to do with true,at least with real true,maybe with illuminati true, yes.
Maybe William Cooper was honest true seeker and real hero of our times.
My point is that we must find the true for ourself,not to be disappointed on what we are crossing through finding it,and not to be afraid.
I still think that there is a lot of people doing the right thing for humanity from the heart.
Here is one link about William Cooper and Jordan Maxwell,you may find it interesting.
I believe William Cooper was an honest truth seeker. The key here is that he got Maxwell to basically take all of his information he was presenting as fact and say that it was what the mystery schools believe, rather than the truth. Since then, he continues to present his information as the truth. What more evidence could anyone possibly want? He's admitting it himself!

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Old 03-21-2010, 07:10 AM   #48
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Old 03-21-2010, 02:50 PM   #49
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Hi Nostovia -- i just watched 'They Are Misleading You' -- very interesting re the introduction of the 'die & rise again' theme in 'mystery religions' after Jesus was here -- it seems a bit of reptilian damage control is going on here

i don't even like the term 'mystery religion' -- it smacks of reptilian elitism to my ears -- 'mysteries' are hidden the way the reptilians hide --

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-21-2010, 06:13 PM   #50
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Hi nostrovia,
I have read with pleasure your post. When we dig deep enough we will find truth. My list of those who manipulate our reality is longer than that. So, you are a fun of Chris White and Bill Cooper. These are my favorite too.

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