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Old 08-15-2009, 01:27 AM   #1
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Default Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

Dear forum,

First I would like to say hello to all here because im new.

There is one important thing I keep asking myself whilest following Project Camelot in their quest for the truth.

I have been studying the Keylontic Science of Ashayana Deane for some time now and found the following quotation from their e-group.

"IN a nutshell, all forms of electrical current on thisplanet make use
of the distorted electrons and EM feild generated on this planet by
the 'Caduceous' implant network', also known as the 'death seal'.

so called 'free energy' technologies that are coming as bleed through
from the UFO scene and related 'inspired' physics are black hole
technologies, the EM feilds they produce are shona feilds and are
extremely detrimental to Organic Environment and life forms.

Dont be fooled- official disclosure- for whatever spurious reason
would not be a good thing at this time...."

Now I have been researching this subject and couldn't find any evidence in the keylontic science yet that there is a way for making free energy devices that are positive. In fact they say that it is already too late and the plan is to evacuate the planet before the Sun turns into a supernova.

I already mailed this quotation to Kerry and Bill but I know they are very busy so I don't know if they will ever read this email.

I feel this is an important issue though cause it seems in their interviews they never bring the point up that free energy devices are bad for the environment and this might be exactly the reason why we still don't have it till today....

Wich leads me to another point and that is that Dr Steven Greer who is doing a huge effort with his Orion Project to get these technologies out isn't aware of this fact either.. and I think to get this information trough too him the only way to reach him would be trough Project Camelot..

Peace to all!
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Old 08-15-2009, 01:32 AM   #2
Unified Serenity
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

I'd love to hear some of our physics and engineer types get in on this. This is interesting news indeed. Just more things to add to our mix of discussion it seems. Thanks for bringing it forward.
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Old 08-15-2009, 01:34 AM   #3
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

Exactly I wish I had this information when I was at the conference in Amsterdam where Henry Deacon was so I could ask this to him in person arghhh
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Old 08-15-2009, 05:35 PM   #4
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

With due respect I disagree . I think that "free energy is good for mankind " and Mr Greer in my opinion is disinfo agent .
Why would the PTB go to the extent of killing or derailing the career of "free energY " inventors and scientists ? We are not talking of one of two people but many, many people .
The good doctor believes in the
statements below :
1) The notion that we human are quarantined .
2) The goverment has not had interaction with the Aliens .
3) We have no proof that the Aliens are evils .

The reality is
1) We are not quarantined , it is only BS to squash the rumours that there
is an active space progarmme with bases on the Moon an Mars .
2) The government of the USA signed a treaty with the Aliens in 1954 .
Read " Behold a Pale Horse " - By William Milton Cooper .-Light
Technology Publishing
3) There have been Hundred of thousand of people Kidnapped and
implanted by the Aliens and there are even now cattle mutilations
prooving that at least some aliens are malevolent .
4) The good doctor to me is a gatekeeper of new technology , it sounds to
me a delaying tactics . The NWO would hate some new energy devices
come out and bankrupt the OIL companies and the Banks .

By now I worked out the tactics of the controllers and spies . Here it goes :

1) Create a hero of "disclosure " by allowing testimonies of relative minor importance out to the public .
2) Nothing happens for years and then
3) The disinformation starts .

Luckily today we have ways of cross checking information with other wistleblowers .

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Old 08-15-2009, 05:43 PM   #5
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

Hi EnemyofNWO

I must say I totally agree with you. Why I started the tread is more because i'm asking myself if Project Camelot knows about Free Energy Devices being negative. Not to debate if Dr Steven Greer is disinfo or not.

You say "free energy is good for mankind "
What leads you to believe this because untill now my research found out that these so called free energy devices will damage any biological lifeform surrounding them. And im trying to put this question into the mission of Project Camelot so to speak.

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Old 08-15-2009, 06:13 PM   #6
Unified Serenity
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

Well, Hydrogen might be child's play in the big picture of advanced technology and the stuff Tesla was working with, but how would a hydrogen system that puts out h20 as the byproduct be bad?

I don't know much about how using electromagnetic tech would harm, so I would be interested in that information.
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Old 08-15-2009, 06:25 PM   #7
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

Yeah I must agree that I see that the GEET fuel processor for instance and possible Hydrogen technologies could be good.

But Dr. Steven Greer was talking about that little black box wich can power a household, now this sounds like a elecromagnetic device...

And this sounds to me like some kind of distraction, I mean everybody's hoping for these technologies to get out but I think it's really important to get the question out are these electromagnetic free energy devices harmfull? If so wich agenda's are the ones promoting these technologies serving?
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Old 08-15-2009, 07:01 PM   #8
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

ypestis... interesting way to introduce an important topic!

First off the 'Keylonic Science' that you speak of, well, can I ask why do you think this is even correct information to begin with?

And secondly, using the term loosely- 'Free Energy' is going to be very confusing! Why? All living organisms are 'Free Energy' devices... "Animations of Divinity."

You/we/all are a 'Free Energy' device that has been lowered into a state that now requires outside mediums for maintainability. Grasping the growth of kingdoms out of kingdoms opens the mental doors of discernment in order to weigh out the deceptions. Tomorrow there will be another science that goes on another tangent and then the day after tomorrow there will be another science that goes off on yet another tangent... and so on! There will be infinite number of tangents that someone can bring to this forum and find many debaters with the opposite opinion and supply facts to back themselves up with. However, my question to you is what kind of 'Free Energy' device are you specifically speaking of?

The entire planet is full of biological 'Free Energy' devices and creating, developing, and implementing new devices (which may turn out to be not so new at all) that are in harmony and balance with the Earth and Solar System, could in fact stabilize the current entropy being experienced by all mankind.

There are many examples in nature that provide clues of how material substances mutate and transmutate into a higher state of being naturally. The Sun's RAdiance interacts with the magnetic polarities within cycles throughout time to create life within... that is 'Free Energy' and is most certainly a welcomed gift.

Your current state of Self-Awareness is a result of much time investment and as many examples of art as life and life as art as Divine Intelligence could come up with in order for as many of us that are able (and willing) too draw conclusions of ourselves and know what creation feels like...

'Free Energy' is the very process of 'Divine Intelligence' pouring itself into dimensions of life to experience it!

And I would not disagree with you that there probably are many forms of detrimental 'Free Energy' devices and processes... determining how to decipher what is detrimental and which is conducive to us and Earth may be a matter of great discussion. But anything that disturbs the evolving progression of Earth and our energy transformation I would not consider even close to being referred to as 'Free Energy,' ie; Microwaves exist on there own but building a public and government communications system that increases them was never a good idea!
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Old 08-15-2009, 07:19 PM   #9
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

Hello Crhisto,

I totally agree with your vision and it is exactly what I have found from studying the Keylontic Science. That we are our own free energy devices. I can recall an incident where a friend of mine told me that she saw her friend powering a battery with his hands...

The idea of this tread though is to see if Bill and Kerry are aware of this fact and if they are why they don't put this information on the table while they are doing their interviews.

It's a pretty good battlecard argument so to speak to convince people that are running agenda's to get black hole technologies out wich are damaging our planet.
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Old 08-15-2009, 07:28 PM   #10
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

OK... now I know what you are talking about ... it is not 'Free Energy' you speak of, it is instead electromagnetic black hole devices... kinda like CERN!

I would certainly ban those scientists from messing around with our lives... for one they do not have my permission to tamper with the planet I live on in this regard! Anyone else give them permission?
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Old 08-15-2009, 08:45 PM   #11
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

There is a long explanation by Dex on this forum ...
Here are a couple of paragraphs:

"**Here's an example of how scalar tech can be dangerous. James Gilliland's video, Keys to Utopia, about his ranch has a segment showing an overunity energy researcher demonstrating his device. It's a simple machine with counter-rotating fly wheels of a sort, and it puts out more energy than it takes in. That's called "overunity." But when the man used a larger version, there was a strong pull on the machine. It began to lift up off of the table, so he tried to grab it but it broke his arm shooting upward, smashed through the ceiling and roof, and, the last he saw of it it was heading straight for the sun at about 7000 miles per hour.

"Why the sun? Because the "gravitic" pull by the machine went directly to the sun. A larger system of the sort would pull hot gases of the sun toward us. Imagine what a planetary scale use of such energy that uses the iron core of the Earth as a "capacitor" (stores electrical charge) could do---it could literally pull solar flares our way while simultaneously ripping the inner structure of the Earth apocalyptically. Even a simple, common sense machine of the sort in Gilliland's video has real, very serious dangers. In other words, men like Steven Greer and a number of others who tell you that such energy is "free" are severely mistaken. There are real dangers. The universe doesn't allow for infinite, unrestrained "pull" of energy from empty space without real risks to a planet. For that reason, aliens talk about the need to be aware of the larger, universal ecology."
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Old 08-15-2009, 09:02 PM   #12
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

This is from:

nanotech writes: Does extraction of the zero-point energy/aether/quantum vacuum energy, endanger the stability of the local spacetime fabric of the universe, and the inhabitants of the Earth?

The author at http://www.soulinvitation.com/notfree/index.html seems to think that if not properly used, it can. [This link is dead and the author is Dan Winter.]

He claims that while the work of men such as Thomas Bearden and Moray King and others are completely correct, and there truly is irrefutable evidence for the existence of the zero point energy, and, its intelligent extraction and use, that if people go forth and build such devices without taking other factors into account, they could bleed off local gravity effects, and tear the space fabric, and so on and so forth. This is an issue that ought to be discussed, at least.
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Old 08-15-2009, 09:06 PM   #13
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

2) The government of the USA signed a treaty with the Aliens in 1954 .
Read " Behold a Pale Horse " - By William Milton Cooper .-Light
Technology Publishing

Here is a link for the book, "Behold a Pale Horse", if anyone is interested in reading it.


If tptb wanted free energy around they wouldn't care if it harmed mother earth. Look at the way they are ravaging her now in every possible way, a raping of her resources and polluting her water, land and air, they don't care they take what they want without regard or respect.
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Old 08-15-2009, 09:14 PM   #14
14 Chakras
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

My opinion is, free energy will be a wonderful thing, the people have to raise their consciousness first, and it's definitely coming. Of course not just free energy, but clean free energy. Coming soon to outer earth, not just in the middle of it..

P.S. Yes it would be good now! People just have to raise their consciousness to take back their world! Then they'll get it.

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 08-15-2009 at 09:55 PM.
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Old 08-15-2009, 09:54 PM   #15
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

Originally Posted by TruthWillSetUFree View Post
2) The government of the USA signed a treaty with the Aliens in 1954 . Read " Behold a Pale Horse " - By William Milton Cooper .-Light
Technology Publishing - Here is a link for the book, "Behold a Pale Horse", if anyone is interested in reading it.
If tptb wanted free energy around they wouldn't care if it harmed mother earth. Look at the way they are ravaging her now in every possible way, a raping of her resources and polluting her water, land and air, they don't care they take what they want without regard or respect.
Bill Cooper at some point came to realize he was being used to spread disinformation. I know of nothing specific.
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Old 08-15-2009, 09:57 PM   #16
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

Originally Posted by enemyofNWO View Post
2) The goverment has not had interaction with the Aliens .
What I heard him say is we don't have them involved with our government at this time. Did he say never?
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Old 08-15-2009, 10:01 PM   #17
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

Originally Posted by enemyofNWO View Post
3) There have been Hundred of thousand of people Kidnapped and implanted by the Aliens and there are even now cattle mutilations
prooving that at least some aliens are malevolent .
What I heard him say in this latest round of interviews was that the Extraterresrials are not doing this. This is being done by earth based military and by life forms made on earth.
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Old 08-16-2009, 01:19 AM   #18
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Default Re: Free Energy Devices not good for Environment

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
What I heard him say in this latest round of interviews was that the Extraterresrials are not doing this. This is being done by earth based military and by life forms made on earth.
OK... but Karen this is an excerpt from the front page 'Camelot:'

"...In this intriguing clip (taken from the video, which we don't yet have permission to release) Dr Peterson, choosing his words with considerable care, affirms that we did not reach the moon without "help"; that ET visitors are both friendly and otherwise; that cattle mutilations are real, and are hostile acts; and that some abductee implant technology is definitely "not from anyone I know of here on this planet". ..."

And as Kerry further stated... "Someone is right and someone is wrong."

"Pulling Teeth" may take quite a unique and unorthodox interview style!
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