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Old 09-15-2009, 08:13 AM   #26
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

i dont check every day,
but above top secret, just for updates
2012 forum, dip in and out
rsoe edis-emergency and disaster info
solar and heliospheric observatory
usgs geological site
soho (sun activity)
oh and sadly face book

bou x
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Old 09-15-2009, 12:47 PM   #27
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

Originally Posted by Thunderbird View Post
hey gaia, good on ya mate!
i have actually checked your solar observatory page before! during that whole..."the-suns-gonna-get-us-with-a-flare-thing" last year and this this past summer. lol. good times good times....
The sun's still gonna get us with flare but don't sweat it, enjoy the ride
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Old 09-15-2009, 04:42 PM   #28
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

You know...surfing Google and YouTube can be very rewarding and informative. But really...this infowar can be addictive and draining. Also...knowing too much has been known to cause serious problems. This can be a dangerous game. Be careful.
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Old 09-16-2009, 12:24 AM   #29
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Yes Orhtodoxy ! I completely agree...

This thread ties in neatly with my 'Step away from the PC'.... thread

One minute I'm writing that we must learn to control this thirst for knowledge... and the next,
here's a very interesting thread which is collating even more websites to check !

Fascinating, and it's great to have more resources, so we don't get a skewed picture, but I agree with you, Oxy.
We have to also note that it is exhausting to read all this stuff.
I mean, it's like fighting Darth Maul Even the more tiring, because we don't get to pick up a sabre... it's all fright and no flight.
Huge adrenalin buzz with nowhere to go.

When you think about it. How many ways to die are there anyway ???

C'mon... lets wake up and smell the roses too...

Am I the only one that feels drained reading these dailies? - like it's reading me and not the otherway around ? Negative entities anyone ? By reading me, I mean that the first few clicks/ 10 to 15 mins are under my control, but after a couple of hours, slowly you start to feel drained, as you follow thread or story after story. then you get up, slightly shaken, reeling from the weight of it all to leave the computer.

This is not a one off experience, but a groundhog day effect. It repeats every single day (if you let it). I wonder if that kills the spirit, because of the constant negative theme of 'one hundred ways to die' ! lol

Don't get me wrong, I think pretty much everyone on Avalon is positive. But isn't that what happens in physics ? Positive gets drawn to the negative ??

What worries me is a channeling of our positive energy into this black hole of daily news, rather than into the people in our sphere of physical/spiritual influence away from the internet. (not dissing the time spent building bridges between folks on avalon here either)

Though, you can understand why we'd be interested in all this news ! I mean, c'mon... enforced jabs, economic collapes, ufo disclosure, illuminati structures, free energy, corrupt politicians and corporations, swelling police state. there's a lot to keep tabs on !

Let's just try and have a away from the PC every day, as well as in front of it.

s'all I'm saying...

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Old 09-16-2009, 01:57 AM   #30
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im with ya kula...
i get my dose in the morn, then run around doin my day to day, inspiring and being inspired.

have to say though in deference to this thread...being aware has gotten me to get the things done that help me feel secure enough to go out and do some good.

AND....your thread was the one that inspired me to start this thread...lol

as a fire fighter we learned that you gotta take care of numero uno if your gonna be of any service to anyone.

so having delved deep and learned the true nature of the ballfield we playin on and the rules that REALLY govern the game we playin, it gives me the grounding to plan some moves, strategies, and maneuvers to get some good plays in before i kick the bucket....a LONG time from now. lol.

you know...leave the world a better place for having been in it and all....

and the way i look at the years of depression i went through diving into this field of info....THAT was my vaccination!!! lol!!

aint nothin that gon fear me down now. Ive been afraid of deeper, scarier, darker, meaner, heavier, more sinister things. so now im pretty much focused on the new renaissance thats emerging. one ear to the ground as it were and gauging the approach of the stampede while setting up feeding troughs to make the transition a little bit smoother if you catch my meanig.

kola wachichus!
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Old 09-16-2009, 12:19 PM   #31
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

Originally Posted by Thunderbird View Post
AND....your thread was the one that inspired me to start this thread...lol

we go round in a dance then !

Don't get me wrong - I think this is a brilliant thread. I'm definitely going to use it for reference.

I also agree, crikey, when I think of what I've learned since last July (2008).

The world has changed. My world has changed. As I'm sure all of ours have, simply because we chose to follow the white rabbit and wake up.

So yeah, I'm concerned, about what's to come - and so I read - but I'm also upbeat, and the concept is no longer new... so , yeah, I've had my shot too !

That's a good way to look at it.


P.S. I'm having a raging email debate at the mo with a friend over the swine flu mail I sent. She lives in France, she's getting the shot, her mums a doctor, yada yada, yada. And she's really unnerved by my alternative views that getting a swine flu jab may not be the most healthy thing. It's good that I have so much awareness that it's easy to pull articles from place to place to send her. (I would not have been able to do that over a year ago) Though I can see now it's just winding her up - it's too far removed from public reality for her to believe anything sinister is going on. And who are we to say that there is ?? lol... but we can lay our hands on some alternative views....
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Old 09-16-2009, 05:36 PM   #32
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

As if you needed one more, published today:

Bill Sardi is a frequent writer on health and political topics. His health writings can be found at http://www.naturalhealthlibrarian.com. He is the author of You Don’t Have To Be Afraid Of Cancer Anymore.
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Old 09-16-2009, 07:57 PM   #33
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

aliendeceptions.com (before it got hacked by tptb)
truthseeker.co.uk (before it was haked by tptb)
Jim Sinclair's page
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Old 09-17-2009, 12:03 AM   #34
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

Thank you FredKC

To Deb03 - so glad someone else reads JS !

Actually as a result of trying to find info from the 'other side' of the coin today, I came across a site called


Anyone read that one ? Wow... boy do they have some long threads (you think I go on 4 ever, huh....? )

Anyway they were flaming some guy (th1th2 was his/her handle) who was putting up some really interesting stuff on vaccine adjuvants something called Treen and Triton_X which is used in herbicides of all things...

Anyway, I kept trying to keep an open mind and all I could see were three or four people just kept baiting this guy, but he just kept on with the 'alternative views'. It was hard going anyway, but worth a look if you want to see what the mocking 'knowitalls' know on the side of 'proper science'

Coincidentally (lots of these , nowadays) I get home tonight to find a mail from a family member (to whom I'd recommended a book on nutrition - The China Study) - and she'd replied with a link to sciencebasedmedicines flamegrilling of that too !

Anyone else had any experience of this site ??

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Old 09-18-2009, 12:11 AM   #35
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

I like to go these sites:
Project Camelot / Avalon
Out there tv
Conscious media network
Millennium - Ark
Veritas Show
Space weather.com
Prison Planet.com
Divine Cosmos.com
Coast to Coast
Eceti.org (James Gilliland)
Bear Paws Weather.com
Enterprise Mission
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Old 09-25-2009, 05:25 AM   #36
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

Coast to Coast AM is available live at this radio site daily until "someone" catches on and stops it!

Click on the Listen Now at top of page in red header to get set up first.

Then click on Listen Now -> Our Tool Bar to tune in!


Last edited by peaceandlove; 09-26-2009 at 05:39 AM.
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Old 09-25-2009, 10:02 AM   #38
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

Michael Tsarion's forum used to be the cutting edge ( ouch) for me, it's most often locked now, and many good posters left anyway, but it is still a good resource if you look at the beginning pages of the permanent threads . There is a wealth of info there, and their symbolism section was second to none.
It was not exactly full of peace and love , I still miss it.
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Old 09-25-2009, 01:27 PM   #39
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

Another thought occurs to me, that given the huge number of avalonions (Evil onions ?? ). There is a relatively shortlist of sites that we check regularly.

Look how often rense or divinecosmos or even globalresearch pop up. These sites in turn reference each other (how many times have I seen an Icke article that's come from infowars or prisonplanet).

this tends to suggest that the actual sources/references for new info are relatively few (given the size of the internet and number of people writing/journo-ing).

Just like a small pond, you can see how that could be 'polluted' relatively easily, and what is widely reported in the alternative media may actually only come from one source rather than several indepent ones.

Oh well, here we go again then...just like the MSM in fact...

Do you see my point ?
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Old 09-25-2009, 01:37 PM   #40
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

Originally Posted by Kulapops View Post
Another thought occurs to me, that given the huge number of avalonions (Evil onions ?? ). There is a relatively shortlist of sites that we check regularly.

Do you see my point ?
I check the MSM for lies, and then seek the truth, whatever rabbit hole it goes down.

I often find it among the Loving-onions.

I think by now most of us know our own truth.
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Old 09-25-2009, 04:19 PM   #41
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I think by now most of us know our own truth.

Yeah... but that's where this discernent thing gets tricky. You discover your own truth. You start off doubting the MSM, and before long you're doubting the alternative news too. I mean ,'what's the difference?'.

Whereas the alternative sites point out a whole gamut of things invisible to normal 'punters'... it does make me realise that very little can be taken as provable fact unless it's within your own actual experience. But the desire to believe or to seek something greater, some greater truth or essence is something we all share (I think). That makes us gullible to an extent too.

If I read they are disabling the immigrant camps in Calais for Reason X, I can now doubt it wholeheartedly, having had my eyes opened.

However, if someone tells me the eastern seaboard will fall and be swamped by the sea because the Grangdon of Aarg told them so (or a CIA insider, or someone in the government) . Or that there'll be mass vaccination campaigns because someone knows a neighbour to someone in the police who told them they'd just completed an exercise.... that amounts to almost the same thing as hearing it from the Grandon himself....

So, yeah, we chase the rabbits. I'm beginning to think that side of it is pretty meaningless, and it's the connections made between people that is the important work of avalon.

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Old 09-25-2009, 05:22 PM   #42
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infowars.com for main stream media links{ and harder to find stories}


you tube


divine cosmos

benjamin fullford
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Old 09-25-2009, 06:55 PM   #43
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

Originally Posted by Kulapops View Post
I think by now most of us know our own truth.

Yeah... but that's where this discernent thing gets tricky. You discover your own truth. You start off doubting the MSM, and before long you're doubting the alternative news too. I mean ,'what's the difference?'.

Whereas the alternative sites point out a whole gamut of things invisible to normal 'punters'... it does make me realise that very little can be taken as provable fact unless it's within your own actual experience. But the desire to believe or to seek something greater, some greater truth or essence is something we all share (I think). That makes us gullible to an extent too.

If I read they are disabling the immigrant camps in Calais for Reason X, I can now doubt it wholeheartedly, having had my eyes opened.

However, if someone tells me the eastern seaboard will fall and be swamped by the sea because the Grangdon of Aarg told them so (or a CIA insider, or someone in the government) . Or that there'll be mass vaccination campaigns because someone knows a neighbour to someone in the police who told them they'd just completed an exercise.... that amounts to almost the same thing as hearing it from the Grandon himself....

So, yeah, we chase the rabbits. I'm beginning to think that side of it is pretty meaningless, and it's the connections made between people that is the important work of avalon.

The whole lot of it is meaningless, we are down the rabbit hole for a reason, not to know the truth, because we knew that already, but to have information which we need to get through what we are about to go through, and to help those around us.

Everybody has their own truth, i'm sure even dan bur**** believes his own story, but i don't, so I won't bother about that, as for planet x...
...i definitely saw those planes hit the twin towers, but just as the future is revealed by the web bots, it works the opposite way too, so many of us gave attention to the event after it happened that we made it happen, drones, micro nukes, controlled demolition, some holy man in a cave in Afghanistan- now who came up with that one
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Old 09-25-2009, 07:24 PM   #44
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Default Re: what websites are u checkin every day?

This is one of my all time favorite sites


Vigilant writes articles concerning occult symbolism hidden in front of our faces it really is a eye opener. He updates about once a month.

Denver airport is true shocking, especially.... well all of actually.

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Old 10-02-2009, 07:50 PM   #45
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Old 10-02-2009, 08:31 PM   #46
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Alan Watt, a very canny Scot.

Do listen to his 'Blurbs' and radio shows.

A friend recorded some of the Blurbs onto CD and I listen to them in the car - usually let them run through again, and then again to take it all in...

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Old 10-03-2009, 01:40 AM   #47
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Alan Watt does not believe ETs exist , or their technology, thinks it's all military/Nazi tech. Also, he stole a lot of ideas from Glen kealy.
Other than that he does regurgitate some info that is tried and tested.
Sorry to be so blunt. My opinion only of course. He's pretty good on doom, too .Gotta love the Scots.
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Old 10-03-2009, 02:31 AM   #48
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yeah I suspected this very thing.
we r getting "alternative" views from a VERY few folks.

If I was an elite PTB with money and influence I would fund, gently nudge, quietly influence, or mind *** a poor young ego driven fellow like myself to become a well known becon/counter culture figure and draw all my potential (un mind controlable) opponents to them so that they become easy targets for 1. further mind control operations. 2. study. 3. rounding up before the "games" begin.

that was kind of a scary thought huh?

kinda makes me wonder how someone like Alex Jones could still be around, or Bill and Kerry...white hats? hats are always covering something up...lol.

this thread confirmed my suspicions, that only a relative FEW sources are covering the "Out there" sort of activities....at least publicly. this strikes me in a couple of ways....
1. small market- the field is wide open not many competitors for market share
( I am after all an entrepreneur)
2. I am a minority- among the mass populace at least intellectually and
interest wise
3. The memes we play with here are DANGEROUS- if reality is indeed co-
creative on a thought and emotion level then what we study and focus upon
here should NOT become wide spread. AT ALL. do you copy? I often times
hav found myself studying potential outcomes strictly as a samurai of the
psychic order so I can drum up imaginituve creative thought waves that c
counter potential devastation in order to avert such calamaties. while they
are still butterflies (in the butterfly effect)...as it were. but I wouldn't
entrust the whole of humanity to be so disciplined. and frankly I believe the
PTB do intact have so little faith in humanity that they purposefully have
kept the most important knowledge from the mass population out of fear
that "we" would misuse our godliness when intact that is exactly what THEY
are doing. manifesting their own fear. destroying the game through the act
of trying to save it. Fools them. I digress.
4. we are easy targets- cliff, alex, bill, Kerry, deagle, bursich...easy to manipulate? buy? secretly fund? secretly protect? sway the whole market. control "both sides?" everyone is suspect. especially if you've experienced what I have.

ok long thread.
long thought.
not very comforting...

the truth is probably harder to swallow.....

imagine a truly holographic existence. imagine a single thought so devastating that it would literally end the whole game. knowing who you really are. then becoming aware of all those that seem to be challenging you and knowing who they really are. lifting the veil so completely that there's no going back.

better that you play hide and seek with your true being for now and enjoy the feelings and the adventure and mist importantly.....the mystery.

bless the PTB for doing what you yourself are incapable of doing. and bless the masses for being willing sheep. and bless the awoken for bearing witness. and bless the earth for being the field upon which we play. thank you creator for being within and namaste.

I don't know if any of this made any sense to u I'm up late on my iPhone after someone entered my locked home (without breaking anything) taking only my laptop and being so kind as to lock the door again on the way out.

after the things I've experienced in this life...I am not the least bit surprised at this recent operation.

keep vigilant.
stay positive.
never fear.
after all....no gets out alive.
it's who u are till then.

-your friendly neighborhood thunderbird
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Old 10-03-2009, 07:43 PM   #49
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Yes... it does all get a bit matrix-y doesn't it. I mean, if I create my entire experience (even to imagining a UFO and then one appears perhaps ?). What 's to stop there being no reality

I worry about Swine flu, and it looks as if it's unstoppable. I see reports, hear videos....then I stop worrying about it, and suddenly it looks like so much scotch mist (it's not going to be mandatory, they're just getting ready for the real one next year.

It's as if the story changes with my own feelings and perceptions

I am definitely a key player in that experience !!

Or take another view, we are a minority, experiencing the universe as this experience :

Me, other enlightened ones, sheeple, pTW (add aliens, planet x, underground bases to taste)

this experience of the world gives me exactly the experience i need as a soul perhaps. As my soul changes and learns, so the game changes in sync.

But what do I know ?? I certainly didn't create the universe (Did I ??????) so how the blazes am I to know how it works?

(Actually, that's one of the reasons why I'm skeptical of the "So and so told me (insert your own here - Aliens/black ops/angels/aide to the president/boss of CIA/someone who works for FEMA/soul of ancient Indian called Spirit Eagle...) that this is how it is..." line of 'fact' giving about a believable scenario. I mean, do we really get to know this stuff?? that would be a little convenient don't you think? Especially if the 'facts' are shedding light on a topic involving the unknown)

I wouldn't even begin to pretend to know... I can only think... My opinion is all I can offer.

If it would ever be correct, I'm sure a very awkward Universal silence would follow....then who knows what happens after that?

Last edited by Kulapops; 10-03-2009 at 07:52 PM.
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