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Old 03-07-2010, 04:17 AM   #26
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Originally Posted by mkspllmn View Post
No currency will be back by gold because 99% of the world gold supply is "missing".
I wonder if all that gold went off planet.
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Old 03-07-2010, 08:42 AM   #27
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Originally Posted by mkspllmn View Post
No currency will be back by gold because 99% of the world gold supply is "missing".
Well according to Fulford... "The Amero will replace the US and Canadian dollars and the Mexican peso, he says. It will be backed by Mexican and Canadian gold, the source adds."

He got the info from bankers and we "know" they don't lie...
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Old 03-07-2010, 09:33 AM   #28
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

fulford... ya mean bulford.... why does camelot keep supporting and interviewing delusional "whistleblowers"??? he and his ninjas... right... lol.
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:15 AM   #29
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

I'm not sure how an Amero can be ... just ... appeared without consultation with the public. It's sickening! It presupposes a NAU, which is also sickening, especially squished in with Colombia (war against drugs/ Reagan lol) free trade. Then again, I chased around looking for Kissinger who apparently was dead, according to Christopher Story and Ben Fulford, lol Kissinger in reality is more likely lost in the head, demented now. That was a hot Fulford tip.

But, I wonder if this "Amero" would make all the debt disappear, economic consequences evaporate, and the USA wouldn't have troubles with the northern borders anymore, for energy independence. It gets oil, natural resources, land and a bitchy-bitch Queen, with lots of heirs. Canada gets.... shat on.
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Old 03-07-2010, 11:36 AM   #30
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
But, I wonder if this "Amero" would make all the debt disappear, economic consequences evaporate...
To get myself from the drama....... u have a point there!

The debt can not be repaid...well it can be but that would require to break quit a few backs....several million....

The only way to get rid of this barely imaginable amounts of debt is to "forget about it" as sad as it sounds it is the only and the quickest way to recovery.

Why repay fictional money?

Is there anyone that should be compensated? Yes indeed it is....all the 3rd world counties that enable my comfort and the comfort of all others in the "developed" world....

To compensate that we should give them all the "advanced" technology (give = free) provide them with education (not some shack with a bible but real education) and pay them properly for their work and their resources.

(pay - if there still will be money)

One of the problems i see with Fulford is that he is talking about "win win for everyone" and at the same time he is talking about "world will finally know the truth" and "history will be rewritten". At the present time this does not make much sense...since if the world would know and understand the truth....well than a French revolution would be like a "walk in the park".

He also talks about money system..yet i am missing all the necessary details about this new money system....for if it will be the same as now (self generating debt system) it will all fail....when he talks about gold backed currency...well the gold is limited and so would be the amount of currency that can be used instead of it...that would demand prices to be somewhat "interesting" and as a consequence it is my guess that again...millions would be left out on the rain (but i might be seeing this wrong)

at the present moment one of the options would be that each person sustains himself/herself...than again...this is impossible for all the ones that live in a city jungle and are 100% dependent on the food from the store...and those who do have land have 0 idea about growing food (mos of them)


there is like a ton of stuff than Fulford does not explain and a ton of stuff that can go wrong....speaking of the wonderful "hidden" technology is not a a good excuse

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Old 03-07-2010, 11:59 AM   #31
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Originally Posted by Spregovori View Post
The debt can not be repaid...well it can be but that would require to break quit a few backs....several million....
Just seems kind of convenient, like there has got to be some financial sleight of hand in the conversion - presto, debt fixed.... maybe? I thought the gold was missing, coated in titanium or whatever, owed to China - seems like a lot of switchero
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Old 03-07-2010, 12:29 PM   #32
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Just seems kind of convenient, like there has got to be some financial sleight of hand in the conversion - presto, debt fixed.... maybe? I thought the gold was missing, coated in titanium or whatever, owed to China - seems like a lot of switchero

the establishment of a new financial system is a hmm enormous undertaking...and it can not be done (my opinion) within the confinement of the current rules

about the gold...fulford often mentions Philippine gold...a would be gold in a hidden location in Philippines....but it would seem that not hidden enough since according to fulford all major players are aware of that gold... etc....a story that leaves all possible conclusions...
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Old 03-07-2010, 02:03 PM   #33
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Hi Derek,

If the US, Canada and Mexico are to do something similar to the EU which began as the Common Market, formed a long time before the Euro was introduced, the the possibilities of an Amero will be extremely remote.


In the US a lawmakers passed legislation to scrap the NAFTA. This in effect could stop the "Common Market" in North America, and, consequently the need for a common currency of the three nations involved with this agreement.


Still, Fulford could still be right, but I'm not too sure.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by Derek View Post
From ben's blog

The Amero plan is back, this time backed by gold: BIS source

The US dollar is about to be replaced by the Amero at a rate of two dollars to one Amero, according to a high level financial source in Switzerland. The Amero will replace the US and Canadian dollars and the Mexican peso, he says. It will be backed by Mexican and Canadian gold, the source adds.

The decision was made at a high level within the Western secret government, he says. The introduction of the Amero will be followed by a dismantling of the Federal Reserve Board, he says. Once the announcement is made, people will have exactly 30 days to convert their dollars to Ameros before the dollars become worthless.

The Western government does not want to cede control of its financial system to China so a decision was made to go with the gold-backed Amero, he says.

Of course many holders of dollars may decide to opt away from the Amero and trade their dollars for other currencies, notably the Chinese yuan and the Hong Kong dollar.

We will seek to confirm this news from other sources and will provide updates if necessary.


This will probably direct alot of people to sites like infowars and rense when this happens, which even though are mostly fear mongering disinfo, they will really help to wake alot of people up.

Love Light and Blessings
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Old 03-07-2010, 02:19 PM   #34
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Originally Posted by MargueriteBee View Post
I wonder if all that gold went off planet.
If the purpose of a long standing "conquering" of Earth was to mine gold, then MarqueriteBee, yours may be a valid and very interesting theory. Who (off planet) would be most likely to have done this? Does anybody have any ideas? We don't need to discuss the motive...as gold has technical qualities (therefore value) that we could talk about for many posts. What if the "Miners" have returned for their package, all wrapped up by the ones who replaced the gold with tungsten? As outrageous as it sounds, say we go with Marguerite's theory for just a moment. Maybe we can find the connections. Were the ones who gave up the gold "in" on it? Or were they coerced? How many centuries does this story go back? Are the ones who have returned already gathered their "booty" and are they laughing all the way back to their planet(s)? Did they get the people in the space program to do their work for them, or did they bring their own ships and just load 'em up and take off? What a story. Great thought, MargueriteBee!
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Old 03-07-2010, 11:02 PM   #35
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Fulford may be contemplating a win-win or otherwise peaceful transition, but the Powers-That-Be (PTB) may not. A change of the financial system can be difficult to explain to the general populace in relatively peaceful times, but a lot easier during a war. Whether Fulford's negotiations resolved the prospect of war or not, I don't know.

Let's say the PTB launch a False Flag operation in the Middle East as described by Aaron McCollum in his recent Camelot Interview. Once a war starts, transitioning the currency system is a lot easier. They'll say we need to pool our resources (Mexico, USA & Canada) because of the war, that it is an emergency situation and anyone who disagrees is un-patriotic, if not treasonous.

Though it is good to at least be aware of this possibility, consider the following:

My understanding is that after 9/11 the desire of most of us not to have an all-out World War, helped to minimize the scale of the wars to basically Iraq and Afghanistan. Not good by any means, but it could have been worse. So what I am suggesting is that our desire for a peaceful transition, monetarily and with respect to free energy, etc., is important. Be aware of the False Flag potential but focus our attention on events like The Great Gathering and other positive efforts.

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Old 03-08-2010, 05:03 AM   #36
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

From Ben's new blog

"Seen in that light, the latest scheme to revive the Amero I reported in my blog would appear to be backed by the CIA/Goldman Sachs faction. The people who are pushing this Amero plan told me the Federal Reserve Board would be abolished. It is doubtful they will be able to carry out this plan because not many people would be willing to trade their dollars for the new Ameros even if they are backed by Canadian and Mexican gold."
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Old 03-08-2010, 09:24 AM   #37
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Hi Derek,

Just another doubt in my mind about this 'story'. My previous doubt youcan read in the post I made previously in this thread. My current doubt is the following:

Why would Canada and Mexico enter this Amero scheme using their gold to back up the currency and include the US? What about the gold from the US?

The thing I see is is that the US seems to be the only North American country in the doldrums at the moment and is beginning to enter in panic mode (very dangerous for a large country) and is slipping in the power stakes on the international stage. Turkey, China, Iran and Brazil have said negative things to the US over the last couple of weeks.

As I see it, the future in hold for the US is going to be hard, not only internally but internationally also. If the US has a natural disaster, I don't see to many nations running to aid the country.

I'm not too sure that other nations will trust any currency where the US, or anyone involved in the back rooms of Sachs and the like are invloved. With the amount of lying and cheating going on, even to the state of where a company basically is destroying a nation (Greece) because of shady dealings, who in their right minds would want to do business with these people?

Also in particular with Fulford and a few other 'specialists', I really do not like the use of "appears to be" and "doubtful" just to cover their backs. What they are doing is exactly what I am doing, giving a point of view. In other words, Fulford is, and has been for some time, giving an educated guess and nothing more.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by Derek View Post
From Ben's new blog

"Seen in that light, the latest scheme to revive the Amero I reported in my blog would appear to be backed by the CIA/Goldman Sachs faction. The people who are pushing this Amero plan told me the Federal Reserve Board would be abolished. It is doubtful they will be able to carry out this plan because not many people would be willing to trade their dollars for the new Ameros even if they are backed by Canadian and Mexican gold."
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Old 03-08-2010, 10:16 AM   #38
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
Well let's put it a different way...

The Fed has it's roots in England and has been used to control America...

Now we are about to merge with Canada that isn't one nation under God... It is one nation under the Queen...

It get's my VETO...
Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
Well let's put it a different way...

The Fed has it's roots in England and has been used to control America...

Now we are about to merge with Canada that isn't one nation under God... It is one nation under the Queen...

It get's my VETO...
Sadly, none of us are "one nation under God" so far, as we are "one world under globalist control". Let's examine the statement: "The Amero is good"... with a slight re-phrase: "Money is good". Impossible. So long as any society is based on "government" currency, we are under government ("One World") control. It is called The Beast System, and regardless of what the current dollar looks like or what it is named it is still a fraud against the people.

If anything, I see a devaluation - but only for command and control purposes. If the "chipping of the population" is part of their plan, as prophecy suggests, we may see a connection to the numerous top corporate executives who have inexplicably retired recently. They certainly have "got out of the money" haven't they? Likely, onto soil where they can grow their own food as many here have suggested. It is the only way... we absolutely are going to need to learn to remove ourselves from their "system" in order to survive. Especially when - in order to control us - they will utilize such things as the health care system, vaccinations, threats, false flag events... or how about hurricanes, earthquakes or tsunamis?

They really do have near-complete control over these things now, believe it or not. You name it. They are ruthless and evil. And if that's not enough, take that group of soldiers in the middle east who "surrendered" their weapons after having completely dismantled them piece by piece prior to then surrendering themselves - enter electronic mind control. Who needs "conspiracy theories" when most of the so-called 'theories' are already old news/technology? Ultimately, if they don't control by getting into our heads and controlling our very thoughts and emotions through their electronic means (Dr. John Hall - Project Camelot Radio, February 18th) and literally whispering thoughts into our minds, they'll just poison us through the toxins or illness they also control through various means (i.e. chemicals in food/air/water, genetically modified food) or nano- (as in powder) implants that modify our genetics.

Believe it or not, I am not trying to be a "downer" here, just realistic. There is no question that all of these things I mention exist and have been used - many for decades. It's time to face reality and unplug from this system as much as possible.

We need to return to neighborhood and family values, community. To ma 'n pa, and Farmer's markets mentality, including LETS-type trading equivalents. Remove the "bad guys" from our own lives, as they are most certainly not going to remove themselves from ours after all the centuries of pulling the wool over so many eyes for profit and control. And as for these so-called falseflag events - I think we pretty much all know that each time these events are perpetrated, they must become greater and more damaging - not only to physical property and lives but to our psyches as well. There are no good-guys in the right places anymore, or at least not enough of them. That went the way of the past when we began realizing JFK actually tried to make change for the people rather than against the people, and we will never forget what the result of his efforts were.

Our children, parents, brothers and sisters are being flocked like sheep into foreign countries, truly believing they are part of the solution... creators of peace, when they are being used as pawns on the game board of the controller's whose only intention is to ensure their wealth continues to grow as our futures continue to look more bleak and challenging every day. And I can barely stand to imagine the future for our children with these Satan-worshiping aliens at the helm. They are the epitome of evil, which stands to reason considering their "daddy" is a different daddy than mine.

Let us remember that "national pride" is not that created by government, the very government that leads many to believe we are actually "choosing" who to put in the driver's seat in the first place. It is scam after scam, and while we have become complacent from decade after decade of the same garbage, let us no become implicit in our own demise by failing to take ownership of the truth. This world is far from the paradise so many imagine, hope for or "meditate on" in their quest for something real and good. So remember, the "great nation/s" is us - "We The People" - and it is ultimately up to us to cause any change for the better at all. Speak up, speak out and dare to bare your beliefs from your heart rather than get caught-up in the egoistic habit of trying to prove a point that takes us nowhere. If we don't acknowledge the need for massive change and improvement but instead la-tee-da along trying to talk ourselves into believing either our governments or some off-planet advanced beings are going to save the day we are sadly mistaken.

There are a lot of really good people here... amazing, intelligent and thoughtful people. Let's get out into our communities, talk with our neighbors and start a new debate. The debate that determines what is going to win and work for all of us, not what is going to just ourselves ahead of everyone else. It's just a matter of remembering who we are, not what we have become through our "training".

America, Canada, Mexico, whomever - that doesn't really matter right now... may God bless the planet. and all of us who are "visiting" for a time.

That's how I feel. But who am I to say?
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Old 03-08-2010, 03:00 PM   #39
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Hi Derek,

Fulford here is just making conjectures based on the growing pressure of the US congress to abolish the FED. He thinks it's going under so he comes up with the idea.

I'm not for the FED being abolished nor being kept alive, but here's the latest of the "End the Fed" story: http://1-news.net/big-bank-oversight-to-stay-with-fed/

Fulford will need to keep his ear to the ground for a few months more before his "sources" (read "Newspapers") keep him informed.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by Derek View Post
From Ben's new blog

"Seen in that light, the latest scheme to revive the Amero I reported in my blog would appear to be backed by the CIA/Goldman Sachs faction. The people who are pushing this Amero plan told me the Federal Reserve Board would be abolished. It is doubtful they will be able to carry out this plan because not many people would be willing to trade their dollars for the new Ameros even if they are backed by Canadian and Mexican gold."
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Old 03-08-2010, 04:01 PM   #40
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

IMO switching to a new currency within 30 days would more than likely require no less than an all out martial law in all the regions concerned. Unless it would be used to create chaos as an excuse for declaring martial law ... Also, considering where the information comes from, I'm highly doubtful.
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Old 03-09-2010, 07:26 AM   #41
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Question Re: Amero is good and imminent, says full of shizer Fulford

Originally Posted by ExhaLatioN View Post
that makes more sense, but this Amero ting wont happen. Fulford is full of sheit man....
Agree totally; up to his eye balls!

Trading one Central Bank for another alleged to be gold backed???

Is there enough gold in the universe to back the dollars already issued and stolen? This alone should be a hint at the value of this information.

However, will some currency conversion be the excuse to outlaw gold and require it be turned in for a specified price as stolen from Americans during the depression?

American PEOPLE, not government, need to take control over our vote counting and the laws regulating the debates as they've "regulated" out competition.
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Old 03-09-2010, 09:11 AM   #42
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Originally Posted by Tobias View Post

America, Canada, Mexico, whomever - that doesn't really matter right now... may God bless the planet. and all of us who are "visiting" for a time.

That's how I feel. But who am I to say?
Hi Tobias,

Thanks for joining us...

The thought of breaking off into small communities is a great thought, but I'm afraid it would takes a massive decline in world population to make it happen...

95% of the worlds population is in Major metro areas...

So to take these people and spread them out onto lands that would allow for farming and living self sustained, there isn't enough room...

total landmass of the world divided by population would mean each person gets 3000 Sq feet land, but used for farming cuts that to 10% 300 ft that's 10x30 including living space... If each person lived in a 10x10' closet a 20x10' plot doesn't produce enough food in a year to feed a person for a month...

That's where the whole idea of breaking into small communities gets pretty tough...

I'm afraid we are going to have to find ways for our large cities to continue being fed through grocery stores...

The other option is an agenda none of us want to think about...
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Old 03-09-2010, 11:21 AM   #43
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

I would take Bejamin Fulford with a grain of salt. The guy seems a bit delusional...
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Old 03-10-2010, 06:03 PM   #44
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

the 400 tons of gold the IMF just sold over the last few months sounds like an incredible amount.

but this has rocketed the market downward with the news of it's release...

I guess the time to buy back in would be coming as it hits the bottom over the next few weeks and months.

if the Amero is double the value of the dollar that would mean the debt would be ~7T

or a little over a quarter million tons at current market price...

That is just the debt and not fluid currency...

Last edited by Rocky_Shorz; 03-10-2010 at 06:18 PM.
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Old 03-11-2010, 01:29 AM   #45
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Question Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
the 400 tons of gold the IMF just sold over the last few months sounds like an incredible amount.

but this has rocketed the market downward with the news of it's release...

I guess the time to buy back in would be coming as it hits the bottom over the next few weeks and months.

if the Amero is double the value of the dollar that would mean the debt would be ~7T

or a little over a quarter million tons at current market price...

That is just the debt and not fluid currency...
After learning of the great gold robbery of 1933, when Americans that saw the banksters "writing on the wall" and had bought gold, found, to their horror, their gold would be confiscated, at a specified price, and turned over to .... guess who?

The unFederal ReserveLESS CORPORATION!

Could this happen again?
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Old 03-11-2010, 02:23 AM   #46
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I'm a Country Club Constitutionalist Globalist...and I don't have a problem with a North American Currency or even a Global Currency...if it's done properly...in a non-corrupt manner. Is gold really plentiful enough? Would silver be better? Obviously...the Fed needs to go...but the past misdeeds should not be ignored or swept under the rug. I do, however, believe in a certain amount of amnesty and immunity for full disclosure, full cooperation, and reasonable restitution...so we can move on. The malevolent non-human entities lurking behind the City States (Vatican, City of London, Washington DC) and the UN are the ones who really worry me. Our kings and queens may not be the real kings and queens on the Universal Chessboard.

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom
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Old 03-12-2010, 11:12 AM   #47
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
Hi Tobias,

Thanks for joining us...

The thought of breaking off into small communities is a great thought, but I'm afraid it would takes a massive decline in world population to make it happen...

95% of the worlds population is in Major metro areas...

So to take these people and spread them out onto lands that would allow for farming and living self sustained, there isn't enough room...

total landmass of the world divided by population would mean each person gets 3000 Sq feet land, but used for farming cuts that to 10% 300 ft that's 10x30 including living space... If each person lived in a 10x10' closet a 20x10' plot doesn't produce enough food in a year to feed a person for a month...

That's where the whole idea of breaking into small communities gets pretty tough...

I'm afraid we are going to have to find ways for our large cities to continue being fed through grocery stores...

The other option is an agenda none of us want to think about...
It's my pleasure to have the opportunity to join in some dialogue! Thanks for the kind welcome!

Your comment was so interesting, because it underscored exactly what I have mentioned many times (i.e. on The Waterman Files, or the Chronicles articles) about "community"... although there is a difference with what you said as well.

Let me explain... We've had a lot of discussion on the show about "community" and I mentioned that I have noticed a lot of people "dismiss" everything that follows that word - almost without realizing it . I've had some concerned emails from folks as well on the topic. When people hear the word community, I think a big part of the challenge is that they get a vision or picture in their head/feeling in their stomach that I can only describe as feeling like community is too similar to cult, or communal living, or other similar situations that involve a loss of privacy (or even identity!). I believe, and have had many discussions with John Waterman about this as well, that the community we describe is actually more of a mentality than it is a physical/locational endeavor.

This is why, if you notice, I said:
We need to return to neighborhood and family values, community. To ma 'n pa, and Farmer's markets mentality, etc.

I completely agree with you when you describe the challenges of arranging a mass-scale "living arrangement" where, to make it quite literal, the farmers would cooperate in feeding the large cities, and the city people would somehow contribute to the farmers. Although I think that could be worked out, it would likely require a re-take of the last few centuries to accomplish! Totally see what you mean.

So to finish my thought, by "mentality" and "values" what I really mean is to get back to the way of neighborhood that once thrived in America... notwithstanding the white picket fences, we need to be able to say "hellloo" to our neighbors (especially in the cities) and watch out for one another... These are the things that have contributed to societal decay. It is much like what Jim Rawles mentioned recently... that the time is coming when - in order to survive - we will need our "blockwatchers", need to keep our eyes open much wider for our local groups and areas. This is especially true when/if faced with emergency situations such as those that many fear right now - a monetary collapse, EMP's from the sun, earth changes, etc.

I don't know how we will achieve this prior to events occurring. This is the saddest and most concerning thing to me. Has the fabric of our society really ripped apart so fiercely that it is no longer possible? I sure hope not.

But that's just some of my thoughts. Who am I to say?

Hope that made some sense, it is way past my bedtime!
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Old 03-12-2010, 11:49 AM   #48
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Don't think for a second that Fulford can't be manipulated just as easily as anyone else.
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Old 03-12-2010, 12:39 PM   #49
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Please, refrain from posting comments that have nothing to do with the subject in hand. Leave that sort of thing for the godlikeproductions forum where you got the image from.

Childish behaviour is not welcome on this forum. If you feel you need to be childish, please look for other forums where this sort of behaviour is tolerated.

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Old 03-12-2010, 06:29 PM   #50
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Default Re: Amero is good and immenent, says Fulford

Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
It's my pleasure to have the opportunity to join in some dialogue! Thanks for the kind welcome!

I don't know how we will achieve this prior to events occurring. This is the saddest and most concerning thing to me. Has the fabric of our society really ripped apart so fiercely that it is no longer possible? I sure hope not.

But that's just some of my thoughts. Who am I to say?

Hope that made some sense, it is way past my bedtime!
Well what you said does make sense but the strange thing is I am watching as it is naturally evolving that direction.

As the economy has continued to worsen less and less people are putting in the 16-18 hour days.

As families have lost there big nest eggs, it hasn't split them apart, it has drawn them back together.

I am watching families that were separated for years drawn back together relocating from out of state back within a quick drive of each other.

Neighbors that have loss their jobs and incomes are being helped by other neighbors, a man in mine was a cold hearted workaholic he would honk as he stepped on the pedal seeing a dog crossing the road...

well times have changed, he has lost it all on the verge of losing his home. The other day he was out in his yard and I watched this little lady walk over and hand him a large plate of food freshly cooked with care in her kitchen...

From a distance I could see this gift was more welcome than a pile of gold, I could feel him at the point of tears with happiness...

The changes are happening right before our eyes...

Communities and families are coming together the way it was meant to be...
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