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Old 12-13-2009, 12:27 AM   #251
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

I was a really big fan of Jordan Maxwell until I saw this video http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...ent=firefox-a# which completely debunks him. I really would like to believe him but have a hard time doing so after watching this. What do you think of this video?
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Old 12-13-2009, 12:30 AM   #252
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Why is everyone assuming this is true about Greer? There is no proof here. Bill says it's true but we have to check deeper before we know it for a fact. Bill is hearsay. It sure doesn't ring true to me. Why is it important that we discuss this? Because we are discussing integrity, we are trying to determine if Greer is a complete hypocrite, totally unauthentic. It's not that he may be gay, it's that he may be lying about fundamentals. But first we have to know if this is true.No?

We can't seem to get off this, so why not do some critical thinking?
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Old 12-13-2009, 12:40 AM   #253
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by Steve_A View Post
viking - Do we really care?
I agree with you Steve. Not for one minute do I accept this BS being dished out about Dr. Greer and it would not surprise me if pics and such are a set up by those who wish to discredit him. He has been involved in this for over 30 years and the Johnny come latelys have a long ways to go to when it comes to gathering the info that Greer has collected over the years. He is probably one of the most spiritual men I know of and this continuing slandering of him by members here on this forum disgusts me.
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Old 12-13-2009, 01:01 AM   #254
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Just because one is gay doesn't mean they are not highly spiritual........

Derek- thanks for that link- am watching it now. Interesting.
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Old 12-13-2009, 01:04 AM   #255
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Geeze... I think its painfully obvious why those in the spot light never post on their own forums. Words get taken wayyyyy out of context.

You have made it quite clear that you've been disgusted with camelot and this forum for some time soooo.... Need I ask the obvious question?

Originally Posted by Carol View Post
. He is probably one of the most spiritual men I know of and this continuing slandering of him by members here on this forum disgusts me.

Last edited by Karen; 12-13-2009 at 01:12 AM. Reason: reduce white space
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Old 12-13-2009, 01:08 AM   #256
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Gooday BILL & KERRY,

Q.1 Is their anychance of PC doing an update interview with Mr Richard Hoagland and Professor Farrell (2010)?

Q.2 Furthermore, Author Professor Michio Kaku and Author Mr Richard Phillips of "Second Ship " (2009) for 2010?

Q.3 Bill do you think ETs are abducting humans for resources or is it a coverstory for mind control operations instead by big brother ?


Last edited by SWIFT; 12-13-2009 at 01:16 AM.
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Old 12-13-2009, 01:18 AM   #257
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

I see some of you continue to detract from the purpose of this thread.

It was said your posts of this nature will be deleted.

Originally Posted by GaiaLove View Post
Please maintain the integrity of this thread by refraining from using it to converse on these subjects.
This thread is the one place on the forum where everyone can ask questions regarding Camelot and Avalon and get replies.
Forcing Bill to wade through post after post of opinions, counter opinions, arguments etc is counter productive.

Govern yourselves accordingly, lest thy post be deleted

With Love
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Old 12-13-2009, 01:20 AM   #258
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

I cant' keep up with the forum anymore - where did the gay discussion start? Can someone give me a link and I'll start moving those posts to a new thread.
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Old 12-13-2009, 01:26 AM   #259
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

How about an Interview with Nassim Haramein?
I don't think he can be classified as a whistle blower but he is looking into some interesting Physics.
He just received an award for best physics paper.

The Schwarzschild Proton

Besides I'm pretty sure he is an Alien

Last edited by Karen; 12-13-2009 at 02:58 AM. Reason: Trim derail comments.
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Old 12-13-2009, 02:22 AM   #260
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Thanks, Bill.

I have a concern about the mission of Camelot witness Dr Bill Deagle being undermined by his critics.

Specifically I am referring to the fact that evidently Clif High of Half Past Human has said publicly that Dr Bill is a paid CIA agent. My understanding is that Clif bases this opinion on the fact that Dr Bill is a "non-starter" in Clif's data gathering which means that he does not resonate OR simply put, he is lying. This is what I've seen posted on a thread here at Avalon.

Can you address this at all? Is Clif High's technology and interpretation credible in your opinion?
Seashore....I remember this conversation on a thread and I was the one who responded. Clif never said he was a paid CIA agent. He said Deagle was a nonstarter..to say I am upset that you made the wrong claim is quite the understatement. And I am checking to find out if Clif EVER had a PI check out Deagle which I am quite sure is more false information posted here. I will report back as soon as I get an answer

Mod Edit: Please don't jijack this thread - post a link here to a new thread that you start or post it back to the old one and post your answer this. This is questions for Bill to answer - only please.

Last edited by Karen; 12-13-2009 at 02:56 AM.
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Old 12-13-2009, 02:30 AM   #261
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Just a big thank-you to Bill and Kerry for choosing to take a very rocky road less traveled...and for opening dozens of cans of worms. You are helping to save the world...big time. Namaste.
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Old 12-13-2009, 03:05 AM   #262
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Hi folks,

Lets keep this thread for asking Bill questions on a mature level not personnal attacks on sexuality it not good Karma!

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Old 12-13-2009, 04:16 AM   #263
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by eXchanger View Post
yup, in part of my last processes
i utilised rudiments-and, found 2 incidents
utilising an x-scientologist person-a friend of gnosis5
someone kind of free-zone, i think
and, i discovered 2 incidents
1- from age 17, and, one at age 32, that still had charge
and, after getting rid of them, we went clear !!!
we understand why bill, and, gnosis5, like that sort of thing !!!
it works !!!

Keep up the good work Bill and, Kerrie...
you are both doing a marvelous job !!!


Boy, does it ever work! I went from burned out middle age ex-businesswoman, failed one marriage and wondering how much longer I should live -- to a Walker between Worlds, gearing up for a second business venture. Started some lighthearted channeling (pals only, no strangers) and meeting ETs (see thread about between lives abductions), including someone represented to be from Galactic Federation (do not ask me, I just report what I see), and am now more and more helping others clear themselves.

I do not think I am officially CLEAR yet -- am still looking deep into my history as a spiritual being. Last session was my shortest ever: 11 minutes ($6!) -- also one of my best sessions.

I think many of the more vocal auditors in the Freezone are highly protective of their vested interests and rather self-important, but there are a few really good clearing practitioners, both in and out of the Freezone. Caveat Emptor.

My clearing practitioner publishes all of his clearing technology and only charges for his time. It is the most straighforward route to CLEAR (equivalent to ancient Bodhisattva or Bodhicitta, perhaps the Nirvana as Buddha delivered it himself).

Thank you Buddha for sitting under that Bodhi tree and then telling others about it and helping others to see what you saw and experience what you experienced. Thank you Maittreya for giving us a way to stay connected with our Native State and Sovereign Unpotentiated Potential nature.

It has come to my recent attention that the Galactic Federation, much concerned about resolving old fixed dualities may have some clearing technology that is even more sublime than what I have. I am researching it now...

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Old 12-13-2009, 04:27 AM   #264
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
An earlier post by NoCaste mentioned how whistleblowers should approach the Camelot team and be heard, among the mass of other comms they get. Thats not easy, I have been kicking my heels here for over a year and without sounding big headed, am not exactly an unknown name in that field or even Ufo research. Newcomers would perhaps find it difficult to catch Bill or Kerry's ear or eye. I think they have a comfortable 'family' of individuals they regularly call upon for confs and interviews, these being Deagle, Wilcock, Delicardo, Deacon, Peterson, etc etc. Its like a little closed shop with these same individuals. I personally would not bother trying to be heard above the kerfuffle of these 'family' members. Just an observation

I can identify with that, although they do bring new people in occasionally. Perhaps it is a good idea for Bill and Kerrie to publish a protocol for want to be whistleblowers.

I am not a whistleblower -- I simply go into the space and minds of Black Ops, ETs, Cabal, etc. -- I trust my own first hand looking and knowing more than second hand. On top of that I remove negative energies from these spaces with more leverage than the 3D whistleblowers exhibit.

Thanks to all the whistleblowers for they operate from where they can operate and they speak to people who would find me too unreal.

Thus I publish here and on other appropriate forums and no one bothers me because I do not bother to show any proofs and thus can always be dashed off as a rabble rouser or nutz. Wish everyone would just go and learn to do their own looking and then report back here with what they saw themselves. Kidz, do not do this at home alone :-)

Time for some of us to take off the training wheels.
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Old 12-13-2009, 04:31 AM   #265
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by franciejones View Post
Seashore....I remember this conversation on a thread and I was the one who responded. Clif never said he was a paid CIA agent. He said Deagle was a nonstarter..to say I am upset that you made the wrong claim is quite the understatement. And I am checking to find out if Clif EVER had a PI check out Deagle which I am quite sure is more false information posted here. I will report back as soon as I get an answer
The discussion took place on the "bill deagle interview 09" thread. Here is the quote regarding Clif High and paid CIA agent:

Originally Posted by TruthWillSetUFree View Post
As I continue to seek discernment with the whistleblowers, Bill Deagle, IMO, is not a credible source, for me.

I had also heard he is a paid CIA disinfo agent from Clif High, who again, IMO is more credible. The fact that he is changing his tune now not being so doom and gloom means they gave him a new script to follow. You cant be doom and gloom your entire history then change with one interview.

The most telling thing was when he went after Jane Burgermeister in such a heinous way just proves he isn't who he says he is.

If I want fiction, I will go watch a movie, not put Bill Deagle in my brain or my auric field.

By their fruits you shall know them.
Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
I'm not as familiar with Clif High as I am other sources.

What does he state as his rationale for his opinion about Dr Bill?

You answered my question about the rationale.
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Old 12-13-2009, 04:37 AM   #266
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

I've put the Dane Tops interview up on youtube in audio format with a pc generated voice program for those that would rather listen to it then read it on a monitor.

Bill, if you have a problem with this for any reason let me know and I'll take er down asap.


One thing I have to say about the content matter aside from what I already mentioned is that the whole part about the children sure is bizarre... I dunno why people put up with that for so long as it would have been impossible not to know how manipulated they were.

Last edited by Phtha; 12-13-2009 at 04:52 AM.
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Old 12-13-2009, 04:37 AM   #267
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Bill, I know that David Wilcock did a presentation mentioning the pineal gland in the brain and how there was much symbolism of it in antiquity but have you read The Spirit Molecule by Dr. Rich Strassmen? He's one of the only researchers to experiment with DMT (the spirit molecule) on people which he believes is released by the pineal gland. Interestingly enough, many of the volunteers experienced ET presence in the short lasting, fleeing, psychooactive drug that may be the same chemical released in your brain in deep sleep or REM cycles. More importantly it is in the position of the seventh chakra. The website is here for anyone who wants to check it out. http://thespiritmolecule.com/..... Sorry to anyone if I am preaching to the choir... Just trying to help!
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Old 12-13-2009, 04:49 AM   #268
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Sounds like Frequency control tactics
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Old 12-13-2009, 04:54 AM   #269
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Very Cool Trailer on DMT......The number scan embedded in the opening was a great effect!

And The People interviewed were from academia and artists......The Rabbi said,"DMT is the entering and existing of the Soul in the Body."
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Old 12-13-2009, 05:39 AM   #270
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Question for Bill
It is concerning a need for a referral.
The person is a friend who has abilities and needs someone to counsel concerning the ability to travel and communicate during REM sleep.
There are similarities to things that David Wikcock has said in his interviews
with you and Kerry.
I have EMailed but I feel it has an urgency to post here.
This was what alarmed me because of extended military exposure from very young age
He has been approached by an ET with an open offer to contact them...
i can be reached through EMail
Thankyou for what you and kerry do.
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Old 12-13-2009, 07:02 AM   #271
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

We are all powerful infinite souls

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Old 12-13-2009, 07:05 AM   #272
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Hi Bill

I agree with your previous comments about Nesara. It would seem to me to be an invention of the cabal to disempower the "lightworkers" who are still waiting for St Germaine to manifest all those gold bars and take away everyone's money worries!

However, i was interested also to know why you lumped the Ashtar Command into the same pile of manure as Nesara? Thanking you in advance Bill.

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Old 12-13-2009, 08:08 AM   #273
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

"Conan what is best in life?"

Conan "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you... and to hear the lamentation of their women!"

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Old 12-13-2009, 08:13 AM   #274
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Originally Posted by Aztar View Post

"Conan what is best in life?"

Conan "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you... and to hear the lamentation of their women!"
AND: Do you want to live forever!!
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Old 12-13-2009, 09:00 AM   #275
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Hello Bill and Kerry, thanks for your tireless work. It is infinitely appreciated.

Firstly, I'd love to see you guys interview Charles Hall (if he's still around?)
He seems to be the best one to describe the Tall Whites, who keep coming up, and apparently have a fair sized part in ET interactions with the US government. He really is a whistleblower, having interacted personally with them in his job in the US airforce and resisting the pressure to stay silent about it.

Secondly, seeing as you were saying you don't have a really good summary of Henry Deacon's information in one place, I was thinking maybe you could release the original interview you have of him?

The first interview you released of Henry Deacon was actually a transcript of a video interview.
The video itself was understandably withheld at the time because of anonymity issues, but now that we all know his face and identity it couldn't do any harm to release it on to youtube, etc, and would provide new platform for the info.

Maybe even a directors cut...?!

Third, I liked the little clip you made of Stephen Basset at the Barcelona conference. I realised that such little snippets of short summarised info could be a good way to get some info out there to a wider audience.
The average civilian may be intimidated by a 2 hour youtube clip on a subject they already consider far out, but little summarised shorts may be more accessible.

Not to suggest you make shorter videos, but alongside the in depth versions could be shorter clips aimed at our modern attention deficited audience...?

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