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Old 12-31-2009, 06:15 PM   #1
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Default I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!


I'm really confused about why so many people are bringing up the hidden alien agenda with the Reptilians and Annunaki. Whenever I look at current events, I see some people who are acting in a conflict and a possible unseen hand that is manipulating them and kindling the fire. My point here is what does it matter WHO is behind this whole mess? Who cares!!!? The point I'm trying to make is that the perpetrators behind every major war, economic collapse, conflict and turmoil are human beings. We all need to collectively take responsibility for our planet and our communities. As far as I'm concerned, talking about aliens controlling the human race is just pure entertainment and a distraction when real people who exist on this planet are using their free will to cause pain and suffering.


I'd like to see some comments on this -- namely how it is of any consequence to Avalon members and humanity at large whether or not this topic is true?

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Old 12-31-2009, 06:20 PM   #2
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

People confuse truth with fact...

Truisms are important for the soul...

facts are important for the courts..


i have no need to answer unanswerable questions
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Old 12-31-2009, 06:29 PM   #3
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post

I'm really confused about why so many people are bringing up the hidden alien agenda with the Reptilians and Annunaki. Whenever I look at current events, I see some people who are acting in a conflict and a possible unseen hand that is manipulating them and kindling the fire. My point here is what does it matter WHO is behind this whole mess? Who cares!!!? The point I'm trying to make is that the perpetrators behind every major war, economic collapse, conflict and turmoil are human beings. We all need to collectively take responsibility for our planet and our communities. As far as I'm concerned, talking about aliens controlling the human race is just pure entertainment and a distraction when real people who exist on this planet are using their free will to cause pain and suffering.


I'd like to see some comments on this -- namely how it is of any consequence to Avalon members and humanity at large whether or not this topic is true?

My comment will be that I agree with you. It is a good excuse to blame some outside forces for all the evil that has been and is being done...Yeah, we are all good, this is the reptilians that are the source and cause of all the bad things....
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Old 12-31-2009, 06:32 PM   #4
Frank Samuel
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

It matters to know that there's unseen forces which are manipulating our world, our families, ourselves. In light of this we can begin to separate from the things which are doing harm to us and our love ones. The battle rages on within each one of us. It does not matter what term you use to describe these entities.
We often fear the things we cannot understand , facing our fear and overcoming it will bring peace and tranquility if not to the whole world at least in your world. Thus the reason why project camelot and project avalon where created.
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Old 12-31-2009, 06:57 PM   #5
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Originally Posted by Frank Samuel View Post
It matters to know that there's unseen forces which are manipulating our world, our families, ourselves. In light of this we can begin to separate from the things which are doing harm to us and our love ones. The battle rages on within each one of us. It does not matter what term you use to describe these entities.
We often fear the things we cannot understand , facing our fear and overcoming it will bring peace and tranquility if not to the whole world at least in your world. Thus the reason why project camelot and project avalon where created.
I agree it matters to know there are unseen forces. It's important to know what is reality and when there is a 3rd party manipulating the scene. My point is going past that, what does it matter whether they are the Illuminati, Annunaki, NWO, etc? It just seems like we waste time on the subject with a possible triggering of the "I'm not responsible/victim/we can't do anything" meme for those who have not gotten past it yet.

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Old 12-31-2009, 07:04 PM   #6
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post
I agree it matters to know there are unseen forces. It's important to know what is reality and when there is a 3rd party manipulating the scene. My point is going past that, what does it matter whether they are the Illuminati, Annunaki, NWO, etc? It just seems like we waste time on the subject with a possible triggering of the "I'm not responsible/victim/we can't do anything" meme for those who have not gotten past it yet.

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Old 12-31-2009, 07:10 PM   #7
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post
It just seems like we waste time on the subject with a possible triggering of the "I'm not responsible/victim/we can't do anything" meme for those who have not gotten past it yet.
I agree with you.

I think that focusing on which alien to blame is a huge problem. The fact is we humans are the ones carrying out the dirty work and it's up to us to stop.
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Old 12-31-2009, 07:21 PM   #8
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

I'm presently toying with the idea that Lucifer and Satan are two separate and very different beings...that Lucifer is the Human God (or Goddess) of This World...and that Satan is the Reptilian God (or Goddess) of This World. Human Responsibility is extremely important...but so is the Hierarchy of Power on this planet...which may significantly involve Non-Humans or Extraterrestrial Humans. Leave no moonrock unturned.

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Old 12-31-2009, 07:54 PM   #9
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
I'm presently toying with the idea that Lucifer and Satan are two separate and very different beings...that Lucifer is the Human God (or Goddess) of This World...and that Satan is the Reptilian God (or Goddess) of This World. Human Responsibility is extremely important...but so is the Hierarchy of Power on this planet...which may significantly involve Non-Humans or Extraterrestrial Humans. Leave no moonrock unturned.
Satan ~ is NOT lucifer
Lucifer, has NOT yet, put an 'actionable' appearance in any world
from the 3D one, up to the 9D one
NOT sure, why ???
a mystery to be solved !!!
On occasion, he has been seen,
sitting at 'dining room' tables ~ observing ???

Perhaps he is sitting in the zero-point of 'real' balance

And, has already processed everything there is to process ???

He does have a TYME LiNE,
and, he does have the choice of DUALiTY
otherwsie, we would lose FREE WiLL


WE ARE all in charge of our truth ~
facts are facts,
they factor into everything !!!

COURTS will be NECESSARY, until people court other people correctly !!!

and, although if everyone behaved,
courts would NOT be necessary,
esp. in a NEW WORLD

In the right world
people would give more than they take
and, get more, than they paid for ~

then, and, only then,
would you have real 'eXchange" occuring
that is the type of world, we are intending !!!

Where truth, is the highest eXpression of LOVE
and, everyone moves into integrity !!!

NOW, that is the type of world, we would want to live in

The dowsing rods say 81% ~ are already on those tracks
so, that means only 19% have to change

We could all create the type of energetic eXpressions,
that make it, virtually impossible,
for them, to survive here

iT iS the vibrations we allow - that allow them to continue

so, iT iS ALL up TO us, to ramp up our vibrations !!!


Will we do it ?
we sure do hope so !!!



iT is UP to us ...each and every, one of US !!!

TO eXPRESS that !!!

As a balanced equation of what we all, truly are !!!

WE SAY...lets do, just that !!!

Last edited by THE eXchanger; 12-31-2009 at 07:59 PM.
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Old 12-31-2009, 08:52 PM   #10
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

I'm presently thinking of Lucifer as a very intelligent, very refined, very beautiful, very conflicted, young (yet ancient) Human Goddess of This World...who may have brought us here in the Battlestar Moon...from Sirius, Aldebaran, and the Pleiades...to escape an oppressive theocracy. Perhaps the Reptilians were already here...and a deal with the Devil was worked out (after a long and bloody battle?) for us to stay on Earth...which involved work and worship. Who knows? What I do know is that we are in huge trouble...the nature of which I am unsure. I see Lucifer as being caught between the Devil and a Human Race who is waking-up to what is really going on. I suspect that the pressure is almost unbearable. But I do think that the time has arrived (and is long overdue) to place ALL of the facts on the table...before the general public...and to openly clean up the mess we are in...as best we can. Perhaps Lucifer tried to take advantage of the Reptilians...and the Reps tried to take advantage of Lucifer and the Human Race. There has to be a Key Board Room located on the Earth or the Moon...where Lucifer, Satan, and certain key persons/beings meet to discuss and debate the future of humanity. My guess is that most of these meetings would drive most of us insane. This is pure speculation based upon at least some evidence and reason.

If you haven't already seen it...watch the David Icke / Arizona Wilder interview. http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...59608251731916 Warning: There are some very upsetting and graphic portions of the interview. I found David's monologue at the beginning to be very informative. The planned-wars, human-sacrifices, satanic-rituals, and child-abuse are reprehensible, unconscionable, and unfathomable in the extreme, and to the nth degree. This @#$%^& BS needs to STOP IMMEDIATELY. We probably need the City-States and the United Nations...but NOT IN THEIR PRESENT CORRUPT FORM.


Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 12-31-2009 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 12-31-2009, 10:55 PM   #11
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Lucifer is actually a collective of people from the Pleiades and s Satan or the Satain genetic line from drakonian origin, there are differences between them

1) Luciferians = Protestants = Lucis Trust = Rockafeller =Freemasons = Annunaki = Metatron

2) Satain = Satan = Saints, Catholic Church = Rothchilds = Royalty = Knight Templars = Knights of Malta = Drakonians & Reptilians = Thetans = Buddharas (not related to Budda)

Both are fallen angelics and are in almost total control of the human angelics, by means of religion, television and politics

There are a number of videos in youtube by just searching for luciferians or satanics

The reptilians are just the foot soldiers of the drakonians I think but not 100 pct sure

Still connecting dots

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Old 12-31-2009, 11:56 PM   #12
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

There are two sides to a coin, a character,and everything,this is duality.when we hold on to this illusion, we take sides.The key is balance
.As long as you hold on to an idea, that something outside of you is holding you back,you surrender your personal power to that illusion . You are the Frog, asking the princess for a kiss.In other words, get down in the mud with me, and carry this burden.

The victim,only uses one side of the brain,good OLE TWO FACE.

6 is 9
9 is 6
1 is 0
0 is 1

1 is 6
6 is 1
1 is 9
9 is 1

This formula shows that every thing is and isn't, at the same time.All is perfect in the universe.Look at the beautiful angles of this formula.
This means angels are Demons, and Demons are Angels.
The PTW know this .This is why movies such as angels and demons are released,so you can choose sides, and stay trapped in this hamster cycle, unable to formulate an abstract idea, you spin the wheel of fortune.

Satan is Saturn, and Lucifer is Venus.Satan and Lucifer are You.
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Old 01-01-2010, 11:54 AM   #13
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

There are two sides to a coin, a character,and everything (else?),this is duality.when we hold on to this illusion, we take sides.The key is balance. As long as you hold on to an idea, that something outside of you is holding you back,you surrender your personal power to that illusion . You are the Frog, asking the princess for a kiss. In other words, get down in the mud with me, and carry this burden. The victim,only uses one side of the brain,good OLE TWO FACE.

That's right, you are the decider, (not George Bush)
When you decide to believe in something, your mind forms the thought and your heart sends out the message that you chose to make that thought your reality, and the Universe responds accordingly.

When you decide to take back your personal power, from whatever belief you have buried deep within, most likely a belief you were born into and was deeply ingrained in your genetics, you start becoming responsible with your energy again and stop the process of ignoring your intuition, being 'the fool', and perpetuating your karmic cycle.

Take back responsibility of tending to the garden of your mind. You create the seeds(thoughts), you water the seeds, you choose how that seed grows and what it will flower into(belief). Still your mind, make your soil fertile for pure seeds of truth, honor the truth in your seeds and build upon the seeds, creating more branches of truth, growing into your tree of knowledge.

• Nuerocardiologist have found that 60-65% of the cells of the heart are actually neural cells, not muscle cells. These cells are identical to the neural cells in the brain with the same connecting links and same kinds of neurotransmitters found in the brain.

• Biophysicists have discovered that the heart is also a very powerful electromagnetic generator. It creates an electromagnetic field that encompasses the body and extends from 8 – 12 feet away. This electromagnetic field profoundly effects the brain.

As Brian Tracey states: "You are a living magnet; you attract into your life people, situations and circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts. Whatever you dwell on in your conscious grows into your experience." The power comes in focusing your thoughts on what you DO want; not what you fear or don't want.

The following is from Rudi Jansma's review of the book The Secret Teachings of Plants. http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/...e/sc-jans6.htm

the heart . . . is the organ of the spiritual man in the physical body by means of a ray from the spiritual monad in the human physical vehicle. Therefore it can be called several things: the organ of the Reincarnating Ego; the organ of the personal man. Or again, it can be called the organ of life for it is the center of life of the physical body. It is from the heart that stream upward into the brain the rays illumining the mind . . . — The Dialogues of G. de Purucker

The scientific parts of the book discuss the physiology of the heart, brain, and individual cells — especially in relation to the continuous production and interchange of information through electric and magnetic fields — as well as very refined and intelligent processes in physical and energetic nature. Communication within the body takes place continually, inside and between organs, between cells, and between individual organisms, all in a way which does not directly involve the brain-mind except as an interpreter and distant observer. Buhner certainly does not reject intellectual thought, but he recognizes the proper status of the consciousness of the heart, the brain, and even the intestines and other organs, in a conscious whole.

Buhner regards living systems as the outcome of the self-organization of smaller units resulting from continual communication, both internal and external. Because every unit, however small, has its own particular electromagnetic field, it communicates with all around it, and recognizes and then fine-tunes itself to the fields of others. Regarding cells, the author cites, among others, Jan Walleczek:

Biological cells can be viewed as highly sophisticated information-processing devices that can discern complex patterns of extracellular stimuli. In line with this view is the finding that, in analogy to electrical circuits, biochemical reaction networks can perform computational functions such as switching, amplification, hysteresis, or band-pass filtering of frequency information.

Separate chapters deal with the physical, emotional, and spiritual heart. The physical heart is far more than just a pump; it is in fact the organ which determines the rhythms of our organism and provides information to the blood. Nerve cells make up 60 to 65% of the heart — so it contains more nerve than muscle cells. Besides being a subtle and intelligent pump, the heart is primarily a processor of consciousness and information. The rhythm of a healthy heart is never regular: each heartbeat is unique. Likewise the magnetic and electric fields that each heart builds around itself are unique. In this way it communicates with other parts of the body, chiefly with the brain. But these fields are also measurable outside the body, and thus continuously communicate information from the heart to the surrounding world, and from the world to the heart. We can learn to listen consciously to this reciprocal information by perceiving and understanding the subtleties of our constantly changing feelings.

This builds a bridge to the second section of the book, which deals with communication with plants. Every plant has a consciousness, just as all other living beings do, and it has messages it wants to communicate. Every plant has its own character, not only outwardly but especially in its own specific magnetic and electric forces, the presence of which can be perceived by the energic fields of the human heart. In this way it is possible to really know and understand a plant on a deeper level, and the information interchange is mutual. It is by this means that people close to nature have discovered the medicinal or other influences of plants — and not by trial and error as we are generally told. Through practice we can learn to recognize this type of communication — at the end of the book the author gives "exercises for refining the heart as an organ of perception." This method of learning through the perceptions of the heart can be applied on a cultural level, and the author maintains that its results are more reliable and exact than those of the usual scientific approach which takes only the nervous system and brain into account.

We must form deep strong roots in our hearts from which we ground ourselves from. The stronger the roots, the more in the moment; in your heart, you will be. You are always in connection with your heart, and from your heart to the hearts of others, to the heart of hearts.
Remember your roots, remember your heart, remember the truth of who you are and why you are here.

We have come here at this time to strengthen our connection to the whole, to the heart of all humanity, to reconnect with the heart of Mother Earth, and recreate our reality from a place of peace, love, and happiness.

If you are listening to your heart, you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. Try not to let your mind trick you so easily into worrying if you are doing it 'right' or not.

I love you all, and I can feel our hearts reuniting It feels like home.

-Love and Light-
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Old 01-01-2010, 12:34 PM   #14
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
There are two sides to a coin, a character,and everything,this is duality.when we hold on to this illusion, we take sides.The key is balance
.As long as you hold on to an idea, that something outside of you is holding you back,you surrender your personal power to that illusion . You are the Frog, asking the princess for a kiss.In other words, get down in the mud with me, and carry this burden.

The victim,only uses one side of the brain,good OLE TWO FACE.

6 is 9
9 is 6
1 is 0
0 is 1

1 is 6
6 is 1
1 is 9
9 is 1
This formula shows that every thing is and isn't, at the same time.All is perfect in the universe.Look at the beautiful angles of this formula.
This means angels are Demons, and Demons are Angels.
The PTW know this .This is why movies such as angels and demons are released,so you can choose sides, and stay trapped in this hamster cycle, unable to formulate an abstract idea, you spin the wheel of fortune.

Satan is Saturn, and Lucifer is Venus.Satan and Lucifer are You.
Indeed 777 and FireDrake - You've found the key to the 'secret'.
Welcome to the Luciferean Dispensation of the 'Morning Star' and the 'Evening Star' - The Advent of the Dawn - {Revelation.2.28 'proves' Revelation.22.16 via 2Peter.1.19}.
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Old 01-01-2010, 12:40 PM   #15
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

777 The Great Work & Firedrake: Thanks for these posts - I was beginning to think that this forum was never going to produce inspiring and intelligent work again. These are the best posts I have seen this year

If you are listening to your heart, you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. Try not to let your mind trick you so easily into worrying if you are doing it 'right' or not.

I love you all, and I can feel our hearts reuniting It feels like home.
Absolutely right on brother!

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Old 01-01-2010, 01:51 PM   #16
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

This world is a world of duality where choices are offered. The measure of a person is based on the choices made. The purpose of life is to experience it at multiple levels... to make choices and deal with the consequences of said choices.

Life is also about discovery. A child begins life in a state of wonder as everything is new, fresh. As the child explores his or her world, the child discovers there is a choice ~ to do this or to do that. And from the onset the child is connected to a sense of wonder.

Then life intrudes and the child's choices are influenced and impacted upon by those who surround it. A sense of wonder may evolve into a sense of dread or curiousity... perhaps rage or perhaps delight. However, in the midst of others influences each individual must find their own way and become self-determined along with taking responsibility for the choices made.

In the course of one's life there is room for thousands of choices ~ all with different outcomes. Yet, somewhere along the way ~ one also has a choice to make a commitment to something greater then oneself (ones limited ego) ~ and instead identify through spiritual awakening ones connection with source or the Godhead... which in reality is love manifested on earth. To choose love is to consciously walk on a spiritual path that I believe is innate for those who choose to walk toward the light. After all, we know from science that are very DNA is wrapped around light and it is the light that our very beingness is made from. This is our spiritual essense... life/love.

Please remember, a sense of wonder is at the heart of beingness and lets one know we are still connected to something much greater then one's own limited (ego) awareness. The mystics describe awakening as a dew drop that slips into the shinning sea ~ meaning each dew drop represents an individual soul and all souls represent the collective cosmic consciousness.

Yet there are others who are committed to stopping something quite wonderful from happening. Personally, I have observed and experienced how striving to know oneself... to experience and explore ones own consciousness is a crime, often considered a criminal offense at governmental levels. Amazing, isn't it?

Death before becoming awake to who one really is ~ is tragic. If there is a Satan or Lucifer... it is those who strive to keep the soul imprisoned as a slave and cut off from source ~ spiritual love.

I suspect the challenge... the true test of one's spirit (character) is to prevail irrespective of those who wish to enslave, control and/or manipulate. It really doesn't matter who the "others" are. One could almost say it is irrelevant. Their intention is identical ~ to withhold freedom. Clearly it is up to each individual to learn how to take freedom into his or her own hands and fly.

Do you not wonder if the quest, the innate drive when free to discover without outside control and manipulation, is to actually experience cosmic consciousness and how we all stem from the one source? Indeed, once this becomes part of one's conscious experience it is easy to understand how we are all just one family ~ little dew drops spinning around in the universe exploring and experience the gifts it has to offer.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
Images to nourish the spirit: http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.ne...&showtopic=198

Last edited by Carol; 01-01-2010 at 02:13 PM.
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Old 01-01-2010, 02:44 PM   #17
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Absolutely beautiful Carol,

"A child begins life in a state of wonder as everything is new, fresh."
I feel like that wonder, that sense of seeking the truth, and ultimately finding it in love, is what we came for. If we came here with full knowledge and in full consciousness, there would be no 'new', so we can actually only have the 'new', 'fresh', from decreasing vibration and forgetting.

Now we can choose to remember any way we like; this is also part of the excitement. Knowing that any way we deviate ultimately leads back to the One, the only limitations are in and of the mind.
We can remember with the analytical left hemisphere, either paying attention to intuition or being purely mechanical and ignoring that feeling, but can only get so far and live in a state of confusion as to how much love and consciousness dances together to create our reality. The magnificence and beauty of love seems like a magical fairy tale to them.
We can also choose to listen to the subtle voice of the heart, to trust our feelings and know each feeling is telling us something about our reality and surroundings. They are there so we can learn from and interpret life in a way that lets us easily see how what we are experiencing connects with what we know.

For me, remembering through my heart is what gives me the greatest feelings of ecstatic love and bliss. Knowing, through feeling that connection with everything, in that vibration, and re-merging with the One Love.

Death must be understood and transcended to truly experience and have the knowing of being One. Death is a word. Words are easily misunderstood, until you have an experience to link to that word. What death really is, can only be answered when you experience it.

Plant spirits can help us have a conscious death experience. If one chooses to pay close attention to the subtle feelings in the body during these experiences and let yourself happen, observing but not engaging the mind, you see that they also show you how to do it with just your own body's chemical laboratory and incorporating the breath.
For most, these experiences are so far away from their usual state of vibration, that the memories are like fading dreams. But when you choose to work your way up and increase your frequency, they begin to stick; and you begin to move into a more harmonious way of being.

To walk with the knowingness of death is the only way to truly live.
Death is but an illusion, one made to seem like something it isn't to keep people afraid of really waking up.

-Love and Light-
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Old 01-01-2010, 03:17 PM   #18
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post
The point I'm trying to make is that the perpetrators behind every major war, economic collapse, conflict and turmoil are human beings. We all need to collectively take responsibility for our planet and our communities.
On this New Year's Day, does anyone have any ideas about how we humans can take responsibility for our planet and our communities?
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Old 01-01-2010, 03:32 PM   #19
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
On this New Year's Day, does anyone have any ideas about how we humans can take responsibility for our planet and our communities?

Begin with knowing...

Firstly we are Terrans..

Not canadians, not americans....not europeans, not australians , not asian...

Secondly we are Man or Woman..

These energies have been disrespected and negated for to long...

Balance, is lacking in our intimate world....
try to find it and apply it

Thirdly , Respect for Elders, The Sick and Nature

We have forgotten our past...we wont listen to our elders... and we try to behave as if they do not exist...
This is a disgrace!

So many of us suffer...every second of everyday...this year...last year....and next year....
This is a disgrace!

We are very messy and rarely clean up after ourselves...we treat animals and other living beings as inferior..
This is a disgrace!

The weight of these issues is immense...but it begins with small actions...

You are Human, care for your elders, the sick, the animals and your environment...this is what we can do.
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Old 01-01-2010, 03:44 PM   #20
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Hey sjkted,
I couldn`t agree more.
Some people seem to think every evil person or group is possessed by Reptilians.
And some are even going so far to suggest the Nazis were infiltrated by them.
Makes me angry. Humans can be pure evil.Face it, it is in our nature.
Only when you accept that you can make a difference.

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Old 01-01-2010, 03:46 PM   #21
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Originally Posted by Céline View Post

Begin with knowing...

Firstly we are Terrans..

Not canadians, not americans....not europeans, not australians , not asian...
The only thought that I have here is that we need to keep our nations as opposed to doing away with national sovereignties like the controllers want so that they can bring in their New World Order.

But in the spirit that I believe you may be intending - that of love for all humanity - .

Originally Posted by Céline View Post

Secondly we are Man or Woman..

These energies have been disrespected and negated for to long...

Balance, is lacking in our intimate world....
try to find it and apply it

Thirdly , Respect for Elders, The Sick and Nature

We have forgotten our past...we wont listen to our elders... and we try to behave as if they do not exist...
This is a disgrace!

So many of us suffer...every second of everyday...this year...last year....and next year....
This is a disgrace!

We are very messy and rarely clean up after ourselves...we treat animals and other living beings as inferior..
This is a disgrace!

The weight of these issues is immense...but it begins with small actions...

You are Human, care for your elders, the sick, the animals and your environment...this is what we can do.
Wow!! Thank you. This is a beautiful post!
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Old 01-01-2010, 03:47 PM   #22
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
[I][SIZE="3"]There are two sides to a coin, a character,and everything,this is duality.when we hold on to this illusion, we take sides.The key is balance
.As long as you hold on to an idea, that something outside of you is holding you back,you surrender your personal power to that illusion . You are the Frog, asking the princess for a kiss.In other words, get down in the mud with me, and carry this burden.

The victim,only uses one side of the brain,good OLE TWO FACE.
Though it may seem that life is happening out there away from us ..the traces that life
leaves are always contained within. For the inner turmoil that duality conveys we can always take responsability for our essence is One not two . So yes balance...wholeness..Oneness.. are the key.

Love Always
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Old 01-01-2010, 04:41 PM   #23
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
On this New Year's Day, does anyone have any ideas about how we humans can take responsibility for our planet and our communities?
I think that people have to look to what they are doing in their jobs - their livelihood.

Because earning money is essential for survival, I think it is really hard to do this, but I think people should force themselves to do it anyway. Feel the fear - and then go ahead and deal with the issue.

If one is making a living by going under cover and functioning as an agent provocateur in a peaceful protest, for just one example, one needs to find another way to make a living. And if people know someone in this position, people need to try to assist that person in finding a better way to make a living.
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Old 01-01-2010, 05:31 PM   #24
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

I see a future where money is irrelevant and what matters is what one knows... skills, kindness, generousity of spirit, sharing of resources, and working together in harmony.

This is one earth and we are one people. I'm looking forward to the day when everyone gets it and starts behaving in a manner that is beneficial to all of life.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
Images to nourish the spirit: http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.ne...&showtopic=198
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Old 01-01-2010, 05:36 PM   #25
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Originally Posted by Carol View Post
I see a future where money is irrelevant and what matters is what one knows... skills, kindness, generousity of spirit, sharing of resources, and working together in harmony.
That would be a wonderful world for sure.
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