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Old 12-27-2009, 11:06 PM   #526
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

I think its funny that early on in this thread that I replied to a post and was "reprimanded" for it by a mod...yet here many others are doing it and none of their posts are being edited by a mod....what the heck? I know the mods do not like me...but fair is fair right?
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Old 12-28-2009, 02:51 AM   #527
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Context and recent news:

Hi everybody, this is a clarification note about my previous posts (pag. 20. #478 and pag. 20. #494) regarding “real” versus “faked-Bluebeam” ET disclosure scenario (good ETs vs. dark ETs)”, because today I’ve just read two articles from two PC interviewees (David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford) who seem to give contradictory info about Barack Obama.

So, one of them must not be correct.

I highly recommend their two articles, they are very interesting.
In summary:

Benjamin Fulford thinks Obama is just another puppet of the dark elite (or cabal).

David Wilcock thinks Obama is a good guy supported by a good faction named the “New Kremlin”.

Benjamin Fulford’s comments about Barack Obama
December 28, 2009


… First let us re-cap the New World Order moves towards a fascistic world government in 2009. It started with the inauguration of Barack Obama as president. At first everybody was hopeful but, it did not take long for the truth to sink in.

Obama was a Nazi puppet who broke all his important promises and refused to withdraw from Iraq, failed to close the Guantanamo torture camp and actually increased the amount of troops in Afghanistan. Later, he attempted to make himself de-facto world President by taking the post of head of the UN Security council, in direct violation of the US constitution. To bolster his position he was given the Nobel “peace” prize….

David Wilcock’s comments about Barack Obama

Excerpt (Pag. 3-5):

… As we have been saying all along -- both from our intuitive data and with credible insider testimony and research to back it up -- Obama did not fit this mold. He was never supposed to win the apparently 'rigged' 2008 election. Hillary -- Bill's wife -- was the 'selected' candidate.

As redundantly explained by the "Voice of the White House" source on TBRNews.org, the insiders were terrified because Obama was not blackmailable, despite what Skolnick said about most other presidential candidates here.

Thus, we have seen a variety of 'weird violence' directed against him and his circle, as expected -- but we'll get into that later on.


The insider propaganda machine of the Rockefeller / Rothschild military-industrial complex has done a fantastic job of channeling our collective Internet fear-porn addiction towards a single target: President Obama.


… Obama was never supposed to win – despite a highly impressive amount of propaganda that has now been released on the Internet to suggest otherwise.

The Illuminati / Rothschild faction wanted Hillary, and the New World Order / Rockefeller faction wanted McCain.


Say what you want, but once you have enough background to see that this world of insider occult politics is far from a unified system where everyone is on the same team, you can clearly see how the different factions took their sides in the last election.

Note from qbeac: David Wilcok’s article is very long, I recommend reading the whole thing, but I’ll just summarize several important points of what David says:
a) David says there are at least three main factions in the power structure of this world (pag. 3-5):
1.- The Rockefeller / New World Order / Neocon faction (which Beter calls the Rockefeller Cartel);

2.- The Rothschild / European Illuminati faction (which Beter calls the Bolshevik-Zionist axis, but identifies with the Rothschilds), and

3.- Faction Three (*1), or what I call the New International Coalition, whose roots are interconnected with what Beter calls the Christian "New Kremlin" faction in Russia.

(*1) Note from qbeac: Faction 3 are the “good guys”, according to David Wilcock
b) David says (or implies) that Barack Obama is a good guy supported by the “good guys”: Faction Three (New Kremlin).

c) David says (or implies) that Obama’s disclosure should be the “real” disclosure of positive ETs; also, that the norwegian lights were a sign from the good guys (New Kremlin) performed by sophisticated technology (HAARP or similar) to “remind” (or put pressure on) the dark elite that real disclosure should be done imminently by Obama… etc.

Questions to Bill and Kerry:
1) David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford are both Project Camelot interviewees, but they seem to have contradictory opinions about Barack Obama…
… so, one of them must not be correct, so:

Would it be possible for you (PC) to interview them both (David and Benjamin… inviting also Alex Jones would be even better) at the same time (Ex: by Skype), so that you all can debate and try to clarify the “Obama mystery”?
For instance: Is Obama good, dark, a good double agent, a dark double agent? Is he being supported by good or dark factions? Will the Obama’s ET disclosure be the real one or a faked one (Bluebeam)? Is it really possible for a USA presidential candidate to be elected “unless” he receives the full support of the MSM? And that has been very much indeed the case with Obama, he’s been ALL OVER the MSM, he appears everywhere: TV, newspapers, magazines, etc. But we thought the dark elite controls just about all MSM, is that correct? So, what’s going on here? Perhaps the New Kremlin faction also controls a portion of MSM, or what…??? Something doesn’t add up... etc.

2) Same questions about the “Dr. Steven Greer mystery”.

3) Bill, please, if you have a chance, take a look at my previous questions regarding this topic in pag. 20. #478 and pag. 20. #494, and especially the possibility of having two different versions of Project Bluebeam, the “bad” version (invasion by bad ETs) and the “nice” version (bad ETs disguising themselves as good ETs, like in the TV series “V”).
Thanks. qbeac.

Last edited by qbeac; 12-28-2009 at 11:10 PM.
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Old 12-28-2009, 03:00 AM   #528
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Hi all,

I believe that everything is perfect Right Here, Right Now. And Right Here Right Now is all there is.

Forget about the past. It does not exist, except in your memory. Drop it. And stop worrying about how you're going to get through tomorrow. Life is going on Right Here, Right Now -- pay attention to that and all will be well.

Embrace the present moment with gratefulness and wonder, and you will turn it into whatever you have been waiting for.

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Old 12-28-2009, 04:44 AM   #529
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by FastMax View Post
Hi all,

I believe that everything is perfect Right Here, Right Now. And Right Here Right Now is all there is.

Forget about the past. It does not exist, except in your memory. Drop it. And stop worrying about how you're going to get through tomorrow. Life is going on Right Here, Right Now -- pay attention to that and all will be well.

Embrace the present moment with gratefulness and wonder, and you will turn it into whatever you have been waiting for.

I like that
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Old 12-28-2009, 04:57 AM   #530
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by FastMax View Post
Hi all,

I believe that everything is perfect Right Here, Right Now. And Right Here Right Now is all there is.

Forget about the past. It does not exist, except in your memory. Drop it. And stop worrying about how you're going to get through tomorrow. Life is going on Right Here, Right Now -- pay attention to that and all will be well.

Embrace the present moment with gratefulness and wonder, and you will turn it into whatever you have been waiting for.

hey i appreciate the positive vibe but would like to say that this is bad advice. understanding the past and past experiences are cruicial for learning and growth. forgetting the past is not accomplishing anything except escaping it - if you really had a button to forget all the bad things that have happend to you, would you really push it? didnt you learn so much? i would also like to say that the message you're sending is what the bad guys in the V series said in the last episode to get everyone under their influence (just something funny to think about, cus it made me stop and think about it). and as for everything being perfect right here right now, that is simply not true.
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Old 12-28-2009, 05:02 AM   #531
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by qbeac View Post
Context and recent news:

Hi everybody, this is a clarification note about my previous post (pag. 20. #478) regarding “real” versus “faked-Bluebeam” ET disclosure scenario (good ETs vs. dark ETs)”, because today I’ve just read two articles from two PC interviewees (David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford) who seem to give contradictory info about Barack Obama.

So, one of them must not be correct.
That is weird, I just got done reading the whole Wilcock ebook. Anyway, I am usually a fan of David's, some times things that he says raises a "mind flag" with me though. I have only read a couple things of Fulfords. His economic tales seem a bit wack..but that is just me.

As far as the Obama opinions, I would have to side with Fulford on this one. Something is just not right with David's story. He is fully defending (and is accusing anyone that doesn't agree of being a fear monger) a communist set of ideals and says that it is ok to do this because they are not one of the other 2 factions, so they must be good guys. I can't in good conscious stand behind socialist ideals because they coincide with a faction that might be behind a disclosure movement.
Does disclosure automatically give us free energy, peace on earth, no illness, no war, no pollution and a Kumbaya song for all? I am thinking the truth is what is right, disclosure is right, but it is not going to solve all our problems. Neither is Obama
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Old 12-28-2009, 01:29 PM   #532
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Hi Bill

Would it be possible to get PC whistle blowers and other people you interviewed (including Greer) all together in one room....no cameras...not tape recorders...no "outside people" and let them talk to each-other...exchange experiences...compare notes....solve and re-solve the contradictions....

no need to come out with the working 0 energy device or a detailed plan on how to make it...you made it clear not doing that keeps you all alive...ok

but how about coming out (in general...no great specifics if you can not) with some common ground you can all work on....

the point is in getting together...insiders connecting the dots...better organization....better knowledge...gaining an advantage....solving the BIG QUESTION....focusing on the main point....setting a goal....finding the final answer....

i am willing to donate (more than people donate on average) to that cause happening...and I think there are many others that would see the benefit for all of us in this happening that would also donate (if need be)...like traveling expenses etc...



Last edited by Spregovori; 12-28-2009 at 01:32 PM.
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Old 12-28-2009, 02:19 PM   #533
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by Cardillac View Post

hello- thank you for posting your thoughts-…..
Thank you, Cardillac, I guess all of us are trying to figure out “the Big Picture” (the main and most important elements of the puzzle) and also the way in which we all can help to bring to fruition a better future for this world. One think anybody can do is SPREAD THE WORD of what’s going on, because all of this is being censored in MSM. So, I encourage people to do that: tell everybody, tell your friends, family, local authorities, etc. Speak out!

Originally Posted by Spregovori View Post
Hi Bill

Would it be possible to get PC whistle blowers and other people you interviewed (including Greer) all together in one room....no cameras...not tape recorders...no "outside people" and let them talk to each-other...exchange experiences...compare notes....solve and re-solve the contradictions....
Very good point, Spregovori, I agree with it. Now that many whistle blowers have explained their view points, it would be good to see them get together and debate their different perspectives. I would also support more “open PC debates” among their different whistle blowers.

That would also help us (regular people) to see what info is correct, wrong, disinfo, etc.
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Old 12-28-2009, 02:32 PM   #534
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Questions to Bill and Kerry:
Would it be possible for you (PC) to invite both David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford to this thread to debate the “Obama’s mystery” (same thing for the “real vs. faked-Bluebeam ET disclosure mystery”)?

I guess they might be quite busy, and a talking debate (by Skype) might be easier and not so time consuming as a writing one. But perhaps they wouldn’t mind showing up and giving us a few clues, or links, etc. Well, it’s just an idea.

Another idea: Would Dr. Steven Greer show up in this thread and let us (regular people) ask him questions?

Last edited by qbeac; 12-28-2009 at 04:48 PM.
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Old 12-28-2009, 02:50 PM   #535
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Hi everyone,

I would like to add one other possibility for Obama. We have all heard of something called a "false flag" where the government does something and blames it on an enemy.

IMHO Obama is a false flag. He's very charming, likable and over all very entertaining. Like an actor, a Hollywood actor.

When Obama was first elected I found the magazines comparing him to previous presidents like Lincoln, JFK and Roosevelt rather disturbing. First he hadn't done anything yet but what I found most disturbing was the trio all died in office.

I recall an awful lot of predictions of Obama being assassinated. The new reported he receives 30 death threats a day...something else I found odd for our propaganda news source to report.

In all I believe Obama was appointed for the sole purpose of "dying" in office and becoming a martyr. I do not think he will actually die but rather his death will faked. Obama swept away to a isolated island.

Once Obama is supposedly dead I expect to see a fury of activity to get non popular measures passed in his memory. Obama has already been elevated by the media to that of a god. They have called him a messiah.

Obama is an actor on a stage.
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Old 12-28-2009, 07:08 PM   #536
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Originally Posted by yellowcosmicseed View Post
Hello bill. I appreciate your work at camelot to the highest extent. I cannot fully explain how much you have helped open my eyes.

I got a question: Because you don't believe in 4D 'ascension' then why was it that one day on camelot it wa sposted that The LAw of One/Ra Material is one of the best and most accurate channelings of all time? Does not the Law Of One state that we are entering into 4D at this moment? Is it not a reliable source?
I have re-posted this in request of feedback on this question by Bill.
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Old 12-28-2009, 07:17 PM   #537
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Originally Posted by Spregovori View Post
Hi Bill

Would it be possible to get PC whistle blowers and other people you interviewed (including Greer) all together in one room....no cameras...not tape recorders...no "outside people" and let them talk to each-other...exchange experiences...compare notes....solve and re-solve the contradictions....

no need to come out with the working 0 energy device or a detailed plan on how to make it...you made it clear not doing that keeps you all alive...ok

but how about coming out (in general...no great specifics if you can not) with some common ground you can all work on....

the point is in getting together...insiders connecting the dots...better organization....better knowledge...gaining an advantage....solving the BIG QUESTION....focusing on the main point....setting a goal....finding the final answer....

i am willing to donate (more than people donate on average) to that cause happening...and I think there are many others that would see the benefit for all of us in this happening that would also donate (if need be)...like traveling expenses etc...


You are onto something there and I see Kerry was enjoying the advantage of bringing in other whistleblowers during her radio show with David Wilcock: They would SKYPE her as she was conducting the interview and that helped her put the pieces together faster. This radio show idea is where she is really going to show her native and honed talents.

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Old 12-28-2009, 07:19 PM   #538
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Originally Posted by qbeac View Post
Questions to Bill and Kerry:
Would it be possible for you (PC) to invite both David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford to this thread to debate the “Obama’s mystery” (same thing for the “real vs. faked-Bluebeam ET disclosure mystery”)?

I guess they might be quite busy, and a talking debate (by Skype) might be easier and not so time consuming as a writing one. But perhaps they wouldn’t mind showing up and giving us a few clues, or links, etc. Well, it’s just an idea.

Another idea: Would Dr. Steven Greer show up in this thread and let us (regular people) ask him questions?
LOL you have some hope there asking if any of these 'super-duper' megastar interviewees come here and talk, facing the public directly LOL LOL Hell will freeze over first LOL
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Old 12-28-2009, 08:08 PM   #539
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You won't get David Wilcock on here where people can say what they want to him, he will only accept Ego stroking and praise, you only have to look at the comments he allows to be posted on his site to see that. Anything that doesn't agree with his views or that arrent complements for him, gets deleted.
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Old 12-28-2009, 08:15 PM   #540
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

The recent comments by qbeac & Spregovori on resolving contradictory/inconsistent information raise an important issue.

qbeac (#527) mentioned an inconsistency in the views of Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock on Obama. Here's another example.

In an article posted today, Fulford explains as follows re: the Nov 09 hacking of emails from a server at the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia:

"Russian BDS [Black Dragon Society] members hacked the East Anglia University computers and proved the "global warming" campaign was based on false data."


David Wilcock provides a very different account in "Disclosure Endgame" part 3:

"As of November 2009, the Rockefeller faction -- now in complete free-fall after losing the 2008 election -- was almost certainly responsible for leaking the "Climategate" emails. This was a blatant, desperate attempt to destroy the credibility of any arguments to reduce our fossil fuel consumption -- and thereby preserve whatever shreds of economic power and oil money they still have at this point."


These are very different accounts of the same incident.

I agree with Spregovori/532 re: the need to create a situation whereby contradictions in the testimony of PC whistleblowers and others can be resolved. This would help to clarify the point where assumptions are shaping the interpretation of the facts. Ideally this process should be open for input from others.

Last edited by synaxis; 12-28-2009 at 08:21 PM. Reason: Added URL
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Old 12-29-2009, 12:11 AM   #541
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by qbeac View Post
Questions to Bill and Kerry:
Would it be possible for you (PC) to invite both David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford to this thread to debate the “Obama’s mystery” (same thing for the “real vs. faked-Bluebeam ET disclosure mystery”)?

I guess they might be quite busy, and a talking debate (by Skype) might be easier and not so time consuming as a writing one. But perhaps they wouldn’t mind showing up and giving us a few clues, or links, etc. Well, it’s just an idea.

Another idea: Would Dr. Steven Greer show up in this thread and let us (regular people) ask him questions?
You ever think that both wilcock and fulford are probably wrong?
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Old 12-29-2009, 12:21 AM   #542
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by qbeac View Post
Questions to Bill and Kerry:
Would it be possible for you (PC) to invite both David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford to this thread to debate the “Obama’s mystery” (same thing for the “real vs. faked-Bluebeam ET disclosure mystery”)?

I guess they might be quite busy, and a talking debate (by Skype) might be easier and not so time consuming as a writing one. But perhaps they wouldn’t mind showing up and giving us a few clues, or links, etc. Well, it’s just an idea.

Another idea: Would Dr. Steven Greer show up in this thread and let us (regular people) ask him questions?
You ever think that both wilcock and fulford are probably wrong?

EDIT: And To further elaborate, isn't obama a proven skull & bones member? in other words, obama is a full blown illuminati member, which rules out ANY "white knight" scenario, which was absolutely ridiculous in the first place, obama was "elected" because the factions behind him decided to make it appear so, they portrayed mccain as a babbling outdated man and obama as a charismatic, ethnic, young sharp guy, remember these people are actors, that wasn't no coincidence. Does David Wilcock think that Obama somehow defeated both Rothschild and Rockefeller interestes? how? through the electoral process? you gotta be kidding me does Wilcock know anything?

Never in the history of mankind has a US president been some kind of radical white angel working from the inside, he was born and raised illuminati, he was trained for his role, he knows what's gonna happen, just like bush, just like all of them, they appear to be pawns, they are to some extent, but they will never, ever be, any type of positive force, they are all illuminati, they are all working for the same agenda.

And to top of that, we all know secret goverment is the real goverment, not the mainstream media white house/congress soap opera they feed people, you gotta be kidding me guys, ANYBODY who talks about obama like he's gonna make something happen or like he's a symbol of any importance is obviously uninformed in the workings of the US govt.
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Old 12-29-2009, 01:10 AM   #543
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Absolutely stunning interjection Abraxasinas... is anyone paying attention?

I see it clearly that when we or other whisltleblowers use the "positive" or "negative" terms, please discern & keep them in context.

What I mean is that, even the "fallen" Zeta (fallen in quotations because it's context that matters), the ones whose agenda has us being taken into the "death" science... they are those have found themselves trapped, disconnected, having resorted to tampering w/we humans for their very survival, being skilled in ways we are not and we being skilled in ways they are no longer able,... that of the heart.... and steering us, quite scientifically, toward what we would normally deem hellish... howEver, it is their only seeming route Out of the mess they are in.... Now..

Doing your own internal cleansing, do you not find within your own lives (this one, as you more than likely have no recall of any other)
plenty of experiences that you would deem as not very savory?
Are there not defectors all the time from black-hats ?<< whistleblowers coming "clean" after having lived lives orchestrating their dirty deeds for whatever reasons at 'those' times...

not to mention that the "positive" Guardians, who are now being depicted as recognizable w/tools to get on board, have RULES... there are Rules, laws of operation, Universal Codes of Conduct, etc... that prevent their intervention beCAUSE WE, duh, have you figured it out yet?are or have been giving our power away, not only out of ignorance but even willingly, as is the case with some of our own human-being-family...<< ignorance/willfull cooperation/ whatever the reasons.. there are LAWS/CosmicUniversal Treaties of respecting a sovereing being (even if you are not cognizant that you are )...

the (what we'd deem) benevolent ones do not directly intervene
WITHOUT YOUR EXPRESSED INVITATION....howEVER, we do not have enough information or hearted insight to even know for sure who they are...

There IS a way... there is Technology... there Is means to gain or shall I say, RE-GAIN what we've given away...

How can your decieved mind guide you towards Knowing?
THAT is the question.

Ask good questions.... Clean House,

I think that Greer states that there ARE NO BAD ETs because he realizes that we are ALL one family.... howEVER some of us are misdirected... are you one of them? Are you sure that you are not?
What difference does it make if you make a choice NOW, on you knees uncled to it!

I hope I've made some sense.. I wanted to write a paragraph or two from Voyagers I... as she posits this idea much more clearly than I do.

You must know who it is you are inviting... as it is the point that you DO the asking, the Invite! But you must know who it is you are dealing with, as there are those that are extremely desparate to survive and will do (with more limitations emotionally than your self but with more technology) whatever they must do to survive.

I cannot stress enough that we are ALL in this together, not just earth beings.... what is to come down soon involves much more than just we earthlings. Get OUT of your panic & fear and spend just about a week, geesh, a freaking week reading Ashayana Dean's work... take your time because your fear just restricts yourself... just a dazzling week of time.

I'm going ahead and sending this and will probably be a bit sorry for it, however, I just, at this point, don't care how I come off...
I CARE about all of you, the good and the bad... such an extraordinary time!

HeartFelts to EveryOne
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Old 12-29-2009, 02:26 AM   #544
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i do get the feeling that david wilcock is obsessed by disclosure whatever the 'price' might be. his article is however excellent and he does a good job of peiceing the history together.

i like wilcock and fullford but take what they say with a pinch of salt as with anyone else. we do see evidence to suggest a power structure failure in play though whatever that may encompass.
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Old 12-29-2009, 03:21 AM   #545
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Hi Bill,

Hopefully this hasn't been asked before, I've been following this thread for a couple of weeks now and haven't seen this yet... but I could have over looked it. If anyone else who happens to read this has an idea, then please feel free to respond.

I, and I'm sure many others, would like to know where we might be able to find some of L. Ron Hubbard's original techniques that were used to recover ones soul memories from previous incarnations... as mentioned in the Dane Tops interview transcript.

Hypnosis regression was mentioned in the interview to be not the correct way...which disappoints me because I had found someone local and now I am having second thoughts.


Last edited by twelvestrand; 12-29-2009 at 03:29 AM.
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Old 12-29-2009, 03:31 AM   #546
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
Absolutely stunning interjection Abraxasinas... is anyone paying attention?

I see it clearly that when we or other whisltleblowers use the "positive" or "negative" terms, please discern & keep them in context.

What I mean is that, even the "fallen" Zeta (fallen in quotations because it's context that matters), the ones whose agenda has us being taken into the "death" science... they are those have found themselves trapped, disconnected, having resorted to tampering w/we humans for their very survival, being skilled in ways we are not and we being skilled in ways they are no longer able,... that of the heart.... and steering us, quite scientifically, toward what we would normally deem hellish... howEver, it is their only seeming route Out of the mess they are in.... Now..

Doing your own internal cleansing, do you not find within your own lives (this one, as you more than likely have no recall of any other)
plenty of experiences that you would deem as not very savory?
Are there not defectors all the time from black-hats ?<< whistleblowers coming "clean" after having lived lives orchestrating their dirty deeds for whatever reasons at 'those' times...

not to mention that the "positive" Guardians, who are now being depicted as recognizable w/tools to get on board, have RULES... there are Rules, laws of operation, Universal Codes of Conduct, etc... that prevent their intervention beCAUSE WE, duh, have you figured it out yet?are or have been giving our power away, not only out of ignorance but even willingly, as is the case with some of our own human-being-family...<< ignorance/willfull cooperation/ whatever the reasons.. there are LAWS/CosmicUniversal Treaties of respecting a sovereing being (even if you are not cognizant that you are )...

the (what we'd deem) benevolent ones do not directly intervene
WITHOUT YOUR EXPRESSED INVITATION....howEVER, we do not have enough information or hearted insight to even know for sure who they are...

There IS a way... there is Technology... there Is means to gain or shall I say, RE-GAIN what we've given away...

How can your decieved mind guide you towards Knowing?
THAT is the question.

Ask good questions.... Clean House,

I think that Greer states that there ARE NO BAD ETs because he realizes that we are ALL one family.... howEVER some of us are misdirected... are you one of them? Are you sure that you are not?
What difference does it make if you make a choice NOW, on you knees uncled to it!

I hope I've made some sense.. I wanted to write a paragraph or two from Voyagers I... as she posits this idea much more clearly than I do.

You must know who it is you are inviting... as it is the point that you DO the asking, the Invite! But you must know who it is you are dealing with, as there are those that are extremely desparate to survive and will do (with more limitations emotionally than your self but with more technology) whatever they must do to survive.

I cannot stress enough that we are ALL in this together, not just earth beings.... what is to come down soon involves much more than just we earthlings. Get OUT of your panic & fear and spend just about a week, geesh, a freaking week reading Ashayana Dean's work... take your time because your fear just restricts yourself... just a dazzling week of time.

I'm going ahead and sending this and will probably be a bit sorry for it, however, I just, at this point, don't care how I come off...
I CARE about all of you, the good and the bad... such an extraordinary time!

HeartFelts to EveryOne

Moxie, this is my life's work, helping traumatized people and beings (remotely in their case) relieve themselves of what has been called modernly, "The Stockholm Syndrome". Everytime we process an "Evil ET" he comes to his sense and takes early retirement.

Anyone who is clearing themselves will eventually reach the point where they can look at another being and clear him too. Everyone goes home with a door prize :-)

I hope I contributed to the essence of your post.

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Old 12-29-2009, 03:38 AM   #547
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by twelvestrand View Post
Hi Bill,

Hopefully this hasn't been asked before, I've been following this thread for a couple of weeks now and haven't seen this yet... but I could have over looked it. If anyone else who happens to read this has an idea, then please feel free to respond.

I, and I'm sure many others, would like to know where we might be able to find some of L. Ron Hubbard's original techniques that were used to recover ones soul memories from previous incarnations... as mentioned in the Dane Tops interview transcript.

Hypnosis regression was mentioned in the interview to be not the correct way...which disappoints me because I had found someone local and now I am having second thoughts.

My clearing practitioner is using a combination of original techniques and I have been recovering my memories of previous incarnations at least 3 times a week and lately every day. I am back to a period of my existence where there does not seem to have been a concept of time as we have it today.

We work over the phone or SKYPE. If you would like to ask him questions PM me. I get no monetary gain from introducing him and I am not clearing people for monetary gain. I have secured my income from other sources and am quite happy seeking my own immortality with some remote processing to help lift the suppression on the planet.

Enuf said, others will have something to say too and I welcome other clearing paths and honor them.

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Old 12-29-2009, 04:11 AM   #548
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Apparently Bill is not participating for days now and this thread has turned into a philosophical exchange...
I do receive a daily digest as I have subscribed to this thread... and quite frankly, I'm tired of reading "others' thoughts....
why not (everyone) just back off talking at all here...
keep this thread Bill's thread....
he will talk back when he's ready....
22 pages, much of it 'you know who you are" that can't stop piping in w/your "knowledge"l tyvm
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Old 12-29-2009, 05:51 AM   #549
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

This IS Bill's thread!!

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Old 12-29-2009, 08:04 AM   #550
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's thread

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
Absolutely stunning interjection Abraxasinas... is anyone paying attention?

I see it clearly that when we or other whisltleblowers use the "positive" or "negative" terms, please discern & keep them in context.

What I mean is that, even the "fallen" Zeta (fallen in quotations because it's context that matters), the ones whose agenda has us being taken into the "death" science... they are those have found themselves trapped, disconnected, having resorted to tampering w/we humans for their very survival, being skilled in ways we are not and we being skilled in ways they are no longer able,... that of the heart.... and steering us, quite scientifically, toward what we would normally deem hellish... howEver, it is their only seeming route Out of the mess they are in.... Now..

Doing your own internal cleansing, do you not find within your own lives (this one, as you more than likely have no recall of any other)
plenty of experiences that you would deem as not very savory?
Are there not defectors all the time from black-hats ?<< whistleblowers coming "clean" after having lived lives orchestrating their dirty deeds for whatever reasons at 'those' times...

not to mention that the "positive" Guardians, who are now being depicted as recognizable w/tools to get on board, have RULES... there are Rules, laws of operation, Universal Codes of Conduct, etc... that prevent their intervention beCAUSE WE, duh, have you figured it out yet?are or have been giving our power away, not only out of ignorance but even willingly, as is the case with some of our own human-being-family...

Hi Moxie!

I find this thread rather hard to follow and so I missed your post for a while, I apologise for that. The problem is that the ordering in this 'multithread' is not in a time sequence, but in a nesting hierarchy. This nesting hierarchy is very good for a small number of 'subthreads' but becomes confusing if there are many such 'subthreads'.

But your comments are aligned with my understanding. I have interspersed here, because you have mentioned 'the giving our power away'. Yes, this is precisely why there cannot be an 'alien physical contact' and 'for all to see disclosure'.

The present state of human group-consciousness is 95% aligned with 'normal' 5-sense stimulatory reactivity.
And because in the 'cosmic scheme' the major consciousness interaction is from universe to galactic cell to starsystem to planet-moon to regionality to individuated sentience within that regionality; the 'alien' presence must follow the 'natural law' to 'communicate' through this structure of the conduits.

Iow, for 'alien physical contact' to occur, and as many already know, the 'mother consciousness' is required to align to the star consciousness and so forth.
Then the individual human intelligence is required to act as a data/information collector for the planetary consciousness relying information to the higher systems.

This is really omni-science and a physical implementation of the metaphysics but shows that the INABILITY of the human agendas to UNIFY (towards a minimum % of 0.002 or so 1 in 50,000), prevents the 'human groupmind' to act as a COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE.

Once there are enough humans, individualised in creativity and being YET UNIFIED in say PHILOSOPHY or (religion or science or some other form of deep inner understanding about themselves, origins, reality etc); THEN this 'STARMIND' will MIRROR in the GAIAN mothermind reflect to the SOLAR Mind reflect back to the galaxy and so on.

Most people have it back to front.
It is not what the aliens can give us, but what what we can give to them.
It is not that we ar3e waiting for them, it is them who are waiting for us.
To get the Story about ourselves right - in simplest terms.

But I better stop, as this kind of talk seems a little 'off topic'.
If you like Moxie, you can start a new thread someplace and we can talk about the details and of course with anyone else who would like to contribute.


<< ignorance/willfull cooperation/ whatever the reasons.. there are LAWS/CosmicUniversal Treaties of respecting a sovereing being (even if you are not cognizant that you are )...

the (what we'd deem) benevolent ones do not directly intervene
WITHOUT YOUR EXPRESSED INVITATION....howEVER, we do not have enough information or hearted insight to even know for sure who they are...

There IS a way... there is Technology... there Is means to gain or shall I say, RE-GAIN what we've given away...

How can your decieved mind guide you towards Knowing?
THAT is the question.

Ask good questions.... Clean House,

I think that Greer states that there ARE NO BAD ETs because he realizes that we are ALL one family.... howEVER some of us are misdirected... are you one of them? Are you sure that you are not?
What difference does it make if you make a choice NOW, on you knees uncled to it!

I hope I've made some sense.. I wanted to write a paragraph or two from Voyagers I... as she posits this idea much more clearly than I do.

You must know who it is you are inviting... as it is the point that you DO the asking, the Invite! But you must know who it is you are dealing with, as there are those that are extremely desparate to survive and will do (with more limitations emotionally than your self but with more technology) whatever they must do to survive.

I cannot stress enough that we are ALL in this together, not just earth beings.... what is to come down soon involves much more than just we earthlings. Get OUT of your panic & fear and spend just about a week, geesh, a freaking week reading Ashayana Dean's work... take your time because your fear just restricts yourself... just a dazzling week of time.

I'm going ahead and sending this and will probably be a bit sorry for it, however, I just, at this point, don't care how I come off...
I CARE about all of you, the good and the bad... such an extraordinary time!

HeartFelts to EveryOne
Hi Moxie!

I find this thread rather hard to follow and so I missed your post for a while, I apologise for that. The problem is that the ordering in this 'multithread' is not in a time sequence, but in a nesting hierarchy. This nesting hierarchy is very good for a small number of 'subthreads' but becomes confusing if there are many such 'subthreads'.

But your comments are aligned with my understanding. I have interspersed here, because you have mentioned 'the giving our power away'. Yes, this is precisely why there cannot be an 'alien physical contact' and 'for all to see disclosure'.

The present state of human group-consciousness is 95% aligned with 'normal' 5-sense stimulatory reactivity.
And because in the 'cosmic scheme' the major consciousness interaction is from universe to galactic cell to starsystem to planet-moon to regionality to individuated sentience within that regionality; the 'alien' presence must follow the 'natural law' to 'communicate' through this structure of the conduits.

Iow, for 'alien physical contact' to occur, and as many already know, the 'mother consciousness' is required to align to the star consciousness and so forth.
Then the individual human intelligence is required to act as a data/information collector for the planetary consciousness relying information to the higher systems.

This is really omni-science and a physical implementation of the metaphysics but shows that the INABILITY of the human agendas to UNIFY (towards a minimum % of 0.002 or so 1 in 50,000), prevents the 'human groupmind' to act as a COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE.

Once there are enough humans, individualised in creativity and being YET UNIFIED in say PHILOSOPHY or (religion or science or some other form of deep inner understanding about themselves, origins, reality etc); THEN this 'STARMIND' will MIRROR in the GAIAN mothermind reflect to the SOLAR Mind reflect back to the galaxy and so on.

Most people have it back to front.
It is not what the aliens can give us, but what what we can give to them.
It is not that we ar3e waiting for them, it is them who are waiting for us.
To get the Story about ourselves right - in simplest terms.

But I better stop, as this kind of talk seems a little 'off topic'.
If you like Moxie, you can start a new thread someplace and we can talk about the details and of course with anyone else who would like to contribute.

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