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Old 10-27-2008, 09:47 PM   #276
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Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
Hey Antonia, it's grand, no prob, sure if you can't make it you can't make it!
There's gonna be lots more meetings I hope, so loads a' time eh?

Anyhow, Skylark and meself had few pints and a good ole' chinwag, and I got a good book to read off Skylark, so it was good.

Look, why not suggest a time/place thats suits yerself, an' we'll all (or whoever) go there, yeah.

I had noticed you were spelling me nickname a bit different all right, but I know you are dyslexic so I ignored it, but sure what does it matter anyway its not important whatsoever.

Did you check out the video link I put up about the Irish UFO? have a look its pretty good.


See ya later,

Is this definitely the same one recorded by the garda on his mobile?
It reminds me an awful lot of the floating blimps complete with lightshow at a Jean Michel Jarre concert. Might sound daft perhaps but it's definitely similar- espcially the laser light.
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Old 10-28-2008, 07:07 PM   #277
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Alright AndyH, Heris a link to the actiual pupsildhed inthe SIndo ( I think )

Wel,I just tryied that and did'ent work, i dunno why.

Look, go back to post number 270, the link works fron there, I just teted it ok.

see ya, Merlin.

Last edited by Merlin; 10-28-2008 at 07:56 PM.
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Old 10-28-2008, 07:44 PM   #278
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Hmm link isn't working, did it get truncated?
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Old 10-28-2008, 07:52 PM   #279
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Default Re: Please post here if from Ireland

Alright all,

Has anyone got any suggestions about what we should be doing right now, these days, to prepare for what might lay ahead? I am gonna learn about growing food, for a start. And the basics of electricity generation. I also want to find a safe spot.

Also, can anyone say what they think might happen?
I know there are loads of scenarios floating about but what do you think is happening?

Personally, I really have no solid idea of whats going on.
I think there are ufo's in the air, I have no real proof of what they are but I think some of them are alien, some of them are human. As for whats gonna happen around 2012, Im even more uncertain.

What do you think?


Last edited by Merlin; 10-31-2008 at 12:19 AM.
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Old 11-01-2008, 11:36 PM   #280
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Default Re: Please post here if from Ireland

Originally Posted by AndyH View Post
Is this definitely the same one recorded by the garda on his mobile?
It reminds me an awful lot of the floating blimps complete with lightshow at a Jean Michel Jarre concert. Might sound daft perhaps but it's definitely similar- espcially the laser light.
As sure as I can be AndyH, when they ran the story on R.T.E. T.V., they said it was recorded by a policeman, and thats the video they had shown with the story (minus the laser bit). So there you go, thats what I know for sure. Maybe somone is trying to get their 15 minutes eh? how can we be 100% sure anyway unless we see it for ourselves.


Last edited by Merlin; 11-01-2008 at 11:40 PM.
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Old 11-06-2008, 02:54 PM   #281
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hi folks,

how's everyone doing out there? yesterday was a good day, with obama having a landslide victory. there is talk that he is just another n.w.o. puppet, maybe he is. what i found inspiring about the victory was that the people of america want change. what something new, want different to the old dysfunctional way and it wasn't like the 2004 elections where bush has a skin of his teeth victory, obama had a landslide.

it seems like the faltering economy may have a silver lining after all.

did u's read the post about the screening of the film in dublin next monday 10/11? in pravda, on the northside of the river at the h'penny bridge? y'all goin'?

merlin, i was writing a response to the question u posed the post b4 last about what changes we expect to see. i had my answer half written when i got called away. what do i see? if u know david wilcock's work, well, i'm with him. it's quite "out there" but it's positive and that's what i like about it. there is so much negative **** that bombards us daily i think it's very important to focus on the positive. our thoughts DO create or reality after all.

earth changes: at some point i see the conveyor belt failing covering ireland in a permafrost. if that will be in my life time or not?...i hope not!

i don't worry about it though, for me it's more about spirit, the evolution of spirit. I AM not a human, part of who I AM is in a human body having this experience, learning stuff. the nwo can't control that, can they? but that said, i'd like to see an earth free of the tyrannic forces. i'd like to see us using "free" energy, rather than sucking the life out of mother earth, i'd like to see us humans living more in balance with her, i'd like disclosure, regarding the e.t.'s, I'D LIKE THE TRUTH!
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Old 11-06-2008, 06:06 PM   #282
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I agree with you Conaire on David wilcox, I reckon that the fact that he is hopeful and optimistic is enough because what else can you do. I reckon that the future is in our hands, I mean if I was going to design a universe it would be alot more fun if the participants in you game had the option of multiple outcomes depending on how they perceive it, Nice trick.

So technically that means that we have to advert the whole permafrost thing by not believing it is going to happen. Having said that we have had a pretty regular rise in temperature followed by ice age like were experiencing now every 100 thousand years or so for the past half million years at least.

It is all very confusing so im going with the head in sand optimistic outcome because enough spiritual, tribal, mystic and generally more aware people than myself have pointed to this course of thinking.
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Old 11-06-2008, 11:55 PM   #283
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Hello all,

Now, Im gonna try the almost impossible, get us all together, in one place!

Its now only 2 months or so till' Crimbo, ok.
Lets, between us all (who want to), try and get something organised for the new year, say late Jan. early Feb. Who's agreeable? please post your position on this, would you go? Can you suggest somewhere for us? Or even suggestions on what to do once we all get there!(apart from gettin' ******)

I reckon we have to start the ball rolling around now for this to happen with more than about 3 people showing up. I've said it before, is this not the ultimate purpose of this section of the Forum? Am I the only one that would like for this to happen?

Well, lets see what happens next.

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Old 11-07-2008, 04:46 PM   #284
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Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
Hello all,

Now, Im gonna try the almost impossible, get us all together, in one place!

Its now only 2 months or so till' Crimbo, ok.
Lets, between us all (who want to), try and get something organised for the new year, say late Jan. early Feb. Who's agreeable? please post your position on this, would you go? Can you suggest somewhere for us? Or even suggestions on what to do once we all get there!(apart from gettin' ******)

I reckon we have to start the ball rolling around now for this to happen with more than about 3 people showing up. I've said it before, is this not the ultimate purpose of this section of the Forum? Am I the only one that would like for this to happen?

Well, lets see what happens next.

hi merlin i would definatly try to make it to a meet... iv also been thinking that maybe we should try and get a headcount going on.. alot of nights that ive been on it looks like there are more people veiwing the irish thread than threads for any other place in europe. Must be that most arent posting and are just keeping an eye on things in case something happens. but it would be good to get some way of finding out how many we have in numbers watchin whats up. So maybe we should start a new thread and all folk would have to do is say "Here" and roughly where abouts they are...say dunno if it would work.. what ya reckon??
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Old 11-07-2008, 05:52 PM   #285
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Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
Hello all,

Can you suggest somewhere for us? Or even suggestions on what to do once we all get there!(apart from gettin' ******)

Tramore is a right laugh. Bit cold for the water slides though in Jan.
Courtown isn't that good anymore, so not Courtown.
Bundoran is too far away...
I dunno....

Ah seriously though, I'll go. Wherever, its only a small country.

how about all who think that they might feel like doing the thing that this forum was made specifically for post a yay or a nay. If its a yay include your location to the nearest large or at least known town. All entries in by the end of November. When they're in we can use complicated maths to work out a location equidistant to all, to be completely fair. Or we can just roughly pick one that suits most people, whatever.

Failing that, Merlin I'll text ya, and we can discus the seating arrangements on our very uncrowded hill top over a few scoops of Arthur.
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Old 11-07-2008, 08:07 PM   #286
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Right lads, it would be a good idea to meet up with awake people from all over the country, but to be honest all we would talk about is how awake we are. Pilgrim and I meet up every week and we just melt each others heads. We all know the craic, Nibiru is on its way, there's going to be a pole shift, we line up with the galactic centre, the new world order are trying to takeover the planet with the support of the bad aliens and the annunaki who helped the great I Am achieve his greatest of all creations, the Earth.
Anyway the bad aliens came down and messed about with our DNA, interfered with our women and trashed the place, when we swung past the great I Am the last time, He lives at the Galactic centre, He went bananas.
He threw some of the demons into gigantic caverns beneath the ground, some into space and hurled his favourite alien Lucifer off on Nibiru in an elliptical orbit of 3600 years, which only seems like a year to the annunaki. He said that he would sort the whole earth problem out the next time we swung past, well that's what's happening on at 11:11am on 21/12/2012.
Bad s**t gonna happen between now and the end of the celtic/mayan calender, as the NWO in cahoots with all the demons and bad aliens try to get us to participate in the destruction of our beautiful planet.
Anyway that's the script I'm working from lads.
We have all been here before, and as Gaels we should know more than most about depopulation, the famine was only a few generations ago and we survived that, aren't we stll here ffs. We survived all sorts of s**t and we're going to survive this one.
Our cards have been well marked by St Columbcille, St Finian, St Fiachra and all the troops who went down to babylon on their curraghs to collect the new language of the Gael. Now babylon has taken over our island with their economic system, electro-magnetic warfare, chemtrails, vaccinations, diversions- i see paris hilton is at it again.
So we have to remember who we are and how to survive the coming catastrophes http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=TiCh1Xu6BAw and other trials we shall be put through in the years ahead.
Our mission should be to waken up the rest of the irish people, do everything we can to thwart the NWO, make sure we don't get chipped and try and survive and strengthen our immortal souls until the big day when our reward will surely be great if we have sorted out all our karmic issues. I hope to meet you all along the way and see you all there at the end. When tshtf we will all know exactly what to do, its gonna be a ride, enjoy. We are the ones we have been waiting for http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=mQgxmnRiz74.
One love, people get ready... i'm away to get me dinner.
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Old 11-07-2008, 08:08 PM   #287
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What about Mullingar?
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Old 11-07-2008, 11:02 PM   #288
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Good Man Feardia, you have it down to a tee, Jaysus I think you've just come up with a theory of everything!

All joking aside, I agree with you, that just about sums it up.
I also think that meeting other people of like mind is a rare thing.
Look, I ain't stupid, I know most folks are caught up in their lives and hav'ent got much time/money. I get your point about what will happen will happen and we'll know what to do when TSHTF, But I'd like to meet some of the folks that post here and talk and get to know and get drunk etc...etc...
I'd love to discuss the finer points of planet X etc...with yourself an' a few others over a Pint, rather than type back to a screen.
Personally I think all this will unfold over the next 3 or 4 years and now is the time to start getting ourselves organised to get through it. I don't have any answers and I want to talk to others and hear what they think. I want to figure out what to do in advance, rather than wait and hope I can deal with whatever then.


Yep Mullingar is fairly central is it not?

Anyone else?


Last edited by Merlin; 11-07-2008 at 11:20 PM.
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Old 11-07-2008, 11:07 PM   #289
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Default Re: Please post here if from Ireland

Originally Posted by reggaeman View Post
hi merlin i would definatly try to make it to a meet... iv also been thinking that maybe we should try and get a headcount going on.. alot of nights that ive been on it looks like there are more people veiwing the irish thread than threads for any other place in europe. Must be that most arent posting and are just keeping an eye on things in case something happens. but it would be good to get some way of finding out how many we have in numbers watchin whats up. So maybe we should start a new thread and all folk would have to do is say "Here" and roughly where abouts they are...say dunno if it would work.. what ya reckon??
Howaya Reggaeman,

Yeah I get your idea, but will the lurkers post? Who knows?
Start the Thread and find out eh?

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Old 11-07-2008, 11:19 PM   #290
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Hows the Skylark,

PM me when yer over this way again an we'll discuss the finer points of The Irish Origins of Civilization and how were all gonna defeat them pesky NWO types, over a few, of course.

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Old 11-07-2008, 11:27 PM   #291
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Well, Feardia has said he'll be popping my way some time around the xmas period'ish. I'll be buying
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Old 11-07-2008, 11:28 PM   #292
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Hey there Ladz.... I agree with Feardia ...Ferdia you look so like a guy I know called Ciaron? He used to live in Mullingar?... any how I have a few questions like is Ireland going tobe to totally submerged in Tidal waves??? Some say they will be two miles high and traveling at mac 9? Some say you must be 200 miles in land and two thousand feet above ground?? Shallwe all agree to gather at some point for 12/12/2012 say a pub in the Sperrin mountains or somthing like that with our cars loaded with camping stuff food water and booze.... ??? I'm not sure i can make it to Mongolia or South America??

But for now I still would love to meet up?? Should we all go to Innis Mor for newyears eve or some where? Trabolgan? (Only joking about Trabolgan) but we should do somthing... I could do a lunch some Saturday in my house?? we could eat chill out and have internet access... I'm sure our conversation would be full of "Have you seen so and so on youtube yet?" kind of thing so it would be handy to have internet when we meet?? I 'm a great cook too and it would be very relaxed in my home???

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Old 11-08-2008, 12:18 AM   #293
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actually i used to work down i n trabolgan(the beach where the fir bolg came ashore) and i could probably get a cheap discount on a few chalets over the holiday time..il see what the story is...can even practice our swiming down there with waves just in case...only messin..feardia sent me a link earlier dont know how many of ye are into the babylonian thing but its worth a look http://www.hismailroom.org/ anyway nice to meet all ye folk no mater how detached the meeting might be(for the mo)what scares me the most is that i tell some older folks some of the stuff i know and they come back with a i know iits ****** but i dont care cause iv had my time kinda attitude anyway guys n gals we got the inside lane. the good thig is that some one can use our slipstream and get more acceleratin to take it on further..... **** i just read that and the organic wine seems to be havin effect.. wondrer is it true what they say about no hangovers. be lucky
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Old 11-08-2008, 12:40 AM   #294
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Where ever it is we're meeting, you can put me down provisionally, as it'll depend on the oul shillings around Xmas. Might have to join the ones in town with the paper cups in the hand.
Big issue! Big issue!!
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Old 11-08-2008, 01:55 AM   #295
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believe me people it makes me proud that when i posted this that there were 5 people watchin from my backyard when things are at a stage that if this is really our final blow out we are more conscious than any other nation but yet????
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Old 11-08-2008, 02:50 AM   #296
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I think I remember reading somewhere that a fair few NWO leader types live in Ireland. What relevance this has Im not sure but there you go anyway.

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Old 11-08-2008, 03:50 AM   #297
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Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
I think I remember reading somewhere that a fair few NWO leader types live in Ireland. What relevance this has Im not sure but there you go anyway.

And je'no what, their more than welcome to live here, why not, we are all in this
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Old 11-08-2008, 08:27 AM   #298
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ha ha, Good man Feardia thats about the long and the short of it!
You forgot to mention Utd are playin Arsenal today though. Thats some important **** right there

If its all that bleak and whatever happens happens and ''sure what can we do about that type of thing anyway Dougal'', I still want to meet and talk for one simple reason first and foremost, apart from trying to plan a hole thats deep and full of food to survive in, its nice to talk to people who have woke the **** up and aren't obsessed over football and coldplay and celebrity come dancing/singin/cookin/ridin/eatin maggots in the jungle/ etc etc.

Is there anything to do in Mullingar? There's a horse swappin fair there from time to time isn't there?

No harm to Mullingar but I ain't spending new years eve there!

I'll be home for NYE anyway so countme out on that one.
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Old 11-08-2008, 08:40 AM   #299
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Glendalough is lovely lads and there's a good hostel there.
Over the xmas maybe, just a suggestion.
Lovely place to go for a stroll in the hills and there's a hotel does good grub and good pints.
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Old 11-08-2008, 11:36 AM   #300
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Originally Posted by Skylark View Post
No harm to Mullingar but I ain't spending new years eve there!

wtf Brendan grace will be on in the big hall in the greville arms hotel, sure it'll be great craic. Anyway if we all met up the NWO would take us out to keep the rest of the island asleep and put us down as some micro group of extreme new age republicans.

As soon as i manifest a car the pilgrim and i will be taking to the road- you may help me out on this one Tom. If any of ye are up north for the xmas shopping give us a shout and we'll meet up, and if anybody is passing through anybody else's patch they should make a point of hooking up. We have to build up a network of people, places and resources across the country, which i have been doing for the past few years.

Any reports on the meeting in dunlaoghaoire last week?
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