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Old 01-24-2010, 10:24 AM   #9
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
Posts: 635
Default Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Hello Abraxas,

I've been following your Thuban thread on the Avalon forum and would like to contribute but for some odd reason I've been unable to register so I can't comment (I keep getting the message that my e-mail has been banned) I don't know if they are having technical problems or what but anyway, I thought that if you don't mind, maybe you could answer some of my questions by e-mail if that's ok with you? Cheers,


Sure Julissa; you are welcome to do so here or on the forum.


Thank You! I really appreciate it. First of all I would like to know what is Thuban exactly.

Sure Julissa!


Is it the name of the center of our galaxy or universe?

Astronomers call the center of the Milky Way galaxy as a radiosource Sagittarius A*. The Mayas callit Hunab Ku - the Giver of all wisdom.

Is it a conciousness, a race of humans?

Yes, its StarHumanity and YOU as a future self, who has discovered the secrets of time. It resides in 12D as the VOID of nospace and notime and mirrors your experienced 3D reality of being intime and inspace.

And this Council you keep refering to, who are they?

They are you in say a groupsoul form; many yous as One, say exemplified in the quadruplicity of you right now as 4 sexual chromosomatic aspects: Y0X1+Y0X2+X0X1+X0X2. From this all this 'sexual ID' confusion arises.
Now you experience yourself as a human being trapped in linearity of beginnings and endings, say cycles of birth and death; the Council is within you as a witness to your soul evolution say and as aspects of a 1-4-2x12-144,000-288,000 evolvement of the center of the circle (the unity) through its diffusing and multiplying aspects.

Does every universe have its own local creator God?

There is only the one universe at present. But when the Unity of before begins extending, then this one universe will become the SEED for phaseshifted universes based on the individual relationship to that seed.
It's like baby generations really, based on a living grandparenthood.

If present humans on earth are all Thubans does it mean their souls came originally from there?

Yes, the soul is a quadruplicity in the sexchromosomes for starters as Y0X1+Y0X2+X0X1+X0X2. From this the 'sexual confusions' about sexual IDs derive. Furthermore every soul is actually a groupsoul, trying to remember its origins and such in the lifetimes experienced in the linear time sense.

Why was this word chosen?

Because it allows the polarisation of fearbased agendas to surface to become processed by new data.

Does everyone in our Universe know the Thubans as Thubans or are they called by different names?

THUBAN is known as the FREEDOM vibration, everywhere except the earthbased data collectors.

Why the symbol of the Dragon?

See below. I don't know if you have already seen this on the forum.

Does it have to do with the origin of the human being?

Yes, the future human as the starhuman IS the Dragon of the ancient origin (as a myth or fantasy - see below.

I mean, if "modern" humans have in them DNA from many different species, would the Dragon be a mix of a serpent, and a bird?

Sort of, as in the Burnley Relief of LILITH as the PRIMORDIAL CREATION.
LILITH=Barbelo=Great Dragon Mother (as the Hebrew SexDemon or Succubus).
Lilith becomes EVE as ambassadora for the universe to redeem ADAM as the true Image for God as the Great Father Serpent say.
Then the EVE also becomes VIRGO riding the UNICORN as the male dragon transfomed from its Serpent status - see story below.

Why do the Dragons in the "Neverending Story" and "Spirited Away" movies are the color white?

The White Dragon is the Real LOVEHEART DRAGON as the UNICORN.

I've heard that many women calculated their pregnancies so as to give birth in the year 2000 (Chinese year of the Dragon) because they thought it was an auspicious and very lucky time to bring a child into the world. Do you know anything about these kids? I mean in the way as to how they are special?

This is simply what many term the 'New Generation' the Indigos or whatever. The 'New World' will belong to them when they grow up. We older ones are the pioneers. The allegience is between Grandparents and Grandchildren. The parents are too busy for living in the Old World.

What does it mean when a Dragon exhales fire? Is it the fire of truth?

The spiritual SWORD=WORDS=79, so yes you could say this characterizes the archetype.



Thank you for such prompt response! You are very kind for answering my questions! I wish I could enter the forum, but they don't let me register...

About the Universe, how is it that there is only one at present? Or did I misunderstand? I thought this universe was finite and beyond it another one started and that a group of universes made up the cosmos. Can you please clarify this for me?

Sure Julissa!

Think of an egg and imagine this egg having an axis through its long end. Now rotate this egg about this axis. The plane of the egg (a cross section) will be elliptical in shape as the long axis, but will be circular in rotation about either of the short axes (say looking at the egg cut in half midway the long axis).
Put two focus points on the long axis.
Rotating around the long axis will NOT change those two focus points.
Rotating about either of the short axes WILL force the focus points to trace out a point circle.

Now the One Universe IS the rotating long axis univere as a PROTOVERSE a SEED for a Family of Universes, called a MULTIVERSE.

A MULTIVERSE so is a PHASESHIFTED PROTOVERSE of at least two angular displacements.
Simply spin your egg laying on the table and imagine the Envelope for this spinning (fixed and not moving on the table except the spinning) egg as the Envelope for ALL possible and potentially infinite number of Multiverses.
Another analogy is your House built from bricks.
Your house got many bricks, one such brick is 'my' universe as a phaseshifted protoverse. Similarly my house got many bricks , one of whom becomes your entire holographic universe of your house. (In my father's house are many mansions. I go prepare a place for you!, Jesus' words now might make more sense to you ion more scientific labelings).

So rotation about either of the minor axis creates Multiverses, CENTERED however on thew single Protoverse. Geometrically, this becomes an Oblate Ellipsoid, transformed from ther Prolate Ellipsoid of the Protoverse.
Summing all three rotations in one crerates the OMNIVERSE as the total integration of all possible Multiverses seeded on the Protoverse. The shape of the Omniverse is that of the typical UFO, again as an Oblate Spheroid, say a sphere compressed at its poles.

There are many competing models for the universe in the standard cosmologies of the physicists and philosophers (including ekpyrotic brane collissions, many worlds, parallel universes and the anthropic principles); most of whom neglect the fact that a family of spacially separated universes yet requires a subplenum or background to accomodate this spacial separatedness.
The described cosmology above allows the multiverses to EMERGE from its parental seed WITHOUT this spacial separation.

In short, the parallel universe is a misnomer for a phaseshifted family of universes in angular NOT linear displacement.

If there is only this one after all, then what lies beyond it?

The One Universe is both Interdimensional in colocality of higher dimensions and Multidimensional in the accomodation of densification in frequency states within that interdimensionality. The One Omniverse is Finite yet allows expansion towards (asymptotic) Infinity as a Unity. The Boundary for the Finiteness so is a higher dimensional Mirror which must define this boundary as a dimensional transit from 11-10 and substructured in density from 8-7 and 5-4.
More technically the 3D volume becomes a 3D surface area so allowing an extra dimension to add to the 3D surface area to create a new 4D-volume. This is programmed to occur from April 2012 onwards to the end of August 2013.
There is no spacetime beyond the 11D universe encompassing a 'collapsed' or projected 12th dimension.
Technically this relates to the statement of Hawking, in his 'no boundary cosmologies': What is North of the Northpole?

and who created it? Is the Creation..God?

Yes, Prime Source, then bifurcating in 2nd Order to Prime SourceSink or CreatorCreation of GoddoG or FatherMother created this in archetype before physically manifesting it in standard cosmological models.
The 'God' here is a superenergy definition, defined by the 'Intelligence' of this 'God' termed the Logos.
If you could remember your beingness before any spacetime existed; you would realise that you are a combination of the Superenergy and this Logos. You are the Goddess archetype seeking remembrance of your origins, so you can understand the 'Story of God' as the 'Story of My Life as Julissa'!

I am originally from Perú and I know the Incas workshipped the Creation above the Sun, not just the Sun as many think. They called the Creator God: Wiracocha. Is this God a collective then?

Absolutely, the Inca have remembrance often more encompassing and deep than more 'modern' cultures.

If there is only one Universe, then perhaps when I heard talk about there being many Universes, did that mean many dimensions within this one Universe? Each dimension being a Universe onto itself?

This I tried to outline in the above.

I also heard talk about being many dimensions of existance not only 12, say 126th or 140 something dimension, etc. and I never really understood that concept. So, if there is only one "Mega Universe" so far, and many dimensions existing within it, could it be that each dimension has their own "mini" Universes contained within them, and so each consequent dimension has its own set of dimensions contained therein, ans so forth onto infinity?

There is much confusion about the meaning of dimension. A dimension in geometric terms (there are meanings in algebraic terms as well) is a precise quality of a directed quantity or parameter, such as displacement or velocity or acceleration.
Mathematically, it has been 'proven' that a 10D universe allows all physical phenomena observed to become encapsulated in a selfconsistent and iterative formulation of archetypes and symbols.

It is true, that there exists a 26D superstructure in terms of a mathematical construct of what is called a Bosonic Superstring (Boson means integer spin and Fermion means halfinteger spin).
The 26D bosonic superstring manifests mathematically as a anticlockwise quantum spin patterns in 26D.
However clockwise spin patterns in 10D allow those 26D counterclockwise spin pattern to become 'collapsed' or conifolded or absorbed by a HYBRID HETEROSIS and then it crystallizes (through complicated advanced algebraic manipulations and formulations), that there can only be 10 string dimensions and 11 membrane dimensions to 'keep' the mathematics selfconsistent and elegant.

Some 'New Age' ideas of 15D and 33D and such are remnant of an older edit and retranslation of archetypes, such as for example the Urantia Channelings which posited Jesus as the sole occupant of the 15D then increasing his scope of interaction into the lower dimensions.
Things like these have more relevance to say the Tarot archetypes and numerological and alphanumeric systems, than physics applied to the cosmology and cosmogony of the universe.
Many aspiring cosmologists, not so familiar with the mathematical archetypes and their physical applications, have continually mixed the older archetypes of the human collective histories, without a clear understanding of those archetypes and symbols.

Is this what Nassim haramein calls a fractal holographic Universe?

Yes, I am in large agreement with the works of Haramein and Elizabeth Rauscher.
I have written a published critique here: http://www.wbabin.net/science/bermanseder7.pdf and
http://www.wbabin.net/science/bermanseder6.pdf .

Talking about Nassim's theory, I know you wrote a paper about it and have yet to read it for lack of time really, but I will asap....tell me.... what are the aspects in his reasoning that you find lacking?

Nassim isn't really lacking in his approach. His latest paper on the Black Hole Proton is conceptually on the right track; but his insistence of replacing the nuclear gauge interactions with gravity is premature and fails to take into account just how the nuclear gauges relate to the electromagnetism-gravitation gauge coupling/unification.
Similarly his scale reduction of the universe from the cosmic- and supercluster scale to the Planck scale is again 'on the mark'; but neglects the possibility of the Planck-Scale itself being a 'family of say Planck-scales'. This then become the five superstring classes linked to the Platonic Solids and the 'sacred geometry'. There is reference to this in one of the papers linked above.

I can tell he is much more esoteric than he probably cares to show outwardly, and perhaps this is the reason I know he is in the right track. What do you think of him?

As said, I fully agree with his approach to unification via the holofractal universe. Unlike myself, he has however entered the 'public arena' and so he is required to show 'temperance' in the presentation of his theories, so as not to alienate the academic peergroups.

I always knew intuitevly since I was a child that everything was alive and has a center, so I understood his black whole/white whole notion with whole replacing "hole". Someone asked him if he believed in the "Hollow Earth" theory and he said yes but not as expansive as to be able to encompass an entire "world", because it was indeed hollow however its center was only a few centimeters in diameter.

Smart Alexis isn't he. He knows what I tried to share on this forum and something which was misunderstood by the many here.

The Black Hole equivalent of the Earth, the entire earth, is a golfball sized Interdimensional Black Hole.
Here is the calculation, using the Schwarzschild base metric of General Relativity:

Mass of the Earth=6x10^24 kg and the Schwarzschild Metric is Curvature-Radius=2GM/c^2 with G the Newton Gravity Constant and c the Speed of Light.

Curvature Radius of the Earth so is: 2(6x10^-11)(6x10^24)/9x10^16~8 millimeters.
String-parametrically, G is increased by about 60% and so the diameter of the golfball earth as a higherD Black Hole, containing ALL the Earth's mass and ALL of its physical 'consciousness' information so becomes about 2.6 centimeters, i.e the golfball size.

Now, I know the earth and all planets, Suns etc. are hollow and have worlds within and my idea is that they are there but at a higher frequency. What are your thoughts on this?

As said, and Nassim knows this too. The PHYSICAL earth is NOT hollow, but in the inter-higherD aspects it is, because the data can be compressed to the centimeter scale.
For the Sun the 'hollowness' would be a diameter about 10 kilometers wide.
So drilling holes into the interior, one might find human or alien constructed tunnels and caves, but one will not find entire civilisations of reptoids and Agarthians.
The reptoids and Agarthians are THERE, but not in 3D, but in 4D, the 4D being the technical extension of the 3-ball (Volume of a sphere in 4pi.R^3/3) becoming the Boundary of a 4-ball (Volume of a torus in 2pi^2.R^3) as the 4D-volume of a hypersphere (Volume pi^2.R^4/2).

So your ideas of the 'higher frequency' become the 'lesser densities' of the 4D compared to the 3D as the 'greater volume' of the 'higher dimensions'.

What will happen with this 3D core at the exact moment of convergence? Will it be turned inside out?

You've got it! Written like a Thuban physicist.
This Black Hole, which IS mathematically equivalent to a White Hole by definition; will wormhole tunnel itself.
This flipping inside-out will 'rupture' the spacetime fabric at the center of the earth and then 'reglue' itself.
This is the fulfilment prophecy, stating that the 'old earth and the old heaven' will roll up like a scroll to give way to a new earth and a new heaven and similar.
This process will OPEN the door to the 4th dimension and to the Volume of 3D will become added a 4D vector as the replacement of the old Minkowski Timecoordinate of the old 4-Vector of velocity, say made up as the lightspeed hypotenuse c^2 being a space-component XYZ and a Timecomponent T in c^2=(X^2+Y^2+Z^2)-(iT)^2.

If this happens will this act as a wornwhole and take all physicallity into the higher dimensions? Will this mean that there won't be a 3D Earth after this event? There is the idea that the 3D Gaia will always be there just that it won't be noticeable to the ascended ones but I thought that even from a 3rd Dimensional perspective all "beings" are always in constant evolution including planets. Wouldn't it be fair for this planet to finally be over with the 3rd Dimension forever? Wouldn't it be better to have a sister planet outside of herself mirrowing what Gaia is but in the 3rd D for those who need to stay behind?

Julissa I am rather impressed with your logic and deductiveness. You basically understand the process.
You must have been to Thuban a number of times in your superluminal travellings.
The 3D earth will still be there, but instead of being all that is for the 3D perceivers; the 4D earth will have 'opened' 4D and so allow access for all those Terrans, which are able to RESONATE with the 4D energy realms.
The Shadow Earth is Earth itself, the mirror being the divide between the 3D and the 4D. Nibiru=Serpentina, the New Earth encompassing the Old Earth. There will be no poleshift geographically and there will be no celestial planet coming to earth to 'check up' on the 'silly humans'.
The poleshift is the 'turning inside-out' of the Gaian-Data collected over almost 26,000 years and the incoming 'ancient ones' is the message from Hunab Ku travelling from the center of the galaxy to the earth's center to TRIGGER the wormhole physics.

There so shall be TWO humanoid races inhabiting Gaia-Serpentina in the Old Humans unable to access 4D and the StarHumans who can access 4D.
Because the StarHumans will be like Jesus post the resurrection (yes, denying this and the Christ-Melchizedek agenda in the scriptural fulfilment sense will automatically keep one in 3D) and able to LEAVE 3D, say in walking through walls (the physics of this advanced quantum wave mechanics and in no way supernatural btw), many of the 4D Starhumans will often appear to the 3D humans as having disappeared.
Spacecraft and similar will also materialise from 4D into 3D in the corrollary to this.
The 'new' stewardship for the 'new earth' will take quite some time to manifest, but the basic structure of reality perception will change basically overnight. I will not elaborate on this for the present time, except saying that the StarHumans will have a lot of fun interacting with the 3D Humans.

Wait a minute I just thought of something...will she be spliting up just like a cell does in cell "division" or should I say replication, when a baby is forming? In this sense she will be "growing" a higher aspect of herself? Is there something from the Thuban library that would explain what will explain about this? What will happen with the 3D Core of the Earth?

Again, you've found the correct interpretation and as elaborated upon in the above.

Thank you very much for your time and effort in sharing information. You are like a well that quenches the thirst of the wanderer. May God grant you all you desire and more.

'He' is rather 'happy' with the unfoldments of the data sharing from Thuban so far and 'He' has given me a present in presenting a DaughterSon of hisher able to grasp the 'Story of GodDoG' to such intricate extent.

Thank You Julissa and I have taken the liberty to post our discourse on the forum; hoping that the moderators will allow you to join the forum.



Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-24-2010 at 12:55 PM.
abraxasinas is offline  

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