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Old 09-27-2008, 02:37 AM   #26
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

Thanks for this thread.

When my kids were little in the 80's this same type of scenario (doom/gloom) came into my life. It was a gift because it brought up all my fears (especially for my children) and I refused to do anything or go any where out of this huge fear I had. I dug in my heels and got informed and learned about choices. I had many friends that all moved to other locations. I decided that if the east coast was going to fall off into the ocean I was going to stay with my loved ones and go down with them. I literally moved into a different reality and I believe that is what is happening in this now moment to many more people than we realize. BTW the ones that moved all eventually moved back.

I too believe that this is the most exciting time to be alive and on this planet.

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Old 09-27-2008, 02:55 AM   #27
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

First, thank you for starting this thread!

Originally Posted by clarkkent View Post
i think theres a good amount of people reading these threads that are a little bummed that the latest interview which was called one of the more powerful and important ,was, to some people, fear based and doom and gloomy.
now dont get me wrong micheal st clair and others who prescribe to the "safe place" ideas present EXCEPTIONALLY positive and rational ideas.
but its a fact that these ideas are wrapped in the fabric of survival.
I haven't seen the last interview, but this does not make me want to! What knd of advice is 'move away from where you are!' for people who can't? There are plenty of spiritual and awake POOR people who can't just up and leave, and even some who ARE affluent and spiritual will not so easily leave behind loved ones to suffer. I don't think fleeing to radiant zones is the answer to what we will face. The chaos will spread everywhere, if people believe there will be mass chaos. (I do not believe this, however.)

I think everyone is going really overboard with predictions of doom. People are getting a little (or a lot) into fear mode, some are even unaware of it. I wasn't born yesterday, I know there's some challenges coming, but has anyone noticed that there are about as many different predictions for how it's all going to go down as there are people on this forum? (At least it seems so!) We have this amazing ability to get trapped in our minds and make problems WORSE than they really are.

This is exactly what I am refusing to partake in. Yes, with my puny savings I will perhaps get some seeds and other cheap supplies, but when I'm not on Avalon I'm hardly thinking about this stuff. Whatever happens happens, I can't stop the government or earth changes and I'm not going to play the terra-lottery trying to 'outrun' the PTB or the tsunamis.

No offense to people going the other way, everyone makes their own decisions and you gotta do what your voices are telling you. I just appreciate this thread because it's for 'the rest of us' who are staying behind.
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Old 09-27-2008, 03:11 AM   #28
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Life is always full of uncertainty and fear. I often question myself what to do if anything bad would happen. I think about my children and my wife. I think about my mother and dad and all of the people I care about. I shake my head at all the negative information that I am reading in these posts from this forum and the internet. A part of me believes that we are all experiencing many challenges in our lives and in the world.

So, I calm down and I have to think rationally about most the material being presented and how it could effect my family. Then I look over at my one year old daughter and I see the smile on her face. All those worries just wash away instantly. That made me realize that I have something special. I get to live my life with the people that I love. And I know that we can't afford to leave or desert the people we care about. Especially, if we know that maybe more than half of the material could be disinformation.

I have to live my life. Sometimes it is harder for people to focus on life instead of death. Dying is the easy part. Life is the greatest challenge.

I have also helped so many people in my life that have crossed my path. I met my wife in this small town. We got married and now I have two wonderful children. I believe it was fate for me being here. And I do believe when the time is right we will naturally progress towards another safer environment. But it won't be due to fear. It will be because that new place will be the hometown of my wife. She wants to move back home.

The best thing we can do is be ourselves and not run in fear. Where would we go? And how could we afford it. It is hard enough to pay the electric bill and provide food for the family.

I live in love. And I know that no matter what happens, I have lived a full life. Giving into fear only brings about panic and chaos. I can't afford to have that in my life. Especially around my children that depend on me for guidance.

And please don't get me wrong if I had enough notice that a meteor was coming, I would put my family in a safer location if I could. Or if I had enough warning that there was a nuclear attack, I would make appropriate actions to put my family out of the blast zone.

However, we all have ways that we can help each other spiritually. We all have certain skills that will be benificial to our communities. When the time is right, we will find our way through to a better world.

But I believe running scared isn't the answer. Living in the now with love is the true guidance to potential safety in the future. But to get from point A to point B takes time and preparation with these changes. It also takes money. And unfortunately, that is scarce. And I kind of like where I am right now and feel that I am here for a reason for this moment.

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Old 09-27-2008, 03:14 AM   #29
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Old 09-27-2008, 03:14 AM   #30
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

Thanks Its like i said earlier- its not where we live but HOW we live. Edgar cayce.
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Old 09-27-2008, 03:18 AM   #31
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

hi guys

this was posted elsewhere and i just watched Drunvalo Melchizedek

at the very end after he speaks of the mayans writting their own book
he says that it is a wonderful time and
if you are in you heart not your head you can stand in a field naked and be fine...
i like this thought a lot better ..and also interesting how he says the hopi say they come from the mayans...it's all very interesting


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Old 09-27-2008, 03:47 AM   #32
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

let me thank everyone for posting in this thread with fearlessness.

i could see many people not jive or resonate with the future disaster "move away" and survival/fear based way we seem to be prodded into going.

i want to thank again bill and kerry for providing this place for us to discuss, and i hope they're not offended by this thread or my posts. i know they want to distribute practical and informative information for people in what we all know will be challenging times.

collectively we as a community know that probably MOST of us will not be able to move to switzerland or the four corners or any radiant zones.

so the practical question is...what do we do? well i think the first thing in order is to realize you are NOT doomed to die in earth changes. this certainly is a possibility, but only that....a possibility.

so once that is established we should take the time to absoluteley discuss what is going down in our world/country on a day to day basis.
these are VERY interesting times, the positive and negative forces are at extreme levels and we will all take part in our own way.

im very glad to see other folks being honest and positive about their own individual situations, we shouldn't despair if we cant get to the very few places deemed safe by some PC witnesses. lets envision what we WANT to see happen, not what we FEAR will happen.

i keep making the analogy of "winter" to my friends. if you know winter is coming and it is natural for it to come, then you prepare, you buy a jacket and stock up on firewood and know that it can be harsh, but spring looms around the corner. you dont freak out that winter is coming and abandon everyone you know and love ,gather your things and flee to tahiti in fear of freezing to death.

anyhow thanks for eveyones input, and bill and kerry i hope you understand where im coming from

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Old 09-27-2008, 04:26 AM   #33
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

Originally Posted by Sky Otter View Post
hi guys

this was posted elsewhere and i just watched Drunvalo Melchizedek

at the very end after he speaks of the mayans writting their own book
he says that it is a wonderful time and
if you are in you heart not your head you can stand in a field naked and be fine...
i like this thought a lot better ..and also interesting how he says the hopi say they come from the mayans...it's all very interesting


Wow, i just watched the video! very interesting- a must watch. Its How we live not where!!
Thanks for the post
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Old 09-27-2008, 04:26 AM   #34
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Thanks kyle, this has really surpressed my anxiety and put me in a peaceful state. I live 1 mile from the pacific ocean in Santa Barbara and have lived here all my 20 years. Knowing that a pole shift is probable, my life depends on me moving. but the fact is that I wont and my family wont. This gives me mixed feelings of gloom and of content. For now what happens, happens, and I will take in every beautiful day my home has to offer.

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Old 09-27-2008, 06:04 AM   #35
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

So as to moving I have a few thoughts presently.
When I first became aware of many things, I had an overwhelming urge, a sheer stupefying panic to get out of here, not just my current location, but the whole continent. Once that panic passed, I considered ways to make my current location safe if I must dig in. Finances do not allow this luxury and now I am seriously in doubt as to which path to pursue. The future predictions peoples maps are a little fuzzy as to Michigan. I know for certain there was water everywhere here once, my property is covered with rocks containing fossils, really cool if your not awake, terrifying if you are as my house is on the highest area in at least a 50 mile radius.

I see the Norway guy offering to set up a commune type deal for little $$$ and that could be kinda cool but I keep hearing this voice inside my head saying “NO Flippin way!!! Ahhh ….Jonestown…duhhh!” regardless if it was AK47’s or grape kool-aide, I need some people in the hood that speak my language and I need to know the terrain, culture and military in order to survive.

I really liked the hobbit house idea but that requires land, which means I need capital so we are right back to square one. I will probably change my mind five more times by the time I hit the post button. I do know that currently my choices have been reduced drastically by outside uncontrollable events and this is what makes me the most insane. When I feel I have no means of manipulating the outcome I am in a sheer state of panic.

Choices are freedom and we are all loosing the ability to choose.
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Old 09-27-2008, 12:30 PM   #36
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

Thank you Clark, this is the sort of discussion I searched and joined Avalon for.
It is impossible for me too move away from where I am which is not excatly an inspiringly safe place in spite of its beauty and rural location.
I live between this
and this
Its a well known fact that Scotland has been the favoured place to *place* strategic weapons and of course to build Nuclear power stations too late to change that right now!

There must be thousands and thousands of people , like me who live in areas and under certain circumstances, ie caring for a disabled relative, unable to move to somewhere *safer*

Is this part of the agenda to get the Eugenics completed by ridding the planet of the *needy* as we are the ones who cant flee...
I too get angry at the fact that conctactees seem to witness tall blondes ( anyone for Barbie? )

what follows is from what you said on another thread, I am new to this so forgive me I copied and pasted it as I think it is very important

" i find it interesting that the "nordic blondes" are the biggest proponent that this event is 100% going to happen. i find it interesting that the people warning of us of this seem to me to be what amounts to a future version of hitler's "master race"
-has no one else noticed this? why arent future black people or indian people or asians telling us this? why are "nordics" telling us there will be no "ascension" yet crop circles imply that that we WILL-as do some "light beings" other people have been contacted by.
anyhow i hope discussion along these lines will be permitted at avalon and it wont be limited purely to survival threads." end quote-

Like others here I came to the camelot site searching for answers, partly due to a deep long held interest in indigenous wisdom, including the Mayan calendar, as well as Aboriginal dreamtime and other creation myths and stories, prophecies.

Like you I firmly believe we have a massive power of influence over creating our realities and its this that I personally want to educate myself in and give energy too.

NOT fear..take a look at where I live again.

I have enough imagination and knowledge to know what could happen to this whole area . I protested enough against it all when I was young..

Anyway I am really glad you started this thread, it needs to be a discussion point, I draw strength from what others have said here also, thank you to those of you, thank you!!.

There is so much potential in the highest good in all of this, I dont want to loose sight of that . If I chose this time on the planet to incarnate then there was a reason for that, and it was certainly not to live in fear.
I have spent many years conquering that particular inner demon!
There are several futures, and potentials, as they narrow down awareness changes, but fear Can grow ever powerful, it is infectious and it closes us up.
Question everything, that is my motto, it what my dad taught me and he came through WW2..
Peace and the energy of love to all of you..
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Old 09-27-2008, 12:52 PM   #37
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

What you're saying here is spiritually sound, at heart, but has some elements I think you may not be considering. It strikes me that a good balance between acting on what your heart and spirit urges you to, and taking wise, practical steps to preserve yourself for that service is not acting out of fear, it is acting out of FULL service to others. Preserving yourself if your goal is to serve others is also service to others. Its a matter of intent, imo. How about gathering up all the people around you that you can and leading them to a place where they have a better chance to continue to do and be more for themselves and others? Attachment to place isn't about service to others--attachment to place could just be pessimism/hopelessness and fear of taking responsible action.
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Old 09-27-2008, 01:32 PM   #38
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

I know I am in the right place. I believe God brought me here.

I am not leaving because George Green or Michael St. Clair say I should.
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Old 09-27-2008, 01:42 PM   #39
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It's about maneuvering ones selves into a better mind set for what is coming. Not to mention position/location, which includes supplies, making contacts and hunker down until the worst is over.


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Old 09-27-2008, 01:53 PM   #40
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When the hit sits the fan, it wont matter where you are.

It will matter "what" you are. The kind of person you are.

Right on Gale and Arcora, , ,
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Old 09-27-2008, 02:22 PM   #41
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

Originally Posted by sunnyrap View Post
What you're saying here is spiritually sound, at heart, but has some elements I think you may not be considering. It strikes me that a good balance between acting on what your heart and spirit urges you to, and taking wise, practical steps to preserve yourself for that service is not acting out of fear, it is acting out of FULL service to others. Preserving yourself if your goal is to serve others is also service to others. Its a matter of intent, imo. How about gathering up all the people around you that you can and leading them to a place where they have a better chance to continue to do and be more for themselves and others? Attachment to place isn't about service to others--attachment to place could just be pessimism/hopelessness and fear of taking responsible action.
i didnt mean to imply everyone moving is in service to self or that wanting to live is service to self.
i just meant for me my life would be empty without the people i love and knowing i abandoned them when they needed help...i dont know, i just couldnt live with that, it seems selfish.

if you gather people to go someplace less chaotic thats great, and very practical. im just saying the vast majority of people, even people here cant move to switzerland,ecuador or the four corners. so it might be prectical to discuss keeping a level head through these times and not believing "end times" is a forgone conclusion.


edit- i also thought if you are enlightened why show someone the most negative outcome and say "you better not let THAT happen"
it would be like if someone came to my house and showed me a video of me walking out the door and getting mugged, stabbed, shot. then saying "be careful"------
im really not going to enjoy my walk if i live in fear of getting mugged. this is what the evening news does, it puts fear and survival in your mind, how is their "end times" message any different?

Last edited by clarkkent; 09-27-2008 at 02:28 PM.
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Old 09-27-2008, 02:24 PM   #42
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

Originally Posted by clarkkent View Post
hi folks,

this is not "diss" to anyone, ive just noticed there are plenty of people on Avalon who just arent going to move to any radiant zones or four points or anywhere else that isnt forecasted as doomed.

the fact is people have lives and loved ones friends etc that will have to go through these "rough waters" so to speak and many people just wont abandon them to live with strangers in rural communities who were brought together in survival mode.

ive quoted PC witness marcia shafer and ill do it here again
"live for life dont live for death"

i think theres a good amount of people reading these threads that are a little bummed that the latest interview which was called one of the more powerful and important ,was, to some people, fear based and doom and gloomy.
now dont get me wrong micheal st clair and others who prescribe to the "safe place" ideas present EXCEPTIONALLY positive and rational ideas.
but its a fact that these ideas are wrapped in the fabric of survival.

again dont get me wrong, ive bought silver and will probably move back to my small town if things get unpleasant in NY, practicality is different than "to be destroyed or not to be destroyed" ---where im headed (northern CA) is not under what any contactee or PC witness has stated as "safe" or "radiant" but again if a tidal wave sweeps me away id rather be with the community i grew up with and my mom and a couple friends.

to me, FEAR of death has been the ONLY way very few people could control and manipulate the many. if it really is our fate for 95% of humanity to be destroyed then that means a LOT of good and spiritual or non spiritual people will be gone, maybe i might have to be one of those people. in fact the elite have the same agenda , they have their "safe places" underground
they have the same fear/survival conscioussness.

heres a thought-
wont people need people like us, who know what the government is really up to? wont people need calm and spiritual people to help guide them through the chaos and organize and work to get through the times ahead?

is it service to others if you abandon everything you know and who you love to go to some remote place and hope you dont die? or is that service to self?
earth has many different futures and realites, why choose the most damaging one? why give your energy to it? heres a quote from gregg braden (google the name to find out about him)

"Quantum science suggests the existence of many possible futures for each moment of our lives. Each future lies in a state of rest until it is awakened by choices made in the present. "

regarding this
check these please

with that in mind,
let this thread be a place for people who arent moving and need to discuss ideas on living through these times based on where they are.

I could not agree more, Clarkkent!

So many people are still struggling to digest the "dire predictions" and doom/gloom scenarios. The predictions etc. given to Bluestar and many others were accurate at that point in time. They have since been transcended because of the ever raising level of consciousness of mankind. Both the carrot and the whip is needed to get things moving after all...

Unless you feel in your whole being a deep longing/urge to move somewhere, then you are exactly where you should be. There will be some turmoil as the old gives birth to the New. This is natural. But we are NOT left to ourself in cleaning up this messy situation! That is the great misunderstanding I would like to adress here.

Imagine Earth/humanity as a pregnant women about to give birth. Is it natural that she will be left to herself during that process? No, she will require help and love/care from others. The ET overseers function as the midwife in this situation. They protect and make sure the birthing process is as safe and painless as possible. However, a birth is never without turmoil and pain. This is also natural. But there will NOT be a miscarriage. The outcome of the situation is already set. Exactly how it will play out, is not. That is what makes it exciting after all.

The great misunderstanding is that we are left alone in all this. This perspective is about to change (14. october). We have been told that we "need to take responsibility for ourselves" and that "the ETs will not save us". This is true, but what does it really mean? It means that the ETs can help/assist those that help themselves. An effort on our part goes a long way.

The meaning of these "mantras" is also to be understood in a more spiritual context, and not so much in the mundane context that many have come to understand them. Remember, the ETs have been assisting mankind throughout our history in all sorts of subtle and less subtle ways. As the end of the cycle approaches and mankind rises its vibration to "meet them halfway" it is only natural that all this finally comes into the open.

"Taking responsibility for ourselves" does not mean that we will have to fix all mundane problems ourselves with limited technology. It simply means we need to raise our level of consciousness and mass consciousness to meet the ETs halfway. Getting out of victim consciousness is the first and most important step and this has been achieved on the level of mass conciousness even though a lot of people are still struggling with it (see this post for details: http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...4&postcount=20).

David Hawkins (see the post linked to above) illustrates the power of the Light with this quote from his famous book "Power vs. force (1995)":

Although only fifteen percent of the world's population is above the critical consciousness level of 200, the collective power of that fifteen percent has the weight to counterbalance the negativity of the remaining eighty-five percent of the world's population. Because the scale of power advances logarithmically, a single Avatar at a consciousness level of 1,000 can, in fact, totally counterbalance the collective negativity of all mankind.
He also has a chart which further illustrates the power and importance of just one single individual raising his/her level of consciousness and its effect on mass consciousness:

1 individual at level 300 counterbalances 90,000 individuals below level 200
1 individual at level 400 counterbalances 400,000 individuals below level 200
1 individual at level 500 counterbalances 750,000 individuals below level 200
1 individual at level 600 counterbalances 10 mill. individuals below level 200
1 individual at level 700 counterbalances 70 mill. individuals below level 200

(we can always argue about the numbers, but I think the point he is making is pretty obvious and clear).

The ETs will not and cannot "save us" or "take responsability for us" for the simple reason that no soul can evolve for another soul. If humanity had "choosen" not to evolve out of the dire predicions we would have had to face the consequenses. However, since we have evolved above victim consciousness (currently at level 256 according to my measures yesterday) things have changed and it is bound to manifest in the mirror of physical reality (14 october is the beginning of this). The higher we climb the more assistance can the ETs give us as they simply reflect our changes in consciousness back to us in the physical reality. At some point we will meet halfway with them and have a great celebration!

Taking this into consideration it is easier to see through all the turmoil of birth, and rather look forward to - and envision - the joy of a newborn humanity.
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Old 09-27-2008, 02:32 PM   #43
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Clark, Another great and thoughtful idea you have in this thread.

I encourage everyone to look at the segment of the PC interview of Bob Dean where he and Marcia Shafer are together. We have been born, lived and died on this planet many times. The people in our lives, our loved ones are likely souls we have journeyed with and worked together for many incarnations.
Bob dean also remarked the earth is known throughout the universe/galaxy as being one of the toughest 'schools'. going thru a few incarnations here earns points. WE ALL ACCEPTED THIS INCARNATION, THIS CHALLENGE TO BE HERE AT THESE TIMES. DIFFICULT TIMES, BUT WE ARE THE ONES THAT OTHERS WILL LOOK TO TO LEAD. when **** starts really changing, others will wake up on even more massive and massive scales. The 100th monkey syndrome in effect. The NWO, the evil ET's and the Luciferian interdiensional consciousnesses are balance in the universe by the forces of light. Gaia is rebelling because we r out of wack, too much negative.

So in my opinion whatever we r facing is gonna be catalysts for great and awesome positive change. the catalysts themselves might be a little rough but we each have to face ourselves exactly in the ways that will be most challenging
Not everyone is so far advanced spiritually that they will be able to be doing meditating and levitating in radiant zones bartering blocks of gold for rides on the great spacer with the nordics.

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Old 09-27-2008, 02:48 PM   #44
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Well done Kyle for starting this thread. I'm getting completely put off by the doom and gloom perspective that Avalon seems to have taken as its basis. Whether it's intentional or not it's based on the belief that catastrophe is coming. I will not accept that premise.

Neither do I believe the recent pronouncement of Ashtar Command that it's all ok, the Illuminati have been defeated now so chill out and relax. It's just more Divine Saviour crap.

I could move but I choose not to. I believe I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be and with the people I'm supposed to be, and I'm not running off to live in a cave somewhere because I'm frightened of what, if anything, is coming. If I die, so what? It's not like it hasn't happened before.

I'll deal with life as it comes. I'm trying not to be chained by the past or influenced by fear of the future. The only moment is NOW. Enjoy it.

Blessings to all
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Old 09-27-2008, 02:59 PM   #45
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

here are some very good quotes by henry deacon i found in another thread (thanks for compiling them!) i think they are all pertinent to this thread.


"If people want peace, they will have peace.

Think peace, Talk peace, Speak peace, See peace".

"If someone is instilling fear.. Avoid them".

"We will have peace and harmony if we wish for it and we turn our focus, attention and efforts in the direction of peace, cooperation and harmony".

"learn how to relax"

"Your thoughts mold (form the matrix) the world you live in.

A Great Peace will soon be here.

Think of it and work towards bringing that peace about.

Turn your gaze in the direction you wish to travel.

Help others to look in that same direction....
See that wonderful world ahead and move towards it now.

This is your Key".

"The "negative" aspects will disappear if you turn On the Light.

If one continues to think, talk, focus, pray, etc. - with focus on the dark ... the dark will appear to have control.

You will only "feed" it by fighting against it or by praying to get rid of it!

Fear and thoughts of war will ONLY hold you captive.

Darkness is the absence of Light. Darkness is Not the opposite of Light. They are NOT opposing forces.

Darkness is akin to ignorance (lack of understanding the true nature of things).
Light is like Knowledge.

Photos and Images of conflict or war only aid to trap minds in a state of illusion, fear and ignorance.

Read what is above and Wake UP !

This is for You. not for me".


"There will be Sunshine and much better times ahead.... quite soon".

"Let's help each other to continue bringing More happiness and optimism to this realm.

Share your optimism with everyone you meet.

Remember the Butterfly Effect.


-Henry Deacon
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Old 09-27-2008, 03:00 PM   #46
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Old 09-27-2008, 03:10 PM   #47
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If you are a good person, the Earth can detect this. Earth is a conscious living entity. It knows which tree to move or rock to tumble. All of us good people will be spared. And those that are not have chosen to leave. Your soul knows when it it time to leave Earth.

Your relationship with the Earth is eternal. During these changes and the coming polar shift, your energy life force will be measured and judged. The bigger your life force, the better. I'm sure you have heard many miraculous stories about how people have survived natural disasters.

So just be cool, live your life to the fullest and know in your HEART that you are here for a reason.

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Old 09-27-2008, 03:25 PM   #48
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere


Last edited by china2012; 10-04-2008 at 06:03 PM.
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Old 09-27-2008, 03:35 PM   #49
Sky Otter
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

honest guys
you need to watch this vid of Drunvalo

while he also tells of huge world happenings
he is in a positive state
and that living in your heart..which i think all of you are doing btw
is how we will survive whatever is on the way
and his timeline is also a bit different
dang but i want to be in sedona next april


opps..here's the link
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Old 09-27-2008, 03:44 PM   #50
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Default Re: for ground crew NOT moving anywhere

Thanks for starting this thread Kyle. I was thinking the same things only last night and feel very relieved to find so many other people thinking along the same lines. I think we all have to work with and trust our intuition. For some it will feel right to move, for others it will feel right to stay where they are with people they know and love.
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