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Old 02-03-2010, 07:17 AM   #3776
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Default Re: Able to Love


Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle February 02 2010

Selamat Balik! We return with much to discuss with you. Right now the final touches are being put on a proposal for a United States regime change. A range of economic forces are creating an opportunity for the current administration to resign gracefully, thus allowing the caretaker government to assume power. The incentive behind this is the impending economic disaster which threatens to engulf the entire planet and, with it, the dark cabal. Adding to this predicament are the opposition within the military and the rising desertions of major factions within the American contingent of the cabal. As the number of nations protesting their bankrupt condition increases, the cabal's powerbase weakens proportionally, throwing its central councils into a state of consternation. It is now hectically engaged in shoring up what remains of its dominion and bracing for what is to come. Many in the cabal's higher councils are beginning to see their downfall looming. So the time comes for them to accept the inevitable and prepare for the consequences of their defeat.

Meanwhile, our Earth allies are also putting the finishing touches on a series of economic and social programs which are to bring long-awaited financial prosperity, sovereignty, and good health to the peoples of Mother Earth. A financial system based on "hard" currency, real transparency, and debt forgiveness is ready to be announced by the nations of your globe. These new ways of doing things are the merest beginnings of a vast realignment of your planet's wealth and power. However, personal sovereignty means that a great deal of responsibility is to be given to you, and this requires a comprehensive education program to explain the ins and outs of what is expected of you. Further, many long-sequestered technologies are to be unveiled by the new governments, which include radically different ways to educate you swiftly on a wide range of vital issues that you will be asked to decide upon. The means by which to interact meaningfully with your local and national governments is to be returned to you.

This fundamental realignment of wealth is a prelude to first contact. As you begin to solve many of the essential problems that have long plagued your world, you will find yourselves viewing your global society and Mother Earth in new and enlightened ways. The issues of man-made pollution and climate change can be addressed constructively. Information on the pivotal role of the Sun and the changes happening in your solar system can be thrown open to public scrutiny, generating open, global debate. In consonance with this, and a natural component of these many formal disclosures, is the UFO cover-up. We much prefer to make contact with a society that has full access to the facts about the growing consciousness shift and is actively and creatively engaged with its problems. Your society is rupturing under its burden of chaos and desperate for some form of drastic change! Everywhere, humans are facing their consciousness shift head on, and our medical teams report that many of you are searching for answers to many basic questions.
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:22 AM   #3777
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:24 AM   #3778
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:25 AM   #3779
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:26 AM   #3780
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:27 AM   #3781
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:28 AM   #3782
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:29 AM   #3783
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:29 AM   #3784
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:30 AM   #3785
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:31 AM   #3786
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:32 AM   #3787
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:36 AM   #3788
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:39 AM   #3789
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:41 AM   #3790
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Lucy Schwartz - "Help Me! Help Me! "

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Old 02-03-2010, 07:41 AM   #3791
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Animusic - Pipe Music

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Old 02-03-2010, 07:47 AM   #3792
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Default Re: Able to Love

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa February 01 2010

Another month has passed by and in the same way as the seasons change when necessary, so duality is now giving way to process of Ascension. It has in fact been quite a time since you became aware of the higher plan to lift your vibrations, and you have responded magnificently to the challenge of doing so. You have had much assistance from the Brotherhood of Light, and have grounded the Light upon Earth. Where your collective consciousness is concerned, in a relatively short time you have raised your vibrations quite considerably. It was this achievement that led to the decision to allow your cycle to run its full course. It was seen that by the end time of 2012 a greater number of souls would have reached a level allowing them to ascend, than may otherwise have done so if the Millennium had been a cut-off point.

Dear Ones, the goal is to get ready as many of you as possible for Ascension in the time that is left before it takes place. The degree of your awakening is now increasing very rapidly, and the power of the Light on Earth is helping transmute the dark energies. Your progress is very satisfying and in some ways remarkable, considering where you were at the start of the last century. The vibrations were then extremely low, and coalesced into a dark energy that caused two massive world wars. It released much of it through Karma, yet at the same time left its residue that continued to power warlike nations. There has never been a Century where so much death and destruction has taken place. The results could have even been more far reaching, had it not been for our intervention that prevented the world from having been destroyed. This was one of the few times that we were allowed to alter the outcome of your freewill decisions. Such destruction is not new to Man, as you will recall that your civilization has twice before been destroyed.

You are beginning to understand that duality is not just a spiritual challenge, but also an experiment that you undertook to find out how you would survive when separated from God. At least you were living in the belief that you were separated, whereas that can never be so. All That Is, lives within the Creators perfect energy without which it would not exist. Conversely, nothing can be permanently destroyed but only change its form. This you will experience first hand as you move through Ascension to take your place in the higher dimensions. You are soon to be released from your temporary quarantine on Earth, and allowed to experience the freedom of the Cosmos. By then you will have achieved a level of Christ consciousness, and will be expressing yourselves through Unconditional Love. This is the reason the Christed Ones such as Jesus came to Earth, to show you what could be achieved by living in Love and Light. The Earth is a great testing ground for those who aspire to reach such levels.
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Old 02-03-2010, 07:52 AM   #3793
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Default Re: Able to Love

Part 1 Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel Metatron February 01 2010

Archangel Metatron, February 01 2010.
Greetings Masters! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet you in a vector of Unconditional Love!
And so we speak again of matter/antimatter and the synergetic flux between the two that define your realities. There is a constant shift between matter and antimatter that flashes consciousness units into both realms via macro and micro white holes and black holes. This is the underpinning of NOW reality that converges into all time holograms. It permeates all matter and antimatter, and you live in both.
Matter and antimatter form different types of parallel universes. Some are separate dimensional planes governed by succinctly different sets of physics, geometrics and physical laws. Others duplicate your universe quite closely. Some parallel universes exist in subspace within parameters of 'formless geometry' and are completely different quantum realities. Some universes are smaller than a molecule, such is the paradox of spacial enigma. Physical universes such as yours are the exception, not the rule. Indeed there are highly evolved Beings in the Cosmos that are quite unaware that realms of physical universes even exist. Indeed there are distant components of your own Beingness, quite unaware of your physical self.
The visible physical matter that is understood within your current limited level of technology actually makes up less than 4% of the multiverse. Approximately 20% of your universe is composed of what is called "dark" or invisible matter. The remaining 76-80% is anti-matter. That you refer to as the crystalline light body, or MerKaNa interfaces within & without all three. Indeed you journey within dark matter and anti matter every night in what you term the lucid dream state, in an etheric state of ultraviolet, within etheric bio plasmic energy bodies.
Most of you have little recall of what occurs in these nightly sojourns. However, this information is accessible for those of you prepared to achieve the MerKaNic level of consciousness in the tri level MerKiVic system of Crystalline Light Bodies;
The Polarity Merkaba is Obsolete;
But let us be clear, concerted effort is required to develop cognizance into this Crystalline Light-Body' System. The old polarity MerKaba will not serve in this capacity. You see the electromagnetic (polarity) grid is collapsing as the Crystalline Grid comes into full energy. In kind the human aura tied to the electromagnetic grid cannot and will not hold the higher frequencies of the Unified Field of Quantum Crystalline Energy. The Crystalline Age is upon you, and duality systems are quite obsolete within this upshift.
As such, both your physical bodies and your auric systems are demanding great and greater focus as the Earth approaches this supra-dimensional graduation. Indeed the increasing frequencies of the planet are requiring mankind's transition to the tri level Merkivic modality of crystalline multidimensional Light Body Auric function. Much of humanity has yet to recognize that the old auric system is unable to carry the increasing crysto- light energy of the planet. As a result a form of pressure differential is occurring that results in auric stress overload. Fissuring occurs and auric bleeding and short circuitry can develop. We have referred to these actualities as 'Ascension Maladies'. Unrecognized, this can lead to energy loss, chronic fatigue and depression.
This we have shared with you in several assays. Yet the mass of humanity have not taken remedial action, and will consequentially remain tied to 3d functionality. Indeed 21 December, 2012 will appear as just another day for the vast majority of mankind. But the inspired minority that choose to develop crystalline light bodies, quantum leaps in consciousness are in store and indeed ongoing;
Crystallization Upshift of RNA;

Stay with us, keep your focus for this is a great truth we attempt to explain to you;
Masters, while this may seem confusing, it will become more apparent to those of you expanding into the Crystalline Auric Light Bodies, the MerKaNic phase of the three level MerKiVa. That is the level where you connect to the 'Angelic' part of you, a part that has been filtered away from you in duality.
And science aside, all of this assay is about you returning to your higher state, so do not get lost in the syntax. Do not be overwhelmed by the 'science' or terminology we use, for the higher part of you already knows the TRUTHS we share with you in this teaching. Indeed your will to learn and achieve, and 'MerKaNa' is your ticket home. It is why you are here.
So we will share with you both background and the mechanics of how to get there;
Hybrids of Matter / Antimatter;
Because your etheric body interfaces into antimatter, it can be said that human kind are in fact hybrids of matter / antimatter, conceptually evolved from within anti matter. But listen carefully: Your core consciousness exist vitally within antimatter, but not as antimatter, there is a difference. Your core genesis is Divine Thought, and it co-creates & permeates every matrix.
The conical apertures of the human chakric/auric system are extending & expanding in function as you develop Level 2 and Level 3 MerKiVic light bodies.
The 'subtle energy' that composes the MerKiVic Auric System has the properties of an electromagnetic current, yet they are not electromagnetic in duality terms. They are 'liquid' crystalline in nature but operate in current-field flows similar to the polarity of the previous system. Crysto-MerKaNic energy, flows through conical vortex apperendi, and is fed into meridians, but takes on the properties of crysto-coherent particle streams, similar to laser light, in trinity level MerKiVic system function. It is the same energy that flows through Phi Crystals, in that it is coherent.
Your vortexial chakras are multi-receptive and transmittive. This is optimal in the third level of the MerKiVa system, the MerKaNa, as we teach in the Metatronic Keys. In the MerKaNic manifold are great and greater ties into group soul-consciousness and systems of Omni-Earth and Multiverse Cosmos;
Your Etheric Body is Stealth Biological Plasma;
Your etheric light-body in also encased in an ovid, similar to the Magnetosphere of your planet. Indeed, it is composed of stealth plasma.
In fact all of you in higher forms of your multidimensionality have 'bodies' , not of carbon based chemical clothes as on duality earth, but rather in the crysto realm of complex Bio-Plasma. And these Bio-Plasmic versions of 'YOU' exist in the realms your scientist ironically term ' dark matter'. We say ironically because that you term dark-matter, is actually far lighter and exponentially greater in frequency than physically dense matter, and in terms of consciousness, it is anything but dark. Within it is the interfacing lens of the Angelic Realm.
Dark Matter in your vernacular is Invisible matter. It is only 'dark' in the sense that it cannot be identified by your current instrumentation. It is a stealth form of matter that remains undetectable over the entire electromagnetic spectrum detectable by your scientists, from the long radio wave-length to the far shorter length oscillation of the gamma- ray.
Your MerKaNic Field, Dear Ones, is crystalline bio plasma. On the earth-plane all of you are composed of a carbon body that is aurically interfaced with an etheric body of bio-plasma. When you transition to higher realms you will be fully conscious in that etheric energy, in a body of crysto bio plasmic light. In fact the greater part of you lives now in the liquid crystalline Cosmos of what you term of as 'dark matter, invisible light matter in crysto electric bio plasma;
Remote Viewing;

Symbiotic Coupling;
Just as your planets electro-magnetic grid is collapsing as it is transposed by the crystalline grid, so is your polarity based etheric energy field unable to hold the greater frequency of crystalline light.
There is a symbiotic coupling force integrating the levels of your etheric field in matter with the crysto-photon body of the MerKiVa and MerKaNa in antimatter. This key symbiosis is operated thru the particle accelerators you term chakras. Each layer is separated by double layered membranes of bioplasmic respectively lined with opposing currents to form a durable lamina sheath. There is mutual affinity between the bioplasma and physical-biomolecular bodies, and this occurs thru the double coned receival and transmitting chakras which extend sensory transduction filaments into each sequential matter/dark matter/antimatter dimensional field. This process will generate a to and fro helical path that will have a conical spin.
In MerKaNic systems the chakras expand to 96 in the level 1 MerKiVa, 144 in the Level 2 MerKiVa and 240 in the Level 3 MerKaNa (from the 12 in duality fields). And these extend filaments that operate in a liquid-crystal phase. They are free to move about in a pseudo-fluid movement, yet constantly remain angularly oriented to the geometry and crystalline currents of the MerKaNic field.
That you think of as the lower chakras in physical form, relating to survival, sexuality and emotion are not eliminated in crystalline MerKiVa, rather are they up shifted in function unrelated to gender or physical survival. Sexual polarity/gender does not exist in the zero fields of higher celestial realms.
Gender does occur in certain extra terrestrial civilizations, that exist in stealth, dark or invisible matter and antimatter such as the Pleiadeans and Sirians. However it is not 'hot-wired' in the urgent fashion of species survival /emotion as the humans experience on earth. Rather it is far less polar and does not have the hard lined physical drive associated with human biology;
Prerequisite of MerKiVa;
Now, the optimal healthy human auric field is the etheric body. It is composed of stealth matter, and connects both into physical dense bio-molecular matter and into antimatter in parallel. It is quite complex, and is the base level of pre-MerKiVa, but is not MerKiVa.
The auric system receives and auto projects charged energy particulate, and occurs somewhat like the aurora borealis or northern lights. Every physical being will generate this field. It expands as the biological human grows in consciousness. Yet the aura on its own is not the geometric light body. It is an ovid complete with a tapestry of horizontal and vertical currents and circuitries. In its initial level there are 7 active chakras which can be progressively activated to12 as light quotient is increased.
Expansion is an analogous process that has something of an induction domino effect. One light turns on the next, in time. The primary longitudinal axial current is received thru the 7th chakric vortex and assimilated thru the pituitary to induce secondary and tertiary currents at specific angles;
The Sacred Ratio of 13, 20, 33;
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Old 02-03-2010, 06:04 PM   #3794
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Default Re: Able to Love

Forgive and Surrender to Love

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Old 02-03-2010, 06:10 PM   #3795
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Default Re: Able to Love

Synkro - Jah Love (Original Mix) [HQ]

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Old 02-03-2010, 06:13 PM   #3796
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Clouds Feat. Tiiu - Under The Dancing Feet (Tes La Rok Remix) [HQ]

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Old 02-03-2010, 06:31 PM   #3797
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Leonard P - Nuclear War [HQ]

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Old 02-03-2010, 06:35 PM   #3798
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Old 02-03-2010, 06:37 PM   #3799
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Yeasayer - Madder Red

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Old 02-03-2010, 06:40 PM   #3800
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Default Re: Able to Love

Massive Attack-Rising Son (Underworld Remix)



Last edited by JesterTerrestrial; 02-03-2010 at 07:09 PM.
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