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Old 03-13-2010, 04:20 PM   #276
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
yes, something very ugly is going on here. Plus the very idea of giving aduts a time out is repugnant, especially when it is given to the wrong ones.
Honestly even titles like " hall monitor. " puke .
Burgundia had the fortitude to voice her disatisfaction, so now she is MYSTIFIED, and even that is not made clear.
Luminari, I suggest you tell all so people can have an informed choice if they want to further participate in this.
The whole thing has been very obvious to the observant.
BTW, all the love crap from certain individuals I find very aggressive, not to mention vampiric, but it matters not to me, you won't find my veins.
perhaps we need a thread for the deeply disgruntled and a meeting point eleswhere.
Just what is going on here is very interesting but not so much that you'd want to stay if its going to be just a lot of yes people frightened of conflict. Oh quick ! let's get back into the leaky boat and just keep bailing the waters of truth . yes water has a knack of wearing down the unservicable . So be it.

"but but i loooooove you even of you dont want me to, " thats right , I don't .
tough love, more my style in cases like this.
Hall monitor was a joke....[edit](There used to be laughter here)[edit] It will be removed soon with the change...Peace

Last edited by Stargazer1965; 03-13-2010 at 05:15 PM.
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Old 03-13-2010, 04:23 PM   #277
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
Moderators cannot read the private messages of other people.
I recently saw Lionhawk make this type of accusation in GaiaLove's chat room.
I investigated what I could. I found no such evidence.
Admins - I was told do not have easy access to PMs and why would they want to do that.
But they have access to members accounts....so they could in all possibility access PM's through the account? And if that is so...given account that some mods might lean in a direction other then the member whose account would be in question...could be accessed.

Why would they want to do that? Very good question indeed.

Last edited by BROOK; 03-13-2010 at 04:29 PM.
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Old 03-13-2010, 04:44 PM   #278
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Default Re: Questions?

I'm a network admin guy and most of us live by the motto...

"Much easier to ask forgiveness than permission"

I remember Bill writing somewhere that he needed a Mod with "balls of steel"

I believe Richard was knighted....

"Run this as you see fit"....I can hear Bill say

"Control the inmates until we can escape"

With Richard came Celine.....An easy target when Richard is not here... to take pot shots at...

Celine has been with Richard so long she feels like an extension of him...Wielding perceived power here and some are buying into it

Fair or not...I don't know

Celine comes on like a bulldozer filled with flowers

You will love each other or by GOD I will..... (fill in the blank)

I feel like this place is a rubber boat filled with dying folks that was set adrift to save the OTHERS

I was of sound and quiet mind when I wrote this....I can go into the mists now...

Peace Y'all


Thank you everyone....I would have never made it this far without you
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Old 03-13-2010, 05:08 PM   #279
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
Admins - I was told do not have easy access to PMs and why would they want to do that.
I feel bad for members who think their PMs are private. They are not to admins, including GaiaLove. Admins can read private messages. They can just browse the privatemessage table in phpMyAdmin, or they can install a hack to make the browsing more friendly. See for yourselves if you don't believe me:


So the people who can read private messages, if they know how, would be on that list:

If you're going to badmouth an admin or a friend's admin, I strongly advise you do so by email, never by PM.
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Old 03-13-2010, 06:01 PM   #280
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by metaw3 View Post
I feel bad for members who think their PMs are private. They are not to admins, including GaiaLove.
Admins can read private messages.
They can just browse the privatemessage table in phpMyAdmin, or they can install a hack to make the browsing more friendly. b.
I agree.
It was a known fact on AstroVera that our PM's were being read.
I didn't care because mine were warning members of their agenda.

Never trust PM's if you really want something to be private.
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Old 03-13-2010, 06:22 PM   #281
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
Moderators cannot read the private messages of other people.
I recently saw Lionhawk make this type of accusation in GaiaLove's chat room.
I investigated what I could. I found no such evidence.
Admins - I was told do not have easy access to PMs and why would they want to do that.

My Dear Karen,

I am really surprised by your response here. I also tried to do this in private with you and this is how you are now going to distort the facts. I was even willing to have a conference concerning all this by your suggestion.

Here are the net results. There are none. Nothing was proven one way or the other. The fact is the issues of security I was concerned about were put on a lazy Susan. They still haven't been addressed by whether certain people don't have the right skill set to get to the bottom of it. And also based on what that information might have been, they would never tell you Karen because you might not be able to grasp it. So now since we have to air this laundry out, maybe folks here might want to know my concerns here at this forum. And maybe this is what you wanted me to do all along.

I was informed that people had seen that I had logged on and was back in the forum on Feb 7th of this year. Fact is my account had been deactivated and I couldn't log in even if I wanted to. Richard reactivated my account a couple of weeks later as to my request. Now I have to ask how is it that I logged in on the 7th when I didn't or couldn't? Where are the logs Karen of that day. The real logs. You didn't even know there was such a thing. I have not seen the logs of that date I inquired about. Further more when posed the question of PM's, the answer was given in such a way that would not implicate the truth as being so but lead you to believe my accusation was accurate. Who is to say a mod with Admin privileges can't access any information? Maybe a course is computer networking and website building might be a course for you to consider. The fact is anything that is posted is PROPERTY of whoever owns this website. That includes everything from PM"s down to smiley faces. Now you are saying to me that you couldn't get to the bottom of it. And at the same time I have been barking about this site being infiltrated and I did that to give you a heads up and what do you do with that. Nothing Meanwhile when you now look around, the evidence is being swept under the carpet and even though you may claim innocent, you are now just part of it as you have also been played. If I was you, I would be kind of upset about that. But I am not you.

I was seeking the truth and all you have appeared to do is enable what is being swept under the carpet. And where I was coming from was of great concern for this forum. Security as to my account has been breached and all you can come up with is that I made an accusation. You can play your cards here as you see fit but it doesn't change anything and is a dis service to everyone by doing that. Just look around. All this reactance and everyone is spinning around in all of this confusion because you guys don't have the guts to tell the truth. You all could have told the truth in private but no, that would take so much effort. Well look at the mess you all have let get out of control and I guess now we play the blame card game.

I have been involved with computers for almost 25 years. It saddens me that people try to pull the wool over everyone's eyes who assume such a position on a website. Again my concerns were legit as I would not have brought them to your attention to waste your precious time or mine. It is very obvious that this site has been compromised on many levels and when the waves get rough, no one wants to deal with it in the right light.

I also didn't tell you everything my Dear Karen. Why would I when you haven't really done anything to earn my trust. Think on that for a while. All I can say was I was earnest with my efforts but I don't have the keys or the access and apparently you don't either. I sent you all warnings but you thought you knew better and Lionhawk was just paranoid. Look around Karen and explain all that away.

You people think some of us don't know what is going on. You assume we are stupid little mice in the maze. You place sanctions on folks like we do to other countries and then you want us to support you. I'll tell you by what I have seen demonstrated, that if I was going to reboot Avalon, I'd start from scratch from the top Admin on down. I say that even though I do appreciate some of who are in their present positions. To much of this Avalon has been compromised. Everyone sees it, why don't you?

So now since I have said this you guys are going to put sanctions on me and treat me like one of your kids. It will only further validate the hypocrisy
and double standards that have undermined all the efforts to Avalon. If the new Avalon is going to be run like this one was, please don't send me an invite. I got better things to do.

Also at the same time I knew you guys would not come up with any facts because of all this other stuff that has constipated the works. So as far as I am concerned I have all the answers I need. So you're off the hook Karen. It's called GRACE. I gave you a trail and there on that trail you would have found a key infiltrator. You gave up to soon.

"Everyone wants to talk but when it comes to the walk, people can't find their own damn feet." Quoted by Hiddenfoot

What was I thinking?
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Old 03-13-2010, 06:24 PM   #282
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 View Post

I was of sound and quiet mind when I wrote this....I can go into the mists now...
you are asking to be Mistified...

be patient Grasshopper the message has been delivered and changes are unfolding before our eyes...
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Old 03-13-2010, 06:25 PM   #283
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Questions?

iF everyone dealt in truth...
they would NOT need to worry,
or, even be concerned,

who might/or might NOT
be reading their messages

isn't the real avalon/and, the real camelot a place of truth ???
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Old 03-13-2010, 06:30 PM   #284
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
you are asking to be Mistified...

be patient Grasshopper the message has been delivered and changes are unfolding before our eyes...
And How did you know my nickname.....
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Old 03-13-2010, 06:35 PM   #285
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 View Post
And How did you know my nickname.....
how do I know the sun rises in the sky every morning?

if anyone had any idea how well connected those in the forum are they would be laughing as it attempts to pull itself apart...

Welcome to the vortex...
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Old 03-13-2010, 06:37 PM   #286
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 View Post
And How did you know my nickname.....
Did you used to watch Kung Fu?....we all did

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Old 03-13-2010, 07:39 PM   #287
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post

My Dear Karen,

I am really surprised by your response here. I also tried to do this in private with you and this is how you are now going to distort the facts. I was even willing to have a conference concerning all this by your suggestion.

Here are the net results. There are none. Nothing was proven one way or the other. The fact is the issues of security I was concerned about were put on a lazy Susan. They still haven't been addressed by whether certain people don't have the right skill set to get to the bottom of it. And also based on what that information might have been, they would never tell you Karen because you might not be able to grasp it. So now since we have to air this laundry out, maybe folks here might want to know my concerns here at this forum. And maybe this is what you wanted me to do all along.

I was informed that people had seen that I had logged on and was back in the forum on Feb 7th of this year. Fact is my account had been deactivated and I couldn't log in even if I wanted to. Richard reactivated my account a couple of weeks later as to my request. Now I have to ask how is it that I logged in on the 7th when I didn't or couldn't? Where are the logs Karen of that day. The real logs. You didn't even know there was such a thing. I have not seen the logs of that date I inquired about. Further more when posed the question of PM's, the answer was given in such a way that would not implicate the truth as being so but lead you to believe my accusation was accurate. Who is to say a mod with Admin privileges can't access any information? Maybe a course is computer networking and website building might be a course for you to consider. The fact is anything that is posted is PROPERTY of whoever owns this website. That includes everything from PM"s down to smiley faces. Now you are saying to me that you couldn't get to the bottom of it. And at the same time I have been barking about this site being infiltrated and I did that to give you a heads up and what do you do with that. Nothing Meanwhile when you now look around, the evidence is being swept under the carpet and even though you may claim innocent, you are now just part of it as you have also been played. If I was you, I would be kind of upset about that. But I am not you.

I was seeking the truth and all you have appeared to do is enable what is being swept under the carpet. And where I was coming from was of great concern for this forum. Security as to my account has been breached and all you can come up with is that I made an accusation. You can play your cards here as you see fit but it doesn't change anything and is a dis service to everyone by doing that. Just look around. All this reactance and everyone is spinning around in all of this confusion because you guys don't have the guts to tell the truth. You all could have told the truth in private but no, that would take so much effort. Well look at the mess you all have let get out of control and I guess now we play the blame card game.

I have been involved with computers for almost 25 years. It saddens me that people try to pull the wool over everyone's eyes who assume such a position on a website. Again my concerns were legit as I would not have brought them to your attention to waste your precious time or mine. It is very obvious that this site has been compromised on many levels and when the waves get rough, no one wants to deal with it in the right light.

I also didn't tell you everything my Dear Karen. Why would I when you haven't really done anything to earn my trust. Think on that for a while. All I can say was I was earnest with my efforts but I don't have the keys or the access and apparently you don't either. I sent you all warnings but you thought you knew better and Lionhawk was just paranoid. Look around Karen and explain all that away.

You people think some of us don't know what is going on. You assume we are stupid little mice in the maze. You place sanctions on folks like we do to other countries and then you want us to support you. I'll tell you by what I have seen demonstrated, that if I was going to reboot Avalon, I'd start from scratch from the top Admin on down. I say that even though I do appreciate some of who are in their present positions. To much of this Avalon has been compromised. Everyone sees it, why don't you?

So now since I have said this you guys are going to put sanctions on me and treat me like one of your kids. It will only further validate the hypocrisy
and double standards that have undermined all the efforts to Avalon. If the new Avalon is going to be run like this one was, please don't send me an invite. I got better things to do.

Also at the same time I knew you guys would not come up with any facts because of all this other stuff that has constipated the works. So as far as I am concerned I have all the answers I need. So you're off the hook Karen. It's called GRACE. I gave you a trail and there on that trail you would have found a key infiltrator. You gave up to soon.

"Everyone wants to talk but when it comes to the walk, people can't find their own damn feet." Quoted by Hiddenfoot

What was I thinking?

Are you suggesting the great Thuban witch hunt is down to reading private messages?


Are you suggesting reading private messages is being covered up with the Thuban witch hunt?
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Old 03-13-2010, 07:54 PM   #288
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by SteveX View Post

Are you suggesting the great Thuban witch hunt is down to reading private messages?


Are you suggesting reading private messages is being covered up with the Thuban witch hunt?
I know for a fact that each word you type can be viewed...now...later and then archived if someone wants to look at it next year.

Karen...I know you meant well but everything....even the deleted PMs are archived and viewable.

Just have to know a password and where to look

Everyone is real nervous right now.....

You can say downright TWITCHY

I live in what I know...not what I can speculate

peace Y'all
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Old 03-13-2010, 07:58 PM   #289
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by SteveX View Post

Are you suggesting the great Thuban witch hunt is down to reading private messages?


Are you suggesting reading private messages is being covered up with the Thuban witch hunt?

Did I suggest anything about Thuban in the first place in my post? If my concerns had anything to do with Thuban, I would have stated it so that no one would get confused. Just out of respect. Your deduction is very misguided in this instance. Also a useless fire starter. Why am I not surprised? Just another provoking poster who doesn't have a clue as to what I was talking about. May I suggest you reread what I posted and what I was after before you paint more falsehoods as you have also done here in the past. It is stuff like this that has contributed to the present conditions here at this forum. MP2 and I might have had our disagreements on many things, but we also had agreements as well, so get a grip will ya?

Thanks Stargazer for telling it like it is. I hope Karen was paying attention, finally.
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Old 03-13-2010, 08:01 PM   #290
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Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 View Post
I know for a fact that each word you type can be viewed...now...later and then archived if someone wants to look at it next year.

Karen...I know you meant well but everything....even the deleted PMs are archived and viewable.

Just have to know a password and where to look

Everyone is real nervous right now.....

You can say downright TWITCHY
Anchor was misted yesterday for no apparent reason. No one said he posted anything wrong and I haven't seen a post of his deleted. So one has to assume the offence for which he was Misted was done either in PM or Friends messages.

My question is why are PM's being read?

Is it to bust an agenda

or is

an agenda trying to be covered up.
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Old 03-13-2010, 08:16 PM   #291
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Originally Posted by SteveX View Post
Anchor was misted yesterday for no apparent reason. No one said he posted anything wrong and I haven't seen a post of his deleted. So one has to assume the offence for which he was Misted was done either in PM or Friends messages.

My question is why are PM's being read?

Is it to bust an agenda

or is

an agenda trying to be covered up.
I don't believe anyone will come right out and say....Most Mods don't know...

You can tell from the posts....
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Old 03-13-2010, 08:31 PM   #292
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
Did I suggest anything about Thuban in the first place in my post? If my concerns had anything to do with Thuban, I would have stated it so that no one would get confused. Just out of respect. Your deduction is very misguided in this instance. Also a useless fire starter. Why am I not surprised? Just another provoking poster who doesn't have a clue as to what I was talking about. May I suggest you reread what I posted and what I was after before you paint more falsehoods as you have also done here in the past. It is stuff like this that has contributed to the present conditions here at this forum. MP2 and I might have had our disagreements on many things, but we also had agreements as well, so get a grip will ya?

Thanks Stargazer for telling it like it is. I hope Karen was paying attention, finally.
I am exhausted by this project and have been for a long time. I went to you Lionhawk and asked for names and all I got was riddles. I went to the admins and I got no help sorting your problem. I reached a dead end. I could not puzzle out your riddles and if there was any hot clue there, I did truly miss it.

I am now done here. This decision was made some time ago. I have watched in anguish and disappointment the actions of the various moderators and the events marked by the last banning of Abrax. I do not approve of the way things are being handled recently and I do not want my name or personal energy associated with this project.

I do not approve of posts and threads being deleted and I made a big campaign for that to stop when I became moderator here. Now it has started again. I watched as my mod team was split over this Thuban issue, and I did not understand what was being played out.

I have even been accused of some plotting between me, GaiaLove and Bill to take out half the mod team. NO I WAS NOT INVOLVED IN THAT. It was like I brought into a meeting, where decisions had already been made, spun around a dozen times and the blindfold removed. I am just as confused and disoriented as almost everyone else.

I've looked on in dismay - decisions were made without my input or approval. If anyone is snooping into people's PMs, I have not been made privy to how that is done nor to one word of that insider intel.

Spring is spronging and I look forward to life without Avalon and much less time spent at the computer. We had some great times here and it's been quite the wild ride. I'm getting off here - much love to all.

Last edited by Karen; 03-13-2010 at 08:34 PM.
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Old 03-13-2010, 08:55 PM   #293
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Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
how do I know the sun rises in the sky every morning?

if anyone had any idea how well connected those in the forum are they would be laughing as it attempts to pull itself apart...

Welcome to the vortex...
iow are you implying that they can try to get rid of us and that's next to impossible

Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 View Post
I know for a fact that each word you type can be viewed...now...later and then archived if someone wants to look at it next year.

Karen...I know you meant well but everything....even the deleted PMs are archived and viewable.

Just have to know a password and where to look

Everyone is real nervous right now.....

You can say downright TWITCHY

I live in what I know...not what I can speculate

peace Y'all
well said Stargazer. Lionhawk, i agree, tell it like it is
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Old 03-13-2010, 08:57 PM   #294
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger View Post
iF everyone dealt in truth...
they would NOT need to worry,
or, even be concerned,

who might/or might NOT
be reading their messages

isn't the real avalon/and, the real camelot a place of truth ???
Again Susan, You are speaking from what end of the spectrum?

PM means "Private" so what in the blazing heck does that mean.

Truth?...you speak of truth? When what is being spoken of here is about personal emails...and accounts? Opened before someone signed back in to an account.

There are many ramifications here..one is posing as an imposter....the other is private mail.

I wonder...susan...would you like to have your emails posted on the board for all to see..or at the very least, one that should not have access to such information?

You don't even allow messages on your profile page..so I'm sure you would not post all of your pm's to be read by others. And that is the point...not some silly suggestion that "iF everyone dealt in truth...
they would NOT need to worry,
or, even be concerned,"

please spare us
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Old 03-13-2010, 09:06 PM   #295
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Originally Posted by Karen View Post
I am exhausted by this project and have been for a long time. I went to you Lionhawk and asked for names and all I got was riddles. I went to the admins and I got no help sorting your problem. I reached a dead end. I could not puzzle out your riddles and if there was any hot clue there, I did truly miss it.

I am now done here. This decision was made some time ago. I have watched in anguish and disappointment the actions of the various moderators and the events marked by the last banning of Abrax. I do not approve of the way things are being handled recently and I do not want my name or personal energy associated with this project.

I do not approve of posts and threads being deleted and I made a big campaign for that to stop when I became moderator here. Now it has started again. I watched as my mod team was split over this Thuban issue, and I did not understand what was being played out.

I have even been accused of some plotting between me, GaiaLove and Bill to take out half the mod team. NO I WAS NOT INVOLVED IN THAT. It was like I brought into a meeting, where decisions had already been made, spun around a dozen times and the blindfold removed. I am just as confused and disoriented as almost everyone else.

I've looked on in dismay - decisions were made without my input or approval. If anyone is snooping into people's PMs, I have not been made privy to how that is done nor to one word of that insider intel.

Spring is spronging and I look forward to life without Avalon and much less time spent at the computer. We had some great times here and it's been quite the wild ride. I'm getting off here - much love to all.

My Lovely Karen,

I can't even start to imagine all the you have done here for PA and what you meant to alot of us. I'm just so thankful to know ya and have met you here on PA. Wishing you all of the best where ever your path leads you.

much love,

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Old 03-13-2010, 09:07 PM   #296
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
Did I suggest anything about Thuban in the first place in my post? If my concerns had anything to do with Thuban, I would have stated it so that no one would get confused. Just out of respect. Your deduction is very misguided in this instance. Also a useless fire starter. Why am I not surprised? Just another provoking poster who doesn't have a clue as to what I was talking about. May I suggest you reread what I posted and what I was after before you paint more falsehoods as you have also done here in the past. It is stuff like this that has contributed to the present conditions here at this forum. MP2 and I might have had our disagreements on many things, but we also had agreements as well, so get a grip will ya?

Thanks Stargazer for telling it like it is. I hope Karen was paying attention, finally.
Firstly Lionhawk, as a fair bloke your point is taken and understood. I apologise for taking you out of your context.
With regard to the upheaval within the forum i.e. Thuban, bans and mist’s I was trying to ascertain what the agenda is for reading PM’s or activating accounts. It’s obviously for internal reasons but what reasons? Hence my reference to the Thuban crisis (again sorry for taking you out of context) and asking 2 questions.

Now, I’ll ask you a few straight up questions. Please don’t answer if you feel it may jeopardise your position. That is totally understandable. Also don’t answer if you think I am deliberately yanking your chain. With regard to your statement that this gig is compromised, my question is

who has compromised what…. and for what reason.

Last edited by SteveX; 03-14-2010 at 02:39 AM.
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Old 03-13-2010, 09:17 PM   #297
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Default Re: Questions?

I can't speak for Lionhawk...but if it was my account that were hacked, and my PM's had any sensitive information in them....then suppose telling that person not to use PM's any more, and only use a "new" email address...one set up spicifically for the purpose of communication.

That is only one scenario...I can imagine many others here....go ahead and give it a try..see what you can imagine...and then think about "compromise"....

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Old 03-13-2010, 09:58 PM   #298
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by Nebula9D View Post
iow are you implying that they can try to get rid of us and that's next to impossible
I have been stuck in the vortex for years every time I try to run from the path laid before me I "mist"eriously end back up on the one I tried to leave.

People I have walked away from several times keep reappearing down the road...

There has been something drawing us all together and I'm almost positive running away will end up bringing everyone back to the center through destiny...
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Old 03-13-2010, 10:01 PM   #299
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Default Re: Questions?

From a former insider on this forum as to Admins abilities to look at PMs:
"No Colin said can't do
And I believe him."

Anchor is the one that told me it would be extremely difficult.

What went on over at Astrovera (or any other forum) and snooping into PMs is no reflection on what the admins at this forum would do.

Now if someone hacked into Lionhawk's user account and accessed PMs that way - then that is a whole other issue from admins snooping into people's private messages. I reported it to admin - and I hammered at them a few times. I got nowhere, which was a typical scenario. By that time we knew we were moving to Avalon 2.0 anyway.
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Old 03-13-2010, 10:09 PM   #300
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Default Re: Questions?

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
From a former insider on this forum as to Admins abilities to look at PMs:
"No Colin said can't do
And I believe him."

Anchor is the one that told me it would be extremely difficult.

What went on over at Astrovera (or any other forum) and snooping into PMs is no reflection on what the admins at this forum would do.

Now if someone hacked into Lionhawk's user account and accessed PMs that way - then that is a whole other issue from admins snooping into people's private messages. I reported it to admin - and I hammered at them a few times. I got nowhere, which was a typical scenario. By that time we knew we were moving to Avalon 2.0 anyway.

Well as difficult as it might be...I personally saw Lionhawk signed on, on 02/07/2010...but he did not reactivate his acount until afterward....so that is a question that should be addressed. Because someone was in the account..and the question is why? If I were him, I would be asking the same questions....and he should get some answers, and not be stalled on it. It should be the forum Administrators main concern when things like that happen. And surly not swept under the rug.

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