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Old 03-14-2010, 11:33 AM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 53
Default We must never lose sight of the aims of Camelot and Avalon

I am not a very active member of the forums, but I have been reading them closely as well as listening to almost all of the interviews produced by Bill and Kerry.

First, I will state what Project Camelot means to me and then I will remind us all of the aims of Project Camelot and Project Avalon and of the Round Table pledge.

I found Project Camelot in late 2007 as a link from the project Serpo website. I cannot remember how I found Serpo; I assume it was just an idle google search for aliens or UFOs when I was bored.

I had not been to Serpo for some time, so I just went there out of boredom again. That is when I found the link.

The first video I watched was Dan Burishes Stargate video - it blew my mind. The next day, I downloaded all of the videos (there weren't that many then) and watched them all. In the following months, I would visit the site every day to see if there was any more great info.

I had always had the idea that there was more to life than what was presented to us and I had read a few things on psychology, philosophy and religion before that. My studies had been quite disparate and idle, however, as I was doing a degree at the time.

I had also had strange experiences. I had a 'shadow person' encounter when I was young that terrified me (listen to this podcast as a good summary of shadow people - http://www.binnallofamerica.com/boaa5.26.9.html) and also in 2006, I had 2 experiences on the 3rd Jan and the 3rd July when I woke up in the night unable to move. However, when I forced my arms to raise, I saw a wave passing between them (like a sine wave.)

Project Camelot opened me up to a wide world. Two and a half years on, I have also listened to other media producing similar material and I have also rejected some of the information as false based purely on my own experience, research or analysis. However, I do not feel that I should force these opinions on others as in my serach for the truth, I make no aspersions to have all the answers or to be correct all the time. This reminds me of a saying I heard but I can't remember where from -'Follow those who are searching for the truth. Avoid those who know the truth.'

The thing I like (yes, I still like it) about Project Avalon is that it is a way for us to meet and help each other achieve our shared goals - for me a search for the truth, but I'm sure it means many more things to other people.

The best thing I liked about Project Camelot was that it interviewed 'whistleblowers' and asked them to tell their story. No more, no less. However, I became disappointed when Project camelot got caught up in sniping or arguments with other people in the same field. I will not name them as I do not want this paragraph to be reduced to old arguments.

However, after the arguments, my estimation of Project Camelot went down as I thought that it was no longer above the politicing that sometimes appears in looking for the truth.

Now it seems that Bill and Kerry have 'split up' and there is now arguing within the community.

Bill and Kerry have different takes on things, which is brilliant. No one person has all the answers and that made them a good team. I'm sure they had their own opinions about testimonies and from what I've seen, they may have disagreed a lot. And that's ok. It is possible for people to have different paradigms and work toawards the same goal. In fact it is desirable.

Another thing which caused splits within the community was when the website presented testimonies and opinions that were contradictory. Not everybody could be right. This is when two opinions appeared. Either Bill and Kerry should vet their interviewees or they should let everyone have their say in the name of giving people a chance to tell their story. Bill and Kerry were attacked for having contradictory information on their website, but Bill was attacked when he wrote an analysis of a PDF document which was apparently from a scientist (I do not want to get into whether she was or not, I am highlighting that Bill was attacked for his analysis.) They were damned if they did and damned if they didn't. So here was a problem. To vet or not to vet?

I was in the latter camp. In my 2.5 years of researching 'esoterica' as I shall now refer to it, contradictory stories are the norm. I have not attacked anyone but looked for corroboration from other sources or analysed the original source. Any stories I have rejected ahve been rejected on these grounds. I have come not to take any 'whistleblower's' (someone who has a story about esoterica) as fact based on the interview alone. I have also not taken their stories based on whether I 'like' them or how well they present themselves. Based on my methods, I would rather have lots of information and decide upon it myself rather than have someone else, irregardless of the purity of their motives (and I believe that Bill and Kerry's motives are very pure), decide for me as no one could be right all the time.

I also believe that anyone who is seeking the truth should take responsibility to check the info for themselves. This does not mean attacking the messenger or shouting 'YOU'RE WRONG' on forums. There are ways to show disagreement. I believe that if you do disagree, it is good practice to highlight common ground and to politely point out your case. Maybe the disagreement will come to a resolution or maybe we will never know the truth for that aspect, but we must remember that we all have our own journies and our own takes on things.

I leave you all with part of the blurb from the Camelot website and also the Round Table Pledge to remind us all why we are here.

'What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.'

The Round Table Pledge

• We stand together for the future of the Human Race.

• We will not tolerate suppression of the truth.

• We stand together to support others in the expression of truths and freedom to speak out... no matter how radical those ideas may seem.

• Standing for freedom takes courage; together we shall be strong in the face of all odds.

• We will do everything we can to work towards the establishment of a new way of living together on Planet Earth.

Good luck to us all.

Last edited by Malaros; 03-14-2010 at 11:41 AM.
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Old 03-16-2010, 07:33 AM   #2
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: We must never lose sight of the aims of Camelot and Avalon

I agree with your thoughts..
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Old 03-16-2010, 07:48 AM   #3
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Default Re: We must never lose sight of the aims of Camelot and Avalon

Why not vote then.
I am amazed that over 400 people visited the av yes or no pole and only a few actually voted.
Tats life I suppose.
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Old 03-16-2010, 02:30 PM   #4
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Default Re: We must never lose sight of the aims of Camelot and Avalon

It's nice to be able to vote... but we are members and not Founders/owners.

Kerry and Bill each have a Vision, their vision is the standing framework, the presentation, the panoramic view.

We are like the decor of their household, eclectic, accentual,
and some of us need a makeover...

I'm including myself in that remark as I do have some regrets w/some of my posts too. I've seen the 'best' of us lose it from time to time. It's not pretty to see others do it, even the founders...

This site is done with, it's getting a makeover, it's already up.

It's feeling really good to me, both Kerry and Bill are expanding their thing...
the vision is the same, the expressions are expanded, that's how I'm seeing it.

I've passed thru the sadness into gladness.
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Old 03-16-2010, 06:16 PM   #5
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: We must never lose sight of the aims of Camelot and Avalon

Have voted. Thanks for highlighting the poll.
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