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View Poll Results: Which future appeals to you more???
A Democracy (literal constitution interpretation style) 9 6.57%
A Democracy (Dick Cheney's interpetation) 0 0%
1984 Orwellian society (Enjoy the luxurious Victory Gin!!!) 1 0.73%
the Native American lifestyle (before crazy white man) 53 38.69%
No social hierarchies (everyone shares the pain and pleasures) 34 24.82%
Instead of bullets, we have paintball wars (may substitute waterballoon, or pillow fights) 8 5.84%
Everycity uses water slides as public transportation (like a huge Schlitterbahn) 13 9.49%
The people who donate their time the most are respected the most 22 16.06%
Spirituality is taken a seriously as economics 68 49.64%
What are you taking about WATER WORLD! kevin cosner was living the dream! 3 2.19%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 137. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-14-2008, 06:13 AM   #26
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

Great post! Terrific energy on this one, MAJOR resonance.
sjkted, Nenuphar,...well said. Ditto.
I needed to be reminded, shorty, that music absolutely can and will be a major part of our future. I've been selling off my gear and getting ready to dismantle my recording equipment here, lately - so I've had my own little personalized lesson in detachment. I'm thinking "I can get by for a while with just a hand-drum" and anxiously anticipating the next step in our musical ability. Personally, I see a device that will allow you to immediately hear and record a song (or a symphony! if you want), all in your mind. I hear entire bands playing the music that's in my head - its the individual recording of those parts that's the obstacle.
The McMusic:You think it - ding - here's your symphony, please drive through.
Yeah, that sounds good to me. I'd trade a head of lettuce or two for that.

I love you guys. This is the balance that's necessary right now, even here - amongst a population of awake and informed individuals. Keep the love strong and focused, every little ting...gonna be alright.

By the way, sjkted - please, please, please give me the phonetic spelling of your moniker! I'm making myself crazy trying to pronounce it

Last edited by recallone; 09-14-2008 at 06:20 AM.
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Old 09-14-2008, 07:27 AM   #27
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

Thanks for starting this thread.

It's time to let go of the past. Modern life is a prison built on lies. Most people here already know this or are beginning to. The future you envision need bear no resemblance whatsoever to the matrix we live in. Free yourself. My vision begins with knowing:

Humanity Shall Know the Truth
From this all things flow

Humanity shall know the truth about how they are being deceived by the media, government, and organized religion. From this flows freedom.

Humanity shall know the truth about their origins and history. From this flows wisdom.

Humanity shall know the truth about the Universal Laws and how to apply them. From this flows personal responsibility.

Humanity shall know the truth about their eternal spirit and relationship to the Creation. From this flows peace on earth.

Humanity shall know the truth about extraterrestrial visitors – their purpose for being here, their culture, and where they come from. From this flows opportunity.

Humanity shall know the truth about technology that can provide unlimited non-polluting energy, freedom from the bounds of gravity, and travel across the vast distances of interstellar space. From this flows a glorious future.

Once humanity knows the truth, the earth shall become a full member of the Galactic Community.
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Old 09-14-2008, 08:03 AM   #28
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Excellent post Jnana. gives me the idea of a everyone living limitlessly and like Gods like Neo from the Matrix, ha.
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Old 09-14-2008, 11:30 AM   #29
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

I think free energy is the greatest idea (apart from laughing, music, bonfire and lots of healthy sex). And in my dream free energy means no worry about eating, that is free energy for human beings, so we would only have to worry about creating, where everyone will have time to think (laugh, music, dance, teach, learn, sex...). Where we would just run out of excuses for doing things, and trying things and being nice to others.

I'm so glad to know thre are some others with dreams about a peaceful and fulfilling future... thanks to everyone for giving me hope

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Old 09-14-2008, 01:26 PM   #30
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

One thing I keep meaning to add....

If anyone has to be the leader?
It needs to be a kid.

The children now KNOW.
They remember who they are.

I've stopped trying to beat that power out of mine.
It is magical to see.

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Old 09-15-2008, 03:38 AM   #31
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I think a global water balloon fight day would be pretty sweeeetttt.

with some beatles playin in all stereos
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Old 09-15-2008, 12:53 PM   #32
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I agree with you!

I think laugh is the first sound of human music.

A strong hug from Sintra, Portugal.

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Old 09-18-2008, 04:00 PM   #33
Carrie Todd
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

To quote Frankenfurter, "Don't dream it, be it". Odd source, but words to live by. Excellent thread. Have you considered incorporating visual art into your musical world? Involve as many senses as possible to make it a truly beautiful place.
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Old 09-18-2008, 10:06 PM   #34
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i never thought of that. i will have submit that to the future committe in which we will all be equal memebers. By we i mean the human race.
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Old 09-20-2008, 07:13 PM   #35
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Thumbs up Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

Without a Vision the people perish.
All people would understand our inner connectedness (spirit).
All would understand to hurt anyone you are hurting yourself.
The GOLDEN RULE ruled.
All would understand, you cannot keep taking from mother earth and not give back.
All technologies suppressed and new ones would be used to create the energy needed to provide for all. Without destroying our home, planet earth.
Love would be the driving force instead of greed.
Nature would be nurtured, instead of destroyed.
WE would clean up the mess we all created.
The old would teach the young.
Natural farming would rebound.
Natural healing would flourish.
There would be no need for war, basics of survival being met through higher technology
The tribes of the earth would all share.
People would realize, bigger, faster, smaller is not so important.
All would live in a state of perpetual gratitude.
All arts would flourish.
We would reconnect to the stars.

Note: My brother says this is a pipe dream!
John Lennon, a dreamer and not the only one.

Peace tOM
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Old 09-20-2008, 11:17 PM   #36
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

Hey folks! I'm new here....just joined this evening. Happened onto this thread and you guy's are a blast! I'm all in for the Paradise you're working on!

I, too, chose the Native scene, but I do agree that the technological comforts and the spiritual awareness are a must! And Music and Dance... and bonfies, YES!

PS: my nick means "I am of the Great Spirit" in Cherokee.
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Old 09-21-2008, 03:16 PM   #37
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I would also love to see free health & rejuvenation centers that offer many forms of bodywork, energy work, and healing... massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, reiki, saunas and steam rooms...all in a beautiful setting...art galleries and various themes of gardens (e.g., Victorian, Japanese) incorporated into the centers...waterfalls...beautiful, peaceful stained glass nooks for reflection and meditation...soft music...small areas in the gardens and galleries when live music can be enjoyed...

The following concept exists now (Snoezelen rooms), but I'd love to see the same thing available to and geared towards everyone, and kicked up a notch with the aid of hologram technology...I think it could be an awe-inspiring, cocoon-like, cozy, experience...here are some links to give you a general idea what I'm talking about...but imagine the same type of thing in a "hologram room" setting. So neat!


Better yet, click HERE !

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Old 09-21-2008, 03:47 PM   #38
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

What a wonderful gathering of people and Ideas! I suspect we sometimes felt alone with our hopes and dreams for the future seeing it formed ' the way it ought to be', but that was before this thread. Thanks to each of you for your openness and wisdoms.

I believe that most of us found resonance with the others post and recognized we, too, had thought along the lines presented though not with the same words. I'd like to tell you I was dumbfounded with the posts because most of them seemed to be paraphrasing what I have written over the past year and a half. (Two finished books of a trilogy based on a peoples' evolution following the 2012 catastrophe.) I felt validated by your independent expression of my own hopes and dreams. I'm sure this was a common occurrence for may of us. Till later, Natoka
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Old 09-21-2008, 03:51 PM   #39
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

i see a 1984, well, i see it now already.
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Old 09-21-2008, 04:28 PM   #40
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

I believe we should return to living as closely with and to the land as possible. This lifestyle encourages and nurtures the spirituality and peace that many are seeking.

Go well,
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Old 09-21-2008, 07:51 PM   #41
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

First time poster, here in Avalon, and glad to be here

Let me first fall into the choir; great thread

So, there's a lot of interesting things to be said, obviously, so from a philosophical/historical viewpoint, here it goes:

1. Goverment

When looking into the future, remembering our past is critical. We have, as earlier post mentioned, been through all kinds of different ways of organizing society, and there are many lessons to be collected from this. Unfortunately, there are some characteristics that has repeated themselves over the ages. Two of them in particular is monumentaly unfair distribution and that our organizations utilizes an ego-intelligence function.

In regards to the distribution problem, one could imagine a system that a) recognizes that survival is a human right. Including everything that is needed to live in a fashion compatible with a generously constructed idea of human dignity. To work would not be a requirement. You are always provided for, no matter what. Our resources are definitely there to achieve this. We just need to overcome the fear that too many will take the "easy way out", and just lay around all day. In my view, and experience, this is simply not likely to happen. Knowing that you are provided for, attention turns to focus on the creative, and it alleviates enormous amounts of fear. Free of that fear, the entrepreneurial force on this planet would boom beyond belief. Talking about technology we could only begin to imagine what that would spur. The human psyche [I]wants[I] to be passionately involved in something. We have an almost hard-wired drive to be skillfully and meaningfully engaged in our world, and what in it we find ourselves loving.
... and b) have a system in place where all money-transactions (get to the details of that in a sec.) are transparent. Perhaps initially just the ones that exceeds a certain amount. This is a simple way of making it incredibly hard (or harder) to engage in any kind of activity misplacing large amounts of value, or to facilitate unjust distribution of resources.

And the ego-intelligence function then. By this I mean a centralized organizing factor such as government. Ponder this for a second;
Are you familiar with the concept of emergence(not emergency)?. Emergence is a phenomenon that happens when many small "stupid" parts, together form an intelligent system, without any of the parts being in control, or even knowing the structure of the whole. Take an ant-farm for example. No one ant - not even the queen - has any idea how the colony works. Yet it does, with military precision. So what happens is that the system becomes transcendent over its parts. Ebay is another example. Instead of having one ego-intelligence judging the credibility of all sellers and the validity of all buyers, which would be monstrously ineffective, they instead installed a rating system by which the system became self-regulatory. So no one controls the market, because the market in-it-self does a better job than any one intelligence could.

Now call me a romantic, but if ants could do it... why shouldn't we be able to? Obviously our situation requires a much more sophisticated system, but the principle is nevertheless sound. We mistake ourselves when we talk of which government is best, when we should at least strife to become a naturally self-regulatory system. This is not anarchy, mind you. There is method to this madness , just that we together, when letting go of trying to control the system, become a system that transcends the intelligence of our individuality.

On a final note here, it also must be understood that this transition are not likely or desirable to happen over night. Such a system would be very vulnerable to the predatory behavior of the few, so it's potential for being realized grows in proportion as we grow. It is not a black and white situation, but could in my opinion easily be achieved during the course of a century, or maybe so little as a human lifetime. Just get people to believe it's possible, and how to do that? See point a)

Eventually though, I think it's going to be an escapable part of our evolution to head for world government. But as Paul Warburg (the creator of the Federal Reserve system) stated - and I agree;
We will have world government. The only question is if it will be by conquest or consent
Right now it's happening by conquest. But if could somehow solve our immediate problems, we could create a world government not only by consent, but one that encompasses connection as its founding mechanism. That is; the government would grow from our independence & self-sufficiency, self-regulatory system, to be merely a manifestation of our connection to each other. Imagine a psychic network (as someone did earlier in this thread), interlinked with its representatives. That power is latent within us. Some of us (myself not included yet ) have already done this, so it is definitely, without a doubt possible.

Imagine an Internet of psyches, where we not only share information, but also memories, experiences, emotions and insights. That, would without a doubt, change everything.

I think that this will be the first signs of the next step in our physical/biological evolution. And it's happening right now! Holy sh*t...

2. Morality

I'm currently involved in constructing an eco-village (albeit were still only in planning stages), and I found myself philosophizing over laws and regulations. I imagined there being some sort of monument in the center of the village with an engraving on it. This below was my first draft (please excuse that for many of you these are klichés;

* The Earth is sacred, and must be treated as such. As we form our environment to suit our purposes, we must do so in a fashion that does not damage the equilibrium, for this we are part of as well. We seek to find our place WITHIN the ecology of our surroundings, not to create a new one that does not harmonize with what nature has already provided.
* The intentions of all intelligence matters, and through the grace of Infinite Intelligence, our intentions also creates the next step in the casual chain. We are all personally responsibly for everything that happens within our world. We vow to have built this community with good intentions, and with this instrument, we work for a future that will see love, great logic, understanding, harmony and happiness evolve to new heights.
* Consciousness is sacred, and we hold the exploration of this consciousness to be an intrinsical part of every individuals spiritual journey. The means we utilize in this purpose are as sacred as our intentions for using them, and the moral quality of these same means is in proportion to the extent they have the weight of reason on their side.
* We are all one, and this one is what we call God. Enlightenment is the process in which we little by little remember more about this nature, and our place in it. While exctacy belongs to the pure hearted, all victory belongs to God, for the victories we seek for ourselves, are not true until they are victories for everyone.
* We hold that no society of any size is functional over time that has not an integrated system in place for the personal development of the individual. The development of society takes place alongside the development of the consciousness of the individuals inhabiting it.
* All systems of control must be created for the ends of something good within itself. A control-system for the purpose of utility, is only as good as this gained utility facilitates a natural good, such as freedom or happiness. Utility or control for its own sake quickly turns to an undebated routine, and left unchecked, this will give birth to confusion and illusions about our journey through life. In the time of the great shift, the pursuit of this road without a heart nor elevation, has almost killed the entire planet, and this, must never be forgotten.
* Freedom is the natural state, and any infringement on this state must be justified not only with consent but also with logic. As soon as this logic is no longer sound, the infringement must end. All intelligent beings are free to find their own way to enlightenment, as long as this does not obstruct or harm any others.
* Respect for everything is the sign of the growing. Happiness before everything is the sign of the wise. Love for everything is the sign of the Enlightened. These states are good in and of themselves. We hold it as our responsibility to contribute in whatever way we are fit to the achievement of these states in anyone that enters our world, as long as our contribution harmonizes with that persons freedom and sovereignity.
* Only sentient beings can ever be recognized to have the rights of personhood. Abstract or intangible constructions, such as companies or foundations, may never have them, for given them, they will in time grow to become monsters with no masters. This power must come with responsibility and accountability, for power in the wrong hands, turns into poison.
* We hold the concept of ownership as a tool for our ability to organize the material world around us, and our collaboration within it. It has no other justification, and is not a distinction made by nature. It is therefore not absolute, but should always be respected insofar as it furthers our strive to share this life in peace.

Pheew... So anyway, these are not laws. It is a common acknowledgement of a basic smallest denominator version of common sense and lessons learned. Gonna work a little more on them later. Somewhat blurry at the moment...

I once heard an alternative interpretation of the ten commandments (from Neale Donald Walsch - or God as he states it). That they were roadsigns, and not commandments. If you are on the right track, you will not cheat on your wife, you would not steal from your neighbor, and so on. When we recognize ourselves in what the "roadsign" says, we know we are heading the right way. Interesting brain-food when contemplating a new legal system. Could this hippie-**** ;-) actually be applicable? I think so...

3. Money

So here is the deal. Money by definition is nothing more than "the most commonly accepted medium of exchange". This is neutral. Money is not evil, it simply is. What you would need is a currency based on real value, instead of debt. Wont go into details here, but I agree with Jefferson (think it was him...), that
...the creation of currency is not only governments most sacred responsibility, it is also it's greatest creative opportunity
- or something to that effect...

You just need a way to make it fit a self-regulatory system. I think that can be achieved by letting it successfully grow from smaller units to bigger, as the hard end-of-the-line basis for the currencies value becomes standardized for a growing number of communities.

4. Music

I honestly don't think we're gonna need to lift a finger for this one. This will take care of itself. I'm a composer, and I can tell you, that just like the artist who "saw" the horse in the giant block of marble, and with his chisel and hammer just sets it free, music is already "out there". Above us in some weird way, already written but waiting to be set free. It is as if it is given to a musician. Do you think that someone playing solo plans every note? No, but it flows seamless nevertheless. It just comes to you. It is not something we can loose, any more than we can loose the ability to be born with two legs.

5. Family

Another great idea from a book (many books actually) is that children should be raised in small collectives, with the first guardian being grandparents. Most people have their first child roughly around 30, or much sooner depending on where you look. Which means when they are only children themselves. And by then you have so much things left that you need to experience. Your journey has just begun, and though we love them dearly, children are not always practical to have around. Imagine that the community (in very small scale at first) stood up to help, under the supervision of the elder members of the childs own family. I bet the grandparents would love to have their grand-children around them at the dawn of their life. It seems as if we gravitate towards that sentiment, as we grow older.

And of course the parents would not be excluded from this circle. They would become an intimate part, but with the understanding that they are themselves still in school. And that it is still important for them to experience things for themselves, alone on the road.

Jeeps this post became long. I'll leave the speaker-stick now for a while

It is mans destiny to learn, and to throw himself in to new and undiscovered worlds Juan Matos

Last edited by Bodhi; 09-21-2008 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 09-21-2008, 08:28 PM   #42
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

Oh, forgot...

Natoka, the books you've mentioned writing. LOVE the idea. Would gladly take a look. How do I find them?

For everyone else, check out Aldous Huxleys "Island". It's about an experimental utopia, and has a ton of good stuff in it. Serious brain-food.
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Old 09-21-2008, 08:44 PM   #43
Dusty Nothing
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

I hold many visions for our inevitable and eventual future, in the mean time I am very into the idea of introducing a new constitution (no offence to those in the u.s, but the people up top don't seem to be paying much mind to those old ones) i believe this constitution should be to do with the ''Rights of the Mind'' - not just to stop any future manipulation but to also give people freedom of choice in what they wish to do to their own minds.

lovin' this topic btw, usually get shunned for these ideas..
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Old 09-21-2008, 10:25 PM   #44
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

Originally Posted by Book View Post
I believe we should return to living as closely with and to the land as possible. This lifestyle encourages and nurtures the spirituality and peace that many are seeking.

Go well,
don´t try to return to neolithic, or medieval times with that.

what you ask for is a double edged sword.

we must see technology for what it is, and learn to coexist with it, same as with nature.
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Old 09-21-2008, 10:52 PM   #45
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...not just to stop any future manipulation but to also give people freedom of choice in what they wish to do to their own minds.
Most certainly agree.

The alternative consciousness experience has been a driving force in our evolution like few others. As a catalyst for the first leaps towards intelligent evolution, to being the first mystic traditions most sacred tools, through instigating the creation of the religions to leaving an immense bank of knowledge, and finally still lending itself to be one of the most intense and profounds schools around.

The ability to experiment with our consciousness is not only our choice, it is our sacred birthright.
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Old 09-21-2008, 11:10 PM   #46
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Post Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

Originally Posted by shortyz504 View Post
Its now time. We can no longer put off the work before us.

The task at hand: Create a Vision of the BEST POSSIBLE WORLD.

I would like to hear everyone's interpretation of how bad ass this world COULD BE.

No idea will can possibly be any more boring than the game we are currently playing.

So let your imaginations go and tell us what you want from the next world we are fixing to enter.

Ideally we can all agree upon the BEST POSSIBLE SCENARIO and manifest it!!!

Our future is a blank canvass, and your ideas are the medium.

Love you all and can't wait to see you WHEN WE ALL HAVE FREE ENERGY!!!

Stay Classy Project Avalon!!!

Reading your post, I take it you have read the Handbook for the New Paradigm?

If so, I have a copy of that book as well. However, I have yet to finish it.

Love, Light, and Peace.
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Old 09-21-2008, 11:52 PM   #47
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

Hi all,
and thanks for the uplifting energy on this thread!
Just came off looking at yet another mega depressing video of what we are faced with, and realised yet again that for the past year I have been solidly hoovering up as much info as I can get on what feels like a thousand topics but is probably actually more, because time is short and there is a lot to learn to see what the actual story playing out is..
But no matter how much you find out there's always another page in this infinite book of news..
Everyone needs to get a cut off point where they say right, enough doom and gloom, the problem is massive and growing and you could read a shelf of books from here to The Popes home planet and never get the full picture.
So whats needed is something like this thread.

Nate, shortyz504, I 've read (but also still not finished Handbook for the new paradigm. Also from watching What the bleep, check it out if you havent seen it, and reading about the new physics, I understand that yes, we can create ANYTHING. Any world we want. That is a big concept!

Any Led Zep fans here? The lyrics of The Song Remains the same go;

'I had a dream, oh yeah,
Crazy dream, oh yeah.
Anything I wanted to know,
Anyplace I needed to go..
Hear my song,
people love to listen now,
Sing along,
You don't know what you're missin.
Any little song that you know.
Everything thats small has to grow..'

lets throw out all the ideas we have and see what takes shape

I voted for the waterslide cities cos that would be fun but I will take it on the chin if we don't get that

i have an idea i will share with you tomorrow (I'm going to bed now) on a way i think we could live really well, and Bodhi your idea of transparrent currency occured to me too, its a must I think.

Anyway, love and bubbles (and other soppy/soapy things) to ye,
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Old 09-22-2008, 12:08 AM   #48
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Default Re: I need CREATIVE MINDS to Click here!!!

I clicked on "Democracy" because I believe that we can perfect it by learning from our experience, plus I'm fascinated with the possibilities in the Internet and computers for launching the first truly "Global" democratic human society. But I actually would prefer to see this helping us to achieve the "re-naturalization" process implied by the "Return To Native Lifestyles" choice. Essentially I want to see us all regain our sense of being a part of the Great Wheel, literally find our place in Nature and occupy it responsibly. This combines democracy, native lifestyles and the recognition of the primacy of the spiritual. We now understand enough about how things work that we can do it with far greater efficiency than our forebears.

We can turn the Earth into a paradise.

If we only will it.
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