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Old 03-14-2010, 06:00 PM   #126
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Default Re: No Food - No Fear

I have a question I was hoping someone could help me answer.

I understand how it is possible to survive without the energy we get from food,
but how is it possible to survive without nutrients or water?

Is it simply mind over matter?
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Old 03-14-2010, 06:20 PM   #127
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Default Re: No Food - No Fear

Any communication with a

spirit in the woods/ Guardian Angel/ inner voice / strong intuition / teacher or councellor/ etc…?

Some source which you can refer to, in case

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Old 03-14-2010, 07:18 PM   #128
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Default Re: No Food - No Fear

Originally Posted by FIIISH View Post
I have a question I was hoping someone could help me answer.

I understand how it is possible to survive without the energy we get from food,
but how is it possible to survive without nutrients or water?

Is it simply mind over matter?
That is a good question fiiish which I have been thinking of for awhile now. I don't know the answer but how about a few observations... for discussion sake.

As long as we are in the habit of eating then are body expects food and tells us so when we are hungry. However, so much food now is filled with chemicals that actually are designed to chemically trigger the 'growling' or 'I'm hungry' response/sensation artificially. Most of our food supply goes in one end and out the other. So what is our body really getting out of the foods we eat? Seems really that we are mostly eating based on 'smells good' and the taste. And then we have to take supplements to fill in the void. So eating the food supply is just a waste of money because there is no nutrition in it, it has become just a habit or a social thing to do. Experiment yourself... go on a fast and then try and hang out with friends and family, virtually everything there is to do is surrounded by some form of food and drink!!!!

So how would the body get nutrition if you didn't take supplements because there is no nutrition in our food anymore? And as you mentioned what about the 'energy' factor? So how about this... as long as we are in the habit of eating our body is in the 'spend energy to digest food' mode. But as soon as you go on a fast a body mechanism makes a switch. The first day you still have the hunger pains, but the second day the body seems more heightened or on an alert mode, its like a different mechanism is switched on and the body conscious has a different outlook. Could the body draw in what it knows it is deficient from in the air we breath and absorb Sunlight and convert it into whatever component the body desires? Can Sunlight and Air provide a foundation of 'base' components and then the body will know what to do to convert the 'base' components into whatever nutrient the body at the time currently needs.

Our bodies are a chemical factory and can produce virtually any chemical known on Earth as long as the 'base' components are available or are not interfered with from toxins, pollutants, preservatives/gummy material, or allergic reactionary substances, drugs, etc.

And if you had the right kind of 'ingredients' in your gut to encourage the right kind of flora then wouldn't your body be able to grow its own food supply in your intestines through a balanced flora, which would include nutritional supplementation through the good flora growing inside you. Keifer grows in the dark, so how many other organisms could grow inside you that were cooperative to the body for a self sustaining relationship?

When something is absent desire is turned on to fulfill the absence, then that desire attracts the solution in whatever shape or form is necessary to fill the desire to fix the disharmony and bring in equilibrium. When its dark and we desire to see we find a light. Our body mechanism will find a way to attract nutrition through Air, Sunlight, and whatever it can get to grow inside by whatever means is available to the body conscious. Fear and panic of not having food or water available will obviously override this mechanism in most people because who ever heard of the body figuring out for itself how it will find what it needs.

In other words one could fast with the express purpose of observing their body to see how it will 'find' nutrition and water (water can be absorbed through the Air we breathe or perhaps just recycled within the body too). Or one could suddenly find themselves without food and water and panic based on the thinking that they will starve to death if they don't eat!!!!!

If someone were to really understand the mechanics of harnessing free energy that is available all around us at all times they could in essence magnify their own body into a powerhouse! For example... we walk around in the sunlight every day and for the most part we are free to be outside and the sunlight all around is basically harmless (walk to your mailbox get your mail and walk back inside and not get cooked...easy right). Now take a magnifying glass and position it just so, at the right angle in the sunlight and you can harness the power of the sun to focus it it a lethal weapon to burn leaves with, You get the point.

A plant converts sunlight into sugar proteins and grows, so the plant becomes solidified sunlight and all the plant needs is minerals, water, and sunlight to magnify, conduct electricity, and convert energy from one form to another all by itself within the 'reflection' of the DNA code it possess.'

Most of the population have had their Root chakra trimmed or interfered with (humans are being turned into 'hydroponic' beings) so they are not grounded enough to Earth in order for this process to function nonetheless be observable. So grow your root chakra back and see what changes take place in your body... no roots no grow-ageing. Yes there are some other details but we can see the concept.

Tesla never invented 'Free Energy' he just figured out how to harness, focus, and magnify what already exists, but don't tell anyone!
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Old 03-15-2010, 04:13 AM   #129
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Default Re: No Food - No Fear

but how about a few observations... for discussion sake

That is an amazing response to my question.

I will ponder what you wrote....

Much appreciated....
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Old 03-16-2010, 10:21 PM   #130
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Default Re: No Food - No Fear

Here a message from a Breatharian saint. He speaks against an impending slaughter festival in Tibet, the Gadhi Mai festival in end of 2009.
You can see him carried away by waves of compassion, which made it impossible for him to finish his speech.


Last edited by bashi; 03-16-2010 at 10:40 PM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:35 PM   #131
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Default Re: No Food - No Fear

Lets assume this to be true:
The individual day to day consciousness (here called B) of Hu-Mans is just a tiny part of a much greater consciousness (called Higher Self A) which is residing in higher dimensions. Although B is not aware of A during a normal daytime awareness, it returns periodically during sleep to A. The purpose of the temporary separation of B from A is for the purpose of learning through experience. A genuine learning can only be achieved if B is not aware of its connection with A. The goal is for B to grow through this experience until it is able to merge with A on his own. The material world around B is manifested according to the learning-tasks to be handled by B, while it identifies itself with the body.
Thus the origin of the material world is rooted in higher dimensions, it’s a play performed for B to experience the outcome of its choices and to grow through it. The body becomes a cosmic Avatar through the identification of B with the body:

For someone with OOB experiences it will be more easy to follow the above thesis.

One basic force, borne out of the ignorance of the play at hand, is the fear of death of the body. The fear is borne out of the identification with the body. This fear is been used to play out numerous games, always with the aim to grow. It is also this fear which the “dark” side exploits to the max, in order to achieve their goals. In a way this is also part of the life-game, the game of conscious choices.

Now, that said, how is it possible to live without food or water?

Compare the situation with Christmas and Santa: Christmas is the experience of B to be lived through - according to its choices -, while Santa is the necessity to sustain the body with the goody of food.
When B grows up, it looks behind the deception of Santa by pulling his beard down. Does it mean that Christmas is now cancelled? No, but the experience of Christmas will be on a more matured level.

Same situation while living without food: The normal game-rule is that you will die if you do not eat. But if you are consciously challenging that rule, then the rule has to be changed. After all it’s just one of the artificial rules imposed by A. You will not die because of your approach, and due to your choice you will live a spiritually much more “matured” life.

On the physical level there is of course the question how it all works out in detail. In this level of discussion there is no distinction between nutrients and ordinary food, because the lack of energy food can be as dangerous as the lack of nutrients.
For example: Normally the blood-cells will have to be regenerated, because they have a limited live span. Does the live span change? Are they regenerated? If so, then from where comes the Nitrogen which is required to form proteins? Is it inhaled and absorbed? If so, how? And are the proteins built up from scratch?

I can’t explain the nitty-gritty of the effect, because we are reaching now a realm of divine science and I always skipped that class.

Why is it easier to live without food than water?
I think these are stages which can not be jumped easily at once.
After living without food, the next stage is living without water, which i consider as very advanced.
The following stage is living without air.
It is a well known phenomenon that at particular stages of consciousness you will not require to breath. This has been particularly observed with advanced yogis.

I know that all this sounds absolutely unbelievable and ridiculous for people with no spiritual experience, but if you can exist without food, then why not without water or air?

The mere existence of Breatharians is a very strong indication that the above mentioned thesis is correct.

For a fully developed soul there is actually no limit of what can be done or achieved.

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Old 03-28-2010, 04:31 AM   #132
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Default Re: No Food - No Fear

What a beautiful thread!
Thanks Bashi for the detailed documentation of your experience and all those who have contributed to the thoughtful commentary.
Now I know I don't need to worry if I run out of food/water.
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Old 04-07-2010, 04:06 PM   #133
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Default Re: No Food - No Fear

double post


Last edited by bashi; 04-07-2010 at 06:14 PM.
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Old 04-07-2010, 04:10 PM   #134
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Default Re: No Food - No Fear

Thanks lisa.

There is a difference between knowledge acquired by reading and knowledge through direct experience. The first is just info, while the later is a self-realized truth. In order to be able to live without food, you will have to pass from info to true KNOWLEDGE.

As this forum comes to an end, let this be the last post.

Let me add two closing quotes here (from “higher” sources):

“The tools are in your hands, around you, everywhere...it is even being drawn out of you.
It is your duty towards yourself to reveal them to yourself and then do as you please with them....there is always a consequence.”


“Without knowing it you are expressing one of the most common lies of the spirit of selfishness: Selection is unjust.
This is no accident, for in a self-willed race the spirit of lies is dominant.
How are all people the same? Like cups and saucers? There are no two people who are the same - or equal.
The right of existence is variation, the inequality which in the convergence leads to expansion of consciousness.”

The time has come to fly back…


Last edited by bashi; 04-07-2010 at 04:14 PM.
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